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Physical Property Measurements System

Physical Property Measurements System

Physical Property Measurements System (PPMS)


Quantum Design PPMS with vibration sample magnetometer insert provides state-of-the-art electrical transport and magnetization measurements down to 2 K temperature and up to 9 tesla magnetic field.

  • PPMS Evercool-II : a cryogen-free system for the Physical Properties measurement platform using a GM Cryocooler
  • Nominal Liquid Helium Capacity: 6 liters
  • Temperature range: 3 – 370 K
  • Magnetic field up to 9 Tesla
  • Vibrating Sample Magnetometer Option:
    * Coil-set bore: 6.3 mm
    * Calibrated oscillation frequency: 40 Hz
    * Typical oscillation amplitude: 2 mm peak
    * Typical rms sensitivity: <10-6 emu
    * Powder samples, films with substrate 3 mm x 5 mm are possible
    * Liquid samples are not possible

User Charges:

* Rs 2000 per booking of up to 4 hrs.
* Sample capsule Rs 1000 per unit for VSM extra.


For inquiries and booking,

please email ppms.phy [@]



 Requisition Form 1 for BITS Pilani users

Information for External (non-BITS Pilani) Users