M.E.(Communication Engineering)

  • Year 1
  • Year 2
EEE G613 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
EEE G581 RF and Microwave Engineering
EEE G612 Coding Theory and Practice
- Elective
BITS G540 Research Practice
EEE G592 Mobile and Personal Communication
EEE G622 Advanced Digital Communication Elective
- Elective
EEE G591 Optical Communication
- Elective
- Elective
- Elective
BITS G629T Dissertation
BITS G639 Practice School

EEE G581 RF and Microwave Engineering 5
EEE G591 Optical Communication 5
EEE G592 Mobile and Personal Communication 5
EEE G612 Coding Theory and Practice 5
EEE G613 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 5
EEE G622 Advanced Digital Communication 5
Elective Courses (any five)
BITS F415 Introduction to MEMS 4
BITS G553 Real Time Systems 315
BITS G554 Data Compression 314
CS F303 Computer Networks 303
CS F401 Multimedia Computing 303
CS F413 Internetworking Technologies 303
CS G541 Pervasive Computing 4
CS G553 Reconfigurable Computing 5
CS G555 System Specification and Modeling 334
EEE F414 Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks 303
EEE F430 Green Communications and Networks 303
EEE F472 Satellite Communication 303
EEE F474 Antenna Theory and Design 314
EEE G510 RF Microelectronics 5
EEE G512 Embedded System Design 314
EEE G513 Machine Learning for Electronics Engineers 4
EEE G521 Optoelectronic Devices, Circuits and Systems 325
EEE G522 Advanced Satellite Communication 5*
EEE G582 Telecom Network Management 325
EEE G613 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 5
EEE G614 Advanced Wireless Communications 325
EEE G626 Hardware Software Co-Design 4
EEE G627 Network Embedded Application 4
EEE G641 Applied Estimation Theory 325
IS F462 Network Programming 303
MEL G621 VLSI Design 325
MEL G622 Introduction to Artificial Neural networks 224