
Aiswarya Anoop

Sr. Lab Instructor, Department of General Sciences

Sensors/molecular quantum mechanics


First Degree Courses

General Chemistry
Chemistry Laboratory
Organic Chemistry – I
Organic Chemistry – II
Organic Chemistry – III
Instrumental Methods of Analysis
Laboratory Project
Study Project
Design Project
Chemistry – I
Chemistry – II
Measurement Techniques-I
Chemistry Project Lab
Chemistry of Organic Compounds
Structure & Reactivity of Organic Compounds
Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Stereochemistry and Reaction Mechanism

PhD Courses

Advanced Organic Chemistry
Heterocyclic Chemistry
Recent Advances in Chemistry
Physical Organic Chemistry
Retrosynthetic Analysis
Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
Study in Advanced Topics
Reading Course

Connected Factories and Workforce

Industrial Control Systems

Sensors, Actuators, and Signal Conditioning

Connected Manufacturing

Embedded System Design


Optical Communication, Telecom Network Management, Electrical Science, Digital Electronics,


Courses taught in previous semesters (2008 - 2011):

  • Network Security
  • Computer Programming
  • Computer Programming-I
  • Computer Organization and Architecture
  • Data structures
  • Advanced Architecture and Performance Evaluation
  • Reconfigurable Computing
  • Data structures and Algorithms
  • Advanced Computer Architecture
  • Parallel Computing
  • Advanced Computer Organization

Courses in 1st semester 2012-2013:

  • Network Security (for WILP)
  • Parallel Computing
  • Advanced Computer Architecture

 Courses in 2nd semester 2012-2013:

  • Network Security (Tele Presence Course)
  • Computer Programming

 Courses in 1st semester 2013-2014:

  • Reconfigurable Computing (Tele Presence Course)
  • Parallel Computing
  • Advanced Computer Architecture

 Courses in 2nd  semester 2013-2014:

  • Advanced Computer Organization
  • Network Security (Tele presence course)

Courses in 1st semester 2014-2015:

  • Computer Architecture
  • Advanced Computer Architecture

Courses in 2nd semester 2014-2015:

  • Cryptography (Elective)
  • Network Security (Tele presence course)

 Courses in 1st semester 2015-2016:

  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Architecture

Courses in 2nd semester 2015-2016:

  • Cryptography
  • Computer Organization and Architecture
  • Network Security (TP)

Courses in 1st semester 2016-2017:

  • Advanced Computer Architecture
  • Computer Architecture

Courses in 2nd semester 2016-2017:

  • Cryptography
  • Advanced Computer Architecture
  • Network Security (TP)

Courses in 1st Semester 2017-2018:

  • Computer Architecture
  • Advanced Computer Architecture

Courses in 2nd Semester 2017-2018:

  • Cryptography
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Network Security (TP Course)

Courses in 1st Semester 2018-2019:

  • Computer Architecture
  • Cloud Computing

Courses in 2nd Semester 2018-2019:

  • Cryptography
  • Advanced Computer Architecture

Courses in 1st Semester 2019-2020:

  • Computer Architecture
  • Parallel Computing

Courses in 2nd Semester 2019-2020:

  • Cryptography
  • Advanced Computer Architecture

Courses in 1st Semester 2020-2021:

  • Operating Systems
  • Advanced Operating Systems
  • Distributed Computing (WILP)

Courses in 2nd Semester 2020-2021:

  • Cryptography
  • Advanced Computer Architecture

Courses in 1st Semester 2021-2022:

  • Blockchain Technology
  • Advanced Operating Systems

Courses in 2nd Semester 2021-2022:

  • Advanced Computer Architecture
  • Cryptography

Courses in 1st Semester 2022-2023:

  • Blockchain Technology
  • Advanced Operating Systems

Courses in 2nd Semester 2022-2023:

  • Cryptography
  • Network Security

Courses in 1st Semester 2023-2024:

  • Blockchain Technology
  • Computer Architecture

Courses in 2nd Semester 2023-2024:

  • Cryptography
  • Computer Networks


Courses in 1st Semester 2024-2025:

  • Computer Architecture
  • Operating Systems


Courses in 2nd Semester 2024-2025:

  • Cryptography
  • Computer Networks

Second Semester 2024-2025

MATH F313 - Numerical Analysis

MATH F112 - Mathematics II (Complex Analysis)


Financial Management (ECON F315)

Business Analysis and Valuation (ECON F355)

Essentials of Financial Management (MGTS F314)




test teaching

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).


BITS F 386 (Quantum Information and Computing): Instructor in charge [Jan-May]
PHY F244 (Modern Physics Laboratory): Instructor [Jan-May]

Practice School

Faculty Mentor, PS 2 & Ps 1

February 2023 - Till date

PS Lead: New Station Evaluation 

July 2023 - Till date

Teaching Positions

Assistant Professor, Off Campus, Hyderabad

February 2023 - Till Date 


Guest Professor, Off Campus

January 2018 - February 2023



  • Financial and Management Accounting
  • Financial Management
  • Managerial Corporate Finance
  • Managerial Economics
  • Global Financial Markets and Products
  • Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
  • Management of Banks and Financial Institutions
  • Business Analysis and Valuation 


Second Semester 2024-25

  • BITS F459: Computer Vision
  • CS F407: Artificial Intelligence 


Current Semester Teaching

  • Nonlinear Optimization (MATH F471)


Semester I

  • General Chemistry (CHEM F111)
  • Instrumentation Methods of Analysis (IMA) (CHEM F313)
  • Physical Chemistry - IV (CHEM F312)
  • Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM F110)

Semester II

  • Chemical Experimentation - II (CE-II) CHEM (F341)
  • Electrochemistry: Fundamentals and Applications (CHEM F327)
  • Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM F110)

PhD Courses

  • Catalysis (CHEM G556)
  • Advanced Physical Chemistry (CHEM G553)

First Semester 2024-2025

MATH F111 - Mathematics I (Calculus)


To be updated soon.

Teaching Experience

Courses taught at NIT Srinagar

  • Engineering mechanics
  • Structural analysis-I (Determinate)
  • Structural analysis-II (Indeterminate)
  • Design of structures-I (Reinforced concrete)
  • Structural design & detailing
  • Transportation & traffic engineering
  • Structural engineering laboratory.
  • Concrete laboratory.
  • Highway engineering laboratory.
  • Engineering geology laboratory.
  • Geotech laboratory.

Student Supervision and Mentoring

  • Doctoral (Ongoing-1)
  • Master’s Theses (Completed-1; Ongoing-1)
  • Bachelor’s Dissertation (Completed-5)

Teaching Assistant


  •   Teaching Assistant (during PostDoc), January 2023-May 2023 and January 2024-May 2024, KAUST, Saudi Arabia

      Courses: Advance Stochastic Processes

  •   Teaching Assistant (during PhD), January 2018-May 2022, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

            Undergraduate Courses: Differential equations, Computational methods for differential equations, Calculus

             Postgraduate Courses:  C programming, Numerical analysis

  •    Teaching Assistant (during PhD) for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) courses

       Courses: Matrix Computation and its applications, Scientific computing using MATLAB, Introduction to methods of applied mathematics.

Assistant Professor, ITER, SOA University, Bhubaneswar (Pre PhD)

  • Fall 2016: Introduction to calculus and analysis (First-Year BTech Students)
  • Spring 2017: Linear algebra, Complex analysis (Second-Year BTech Students)

Business Analysis and Valuation

Courses Taught

Courses Taught multiple times as IC/Instructor

  • CHEM F313: INSTRUMENTAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS (theory and lab course CDC)
  • CHEM F414: BIO AND CHEMICAL SENSORS (Elective offered multiple times)
  • CHEM F319: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, (New Discipline Elective offered first time  under revised curriculum)
  • CHEM C231 : Chemistry Project Lab.
  • CHEM C142: Chemistry II
  • CHEM C141: Chemistry I
  • TA C111: Measurement Technique I
  • BITS C382: Reading Course                                    

      Higher Degree (M.Phil) and pre- Ph.D. courses

  • Biosensors (new course)
  • Microfluidics for chemical biological analysis (new course)
  • Bioelectronics (new course)
  • CHEM G521 : Environmental Chemistry
  • Research Methodology 

Courses Developed

New elective developed under revised curriculum

  •  CHEM F414 Bio and Chemical Sensor

Higher Degree (M.Phil) and pre- Ph.D. courses

  • Biosensors (new course)
  • Microfluidics for chemical biological analysis (new course)
  • Bioelectronics (new course)


2023-24 (I Semester) 
  • Communications System
  • Modern Communications Technologies  
  • Communications System (LAB)
2022-23 (II Semester)
  • Signals and System
  • Electrical Science 
2022-23 (I Semester)
  • Communications System
  • Modern Communications Technologies 
  • Wireless and Mobile Communications (WILP) 
  • Communications System (LAB)
2021-22 (II Semester)
  • Information Theory and Coding
  • Wireless and Mobile Communications (WILP) 
  • A reading course on "Intelligent Reflecting Surface"
2021-22 (I Semester) 
  • Modern Communication Technologies
  • Communications Systems
2020-21 (II Semester)
  • Information Theory and Coding
  • Electrical Sciences
  • A reading course on "Probability and ML for Wireless Communication"
2020-21 (I Semester)
  • Modern Communication Technologies
  • Digital Communications 
  • Communications System (LAB)
  • A reading course on "Probability and ML for Wireless Communication"
2019-20 (II Semester)
  • Information Theory and Coding
  • Analog Electronics (LAB)
  • A reading course on "Probability and ML for Wireless Communication"
2019-20 (I Semester)
  • Communications Systems
  • Communications Systems (LAB)
  • Modern Communication Technologies


2018-19 (II semester) 
  • Signals and Systems
  • Electrical Sciences


  • General Biology
  • Introduction to Bioinformatics
  • Biomolecular Modeling
  • Biostatistics and Biomodeling
  • Biostatistics and Computers in Public Health
  • Protein and Enzyme Bioengineering

Theory Courses

CHEM F111 (Tutorial): General Chemistry (2025)

CHEM F213: Physical Chemistry II (2024)

CHEM G553: Advanced Physical Chemistry (2025)


Lab/Practical Courses

CHEM F341 : Chemical Experimentation II (2024)


  • Fundamental of Thermodynamics (BITS F111)
  • Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering (CHE F242)
  • Chemical Engineering Laboratory - II (CEL-II) 
  • Statistical and Molecular Thermodynamics (CHE F415)
  • Chemical Engineering Laboratory - I (CEL-I)
WILP Courses
  • Process Design Principles
  • Applied Transport Phenomena

Courses Taught/ Teaching

Teaching at Northeastern University:

I worked as a TA for six years at Northeastern University. During my TA ship I taught regular classes most of the time ( except the first semester when I only worked as a grader and tutorial instructor ). I taught mostly differential equations and linear algebra to engineering students. I have also taught elementary algebra and pre-calculus to business and nursing students. 


I taught various undergraduate and graduate level courses in IISER Kolkata, I have taught courses related to, algebra, topology, graph theory, representation theory, geometry.


Teaching at IISER Kolkata

·          Group Theory

·         Ring Theory

·         Representation Theory of Groups and Algebras

·         Topology

·         Introduction to Algebraic Topology

·         Combinatorics

·         Calculus –I

·         Fundamentals of Mathematics

·         Graph Theory

·         Number Theory


At BITS-Pilani:

  • Commutative Algebra
  • Mathematics II
  • Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Probability Statistics
  • Mathematics I
  • Algebra I
  • Algebra II
  • Number Theory
  • Game Theory


  • Applied Statistical Methods
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Statistical Simulation

Courses Taught

First Degree :

  • Circuits and Signals (Signals & Systems)
  • Digital Electronics & Computer Organization
  • Mobile Telecommunication Networks
  • Data Communication Networks
  • Digital Electronics & Microprocessors*
  • Digital Design *
  • Microprocessor  Programming & Interfacing - Via Coursers, EdX,TCSiON,Canvas

Higher Degree :

  • Embedded System Design*
  • Real Time Systems
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • VLSI Architectures
  • Advanced VLSI Architectures* (via TP)
  • Advanced Architecture & Performance Evaluation
  • Networked Embedded Applications* (via TP)
  • Parllel and Embedded Architecture*

* Courses Introduced and designed by me.

Certification Courses Taught

  • IoT  Technology & Applications
  • IoT Communication & Networtking 

Laboratory Setup :

  • Embedded Systems Lab
  • Microelectronics Lab
  • Re-configurable Computing Lab
  •  Network Embedded Lab (Funded By GAIL Project)
  • Remote Embedded Lb

Other Responsibilities in Teaching :

  • Member of Task Force in Mission 2012 responsible for curriculum redesign & Benchmarking.
  • Co-ordinator of Cross Campus Departmental Committee for Curriculum Development in 2011-2012 –  actively participated in formulating Course Structure for EEE/ENI & ECE
  • Courseware development for WILP Embedded System Design Course
  • Program Lead for WILP - MTech Embedded Systems & Microelectronics
  • Developed IoT PG Certificate Course for WILP
  • Part of the curricullum re-design for MTech Software Systems

Teaching Experience


Name of Organization

Designation held

Total Experience (Years)

Experience Prior to Ph.D.

Birla Institute of Tech & Science, Pilani - Pilani Campus Assistant Lecturer


Experience during Ph.D.

Birla Institute of Tech & Science, Pilani – Pilani Campus



Experince after Ph.D.

Birla Institute of Tech & Science, Pilani –Pilani Campus

Assistant Professor


Birla Institute of Tech & Science, Pilani - Goa Campus Assistant Professor 2
Birla Institute of Tech & Science, Pilani – KK Birla Goa Campus
Associate Professor
Birla Institute of Tech & Science, Pilani – KK Birla Goa Campus
Professor         7.5

Courses Taught

UG Courses

1st Semester 2024-2025

  • Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation Technology (INSTR F311) Lecture
  • Electronic Devices (EEE/ECE/INSTR F214) Tutorial
  • Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation Technology (INSTR F311) Lab

Courses Taught

  1. Derivatives and Risk Management - ECON F354
  2. Financial Risk Analytics and Management - FIN F414



EEE F111 - Electrical Sciences

EEE F215 - Digital Design

MEL G621 – VLSI Design

Courses Taught


Analog IC Design (MEL G632) - (Masters) (4 times)
IC Fabrication Technology (MEL G611) - (Masters) (6 times)
Electronic Devices (ECE/EEE/ENI - F241) - (Bachelors) (2 times)
Microelectronic Circuits (ECE/EEE/ENI - F244) - (Bachelors) (3 times)
Analog Electronics (F341) - (Bachelors) (2 times)
Electrical Science ( EEE F111) - (Bacheolors) (2 times)
Lab - Electronic Devices Simulation Lab 
Lab - Electrical and Electronics Circuit Laboratory (F246)
Lab - Digital Design ( EEE F215)

Courses Taught

First Degree Courses

·         General Biology

·          Microbiology

·         Biological Chemistry

·         Instrumental Methods of Analysis

·         Genetics

·         Introduction to Environmental Biotechnology

·         Recombinant DNA Technology

·         Experiments In Biotechnology

·         Cell and Tissue Culture Technology

·         Biophysical Chemistry

·         Food Biotechnology

·         New Venture Creation   

·         Immunotechnology

Higher Degree Courses

·        Environmental Biotechnology And Waste Management

·        Microbial Fermentation Technology 

·        Protein and Enzyme Bioengineering

·        Advanced And Applied Microbiology  

Courses Taught

Marketing Management

Marketing Research

Digital Marketing

Brand Management

Principles of Management

Courses Taught

Course name

Course code


Advanced Manufacturing Processes ME F315 FD
Composite Materials and Design ME F452 FD
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning ME F461 FD
Vibrations and Control ME F319 FD
Wokshop Lab ME F110 FD
Advanced Composites MST G522  HD
Dynamics and Vibrations DE G611 HD
Materials Technology & Testing DE G631 HD
Research Practice BITS G540 HD

Teaching Experience






Classes Taught



Birla Institute of Technology & Sciences Pilani, Pilani Campus, Pilani, Rajasthan


01 Jun.’2021


First Degree, Higher Degree



Associate Professor

01 Jan.’2016

31 May’2021


Associate Professor

01 Feb.’2015

31 Dec.’2015


Assistant Professor

01 Aug.’2010

31 Jan.’2015


Assistant Professor

01 Jan.’2006

31 Jul.’2010



10 Sep.’2004

31 Dec.’2005



B.S.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh

30 Jan.’2003

08 Sep.’2004

MCA, Engineering Graduate


Guest Assistant Teacher

Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra, Uttar Pradesh

09 Mar.’2002

29 Jan.’2003

Engineering Graduate


Guest Teacher

Dau Dayal Institute of Vocational Education, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra, Uttar Pradesh

16 Jul.’2000

08 Dec.’2000

Graduate, Post-Graduate


Visiting Lecturer

Dehra Dun Institute of Technology,

Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand

13 Oct.’1999

14 Jan.’2000

Engineering Graduate



Uttaranchal College of Engineering, Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand

10 Aug.’1998
27 Jan.’2000
Engineering Graduate, Engineering Diploma

Technical Experience

  • In-charge, Information Technology laboratory, Dau Dayal Institute of Vocational Education, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra, April-December’2000.
  • Computer Programmer, Uttaranchal College of Engineering, Dehra Dun, August’1998-January’2000.

Visiting Experience

  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehra Dun, May-July’2024.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, May-July’2024.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Ordinance Factory, Dehra Dun, May-July’2024.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Indian Red Cross Society, Dehra Dun, May-July’2024.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, APS Lifetech, Pune, May-July’2019.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Bank of Maharashtra, Pune, May-July’2019.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun, May-July’2018.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, CSIR Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehra Dun, May-July’2018.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Government Irrigation Workshop, Roorkee, May-July’2018.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun, May-July’2017.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehra Dun, May-July’2017.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, CSIR Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehra Dun, May-July’2017.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun, May-July’2015.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehra Dun, May-July’2015.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Central Public Work Department, Mussorie, May-July’2015.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun, May-July’2013.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehra Dun, May-July’2013.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Central Public Work Department, Mussorie, May-July’2013.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, May-July’2013.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun, May-July’2012.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun, May-July’2011.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Indian Rayon, Veraval, May-July’2010.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun, May-July’2009.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun, May-July’2008.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Nov-Sara (Pvt.) Ltd., Dehra Dun, May-July’2008.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun, May-July’2007.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, National Thermal Power Corporation, Simhadri, Vishakhapatnam, May-July’2006.
  • PS-1 Faculty, Practice School Program of BITS, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun, May-July’2005.
  • DLPD Contact Program of BITS for BS (Software Engineering), Wipro Ltd, Delhi, October’2004-May’2005.

RF Microelectronics

Analog Electronics

Digital Design

Teaching Courses

  1. Operating System (CS F214)
  2. Logic in Computer Science (CS F372) 


First Semester 2024 - 2025

  1. Analog Electronics
  2. Hardware Software Co-Design

Second Semester 2023 - 2024

  1. Analog Electronics
  2. FPGA based System Design

VLSI Test and Testability

Digital Design

Microelectronic Circuits

Courses Taught

  • Signal and System
  • Analog and Digital Communication.
  • Information Theory
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Telecommunication Switching Networks
  • Data Communications and  Networks
  • Wireless Communication (Wireless MIMO, OFDM, etc)
  • Mobile Telecommunications Networks
  • Satellite Communications
  • Digital Electronics
  • Wireless and Mobile Communication

Ph.D. Course

  • Topics in Analysis


Here is a sneak preview of the courses I am teaching or have taught in the past at BITS. 

1.HSS F222: Introduction to Linguistics:

Difficulty level: Moderate.
Monica's father is from Portugal, and mother is from Germany. Monica was born and brought up in Hyderabad and goes to schools in Hyderabad. Which language do you think Monica would speak, namely Portuguese, German, Telugu, English or Hindi? People of Pandu tribe are called Pandav. People of Raghu tribe are called Raghav. What would you call the people of Yadu tribe? How did you figure out the answer? Someone asks Monica, "What's the time?". Monica say, "Time is the temporal continuum of space". Everyone laughs around her. Why? If these and similar questions excite you, and you are looking for erudite answers to these questions, then this course is for you!

2.HSS F228: Phonetics and Spoken English

Difficulty level: Easy-Moderate.
"Haeo di ya do mayt!" Didn't understand? What if I told you that the statement was made by an Australian person? Still not? What if I told you that he was saying, "How do you do mate". I bet you are able to read the statement in perfect Australian accent now! Does that excite you? Have you struggled to understand what the bloke reading the news on BBC is saying? Are you fascinated by the way Shashi Tharoor and Karan Thapar speak? Do you love the way African American rappers put emphasisssssssss on every word while rapping? Does an argument in commentary box of a world cup cricket match between an Australian, south African and Indian commentator excite you because of all the lovely ways they speak the same language, English? Do you love accents, and want to learn more about how people speak, specially the English language? Then this course is for you. 


3.BITS F112: Technical Report Writing

Difficulty level: Easy-Moderate.
Report Writing is the fact of life. It is a necessary evil. But while you may not enjoy writing reports, it does not have to be your weakness as well. In this course we learn various aspects of writing reports, e.g. dividing a manuscript into sections, planning each section, writing in a formal writing style, reporting data, providing citations, etc. But we begin with learning the things you might take for granted, like how to write formal emails, how to critically read things, and how to take down notes.  

4.BITS E661: Research Methodology (for PhD candidates)

Difficulty level: Easy-Moderate.
Conducting research is a multiple-task enterprise. It requires planning, running the experiments, observing the data, writing the report and publishing. In this course, we take a look at some of these aspects and learn some practical tips that will ease your process of conducting and reporting the research. It is a general course, it is suitable for researchers from all fields. 

5.PHIL C221 / HSS F236: Symbolic Logic

Difficulty level: Difficult.
Language is versatile but ambiguous. If I tell you, "I saw an elephant with a telescope". What do you understand? Did I have the telescope or the elephant? What if instead of speaking in English language, I expressed it as saw[I, elephant{with(telescope)}] or saw[I{with(telescope)}, elephant]. Now does it become clearer? Mathematical notations provide the power to express things elegantly and without ambiguity. In this course, we learn the formalism of symbols as applied to doing logic. Naturally, on the way, we learn the basics of logic as well.

6.HSS F242: Introduction to Phonology

Difficulty level: Moderate-difficult.
Have you ever realized what the difference is between /p/ sound and /b/ sound? They are both produced with the same speech organs, i.e. lips. They are both produced in the same manner, i.e. block the air and then release it. So they are similar. You do not confuse the word 'pack' with the word 'back'. So these sounds may be similar but they not the same. So where is the difference? Every wondered why Japanese words always have a consonant followed by vowel followed by a consonant, then a vowel, and so on (Think of Yamaha, Miyazaki, Nipono, Sushi, Takahashi, Watanabe, Nakamura, Suzuki)? You learn in this course, the idiosyncracies of language, and how what seems like idiosyncracies on the surface, are really rule bound in the deep. Unlike Phonetics and Linguistics, this is a technical course. 

Courses in the pipeline:

  • Introduction to Syntax: This course shall 
  • Introduction to Cognitive Neurosciences

Courses Taught

Undergraduate Level
  • BITS F110: Engineering Graphics
  • CE F244: Highway Engineering
Postgraduate Level
  • CE G536: Traffic Engineering and Safety
  • CE G543: Traffic Flow Theory
  • CE G535: Highway Geometric Design
  • CE G523: Transportation Systems Planning and Management
  • CE G524: Urban Mass Transit Planning, Operations and Management
  • CE G565: Transportation Planning
  • CE G566: Public Transportation
  • CE G568: Traffic Systems Analysis
  • CE G573: Road Safety and Accident Analysis


Courses Taught :-

I have taught several courses during my academic career in BITS, some of these are listed below. Text books and reference material identified by author names (indicated in parenthesis) are provided as an aid  in gauging the level at which each course was taught. Many of these courses were taught multiple times. Year and semester wise breakup details have not been maintained.

  1. Physics I : A first course for entering freshmen Covers Mechanics, Waves & Oscillations & Optics. (Resnick Halliday &Walker, also Kleppner & Kolenkov, & also A.P. French, & by H.J. Pain)
  2. Physics II : Electricity & Magnetism     (D.J. Griffiths)
  3. Measurement Tech.-I : A 2nd yr 1st sem. Undergrad. Expt. Techniques course. 
  4. Modern Physics : A 2nd yr, undergraduate course for Physics Students.     (Beisier, Tipler, Eisberg & Resnick)    
  5. Thermodynamics : Undergraduate Engineering Science course (Text book by :- Van Wylen, Sonntag & Borgnakke)
  6. Math. Methods of Physics : Partial Diff. equations of Physics and Green functions  (C. Harper, & Habermann both published by Prentice Hall )
  7. Complex Analysis : Advanced Elective usually offered by the Maths Dept. for MSc. Maths  students. (Churchill,Fisher,Raemmert, Knopp)
  8. Classical Mechanics : A first yr MSc. level course.  (Goldstein,  Micheal Calkin)    
  9. Quantum Mechanics I : A first yr MSc. level course.  (Schwabl, Schiff, Bohm etc.)
  10. Quantum Mechanics II : An advanced course offered as an elective (Cohen Tannoudji Vol II, M.E Rose, Greiner, Sakurai, etc.)
  11. Theory of Relativity : Elective Course at the senior undergraduate level. (Richard Mould, Robert Resnick, Foster & Nightingale, Weinberg)
  12. Statistical Mechanics : MSc.-Level one- semester course (Sears & Sallinger + Kerson Huang)
  13. Electromag. Theory I : MSc.-Level  one-semester course. (Griffiths, Jackson etc)
  14. Electromag. Theory II : An advanced course offered as an elective. (Jackson, Panofsky & Phillips)
  15. Nuclear Physics : MSc.-Level course.  (Blatt & Weisskopf, Feshbach & deShalit, S.M. Wong, Ashok Das & Ferbel, Gladiola Erba etc.)
  16. Quantum Field Theory : M.Sc. level Elective for senior students. (Bjorken & Drell Vol 1, QED by Greiner)
  17. Theoretical Physics : M.Sc Level, Reading Course covering Field Quantization for Senior Students. (Ashok Das).
  18. Classical Electrodynamics Ph.D Level Course for Pre Ph.D Course work. Covers Electrostatics, Magnetostatics Electrodynamics. (J.D. Jackson, Panofsky & Phillips)
  19. Statistical Physics & Applications 
  20. Ph.D Level Course for Pre Ph.D Course work. Covers Thermodynamics, Classical & Quantum Statistical Mechanics, Bose Gas & Fermi Gas. (Kerson Huang, Patharia, Landau Lifshitz).
  21. Nuclear Engineering  ME Chemical Engg. Level Course. Co-taught (twice in Goa) with Prof. Ponnani who was IC of the course both times. Nuclear Physics part from Nuclear Reactor Engg. 4th Ed. by Samuel Glasstone & Alexander Sesonske.
  22. Modern Physics Lab Taught to 2nd year, 2nd Sem. B5 students during the Pandemic. Prepared videos of experiments and conducted viva’s of students online.
  23. Optics Course for 2nd year students (2 times) Covered Geometrical Optics, Matrix methods for paraxial optics, Interference, Interferometry, Fresnel & Fraunhofer Diffraction, and Polarization. (Ghatak, Hecht)


Courses that I am teaching presently

  • Mathematics III (Differential Equations)
  • Introduction to Topology

The courses that I have taught so far:

  • Mathematics I (Calculus)
  • Mathematics II (Linear Algebra and Complex Analysis)
  • Mathematics III (Differential Equations)
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Functional Analysis
  • Introduction to Topology
  • Elementary Real Analysis
  • Measure and Integration

Courses Taught

Undergraduate Level

  • Mechanics of Solids
  • Fluid & Solid Mechanics
  • Transport Phenomena
  • Geodesy
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
  • Computer Programming
  • Analysis of Structures

Postgraduate Level

  • Design of Multistoried Buildings
  • Fundamentals of System Engineering
  • CAD in Civil Engineering
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Infrastructure Project Management
  • Construction Management
  • Prestress Engineering


Cognitive Neuroscience

Cognitive Psychology



Experimental Pragmatics


General Linguistics



  • Reporting and Writing for Media
  • Technical Report Writing



  • Optical Communications [EEE G591]
  • Communication Systems [ECE/EEE F311]

Courses Taught

Machine Learning-BITS-F464

Course Instructor: Harikrishnan N B

Teaching Assistant: Mr. Tanmay Devale, Mr. Param Biyani

Course Duration: August 2022 to December 2022

Credit: 3

No. of students: 60

Course Feedback (Out of 10)


Course Instructor: Harikrishnan N B

Course Duration: Jan 2023- May 2023

Teaching Assistant: Mr. Aditya Amit Bhattacharjee

No. of students: 53 (WILP Course)

Course Feedback (Out of 5)

Digital Design

Course Instructor: Harikrishnan N B

Course Duration: August 2023- December 2023

No. of students: 272

Feedback: DD-2023 (Out of 10)

Brain Inspired Deep Learning

Course Instructor: Harikrishnan N B

Course Duration: Jan 2024-May 2024

No. of students: 80

Feedback: BIDL -2024 (Out of 10)

Previously Taught Courses

EEE F111 - Electrical Sciences (Lecture, Tutorial)
EEE F215 - Digital Design (Tutorial, Laboratory)
EEE F241 - Microprocessors & Interfacing (Tutorial, Laboratory)
EEE F242 - Control Systems (Tutorial)
EEE F311 - Communication Systems (Lecture, Tutorial, Laboratory)
EEE F341 - Analog Electronics (Tutorial, Laboratory)
INSTR F311 - Electronic Instruments & Instrumentation Tech (Tutorial, Laboratory)
INSTR F312 - Transducers & Measurement Systems (Tutorial)
INSTR F343 - Industrial Instrumentation & Control (Lecture, Tutorial)
ECE F416 - Digital Communication (Lecture, Tutorial)
EEE G591 - Optical Communication (Lecture, Tutorial, Lab)
ET/POWAB ZC344 - Instrumentation & Control (WILP course - Regular & Flipped modes)

1st Semester 2024-25

INSTR F311 - Electronics Instruments & Instrumentation Tech
ET ZC344 - Instrumentation & Control

2nd Semester 2023-24

EEE F111 - Electrical Sciences
EEE F241 - Microprocessors & Interfacing

Courses Delivered

Post Graduate Courses

  1. Advanced VLSI Design, (M.E.), BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
  2. Physics and Modeling of Microelectronic Devices, (M.E.), BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
  3. Advanced VLSI Devices, (M.E.), BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
  4. Device Physics & Modeling, (M.Tech.), IIT Kharagpur
Under Graduate Courses
  1. Analog & Digital VLSI Design, (B.E.), BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
  2. Microelectronic Circuits, (B.E.), BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
  3. Electronic Devices, (B.E.), BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
  4. Analog Electronics, (B.E.), BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
  5. Electrical Sciences, (B.E.), BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
  6. Digital Design, (B.E.), BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
  7. Semiconductor Devices, (B.Tech.), IIT Kharagpur
  8. Basic Electronics, (B.Tech.), IIT Kharagpur
  9. Solid State Devices, (B.Tech.), IIT Hyderabad
  10. Microprocessors & Computer Organization, (B.Tech.), IIT Hyderabad



Courses related to the specialization Manufacturing/ Production Engineering, namely:
On Campus: 
  • Production Techniques II,
  • Production Techniques I,
  • Manufacturing Processes,
  • Metal Forming and Machining,
  • Casting and Welding,
  • Production Planning and Control,
  • Manufacturing management,
  • Workshop Practice,
  • Quality Control, assurance and reliability 
  • Project type courses.
  • Manufacturing Processes,
  • Production Planning and Control,
  • Concurrent Engineering.


  1. Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves
  2. Undergraduate Physics Practical
  3. Introductory course on General Relativity(Elective Course) 
  4. QFT in FRW Cosmology(Reading course)
  5. Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem, Brownian Motion and Basics of Transport Theory(Reading Course) 
  6. Statistical Mechanics of Critical Phenomena(Elective Course)
  7. Mathematical Methods in Physics I  

Current Semester

  • Numerical Linear Algebra (MATH F425)          
  • Probability and Statistics (MATH F113)
  • Numerical Linear Algebra (MATH F425)          
  • Probability and Statistics (MATH F113)

Courses Taught 

  • Mathematics-I (MATH F111)
  • Mathematics-II (MATH F112)
  • Mathematics-III (MATH F211)
  • General Mathematics-I (BITS F113)  
  • Numerical Analysis (MATH F313)
  • Probability and Statistics (MATH F113)
  • Partial Differential Equations (MATH F343)
  • Mathematical Methods (MATH F241)
  • Numerical Solutions to Ordinary Differential Equations (MATH F444)

Courses Taught

First semester (AY 2024-2025):

  • Course instructor for General Mathematics-I (BITS F113)
  • Tutor for Mathematics-I (MATH F111)


PHY F212 (Electromagnetic Theory-I): Instructor [Aug-Dec]
PHY F214 (Electromagnetics and Optics Laboratory): Instructor [Aug-Dec]
PHY F111 (Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves): Instructor in Charge [Jan-May]
PHY F344 (Advanced Physics Laboratory): Instructor [Jan-May]

Machine Learning for Chemical Engineers

Chemical Process Optimization

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers

Advanced Process Control

Environmental Pollution Control


In BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
  • Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Engineering (ECE F314) (July-Dec 2024)
  • Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Engineering Laboratory (ECE F312) (Jan-May 2023)
  • Antenna Theory and Design (EEE F474) (Jan-May 2022)
  • RF and Microwave Engineering (July-Dec 2021, July-Dec 2022)
  • Antenna Theory and Design (Jan-July 2021)
  • Control Systems (Jan-May 2018,2019 & 2020)
  • Control Systems Lab (Jan-May 2018, 2019 & 2020)
  • EM Field and Microwave Engineering (July-Dec 2018, July-Dec 2019, July-Dec 2020)
  • Introduction to artificial neural networks (July-Dec 2020)
  • RF Microelectronics (July-Dec 2018, July-Dec 2019 (for working professionals))
  • Mobile and Personal Communication Lab (Jan-May 2018)

In Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai (Autonomous)

  • Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (with LAB) (For M.Tech students) (August-November 2016, 2017)
In Vidyavardhini's College of Engineering and Technology (VCET), Vasai Road, Mumbai (Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
  • Radio Frequency Circuit Design (with LAB) (July-Dec 2012, 2013)
  • Electromagnetic Wave Theory (Jan-May 2014, 2015, 2016)
  • Microwave Engineering (with LAB) (July-Dec 2014, 2015, 2016)
  • Control Systems (with LAB)   (July-Dec 2014, 2015)
  • Antenna and Wave Propagation (with LAB) (Jan-May 2013)
  • Radio Frequency Modelling and Antenna (with LAB) (July-Dec 2014, 2015, 2016)
  • Circuits and Transmission Lines (with LAB) (July-Dec 2014, 2015)

Courses taught

PHY-F111 Mechanics Oscillations and Waves

BITS-F111 Thermodynamics

PHY-F417 Experimental Methods of Physics

PHY-F110 Physics Laboratory

PHY-F214 Electricity Magnetism and Optics Laboratory


Sl. No.

Title of courses taught

Postgraduate or Undergraduate


Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning

Postgraduate + Undergraduate


Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer



Thermal Equipment Design



Power Plant Engineering



Engineering Thermodynamics



Quality Control, Assurance and Reliability (WILP)


            07                                                                          Statistical Process Control (WILP)                                               Undergraduate


Internal Combustion Engines (Tutorial)



Prime Movers and Fluid Machines (Lab)



Engineering Graphics using Autocad (Lab)



Machine Design and Drawing (Lab)



Workshop Practice (Lab)


Courses Taught

  • EEE/ECE F311: Communication Systems
  • EEE G614: Advanced Wireless Communications 


EEE F111                                      [Electrical Sciences]

EEE/ECE/INSTR F214                 [Electronic Devices]

CS/EEE/ECE/INSTR F215           [Digital Design]        

EEE/ECE/INSTR F243                 [Signals & Systems]

EEE F246                                     [Electrical & Electronics circuit Lab (Signals & Systems)]

EEE/ECE/INSTR F341                 [Analog electronics]

EEE F426                                     [Fibre Optics & Optoelectronics]

EEE/ECE F434                             [Digital Signal Processing]

ES/EEE/MEL ZG573                    [Digital Signal Processing] for WILP* students

ENGG ZC11                                 [Electrical & Electronics Technology[ for WILP* students    

(* WILP : Work Integrated Learning Program)


Labs Taken

(1) Digital Design

(2) Digital Signal Processing

(3)  Analog Electronics


Professional Training Taken 
Successfully completed 2 Weeks Instructor Led Live Online Industrial Training Program On Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Using Python held during 10th - 21st January 2022 Finland Labs (A Unit of Revert Technology Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi)

10-days Live online Instructor Led training /Faculty Development Program “Applied Deep Learning in Health Care Data Analysis"  from 9th May to 23rd May, 2022. Organized by Edux Labs in Association with Mechanica IIT Madras. 


Lecture and Tutorials
EEE G591: Optical Communication
EEE F426: Fiber Optics and Optoelectronics 

ECE F341/EEE F341/INSTR F341: Analog Electronics (With Tut)
ECE F314: Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Engineering (With Tut)
ECE C452: Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Engineering (With Tut)
ECE C433: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves (With Tut)
EA C415: Introduction to MEMS
BITS F415: Introduction to MEMS
EEE ZG571/ ES ZG571: Optical Communication (WILP)

EEE G591: Optical Communication Lab 

ECE F341/EEE F341/INSTR F341: Analog Electronics Lab

ECE F215: Digital Design Lab
ECE F312: Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Engineering Lab
EEE F246: Electrical and Electronics Circuits Lab 
BITS F415: MEMS Laboratory
ECE/EEE F266: Study Project
ECE/EEE F366: Laboratory Project-I
ECE/EEE F367: Laboratory Project-II
ECE/EEE F376: Design Project-I
ECE/EEE F377: Design Project-II

EEE G540: Research Practice


1. (CS G526) Advanced Algorithms and Complexity (ME) (First Semester 2020, First Semester 2023)
2. (CS F426) Graph Mining (BE) (First Semester 2021) 
3. (CS F415) Data Mining (BE) (Second Semester 2021)
4. (CS F111) Computer Programming (BE) (First Semester 2022, Second Semester 2022)
5. (CS F422) Parallel Computing (BE+ME) (First Semester 2022)
6. (BITS F232) Foundation of Data Structures and Algorithms (Summer 2023) 


  1. Discrete Structures for Computer Science
  2. Data Structures & Algorithms
  3. Advanced Algorithms and Complexity
  4. Foundations of Data Science
  5. Machine Learning 
  6. Data Mining
  7. Deep Learning
  8. Information Retrieval
  9. Generative Artificial Intelligence
  10. Software Engineering
  11. Secure Software Engineering


  1. Digital signal processing
  2. FPGA Based system design
  3. Data Communication and Networking.
  4. Telecommunication Switching System and Networking
  5. Communication system(one semester)
  6. Circuit and Signal
  7. Digital electronics and computer organization
  8. Communication network
  9. VLSI architecture
  10. Analog electronics
  11. Advanced VLSI architecture


Sem-1 2024-25:  PHY F346 Laser Science and Technology


Courses Taught 

  • PHY C131: Physics-1 (Mechanics, waves & optics)
  • PHY C132: Physics-2 (Electricity and Magnetism)
  • TAG C 211: Measurement Techniques 1 (MT1-Physics)
  • PHY C132:  Physics-2 (Single session)                                   
  • PHY C 353: Optical Physics & Applications (Post-graduate)           
  • PHY C 391: Instr. Meth. For Analysis (IMA) (Post-graduate)
  • PHY C 221: Modern Physics (Post-graduate)
  • EA C422   : Fiber Optics (Post-graduate – Interdisciplinary)                       
  • BITS G620: Advanced Instrumentation Technique (Pre-Ph.D. course)
  • PHY CXXX:  Nonlinear Optics (Pre-Ph.D. course)
  • PHY F242:   Quantum Mechanics-1
  • PHY F213:  Optics
  • PHY F111: Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves
  • PHY F212 Electromagnetic Theory -1
  • PHY F110 Physics Laboratory


Jan - May, 2025:

Highlight: I shall teach a new elective course CS F436 Cyber Physical Systems and Security (3 1 0 4)  in the upcoming semester (Jan - May, 2025). I shall consider a higher weightage for assignment or project in this course for a better outcome this course. Some variations of this course have been recently introduced in several reputed universities within India and abroad, e.g., IIT Kharagpur, IIT Kanpur, University of  Notinghum, University of Southumpton, CMU, UCI, DIT, and so on. This course can be very beneficial to those who wish to venture into CPS or IIoT arena. I invite our BITS Hyderabad students to register for this new elective course in the upcoming next semester and take advantage of such a new course. 

Aug - Dec, 2024


Jan - May, 2024


Courses Taught Previously:


  1. CS G513 Network Security (2nd Sem, 2018-2019, Single IC, Lecture: 3hrs/week, Practical: 4hours/week, Student count: 35)
  2. CS F303 Computer Networks (2nd Sem, 2018-2019, Co-IC, Lecture: 0hrs/week, Tutorial: 2hrs/week)
  3. SS G514 Object Oriented Analysis and Design (1st Sem, 2019-2020, Single IC, Lecture: 2hrs/week, Practical: 4hours/week, Tutorial: 0hrs/week, Student count: 10)
  4. CS F222 Discrete Structure for Computer Science (1st Sem, 2019-2020, Co-IC, Lecture: 0hrs/week, Practical: 0hrs/week, Tutorial: 2hrs/week)
  5. CS F366: Lab Oriented Project (1st Sem 2019-2020, Student count: 1)



  1. CS G513 Network Security (2nd Sem, 2019-2020, Single IC, Lecture: 3hrs/week, Practical: 4hours/week, Student count: 41)
  2. CS F364 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (2nd Sem, 2019-2020, Co-IC, Lecture: 0hrs/week, Tutorial: 1hr/week, Practical: 0hrs/week)
  3. CS F266: Study Project (2nd Sem, 2019-2020, Student Count: 2)
  4. CS F366: Lab Oriented Project (2nd sem, 2019-2020, Student count: 4)
  5. CS F367 : Lab Oriented Project (2nd Sem, 2019-2020, Student Count: 1)
  6. BITS F421T Thesis (2nd Sem, 2019-2020, Campus Supervisor)
  7. SS G514 Object Oriented Analysis and Design (1st Sem, 2020-2021, Single IC, Lecture: 2hrs/week, Practical: 4hours/week, Tutorial: 0hrs/week, Student count: 10)
  8. CS F342 Computer Architecture (1st Sem, 2020-2021, Co-IC, Lecture: 0hrs/week, Practical: 2hrs/week, Tutorial: 1hr/week)
  9. CS F366 Laboratory Project (1st Sem, 2020-2021, Student Count: 2)
  10. CS 367 Laboratory Project (1st Sem, 2020-2021,  Student count: 1)
  11. CS F376 Design Project (1st Sem, 2020-2021,  Student Count: 1)



  1. CS G513 Network Security (2nd Sem, 2020-2021, Single IC, Lecture: 3hrs/week, Practical: 2hours/week, Student count: 57)
  2. CS F377 Design Oriented Project (2nd Sem 2020-2021, Student count: 1)
  3. CS F366 Laboratory Project (2nd Sem, 2020-2021, Student Count: 1)
  4. CS F367 Laboratory Project (2nd Sem, 2020-2021, Sudent Count: 1)
  5. CS F491 Special Project (2nd Sem, 2020-2021, Student Count: 2)
  6. BITS F421T Thesis (2nd Sem, 2020-2021, Campus Supervisor)
  7. CS G518 Internet of Things: Design and Development (1st Sem, 2020-2021, Single IC, Lecture: 3hrs/week, Practical: 2hours/week, Tutorial: 0hrs/week, Student count: 5)
  8. CS F342 Computer Architecture (1st Sem, 2021-2022, Co-IC, Lecture: 0hrs/week, Practical: 2hrs/week, Tutorial: 1hr/week),
  9. BIO F266: Study Project (1st Sem, 2021-2022, Co-IC, Student count: 1)
  10. MATH F376 Design Project (1st sem, 2021-2022, Co-IC, Student Count: 1)
  11. CS F366 Lab Project (1st Sem, 2021-2022, Co-IC, Student Count: 1)



  1. CS G513 Network Security (2nd Sem, 2021-2022, Single IC, Lecture: 3hrs/week, Practical: 2hours/week, Student count: 53)


  • Introduction to Gender Studies
  • Ecocriticism
  • Creative Writing
  • Critical Analysis of Literature and Film
  • English Literary Forms and Movements
  • Comparative Indian Literature
  • Technical Report Writing


Chem F211 : Physical Chemistry I
Chem F213  : Physical Chemistry II
Chem F244  : Physical Chemistry III
Chem G541 : Chemical Applications of Group Theory
Chem G553 : Advanced Physical Chemistry
BITS G558  : Electronic Structure Theory
Chem F111  : General Chemistry
Chem F110  : Chemistry Practicals 

Ongoing courses


EEZ G515 Environmental Management Systems


F313 Separation Processes II


  • Security Analysis & Portfolio Management
  • Econometric Methods
  • Multinational Finance
  • Financial Derivatives & Risk Management
  • Marketing Research Methods
  • Agricultural Marketing & FPOs


Courses Taught

  • Proteins – Structure, Folding and Engineering
  • Enzymes and their Biotechnological Applications
  • Advanced Techniques in Biochemistry (discipline specific elective)
  • Basics of Biochemistry (open elective)
  • Practicals related to Proteins and Enzymes
  • Research Methodology (Ph.D course work)
  • Educational Tours (organization and supervision) 

Autumn 2024: Natural Language Processing (CS F429), Database Systems Lab (CS F212)

Spring 2024: Information Retrieval (CS F469), Information Retrieval (S2-23_SSZG537)

Autumn 2023: Information Retrieval (S1-23_SSZG537), Introduction to Computer Programming Lab (CS F111)

Spring 2023: Information Retrieval (S2-22_SSZG537), Database Systems Lab (CS F212)

Autumn 2022: Introduction to Computer Programming Lab (CS F111), Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Lab (CSF213)

I teach several core and elective courses in the department:

Core courses:

  • CS F303: Computer Networks (Spring 2020, Spring 2021)
  • CS F372: Operating Systems (Spring 2022, Autumn 2022, Autumn 2024)
  • CS F213: Object Oriented Programming (Spring 2024)

Elective courses:

  • BITS F364: Human Computer Interaction (Autumn 2019, Autumn 2020, Spring 2021, Autumn 2022, Autumn 2023)
  • CS F315: Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD) (Spring 2020, Autumn 2021, Spring 2023)



  • Quantum Architecture and Programming - Course and Lab (Jan 2022, Jan 2023, Jan 2024, Aug 2024)
  • Compiler Construction - Lab (Jan 2022, Jan 2023) 
  • Systems for Machine Learning & Data Science - Course and Lab (Jan 2022, AUg 2024) 
  • Principles of Programming Languages - Course and Lab (Aug 2022)
  • Computer Architecture - Lab (Aug 2022) 

Courses offered


Offered in

Student’s feedback

CHE F311 Kin. React. Des.



CHE F341 Chem. Eng.Lab-II

Jan-May 2018


CHE F242 Num. Meth. Chem. Eng

Jan-May 2018

Jan-May 2019



CHE G558 Chem. Process Opti.

Aug-Dec 2018

Jan-May 2019

Jan-May 2020

Jan-May 2021



Feedback not Conducted


CHE G523 Math. Meth. in Chem. Eng.

Aug-Dec 2019

Aug-Dec 2020

Aug-Dec 2021

Aug-Dec 2023

Aug-Dec 2024


Feedback not Conducted




BITS F111 Thermodynamics

Jan-May 2023


WILP Courses

EEGPC ZG513 Appl. Trans. Phenom.



EEGPC ZG622 Environ Process Eng.


Aug-Dec 2021

Jan-May 2022




ETZC362/PEZC411 Environ. Poll. Control

Aug-Dec 2019


EE ZG511 Environ. Chem.

Aug-Dec 2020


SSTMZG523 Biological Treatment Principals and Design of Wastewater Systems

Aug-Dec 2020


EE ZG514/ SSTM ZG516 Environmental Sampling and Analytical Methods

Jan-May 2021

Aug-Dec 2021

Jan-May 2022 

Aug-Dec 2022

Jan-May 2023

Aug-Dec 2023

Jan-May 2024

Aug-Dec 2024











  • Highway Engineering
  • Pavement Material Characterization
  • Rural Road Technology
  • Rural Infrastructure Planning


Special operation in Chemical Engineering
Separation Processes I
Fluid Mechanics
Reaction Engineering and design (Kinetics and reactor design)
Process Equipment Design
Process Control
Electrochemical Engineering
Transport Phenomena (UG and PG)
Chemical Engineering lab 

Courses Taught

  • Course 01 (Elective) Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods:  Quick tour to the theory of Distributions and essential elements of Sobolev Spaces, Variational formulation of elliptic boundary value problems, Lax-Milgram theorem, Error estimates, Construction of FE spaces, Polynomial approximations, interpolation errors, Aubin-Nitsche duality argument, Parabolic initial and boundary value problems: Semi-discrete and fully discrete schemes, error estimates.
  • Course 02 (Ph.D. level) Advance Topics in Functional Analysis and Applications: Theory of Distributions (Test space, Distributions, Basic operations, classification, Distributional derivatives, supports); Convolution ( of functions and of Distribution); Fundamental Solutions; Fourier Transform with properties; Fourier Inversion and Plancherel identity; Schwartz space and Tempered Distributions  with applications; Sobolev spaces with properties (absolutely necessary ingredients); Fundamental Solution of Heat Equation.
1. H. Brezis, Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations, Springer Verlag (2010).
2. S. Kesavan, Topics in Functional Analysis and Applications, New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi (2015).
3. W. Rudin, Functional Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill,1974.

Teaching activity

I have been teaching two specialized courses which were designed by me and introduced from second semester of 2020-21.

These courses are: PHY F346 : Laser Science and Technology. This course is open to all Physics and Engineering students.

The second course is PHY F433 : Topics in Nonlinear Optics. This is an elective for Physics students only who have earlier taken the Optics course. This course started a year after the earlier course.

Apart from these two courses, I have been involved in teaching the three  physics student labs viz. 1) Electromagnetics and Optics Laboratory, 2) Modern Physics Laboratory and 3) Advanced Physics Laboratory. I have also modified and updated the laboratory manuals of all experiments in the First year Physics Lab, EMO lab, Modern Physics Lab and Advanced Physics Lab, and a few experiments have been replaced by new experiments.

Courses Taught:

  • Introduction to Data Science
  • Data Mining
  • Machine Learning
  • Advanced Data Mining
  • Network Security
  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Programming


Introduction to Data Science

Data Mining

Machine Learning

Advanced Data Mining

Network Security

Operating Systems

Computer Programming

Introduction to Data Science

Data Mining

Machine Learning

Advanced Data Mining

Network Security

Operating Systems

Computer Programming


  • Semester I (Autumn), 2024-25: Pervasive Computing (CS G541), CS&IS, BITS Goa

  • Semester II (Spring), 2023-24: Computer Programming (CS F111), CS&IS, BITS Goa

  • Semester II (Spring), 2023-24: Computer Programming Lab (CS F111), CS&IS, BITS Goa

  • Semester I (Autumn), 2023-24: Pervasive Computing (CS G541), CS&IS, BITS Goa

  • Semester I (Autumn), 2023-24: Computer Architecture Lab (CS F342), CS&IS, BITS Goa

  • Semester II (Spring), 2022-23: Human-Computer Interaction (BITS F364), CS&IS, BITS Goa

  • Semester II (Spring), 2022-23: Operating Systems Tutorial (CS F372), CS&IS, BITS Goa

  • Semester I (Autumn), 2022-23: Pervasive Computing (CS G541), CS&IS, BITS Goa

  • Semester II (Spring), 2021-22: Human-Computer Interaction (BITS F364), CS&IS, BITS Goa

  • Semester II (Spring), 2021-22: Computer Networks Lab (CS F303), CS&IS, BITS Goa

  • Semester I (Autumn), 2021-22: Pervasive Computing (CS G541), CS&IS, BITS Goa


Courses offered

  • HSS F317 Introduction to Globalization
  • GS F332  Contemporary India
  • SAN G513 Sanitation Governance, Behavioural Change and Advocacy
  • HSS F371 Cities- Life, Issues and Conflict
  • BITS F112 Technical Report Writing
  • GS F231 Dynamics of Social Change


Chemical Process Calculation (On Campus)- CHE F211

Chemical Process Calculation (WILP) - PE ZC 321

Chemical Engineering Laboratory (On Campus)

Environmental Chemistry (WILP) - EEZG511

Research Methodology(On Campus)-BITS G661 

Electrochemical Engineering -  CHE G556


UG Courses: Immunology, General Biology, Microbiology, Food Biotechnology
Lab Courses: Biology Laboratory, Experimental Techniques, Microbiology
PG Courses: Molecular Immunology, Stem cell Biology, Animal Cell Technology, Cancer Biology

Project Courses:

Research Practice 1, Research Practice 11, Reading Course, Lab Oriented Project, DOP,SOP, COP, Study in Advanced Topics (SAT).
Goa University Freshers course in Biotechnology,  Dec 2023. 
WILP Teaching For BIOCON Academy: Industrial Microbiology (2016,2017&2018)
TP Classes for Immunology to Dubai Campus and Goa Campus(2017)
PS 1: 2010 (10 students) Funskool India Ltd., Goa and Zuari Industries, Goa
PS 1:2015 (10 students) Funskool India Ltd., Cartini Pvt.Ltd., Goa

Courses Taught

Financial Management

Financial Analysis and Risk Management

Fundamentals of Finance and Accounting

Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

Principles of Management

Courses taught/teaching

  • Fundamental Courses

  • Mathematics I                     (MATH F111   -   Multivariable Calculus) 
  • Mathematics II                    (MATH F112  -   Linear Algebra and Complex variables)
  • Probability & Statistics       (MATH F113)                     
  • Mathematics III                  (MATH F211 -   Differential Equations)      


  • Compulsory Disciplinary Courses

  • Elementary Real Analysis   (MATH F214)  
  • Mathematical Methods      (MATH F241)
  • Operations Research          (MATH F242)
  • Numerical Analysis             (MATH F313)                                          


  • Discipline Elective Courses: 

  • Mathematical Modeling (MATH F420)       


  • WILP Courses

  • Engineering Mathematics – I (MATH ZC161)

  • Calculus                                 (MATH ZC233 / PE ZC233)       


1. Database Systems
2. Theory of Computation
3. Advanced Compilation Techniques
4. Object Oriented Analysis and Design
5. Distributed Database Systems
6. Computer Programming in C
7. Structure of Programming Languages 
8. Object Oriented Programming
9. Database Security 
10. Object Oriented Analysis and Design
11. Compiler Construction 
12. Principles of Programming languages 
Courses in the Current Semester:
1. Database Systems (CS F212)- IC. (Lecture + 1 Tut)
2. Computer Programming Languages (CS F111) - Instructor for two Lab Section.


  • Advance Mechanics of Solids
  • Mechanisms and Robotics
  • Mechatronics, Dynamics and Vibrations
  • Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines
  • Advance Mechanics of Solids and Kinematics of Machines
  • Vibrations, Mechanics of Solids

Courses Taught

First Degree Courses

BIO F111: GENERAL BIOLOGY (Previously BIO C111)

BIO F 212: MICROBIOLOGY (Previously BIO C212)

BIO C322: ECOLOGY (Previously BIO C322)

BIO F342: IMMUNOLOGY (Previously C 416)







Higher Degree Courses









Project Based Courses










New Course Developed

  1. Fuel Cell Science and Technology (ME F414): This course is designed to provide the in-depth understanding about the theoretical and practical aspects of the fuel cell technology. Different aspects of the fuel cell viz. fuel cell thermodynamics, electrochemistry, charge transport, mass transport and heat transfer are covered in this course.


  • Engineering Graphics
  • Surveying
  • Green Buildings and Energy Conservation
  • Construction Planning and Technology
  • Principles of GIS
  • Civil Engineering Materials
  • Humanities and Design
  • Measurement Techniques II


B.E. and M.Sc. Biological Sciences Programmes

General Biology

Biology Laboratory

Animal Physiology



Molecular Biology of the Cell

Instrumental Methods of Analysis


M.E. Biotechnology Programme

Molecular Mechanisms of Gene Expression

Genetic Engineering

Human Genetics

Recent Developments in Biology

Stem cells and Regenerative Biology

Biostatistics and Biomodelling


Multidisciplinary and physics courses at the undergraduate level (B. E. / M. Sc. students).
Promoted classroom demonstration experiments for the courses.
• Mechanics, oscillations and waves
• Electronic devices
• Thermodynamics
• Electromagnetic theory
• Mechanics, oscillations and waves Lab
• Solid State Physics
• Physics of Semiconductor Devices
• Atomic and molecular physics
• Electricity and Magnetism Lab
• Modern Physics Lab
• Advanced Physics Lab

Courses Taught

1. Thermodynamics (BITS F111)
2. Applied Thermodynamics (ME F214)
3. Prime Movers and Fluid Machines (ME F341)
4. Transport Phenomena (CE F212)
5. Renewable Energy (BITS F462)
6. Fuel Cell Science and Technology (ME F414)
7. Non-destructive Testing Techniques (MST G511)
8. Computer Aided Design (ME F342)
9. Computational Fluid Dynamics (ME G515)
10. Computer Aided Analysis and Design (ME G611)
11. Mechanical Engineering Lab (ME F215)
12. Research Practice (BITS G540)

Courses Taught

Highway Engineering
Civil Engineering Materials
Applications of AI in Civil Engineering
Engineering Graphics
Engineering Hydrology

Courses Taught

Theory Courses

PHYC131 Physics 1(Old Curriculum)
PHYC132 Physics 2(Old Curriculum)
TA GC252 Computer Programming 2(Old Curriculum)
PHY C311 Electromagnetic theory 1(Old Curriculum)
MATH C222 Discrete structures in Computer science(few lectures in a shared multi session course, Tut)(Old Curriculum)
PHY C 321 Quantum Mechanics 1(Old Curriculum)
PHY C421 Quantum mechanics II (Old Curriculum)
PHY F213 Optics
PHY F420 Quantum Optics(Shared with another instructor)
PHY F212 Electromagnetic theory-1 (common for PHY, EEE, INSTR &CHE)
PHY F421 Advanced Quantum Mechanics(Shared with another instructor)
PHY F412 Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
MATH F211 Mathematics-III
PHY F315 Theory of Relativity
PHY F243 Mathematical methods in Physics
PHY F241 Electromagnetic theory-2
PHY F345 Quantum Mechanics for Engineers
PHY G513 Classical electrodynamics
BITS F111 Thermodynamics(Tutorials)
PHY G514 Quantum theory and applications

Lab Courses

PHY C391 IMA (Old curriculum )
TA GC211 Measurement Techniques-1(Old Curriculum)
Physics Lab 1(Mechanics and Waves)
Physics Lab2(Optics, Electricity and Magnetism)
Physics Lab3 (Modern Physics lab)

Project Courses

BITS C323/324 SOP 
Physics Project Lab
PHY F376 Design Project
PHY F376 Study Project

Courses Developed

PHY F420 Quantum Optics (with Prof. Radhika Vatsan)
PHY F345 Quantum Mechanics for Engineers

Courses taught

  1. BITS F111  - Themrodynamics
  2. BITS F110 - Engineering Graphics
  3. ME F217 - Applied Themrodynamics
  4. ME F341 - Prime Movers and Fluid Machines
  5. HSS F334 - Srimad Bhagavad Gita


  1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (ME G535)
  2. Dynamics and Vibration (DE G611)
  3. Vibration and Control (ME F319)
  4. Engineering Graphics (BITS F110)

Teaching interests

Disaster management

Leadership in Emergency management

Decentralization and development

Local governance 


Human Geography

Courses offered in BITS Pilani Goa campus

BITS F112: Technical Report Writing

GS F231: Dynamics of Social Change 

HSS F362: Local Governance and Participation

HSS F363: Disaster and Development

Courses taught in other universities

Physical Geography, Human Geography and Population Geography to under graduate students

Geomorphology to MSc students

Learning History through Maps to MA students

Country and Town Planning to B.Tech. Civil engineering students


  • Advanced Computer Architecture (CS G524) [Theory and Lab.], 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020.
  • Computer Architecture (CS F342) [Theory and Lab.], 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020.
  • Microprocessor Programming and Interfacing (CS F241) [Tutorial and Lab.], 2023, 2022, 2021.

Courses Taught






CHE F613: Advanced Mass Transfer

CHE F244: Separation Processes-I

CHE F413: Process Plant Safety


CHE F613: Advanced Mass Transfer

CHE F244: Separation Processes-I

CHE F413: Process Plant Safety


CHE F212: Fluid Mechanics

CHE F613: Advanced Mass Transfer

CHE F244: Separation Processes-I

CHE F413: Process Plant Safety


CHE F212: Fluid Mechanics

CHE F613: Advanced Mass Transfer

CHE F244: Separation Processes-I

CHE F413: Process Plant Safety


CHE F212: Fluid Mechanics

CHE F613: Advanced Mass Transfer

CHE F244: Separation Processes-I

CHE F413: Process Plant Safety


CHE F342: Process Dynamics & Control

CHE F471: Advanced Process Control

CHE F244: Separation Processes-I

CHE F413: Process Plant Safety


CHE F212: Fluid Mechanics

CHE C473: Advanced Process Control

CHE F244: Separation Processes-I

CHE F413: Process Plant Safety


CHE F212: Fluid Mechanics

CHE C473: Advanced Process Control

CHE F244: Separation Processes-I

CHE F342: Process Dynamics & Control


CHE F212: Fluid Mechanics

CHE C473/F471 & INSTR F413: Advanced Process Control

CHE F244: Separation Processes-I

CHE F342: Process Dynamics & Control


CHE F212: Fluid Mechanics

CHE C473/F471 & INSTR F413: Advanced Process Control

CHE C441: Process Control

CHE C473/F471 & INSTR F413: Advanced Process Control

CHE F342: Process Dynamics & Control


CHE C361: Mass Transfer Operations

CHE C473: Advanced Process Control

BITS C313/ 314: Lab Oriented Project

CHE F244: Separation Processes-I

CHE F342: Process Dynamics & Control

BITS C313/ 314: Lab Oriented Project


CHE C361: Mass Transfer Operations

CHE C473: Advanced Process Control

BITS C313/ 314: Lab Oriented Project

CHE F244: Separation Processes-I

CHE C441: Process Control

BITS C313/ 314: Lab Oriented Project


CHE C361: Mass Transfer Operations

CHE G541: Process Plant Simulation

BITS C313/ 314: Lab Oriented Project

CHE G541: Process Plant Simulation

CHE C441: Process Control

BITS C313/ 314: Lab Oriented Project


CHE C361: Mass Transfer Operations

CHE C473: Advanced Process Control

CHE C322: Chemical Process Technology

CHE C441: Process Control


CHE C432: Computer Aided Process Plant Design

CHE C473: Advanced Process Control

CHE C432: Computer Aided Process Plant Design

CHE C441: Process Control

TA C222: Measurement Techniques-II


CHE C431: Select Che. Engineering Lab

409352: Project Costing  & Appraisal

CHE C322: Chemical Process Technology


Fundamental of Chemical Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Transport Phenomena


Fundamental of Chemical Engineering

Fundamental of Chemical Engineering


Undergraduate Engineering courses ( For B.E. hons. Programme)

  •     Object Oriented Programming
  •     Digital Design
  •     Digital Electronics & Computer Organisation
  •     Microprocessors Programming & Interfacing
  •     Analog Electronics
  •     Analog & Digital VLSI Design
  •     Transducers & Measurement Systems
  •     Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation Technology
  •     Digital Electronics and Microprocessors
  •     Computer Programming-I
  •     Measurement Techniques-II   


Project type courses

  • SOP/DOP/LOP to CS/ECE/EEE/INSTR students
  • On-campus/Off campus thesis


Post Graduate Engineering Courses (For M.E. Microelectronics/M.E. Embedded Systems Programme)

  • VLSI Design
  • Device Drivers
  • Research Practice (RP)


Work Integrated Learning Programme (WILP) On-Line/ Video Lectures (For M.S.Programme)

  • Embedded Systems Design
  • Digital Electronics & Microprocessors
  • Electronics Technology



Courses taught so far

  1. Classical Mechanics - (for MSc students)
  2. Electromagnetic theory - II (2nd course of EMT for MSc students)

  3. Statistical mechanics (Introductory course for MSc students)

  4. Computational Physics (for MSc. students)

  5. Nonlinear dynamics (Introductory elective course taught from Strogatz)

  6. Modern physics (covers relativity, introductory wave mechanics)

  7. Theoretical Neursocience (an elective course based on book by Dayan and Abbott)

  8. Neural networks (an elective taught from Zurada for all science and engg students)

  9. Mechanics, oscillations and waves (taught from Kleppner & French) for all science & engg students)

  10. Physics - II (1st course in EMT for all science & engg students )

  11. Structure and properties of matter

  12. Measurement technique - 1 (Lab course for all science and engg students)

  13. Physics Lab - 1 (Lab course for all science and engg students)

  14. Instrumental method of analysis (Lab course for MSc)

Courses teaching this semester

  1. Classical Mechanics

  2. Physics Lab-1



    • Chemical Engineering Laboratory - CEL I (LAB)           CHE   F312

    • Chemical Engineering Laboratory - CEL II (LAB)          CHE   F314

    • Chemical Process Calculations                    CHE  F211 / CHE C221          

    • Environmental Pollution Control                    CHE C411 / CHE F411

    • Microfluidics and its applications                   BITS F417

    • Chemical Process Technology                      CHE F419

    • Material Science and Engineering                 CHE F243

    • Study Oriented Projects                               CHE F266

    • Lab Oriented Projects                                  CHE F366 / CHE F367

    • Design Projects                                           CHE F376

    • Special Projects                                          CHE F491

    • Process Plant Design Project I                     CHE F416

    • Process Plant Design Project II                    CHE F417





    • Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Elective)         CHE G528

Research Methodology - 1        BITS G661
Research Practice                  BITS G540



    • Environmental Pollution Control (Regular) ET ZC362

    • Environmental Pollution Control POW** ZC411


    •       (Aditya Birla, Essar Power & Tata Power)

    • Physico Chemical Treatment Processes & Design of Wastewater Systems


    •        (GSPCB)                 EE*ZG521

    • Applied Transport Phenomena (GSPCB)          EE*ZG513


Semester I

Semester II


Microfluidics and its applications BITS F417

Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology CHE G528


Environmental Pollution Control


Environmental Pollution Control




Chemical Engineering Laboratory–I (LAB) CHE F312



Chemical Process Calculations

CHE F211/CHE 221




Microfluidics and its applications BITS F417

Chemical Process Technology CHE F419


Environmental Pollution Control


(Aditya Birla, Essar & Tata Power)

Physico Chemical Treatment Processes & Design of Wastewater Systems (GSPCB)                 EE*ZG521



Microfluidics and its applications BITS F417

Chemical Process Technology CHE F419


Applied Transport Phenomena (GSPCB)         EE*ZG513

Chemical Engineering Laboratory - II (LAB) CHE F314



Microfluidics and its applications


Chemical Process Technology CHE F419


Chemical Engineering Laboratory–I (LAB) CHE F312

Chemical Engineering Laboratory - II (LAB) CHE F314



Research Methodology-I BITS G661




Material Science and Engineering

CHE F243



Microfluidics and its applications


Chemical Process Technology CHE F419


Chemical Engineering Laboratory–I (LAB) CHE F312

Research Methodology-I BITS G661




Microfluidics and its applications


 Chemical Process Technology CHE F419


Chemical Engineering Laboratory-I

(LAB) CHE F312

 Research Methodology-I BITS G661



 Process Plant Design Project I CHE F416




Microfluidics and its applications


 Chemical Process Technology CHE F419


Chemical Engineering Laboratory-I

(LAB) CHE F312

Process Plant Design Project I CHE F416



Process Plant Design Project II CHE F417




Heat Transfer CHE F241




Microfluidics and its applications


 Chemical Process Technology CHE F419


Chemical Engineering Laboratory-I

(LAB) CHE F312

Process Plant Design Project I CHE F416


Process Plant Design Project I

CHE F416

Process Plant Design Project II CHE F417



Process Plant Design Project II

CHE F417


Heat Transfer CHE F241





Microfluidics and its applications


Chemical Process Technology CHE F419


Chemical Engineering Laboratory-I

 (LAB) CHE F312

Process Plant Design Project I CHE F416


Process Plant Design Project I

CHE F416

Process Plant Design Project II  CHE F417


Process Plant Design Project II

CHE F417


Material Science and Engineering

CHE F243


Engineering Chemistry

CHE F214






Microfluidics and its applications


Chemical Process Technology CHE F419


Process Plant Design Project I

CHE F416

Chemical Engineering Laboratory - II

(LAB) CHE F341


Process Plant Design Project II

CHE F417

Process Plant Design Project I

CHE F416


Engineering Chemistry

CHE F214

Process Plant Design Project II 

CHE F417




Teaching Details

Undergraduate Courses(Multi-section)

ES C112      


TA C211  

Measurement Techniques -II

ES C242

Structure and Properties of Materials

 BITS F225

Environmental Studies

Undergraduate Courses Chemical Engineering Compulsory Disciplinary Courses

CHE C221  

Chemical Process Calculations

CHE F242

Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers

CHE F244

Separation Processes I

CHE F213  

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

CHE F244

Separation Processes I

CHE F313

Separation Process II

CHE F313

Chemical Engineering Laboratory I

CHE F341

Chemical Engineering Laboratory II

Undergraduate &Postgraduate  Chemical Engineering Electives

CHE F411

 Environmental Pollution Control

CHE C322

Chemical Process Technology

CHE C413

Process Plant Safety

CHE G522

Polymer Technology

Postgraduate Chemical Engineering Compulsory Disciplinary Courses

CHE G622

Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics


Research Methodology

Work Integrated Learning Programme(WILP)



Engineering Materials


Chemical process calculations


Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics


Cement Technology

 PE   ZC319


Courses Taught

  • BIO F382: Introduction to Healthcare Technologies 
  • Bio F110: Biology Laboratory 
  • Bio F311: Recombinant DNA Technology 
  • BIO F342: Immunology 
  • BIO F243: Genetics
  • BIO G512: Molecular Mechanisms of Gene Expression 
  • BIO G526: Cancer Biology 
  • BIO G632: Transgenic Technology 


I have taught a variety of courses on campus since October 2005.  They are listed below:

PHY F110 Physics Laboratory:

This introductory physics laboratory introduces the art of experimentation in Physics through various experiments in Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves.

PHY F111: Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves

All students of BITS Pilani study this course irrespective of their program of study.  This course is an elementary introduction to the theory and applications in the subject area of  Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves.

PHY F211: Classical Mechanics

This course introduces the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics of a system with finite degrees of freedom.  Three classes of applications that are included in the course of study are:

  • Two-body central force problem
  • Rigid body kinematics and dynamics
  • Theory of small oscillations

PHY F212: Electromagnetic Theory I

This course introduces the student to the unified theory of Electricity, Magnetism and Light. The course is roughly divided into three parts, each of which addresses the following questions:

  • Part I:  What is the nature of the electric field produced by a static charge distribution? How do you quantitatively describe it? How does the static electric field influence any material medium? How do you characterize the material response to this static electric field?
  • Part II: What is the nature of the magnetic field produced by a steady and time-independent current? How do you quantitatively describe it? How do we characterize the response of a material to such a static magnetic field?
  • Part III: What is the experimental basis for unifying the theory of electricity, magnetism and light? How does this lead to Maxwell's equations? How do we understand the existence of light as a standalone system in itself? How do we characterize its properties?

PHY F241: Electromagnetic Theory II

The theory of interacting charged particles and electromagnetic fields is analyzed in detail.

  • Part I: What is a boundary value problem? Why should we study boundary value problems? How do you go about solving them?
  • Part II: Why do we introduce the concept of scalar and vector potential? What is the form of Maxwell's equations in terms of scalar and vector potential? How can the non-uniqueness of potentials be leveraged to simply the construction of solutions to Maxwell's equations?
  • Part III: What are the key features of unbounded propagation of electromagnetic waves in vacuum, lossless and lossy linear dielectrics and conductors? How do properties of propagating electromagnetic waves change as they traverse media with distinct dielectric, magnetic and conducting properties? What are the key features of bounded propagation of electromagnetic waves through transmission lines and waveguides?
  • Part IV:  What are the characteristics of electromagnetic radiation produced by a given time-varying conserved charge and current distribution? How does the approximate description of the charge and current density through electric and magnetic multipoles lead to a systematic understanding of the produced electric and magnetic field at near, intermediate and far distances from the source?
  • Part V: What is the special theory of relativity? How do we see that the free electromagnetic field is a relativistic system?


Mathematical Methods of Physics

I have taught this course twice before under the pre-2012 curriculum framework. The first part discussed a variety of partial differential equations while the second part was devoted to basic elements of group theory and its representations.

PHY F244: Modern Physics Laboratory

A laboratory course consisting of exciting experiments from Modern Physics.

PHY F342: Atomic & Molecular Physics

  •  Metrology & Phenomenology: How do we qualitatively set up the order of magnitude of various physical quantities associated with the world of atoms, molecules and light? Experiments provide a wealth of spectral data (frequencies emitted and absorbed) on atoms and molecules. How do we construct models based on known theoretical frameworks to explain existing experimental data and arrive at new predictions? (This is the practice of phenomenology in Physics)
  • Preliminaries: What are the key elements in constructing quantum models of atomic and molecular systems? What approximation methods are available at our disposal?
  • Hydrogenic Systems: The simplest atomic system is the hydrogen atom. Systems similar to hydrogen are called hydrogenic systems. Experimentalists have provided an extremely detailed record of the spectrum of this light atom. How do we set up a quantum model to explain all aspects of its spectrum? How do we explain the influence of external fields on the spectral lines of hydrogenic systems?
  • Many-electron atoms: A first-principles prediction of atomic structure involves computing the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of an N-electron atom problem. This is a challenging problem which has no exact solution. How do we systematically develop approximate solutions to this problem?
  • Atomic spectroscopy: Atoms emit, absorb and scatter light. The frequencies (and wavelengths) of and the extent to which light is emitted, absorbed and scattered by atoms are measured by experimentalists using various methods. This is called spectroscopy. How do we develop a theoretical model of atom-light interaction which can be used to predict the spectroscopic results?
  • Molecular Structure: Molecules are formed by the bonding of atoms. How do we set up a quantum-mechanical theory of chemical bonding and use it to predict the existence of molecules and their properties?
  • Molecular Spectroscopy: How do we understand the emergence of rotational, vibrational and electronic spectra of molecules?

PHY F344: Advanced Physics Laboratory


Theory of Relativity


PHY F412: Introduction to Quantum Field Theory


Particle Physics


PHY F420: Quantum Optics


PHY F422: Group Theory and Applications

Courses I am teaching or have taught

Teaching is the bit in my professional life that I enjoy most. From teaching the first year physics and mathematics courses to wide eyed freshers to teaching advanced physics courses to the die hard physics enthusiast, I relish the challenge of presenting ideas and concepts in physics with as much transparency as is possible.

Semester I, 2024-25

Special Topics in Statistical Mechanics (PHY F423)                                                                                                                                                                    Advanced course in statistical mechanics that covers interacting systems, mean field theory, phase transitions and renormalization group. (Text books: Statistical Mechanics by Kerson Huang, Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics by M. Plischke and B. Bergersen and Principles of Condensed Matter Physics by P. M. Chaikin and T.C. Lubensky.)

Statistical Physics and Applications (PHY F516)                                                                                                                                                                                      A course in equilibrium statistical mechanics for PhD students.  (Text books: Statistical Physics of Particles by M Kardar)

Semester II, 2023-24

Mechanics Oscillations and Waves (PHY F111)                                                                                                                                                                                  The bread and butter course of our department, where we engage the freshers with intermediate mechanics and related topics of waves and oscillations. After a quick revision of fundamental laws and necessary mathematical introduction, advanced topics such as rigid body motion, non-inertial frames, coupled oscillators and Fourier analysis of waves are discussed. (Text book: An Introduction Mechanics by Kleppner and Kolenkow, Introduction to Waves by A P French.)

Theoretical Neuroscience (BITS F317)                                                                                                                                                                                                      A first course in Theoretical Neuroscience that introduces neuronal behavior modelling using non-linear differential equations as well the concepts of encoding and decoding of neural data. (Text books: Introduction to neuronal dynamics by Gerstner et al, Introduction to Theoretical Neuroscience by Dayan and Abbott)


Some of the course taught over the semesters

Physics Lab - 1 (PHY F110)
Mechanics lab that runs in tandem with the course on Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves for undergraduate students. It has an assorted set of 10 experiments exploring various concepts in mechanics. Some of the experiments included are: Gyroscope, Coupled Pendulum, Maxwell's wheel etc.

Classical Mechanics (PHY F211)
Second course on mechanics for the physics masters students. Topics covered includes: Planetary motion, rigid body motion, small oscillations, Lagragian and Hamiltonian formalism, Hamilton Jacobi theory. Text books: Classical Mechanics by H. Goldstien, Introduction to classical mechanics by Landau & Lifshitz )

Computational Physics (PHY F313)
A course that focuses on computational numerical analysis with stress on solving physics problem. The course has got a strong hands on component wherein student use the techniques they learn in computational lab to solve problems from mechanics, electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics and nonlinear dynamics. (Texts book: A First Course in Computational Physics by P L Devries and J E Hasbun, An Introduction to Computational Physics by Tao Pang)

Electromagnetic Theory-2 (PHY F241)
A second course in electricity and magnetism that look at electromagnetic waves (in a vacuum and media), radiation and special theory of relativity. (Text books: Introduction to Electrodynamics by D J Griffiths, Classical Electrodynamics by D Jackson, Feynman Lectures Vol -2)

Mathematics-2 (MATH F112)
A first year course taken by all engineering and science students dealing with introductory linear algebra and complex analysis. (Text books: Elementary Linear Algebra by S Andrilli and D Hecker, Complex Variables and Applications by Churchill and Brown)

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos (BITS F316)
An introductory course focusing on methods of studying nonlinear systems. This enables one to explore the rich dynamical behavior these systems exhibit. The students are introduced to bifurcations, fixed points, limit cycles and chaos in nonlinear system. Throughout the course the focus is on applying the methods learned in understanding the dynamics of various systems that are relevant in science and engineering. (Text book: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos by Steven H Strogatz)


Courses Taught


  • Mathematics-I (Basic Calculus)
  • Mathematics-II (Linear Algebra and Complex Variables)
  • Mathematics-III (Elementary Differential Equations)
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Real Analysis
  • Functional Analysis
  • Optimization Techniques
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Partial Differential Equations
  • Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations (with Lab component)
  • Numerical Methodology for Partial Differential Equations  (with Lab component)
  • Mathematical Modelling

    1) Course Content Developed and Recorded the Video Lectures for WILP Students;

       Course Name:  Calculus

    2) Course Content Developed and Recorded the Video Lectures for on Campus Students;
               Course Name:  MATHEMATICS-II
 Current Semester Courses (First Semester: 2024-2025)

  • Numerical Analysis  (MATH F313)
  • Numerical Methods (Specialization: Rail Engineering)
    (A Central University under the Ministry of Railways, Government of India)

My courses

Analog & Digital VLSI Design


Courses Taught / Teaching : 

  1. Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
  2. Introduction to Bioinformatics
  3. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
  4. Biostatistics and Biomodelling
  5. Applications of Statistics and Computers in Biology
  6. General Biology
  7. Reading Course in Computational Neuroscience
  8. Reading Course in Consumer Neuroscience
  9. Reading Course in Computational Psycholinguistics
  10. Reading Course in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning


ECON F313: Issues in Economic Development

ECON F412/FINF313: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management 

ECON F315: Financial Management

ECON F244: Economics of Growth and Development 

FIN F414: Financial Risk Analysis and Management ECON F413: Financial Engineering

ECON F242: Micro economics ECON F243: Macro Economics

ECON F312: Money Banking and Financial Markets

ECON F311: International Trade and Balance of Payments ECON F341: Public Finance Theory and Policy

ECON F211: Principles of Economics

ECON F212: Fundamentals of Finance and Accounts ECON F241: Econometrics Methods

ECON F214: Economic Environment of Business

Mathematical Micro economics, Indian Economics, Computational Business Economics


Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology

Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering

Biology laboratory

My Courses

Developmental Biology

Instrumentation method and analysis

General Biology

Integrated Biology

Reproductive Physiology
Molecular Evolution
Gene Toxicology
 Study in Advanced Topic
 Research Practice

Subjects Taught

  • Signals & Systems
  • Advanced Digital Signal Processing
  • Digital Communication
  • Biomedical Signal Processing
  • Communication Systems
  • Communication Systems (Lab)
  • Digital Signal Processing (Lab)
  • Analog Electronics (Lab)


CHEM F414     Bio and Chemical Sensors
CHEM F336     Nanochemistry
CHEM F 325    Polymer Chemistry
CHEM F 342    Organic Chemistry IV
CHEM F111     General Chemistry
CHEM C142    Chemistry II
CHEM C232    Chemistry of Organic Compounds
CHEM C331    Structure and Reactivity of Organic Compounds
CHEM C332    Synthetic Organic Chemistry
CHEM 513       Study in Advance Topics
CHEM 531       Recent Advances in Chemistry
CHEM 551       Advanced Organic Chemistry
CHEM F110     Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM C411     Chemical Experimentation
CHEM C231    Chemistry Project Laboratory
TA C 211           Measurement Techniques
BITS G529        Research Project I
BITS G539        Research Project II
BITS C323        Study Oriented Project
BITS C324        Study Oriented Project
BITS C313        Lab Oriented Project
HUM C382     Sankara's Thoughts
HUM C383      Srimad Bhagwad Gita


Courses that Dr. Saha has taught in BITS. The ones he is teaching currently are mentioned in BOLD.

AS Instructor in Charge

Sanitation and Public Health (SAN G512)

Sanitation and Public Health (SSTM ZG512) in WILP mode

Environmental Studies (BITS F225)

AS Instructor

Genetic Engineering Techniques (BIO F418)

Experimental Techniques (BIO G642)

Biology Laboratory (BIO F110)

General Biology (BIO F111)

Instrumental Methods of Analysis (BIO F244)

Genomics (BIOT F346) 


Applied Machine Learning

Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

Deep Learning

Generative AI. 

My Teaching

Courses Teaching(2024-25):

  1. Physical Chemistry IV (IC), Sem 1
  2. General Chemistry (I), LECT, Sem 1
  3. Advanced Physical Chemistry (IC), Sem 1
  4.  Physical Chemistry III (I), Sem 2
  5. Chemical Experimentation II (I), Sem 2

First Degree (M.Sc.) Course taught:

  • CHEM F111: General Chemistry
  • CHEM F241: Inorganic Chemistry II
  • CHEM F213: Physical Chemistry II
  • CHEM F244: Physical Chemistry III
  • CHEM F312: Physical Chemistry IV
  • CHEM F422: Statistical Thermodynamics
  • CHEM F335: Organic Chemistry & Drug Design
  • CHEM F110: Chemistry Laboratory
  • CHEM F341: Chemical Experimentation II
  • CHEM C141: Chemistry I
  • CHEM C142: Chemistry II
  • TA C111: Measurement Technique I
  • CHEM C211: Atomic and Molecular Structure
  • CHEM C231: Chemistry Project Laboratory
  • CHEM C311: Chemical Kinetics
  • CHEM C321: Chemical Thermodynamics
  • CHEM C322: Quantum Chemistry
  • CHEM C351: Computational Chemistry
  • CHEM C352: Bonding in Inorganic Compounds
  • CHEM C362: Chemical Experimentation

Pre-PhD Course taught:

  • CHEM G553: Advanced Physical Chemistry
  • CHEM G541: Chemical Application of Group Theory
  • CHEM G552: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
  • CHEM G558: Electronic Structure Theory
  • BITS G513: Study in Advanced Topic I (Computational Chemistry)
  • BITS E574: Study in Advanced Topic II (Statistical Mechanics of Classical Fluid)
  • BIO G510: Applications of Statistics and Computer in Research






2003 - 2004


CHEM C142, CHEM C351

2004 - 2005



2005 - 2006

CHEM C141, CHEM C211, TA C211

CHEM C142, CHEM C231

2006 - 2007

CHEM C141, CHEM C322

CHEM C352, CHEM C411

2007 - 2008

CHEM C141, CHEM C322

CHEM C231, CHEM C352, CHEM C411

2008 - 2009

CHEM C141, CHEM C322

CHEM C352, CHEM C411, CHEM G552

2009 - 2010

TA C211, CHEM C322, ASCR

CHEM C352, CHEM C411, CHEM G541

2010 - 2011

TA C211, CHEM C321

CHEM C142, CHEM C352

2011 - 2012

CHEM F111, CHEM C321


2012 - 2013

CHEM F111, CHEM C321, BITS E574

CHEM C322, CHEM F241, CHEM F244

2013 - 2014

CHEM F110, CHEM F312, CHEM C311

CHEM C322, CHEM F241, BITS G513 

 2014 - 2015

 CHEM F110, CHEM F312, CHEM F422, BITS C421T

 CHEM F241, CHEM F110

 2015 - 2016

 CHEM F111(L), CHEM F312(IC), CHEM F110,  

 CHEM G553, CHEM C491, CHEM F376/7

 CHEM F241, CHEM F110, CHEM F376/7

 2016 - 2017

 CHEM F111(L), CHEM F312(IC), CHEM F213, CHEM G553

 CHEM F241, CHEM F244, CHEM G552

 2017 - 2018

 CHEM F111(L, IC), CHEM F312(IC), CHEM F213, CHEM G553

 CHEM F241, CHEM F244, CHEM G552, CHEM G558

 2018 - 2019

 CHEM F111(T), CHEM F312(IC), CHEM F213, CHEM G553

 CHEM F241, CHEM F244, CHEM F110, BITS G513

 2019 - 2020

 CHEM F110, CHEM F312(IC), CHEM F213, CHEM  G553, BITS G529/G539

 CHEM F241, CHEM F244, CHEM F110, BITS G513, BITS G529

 2020 - 2021

 CHEM F312, CHEM F213, CHEM F335, CHEM

  F266, CHEM F376, CHEM G553, BITS G513

 CHEM F241, CHEM F244, CHEM F110, CHEM F266, CHEM F376, CHEM G529, CHEM G558

 2021 - 2022

 CHEM F312, CHEM F111, CHEM F266, CHEM  F376/7, CHEM G553

 CHEM F241, CHEM F376/7, BITS C421T

2022 - 2023

CHEM F111, CHEM F312, CHEM F335, CHEM F376, CHEM F266

CHEM F341, CHEM F320, CHEM F376/7, CHEM F266

Teaching Contribution in BITS Pilani





LECTURE SESSIONS @BITS Pilani, Goa  - 8.4/10
TUTORIAL SESSIONS @BITS Pilani, Goa   - 8.5/10
LAB SESSONS @BITS Pilani, Goa             - 7.9/10



  1. ME G512         FINITE ELEMENT METHOD          Four times as Instructor in charge.
  2. ME F318         Computer-Aided Design                     Twice as Instructor in charge.
  3. ME G611         COMPUTER AIDED ANALYSIS & DESIGN      Once as Instructor in charge.
  4. ME F218         Advanced Mechanics of Solids          Once as Instructor & Once as Instructor in charge.
  5. BITS F110        Engineering Graphics                    Once as Instructor in charge and twice as Instructor
  6. QMZG531     STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL   Once as Instructor Incharge (Industry professionals)



  1. ME F318                             Computer-Aided Design            Twice as Instructor in charge.
  2. BITS F110                            ENGINEERING GRAPHICS               Twice as Instructor.
  3. ME F313                              PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES II       Once as Instructor.
  4. ME F315                              Advanced Manufacturing Process      Once as Instructor.



  1. DE ZG513 FINITE ELEMENT METHODS – Five times as Instructor in charge
  2. QM ZG531 / MBA ZG531  Statistical Quality Control – One-time only as Instructor in charge


Semester long Projects

  1. Two Special Projects
  2. Eight Study Projects
  3. Nine Design Projects
  4. Twelve Laboratory Projects


Reading course

  1. Machine Learning for Mechanical Engineers during Semester I 2022-23.



Course code
Course Name
Course Type
On-campus / WILP
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: 8 /10)
First Degree
On-campus Lecture
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: 7.24 /10)
Higher Degree
On-campus Lecture
Instructor (Feedback: 8.73 /10)
First Degree
On-campus Lab



Course code
Course Name
Course Type
On-campus / WILP
ME F218/312 LEC + TUT
Instructor (Feedback: 8.48 /10)
First Degree
On-campus Lecture
Instructor (Feedback: 7.54 /10)
First Degree
On-campus Lab
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: 4 / 5)
Higher Degree



Course code
Course Name
Course Type
On-campus / WILP
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: 8.5 /10)
Higher Degree
On-campus Lecture
ME F313 / ME F315 LAB
PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES II / Advanced Manufacturing Process
Instructor (Feedback: 7.81 /10)
First Degree
On-campus Lab
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: 4.38 / 5)
Higher Degree



Course code
Course Name
Course Type
On-campus / WILP
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: 8.65 /10)
Higher Degree
On-campus Lecture
ME F318/342 LAB
Instructor (Feedback: 7.64 /10)
First Degree
On-campus Lab



Course code
Course Name
Course Type
On-campus / WILP
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: 9.25 /10)
Higher Degree CDC+ First Degree Elective
On-campus Lecture
Instructor (Feedback: 7 /10)
First Degree
On-campus Lab
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: 4.06 / 5)
Higher Degree



Course code
Course Name
Course Type
On-campus / WILP
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: 8.43 /10)
First Degree CDC
On-campus Lecture
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: 8.42 /10)
First Degree CDC
On-campus Lab
MBAZG531 / QMZG531
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: 4.36 / 5)
Higher Degree



Course code
Course Name
Course Type
On-campus / WILP
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: 8.75 /10)
Higher Degree CDC+ First Degree Elective
On-campus Lecture
Instructor (Feedback: 8.32 /10)
First Degree
On-campus Lab
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: 4.15 / 5)
Higher Degree



Course code
Course Name
Course Type
On-campus / WILP
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: 8.27 /10)
First Degree CDC
On-campus Lecture
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: 7.67 /10)
First Degree CDC
On-campus Lab
Instructor In-charge
Lecture Feedback: 8.45 /10
Tutorial Feedback: 9.09 /10
First Degree
On-campus Lecture & Tutorial
Instructor in charge for two B.E. courses – Engineering Graphics (520 students) and Computer aided design (140 students), one of them is third year CDC and the other is a first year course


Course code
Course Name
Course Type
On-campus / WILP
Instructor (Feedback: … /10)
First Degree
On-campus Lecture + Lab
Instructor In-charge (Feedback: .../ 5)
Higher Degree



Course taught at BITS Pilani, Goa Campus

Academic year 2024 - 25

  • Digital Design (F215) - UG Course

Courses handled


  • EEE F111 - Electrical Sciences (IC)

  • ECE/EEE/INSTR F214 - Electronic Devices (IC)

  • CS/ECE/EEE/INSTR F215 - Digital Design (IC)

  • ECE/EEE/INSTR F244 - Microelectronic Circuits (IC)

  • EEE/INSTR F313 - Analog and Digital VLSI Design

  • EEE F427 - Fiber Optics and Optoelectronics (IC)

  • EEE F477 - Modeling of Field Effect in nanodevices (IC)

  • MEL G631 - Physics and Modeling of Microelectronic Devices (IC)

  • MEL G621 - VLSI Design (IC)


Reading course

I designed semester-long courses that are offered to select students on a particular research topic of interest. These are normally offered in the first semester of every academic year. They are intended to introduce undergraduate students to research areas and the latest technology trends. 

  • Nanoelectronics for a post-CMOS era

  • Semiconductor Memory Device Technology

  • Neuromorphic Circuit Design

  • 2D Semiconductor based electronics


Online courses (Free on youtube)

I post videos on various topics related to electronics on youtube, some related to my classes and some in general.

You can visit the channel here.

Teaching Courses

Under Graduate Courses  
BITS F111         Thermodynamics
CHE F 212         Fluid Mechanics 
CHE F 242         Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers
CHE F 312         Chemical Engineering Laboratory-I
CHE F 314         Process Design Principles -I
CHE F 311         Kinetics and Reactor Design

CHE F 341         Chemical Engineering Laboratory-II

CHE F 342         Process Dynamics & Control 
AAOC  C 341    Numerical Analysis

Graduate Courses 

CHE G 523        Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering
BITS G 661       Research Methodology  
CHE F  414       Transport Phenomena 
CHE F  418       Modeling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering
CHE G 554       Computational Fluid Dynamics
Work Integrated Learning Program 
PERL ZC 164     Computer Programming Using MATLAB 
PE      ZC 453     Process Control and Instrumentation

Courses Taught

Sem I 2024-25 (Ongoing)

BIO F111 General Biology

BIO F213 Cell Biology

Courses Taught


At BITS-Pilani, Dubai Campus:

  • CE F415 - Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures
  • CE F435 - Introduction to Finite Element Methods
  • CE F343 - Design of Steel Structures
  • CE F320 - Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
  • CE F211 - Mechanics of Solids
  • CE F231 - Fluid Mechanics
  • BITS F110 - Engineering Graphics

At NIT Warangal

  • CE 101 - Engineering Mechanics
  • CE 255 - Concrete Technology Laboratory 

As tutor in NUS, Singapore:

  • CE 3165 - Structural Concrete Design
  • CE 3155 - Structural Analysis




Compulsory Courses

English Language Skills-I

Introductory Psychology

Technical Report Writing


Cross Cultural Skills 

Readings from Drama 

Negotiation Skills and Techniques

Current Affairs

Comparative Indian Literature

Public Administration


Off -Campus Course: Technical Report Writing(both Non/structured )


Power Electronics


  1. Principals of Economics
  2. Macroeconomics
  3. New Venture Creation (as campus IC)

Courses taught at FD & HD Levels

First degree (FD/UG) and higher degree (HD) courses taught across the years 

  1. Recombinant DNA Technology
  2. Advanced Cell & Molecular Biology
  3. Advanced Recombinant DNA Technology
  4. Genetic Engineering
  5. Advanced Applied Microbiology
  6. Experimental Techniques
  7. Microbiology
  8. Cell Biology
  9. Instrumentation Methods & Analysis (IMA)
  10. Measurement Techniques (BIO Lab)

Taught WILP-Biocon courses

Courses Taught in BITS Goa; PhD Guidance; Courses Taught in US Universities



Teaching as Faculty :




BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus

Associate Professor (Tenured)

w.e.f March 01, 2023 - present

BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa

Campus, India

Assistant Professor (Tenured)

10 years

University of Indianapolis, IN

Assistant Professor

04 Months

Community College of Allegheny County, West

Mifflin, PA

Adjunct Assistant Professor

10 Months

Point Park University,

Pittsburgh, PA,

Adjunct Assistant Professor

05 Months

Ramakrishna Mission

Vivekananda Centenary College, Rahara, WB, India

Lecturer (Tenured)

2 years, 09 Months

Total Teaching as Faculty


14 years, 4 months



Teaching as Graduate Student





Carnegie Mellon University

Graduate Student

7 Years, 2 ½ months

Jawaharlal Nehru University

Graduate Student

06 Months

Total Teaching as Graduate



7 years, 8 ½ months



Doctoral Students Supervised in BITS GOA


  1. Neha Yadav. 2016 PHXF0414G. Doctoral Thesis Submitted. Viva Voce Successfully Defended on 02 September 2022 (BITS Pilani, Goa). Thesis Title: “A Study of an Emerging Genre: The Indian Graphic Novel in English (1994-2015)”

         Doctoral Students Currently under Supervision

  • Parul. (2021PHXP0044G) Currently Writing PhD Thesis
  • Shona Lynn Desilva. (2023PHXP0028G) Currently engaged in coursework.
  • Athira Manoharan (2023PHX P0422G) Currently engaged in coursework.


         Co-Supervisor (Joint PhD Supervision)

  • Mekhla Salkar Anant (2023 PHXP0420G) Currently engaged in coursework.


Doctoral Thesis Committee (DAC) member:

  • Rochelle Ann Fernandez. (2020PHXP0074G) Currently in Thesis Submission stage (BITS Pilani, Goa)



RECENT COURSES TAUGHT     (Current Institutional Home)




  • BITSG539: Research Project 2: Museum Studies
  • BITSG529: Research Project 1: International Expositions, Architectural Performance and Everyday Life
  • BITSG539: Research Project 2: Nostalgia and Performance
  • BITSG529: Research Project 1: Postmodern Literary Theory
  • BITSG529: Research Project 1: Orality, Performances, Culture
  • BITS G 518: WRITING SEMINAR (compulsory course for PhD Scholars in HSS Dept.)
  • BITS G529: Research Project I: The Performances of Everyday Life, Culture, and Identity
  • BITSG513: Study In Advanced Topics: Revisionist Thought and Consumer Culture: Challenges and Alternatives
  • BITS G513- Study in Advanced Topics: Marxist Feminism: Challenges and Alternatives
    • BITSG539: Research Project 2: Critical Theory and Social Space
    • BITSG511: Advanced Project: Narratives of Slavery
    • BITSG511: Advanced Project: Theory, Culture, and Society
    • BITSG511: Advanced Project: Literary and Cultural Theory
    • BITSG529: Research project 1 : Urban Change and Urban Literature in 19th century Paris
    • BITSG513: Study in Advanced Topics: Literary and Cultural Theory
    • BITSG518: Writing Seminar (for Phil)
    • BITSG513: Study in Advanced Topics: Postmodern Theory
    • BITSG529: Research Project 1: Modern Fiction
    • BITSG529: Research Project 1: Postmodern Theory
    • BITS G513: Study in Advanced Topics: Postmodern Fiction




  • HSSF383: Introduction to Museum Studies
  • HSSF373: Shakespeare and Popular Culture
  • HSSF374: Urban Modernity and the Renewal of Paris
  • BITSF112: Technical Report Writing
  • HSSF336: Modern Fiction
  • TAZC312: (WILP): Various Sections in different semesters
  • HSSF399: Introduction to American Literature
  • HSSF226: Post Modernism


Past Teaching Experience in the US

  1. University of Indianapolis


  1. ENG 210: Introduction to Literary Criticism and Literary Theory
  2. ENG 212: British Literature II (Romantics to Modern)


  1. Community College of Allegheny County (South Campus)


  1. ENG-100-SC-31, ENG-102-SC-02, ENG-89-SC-05, ENG-100-SC-31, etc. (English Composition and Argument)


  • Point Park University
    1. ENGL-150-EB (English Composition)
    2. ENGL-250-DJ (World Literature)


Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA (Graduate Student Teaching)


  1. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh Campus


  1. 76101 (Various sections of Freshman English Composition taught from Fall 2003 – Spring 2010)
  2. 76-335: Postmodern Literature
  3. 76-245: Shakespeare’s Comedies and Romances (Teaching Assistant)
  4. 76-245B: Shakespeare’s Histories and Tragedies (Teaching Assistant)


  1. Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar Campus


  1. 76-245: Shakespearean Tragedies: Madness, Guilt, and English Renaissance Culture
  2. 76-237: Postmodern American and British Fiction and Cinema



Teaching as Junior Lecturer


  1. R.K.M.V.C. College (full time/ tenured)


  1. Literature Survey, Developmental English, English Composition courses


  1. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India (Graduate Student/adjunct)


  1. LE 448E: Literature in Indian English

2024-25, Sem-1

  • Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks | MEL G622
  • Electrical Machines Lab

Courses Taught

  •  Organic Chemistry I (CHEM F212)
  • Organic Chemistry IV (CHEM F342)
  • Chemical Experimentation I (CHEM F242)
  • Green Chemistry and Catalysis (CHEM F337)
  • Supramolecular Chemistry (CHEM F328)
  • Chemistry of Organic Compounds (CHEM C232)
  • General Chemistry (CHEM F111)
  • Chemistry I (CHEM C141)
  • Chemistry II (CHEM C142)
  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry (CHEM C332)
  • Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM F110)
  • Measurement Techniques 1 (TA 211)
  • Study Oriented  Project (BITS C323)
  • Heterocyclic Chemistry (CHEM G561)
  • Catalysis (CHEM G556)
  • Advanced Instrumentation Techniques (BITS G654)


Courses taught in BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus,

  • ROBOTICS (as IC)

Courses taught Previous Institutes




ON-CAMPUS (Fall – Sem I  and  Spring – Sem II)
  • BITS F415: Introduction to MEMS (for UG and PG students)
    • As Instructor-in-charge
    • Spring Semesters (Sem II), 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 (Ongoing)
  • MST G511: Non-destructive Testing Techniques (for PG students)
    • As Instructor-in-charge
    • Fall Semesters (Sem I), 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
  • BITS F110: Engineering Graphics (for UG students)
    • Currently as Instructor-in-charge for Fall-23 (Sem I, AY 2022-23).
    • In past as Instructor and Section-in-charge
    • Both Semesters – Spring and Fall Semesters, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
  • ME F428 - Smart Materials (For UG and PG)  (Proposed and developed the course) 
    • Currently as Instructor-in-charge for Fall-23 (Sem I, AY 2022-23).
    • The course introduces the basic concepts of Smart Materials to UG and PG students.
    • The course covers fundamentals of smart materials (such as piezoceramics, shape memory alloy, MR (Magnetorheological) fluids, fiber optic sensors, among others) and exposes students to rapidly growing field of smart material-based structures/systems to senior and graduate students.
    • The course gives students necessary theoretic knowledge to design simple applications of smart materials and structures. This course will cover basics, modeling, design and control of smart structures using various smart materials. Innovation and research-oriented projects/assignments will be encouraged throughout the course.



  • DEZC415 and MELZC415: Introduction to MEMS (for professionals)
    • As Instructor-in-charge
    • Fall (Sem I), 2019 and Spring (Sem II), 2022


Upcoming Course (proposed)


    • Bio MEMS (For UG and PG) (In process)



  • Animal Physiology
  • Developmental Biology
  • Reproductive Physiology
  • Biology Laboratory
  • General Biology
  • Laboratory Oriented Project
  • Study Oriented Project
  • Design Oriented Project

My Courses

IS C462




CS C313/IS C313


SS G514/SS ZG514


CS C372 / IS C362/CS F372 




MATH C222/CS/IS F222


CS C341/IS C361


CS C471/ IS C471/IS F311


IS C351

CS F111



TA C162


TA C252

CS G523

EEE G627/SS ZG656

CS G623







ES C263






TA C111


TA C211




PHY C322

PHY C232



PHY C131


PHY C132


PHY C391









  • Organic Chemistry II (CHEM F243)
  • Organic Chemistry III (CHEM F311)                            
  • Chemical Experimentation I (CHEM F242) 
  •  Green Chemistry and Catalysis (CHEM F337)              
  • Advanced Organic Chemistry (CHEM G511)             
  • General Chemistry (CHEM F111)                    
  • Chemistry II (CHEM C142)                              
  • Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM F110)                
  • Study Oriented  Project (BITS C323)                
  • Supramolecular Chemistry (CHEM F328)         
  • Catalysis (CHEM G556)     
  • Recent Advances in Chemistry (CHEM G532)
  • Advanced Instrumentation Techniques (BITS G654)    
  •  Heterocyclic Chemistry (CHEM G561)                         
  • Sustainable Chemistry using Renewables (CHEM F431)
  • Study Project (CHEM F 266)
  • Lab Project (CHEM F 366)
  • Design Project (CHEM F376)
  • Special Project (CHEM F491)
  • Design Project (EEE F376)
  • Design Project (CS F376)
  • Study Project (CS F266)
  • Chemistry of Organic Compounds (CHEM C232)
  • Chemistry I (CHEM C141)
  • Chemistry II (CHEM C142)
  • Measurement Techniques 1 (TA 211)


BITS F234 Introduction to Engineering Design (BE First Year Course)

ME G641 Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity (ME Final Year Course)


List of courses taught at BITS Pilani


Electromagnetic Fields and Waves [CDC for ECE]


Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Engineering [Elective for ECE/EEE/E&I]


Electrical Sciences [Fundamental course for first year]


Digital Design [CDC for ECE/EEE/E&I]


Antenna theory and Design [Elective for ECE/EEE/E&I]


Digital Signal Processing [CDC for ECE]


Analog Electronics [CDC for ECE/EEE/E&I]


Communication Networks [CDC for ECE]


RF and Microwave Engineering [CDC for masters in Communication Systems]


Cell Biology

Cancer Biology

Animal Cell Technology

Experimental Technique

Advance Cell and Molecular Biology

Genetic Engg.



  • Production Technology (2 times)
  • Material Science and Engineering (3 times IC)
  • Production Planning and Control (4 times on-campus and 5 times WILP)
  • Engineering Optimization (3 times IC)
  • Engineering Drawing (few) and Workshop Techniques (2 times IC multi-section)
  • Mechanical Engineering Lab (3 times, 1 time IC)
  • Quality Control (1 time WILP)
  • Advanced Mechanics of Solids (3 times IC)
  • Finite element methods (1 time IC)


  • Production Technology
  • Non-Traditional Machining Techniques
  • Non-Destructive Testing
  • Statistical Quality Control
  • Engineering Mechanics and Drawing



Courses taught :
      Operating Systems

          Real-time Systems

          Database Systems

          Computer Programming

          Advanced Operating Systems 


Courses Currently teaching:
      Operating Systems


Labs conducted:
      Database systems

          Computer Programming 

          Operating systems 

          Real-time systems

          Computer Architecture 


"The true teachers are those who help us think for ourselves." - Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan


First Degree 
  • Energy Storage Technologies
  • Thermodynamics
  • Applied Thermodynamics
  • Automotive Technology
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
  • Engines, Motors and Mobility (IC Engines)
  • Prime Movers and Fluid Machines
  • Workshop Practice
  • Engineering Graphics
  • Power Plant Engineering
Higher Degree 
  • Heating and Cooling of Buildings
  • Cryogenic Engineering
  • Renewable Energy
  • Energy Systems Engineering
Work Integrated Learning Program (WILP)
  • Energy Management 
  • Design of Experiments
  • Mechanical Technology

Teaching Details

2024-25 first semester: NLP for third and fourth year undergraduate students.

Teaching Experience

During the current Semester-I, 2024-25, I continue to teach the first degree course “BITS F462 Renewable Energy”, to students from various First Degree Programs of the Institute, Viz. AA, A3, A4, A8.

During the past semesters during Academic Years from 2000-2001 to 2023-2024, courses taught include discipline elective courses and, compulsory discipline courses, as follows:

Discipline Elective Courses:

  1. EEE F473/INSTR F473 Wind Electrical Systems for students of FD programs A3 and A8
  2. EEE F427 Electric Power Utilization and Illumination, for students of FD program A4
  3. ME F424 Energy Management, for students of FD program A4

Compulsory Discipline Courses:

    1. Power Electronics for students of FD programs A3 and A8
    2. Electrical Machines for students of FD programs A3 and A8
    3. Electrical Sciences for students of all FD programs including A3 and A8
    4. Communication Systems for students of FD program A3
    5. Microelectronics for students of FD programs A3 and A8
    6. Introduction to Environment for students of all FD programs

Courses Taught

 Theory Courses 
  • Mechanics Oscillations Waves
  • Electromagnetic Theory 1
  • Mathematical Methods in Physics
  • Quantum Mechanics 1
  • Quantum Mechanics 2
  • Theory of Relativity
  • General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology
Lab Courses
  • Physics Lab 1
  • Electromagnetics and Optics Lab
  • Advanced Physics Lab

Courses Taught/Teaching


  • HSS F237: Contemporary Indian English Fiction
  • HSS F337: English Literary Forms and Movements
  • HSS F338: Comparative Indian Literature
  • GS F241: Creative Writing
  • HSS F342: Advanced Communicative English
  • GS F244: Reporting and Writing for the Media
  • BITS F112: Technical Report Writing
  • PE ZC312/ TAZC312: Technical Report Writing (WILP Course)
  • BITS F382: Reading Course
  • HSS F383: Introduction to Museum Studies
  • HSS F266: Study Oriented Project


  • BITS F437: Technical Communication


  • BITS G 513 : Study in Advanced Topics
  • BITS G511 : Advanced Project
  • BITS G529 : Research Project I
  • BITS G539 : Research Project II
  • BITS G619 : Professional Practice
  • BITS G649 : Reading Course
  • BITS G620 : Professional Practice I


  • BITS C791T: Teaching Practice I
  • BITS C797T Ph. D Seminar
  • BITS C799T Ph. D Thesis






  • General Biology ( BIO F111) 
  • Ecology and Environmental Sciences (BIO F241)


  • Molecular Mechanism of Gene Expression (BIO G512)


  • THESIS BITS C421T/422T
  • Higher Degree Research Practice (BITS G540)

Courses Taught

1. Chemical Engg. Lab-I, CHEF312 , FD

2. Kinetics & Reactor Design, CHEF311 Tut, FD

3. Chemical Engg. Lab-II, CHEF312 

4. Chemical Process Optimization, CHEG558, HD

5. Environmental Process Engineering, EEZG622, HD (WILP)

6. Process Control & Instrumentation, PEZC453, FD (WILP)





Current Semester I (2024-2025)

  • Computational Physics ( PHY F313)
  • Physics Lab I ( PHY F110)
  • First Degree (FD) thesis based on stochastic complex system ( Financial Crises Data)
  • FD Projects based on stochastic complex system ( Financial Crises Data)

Courses taught

  • Computational Physics
  • Physics Lab I
  • Mechanics, Oscillation and Waves
  • Mathematical Methods of Physics
  • Advanced Lab
  • Calculus I
  • Calculus II
  • Thermodynamics
  • Data Structure and Algorithms
  • Applied Statistical Methods
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Financial Engineering
  • Statistical Mechanics
  • Statistical Physics and Application
  • Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
  • Discrete Structures for Computer Sciences
  • Introduction to Statistical Methods
  • General Theory of Relativity
  • Electromagnetic Theory I
  • Environmental Statistics
  • Linear Algebra and Optimization
  • Advanced Physics Lab
  • Engineering Mathematics II
  • Quantum Mechanics I
  • Quantum Mechanics II
  • Quantum Theory and Application
  • Particle Physics
  • Advanced Quantum Mechanics
  • IMA Lab
  • MT 1 Lab
  • Physics II
  • Physics I
  • Numerical Analysis
  • SOP
  • DOP
  • LOP
  • FD Thesis


  1. POMZG521 Statistical Process Control (WILP PG) 2021 (Jan), 2021 (August), 2022 (Jan), 2022 (August), 2023 (Jan), 2023 (August), 2024 (Jan), 2024 (August)
  2. ME F414 Fuel Cell Science and Technology (UG) 2020
  3. ME F110 Workshop Practice (UG) 2018, 2022, 2023, 2024
  4. MM ZG515 Quantitative Methods (WILP PG) 2018
  5. ME F213/MF F213/ME F216 Materials Science and Engineering (UG) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
  6. QMZG 531 Statistical Quality Control (WILP PG) 2016
  7. MST-F332 Materials Processing (UG) 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021
  8. MF-F343 Casting and Welding (UG) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021
  9. ME-F452 Composite Materials and Design (UG) 2016
  10. DE-G631 Materials Technology and Testing (PG) 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2024
  11. ME F366/ ME F367 Laboratory Oriented Project (UG) 2017, 2018
  12. AETMZG 6612 Advances in Materials, Composites & Plastics (WILP PG) 2018
  13. ME F215/ MF F215 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (UG) 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
  14. ME F213 Production Technology 1 (UG) 2019, 2020
  15. ME F266 Study Oriented Projects (UG) 2019, 2020
At NIT Calicut
  1. Materials Science and Engineering (UG) 2014
  2. Thermodynamics of Materials (PG) 2014
  3. Characterization of Materials (PG) 2015
  4. Ceramics Science & Technology (PG) 2015

Courses Taught

  • Logic in Computer Science
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Data Structures and Algorithm Design
  • Advanced Algorithms and Complexity
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Artificial Intelligence 
  • Theory of Computation
  • Introduction to Computer Programming







Faculty Teaching

Courses Teaching

Parallel Computing

Lecture M - W - F (3:00 PM to 3:50 P.M) in C-401

Courses Taught

2023-2024 Semester-I Parallel C0mputing

2023-2024 Semester-I Computer Organization & Architecture (WILP)

2023-2024 Semester-II Microprocessor & Interfacing



  • ECON F355: Business Analysis and Valuation
  • ECON F 354/FIN F311: Derivatives and Risk Management
  • ECON F412/FIN F313: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management




General Chemistry Chem F111
General Chemistry Lab Chem F110
Instrumental Methods of Analysis CHEM F313
Chemical Experimentation CHEM F341
Chemical Kinetics CHEM C311
Inorganic Chemistry III CHEM F343
Laboratory oriented projects
Graduate student projects in the area of 
 Water research- Purification and Separation methods, Advanced oxidation processes,
 Photochemistry and Photobiology- Metal complex, nanoparticle and organic based photosensitizer for water disinfection, activation of oxidants for degradation of dye pollutants 
Spectroscopic methods- UV-visible, IR, NMR, ESR, Kinetic methods, and others
Bioconjugation - DNA binding, Cell membrane interactions, and antimicrobial activities 



On-campus courses:
Electrical Sciences I
Electrical Sciences II
Introduction to Systems
Electrical Machines
Control Systems
Signal and Systems
Modern Control Systems
Digital Signal Processing
WILP courses
Electrical and Electronics Technology
Advanced Control Systems


  1. Advances in Recombinant DNA Technology
  2. Biology Project Laboratory
  3. Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology
  4. Plant Biotechnology
  5. Instrumental Methods of Analysis
  6. General Biology
  7. Measurement Techniques/Biology Laboratory
  8. Plant Physiology
  9. Genomics
  10. Recombinant DNA Technology
  11. Beginning Japanese
  13. PP1/PP2/HD Dissertation/Research Practice/Study in advanced topics
  14. Reading Course 


Courses Taught/Teaching in BITS

  • Caste and Gender in India  
  • Cultural Studies
  • Post Colonial Literatures
  • Literary Criticism
  • Comparative Indian Literature 
  • Technical Report Writing
  • Phonetics and Spoken English
  • Linguistics
  • Advanced Communicative English
  • Theoretical Approaches to Liberal studies
  • Writing Practice (WILP)
  • Introduction to Museum Studies

Courses Designed

  • Post Colonial Literatures - HSS F340 - singly designed and introduced the course in BITS – 2015
  • Caste and Gender in India-HSS F369 - singly designed and introduced the course in BITS – 2019
  • WILP – Critical Analysis of Literature and Cinema - BSDC*ZC322 co-authored the course design and guided the teaching faculty – 2020
  • M.Phil. – Theoretical Approaches to Liberal studies HSS G512 – co-authored the course design and introduced in BITS, Goa – 2019

Courses Developed

  • Literary Criticism- ENGL C 331/HSSF335-redesigned the handout and course contents and introduced in BITS Goa – 2012
  • Linguistics – HSS F222 - redesigned the handout and course contents and introduced in BITS, Goa – 2012
  • Cultural Studies - GS F242 - redesigned the handout and course contents – 2014.
  • WILP – Cultural Studies- BSDCH ZC242- prepared the Teaching manual for the course – 2021.  

Courses Taught in Institutions prior to BITS

  • Romantic Literature
  • Drama
  • American Literature
  • History of English Literature
  • Regional Literatures in Translation
  • Dalit literature 



Courses I Teach

PHY F111 Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves (2 semesters)

Foundational physics course for all streams, texts: Mechanics, Kleppner and Kolenkow; Vibrations and Oscillations, A P French

PHY F110 Physics Laboratory (3 semesters)

PHY F244: Modern Physics Laboratory (1 semester)


Courses Taught

CHEM C141 Chemistry I
CHEM C142 Chemistry II
TA C211 Measurement Techniques I
CHEM C391 Instrumental Methods of Analysis
CHEM C232 Chemistry of Organic Compounds
CHEM C331 Structure & Reactivity of Organic Compounds
CHEM C332 Synthetic Organic Chemistry
CHEM F242 Chemical experimentation I
CHEM F110 Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM F111 General Chemistry
CHEM F243 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM F311   Organic Chemistry III
CHEM F342 Organic Chemistry IV
CHEM F414 Bio and Chemical Sensors
CHEM G531 Recent Advances in Chemistry
CHEM F313 Instrumental Methods of Analysis 


Fundamentals of Finance & Accounts

Financial Management (On-Campus & WILP)

Security Analysis & Portfolio Management

Business Analysis & Valuation

Behavioral Finance (WILP)

Financial & Management Accounting (WILP)

Courses Taught

Foundational Undergraduate Courses

PHY F110

Physics Laboratory

PHY F111

Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves

PHY F212

Electromagnetic Theory 1

ES C242

Structure and Properties of Materials


M.Sc. (Physics) Core courses       

PHY F211

Classical Mechanics

PHY F214

Electricity, Magnetism and Optics Laboratory

PHY F244

Modern Physics Laboratory

PHY F312

Statistical Mechanics

PHY F341

Solid State Physics

PHY F344

Advanced Physics Laboratory


Multi-Discipline Elective Courses         


Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos


Introduction to Nanoscience


Microfluidics and its applications

PHY F414

Physics of Advanced Materials


Undergraduate Project Type Courses

PHY F266

Study Project

PHY F366/

PHY F367

Laboratory Project

PHY F376/

PHY F377

Design Project




M.E. and PhD courses 


Modern Experimental Methods 1


Dissertation (M.E)


Research Methodology

Teaching Labs

  • Advanced Physics Lab
  • Electromagnetism and Optics Lab 


  • Postcolonial Literature (HSS F340)
  • Research Methodology I (BITS E661)


  • Probability and Statistics
  • Differential Equation
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Combinatorial Mathematics
  • General Mathematics 2
  • Discrete Mathematical Structures


Courses Taught

  • CS F429 - Natural Language Processing
  • SS ZG537 - Information Retrieval
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Information Retrieval
  • Compiler Construction
  • Data Mining
  • Data Warehousing
  • Computer Programming II
  • Computer Programming
  • Programming Languages and Compiler Construction
  • Data Structures and Algorithms(Tutorial)
  • Bioinformatics
  • Object Oriented Programming using Java
  • Object Oriented Analysis and Design
  • Software Engineering
  • Software Testing Methodologies
  • Operating Systems


TA C111 & BITS F110 Engineering Graphics

ME C382 Computer Aided Design

ME F432 Computer Aided Manufacturing

ME G611 Computer Aided Analysis and Design

TA C222 Measurement Techniques – II

TA C112 Workshop Practice

POWJS ZC481 & POWES ZC481 Plant layout and Design (WILP)

ET ZC235 Manufacturing Processes (WILP)

DE ZG 515 Finite Element Methods (WILP) 

ME C211 Applied thermodynamics (Tutorial)

ME C331 Transport Phenomena – II (Tutorial)


Teaching Interests

  • Managerial Economics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Money, Banking, and Financial Markets
  • Applied Time Series Econometrics


Courses Taught

NMIMS, Hyderabad (June, 2016 - December, 2016)
  • Managerial Economics 
  • Business Environment & Macroeconomics 
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus (January, 2017 - till date)
  • Principles of Management
  • Money, Banking, & Financial Markets 
  • Project Appraisal
  • Principles of Economics
  • Macroeconomics


Foundation Courses For Undergraduate Engineers

  1. Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves (PHY F111 / PHY C131)  
  2. Electrical Sciences (EEE F111) 
  3. Electromagnetic Theory I (PHY C132)
  4. Measurement Techniques Lab I (TA C211)


Compulsory Discipline Courses for M.Sc. (Hons.) Physics

  1. Modern Physics (PHY C221)
  2. Solid State Physics (PHY C322)
  3. Optics (PHY F213) 
  4. Instrumental Methods of Analysis (PHY C391)
  5. Advanced Physics Lab (PHY F344)
  6. Electromagnetism and Optics Lab (PHY F214)
  7. Modern Physics Lab (PHY F244)


Compulsory Discipline Courses for EEE / ECE / INSTR

  1. Electronic Devices ( EEE / ECE / INSTR  F214) 


Ph.D. Courses

  1. Research Methodology (BITS E661)
  2. Selected Topics in Solid State Physics (PHY G531) 


Elective Courses

  1. Microfluidics and its Applications (BITS F417 / ME F423)
  2. Physics of Semiconductor Devices (PHY F426) 
  3. Physics Project Lab (PHY C231)


Study and Lab Oriented Projects

  1. (PHY F376 / PHY F377 / PHY F266 / BITS C323 / BITS C314)
  2. Passive Micromixers - Numerical Simulation, Analysis, Experiments
  3. Microfluidics
  4. Soft Lithography 


Teaching Labs

  1. Advanced Physics Lab
  2. Modern Physics Lab
  3. Electromagnetism and Optics Lab

Teaching at BITS

GS F223: Introduction to Mass Communication

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Discover a dynamic campus that is constantly evolving and expanding

Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani - Hyderabad campus is one of the premier technical and science institutes of higher learning in India.

The sprawling campus is built amidst lush greenery spreading over 200 acres of land at Jawahar Nagar, Shameerpet, Hyderabad. Surrounded by natural beauty, the campus is about 70 kilometers away from Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Shamshabad and 27 kilometers from Secunderabad railway station.

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Departments at Hyderabad Campus

The newest of the four BITS Pilani campuses, the Hyderabad campus currently houses 12 departments spanning the gamut of pure science and applied science. Each of these departments is notable for their excellent faculty, the curriculum offered, the research it conducts and the number of sponsored projects the department has won.

Research & Innovation

In any higher education system, research plays a crucial and integral role. Here at BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, we actively encourage research among both staff and students. The Institute accords adequate importance and support to applied research besides basic research, which forms the basis of all applied research.


Our centers are involved in varied activities ranging from Software Development and Robotics to Women's studies and Desert Development Technologies.

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About or Nearly 600 students from the Hyderabad campus sit for placements every semester, of these almost 100% succeed in securing a job.

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Dynamic. Cosmopolitan. Diverse. You’ll find all the energy of BITS – its cultural richness and spirit of innovation – right here on our Hyderabad campus. Take a look around in this 360° tour.


Higher Degree Courses
  • IPR and Pharmaceuticals 
  • Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
  •  Computer-Aided Drug Design
  • Advanced Pharmacology
  • Laboratory Projects
  • Chemistry of Macromolecules
  • Advanced Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Structure & Reactivity of Organic Compounds(As a part of WILP program of BITS delivered to Matrix Laboratories, Hyderabad)
First Degree Courses
  • Introduction to Molecular Biology and Immunology
  • Medicinal Chemistry-I
  • Medicinal Chemistry-II
  • Natural Drugs        
  • Chemistry of Organic Compounds
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Phytochemistry
  • Anatomy, Physiology & Health Education
  • Pharmaceutical Analysis
  • Measurement Techniques-I (Chemistry)
  • Chemistry-II


IS F341      Software Engineering (every 2nd semester since 2018-19)*
SS G515    Data Warehousing (every 1st semester since 2019-20)
SS ZG622  Software Project Management (every semester since 2018-19)

* Since Feb 2022 Visual Paradigm Online tool is used in this course.
The online diagramming tools (e.g. UMLBPMNArchiMateERD) are made available to BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus under the Academic Partner Program from Visual Paradigm Online for educational use.


1. Mechanics, Waves and Oscillations ( UG )   
2. Quantum Mechanics I ( PG )
3. Quantum Mechanics II ( PG )  
4. Theory of Relativity (PG)  
5. Mathematics II ( UG )
6. Nuclear and Particle Physics (PG) 
7. Phyics of Atoms and Molecules (PG) 
8. Quantum Field Theory (PG) 
9. Physics Lab I ( UG ) 


First Degree Courses:

  • Thermodynamics
  • Applied Thermodynamics
  • Power Plant Engineering
  • Automotive Vehicles
  • Automotive Technology
  • Combustion
  • Numerical Techniques for Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
  • Transport Phenomena-II
  • Workshop Practice

Higher Degree Courses:

  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Convective Heat & Mass Transfer

Off Campus Course:

  • Energy Management
  • Power Plant Engineering
  • Power Generation
  • Practice School-1
  • Practice School-2


Content Design & Development:

  • Mechanical Technology
  • FEM & FVM


I. Courses Taught at BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

(1) Signals and Systems (BE 2nd Year ECE/EEE/INSTR, 1 time, Feedback-9.41/10).

(2) Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic (BE 3rd Year ECE/EIE/EEE/CSE/IT, 5 times, average Feedback-9/10).

(3) Introduction to Artificial Neural Network (ME 1st year Communication/ Embedded system, 2 times, Feedback-9.68/10).

(4) Digital Signal Processing (BE, ECE/EIE/EEE students, 1 time)

 II. Labs Handled at BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

1. Signals and system using MATLAB (2 times, Feedback-9.09/10).

2. Neural Network and Deep Learning using MATLAB and Python (Feedback-7.46/10).

3. Digital Signal processing Lab using MATLAB (1 time) 

III. Courses Taught at Previous University

(1) Introduction to Information Theory (EET3061, BTech 7th Sem, ECE)

(2) Introduction to MATLAB (MTH 3006, BTech 4th Sem, EEE and CSE)

IV. Teaching Assistant in Courses at IIT Guwahati

(1) Biomedical Signal Processing (EE 626, Course Instructor: Prof. Samarendra Dandapat, Branches: BTech 7th Sem, MTech 1st sem, PhD)

(2) Linear Algebra and Optimization (EE 504, Course Instructor: Prof. Samarendra Dandapat, Branches: MTech 1st sem, PhD)

(3) Probability and random Processes (EE 506, Course Instructor: Prof. Samarendra Dandapat, Branches: MTech 1st sem, PhD) 


  1. PHY F110 - Physics Laboratory [Aug 2024- Dec 2024]

Currently teaching: Electromagnetic Theory I


  • Econometric Methods
  • Principles of Economics
  • Issues in Economic Development
  • Economic Environment of Business
  • Project Appraisal

Courses taught in BITS

  1. ME F414 Fuel Cell Science and Technology (UG) 2020, 2021, 2022
  2. ME F426 Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing (UG) 2020
  3. DE G513 Tribology (PG) 2020, 2021, 2022
  4. ENGG ZC232/PE ZC234 Engineering Materials (WILP UG) 2020, 2021, 2022
  5. MST-F332 Materials Processing (UG) 2021
  6. ME F216 Materials Science and Engineering Lab (UG) 2021, 2022
  7. ME F318 Computer Aided Design (UG) 2022


  1. CHEM F111:General Chemistry
  2. CHEM F110: Chemistry Laboratory
  3. CHEM G554:Physical Methods in Chemistry
  4. CHEM F313: Instrumental Methods of Analysis  
  5. CHEM F 414:Bio and Chemical Sensors
  6. BITS F225: Environmental Studies
  7. CHEM F242:Chemical Experimentation Lab 1


  • Electrical Sciences (EEE F111)
  • Electrical Machines : Theory & Lab (INSTR/EEE/ECE F211)
  • Power Electronics: Theory & Lab (EEE/INSTR F342)
  • Control Systems Lab.
  • Power Systems (EEE F312)

Screenshot 2024-08-26 160222

Electrical Science

Screenshot 2024-08-26 160222

Microelectronic Circuits

Screenshot 2024-08-26 160222

Digital Design

Screenshot 2024-08-26 160222

Analog and Digital VLSI design

Screenshot 2024-08-26 160222

Electrical Machines

Screenshot 2024-08-26 160222

Analog and Digital VLSI Design

Screenshot 2024-08-26 160222

Electrical and Electronics Circuit Lab

Screenshot 2024-08-26 160222

VLSI Design

Screenshot 2024-08-26 160222

VLSI Architecture

Screenshot 2024-08-26 160222

Embedded System Design


Academic Year 2024-25

First Semester

  • Mechanics, Waves and Oscillations
  • Introduction to Basic Science
  • Physics Laboratory


Year 2024-2025

  1. DE G531 Product Design (Higher Degree)


  • Thermodynamics BITS F111 (First semester 2022-23)


FD Courses (Regular Term)

  • BIO F110 (Biology Laboratory)
  • BIO F111 (General Biology)
  • BIO F212 (Microbiology)
  • BIO F216 (Water, Sanitation and Solid Waste Management)
  • BIO F241 (Ecology and Environmental Science)
  • BIO F441 (Biochemical Engineering BIO)
  • BIO F451 (Bioprocess Technology)
  • BITS F225 (Environmental Studies)
  • BITS F467 (Bioethics and Biosafety)
FD Courses (Summer Term)
  •  BITS F467 (Bioethics and Biosafety)


  • This semester, I am teaching two courses Principles of Economics (ECON F211) and Behavioural Economics (ECON F345).
  • Previously taught courses-
    • Microeconomics (ECON F242), Industrial Economics (ECON F314),  Game Theory and Its Applications (ECON F211), Mathematical and Statistical Methods (ECON F213),..
    • For Ph.D students- Topics of Mathematical Economics (ECON G548), Topics of Advanced Topics (ECON G513, focused on microeconomics theory),..


  • Physics F110 : Section 4  (2023)
  • Physics F242 : Quantum Mechanics I Summer course  (2023) 


S. No.

Course Title and No.









Applied Industrial Microbiology (2022-CPBIOCON)



  • Cinematic Art
  • Asian Cinemas and Cultures
  • Cultural Studies
  • Introduction to Mass Communication
  • Technical Report Writing 


Courses being taught at BITS Pilani, Hyderabad campus (Since August 2017):


Course name

Course type


General Biology (BIO F111)

First degree (FD)


Biology Laboratory (BIO F110)

First degree (FD)


Genetics (BIO F243)

First degree (FD)


Instrumental Methods of Analysis (BIO F244)

First degree (FD)


Plant Physiology (BIO F312)

First degree (FD)


Genomics (BIOT F346)

First degree (FD)


Project-oriented courses  (LOP- BIO F366, SOP-BIO F266, DOP-BIO F376)

First degree (FD)


Molecular Mechanisms of Gene expression (BIO G512)

Higher degree (HD)


Plant Biotechnology (BIO G643)

Higher degree (HD)


Study in Advanced Topics (SAT) (BITS G513)

Higher degree (HD)


WILP Online Course as part of B.Sc. Computer Science: General Biology

First Degree (Online course offered through Coursera)


WILP course: Advances in Industrial Microbiology (AIM)

Course taught in collaboration with BIOCON

Courses taught at the Ohio State University (OSU), USA (2003-2010)


Course name


Course type: Designed for


Molecular Genetics 605-Molecular Genetics I

Recitation Instructor

Advanced: Master’s and doctoral students


Molecular Genetics 606-Molecular Genetics II

Recitation Instructor

Advanced: Master’s and doctoral students


Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology (PCMB) 300

Lab and Recitation Instructor

Advanced: undergraduate Biology majors


Biology 114: Form, Function, Diversity, and Ecology

Lab and Recitation Instructor

Advanced: undergraduate Biology mjaors


Biology 113: Energy Transformation and Development

Lab and Recitation Instructor

Advanced: undergraduate Biology mjaors


PCMB 102: Plants, People and the Environment I


Introductory: undergraduate non-Biology majors


PCMB 101: Introduction to Plant Biology I: Plants, People and the Environment II

Lab and Recitation Instructor

Introductory: undergraduate non-Biology majors


Biology 101: Introduction to Biology

Lab and Recitation Instructor

Introductory: undergraduate non-Biology majors


Biology 102: Human Biology – A Case Studies Approach

Lab and Recitation Instructor

Introductory: undergraduate non-Biology majors


Biology102: Human Biology (Biology in films)

Recitation Instructor

Introductory: undergraduate non-Biology majors

 Mentoring Experience at the Ohio State University (OSU) and Indiana University (IU), USA

 · Mentored new teaching associates at the Center for Life Sciences Education, OSU.

· Mentored undergraduate students and international visiting scientists in research at OSU and IU (USA).

· Served as Orientation Facilitator on two different topics (Teaching & Learning; International Teaching Associates panel) during 2009 orientation for new Teaching Associates and faculty members at OSU (USA) organized by UCAT (University Center for Advancement of Teaching)

Qualification in National Eligibility Tests

 ·          National Eligibility Test for Lectureship in the subject of Life Sciences conducted by Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, India, during 1999.

·          National Eligibility Test for Lectureship/Assistant Professorship in Genetics (1999), conducted by Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB), New Delhi.



  1. Electro Magnetic Theory I
  2. Optics
  3. Electromagnetic Fields and Waves (EEE Students)
  4. Statistical Mechanics 
  5. General Mathematics 


  1. Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum Computing
  2. Applied Stochastic Processes  
  3. Advanced Solid State Physics
  4. Quantum Optics
  5. Particle Physics


  1. Mechanics waves and Oscillations
  2. Electrical sciences



  1. Physics Lab I 
  2. Modern Physics Lab
  3. Electro Magnetic Optics Lab


  • Molecular Immunology BIO-G514
  • General Biology BIO-F111
  • Biology Laboratory BIO- F110
  • Instrumental Methods of Analysis BIO-F244
  • Immunology BIO-F342 


Post Graduate Level Courses

  • Transportation Planning: CE G565

  • Transportation Data Analytics: CE G572 

  • Public Transportation: CE G566

  • Freight Transportation: CE G575

  • Highway Design: CE G535

  • Traffic Engineering and Safety: TEPWG ZG536 

Under Graduate Level Courses

  • Highway Engineering Tutorial: CE G244

  • Highway Engineering Lab: CE G244 

Teaching Experience 


  • Summer Semester 2024: Operating System - Tutorial (CSF372),  BITS Pilani, Hyderabad
  • Summer Semester 2024: Computer Programming Tutorial (CSF111), BITS Pilani Hyderabad 
  • Summer Semester 2022: Lectures on Course Module: Computer Vision and Image Analysis (CVIA), University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • Summer Semester 2019: Teaching Assistant on Course Module: Computer Vision, Object, and People Tracking, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
  • Summer Semester 2021: Teaching Assistant on Advanced Computer Vision and Deep Learning, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany



Course Name          





MEC 208 

Engineering Materials (Lecture) 



2010, 2011


MEC 532

Advanced Composite Materials (Lecture)           





MEC 483

Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Lecture)  





DE G513


(Lecture + Laboratory) 



2020, 2021


MST G522

Advanced Composite Materials (Laboratory) 






Practice School 




DE G522

Design Project (Research)






Engineering Graphics 

(Laboratory + Tutorial) 



2019, 2020, 2021


DE G631

Materials Technology & Testing

(Lecture + Laboratory) 



2019, 2020, 2021, 2022


ME G641

Theory of Elasticity & Plasticity (Laboratory) 





ETZ C416/

PEZ C413

Production Planning & Control

(WILP - Lecture) 


Working Professional



DEZ G663

Concurrent Engineering 

(Lecture + Laboratory) 



2021, 2022


DEZ C663/

QMZ G663

Concurrent Engineering

(WILP - Lecture)


 Working Professional




PEZ C234

Engineering Materials

(WILP - Lecture)


Working Professional



ME F216

Materials Science and Engineering (Laboratory)





ME F112

Workshop Practice






 ME F320


Engineering Optimization (Tutorial)                                [Credit-1]





1) Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves.
2) Physics Laboratory. 
3) Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
4) Electromagnetic Theory-1 
5) Study Project 


  • Principles of Economics
  • Microeconomics
  • Game Theory and its Applications
  • Regional Economics


Graduate Courses

  • Advanced Physical Pharmaceutics
  • Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  • Clinical Research
  • Research Methodology
  • Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology (WILP)

Undergraduate Courses

  • Physical Pharmacy
  • Biopharmaceutics
  • Pharmaceutical Formulations
  • Pharmaceutical Management and Quality Control
  • Dispensing Pharmacy
  • Disinfection and Sterilization Processes (WILP)


  • Introduction to Disability Studies (HSS F248)
  • Caste and Gender in India (HSS F369)
  • Cinematic Adaptation (HSS F325)
  • Literary Criticism (HSS F335)
  • Technical Report Writing (BITS F112)


Teaching Experience (F – FALL, S – SPRING)


Associate Professor, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad

2021 -

Courses Proposed

CE GXXX: Nondestructive Evaluation of Structures

CE GXXX: Climate Change Adaptation in Structural Engineering

Graduate Courses

CE G562: Advanced Concrete Technology (F24, S24, F23, F21)

Undergraduate Courses

CE F320: Design of Reinforced Concrete (F24, F23, F22, S22, F21)

CE F416: Computer Applications in Civil Engineering (S22, S23)

CE F242: Construction Planning and Technology (S24)

BITS F110: Engineering Graphics Laboratory (S22, S23)

Assistant Professor, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad

2015 - 2021

Courses Developed

CE F416: Computer Applications in Civil Engineering

CE G562: Advanced Concrete Technology


Graduate Courses Taught

CE G617: Advanced Structural Analysis (F20, F19, F18, F17, F16)

CE G562: Advanced Concrete Technology (F23, S21, S20, F19, F18, F17)


Undergraduate Courses Taught

CE F320: Design of Reinforced Concrete (F23, F22, S22, F21, F20, F19)

CE F416: Computer Applications in Civil Engineering (S22, S21, S20, S19, S18, S17, S16)

BITS F110: Engineering Graphics Laboratory (F21, F20, S19, S18, S16)

CE F230: Civil Engineering Materials Laboratory (F18)

MATH F113: Probability and Statistics (S17)

CE F311: Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures (F16, F15)     



Courses Taught in the past semesters:
Higher Degree Courses 
  • Coding Theory and Practice 
  • Advanced Digital Communications 
  • Applied Estimation Theory 
  • Advanced Wireless Communications
First Degree Courses: 
  • Communication Networks Tutorials
  • Microprocessors
  • Communication Systems Lab
  • Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Engineering Tutorials
Current Semester:
  • Mobile and Personal Communications - Higher Degree
  • Advanced Digital Communications - Higher Degree


 CS F211 Data Structures and Algorithms  (Tutorial  & Practical ) 

 CS F363 Compiler Construction (Practical)

IS ZC363 Data Structures and Algorithms (WILP  Course)

CS G526 Advanced Algorithms and Complexity (IC)

CS F214 Logic in Computer Science (IC)

BITS F232 Foundations of Data Structures (IC)

CS F222 Discrete Structures for Computer Science (Tutorial)

CS F351 Theory of Computation (Tutorial)




1. Power Electronics
2. Electrical Sciences
3. Transducers and Measurement Systems 
4. Digital Image Processing 
5. Electrical Machines
6. Control Systems 
7. Power Semiconductor Drives
8. Circuit Theory
9. Network Analysis
10. Switching Theory and Logic Design

BITS F110 Engineering Graphics

ME G532 Machine Tool Engineering


1) Theory of Relativity
2) Mathematical Methods of Physics
3)Mathematics 3 (Differential equations)
4) Mechanics Oscillations and Waves (Instruction and Tutorials)
5) Calculus (WILP)
6) Physics Lab
7) General Relativity and Cosmology
8) Classical Mechanics

New courses proposed and taught :

1) Geometrical Methods in Physics.  


As an instructor, I have achieved the following:

  1. I have had the opportunity to teach 17 unique courses (multiple times) over a span of 6 Years (2017-22). I taught/co-taught full lectures, labs, and tutorials for a wide variety of courses listed below. 
  2. Successfully taught courses with student populations exceeding 500, demonstrating my ability to manage and engage with large numbers of students.
  3. Managed a team of more than 10 co-instructors, effectively coordinating efforts, providing guidance, and ensuring consistent teaching standards across the team.
  4. Collaborated closely with co-instructors to design and deliver courses, fostering a cohesive learning experience for students and achieving positive outcomes through effective teamwork.
  5. Utilized innovative teaching methods, such as incorporating interactive activities and technology, to enhance student engagement and understanding, resulting in improved learning outcomes.
  6. Received positive student feedback (8-10) and evaluations, highlighting my effectiveness as an instructor and my ability to connect with and positively influence students' learning experiences.
  7. Actively pursued ongoing professional development teaching learning activities to enhance my teaching skills and stay updated with the latest educational practices, research areas in the field of biology reflecting my commitment to continuous improvement and growth as an instructor.

2017-2018: SemI (Aug 2017-Dec 2017)

BIO F212 : MICROBIOLOGY + IC + Lec (Full) + Lab (Co-taught with co-instructors) + 1 Tut (Full)

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY - 1 Tut (Full) [Course has >500 students]


2017-2018: Sem II (Jan 2018-May2018)

WILP: BITS BIOCON AIM 3 : Pharmaceutical Microbiology (Co-Taught)

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY - 1 Tut (Full) [Course has >500 students]

BIO F342 : IMMUNOLOGY-  IC + Lec (Co-Taught; Half course) + Tut (Co-Taught; Half course)

BIO G523 : ADV & APPLIED MICROBIO + Lec (Co-Taught; Half Course)


2018-2019: Sem I (Aug 2018- Dec 2018)

WILP: BITS BIOCON AIM4 : Pharmaceutical Microbiology  (Co-Taught)

BIO F212 : MICROBIOLOGY  IC + Lec (Full) + Lab + Tut (Full) 

BIO F211 : BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY + Lec (Co-Taught; Half Course) + Tut (Co-Taught; Half Course)







2018-2019 : Sem II (Jan 2018-May 2018)

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY + Lec (Co-Taught; Half Course) + 1 Tut (Full) [Course has >500 students]

BIO G523 : ADV & APPLIED MICROBIO + Lec (Co-Taught; Half Course) 


2019-2020 : Sem I (Aug 2019-Dec 2019)

BIO F110 : BIOLOGY LABORATORY + IC + 1 Section (Full) [Course has >500 students]

BITS F225 : ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES + IC + Lec (Co-taught; ⅓ course)[Course has >500 students]

BIO F212 : MICROBIOLOGY + IC + Lec (Full course) + Lab (Co-taught with co-instructors) 


2019-20 : Sem II (Jan 2019-May 2019)

WILP:  SSTM ZG512 : Sanitation and Public Health (Co-taught)

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY  1 Tut (Full) [Multi-section course has >500 students]

BIO F244 : INSTRU METHODS OF ANAL (Lab) (Co-taught)

BITS F467 : BIOETHICS & BIOSAFETY + IC + (Co-taught, half course)


2020-21: Sem I (Aug 2020-Dec 2020)

BIO F211 : BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY + IC + Lec (Full course) + Tut (Co-taught with co-instructor)

BIO G514 : MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY + Lec (Co-taught, half course)


2020-21: Sem II (Jan 2021-May2021)

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY + 1 Tut (Full) [Multi-section course has >500 students]

BIO F212 : MICROBIOLOGY + IC + Lec (Full course) + Lab (Co-taught with co-instructors) 


2021-2022: Sem I (Aug 2021-Dec 2021)

BIO F212 : MICROBIOLOGY + IC + Lec (Full) + Lab (Full with co-instructors) 

BITSF467: BIOETHICS & BIOSAFETY + IC + Lect (Half course, co-taught)


2021-2022 : Sem II (Jan - May 2022)

BIO G523 : ADV & APPLIED MICROBIO + Lec (Half course, co-taught) 

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY Part 1 - IC [Multi-section >250 Students]


2021-2022 Sem II (May-August 2022)

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY Part 2 - IC + Lec (Half course) + 1 Tut (Full) [Multi-section >300 students] 


2021-2022: Summer Term (May - Aug 2022)

BITS F467 : BIOETHICS & BIOSAFETY + IC + Lec (Full course)


2022-2023 : Sem I (Aug 2022-Dec 2022)

BIO F212 : MICROBIOLOGY - IC + Lec (Half course, co-taught) + Lab (Full with co-instructors)


2022-2023: Sem II (Jan 2023-May 2023)

BIO G523 : ADV & APPLIED MICROBIO +IC +  Lec (Half course, co-taught) + Lab (Full with co-instructors)


2022-2023 : Sem II (March 2023-July 2023)

BIO F111 : GENERAL BIOLOGY - 1 Tut (Full) [Multi-section >500 students]


Undergraduate Level Courses: 

  • Engineering Graphics
  • Remedial Mathematics
  • Construction Planning and Technology
  • Civil Engineering Practice
  • Geodesy
  • Surveying
  • Civil Engineering Materials
  • Mechanics of Solids
  • Measurement Techniques – II
  • Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
  • Soil Mechanics
  • Foundation Engineering
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Highway Engineering
  • Airport, Railways and Waterways
  • Soil Mechanics
  • Foundation Engineering
  • Mechanics of Solids
  • Lab Oriented Projects
  • Study Oriented Projects
  • Computer Projects
  • Design Projects
  • BE Thesis

Post Graduate Level Courses:

  • Advanced Composite Materials for Structures
  • Pavement Material Characterization
  • Pavement Analysis and Design
  • Pavement Design Maintenance and Management
  • Pavement Management Systems
  • Asset Management Systems
  • Pavement Maintenance
  • Highway Geometric Design
  • Airport Planning, Design and Management
  • Pavement Evaluation Field Project
  • Professional Practice – I
  • Research Practice - 1
  • Research Methodology – I
  • ME Dissertation


  • General Chemistry for 1st year students
  •  General Chemistry Laboratory for 1st year students
  • Physical Chemistry - IV for M. Sc. (Hons.) students
  • Chemical Experimentation Lab course for M. Sc.(Hons.) students
  • Instrumental Methods of Analysis Lab session for M. Sc.(Hons.) students
  • Nanochemistry (elective). This course has a compulsory lab component.
  • Chemistry of Materials (elective)



Higher Degree Courses

          Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Pharmacy
           Dosage Form Design
           Advanced Drug Delivery Systems
           Pharmaceutical Biostatistics
          Quality by Design in Pharmaceutical Product Development

First Degree Courses

          Industrial Pharmacy
          Pharmaceutical Formulations and Biopharmaceutics
          Process Engineering
          Pharmaceutical Unit Operations - I 
          Pharmaceutical Unit Operations - II

Work Integrated Learning Program (WILP) Courses

The following short term courses were designed and are being taught to executives of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.:

          Design of Experiments (DoE) 


Foundation Courses for Undergraduate Students :

  • Mechanics, Oscillations & Waves (Physics - I)
  • Electromagnetic Theory - I (Physics - II)
  • General Physics
  • Structure and Properties of Materials 
  • Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves Lab

Compulsory Disciplinary Courses for M.Sc Physics Students :

  • Solid State Physics
  • Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy 
  • Advanced Physics Lab
  • Modern Physics Lab
  • Electromagnetism and Optics Lab
  • Instrumental Methods of Analysis 
  • Introduction to Nanoscience (Elective Course)
  • Thin Film Technology (Elective Course)

WILP Courses :

  • Engineering Materials (ENGG ZC232 ; Non - Specific Course )
  • Engineering Materials (PEAB ZC232 ; Specific Course)

Ph. D Courses :

  • Materials Physics 
  • Materials Science


On Campus:

  1. Advanced Calculus
  2. Complex Variables
  3. Linear Algebra
  4. Probability & Statistics 
  5. Mathematics-I
  6. Mathematics-II
  7. Optimization
  8. Operations Research
  9. Numerical Analysis
  10. Differential Geometry
  11. Queuing Systems
  12. General Mathematics II


Off Campus:

  1. Engg. Mathematics-I
  2.  Engg. Mathematics-II
  3. Probability & Statistics
  4. Optimization
  5. Linear Algebra & Optimization

Courses offered

  1. Disaster and Development 
  2. Humanistic Theory of Science and Technology 
  3. Science Technology and Modernity 
  4. Introduction to Philosophy of Science 
  5. Environment, Development and Climate Change 


  • Thermodynamics
  • Fluid mechanics
  • Heat transfer
  • Refrigeration and air conditioning
  • Prime movers and fluid machinery
  • Power plant engineering
  • Measurement techniques
  • Workshop practice
  • Engineering materials
  • Mechanics of solids
  • Renewable energy
  • Energy systems engineering
  • Wind energy
  • Energy Management

Projects/First degree theses/ Higher degree dissertations guided/guiding

·       More than  60 projects/theses/Dissertations covering various areas of research viz. Energy efficiency in process industries, application of multi – criteria analyses based decision making models using fuzzy logic principles, use of geographic information systems for the estimation of energy demand for solar energy utilization, techno – economic analysis of solar hot water systems; Heat transfer; Refrigeration and air conditioning; Web based survey and analysis of survey data; Automation of Practice school division of BITS, Pilani; Software developmental projects for computerization of various activities of Academic Registration and Counselling Division (ARCD) of BITS, Pilani – Hyderabad Campus (please see “Academic administration activities” for more details).

·       First-degree thesis in the area of modifications of heat and momentum transfer analyses of liquid flat plate collectors.

·       Higher Degree dissertation in the area of automation of Practice School Division.

Specific accomplishments/Distinctions

·       Rated as one of the excellent teachers of Thermal Engineering courses at BITS, Pilani, Dubai and Hyderabad Campuses

·       Delivered a lecture on Thermodynamics in the presence of Dr. Abdul KalamEx- President of Republic of India during his visit to BITS, Pilani Dubai campus

Lab establishment activities

As a faculty member of Thermal Engineering, established

· Three laboratories viz. Transport Phenomena, Prime Movers & Fluid Machines and Renewable energy laboratories at BITS, Pilani – Hyderabad Campus.

· Two laboratories viz. Transport Phenomena and Prime Movers & Fluid Machines at BITS Pilani Dubai campus starting from the identification of vendors to inspection to the commissioning of the equipment.

· different thermal engineering/energy related equipment for Thermal engineering laboratories at BITS, Pilani

Equipment procured include various equipment to study thermo-physical properties of materials, convective heat and mass transport equipment, heat exchange equipment, various fluid flow measuring devices, various types of Internal combustion engines, turbines, compressors, pumps etc. along with test rigs and data acquisition systems.


Foundation Courses for Undergraduates

  • PHY F111 - Mechanics, Oscillations, and Waves
  • PHY F112 - General Physics
  • PHY F212 - Electromagnetic Theory 1
  • EEE F111 - Electrical Science 1
  • PHY F110 - Physics Lab 1

Compulsory Discipline Courses for M.Sc. (Hons.) Physics

  • PHY F242 - Quantum Mechanics 1
  • PHY F341 - Solid State Physics
  • PHY F214 – Electromagnetism & Optics Lab
  • PHY F244 - Modern Physics Lab
  • PHY F344 - Advanced Physics Lab

Elective Courses

  • PHY F379 - Thin Film Technology
  • PHY F417 - Experimental Methods of Physics
  • PHY F414 - Physics of Advanced Materials
  • BITS F416 - Introduction to Nanoscience

PhD Courses

  • PHY G531 - Selected Topics in Solid State Physics
  • BITS G649 – Reading Course

Study and Lab Oriented Projects

  • Magnetic Thin Films and Nanostructures
  • Micromagnetic Simulations
  • Non-Destructive Testing of Materials
  • Flexible magnetoimpedance sensor

Courses Taught

Post Graduate level: 

  1. ME G 511 Mechanisms and Robotics
  2. MSE G511 Mechatronics
  3. ME G532 Machine tool Engineering


Graduate level: 

  1. MF F311 Mechatronics and Automation
  2. BITS F110 Engineering graphics
  3. BITS F110 Workshop practice
  4. ME F211 Mechanics of solids
  5. ME F244 Kinematics & Dynamics of Machinery
  6. ME F213 Materials Science & Engineering
  7. MF F341 Design of Machine Tools
  8. BITS F441 Robotics  
  9. BITS F327 Artificial Intelligence for Robotics
  10. ME F221 Mechanisms and Machines

Off campus courses: 

  1. Engineering measurements
  2. Mechanical technology
  3. Maintenance & safety
  4. Mechatronics and Automation
  5. Mechanical Engineering Design 

UG Courses

Fall Semester 2024-2025

ECE F311: Communication Systems

EEE F311: Communication Systems

ECE F314: Electromagnetic Fields & Microwave Engineering


  1. Analog and Digital VLSI Design
  2. Microelectronic Circuits
  3. Electronic Devices
  4. Analog Electronics
  5. Electrical Sciences
  6. Advanced VLSI Architectures

List of Courses

1. Chemical Process Technology - CHE F419 (4 Semesters)

2. Thermodynamics Lecture &Tutorials - BITS F111 ( 4 Semesters)

3. Corrosion Engineering - CHE F433 (5 Semesters )

4. Materials Science & Engineering / Engineering Materials (4 Semesters)

5. Measurement Techniques 2 lab - TA C222 (3 Semesters)

6. Separation Processes II - CHE F313 (4 Semesters)

7. Fluid Mechanics - CHE F212 (3 Semesters) 

8. Environmental Pollution Control - CHE F411 (3 Semesters)

9.  Composite Materials and Design - ME F452 / Advanced Composites - DEZG 526 (2 Semesters)  (Semester-1/2020-21: 8 hrs video recording for WILP)

10. Chemical Engineering Laboratory 2 - CHE F341 (3 Semesters)

11. Materials Processing - MST F332 (4 Semesters)

12. Introduction to Nanoscience & Technology - CHE G528 (1 Semester)

13. Paper and Pulp Technology - CHE G529 (1 Semester)

14. Chemical Engineering Laboratory 1 - CHE F312 (2  Semesters)

15. Process Equipment Design - CHE F412 ( 6 semesters including WILP)

16. Biological treatment Principles and Design for wastewater systems (1 Semester)

17. Advances in Materials, Composites and Plastics-AEZG612 (1 Semester)

18.  Research Methodology - BITS G661 ( 2 Semesters)

19. Environmental Studies - BITS F225 (2 Semesters)



What I teach

  • Economic Analysis of Public Policy
  • Game Theory & Its Applications (Some of my lectures on Game Theory can be accessed here: Game Theory & Its Applications )
  • Issues in Economic Development (Some of my lectures on Development Economics can be accessed here: Durgeshonomics)
  • Indian Economic Development
  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Industrial Economics
  • Principles of Economics
  • Public Finance
  • Money, Banking, and Financial Markets

Advanced Physical Chemistry (Chem G553)



  1. Digital Design (UG)
  2. Electromagnetic Theory (UG)
  3. Electrical Science (UG)
  4. RF Microelectronics (PG)
  5. Microprocessor and interfacing (UG)
  6. Analog Electronics (UG)


  1. RF and Microwave Eng (PG)
  2. Electromagnetic Theory (UG)
  3. EM fields and Microwave Eng (UG)

PHA F312 Medicinal Chemistry 1 (Instructor)

Teaching Experience


Courses Teaching in First Semester 2024-2025 at BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus:
1) Lean Manufacturing (First degree course)
Courses Taught in Second Semester 2023-2024 at BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus:
1) Manufacturing Processes (First degree course)
2) Quality Control, assurance and reliability (First degree course)
Courses Taught in First Semester 2023-2024 at BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus:
1) Manufacturing Management (First degree course)
2) Lean Manufacturing (First degree course)
3) Workshop Practices (First degree course)
Courses Taught in Second Semester 2022-2023 at BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus:
1) Manufacturing Processes (First degree course)
2) Machine Tool engineering (Higher degree course)  
Courses  Taught in First Semester 2022-2023 at BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus:
1) Manufacturing Management (First degree course)
2) Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing (First degree course)
Courses  Taught in Second Semester 2021-2022 at BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus:
1) Manufacturing Processes (First degree course)
2) Workshop Practices (First degree course)
3) Product Design (Higher degree course) 
Courses  Taught in First Semester 2021-2022 at BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus:
1) Advanced Manufacturing Processes (First degree course)
2) Workshop Practices (First degree course)
3) Computer Aided Analysis and Design (Higher degree course) 

Courses Taught in Second Semester 2020-2021 at BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus:

1) Manufacturing Processes (First degree course)

2) Workshop Practices (First degree course)

3) Computer Aided Design (First degree course)
Courses Taught in First Semester 2020-2021 at BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus:
1) Production Techniques II (First degree course)
2) Workshop Practices (First degree course)
3) Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity (WILP Higher degree course) 
4) Lean Manufacturing (Higher Degree Course) 
Courses Taught in Summer Semester 2019-2020 at BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus:
1) Total Quality Management (Higher Degree Course) 
Courses Taught in Second Semester 2019-2020 at BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus:
1) Production Techniques I (First degree course)
2) Computer Aided Design (First degree course)
3) Machine Tool Engineering (Higher degree course)
Courses Taught in First Semester  2019-2020 at BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus:
1) Production Techniques II (First degree course)
2) Quality Control, assurance and reliability (First degree course)
3) Tribology (Higher degree course)
Courses Taught in Second Semester  2018-19 at BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus: 
1) Production Techniques 1 (First degree course)
2) Production and Operations Management (Higher degree course)
Courses Taught at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, India (Sept 2015-Jan 2019):
1) Industrial Metallurgy and Materials (Undergraduate course)
2) Manufacturing Processes (Undergraduate course)
3) Metal Forming (Undergraduate & Post Graduate course)
4) Operations Management (BE-MBA, Dual degree course)
5) Manufacturing Technology (Undergraduate course)
6) Capstone Project (Undergraduate course)

August to December 2024

  • Electronic Devices (1h of tutorial per week)
  • Electronic Instruments & Instrumentation Technology (4h of labs per week)



Following different courses taught/currently teaching (including WILP)
Thermodynamics (BITS F111)
Heat Transfer Operation lab (CHE C351)
Petroleum Ref & Petrochemicals (CHE G512)
Measurement Tech. II (TA C222)
Mass Transfer Operation (CHE C361)
Control system (AAOC C321)
Kinetics reactor design ( CHE F311 & CHE C312)
Process dynamics and Control (CHE F342)
Environmental Pollution Control (CHE F411)
Chemical Engg Lab-II (CHE F341)
Chemical engineering thermodynamics (CHE F213)
Petroleum refinery Engineering (CHE G617)
Research methodology-1 (BITS G661)
Engineering chemistry (CHE F214)
Study oriented project CHE F266/F267
Lab oriented Project CHE F366/367
Environmental studies (BITS F225)
Separation process -II (CHE F313)
Reaction Engineering (CHE G641)
Off campus (WILP)
Environmental Pollution Control (POWAB ZC411)
Transport Phenomena (PERL ZC316)
Environmental Pollution Control (PERL ZC361)
Fundamental of transport process (PE ZC318)

WILP Courses

  • SS ZG527 Cloud Computing (IC )

Previous Semesters

  • CS F111 Computer Programming (IC)
  • CS F301 Principles Of Programming Language (Instructor)
  • BITS F466 Service-Oriented Computing (IC) 
  • IS F341 Software Engineering (IC)
  • CSG527 Cloud Computing (IC)
  • BITS G553 Real-Time Systems (IC)
  • CS F213 Object-Oriented Programming (IC)
  • CS G516 Advanced Database Systems (IC)
  • CSF212 Database Systems (Instructor)

Current Semester

  • CSF212 DATABASE SYSTEMS (Role: Instructor)

Classroom Courses

Fall 2024

EEE G626: Hardware-Software Codesign (MSc Embedded Systems)

This is a hands on course focusing on Xilinx Zynq SoC platform-based system design. Students are expected to have background in Verilog HDL and C programming language. Detailed couse handout can be found Here

Lecture 1 : Introduction [Slides]       
Lecture 2 : Overview [Slides]
Lecture 3 : Zynq Architecture[Slides]
Lecture 4 : AXI Protocol[Slides]
Lecture 5 : Device Drivers (Standalone OS)[Slides]
Lecture 6 : Direct Memory Access[Slides]
Lecture 7 : Design of an Image processing IP[Slides]
Lecture 8 : Real-time Operating Systems[Slides]
Lecture 9 : High-level Synthesis[Slides]


  • I will be teaching the first-year course "Mechanics, Oscillation, and Waves" in the coming Sep 2024-Jan 2025.
  • I will also be taking the Physics Lab for the above mentioned semester.


In Semester II, 2024-25, I am teaching the following two courses: (i) Particle Physics and (ii) General Theory of Relativity(GTR) and Cosmology.

Earlier semester(s):

  • In Semester I, 2024-25, I have taught two courses: Quantum Mechanics for Engineers (a UG course) and Quantum Theory & Applications(a PhD level course)
  • In Semester II, 2023-24, I have taught the course Electromagnetic Theory II.
  • In Semester I, 2023-24, I have taught the course Electromagnetic Theory I.
  • In Semester II, 2022-23,  I have taught  (i) Astronomy and Astrophysics and (ii) Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves. 
  • In Semester I, 2022-23,  I have taught  (i) Statistical Physics & Applications(a PhD level course) and (ii) Particle Physics
  • In Semester II, 2021-22,  I have taught (i) Quantum Mechanics I and (ii) General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology. 
  • In Semester I, 2021-22, I have taught (i) Quantum Physics and Application(a PhD level course) and (ii) Statistical Mechanics. 
  • In Semester II, 2020-21, I have taught (i) Theory of Relativity and (ii) Cosmology. 
  • In Semester I, 2020-21, I have taught (i) Particle Physics and (ii) GTR and Cosmology.

The set of courses that I taught in BITS: I have taught the following courses: (i)Mechanics, Oscillations & Waves, (ii) Electrodynamics, (iii) Classical Mechanics,

(iv)Quantum Mechanics I & II, (v) Modern Physics, (vi)Statistical Mechanics, (vii)Mathematics III (Differential Equations and it's application),

(vii) Nuclear & Particle Physics, (viii) Theory of Relativity, (ix)Particle Physics, (x) Introduction to Astronomy & Astrophysics,

(xi)General Theory of Relativity & Cosmology, (xii) Physics Laboratory I, (Xiii) Advanced Physics Lab.


Quantum Mechanics I (PHY F242) 
Course description
This course will provide the basic grounding in Quantum Mechanics for the undergraduate students.  Topics to be covered in this course are (i) Fundamental concept (Hilbert space, Bra, Ket vectors, Operators, uncertainty relations, Wave functions), (ii) Quantum Dynamics (Time evolution of wave function, the  Schrodinger vs Heisenberg picture, SHO), (iii) Angular Momemtum (Rotations and angular momentum commutations relation, spin 1/2 system, eigen values and eigenstates of angular momentum, orbital angular momemtum, angular  momentum addition), (iv) Symmetry in quantum mechanics (symmetries, conservation laws and degeneracies, discrete symmetries etc), (v) Time-Independent perturbation theory, non-degenerate and degenerate cases, Stark effect and Zeeman effect. (vi) Variational principle and its application.

Text Books:

TB1:  Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, D. J. Griffith, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education.

Reference Books:
RB1: Modern Quantum Mechanics, J. J. Sakurai, Pearson Education, Twelfth Impression, 2013.
RB2: Quantum Physics, S. Gasiorowicz, Wiley 1974. 

General Theory of Relativity & Cosmology (PHY F415)
Course description

This course aims to introduce the basic concepts of  General Theory of Relativity and it's application in Cosmology i.e. to know the behavior of the universe at large scale. After reviewing basic concepts of special relativity (in 4 vector formalism), the notion of tensor, covariant derivative, geodesics, curvature tensor, Ricci tensor, Ricci scalar, Einstein tensor and hence the Einstein  equations will be derived. The Schwarzschild black hole solution of the Einstein equation will be discussed, which will be followed by Physics near the massive objects. The FRW cosmology will be discussed at a length and finally inflationary cosmology will be introduced in brief.

Text Books:

TB1: A short course in General Theory of Relativity, Foster and Nightingale (Springer).

Reference Books:
RB1: S. Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology, John Wiley, New York, (1972).
RB2: M. Rowan-Robinson, Cosmology, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press (1996).
RB3: J. A. Peacock: Cosmological Physics, Cambridge University Press (1999).
RB2: Modern Cosmology, Scott Dodelson, Academic Press (2006).
To the students -
  • For the class schedule, evaluation components, make-up policy, please refer the course handout which are available in your respective google classroom page or LMS quanta page.
  • For joining into the class, refer the meet-links shared via google calender with you.

Courses Taught/Teaching

  • ECON F412/FIN F313 Security Analysis & Portfolio Management
  • ECON F315/FIN F315 Financial Management
  • MMZG627 Managerial Corporate Finance
  • BITS G661 Research Methodology
  • ECON F354/FIN F311 Derivatives and Risk Management
  • BITS F421T Thesis
  • BITS F221/BITS F231 Practice School-1
  • ECON F376 Design Project
  • ECON F266 Study Oriented Project

Course list

  • Bachelors Courses

General Chemistry (CHEM F110)

Environmental Science (BITS F225)

First year practical course (CHEM F111)

  • Masters courses

Instrumental Methods of Analysis (CHEM F313)

Inorganic Chemistry II (CHEM F 241)

Instrumental Analysis lab course (CHEM F314)

  • PhD courses

Physical Methods in Chemistry (CHEM G554)

Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (CHEM G552)

Student Interaction


Most of these courses have been conducted multiple times over the past nine years. The primary objective is to engage learners and facilitate them to find their motivation in each course in a practical, real world based and personalized manner. The courses should add some significant meaning to the learners in terms of skills and comprehension of the workings of the world (both experimental and cerebral are of equal importance, learn by doing is the motto). The learners are encouraged to integrate science and engineering, academic and real world and experimental and simulation techniques.

Engineering Chemistry (second year core course)

Materials Science and Engineering (second year core course)

Materials Characterization (third year Materials Science Minor Program core course)

Materials Processing (third year Materials Science Minor Program core course) 

Chemical Engineering Laboratory - I (third year core course)

Chemical Engineering Laboratory - II (third year core course) 

Separation Process (third year core course)

Process Control and Dynamics (third year core course)

Chemical Process Technology (elective)

Process plant Safety (elective)

Polymer Technology (elective)

Intro to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (elective) 

Thermodynamics (institute wide course)

Environmental Studies (institute wide course)

Research Methodology (first year Masters core course) 

Engineering Materials (non-specific WILP course)

Certification program/courses conducted in Instrumentation, Sensors and Controls at Grasim Industries, Nagda 

Laboratory Oriented Project Course:

Topics include Polymerization kinetics, Investigation of polymerization induced phase separation, Development of value-added products from biomaterials and Development of biomaterial formulations for microencapsulation applications by using electrospinning, development of sizing agents for carbon fiber composites, materials characterization to investigate and enhance the performance of phenolic resin based composites and relaxation behavior studies of solid polymer electrolytes in lithium ion batteries) and 3D printing of biopolymers for biomedical applications.

Study Oriented Project Course:

Topics include Development and characterization of biocomposites, Thermodynamic studies of protein and pharmaceutical interactions, Carbon nanotubes for flow sensor applications, Relaxational behavior of complex systems, Amorphization of pharmaceuticals and Development and interfacial characterization of carbon fiber based composites) 

Guest lectures provided for course titled Bio-conversion Technology and offered by Dept. of Biological Sciences 


  • Ph.D. Thesis (co-supervisor): Nanomechanical and physico-chemical characterization of keratin proteins in human hair (2014-2019, completed project).
  • Undergraduate thesis (supervisor): Development of a model based on configurational entropy in studying dynamic heterogeneity and non-linearity for various glassy materials, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus (2021, completed project).
  • Undergraduate thesis (supervisor): Thermodynamic and microstructural studies of urea-zein protein composites, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus (2015, completed project).
  • Undergraduate thesis (co-supervisor): Development of Bio-based formulations for electrospinning in obtaining nanofibers for encapsulation applications. The project is conducted in collaboration with Dr. Chandra Shekhar Sharma, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, IIT-Hyderabad (2014, completed project).

Courses Taught

Sem I 2024-25 (Ongoing)

BIO F110 BIOLOGY LABORATORY - Instructor-in-charge

BIOT F346 GENOMICS - Instructor-in-charge

Sem II 2023-24

BIO F111 GENERAL BIOLOGY - Instructor & Lecturer


Sem I 2023-24


BIO G510 APPL OF COMP AND STATS IN BIOLOGY - Instructor-in-charge

Sem II 2022-23


BIOT F346 GENOMICS - Instructor-in-charge



Broad Areas: Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Solid state Chemistry, Inorganic Materials Chemistry
Regular BE/MSc Courses: (2010 onward)

2010-2011 1st: Chem C141, Chemistry 1, TAC211, Measurement Technique 1

2010-2011 2nd:ESGC242, Structure-properties of materials , Chem C 411, Chemical Experimentation

2011-2012 1st:Chem C141, Chemistry 1, TAC211, Measurement Technique

2011-2012 2nd: ESGC242, Structure-properties of materials, Chem C 411, Chemical Experimentation

2012-2013 1st Chem F214, Inorganic Chemistry 1, Chem F111, General Chemistry  Chem F110, Chemistry Lab

2012-2013 2nd ChemC411, Chemical Experimentation, Chem F 110, Chemistry Lab.

2013-14 1st    ChemF214, Inorganic Chemistry 1,  Chem F 110, Chemistry Lab.

2013-14 2nd  Chem F 343, Inorganic Chemistry III, ChemC411, Chemical Experimentation(II), Chem F325, Polymer Chemistry.

2014-15 1st    ChemF214, Inorganic Chemistry 1, Chem F326, Solid State Chemistry,  Chem F 110, Chemistry Lab.

2014-15 2nd   ChemC411, Chemical Experimentation (II) , Chem F 325, Polymer Chemistry,  Chem F 343, Inorganic Chemistry III.

2015-2016 1st ChemF214, Inorganic Chemistry 1, Chem F326, Solid State Chemistry, Chem F312, Physical Chemistry IV.

2015-16 2nd ChemC411, Chemical Experimentation (II) , Chem F 343, Inorganic Chemistry III 

2016-2017 1st ChemF214, Inorganic Chemistry 1, Chem F326, Solid State Chemistry, Chem F312, Physical Chemistry IV

2016-17 2nd Chem C 411, Chemical Experimentation (II) , Chem F 343, Inorganic Chemistry III 

2017-2018 1st ChemF214, Inorganic Chemistry 1, Chem F326, Solid State Chemistry, Chem F312, Physical Chemistry IV

2017-2018 2nd Chem C411, Chemical Experimentation (II) , Chem F 343, Inorganic Chemistry III 

2018-2019 1st ChemF214, Inorganic Chemistry 1, Chem F312, Physical Chemistry IV, Chem F 110, Chemistry Lab.

2018-2019 2nd Chem F 110, Chemistry Lab. , Chem F 343, Inorganic Chemistry III.

2018-2019 Summer(May-2019-July-2020): Practice School I Faculty (Area: bio-medical/Bio-pharma)

2019-2020 1st Chem F 214, Inorganic Chemistry I, Chem F 110, Chemistry Lab., Chem F 111, General Chemistry 

2019-2020 2nd Chem F 110, Chemistry Lab., Chem F 343, Inorganic Chemistry III.

2020-2021 1st  Chem F214, Inorganic Chemistry I, Chem F 110, Chemistry Lab., Chem F 111, General Chemistry

2020-2021 2nd Chem F 110, Chemistry Lab., Chem F 343, Inorganic Chemistry III,  Chem F 411, Chemical Experimentation, II

2021-2022 1st  Chem F214, Inorganic Chemistry I, Chem F 111, General Chemistry, Oct. 2021-Jan 2022

2021-2022 2nd Chem F 110, Chemistry Lab. (SPOT ADM May-Aug. 2022, Chem F 343, Inorganic Chemistry III,  Chem F 411, Chemical

                                Experimentation, II, Chem F 111,General Chemistry (SPOT ADM Jan 29-April 30).  
2022-2023 1st Chem F214, Inorganic Chemistry I, Chem F 111, General Chemistry, (Oct. 2022-Feb 2023)

2022-2023 2nd Chem F 110, Chemistry Lab. (March -July 2023, Chem F 326, Solid State Chemistry. 

2023-2024 1st Chem F214, Inorganic Chemistry I, Chem F 111, General Chemistry.

2023-2024 2nd Chem F 110, Chemistry Laboratory, Chem F 326, Solid State Chemistry.

Summer Term, 2023-2024, Chem F 366, Laboratory Project.

2024-2025 1st Chem F214, Inorganic Chemistry I, Chem F 111, General Chemistry.

Project and Pre-Phd Courses:

BE and M. Sc. (3-4 units):  Lab. Project, Study Project, Designed Project, Special Project

Pre-Phd courses (5-6 level, 5 unit credit): (1) Research Project(I) (Topics/Titles: Synthesis, advanced characterization

and properties study, Advances in analytical chemistry, Application of chemical and Instrumental Techniques for materials synthesis.

(at advanced level)), (2) Research Project (II) (Topic: Fine particle magnetism including structure properties correlation),

(3) Physical Methods in Chemistry.

[*(2006-2010):Domain of Teaching Involvements in courses (Old Curriculum): CHEM I, CHEM II, MT I, MT II, SPM, CE II, CPL

along with project courses (SOP, LOP, COP)  

2021, 1st-Sem Onward : 

2021-2022 1st: Design Projects (# students 7), Study Project (# student 1)

2021-2022 2nd: Lab. Project (# students 1),  Study Project (# students 3)

                                  Physical Methods in Chemistry, Chem G 554 (Pre-Phd course)

2022-2023 1st: Design Projects (# students 3), Study Project (# student 3)

2022-2023 2nd: Lab. Project (# students 1),  Study Project (# students 5)

2023-2024 1st: Lab. Project (# students 3),  Study Project (# students 1), Design Project (# students 2) 

2023-2024 2nd: Lab. Project (# students 2),  Study Project (# students 1), Design Project (# student 2)

                                  Research Projects - I ( BITS G 529) (Pre-PhD), Application of Chemical and Instrumental

                                  Analytical Techniques for materials Synthesis  (# students 1) 

2024-2025 1st: Lab. Project (# students 1),  Study Project (# students 1)

                                 Research Projects - II ( BITS G 539) (Pre-PhD), Structural Characterization and nanomagnetism in

                                 Solid State Materials (# students 1)


Research Methodology- I (BITS E661)

Introduction to Globalization (HSS F317)


  1. Electrical Sciences EEE F111
  2. Electrical Machines EEE/ECE/INSTR F211
  3. Power Systems EEE F312



To be updated soon.



Courses I have taught

At BITS Pilani, Goa Campus

  • Number Theory
    • Sem-I, AY 2023-24
    • Sem-II, AY 2022-23
  • Introduction to Topology
    • Sem-I, AY 2022-23
  • Mathematics-II: Linear Algebra and Complex Analysis*
    • Sem-II, AY 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24
  • Mathematics-I: Multivariable Calculus*
    • Sem-I, AY 2021-22, 2023-24
  • Probability and Statistics*
    • Sem-II, AY 2021-22

* This is a multi-section course.

At IISER Tirupati

  • Spring 2020: Rings and Modules
  • Monsoon 2019: Point set Topology

At IISER Pune (as a TA during my PhD)

  • Introduction to Proof
  • Multivariable Calculus
  • Linear Algebra
  • Introduction to Computing
  • Point Set Topology

Online Courses

Verilog HDL with Quartus and Modelsim

In this playlist we go through the fundamentals of Verilog HDL and modelling of basic digital circuit elements using Verilog. The fundamental takeaway is although Verilog syntax looks like other programming languages (such as C) and it is a Turing complete language, it is more of a hardware description language. HDLs were initially introduced more as a way for efficient documentation and simulation and was later adopted for synthesis also. As a hardware designer, the structure and operation of the circuit should be in your mind and you are describing it in Verilog. It is then up to the EDA tools to interpret your description and implement using a target technology (such as FPGA). The main challenge here is to properly and efficiently describe the hardware. For demonstration, we use Modelsim simulator and Intel Quartus but the concept and code can be used with any HDL EDA tools.

Reconfigurable Embedded Systems with Xilinx Zynq APSoC

This playlist provides sample applications implemented on Xilinx Zynq APSoC platform through Xilinx Vivado design suite. Most of the examples follow hardware-software codesign approach and is the base for my hardware-software co-design course. Viewers are expected to be conversant with Verilog HDL and C programming language to follow the contents.

LPC2378 Embedded C Programming with Keil

This playlist contains sample embedded programming for LPC2378 microcontroller. These videos are recorded as part of the Embedded Systems Design Course offered at BITS Pilani, Goa (EEE G512). 

Internet of Things (IoT) with Amazon AWS

This playlist introduces Amazon AWS IoT core platform. Since the videos were created a few years back, some of the steps might have changed in the latest AWS platform. 



Professional Ethics, Symbolic Logic, Logic in Computer Science, Introductory Philosophy, Theoretical Approaches to Liberal Studies, Research Methodology, Research Ethics, and Introduction to Contemporary Art


  1. Introductory Philosophy
  2. Introduction to Philosophy of Science
  3. Research Ethics
  4. Symbolic Logic
  5. Applied Philosophy


  • Embedded System Design
  • Real Time Systems
  • Microprocessors and Interfacing
  • Digital Design
  • Hardware Software Co-design 
  • Software for Embedded Systems
  • Digital Image Processing

Courses Taught

Prof. Sachin Waigaonkar is engaged in teaching a diverse array of courses at the university, encompassing both on-campus classes and Work Integrated Learning Programs. His expertise lies in the fields of Manufacturing, Quality Control, and the Design and Manufacturing of advanced materials, particularly Polymer Composites. Some of the courses he instructs include:

First Degree (Undergraduate)

  • Composite Materials and Design
  • Quality Control, Assurance and Reliability
  • Production Techniques-I
  • Production Techniques-II
  • Workshop Practice
  • Thermodynamics

Higher Degree ( Post Graduate)

  • Advanced Composites
  • Material Technology and Testing
  • Product Design

Work Integrated Learning Programme (WILP)

  • Advances in Materials, Plastics and Composites ( Tata Motors Pune, Cummins India Pvt.Ltd. Pune, Tata Technolgies Pune)
  • Advanced Composites
  • Flexible Manufacturing Systems

Courses Taught at Goa Campus

  • Introduction to Functional Analysis
  • Mathematics-I (Calculus)
  • Mathematics-II (Linear Algebra and Complex Analysis)
  • Mathematics-III (Ordinary Differential Equation and Partial Differential Equations)
  • Mathematical Methods
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Nonlinear Optimization
  • Optimization
  • Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Partial Differential Equations

WILP Courses Handled

  • Optimization

Projects (COP/SOP/LOP)

  • Numerical Analysis of Transient Response of a Chemical Reactor (Student: Nita Chandrasekhar).
  • A Computational Approach to Optimality Conditions in Mathematical Programming (Student: Raghav Tripathi).
  • Finite Element Analysis for One Dimensional Parabolic Equations (Student: P. Ravi Teja).
  • Improved Iterative Method for Solving Nonlinear Equations (Student: Venu Madhav Rao G.).
  • Numerical Approximation Based on Crank-Nicolson Scheme for Burger's Equation (Student: V. Sushank Reddy).
  • Numerical Solution to Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (Student: M. L. Hari Prasad Raju).
  • Mathematical Finance Modeling and Risk Analysis (Student: Dnyanesh Abhay Deshpande).
  • Modeling and Analysis of Automotive Suspension Systems (Student: Bipin Kumar Singh).
  • Vibration Analysis Using Finite Element Method (Student: Lalit Mohan).
  • A Penalty Method for Solving Inverse Optimal Problems (Student: Durai Swamy Balachandar).
  • An Introduction to Mathematical Optimal Control Theory (Student: Aarthi M. Sundaram).
  • Convex Optimization in Engineering (Student: Subarna Kar).
  • Numerical Solutions for Partial Differential Equations Using MATLAB (Student: Kapil Sachdeva).
  • Identifying Facial Patterns Using Principle Component Analysis (Student: K. Narendra).
  • Facial Recognition by Dimensionality Reduction Using Eigen Values (Student: E. Sasidhar).
  • Non Linear Optimization and Its Applications (Student: Nitisha Nupur).
  • Study and Implementation of Simplex Type Algorithms for Solving Linear Programming Problems Using MATLAB (Student: Vipul Pandey).
  • Study and Implementation of Different Optimization Algorithms Using MATLAB (Student: Chirag R. Agarwal).
  • Implementation of Genetic Algorithm for Solution of Linear Programming Promples (Student: Sankalp Kulshrestha)
  • Solving Optimal Control Problems using Differential Equations (Student: Basant Sharma)
  • Implementation of Nonlinear Optimization Algorithms in Matlab (Student: Mundra Rahul Pannalal)
  • Control Theory (Student: Rajat Mishra)
  • Study of Finite Volume Method and Implementation of One Dimensional Heat Equation in MATLAB. (Student: Shreyas Rajagopal)
  • Finite Element Method and Its Applications to Boundary Value Problems (Student: K. Balaje)
  • Convex Optimization-Theory, Applications and Modeling in MATLAB with CVX (Student: M. Ramchandran)
  • Numerical Methods to Solve Ordinary Differential Equations (Student: Ranajoy Roy)
  • Optimal Control Theory and Its Applications in Epidemiological Models (Student: Ranajoy Roy)
  • Optimal Control Problems in Biological Models (Student: Aditya Gurjar)
  • Pseudospectral Optimal Control Theory and Implementation using DIDO (Student: Naman Agarwal)
  • Optimal Control Problems in Real Life Applications (Student: Aditya Gurjar)
  • Optimal Control Systems (Student: Meera Ramprasad)
  • Convex optimization methods for Low Rank Matrix Recovery(Student: Revanth Reddy)
  • Optimal control problems arising in biological models (Student: Meera Ramprasad)
  • Control Theory (Student: Dhruv Arora)
  • Study of Finite Difference Methods to Solve Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (Vatsal Chowdhary)


    No of Students
Course Name Course ID 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022    2023    2024     
    Sem II Sem I Sem II Sem I Sem II Sem I Sem II        
Compulsory courses for First Degree                        
Technical Report Writing BITS F112     80   80   80 (IC) 80 80    
Compulsory courses for M.Tech students                        
Sanitation SAN G513     4 (IC)                
Governance and Behaviour
Electives for First                        
Degree Students
Public Policy (IC) GS F233 52 105 95 90 95     75 75    
Environment GS F212 80 80 84 85 90 120 120 70 70 68  
Development Climate Change(IC)
Environmental Sustainability HSSF381   Thisisaveryspecialcoursethataimstohelpstudents buildclimatetechstart-ups,incollaborationwith   50  
Ventures (IC)
Work Integrated                        
Learning programme Courses
Environmental Studies BSDCB ZC225           84          
Courses for Phd Students                        
Statistical Computing(IC)                 2 2 1  
2 3 2 5
Research Methodology       10   10            
Project Courses                        
Projects     5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10  
Practice School                 30 30    

Training Event




Modeling impact of climate change (Hands-on training)

2nd WCRP CORDEX Workshop

ICIMOD, Kathmandu

27-30th August, 2013

Addressing Climate Change Vulnerability through Climate Resilient and Adaptation

Selected group of Range forest officers (RFOs) of Bangladesh Forest Department

Indian Institute of Science

30th August – 14thSeptember, 2015

Forest Carbon Baseline and Monitoring Methods

Selected group of Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACFs) of Bangladesh Forest Department

Indian Institute of Science

30thSeptember - 14th Oct, 2015

REDD+ and CDM Project Development

Selected group of Divisional Forest Officers (DFOs) of Bangladesh Forest Department

Indian Institute of Science

30thOctober – 14thNovember, 2015

Climate Change Projection & Impacts

Selected group of Conservators of Forest (CFs) of Bangladesh Forest Department

Indian Institute of Science

1-10 March, 2016

Assessment of historical Climate Change & Projections: A capacity buidling Programme

Selected group of scientists from each of the ASEAN member countries

Indian Institute of Science

22-28, February, 2016

Climate Data Assessment and Modeling: Analysis of Observed and Projected Climate

Scientists from Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, Bangalore; Govt of Karnataka

Indian Institute of Science

22-24 March,

Assessments of Climate Change Impacts: Modelling and Capacity Building Programme

Selected group of scientists from each of the ASEAN member countries

Indian Institute of Science

03-08 October, 2016

Courses taught

Semester 1 2023-24

  1. CHE F311- Kinetics and Reactor Design (I)
  2. CHE F312- Chemical Engineering Laboratory-1 (I)

Semester 2 2023-24

  1. CHE F341- Chemical Engineering Laboratory-2 (IC)
  2. CHE F343- Process Design Principles-2 (I)

Teaching courses

  1. Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs
  2. Pharmaceutical Administration & Management 
  3. Parenteral Product Development 
  4. Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs (WILP)
  5. Biocon Aim Certification Program (WILP)

Courses Taught

Semester 2, AY: 2023-24

  • Analog IC Design (MEL G 632) - Instructor & IC
  • Design Oriented Project (EEE F376/ INSTR F376/ EEE F377/ INSTR F377: 9-students
  • Lab Oriented Project (EEE F366/ INSTR F366): 3-student
  • Research Practice (BITS G 540): 4-students

Semester 1, AY: 2023-24

  • Advanced Analog & Mixed Signal Design (MEL G 625) – Instructor & IC
  • IC Fabrication Technology (MEL G 611) – Instructor & IC
  • Design Oriented Project (ECE F376): 1-student
  • Lab Oriented Project (EEE F367): 1-student
  • WILP PG-Project: 1-student

Semester 2, AY: 2022-23

  • Analog IC Design (MEL G 632) - Instructor & IC
  • Design Oriented Project (EEE F376/ INSTR F376/ EEE F377/ INSTR F377: 3-students
  • Lab Oriented Project (EEE F366/ INSTR F366): 2-students
  • Research Practice (BITS G 540): 10-students
  • WILP PG-Project: 5-student

Semester 1, AY: 2022-23

  • Advanced Analog & Mixed Signal Design (MEL G 625) – Instructor & IC
  • IC Fabrication Technology (MEL G 611) – Instructor & IC
  • Design Oriented Project (EEE F376/ INSTR F376/ EEE F377/ INSTR F377: 1-student
  • Lab Oriented Project (EEE F366/ INSTR F366): 4-students
  • Research Practice (BITS G 540): 3-students
  • WILP PG-Project: 3-student

Semester 2, AY: 2021-22

  • Analog IC Design (MEL G 632) - Instructor & IC
  • Design Oriented Project (EEE F376/ INSTR F376/ EEE F377/ INSTR F377: 3-students
  • Lab Oriented Project (EEE F366/ INSTR F366): 2-students
  • Research Practice (BITS G 540): 8-students
  • WILP PG-Project: 3-student

Semester 1, AY: 2021-22

  • Advanced Analog & Mixed Signal Design (MEL G 625) – Instructor & IC
  • Analog & Digital VLSI Design (ECE/ EEE/ INSTR F 313) – Instructor & IC
  • Design Oriented Project (EEE F376/ INSTR F376/ EEE F377/ INSTR F377: 4-students
  • Lab Oriented Project (EEE F366/ INSTR F366): 4-students
  • WILP PG-Project: 3-student

Semester 2, AY: 2020-21

  • Microelectronic Circuits (ECE/ EEE/ INSTR F 244) - Instructor & IC
  • Design Oriented Project (EEE F376/ INSTR F376/ EEE F377/ INSTR F377: 5-students
  • Lab Oriented Project (EEE F366/ INSTR F366): 2-students
  • Research Practice (BITS G 540): 8-students
  • WILP PG-Project: 3-student

Semester 1, AY: 2020-21

  • Advanced Analog & Mixed Signal Design (MEL G 625) – Instructor & IC
  • IC Fabrication Technology (MEL G 611) – Instructor & IC
  • Design Oriented Project (EEE F376/ INSTR F376/ EEE F377/ INSTR F377: 3-students
  • Lab Oriented Project (EEE F366/ INSTR F366): 2-students
  • Study Oriented Project (ECE/ EEE 266): 2-students
  • Research Practice (BITS G 540): 3-students
  • WILP PG-Project: 3-student

Semester 2, AY: 2019-20

  • Analog IC Design (MEL G 632) - Instructor & IC
  • Design Oriented Project (EEE F376/ INSTR F376/ EEE F377/ INSTR F377: 4-students
  • Lab Oriented Project (EEE F366/ INSTR F366): 4-student
  • Study Oriented Project (EEE F 266 / INSTR F 266 ): 2-student
M. Tech. (Research Practice) Project: Current Enrollment (AY 2016-17): 8

Semester 1, AY: 2019-20

  • Advanced Analog & Mixed Signal Design (MEL G 625) - Instructor & IC
  • IC Fabrication Technology (MEL G 611) - Instructor & IC
  • Design Oriented Project (EEE 376/ INSTR 376/ EEE 377/ INSTR 377) : 4 students
  • Lab Oriented Project (EEE 366/ INSTR 366/ EEE 367/ INSTR 367): 6 students
  • Study Oriented Project (EEE 266/ INSTR 266): 3 students
M. Tech. (Research Practice) Project: Completed Guiding (Till AY 2018-19): 12

Course(s) Taught in BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus from AY 2016-17 till AY 2018-19

  • Microelectronic Circuits (EEE F244/ INSTR F244)
  • Analog & Digital VLSI Design (EEE F 313/ INST F 313)
  • Analog Electronics (EEE F 341/ INSTR F 341)
  • IC Fabrication Technology (MEL G 611)
  • Analog IC Design (MEL G 632)
  • Advanced Analog & Mixed Signal Design (MEL G 625)

Course(s) Taught in Earlier Universities/ Institutions

  • Basic Electronics
  • Digital Electronics
  • Analog Electronics
  • Introduction to VLSI
  • Analog VLSI Circuits
  • Telecommunication Switching Circuits
  • Pulse and Digital Circuits
  • Discrete & Integrated Analog Circuits

 M. Tech Project Guided (in earlier universities): 35



  • Manufacturing Management
  • Introduction to MEMS


  • Foundations of Data Science (CS F320)
  • Computational Learning Theory (BITS F453)
  • Deep Learning (CS F425)
  • Computer Programming (CS F111)

Courses Taught

  • Thermodynamics (BITS F111)
  • Transport Phenomena-I (ME C212)
  • Power Plant Engineering (ME C314)
  • Transport Phenomena-II (ME C331)
  • Prime Movers and Fluid Machinery (ME C332/ ME F341)
  • Fluid Mechanics (ME F212)
  • Heat Transfer (ME F311)
  • Gas Dynamics (ME F 415)

Teaching Experience

Course Instructor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Ahmedabad University, India

  • ENR101 Product Realisation (5 Semesters)
  • MAT281 Multivariable Calculus (3 Semesters)
  • FDP104 Water (3 Semesters)
  • ENR200 Design, Innovation and Making (2 Semesters)
  • ISP117 Building a Fluidic Neurocomputer (2 Semesters)
  • MAT203 Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (1 Semester)

Lab Instructor, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK

  • 1A Electrical Engineering – AC Power Circuits
  • 1A Electrical Engineering – The Iron-Cored Transformer
  • 1A Integrated Electrical Project
  • 1B Mechanics – Dynamic Vibration Absorber
  • 1B Materials – Materials Characterization
  • 1A Digital Circuits – Microprocessor Laboratory
  • 1B Mechanics – Rotor Dynamics
  • 1B Information Engineering – Spectrum Analysis
  • 1A Drawing


Courses Teaching/ Taught

  • Principles of Economics
  • Microeconomics
  • International Economics
  • Economic Environment of Business
  • Development Economics
  • Principles of Management
  • Mathematical and Statistical Methods
  • Resources and Environmental Economics (Developed and Taught as DEL) 

Work Experience

  • Working as Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering at BITS Pilani, Pilani, Rajasthan, India (Current).
  • Worked as Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering at BITS Pilani, Pilani, Rajasthan, India (August 2009- May 2021).
  • Worked as Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Heritage Institute of Technology (under WBUT), Kolkata, India (May 2008-July 2009).
  • Worked in Information Technology (I.T) Industry with MNCL Inc., Tulsa, U.S.A. (December 2006 to April 2008).


Courses taught
  • Biology Laboratory 
  • Biology project lab
  • Cell Biology
  • Conservation biology 
  • Ecology and environmental science
  • Environmental Studies 
  • General biology 
  • Microbiology 
  • Advanced and applied microbiology
  • Genetic engineering techniques
  • Microbial fermentation technology

Course Teaching & Research Supervision

 Courses at Dept. of Biological Sciences, Pilani Campus









Collaborative Programmes  - Work-Integrated Learning Programmes Division:

          2005 - 2018:  Involved in teaching of following courses in the collaborative programmes, M.S. (Medical Laboratory Technology),  B.S.(Physician Assistant), B.S. (Optometry) and M.Phil (Optometry) that includes classroom lectures and laboratory practicals.

Course Title Course No. Units
Basic Biochemistry -1 OPTO ZC141 3
Basic Biochemistry - 2 OPTO ZC162 3
Biological Chemistry              PATFL ZC141 3
Clinical Biochemistry  PATFL ZC152 5
Scientific Measurements PATFL ZC132 3
Molecular Genetics                                   PATFL ZC282 3
Food & Nutrition in Health        MLTSN ZG611 4
Enzymology & Metabolism in Health    MLTSN ZG512 3
Few modules in the following courses:
Recent  Advances in Optometry         OPTO ZG644 4
Geriatric Optometry                                   OPTO ZC382 1
Ocular Physiology OPTO ZC152 3
Technical Communication                    MLTSN ZG659 4
Technical Report Writing                   PATFL ZC261 3
Practice School Division, BITS Pilani :

 2005 - 2018:   Involved in mentoring, and evaluation of performance, of Final year First Degree and Higher Degree students pursuing structured Internship (PS-II) course, in research labs/industries at Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore & Mumbai.

   Practice School-II                        BITS C412 / BITS C413 / BITS G639               20 Units

 2013 - 2018:       Involved in mentoring, and evaluation of performance, of Second year First Degree (Integrated and Dual) students pursuing structured Summer-Term Internship (PS-I) course at Medical Research Foundation - Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai.

    Practice School-I                          BITS C221 / BITS C231 / BITS C241              5 Units           


 PhD Thesis Supervision:

            Graduated :                Three    (June 2013, June 2015, June 2016)

            On-going students :   Four  
Broad areas of doctoral dissertation research in our lab: Molecular mechanisms & Pharmacological/Clinical targets in Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), Cancer biology, Lipogenic targets in Cancers and other Chronic Diseases, Nutritional Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, and Protein Biochemistry, Natural Products and Drug-repurposing.
Sponsored Project Research Fellows supervised:

ICMR -SRF: 1  [2011-2014];   DBT-SRF: 1 [2012-2015]  



Teaching Experience

I have been teaching different courses in the Department of Biological Sciences since 2005 at both graduate and post-graduate level. 
  • Measurement Techniques for B.E.
  • General Biology for B.E.
  • Ecology for M.Sc.
  • Plant Physiology For M.Sc.
  • Instrumental Methods of Analysis for M.Sc.
  • Laboratory for M.Sc.
  • Plant Biotechnology for M.E.
  • Environmental Biotechnology for M.E.
  • Study Oriented Project /Lab Oriented Project /First Degree Thesis and Dissertation.

Courses Taught / Teaching/Planning to Teach

Teaching Engagement
  • General Biology
  • Biomolecular Modeling
  • Biophysics
  • Bioinformatics
  • General Biology Laboratory
  • Laboratory
  • Biology Project Lab
  • Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
  • Biostatistics and Bio-modeling
  • Biochemistry
  • Enzymology  

Academic Courses

Courses Taken

  • Even SemesterBiophysics

  • Even SemesterProteomics

  • Odd SemesterIntegrated Biology

  • Odd SemesterBiosafety and Bioethics

Other courses


Coursed Handled/Handling

Undergraduate Courses

  • Microprocessor and Interfacing (Feb 2025-May 2025)
  • Electromagnetic Field Theory (Sep 2024-Dec 2024)

Postgraduate Courses

  • Power Quality (Sep 2024-Dec 2024)



To be Updated Soon












  • BIO F110 Biology Laboratory
  • BIO F213 Cell Biology
  • BIO F111 General Biology
  • BIO F231 Biology Project Lab
  • BIO G642 Experimental Techniques
  • BIO F313 Animal Physiology
  • BIO G524 Animal Cell Technology
  • BITS F418 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering


To be updated.

 At Bits-Pilani, K-K Birla Goa Campus:

  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Mathematics II (Linear Algebra and Complex Analysis)
  • Mathematics I (Calculus)
  • Optimization
  • WILP- Optimization methods for analytics.
  • Dynamical systems and ergodic theory( Study course)

At Oregon State University

  • Differential Equation and applications.
  • Linear Algebra II

At Oakland University

  • Calculus I & Calculus II
  • Precalculus

At University of Houston

  • Calculus I & Calculus II
  • College Algebra 
  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Mathematics II (Linear Algebra and Complex Analysis)
  • Mathematics I (Calculus)
  • Optimization
  • WILP- Optimization methods for analytics.
  • Dynamical systems and ergodic theory( Study course)


First Year Courses
  • BIO F111 General Biology  (I Year)
  • BIO F110 Biology Laboratory (I Year)
Dual Degree Courses 
  • BIO F211 Biological Chemistry (II Year, I semester)
  • BIO F341  Developmental Biology (III Year, II Semester)
  • BITS F467 Bioethics and Biosafety (II Semester of academic year)
ME Biotechnology Courses (in Past)
  • Cancer Biology  (ME II Year, I Sem)
  • Molecular Mechanism of Gene Expression (ME I year, I Sem) 


To be updated soon.

Research Experience


Feb 2015- March 2021

UGC-Assistant Professor, School of Computational & Integrative Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

Feb 2018- Feb 2019

Indo-US GETin Fellow (IUSSTF-DBT) at Joint BioEnergy Institute, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA

March 2014- Jan 2018

Ramalingaswami Fellow, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

May 2009- Feb 2014

Postdoctoral Researcher at Department of Plant Pathology and the Genome Centre, University of California, Davis, California, USA


Current Courses:

  1. General Biology
  2. Environmental Sciences
  3. Recombinant DNA Technology 
