
Sonika Chandrakant Rathi

Assistant Professor (Off Campus), Department of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani



  1. R. Kushwaha, S. Sarkar, G. Biswas, Near-wall flow characteristics around longitudinal ribs in fully developed turbulent channel flows, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 37, pp. 015106-1 – 015106-20, (2025).
  1. A. K. Dolai, V. Pandey, G. Biswas, S. Chakraborty, A hybrid phase field-volume of fluid method for simulating dynamically evolving interfaces in multiphase flows, Computers and Fluids, Vol. 289, 106536-1-106536-13, (2025). 
  2. I. Kumar, S. K. Lahiri, A. Hens, G. Biswas, Influence of surface morphology and temperature on nanoscale boiling of liquid nitrogen on a platinum substrate, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 210, 109655-1-109655-10, (2025).
  3.  R. Lakkaraju, D. K. Chandraker, G. Biswas, Dipole-to-monopole-flow transition in bubbly thermal convection, Physical Review E, Vol. 110, pp. 055103-1--055103-13, (2024).
  4. A. K. Pal, S. Zaleski, G. Biswas, Oblique collision of two evaporating drops, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 36, pp. 102105-1 – 102105-14, (2024).
  5. A. Paul, A. K. Pal, A-B. Wang, G. Biswas, Splashing impact of a falling liquid drop, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 36, pp. 092129-1 – 092129-8, (2024).
  6.  M. Thangadurai, A. Kundu, G. Biswas, Numerical simulation of the interaction between a planar shock wave and a backward-facing triangular bubble containing gases with different Atwood numbers, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 36, pp. 046119-1 – 046119-18, (2024).
  7. F. Durst, G. Biswas, K. Haddad, Laminar to turbulent transitions of pipe flows by resonances of natural frequencies of components of test sections, Journal of Turbulence, Vol. 25, pp. 62-82, 2024.
  8. A. K. Pal, K. C. Sahu, S. De, G. Biswas, Collision of two drops moving in the same direction, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 36, pp. 012122-1 – 012122-11, (2024).
  9. N. Jaiswal, N. Mahata, G. Biswas, N. Chanda, Thiol responsive 6-thioguanine delivery using fluorescent gold nanoconjugate for synergistic oxidative stress amplification and chemotherapy: A combinatorial approach in cancer management, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, Vol. 93, pp. 105452-1-- 105452-12, (2024).
  1. A. Kundu, M. Thangadurai, G. Biswas, A study on dynamics of shock-accelerated forward-facing triangular bubbles at different Atwood numbers, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 36, pp. 016110-1 – 016110-17, (2024).
  2. A. K. Pal, K. C. Sahu, G. Biswas, Modeling binary collision of evaporating drops, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 221, 125048-1-125048-10, (2024).
  3. A. Dubey, K.C. Sahu, G. Biswas, Dynamics of an evaporating drop migrating in a Poiseuille flow, ASME J. Heat Mass Transfer-Trans. ASME, Vol 145, pp. 121602-1 --121602-10, (2023).
  4. A. Paul, B. Ray, K. C. Sahu, G. Biswas, An investigation on the impact of two vertically aligned drops on a liquid surface, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 168, pp. 104588-1 – 104588-12, (2023).
  5. A. Lata, A. Kumar, G. Biswas, N. Chanda, R.K. Arun, An aqueous rechargeable and high-capacity zinc ion battery using a novel rGO–V2O5–SiO2 hybrid nanocomposite as a cathode material, Energy Advances, Vol. 2, pp. 797–804, (2023).
  6. H. Deka, G. Biswas and B.J. Bora, Head-On Collision of Dissimilar Viscosity Drops, Langmuir, Vol. 39, pp. 8130−8140, (2023).
  7. A.K. Pal and G. Biswas, Accurate prediction of transport coefficients of an evaporating liquid drop, ASME J. Heat Mass Transfer-Trans. ASME, Vol 145, pp. 041602-1 --041602-9, (2023).
  8. I. Kumar, A. Hens, S. K. Lahiri, G. Biswas, Study of Cryogenic Film Boiling in the Presence of External Electric Field Using a Variant of Volume of Fluid-Based Interface Tracking Algorithm, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 61, pp. 18176−18186, (2022).
  9. P. K. Kirar, S. D. Pokale, K. C. Sahu, B. Ray, G. Biswas, Influence of the interaction of capillary waves on the dynamics of two drops falling side-by-side on a liquid pool, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 34, pp. 112114-1 -- 112114-10, 2022.
  10. A. Kundu and G. Biswas, Analysis of multipolar vortices in the interaction of a shock with a strong moving vortex, Computers and Fluids, Vol. 248, pp. 105686-1 – 105686-8, 2022
  11. S. K. Das, A. Dalal, M. Breuer, G. Biswas, Evolution of jets during drop impact on a deep liquid pool, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 34, pp. 022110-1 -- 022110-10, (2022).
  12. N. K. Prasad, R. Shome, G. Biswas, S. S. Ghosh, A. Dalal. Transport Behavior of Commercial Anticancer Drug Protein-Bound Paclitaxel (Paclicad) in a Micron-Sized Channel, Langmuir, Vol. 38, pp. 2014−2025, (2022).
  13. M. Thangadurai, A. Kundu, G. Biswas, Analysis of shock wave-boundary layer interaction in a shock tube using higher order scheme, Computers and Fluids, Vol. 236, pp. 105305-1 – 105305-13, (2022).
  14. S. Chatterjee, I. Kumar, K. C. Ghanta, A. Hens, G. Biswas, Insight into molecular rearrangement of a sessile ionic nanodroplet with applied electric field, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 247, pp. 117083-1 –117083-15, (2022).
  15. N. K. Prasad, R. Shome, G. Biswas, S. S. Ghosh, A. Dalal, Discerning the self-healing, shear-thinning characteristics and therapeutic efficacy of hydrogel drug carriers migrating through constricted microchannel resembling blood microcapillary, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 626, 127070-1—127070-11, (2021)
  16.  A. Kumar, B. Ray, G. Biswas, Dynamics of two coaxially rising gas bubbles, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 33, pp. 052106-1 -- 052106-15, (2021).
  17. A. Kundu, M. Thangadurai, G. Biswas, Investigation on shear layer instabilities and generation of vortices during shock wave and boundary layer interaction, Computers and Fluids, Vol. 224, pp. 104966-1 – 104966-7, (2021).
  18. G. S. Chaitanya, K. C. Sahu and G. Biswas, A study of two unequal-sized droplets undergoing oblique collision, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 33, pp. 022110-1 -- 022110-15, (2021).
  19. M. P. Borthakur, B. Nath and G. Biswas, Dynamics of a compound droplet under the combined influence of electric field and shear flow, Physical Review Fluids, Vol. 6, pp. 023603-1 – 023603-18, (2021).
  20. S. R. Gorthi, P. K. Mondal, G. Biswas and K.C. Sahu, Electro-capillary filling in a microchannel under the influence of magnetic and electric fields, Can J Chem Eng. Vol. 99; 725-741, (2021).
  21. S. R. Gorthi, S. K. Meher, G. Biswas, P. K. Mondal, Capillary imbibition of non-Newtonian fluids in a microfluidic channel: analysis and experiments, Proc. R. Soc. A, Vol. 476, pp. 20200496-1 – 20200496-14, (2020).
  22.  S. Chatterjee, A. Hens, K. C. Ghanta, G. Biswas, Molecular dynamics study of sessile ionic nanodroplet under external electric field, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 229, pp. 116143-1 –116143-13, (2021).
  23.  B. Nath, M. P. Borthakur, and G. Biswas, Electric field induced dynamics of viscoplastic droplets in shear flow, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 32, pp. 092110-1 –92110 -16, (2020).
  24. P.K. Kirar, K. Alvarenga, P. Kolhe, G. Biswas, and K.C. Sahu, Coalescence of drops on the free-surface of a liquid pool at elevated temperatures, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 32, pp. 052103-1 –052103-10, (2020).
  25.  S. R. Gorthi, H. S. Gaikwad, P. K. Mondal and G. Biswas, Surface Tension Driven Filling in a Soft Microchannel: Role of Streaming Potential, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 59, pp. 3839−3853 (2020).
  26.  V. Pandey, H. Deka, G. Biswas, and A. Dalal, Dynamics of Growth and Breakup of an Evaporating Pendant Drop, Journal of Heat Transfer (ASME), Vol. 142, Issue 2, pp. 021601-1 –021601-8, (2020).
  27.  B.Nath, A. P. Bidkar, V. Kumar, A. Dalal, M. K. Jolly, S. S. Ghosh and G. Biswas, Deciphering Hydrodynamic and Drug-Resistant Behaviors of Metastatic EMT Breast Cancer Cells Moving in a Constricted Microcapillary, Journal of Clinical Medicine, Vol. 8, pp 1194-1 – 1194-15, (2019).
  28. M. S. Agrawal, H. S. Gaikwad, P. K. Mondal and G. Biswas, Analysis and Experiments on the Spreading Dynamics of a Viscoelastic Drop, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 75 pp. 201-209, (2019).
  29. B. Nath, G. Biswas and A. Dalal, Influence of electric field on deformation of a drop in shear flow, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 31, pp. 042102-1—042102-13, (2019).
  30. H. Deka, P.-H. Tsai, G. Biswas, A. Dalal, B. Ray, A.-B. Wang, Dynamics of formation and oscillation of non-spherical drops, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 201, pp. 413–423, (2019).
  31. H. Deka, G. Biswas, K. C. Sahu, Y. Kulkarni, A. Dalal, Coalescence dynamics of a compound drop on a deep liquid pool, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (JFM Rapids), Vol. 866, pp. R2-1 –R2-11, (2019).
  32. R. K. Arun, V. Gupta, P. Singh, G. Biswas and N. Chanda, Selection of Graphite Pencil Grades for the Design of Suitable Electrodes for Stacking Multiple Single-Inlet Paper-Pencil Fuel Cells, Chemistry Select, Vol. 4, pp. 152—159, (2019).
  33. H. Deka, G. Biswas, S. Chakraborty, and A. Dalal, Coalescence dynamics of unequal sized drops, Physics of Fluids, Vol 31, pp. 012105-1--012105-17, (2019).
  34. M. P. Borthakur, G. Biswas and D. Bandyopadhyay, Dynamics of drop formation from submerged orifices under the influence of electric field, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 30, pp. 122104-1—122104-11, (2018)
  35. B. Nath, A. Raza, V. Sethi, A. Dalal, S. S. Ghosh and G. Biswas, Understanding flow dynamics, viability and metastatic potency of cervical cancer (HeLa) cells through constricted microchannel, Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, pp. 17357-1 – 17357-10, (2018).
  36. M. P. Borthakur, G. Biswas, D. Bandyopadhyay and K.C. Sahu, Dynamics of an arched liquid jet under the influence of gravity, European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, Vol. 74, pp. 1-9, (2019).
  37. V. Pandey, G. Biswas and A. Dalal, Effect of surface wettability and electric field on transition of film boiling to nucleate boiling, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 74, pp. 1105-1120 (2018).
  38. S. Bhardwaj, A. Dalal, G. Biswas and P. P. Mukherjee, Analysis of droplet dynamics in a partially obstructed confinement in a three-dimensional Channel, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 30, pp. 102102-1—102102-14, (2018).
  39. V. Pandey, G. Biswas, A. Dalal and S.W.J. Welch, Bubble Lifecycle During Heterogeneous Nucleate Boiling, Journal of Heat Transfer (ASME), Vol. 140, pp. 121503-1—121503-17, (2018).
  40. B. Nath, G. Biswas, A. Dalal, and K. C. Sahu, Cross-stream migration of drops suspended in Poiseuille flow in the presence of an electric field, Physical Review E, Vol. 97, pp. 063106-1--063106-13, (2018).
  41. H. Deka, B. Ray, G. Biswas, and A. Dalal, Dynamics of tongue shaped cavity generated during the impact of high-speed microdrops, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 30, pp. 042103-1 – 042103-14, (2018).
  42.  M. P. Borthakur, G. Biswas, and D. Bandyopadhyay, Dynamics of deformation and pinch-off of a migrating compound droplet in a tube, Physical Review E, Vol. 97, pp. 043112-1 – 043112-9, (2018).
  43.  M.P. Borthakur, D. Bandyopadhyay and G. Biswas, Electric field mediated separation of water–ethanol mixtures in carbon nanotubes integrated in nanoporous graphene membranes, Faraday Discuss., 209, 259–271, (2018).
  44. H. Deka, B. Ray, G. Biswas, A. Dalal, P.-H. Tsai, and A.-B. Wang, The regime of large bubble entrapment during a single drop impact on a liquid pool, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 29, (Issue 9) pp. 092101-1- 092101-13, (2017).
  45.  M. P. Borthakur, G. Biswas, and D. Bandyopadhyay, Formation of liquid drops at an orifice and dynamics of pinch-off in liquid jets, Physical Review E, Vol. 96, pp. 013115-1— 013115-11, (2017).
  46.  S. R. Gorthi, P. K. Mondal, and G. Biswas, Magnetic-field-driven alteration in capillary filling dynamics in a narrow fluidic channel, Physical Review E, Vol. 96, pp. 013113-1—013113-14, (2017).
  47.  S. Timung, J. Chaudhuri, M. P. Borthakur, T. K. Mandal, G. Biswas and D. Bandyopadhyay, Electric field mediated spraying of miniaturized droplets inside microchannel, Electrophoresis, Vol 38, pp. 1450-1457, (2017).
  48. H. Chattopadhyay, S. K. Samanta, G. Biswas and B. B. Sharma, Direct numerical simulation of evaporation in a biporous media, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (KSME), Vol. 31 (6), pp. 2635~2641, (2017)
  49. B. Nath, G. Biswas, A. Dalal and K. C. Sahu, Migration of a droplet in a cylindrical tube in the creeping flow regime, Physical Review E, Vol. 95, pp. 033110-1—033110-11, (2017)
  50. V. Pandey, G. Biswas, and A. Dalal, Saturated film boiling at various gravity levels under the influence of electrohydrodynamic forces, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 29, pp. 032104-1- 032104-13, (2017).
  51. H. Srivastava, A. Dalal, K. C. Sahu and G. Biswas, Temporal linear stability analysis of an entry flow in a channel with viscous heating, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 109, pp. 922-929, (2017).
  52. P. Saha, G. Biswas, A.C. Mandal and S. Sarkar, Investigation of coherent structures in a turbulent channel with built-in longitudinal vortex generators, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 104, pp. 178-198, (2017).
  53. R.K. Arun, P. Singh, G. Biswas, N. Chanda and S. Chakraborty, Energy generation from water flow over a reduced graphene oxide surface in a paper–pencil device, Lab-on-a-Chip, Vol. 16, pp. 3589-3596, (2016).
  54. R. K. Arun, N. Priyadarshini, K. Chaudhury, N. Chanda, G. Biswas and S. Chakraborty, Paper-PDMS hybrid microchannel: a platform for rapid fluid-transport and mixing, J. Micromech. Microeng., Vol. 26, 105008-1—105008-9, (2016).
  55. V. Pandey, G. Biswas, and A. Dalal, Effect of superheat and electric field on saturated film boiling, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 28, 052102-1- 052102-18, (2016).
  56. A. Sinha, H. Chattopadhyay, A. K. Iyengar, G. Biswas, Enhancement of heat transfer in a fin-tube heat exchanger using rectangular winglet type vortex generators, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 101, pp. 667–681, (2016).
  57. S. Sarkar, S. Ganguly, G. Biswas and P. Saha, Effect of cylinder rotation during mixed convective flow of nanofluids past a circular cylinder, Computers and Fluids, Vol. 127, pp. 47-64 (2016).
  58. A. Hens, K. Mondal, G. Biswas and D. Bandyopadhyay, Pathways from disordered to ordered nanostructures from defect guided dewetting of ultrathin bilayers, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 465, pp. 128–139 (2016)
  59. I. Chakraborty, G. Biswas, S. Polepalle and P.S. Ghoshdastidar, Bubble Formation and Dynamics in a Quiescent High-Density Liquid, AIChE Journal, Vol. 61, pp. 3996 - 4012, (2015).
  60.  A. Hens, G. Biswas and S. De, Evaporation of water droplets on Pt-surface in presence of external electric field – A molecular dynamics study, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 143, 094702-1 – 094702-11, (2015). 
  61. P. Randive, A. Dalal, K.C. Sahu, G. Biswas, P. Mukherjee, Wettability effects on contact line dynamics of droplet motion in an inclined channel, Physical Review E, Vol. 91, pp. 053006-1 – 053006-16, (2015). 
  62. S. Biswas, P. Sharma, B. Mondal and G. Biswas, Analysis of Mixed Convective Heat Transfer in a Ribbed Channel using The Lattice Boltzmann Method, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A, Vol. 68, pp. 75-98, (2015).
  63. B. Ray, G. Biswas and A. Sharma, Regimes during liquid drop impact on a liquid pool, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 768, pp. 492-523, (2015). 
  64. D. Chatterjee and G. Biswas, Dynamic behavior of flow around rows of square cylinders kept in staggered arrangement, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 136, pp. 1-11, (2015). 
  65. P. Saha, G. Biswas and S. Sarkar, Comparison of winglet-type vortex generators periodically deployed in a plate-fin heat exchanger – A synergy-based analysis, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 74, pp. 292-305, (2014).
  66. R.K. Arun, K. Chaudhury, M. Ghosh, G. Biswas, N. Chanda and S. Chakraborty, Controlled splitting and focusing of a stream of nanoparticles in a converging-diverging microchannel, Lab on a Chip, Vol. 14, pp. 3800-3808, (2014). 
  67. A. Hens, G. Biswas and S. De, Analysis of interfacial instability and multimode bubble formation in saturated pool boiling using Coupled Level Set and Volume- of- Fluid approach, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 26, pp. 012105-1 – 012105-14, (2014) 
  68. A. Hens, R. Agarwal and G. Biswas, Nanoscale study of boiling and evaporation in a liquid Ar film on a Pt heater using molecular dynamics simulation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 71, pp. 303-312 (2014). 
  69. S. Sarkar, S. Ganguly and G. Biswas, Buoyancy driven convection of nanofluids in an infinitely long channel under the effect of a magnetic field, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 71, pp. 328-340, (2014). 
  70. B. Ray, D. Bandyopadhyay, A. Sharma, S. W. Joo, S. Qian and G. Biswas, Long-wave interfacial instabilities in a thin electrolyte film undergoing coupled electrokinetic flows: a nonlinear analysis, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol. 15, pp. 19-33, (2013). 
  71. S. P. Singh and G. Biswas, Vortex induced vibrations of a square cylinder at subcritical Reynolds numbers, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 41, pp. 146-155, (2013). 
  72. S. P. Singh, G. Biswas and P. Nithi Arasu, A numerical study of vortex shedding from a circular cylinder vibrating in the in-line direction, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 23, pp. 1449 - 1462, (2013). 
  73. I. Chakraborty, G. Biswas and P.S. Ghoshdastidar, A coupled level-set and volume-of-fluid method for the buoyant rise of gas bubbles in liquids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 58, pp. 240–259, (2013). 
  74. A. Sinha, K. A. Raman, H. Chattopadhyay and G. Biswas, Effects of different orientations of winglet arrays on the performance of plate-fin heat exchangers, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 57, pp. 202–214, (2013). 
  75. B. Ray, G. Biswas, A. Sharma, and S.W.J. Welch, CLSVOF method to study consecutive drop impact on liquid pool, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 23, pp. 143 - 158, (2013). 
  76. B. Ray, G. Biswas and A. Sharma, Bubble pinch-off and scaling during liquid drop impact on liquid pool, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 24, pp. 082108-1 – 082108-11, (2012). 
  77. A Pal, D. Bandyopadhyay, G. Biswas and V. Eswaran, Enhancement of Heat Transfer Using Delta-Winglet Type Vortex Generators with a Common Flow Up Arrangement, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A, Vol. 61, pp. 912-928, (2012). 
  78. D. Chatterjee, G. Biswas and S. Amiroudine, Mixed Convection Heat Transfer from an In-line Row of Square Cylinders in Crossflow at Low Reynolds Number, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A, Vol. 61, pp. 891-911, (2012). 
  79. S. Sarkar, S. Ganguly and G. Biswas, Mixed Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids Past a Circular Cylinder in Cross Flow in Unsteady Regime, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 55, pp. 4783 – 4799, (2012). 
  80. G. Biswas, H. Chattopadhyay and A. Sinha, Augmentation of Heat Transfer by Creation of Streamwise Longitudinal Vortices using Vortex Generators, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 33, pp. 406 – 424, (2012). 
  81. B. Ray, G. Biswas and A. Sharma, Oblique Drop Impact on Deep and Shallow Liquid, Commun. Comput. Phys., Vol. 11, pp. 1386 – 1396, (2012). 
  82. K. Arul Prakash, B. V. Ratish Kumar and G. Biswas, Parallel numerical simulation of conjugate heat transfer in the target system of an ADS by domain decomposition method, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, Series B, 3 (3), 259 – 269, (2012). 
  83. B. Ray, P.D.S. Reddy, D. Bandyopadhyay, S.W. Joo, A. Sharma, S. Qian and G. Biswas, Instabilities in Free-surface Electroosmotic Flows, Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn., Vol. 26, pp. 311-318, (2012). 
  84. B. Ray, P.D.S. Reddy, D. Bandyopadhyay, A. Sharma, S. Qian and G. Biswas, Surface Instability of a Thin Electrolyte Film Undergoing Coupled Electroosmotic and Electrophoretic Flows in a Microfluidic Channel, Electrophoresis, Vol. 32, pp. 3257 - 3267, (2011). 
  85. S. Sen, S. Mittal, and G. Biswas, Flow past a Square Cylinder at Low Reynolds Numbers, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 67, pp. 1160–1174, (2011). 
  86. I. Chakraborty, G. Biswas, and P. S. Ghoshdastidar, Bubble generation in quiescent and co-flowing liquids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 54, pp. 4673 – 4688, (2011). 
  87. A. Patra, D. Bandyopadhyay, G. Tomar, A. Sharma, and G. Biswas, Instability and dewetting of ultrathin solid viscoelastic films on homogeneous and heterogeneous substrates, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 134, 064705-1 - 064705-11, (2011). 
  88. D. Chatterjee and G. Biswas, The Effects of Reynolds and Prandtl Numbers on Flow and Heat Transfer Across Tandem Square Cylinders in the Steady Flow Regime, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 59, pp. 421–437, (2011). 
  89. S. Sarkar, A. Dalal and G. Biswas, Unsteady wake dynamics and heat transfer in forced and mixed convection past a circular cylinder in cross flow for high Prandtl numbers, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 54, pp. 3536–3551 (2011). 
  90. B. Ray, G. Biswas and A. Sharma, Generation of secondary droplets in coalescence of a drop at a liquid/ liquid interface, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 655, pp. 72-104, (2010) 
  91. P. Saha and G. Biswas, Assessment of a Shear-Improved Subgrid Stress Closure for Turbulent Channel Flows, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 53, 4856 – 4863, (2010). 
  92. S. Jayavel, S. Tiwari, G. Biswas and M. Sen, Kinematics of a fluid particle due to interaction of fixed inviscid vortex filaments in presence of external translation and pulsation, International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, Vol. 37, pp.127-148, 2010. 
  93. S. Sarkar, A. Dalal and G. Biswas, Mixed Convective Heat Transfer from Two Identical Square Cylinders in Cross Flow at Re=100, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 53, pp. 2628-2642, (2010). 
  94. D. Chatterjee, G. Biswas and S. Amiroudine, Numerical simulation of flow past row of square cylinders for various separation ratios, Computers and Fluids, Vol. 39 pp. 49–59, (2010). 
  95. G. Gandikota, S. Amiroudine, D. Chatterjee and G. Biswas, The Effect of Aiding/ Opposing Buoyancy on Two-Dimensional Laminar Flow Across a Circular Cylinder, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 58, pp. 385-402, (2010). 
  96. D. Chatterjee, G. Biswas and S. Amiroudine, Numerical Investigation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Unsteady Flow Past a Row of Square Cylinders, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 30 pp. 1114–1128, (2009).  
  97. I. Chakraborty, B. Ray, G. Biswas, F. Durst, A. Sharma, and P. S. Ghoshdastidar, Computational Investigation on Bubble Detachment from Submerged Orifice in Quiescent Liquid under Normal and Reduced Gravity, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 21, pp. 062103-1 – 062103-17, (2009). 
  98. G. Tomar, G. Biswas, A. Sharma and S.W.J. Welch, Influence of Electric Field on Saturated Film Boiling, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 21, 032107-1 – 032107-8 (2009).  
  99. G. Biswas and S. Sarkar, Effect of Thermal Buoyancy on Vortex Shedding Past a Circular Cylinder in Cross Flow at Low Reynolds Numbers, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 52, pp. 1897-1912, (2009). 
  100. R.M. Bhatnagar, B. Bhattacharya and G. Biswas, Analysis of Pilot Valve and Taper Groove Based Damper, Proceedings of I Mech E London Part C, J. Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 223 (C4), pp 859-871, (2009). 
  101. S. Sen, S. Mittal and G. Biswas, Steady Separated Flow Past a Circular Cylinder at Low Reynolds Numbers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 620, pp. 89-119, (2009). 
  102. G. Tomar, G. Biswas, A. Sharma and S.W.J. Welch, Multi-mode Analysis of Bubble Growth in Saturated Film Boiling, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 20, 092101-1 – 092101-7, (2008). 
  103. M. Nishi, B. Uensal, F. Durst and G. Biswas, Laminar-to-Turbulent Transition of Pipe Flows through Puffs and Slugs, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 614, pp. 425-446, (2008)  
  104. R. Ranjan, A. Dalal and G. Biswas, A Numerical Study of Fluid flow and Heat Transfer around a Square Cylinder at Incidence using Unstructured Grids, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A, Vol. 54, pp. 890-913, (2008). 
  105. N. Senthil Kumar and G. Biswas, A Finite Element Study of the Onset of Vortex Shedding in a Flow Past Two-dimensional Circular Cylinder, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 8, pp. 288-298, (2008). 
  106. A. Dalal, V. Eswaran and G. Biswas, A Finite Volume Method for Navier-Stokes Equations on Unstructured Meshes, Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, Vol. 54, pp. 238-259, (2008). 
  107. G. Tomar, D. Gerlach, G. Biswas, N. Alleborn, A. Sharma, F. Durst S. W. J. Welch, and A. Delgado, Two-phase Electrohydrodynamic Simulations Using a Volume-of-Fluid Approach, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 227, pp 1267-1285, (2007). 
  108. S.W.J. Welch and G. Biswas, Direct Simulation of Film Boiling Including Electrohydrodynamic Forces, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 19, 012106-1 – 012106-11, (2007). 
  109. G. Tomar, A. Sharma, V. Shenoy and G. Biswas, Surface Instability of Confined Elastic Bilayers: Theory and Simulations, Physical Review E, Vol. 76, 011607, (2007). 
  110. S.R. Hiravennavar, E.G. Tulapurkara, G. Biswas, A Note on the Flow and Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Channel with Built-in Winglet Pair, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 28, pp. 299–305, (2007). 
  111. K. Arul Prakash, G. Biswas and B.V. Rathish Kumar, Numerical Prediction of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in the Target System of an Axisymmetric Accelerator Driven Subcritical System, Journal of Heat Transfer (ASME), Vol. 129, pp. 582-588, (2007). 
  112. G. Tomar, V. Shankar, A. Sharma and G. Biswas, Electrohydrodynamic Instability of a Confined Viscoelastic Liquid Film, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 143, pp. 120-130, (2007). 
  113. K. Arul Prakash, G. Biswas and B.V. Rathish Kumar, Thermal Hydraulics of the Spallation Target Module of an Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System: A Numerical Study, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 49, pp. 4633-4652, (2006). 
  114. K. Arul Prakash, G. Biswas and B.V. Rathish Kumar, Numerical Simulation of the Target System of an ADSS, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 20, pp. 513-520, (2006). 
  115. A. Maheshwari, R.P. Chhabra and G. Biswas, Effect of Blockage on Drag and Heat Transfer from a Single Sphere and an In-line Array of Three Spheres, Powder Technology, Vol. 168, pp. 74-83, (2006). 
  116. G. Tomar, V. Shankar, S.K. Shukla, A. Sharma, G. Biswas, Instability and Dynamics of Thin Viscoelastic Liquid Films, European Physical Journal E, Vol. 20, pp. 185-200, (2006). 
  117. K. Arul Prakash, S. De, B.V. Rathish Kumar and G. Biswas, A SUPG – Finite Element Study of an ADSS, Finite Element in Analysis and Design, Vol. 42, pp. 1123-1136, (2006). 
  118. Y. Srinivas, G. Biswas, A.S. Parihar and R. Ranjan, Large-Eddy Simulation of High Reynolds Number Turbulent Flow Past a Square Cylinder, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), Vol. 132, pp. 327-335, (2006). 
  119. D. Gerlach, G. Tomar, G. Biswas, and F. Durst, Comparison of Volume-of-Fluid Methods for Computing Surface Tension-Dominant Two-Phase Flows, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 49, pp. 740-754, (2006). 
  120. G. Tomar, G. Biswas, A. Sharma and A. Agrawal, Numerical Simulation of Bubble Growth in Film Boiling Using CLSVOF Method, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 17, 112103-1 – 112103-13, (2005). 
  121. J. Srikanth, E.G. Tulapurkara and G. Biswas, Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Past Built-In Winglet-Pair in a Rectangular Channel, International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, Vol. 32, pp. 310-326, (2005). 
  122. K. Senthil Kumar, E. G. Tulapurkara, G. Biswas and B.H.L. Gowda, Reverse Flow in Channel with Obstruction at Entry, Fluid Dynamics Research, Vol. 37, pp. 387-398, (2005). 
  123. D. Gerlach, G. Biswas, F. Durst and V. Kolobaric, Quasi-Static Bubble Formation on Submerged Orifices, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 48, pp. 425-438, (2005). 
  124. S. Tiwari, D. Chakraborty, G. Biswas and P.K. Panigrahi, Numerical Prediction of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Channel in the Presence of a Built-in Wake Splitter, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 48, pp. 439-453, (2005). 
  125. J. M. Shi, D. Gerlach, M. Breuer, G. Biswas and F. Durst, Heating Effect on Steady and Unsteady Horizontal Laminar Flow of Air Past a Circular Cylinder, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 16, pp. 4331-4345, (2004). 
  126. D. Agarwal, S.W.J. Welch, G. Biswas, and F. Durst, Planar Simulation of Bubble Growth in Film Boiling in Near-Critical Water Using a Variant of the VOF Method, Journal of Heat Transfer (ASME), Vol. 126, pp. 329-338, (2004). 
  127. G. Biswas, M. Breuer and F. Durst, Backward-Facing Step Flows for Various Expansion Ratios at Low and Moderate Reynolds Numbers, Journal of Fluids Engineering (ASME), Vol. 126, pp. 362-374, (2004). 
  128. A. K. Saha, K. Muralidhar and G. Biswas, Investigation of Two-and Three-Dimensional Models of Transitional Flow Past a Square Cylinder, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), Vol. 129, pp. 1320-1329, (2003). 
  129. S. Tiwari, G. Biswas, P.L.N. Prasad and S. Basu, Numerical Prediction of Flow and Heat transfer in a Rectangular Channel with a Built-in Circular Tube, Journal of Heat Transfer (ASME), Vol. 125, pp. 413-421, (2003). 
  130. S. Tiwari, P.L.N. Prasad and G. Biswas, A Numerical Study of Heat Transfer in Fin-Tube Heat Exchangers using Winglet-Type Vortex Generators in Common-Flow-Down Configuration, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 3, pp. 32-41, (2003). 
  131. T. Cziesla, H. Chattopadhyay, N.K. Mitra and G. Biswas, Prediction of Heat Transfer from Impinging Knife-Jets Using a Dynamic Subgrid Stress Model, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 3, pp. 22-31, (2003). 
  132. S. Tiwari, D. Maurya, G. Biswas and V. Eswaran, Heat Transfer Enhancement in Crossflow Heat Exchangers using Oval Tubes and Multiple Delta Winglets, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 46, pp. 2841-2856, (2003). 
  133. V. Prabhakar, G. Biswas and V. Eswaran, Numerical Prediction of Heat Transfer in a Channel with a Built-in Oval Tube and Various Arrangements of the Vortex Generators, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 44, pp. 315-333, (2003). 
  134. V. Kumar, G. Biswas, G. Brenner and F. Durst, Effect of Thermocapillary Convection in an Industrial Czochralski Crucible: Numerical Simulation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 46, pp. 1641-1652, (2003). 
  135. A. Jain, G. Biswas and D. Maurya, Winglet-Type Vortex Generators with Common-Flow-Up Configuration for Fin-Tube Heat Exchangers, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 43, pp. 201-219, (2003). 
  136. A. K. Saha, G. Biswas, and K. Muralidhar, Three-dimensional Study of Flow Past a Square Cylinder at Low Reynolds Numbers, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 24, pp. 54-66, (2003).
  137. H. Chattopadhyay, G. Biswas and N.K. Mitra, Heat Transfer from a Moving Surface due to Impinging Slot Jets, Journal of Heat Transfer (ASME), Vol. 124, pp. 433-440, (2002). 
  138. V. Prabhakar, G. Biswas and V. Eswaran, Numerical Prediction of Heat Transfer in a Channel with Built-in Oval Tube and Two Different Shaped Vortex Generators, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 41, pp. 307-329, (2002). 
  139. A.K. Saha, G. Biswas, and K. Muralidhar, Two-Dimensional Study of the Turbulent Wake Behind a Square Cylinder Subject to Uniform Shear, Journal of Fluids Engineering (ASME), Vol. 123, pp. 595-603, (2001). 
  140. T. Cziesla, G. Biswas, H. Chattopadhyay and N.K. Mitra, Large-Eddy Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in an Impinging Slot Jet, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 22, pp. 500-508, (2001). 
  141. P. Sandilya, D.P. Rao, A. Sharma and G. Biswas, Gas-Phase Mass Transfer in a Centrifugal Contractor, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 40, pp. 384-392, (2001). 
  142. P. Sandilya, G. Biswas, D.P. Rao and A. Sharma, Numerical Simulation of the Gas Flow and Mass Transfer between Two Coaxially Rotating Disks, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 39, pp. 285-305, (2001). 
  143. R. Vasudevan, V. Eswaran, and G. Biswas, Winglet Type Vortex Generators for Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers Using Triangular Fins, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 38, pp. 533-555, (2000). 
  144. A.K. Saha, K. Muralidhar, and G. Biswas, Experimental Study of Flow Past a Square Cylinder at High Reynolds Numbers, Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 29, pp. 553-563, (2000). 
  145. P.K. Maji and G. Biswas, Analysis of Flow in the Plate-Spiral of a Reaction Turbine Using a Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin Method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 34, pp. 113-144, (2000). 
  146. A.K. Saha, K. Muralidhar, and G. Biswas, Transition and Chaos in Two-Dimensional Flow Past a Square Cylinder, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), Vol. 126, pp. 523-532, (2000). 
  147. A.K. Saha, G. Biswas and K. Muralidhar, Numerical Study of the Turbulent Unsteady Wake Behind a Partially Enclosed Square Cylinder using RANS, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 178, pp. 323-341, (1999). 
  148. T. Cziesla, G. Biswas and N.K. Mitra, Large Eddy Simulation in a Turbulent Channel Flow Using Exit Boundary Conditions, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 30, pp. 763-773, (1999). 
  149. P.K. Maji and G. Biswas, Analysis of Flow in the Spiral Casing Using a Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin Method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 45, pp. 147-174, (1999). 
  150. A.K. Saha, G. Biswas, and K. Muralidhar, Influence of Inlet Shear on the Structure of Wake behind a Square Cylinder, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), Vol. 125, pp. 359-363, (1999). 
  151. A.K. Saha, K. Muralidhar, and G. Biswas, Vortex Structures and Kinetic Energy Budget in Two-Dimensional flow Past a Square Cylinder, Computers and Fluids, Vol. 29, pp. 669-694, (2000). 
  152. A.A. Bastani Jahromi, N.K. Mitra and G. Biswas, Numerical Investigations on Enhancement of Heat Transfer in a Compact Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchanger Using Delta Winglet Type Vortex Generators, Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol.6, pp. 1-11, (1999). 
  153. S. Singh, G. Biswas, and A. Mukhopadhyay, Effect of Thermal Buoyancy on the Flow through a Vertical Channel with a built-in Circular Cylinder, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 34, pp. 769-789, (1998). 
  154. P.K. Maji and G. Biswas, Three-dimensional Analysis of Flow in the Spiral Casing of a Reaction Turbine using a Differently Weighted Petrov Galerkin Method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 167/ 1-2, pp 167-190, (1998). 
  155. G. Biswas, V. Eswaran, G. Ghai and A. Gupta, A Numerical Study on Flow Through the Spiral Casing of a Hydraulic Turbine, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 28, pp. 143-156, (1998). 
  156. B.L. Owsenek, T. Cziesla, N.K. Mitra and G. Biswas, Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer in Impinging Axial and Radial Jets with Superimposed Swirl, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 40, pp. 141-147, (1997). 
  157. H. Laschefski, T. Cziesla, G. Biswas and N.K. Mitra, Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer by Rows of Rectangular Impinging Jets, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, vol. 30, pp. 87 - 101, (1996). 
  158. G. Biswas, K. Torii, D. Fujii and K. Nishino, Numerical and Experimental Determination of Flow Structure and Heat Transfer Effects of Longitudinal Vortices in a Channel Flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 39, pp. 3441-3451, (1996). 
  159. P. Deb, G. Biswas and N.K. Mitra, Heat Transfer and Flow Structure in Laminar and Turbulent Flows in a Rectangular Channel with Longitudinal Vortices, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 38, pp. 2427-2444, (1995). 
  160. S. Chakraborty, S.P. Sengupta and G. Biswas, Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Laminar Radial Impinging Jet, Int. Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 4, pp. 173-185, (1994). 
  161. F. Potthast, H. Laschefski, N.K. Mitra and G. Biswas, Numerical Investigation of Flow Structure and Mixed Convection Heat Transfer of Impinging Radial and Axial Jets, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part-A, vol. 26, pp 123-140, (1994). 
  162. G. Biswas, N.K. Mitra and M. Fiebig, Heat Transfer Enhancement in Fin-Tube Heat Exchangers by Winglet Type Vortex Generators, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.37, pp. 283-291, (1994). 
  163. G. Biswas, P. Deb and S. Biswas, Generation of Longitudinal Streamwise Vortices - A Device for Improving Heat Exchanger Design, Journal of Heat Transfer (ASME), Vol. 116, pp. 588-597, (1994). 
  164. A. Mukhopadhyay, T. Sundararajan and G. Biswas, An Explicit Transient Algorithm for Predicting Incompressible Viscous Flows in Arbitrary Geometry, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol. 17, pp. 975-993, (1993). 
  165. A. Mukhopadhyay, G. Biswas and T. Sundararajan, Numerical Investigation of Confined Wakes Behind a Square Cylinder in a Channel, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol. 14, pp. 1473-1484, (1992). 
  166. G. Biswas and H. Chattopadhyay, Heat Transfer in a Channel Flow with Built-in Wing-Type Vortex Generators, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 35, pp. 803-814, (1992). 
  167. G. Biswas, H. Laschefski, N.K. Mitra and M. Fiebig, Numerical Investigation of Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Channel with a Built-in Square Cylinder, Numerical Heat Transfer - Part A, vol. 18, pp. 173-188, (1990). 
  168. G. Biswas, N.K. Mitra and M. Fiebig, Computation of Laminar Mixed Convection Flow in a Channel with Wing-Type Built-in Obstacles, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer (AIAA), vol. 3, pp. 447-453, (1989). 
  169. G. Biswas, N.K. Mitra and M. Fiebig, Mixed Convection Flows in a Channel with a Vortex Generator, ZAMM, vol. 69, pp. T 643-645, (1989). 
  170. G. Biswas and A.S. Gupta, Spreading of non-Newtonian Liquid Drop on a Horizontal Plane, Mechanics Research Communications, vol. 14, pp. 361-370, (1987).
  171. P. Mukherjee, G. Biswas and P.K. Nag, Second Law Analysis of Heat Transfer in Swirling Flow through a Cylindrical Duct, Journal of Heat Transfer (Trans ASME), vol. 109, pp. 308-313, (1987). 
  172. G. Biswas, P.K. Nag and A.S. Gupta, Heat Transfer in a Corner Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (formerly Warme und Stoffubertragung) vol. 21, pp. 13-14, (1987). 
  173. S.K. Som and G. Biswas, Dispersion of Spray from Swirl Nozzles, Chemical Engineering and Processing, vol. 20, pp. 191-200, (1986). 
  174. G. Biswas and S. K. Som, Coefficient of Discharge and Spray Cone Angle of a Pressure Nozzle with Combined Axial and Tangential Entry of Power-Law Fluids, Applied Sci Res, vol. 43, pp. 3-22, (1986). 
  175. G. Biswas, S. K. Som and A. S. Gupta, Instability of a Moving Cylindrical Liquid Sheet, Journal of Fluids Engineering (ASME), vol. 107, pp. 451-454, (1985). 
  176. S. K. Som and G. Biswas, Convective Heat Transfer in a Superimposed Streaming and Swirling Flow Through a Cylindrical Duct, Heat and Mass Transfer (formerly Warme und Stoffubertragung), vol.19, pp. 31-39, (1985).  
  177. S. K. Som and G. Biswas, Initiation of Air Core in a Swirl Nozzle Using Time-Independent Power-Law Fluids, Acta Mechanica, vol. 51, pp. 179-197, (1984).

Recent Publications


  1. S Rasagna Vakkalanka and G Geethakumari, “Game-On: Game Theory Strategies to Mitigate On-Off Attacks in Fog Computing”, Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Networking” (ICOIN 2025), January 15 – 17, Chiang Mai, Thailand, CORE Ranking: B
  2. Ramyavani. P, Subhendu Kumar Sahoo, G Geethakumari and Amit Panda,  “Accelerating Polynomial Multiplication Using a Three-Stage NTT with Radix-2 Butterfly Unit”, Accepted for presentation at the 2025 IEEE International VLSI Symposium on Technology, Systems and Applications (2025 VLSI TSA), April 21 – 24, 2025, Hsinchu, Taiwan, CORE Ranking: A
  3. S Rasagna Vakkalanka and G Geethakumari, “K-Means and Dynamic Thresholding for Countering Ballot Stuffing Attacks in Fog Computing”, Accepted at the 39th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2025), April 9 – 11, 2025, Barcelona, Spain. CORE Ranking: B


  1. S Rasagna Vakkalanka, G Geethakumari, Jinil Bhavin Shah and Nisarg Chaudhari, "Task Integrity Checker: A Blockchain-Enabled Trust Management System for Fog Nodes", Accepted at the 20th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2024), May 27-31, 2024, Cyprus.


Workshop Speaker in the Workshop on IoT Security organized by iHub and HCI Foundation, IIT Mandi, Dec 9-10, 2022. 

  1. S Rasagna Vakkalanka, G Geethakumari and Jay Patel, "Securing Fog Nodes against On-Off Attacks using Subjective Logic", Proceedings of the IEEE ANTS 2022 Workshop on Fog Computing, Dec 18-21, 2022, India.

Tutorial Chair: IEEE ANTS 2021 

Workshop Speaker in IEEE ANTS 2021

Title: Routing Security in RPL - based Internet of Things Environment

Speakers: Dr Rashmi Sahay and Prof. G Geethakumari 

Workshop details: IEEE ANTS 2021 - Workshop on Routing Security in IoT

Research Publications


  1. Rashmi Sahay, G. Geethakumari and Barsha Mitra, "Mitigating the Worst Parent Attack in RPL based Internet of Things”, Springer Cluster Computing Journal, December 2021, Impact Factor: 2.04, SCI-indexed.
  2. Rashmi Sahay, G. Geethakumari and Barsha Mitra, "IB-RPL: Embedding Isolation and Blacklisting of Malicious Nodes in RPL for Securing IoT-LLNs", Proceedings of the the IEEE ANTS 2021 International  Conference, Dec 13 - 16, 2021, Hyderabad, India.
  3. Rashmi Sahay, G. Geethakumari and Barsha Mitra, "A  Novel   Network  Partitioning  Attack  against  Routing Protocol in Internet of Things”, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, June   2021. SCIE- Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.64, H-Index 94, SJR-0.78.
  1. Rashmi Sahay, G. Geethakumari and Barsha Mitra, “A Holistic Framework for Prediction of Routing Attacks in IoT”, The Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, June 2021, SCI Indexed, Impact Factor: 2.6, H-Index 61, SJR-0.45


  1. D Radha Rani and G Geethakumari, “A framework for the identification of suspicious packets to detect anti-forensic attacks in the cloud environment”, Springer Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications Journal, SCI indexed, Vol 14, 2385–2398(2021). Impact Factor: 3.6, DOI:


  1. Rashmi Sahay, G. Geethakumari and Barsha Mitra, “Partitioning Attacks against RPL in the Internet of Things Environment”, Proceedings of the 26th (Virtual) Annual International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2020), Dec 16-18, 2020, India. CORE Ranking: B
  2. Rashmi Sahay, G. Geethakumari and Barsha Mitra, “Blockchain based Framework to Secure IoT - LLNs against Routing Attacks”, Springer Computing Journal, 2020, SCI Indexed, Impact Factor: 2.06, H-Index 51, SJR-0.42; Computing, 102(11), 2445-2470; DOI: 10.1007/s00607-020-00823-8
  3. Rashmi Sahay, G Geethakumari and Barsha Mitra, "A Feedforward Neural Network based Model to Predict Sub-optimal Path Attack in IoT-LLNs", Proceedings of the 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid 2020) Conference, May2020, Melbourne, Australia. CORE Ranking: A
  4. Prajwal Ravishankar and G Geethakumari, “Classification of IoT Binaries in Resource Constrained Environments”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Convergence to Digital World (IEEE ICCDW 2020), February 18 – 20, 2020, India.
  5. D Radha Rani and G Geethakumari, “Secure Data Transmission and Detection of Anti-Forensic Attack in Cloud Environment  using MECC and DLMNN”, Elsevier Computer Communications Journal, SCI-E indexed, Impact Factor: 2.766, Elsevier, Vol(150), pp 799 - 810, January, 2020.


 Invited Talk:  Prof.G Geethakumari gave an invited talk on “Cloud Computing Security” at the Workshop on “Virtualization and Cloud Computing” organized by the UGC – Human Resource Development Centre (UGC – HRDC), JNTUH on February 14, 2019.

  1. Ramnath Kumar and G Geethakumari, “Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Content in  IoT Malware Detection”, Proceedings of the IEEE TENCON 2019, the flagship premier international technical conference of IEEE Region 10, October 17 – 20, 2019, India: Ranking: Core-CDOI:


  1. BKSP Kumar Raju and G Geethakumari, “SNAPS: Towards Building Snapshot based Provenance System for Virtual Machines in the Cloud Environment”, Elsevier Computers and Security Journal, June, 2019. (Impact Factor: 2.65; SCI-E indexed);


  1. Rashmi Sahay, G Geethakumari, Barsha Mitra and Naman Goyal, “Investigating Packet Dropping Attacks in RPL-DODAG in IoT", Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference for Convergence in Technology, 2019 (IEEE I2CT 2019), IEEE Explore (Scopus-indexed), March 29 - 31, 2019, India. 


  1. Mohit Goyal, Ipsit Sahoo and G Geethakumari, “HTTP Botnet Detection in IOT Devices using Network Traffic Analysis”,  Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances on Energy Efficient Computing and Communication (ICRAECC -2019),IEEE Explore (Scopus-indexed), March 7 - 8, 2019, India. DOI:



Invited Talk 1: Prof. Geetha gave an invited talk on "Embedded System Security" at the Defense Electronics Research Lab (DLRL), DRDO, Hyderabad, on December 12th, 2018.


Invited Talk2: Prof. G Geethakumari gave an invited talk on “Introduction to Cloud Forensics and its Challenges”, at the Training Programme for experts from BIMSTEC Countries (Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand , Nepal and Bhutan), on November 16th, 2018 at the Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL), Hyderabad. The event was jointly organized by National Investigation Agency (NIA), Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India and CFSL, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India. 


Research Papers: 


1.Rashmi Sahay, G Geethakumari, Barsha Mitra and Ipsit Sahoo, “Efficient Framework for Detection of Version Number Attack in Internet of Things", Proceedings of  the 18th International  Conference  on Intelligent Systems Design  and Applications, (ISDA 2018), Springer  (SCI-indexed), Dec 6 - 8, 2018, India. 


2.Rashmi Sahay, G Geethakumari, Barsha Mitra and V Thejas, “Exponential Smoothing Based Approach for Detection of Blackhole Attacks in IoT", Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (IEEE ANTS 2018), IEEE Explore (Scopus-indexed), December 16 - 19, 2018, India. 


3.Rashmi Sahay, G Geethakumari, Koushik Modugu and Barsha Mitra, “Traffic Convergence Detection in IoT LLNs: A Multilayer Perceptron based Mechanism", Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2018), IEEE Explore (Scopus - indexed), November 18 - 21, 2018, India. 


4.Rashmi Sahay, G Geethakumari and Koushik Modugu, “Attack Graph-Based Vulnerability Assessment of Rank Property in RPL-6LOWPAN in IoT”, Proceedings of the IEEE 4th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF- IoT 2018), 05-08, February, 2018, Singapore. DOI: 10.1109/WF-IoT.2018.8355171., Scopus-indexed.


Tutorial Speaker:

Dr G Geethakumari presented a Tutorial Session on “Cloud Based Malware Mitigation Techniques for Securing Internet of Things Environment”at the 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (IEEE ANTS) 2017, on December 17, 2017 at Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. 


  1. Agrima Srivastava and G Geethakumari, "Privacy Preserving solution to prevent Inference Attacks in Online Social Networks", International Journal of Data Sciences, Inderscience Publishers, 2017. (Indexed in cnpLINKer (CNPIEC), Google Scholar and RePEc).


  1. BKSP Kumar Raju, Nikhil Bharadwaj Gosala and G Geethakumari, "CLOSER: Applying Aggregation for Effective Event Reconstruction of Cloud Service Logs”, Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, (ACM IMCOM 2017), Beppu, Japan, January 5-7, 2017. 



  1. BKSP Kumar Raju, and G Geethakumari, "'Timeline based Cloud Event Reconstruction Framework for Virtual Machine Artifacts”, Special issue of Digital Communications and Networks, Elsevier Journal, 2016
  2. BKSP Kumar Raju, Bhupendra Moharil and G Geethakumari, "FaaSeC: Enabling Forensics-as-a-Service for Cloud Computing Systems”, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), Dec 6-9, 2016.
  3. BKSP Kumar Raju and G Geethakumari, "Event Correlation in Cloud: A Forensic perspective", Springer Computing Journal, November 2016, Volume 98, Issue 11, pp 1203–1224.

4.BKSP Kumar Raju and G Geethakumari, "Timeline based Cloud Event Reconstruction Framework for Virtual Machine Artifacts", Proceedings of the 4th Springer International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics (ICACNI 2016), 22-24 September 2016, India. Springer Proceedings.

  1. Meera G and G Geethakumari, "VMI-driven Forensic Aware Memory Monitoring System in the Cloud: A Concept Map", 4th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics (ICACNI 2016), 22-24 September 2016, India.

6.D Radha Rani and G Geethakumari, "A Framework for Detecting Anti-forensics in Cloud Environment", Proceedings of the IEEE ICCCA- 2016 International Conference,     29-30 April 2016, India, Proceedings in IEEE Explore.

  1. BKSP Kumar Raju and G Geethakumari, "An advanced forensic readiness model for the cloud environment", Proceedings of the IEEE ICCCA- 2016 International Conference, 29-30 April 2016, India, Proceedings in IEEE Explore.
  2. Sagi Sai Sruthi and G Geethakumari, "An Efficient Secure Data Aggregation Technique for Internet of Things Network: An Integrated Approach using DB-MAC and Multi-Path Topology" Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC - 2016), 27-28 February 2016, India.
  3. Meera G and G Geethakumari, "Event Correlation for Log Analysis in the Cloud" Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC - 2016), 27-28 February 2016, India.


Tutorial Speaker:

Presented a tutorial on “Data Protection and Privacy Preservation in the Internet of Things", at the IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), August 10 - 13, 2015, India. 


  1. B K S P Kumar Raju, Meera G and G Geethakumari, “Cloud Forensic Investigation: A sneak peak into acquisition", Proceedings of the Symposium on Emerging Topics in Computing and Communications (SETCAC'2015), December 16 - 19, 2015, India.
  2. Agrima Srivastava and G Geethakumari, “A framework for improving privacy strength of Online Social Network user profile", Proceedings of the Grace Hopper Celebration India (GHCI) 2015 conference, December 2 – 4, 2015.
  3. Agrima Srivastava and G Geethakumari, “Determining privacy utility trade-off for Online Social Network data publishing”, Proceedings of the IEEE INDICON 2015, December 17 – 20, 2015, India. Proceedings to appear in the IEEE Explore. (Received the best paper award).
  4. Digambar Powar and G Geethakumari, “Digital Forensic Architecture for Cloud Computing Systems: Methods of Evidence Identification, Segregation, Collection and Partial Analysis”, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on INformation systems Design and Intelligent Applications-INDIA-2016, 8-9, January 2016. Proceedings in the “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series” Springer.
  5. D Radha Rani and G Geethakumari, “A meta-analysis of cloud forensic frameworks and tools”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Communication and Computational Technologies for Sustainable Growth (IEEE PCCCTSG 2015), December 11 – 12, 2015, India, Proceedings in IEEE Explore.
  6. K.P Krishna Kumar and G Geethakumari, “Information Diffusion Modelling to Counter Semantic Attacks in Online Social Networks”, Proceedings of the Ph.D. Forum of IEEE ADCOM 2015 International Conference, September 18 – 20, 2015, India. Proceedings to appear in the IEEE Explore.
  7. BKSP Kumar Raju and G Geethakumari, “A Trigger based Introspection Approach for Cloud Incident Handling”, International Journal of Big Data Intelligence (IJBDI), Inderscience Publishers, 2015.
  8. S. Saibharath and G Geethakumari, “Pre processing of Evidences from Cloud components for effective forensic analysis”, Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015, August 10-13, 2015, India. (Received the Best Paper Award)
  9. S. Saibharath and G Geethakumari, “Cloud Forensics: Evidence Collection and Preliminary Analysis”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Advanced Computing Conference, IEEE IACC 2015, June 12-13, 2015, India.
  10. Meera G, B K S P Kumar Raju and G Geethakumari, “A strategy for enabling forensic investigation in cloud IaaS”, Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies,– IEEE ICECCT 2015, March 05-07, 2015, India, Proceedings in IEEE Explore.
  11. Meera G and G Geethakumari, “A Provenance Auditing Framework for Cloud Computing Systems”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems 2015, (IEEE SPICES 2015), February 19-21, 2015, India, Proceedings in IEEE Explore.
  12. B K S P Kumar Raju and G Geethakumari, “A Digital Forensic Model for Introspection of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems 2015, (IEEE SPICES 2015), February 19-21, 2015, India, Proceedings in IEEE Explore.
  13. D Radha Rani and G Geethakumari, “An Efficient Approach to Forensic Investigation in Cloud Using VM Snapshots”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing (IEEE ICPC 2015), January 8 – 10, 2015, India, Proceedings in IEEE Explore.



  1. Agrima Srivastava and G Geethakumari, “Privacy Landscape in Online Social Networks”, International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications, Inderscience Publishers, ISSN online: 2048-8386, ISSN print: 2048-8378, 2014.


  1. Digambar Powar, Saibharath, G.Geethakumari, "Real-time digital forensic triaging for cloud data analysis using MapReduce on Hadoop framework", International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, Inderscience Publishers, ISSN: 1751-911X (Print), ISSN: 1751-9128 (Online), 2014.


  1. KP Krishna Kumar, Agrima Srivastava and G Geethakumari, “A Psychometric Analysis of Information Propagation in Online Social Networks using Latent Trait Theory”, Journal of 'Computing’, Springer publishers, 2014.


  1. B K S P Kumar Raju and G Geethakumari, “A Model for Trust Enhancement in Cloud Computing”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies – ICCCT2014, December 11-13, 2014, India, Proceedings in IEEE Explore.


  1. B K S P Kumar Raju and G Geethakumari, “A Novel Approach for Incident Response in Cloud Using Forensics”, Proceedings of the ACM COMPUTE 2014, October 9-11, 2014, India; Proceedings in ACM Digital Library.


  1. K P Krishna Kumar and G Geethakumari, "Analysis and Modeling of Semantic Attacks in Online Social Networks", International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications (IJTMCC), ISSN: 2048-8378 (Print), 2048-8386 (Online), 2014, Inder Science Publishers.


  1. Saibharath S and G Geethakumari, "Design and Implementation of a forensic framework for Cloud in Openstack cloud platform", Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Cloud Computing: Architecture, Applications and Approaches (CCA-2014), September 24-27, 2014, India; IEEE Explore and A & I Databases.


  1. Agrima Srivastava and G Geethakumari, "Quantifying direct trust for private information sharing in an Online Social Network", Proceedings of the International Symposium onIntelligent Informatics (ISI’14), September 24-27, 2014, India; Proceedings in the Journal Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing (Springer) Series.


  1. Digambar Powar and G Geethakumari, "A Heuristic Model for performing Digital Forensics in Cloud Computing Environment", Security in Computing and Communications: Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 467, 2014, pp 341-352.


  1. K P Krishna Kumar and G Geethakumari, "Detecting Misinformation in Online Social Networks using Cognitive Psychology", Springer Journal: Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences - HCIS-D-14-00002, 2014.


  1. Agrima Srivastava and G Geethakumari, "A Privacy Settings Recommender System for Online Social Networks", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances & Innovations in Engineering” - (ICRAIE-2014), May 09-11, 2014, India.


  1. Agrima Srivastava, K P Krishna Kumar and G Geethakumari, "Preserving privacy in online social networks using the graph structural analysis", Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Information Science, ACCIS - 14, June 26 - 28, 2014, India. Proceedings in Elsevier India.


  1. K P Krishna Kumar, G. Geetha Kumari and Agrima Srivastava, "Preventing Disinformation Cascades using Behavioural Trust in Online Social Networks", Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Information Science, ACCIS - 14, June 26 - 28, 2014, India. Proceedings in Elsevier India.


  1. K P Krishna Kumar and G Geethakumari, "Identifying Sources of Misinformation in Online Social Networks", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems, (SIRS-2014), March 13-15, 2014 Technopark, Trivandrum, India, Proceedings in Springer Series: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing Journal, Special Volume, pp 417 - 428,(Received the Best paper award).


  1. K P Krishna Kumar and G Geethakumari, "Analysis of Semantic Attacks in Online Social Networks", Proceedings of the International Conference on Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SNDS-2014), March 13-14, 2014 Technopark, Trivandrum, India, Proceedings in Springer Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science Series (CCIS), ISSN: 1865:0929.


  1. K P Krishna Kumar and G Geethakumari, "A Taxonomy for Modeling and Analysis of Diffusion of (mis)information in Social Networks", International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Inderscience Publishers, Vol 13, No.2, 2014, pp 119 -143.




  1. Agrima Srivastava and G Geethakumari, "A Framework to Customize Privacy Settings of Online Social Network Users", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems (RAICS) 2013, December 19 - 21, 2013, India.


  1. Agrima Srivastava and G Geethakumari, "Measuring Privacy Leaks in Online Social Networks", Proceedings of the IEEE ICACCI-2013: Proceedings of the InternationalSymposium on Women in Computing and Informatics (WCI-2013), August 22 - 25, Mysore, India, 2013, pp 1172 - 1177.


  1. KP Krishna Kumar and G Geethakumari, "Analysing Spread of Misinformation in Online Social Networks using Cognitive Psychology", Proceedings of the International Conference on Behavioral, Cognitive and Pyschological Sciences (BCPS2013), November 18-19,2013, London, U.K, Accepted Paper.


  1. KP Krishna Kumar and G Geethakumari, "Information Diffusion Model for Spread of Misinformation in Online Social Networks", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2013), August 22-25, 2013, Mysore, India.


  1. K P Krishna Kumar and G Geethakumari, "Modeling Semantic Attacks in Social Networks", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV), May 17 - 18, 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Journal Publications:

  • Bharandev, S., & Rao, S. N. (2021). “Does The Association Between Abnormal Trading Volumes And Historical Prices Explain Disposition Effect?” Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 28(1), 141-151.(ABS-2), DOI: Impact factor:1.7
  • Bharandev, S. and Rao, S.N. (2020), “Disposition effect at the market level: evidence from Indian stock Market”, Review of Behavioral Finance, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 69-82. (ABDC-B), DOI 10.1108/RBF-12-2018-0132, Impact factor:1.615

Book Chapters:

  • Sravani Bharandev & S. K. Mukul Ali & Sindhu, 2016. "Logistics Planning in Natural Disasters," Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, in: B.S. Sahay & Sumeet Gupta & Vinod Chandra Menon (ed.), Managing Humanitarian Logistics, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 23-31, Springer.


Kamalesh Kumar (2025), “Shear Wave Velocity Estimation of Pilani Soil Using Ultrasonics” International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology (, Volume 26, Issue 1, January 2025, pp 1-4.

17.A. Vendhan, S. E. Ahmed and S. Gurunarayanan, “Design of Approximate Adder with Reconfigurable Accuracy,” in IEEE Access

16. A. Jonnalagadda, U. A. Kumar, R. Thotli, S. Sardesai, S. Veeramachaneni and S. E. Ahmed, “ADEPNET: A Dynamic-Precision Efficient Posit Multiplier for Neural Networks,” in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 31036-31046, 2024

Selected Publications

  • MenstruLoss: Sensor For Menstrual Blood Loss Monitoring, Manideepa Mukherjee, Sana Ali Naqvi, Anushika Verma, Debarka Sengupta, Aman Parnami, Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol., 3, 2, Article 58, June 2019, 10.1145/3328929, 2474-9567, 219, 4
  • Challenges and opportunities of textile-based smart sanitary napkin design, Manideepa Mukherjee, Adjunct Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (UbiComp/ISWC '19 Adjunct), 1044-1046, 2019, 10.1145/3341162.3349572
  • DUMask: A Discrete and Unobtrusive Mask-Based Interface for Facial Gestures, Arpit Bhatia, Aryan Saini, Isha Kalra, Manideepa Mukherjee, Aman Parnami, Augmented Humans Conference (AHs '23), 12 Pages, March 12-14, 2023, 10.1145/3582700.3582726
  • MenstruWear: In-The-Wild Study For Characterizing The Effect Of User Activities On Sanitary Napkin-Based Bodily Fluid Monitoring, Manideepa Mukherjee, Abhay Sheel Anand, Varnika Kairon, Aman Parnami, Proceedings of the 15th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly '23), Article 7, 1-12, 10.1145/3605390.3605404
  • DFGenTool: A Dataflow Graph Generation Tool for Coarse Grain Reconfigurable Architectures, M. Mukherjee, A. Fell, A. Guha, 2017 30th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2017 16th International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID), 67-72, 2017, 10.1109/VLSID.2017.62
  • Performance analysis of a FPGA based novel binary and DBNS multiplier, Amrita Saha, Manideepa Mukherjee, Debanjana Datta, Sangita Saha, Amitabha Sinha, SIGARCH Comput. Archit. News, 41, 2, 9-16, May 2013, 10.1145/2490302.2490305
  • A novel architecture for conversion of binary to single digit double base numbers, Manideepa Mukherjee, Amitabha Sinha, SIGARCH Comput. Archit. News, 38, 5, 1-6, December 2010, 10.1145/1978907.1978909


74."Facile and Selective Cost-effective Detection of Creatinine from Human Urine by Cyclometalated Dinuclear Iridium(III) Complex Through Creatinine-triggered Emission" Pramod Raichure, Bharat Kaushik, Annu Agarwal, Inamur Laskar*, ACS Material Advances (Accepted)

73. "Dual-Emissive Iridium(III) Complex with Aggregation-Induced Emission: Mechanistic Insights into Electron Transfer for Enhanced Hypoxia Detection in 3D Tumor Models" Annu Agarwal;  Shrikant Kirwale;  Ajeet Singh; Bharat Kaushik; Vishal Kachwal;  Aniruddha Roy;  Inamur Laskar*,, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2025, XXXX, XXX, XXX-XXX

72. "Electronic Substitution Effect on ESIPT-Driven pH and Amine Sensing: Exploring Mechanism" Bharat Kaushik, Annu Agarwal, Ajeet Singh, Inamur Laskar*,, Chem. Asian J. 2025, e202401217.

Book Published

  1. Total Quality Management Practices in Indian Banking Sector. Available at:;
  2. “Food for Human and Social Resource Development”, under the banner of SEWA, 2004, 56 pages
  3. “Grain Bank” under the banner of SEWA Academy, 2004, 60 pages
  4. “Fodder Bank” under the banner of SEWA Academy, 2003, 62 pages

Research Papers and Publications

  1. “Mapping the Research Landscape of Exchange Traded Funds using Machine Learning: A Topic Modelling Approach”. Presented and published at 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems (ICSES -2023), 14th and 15th 2023
  2. “Mapping the Landscape of Machine Learning Application in Bitcoin Forecasting: A Bibliometric Analysis. Presented and published at 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems (ICSES -2023), 14th and 15th 2023
  3. "Mapping the Intellectual Structure of REIT Research Using Structural Topic Modelling: A Machine Learning Approach". Presented and published at Fourth International Conference on Smart Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (ICSTCEE), 8th & 9th December 2023 at REVA University, Bengaluru, India.
  4. “Influence of Covid-19 Pandemic on Efficiency of Indian Capital Markets: Proposition of a Recommendation Engine”, presented and published at the 14th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), IIT- Delhi, July 6th to 8th, 2023.
  5. “Applications of Deep Learning Techniques in Stock Market Forecasting: A Bibliometric Analysis, 2023 4th International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management, ICCAKM 2023, 2023.
  6. “A Bibliometric Review of Gold Price Forecasting Techniques: Trends and Future Directions”, 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Emerging Innovations in Engineering and Technology, ICSEIET 2023, 2023, pp. 435–440
  7. “Antecedents and Consequences of Financial Well-being: A Case on Working Professionals in India.” International Review of Economics, 2023. 2023, 70(3), pp. 341–378.
  8. “Principal Factors of Measuring Service Quality: A Study of Selected Banks in India.”, The Review of Finance and Banking, ISSN 2067-2713, eISSN 2067-3825, Volume 12, Issue 2, Year 2020, http:// rfb., Pages 155-174.
  9. “Improving Business Performance and Profitability in Service Sector through Total Quality Management.”, Mukt Shabd Journal, Volume IX Issue V, May 2020, ISSN 2347-3150, pg. 5058-5063
  10. “Creating Investment Environment for Sustainable Development: A Study of Indian Investment Policies”, 3rd Conference on Public Policy and Governance in South Asia, organized at Nepal Administrative Staff College, Lalitpur, Nepal in 4-5 July 2019.
  11. “Use of Digital Banking for Improving Quality of Service Delivery: An Empirical Study of Selected Indian Banks”, Journal of Social Welfare and Management, Vol. 10, Number 2, May – August 2018 Issue, p-ISSN 0975-0231, e-ISSN 2456-0871, pg.178-182.
  12. “Fraudulent Practices to Finance Family Businesses in India: A Case Study of Nirav Modi”, Emerging Trends in Commerce, Management and Technology, Conference Special Issue, May 2018.
  13. “A Comparative Study of Service Quality in Selected Public, Private and Foreign Banks in Hyderabad City”, Zenith International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.7 Issue 6, June, 2017, ISSN ONLINE: 2231-5780, pg. 1-18
  14. “Case Study: Vijay Mallya – Another Big name in the Indian Financial Fraud List”, in two days national seminar on “Fraudulent Financial Practices in Indian Capital Market – Issues and Concern’’, organised by Department of Commerce, Osmania University during   August 30 & 31, 2016.
  15. “Venture Capital: A next Generation Financing in India”; Indian Journal of Research – PARIPEX, Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2016, ISSN – 2250-1991, IF – 5.215, pg. 17-20
  16. “TQM Practices and its Relationship with Customer Satisfaction in an Indian Banking Sector – A Study of Secondary Data” at the International Seminar on “Strategies for Business Excellences” organised by Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology (MRCET), Hyderabad, 2014. ISSN: 978-93-83038-29-9 pg46-53
  17. “Revolution in the Banking Business with the Introduction of Technological Innovations” at the National Seminar on “Strategies for Business Excellencies” organised by Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology (MRCET), Hyderabad, AP.
  18. “Women Empowerment and its Indian Dimensions” in one day HR Seminar organised by Alluri Institute of Management, Warrangal, AP.
  19. “Role of Banking Sector in India” in one day Finance Seminar organised by Alluri Institute of Management, Warrangal, AP.
  20. “Securing Livelihoods – Scaling up and Building Partnerships” for National Conference held at Delhi, SEWA Academy.
  21. “Code of Conduct in Public-Private Partnership in Agriculture: SEWA’s Experience and Recommendations”, SEWA Academy
  22. “Local Governance as a Strategy in Livelihood Security Intervention: SEWA’s Experience in the Earthquake Affected Districts”, SEWA Academy

“Salt Workers of Gujarat – Their Status, Issues and Actions: SEWA’s Experience and Recommendations”, SEWA Academy


  • Jan Botsch, Hardik Jain, and Olaf Hellwich. "IMD-Net: A Deep Learning-based Icosahedral Mesh Denoising Network." IEEE Access (2022): pp. 38635-38649. IF: 3.9, 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3164714.
  • Suhas Shivapakash, Hardik Jain, Olaf Hellwich and Friedel Gerfers. A Power Efficiency Enhancements of a Multi-Bit Accelerator for Memory Prohibitive Deep Neural Networks. IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems (2021): pp. 156-169. IF: 2.6, 10.1109/OJCAS.2020.3047225.
  • Hardik Jain, Olaf Hellwich, Nils Wotke, Daniel Szymanski, Andreas Rose, and Timo Krueger. Laser-Guided CT Intervention using Flexible Laser Bow. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering (2021): pp. 445-448. IF: 0.8, 10.1515/cdbme-2021-2113.
  • Hardik Jain, Sharad Joshi, Gaurav Gupta, and Nitin Khanna. Passive Classification of Source printer using Text-line-level Geometric Distortion Signatures from Scanned Images of Printed Documents. Multimedia Tools and Applications (79).11-12 (2020): pp. 7377-7400. IF: 3.6, 10.1007/s11042-019-08508-x.


  • S. C. H. Ram Kumar, H. Jain, A. Kharitonov, V.B. Adusumalli, K.M. Schuldes, K. Turowski (2024). Intelligent Rail Traffic Management using Reinforcement Learning. International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, RailDresden, Dresden, Germany (Accepted)
  • Samuel Mueller, Olaf Hellwich, Daniel Szymanski, Hardik Jain and Timo Krueger.  Calibration and Registration Method for Tomography-Based Laser-Guided Surgical Interventions using a 4-DOF Navigation Robot. IEEE International Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems (2023), pp. 431-434, Italy. h5: 25. 10.1109/CBMS58004.2023.00257.
  • Hardik Jain, and Olaf Hellwich. GenIcoNet: Generative Icosahedral Mesh Convolutional Network. International Conference on 3D Vision (2021), pp. 64-73, London, UK. h5: 44, 10.1109/3DV53792.2021.00017.
  • Suhas Shivapakash, Hardik Jain, Olaf Hellwich and Friedel Gerfers. A Power Efficient Multi-Bit Accelerator for Memory Prohibitive Deep Neural Networks. International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (2020), pp. 1-5, Sevilla, Spain. h5: 41, 10.1109/ISCAS45731.2020.9180868.
  • Hardik Jain, Olaf Hellwich, Andreas Rose, N. Norman, Dirk Mucha, and Timo Krueger. Patient Motion Compensation for Photogrammetric Registration. Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (2020), pp. 759-766, Malta. h5: 27, 10.5220/0008939607590766.
  • Hardik Jain, Manuel Wollhaf and Olaf Hellwich. Learning to Reconstruct Symmetric Shapes using Planar Parameterization of 3D Surface. International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (2019), pp. 4133-4140, Seoul, Korea. h5: 66, 10.1109/ICCVW.2019.00508.
  • Hardik Jain, Joydeep Das, Hemant Verma, and Nitin Khanna. An Enhanced Statistical Approach for Median Filtering Detection using Difference Image. International Conference on Identity, Security and Behaviour Analysis (2017), pp. 1-7, New Delhi, India. h5: 16, 10.1109/ISBA.2017.7947704.
  • Hardik Jain, Olaf Hellwich and RS Anand. Improving 3D Face Geometry by Adapting Reconstruction from Stereo Image Pair to Generic Morphable Model. International Conference on Information Fusion (2016), pp. 1720-1727, Heidelberg, Germany. h5: 31.


‘Principles of Research Methodology and Ethics in Pharmaceutical Sciences: An Application Guide for Students and Researchers,’ Edited by  Vikas Anand Saharan, Hitesh Kulhari, Hemant R Jadhav, 2024, The CRC Press, LLC, Florida, USA. ISBN: 9780367538002.

Book Chapters

  1. H. R. Jadhav and K. K. Bhutani (2003), "Regulatory Status of Herbal Medicines – A Global Review," book chapter in ‘GMP for Botanicals’, Edited by Robert Verpoorte and Pulok K. Mukherjee, Business Horizons Ltd, New Delhi. ISBN: 8190078852.
  2. Vandana Kharb, Vikas Anand Saharan, Anupama Singh, Hemant Jadhav, Suresh Purohit (2012), "Bitterness Suppression of Oral Pharmaceuticals" book chapter in ‘The sense of taste’ Edited by Elizabeth J. Lynch and Alexander P. Petrov, Nova Science Publishers Inc.Hauppauge NY, USA. ISBN: 978-1-61209-748-0.
  3. Mahaveer Singh and Hemant R. Jadhav (2017). "Fast Dissolving Oral Films', book chapter in 'Current Advances in Drug Delivery Through Fast Dissolving/Disintegrating Dosage Forms,' Edited by Prof. Vikas A Saharan, Bentham Science, pages: 318-356. ISBN: 978-1-68108-460-2.
  4. Vikas Anand Saharan, Hitesh Kulhari, Hemant Jadhav, Deep Pooja, Surojit Banerjee, and Anupama Singh (2024), “Introduction to Research Methodology” book chapter in ‘Principles of Research Methodology and Ethics in Pharmaceutical Sciences: An Application Guide for Students and Researchers,’ Edited by Vikas Anand Saharan, Hitesh Kulhari, Hemant R Jadhav, The CRC Press, LLC, Florida, USA, pages: 46. ISBN: 9780367538002.
  5. Surojit Banerjee, Debadri Banerjee, Deep Pooja, Hitesh Kulhari, Hemant Jadhav, Vikas Anand Saharan, and Anupama Singh (2024), “Unethical practices in research designs” book chapter in ‘Principles of Research Methodology and Ethics in Pharmaceutical Sciences: An Application Guide for Students and Researchers,’ Edited by  Vikas Anand Saharan, Hitesh Kulhari, Hemant R Jadhav, The CRC Press, LLC, Florida, USA, pages: 46. ISBN: 9780367538002.
  6. Abhishek Wahi, Hemant R. Jadhav, Shikha Thakur, Sushma Dev, Priyanka Mohanty, and Priti Jain (2024), “Structural Considerations and Chemistry of PROTACs” book chapter in ‘PROTAC-Mediated Protein Degradation: A Paradigm Shift in Cancer Therapeutics,’ Edited by Mukesh Nandave and Priti Jain, Springer Nature Singapore, pages: 39-66. ISBN: 9789819750764


  1. Shikha Thakur, Priyanka Mohanty, Madhav S. Jadhav, Anil Bhanudas Gaikwad, Hemant R. Jadhav (2024). ‘A perspective on the development of small molecular neprilysin inhibitors (NEPi) with emphasis on cardiorenal disease’, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Elsevier, 280, 116932. IF: 6.0. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2024.116932.
  2. Amit Sharma, Santosh Rudrawar, Ankita Sharma, Sandip B. Bharate, and Hemant R. Jadhav (2024). ‘Design, synthesis, in silico, and in vitro evaluation of pyrrol-2-yl-phenyl allylidene hydrazine carboximidamide derivatives as AChE/BACE 1 dual inhibitors’, RSC Advances, RSC, 14, 26703-26722. IF: 3.9. doi: 10.1039/d4ra03589e.
  3. Amit Sharma, Santosh Rudrawar, Ankita Sharma, Sandip B. Bharate, and Hemant R. Jadhav (2024). ‘Unveiling the potential of novel indol-3-yl-phenyl allylidene hydrazine carboximidamide derivatives as AChE/BACE 1 dual inhibitors: a combined in silico, synthesis and in vitro study’, RSC Advances, RSC, 14, 23853-23872. IF: 3.9. doi: 10.1039/d4ra04315d.
  4. Mahaveer Singh, Hemant R. Jadhav, Amit Choudhary, and Pankaj Wadhwa (2024). ‘Design, synthesis and evaluation of new methyl piperazine derivatives as anticancer agents’ Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Springer Open, 10 (1), 88. IF: 3.4. doi: 10.1186/s43094-024-00663-9
  5. Shikha Thakur, Apurba Sinhari, Anil B Gaikwad, and Hemant R Jadhav (2024). ‘A structure-based pharmacophore modelling approach to identify and design new neprilysin (NEP) inhibitors: An in silico-based investigation,’ Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Elsevier, 756, 110019. IF: 3.8. doi: 10.1016/
  6. Neha Dagar, Hemant R. Jadhav & Anil Bhanudas Gaikwad (2024). ‘Network pharmacology combined with molecular docking and dynamics to assess the synergism of esculetin and phloretin against acute kidney injury-diabetes comorbidity,’ Molecular Diversity, Springer, 1-19. IF: 3.9. DOI: 10.1007/s11030-024-10829-5
  7. Neha Dagar, Tahib Habshi, Vishwadeep Shelke, Hemant R Jadhav, and Anil B Gaikwad (2024). ‘Renoprotective effect of esculetin against ischemic acute kidney injury-diabetic comorbidity,’ Free Radical Research, Taylor and Francis online, 58 (2), 69-87. IF: 3.3. DOI: 10.1080/10715762.2024.2313738.
  8. Noor Fatima Siddiqui, Pinky Vishwakarma, Shikha Thakur, and Hemant R Jadhav (2024). ‘Bioactivity predictions and virtual screening using machine learning predictive model,’ Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, Taylor and Francis online, 12, 1-20. IF: 4.4. DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2023.2300132.
  9. Amit Sharma, Santosh Rudrawar, and Hemant R. Jadhav (2024). ‘Butadiene Sulfone-catalyzed Monobromination of Arenes with NBS as the Bromination Source: A Simple, Mild, Efficient, and Chemoselective Protocol’, Letters in Organic Chemistry, Bentham Science, 21 (2), 201 – 208. IF: 1.0. doi: 10.2174/1570178620666230914164247
  10. Abhishek Wahi, Priti Jain, Apurba Sinhari, Hemant R Jadhav (2024). 'Progress in discovery and development of natural inhibitors of histone deacetylases (HDACs) as anti-cancer agents', Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 397 (2), 675-702. IF: 3.6. doi: 10.1007/s00210-023-02674-4.
  11. Sangeeta Hazarika, Shikha Thakur, Hemant R. Jadhav, Pankaj Chetia, Damiki Laloo, Siva Hemalatha (2024). ‘Investigation of antibacterial potential of Natsiatum herpeticum-Ham. ex Arn. using in silico-in vitro approach’, South African Journal of Botany, Elsevier, 164, 167-179. IF: 3.1. doi: 10.1016/j.sajb.2023.11.041
  12. Pinky Vishwakarma, Noor Fatima Siddiqui, Shikha Thakur & Hemant Jadhav (2024). ‘FDA approved fused-pyrimidines as potential PI3K inhibitors: a computational repurposing approach’, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, Taylor and Francis. 42 (24), 13497-13514. IF: 4.4. DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2023.2276315.
  13. Amit Sharma, Hemant R. Jadhav, Anubhav Rai, Naga Rajiv Lakkaniga, Harish C. Chandramoorthy, Hossam Mohammed Kamli, Mohammad Y. Alshahrani, and Prasanna Rajagopalan (2023). ‘A Comprehensive Review of Systemic Targeted Therapies in Cancer Treatment’, Current Cancer Therapy Reviews, Bentham Science, IF: 0.6. doi: 10.2174/0115733947261058231017170056.
  14. Abhishek Wahi, Namish Manchanda, Priti Jain, Hemant R Jadhav (2023). ‘Targeting the epigenetic reader “BET” as a therapeutic strategy for cancer’, Bioorganic Chemistry, Elsevier. 140, 106833. IF: 5.307. doi: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2023.106833.
  15. Mohit Sharma, Ankita Sharma, Shikha Thakur, Vijay K Nuthakki, Ashiya Jamwal, Utpal Nandi, Hemant R Jadhav, and Sandip B Bharate (2023). 'Discovery of blood-brain barrier permeable and orally bioavailable caffeine-based amide derivatives as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors,' Bioorganic Chemistry, Elsevier. 139, 106719. IF: 5.307. doi: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2023.106719.
  16. Mohit Sharma, Shikha Thakur, Hemant R. Jadhav, and Sandip B. Bharate (2023). 'Identification of Azelastine and Carvedilol as Cholinesterase Inhibitors via Structure-Based Virtual Screening of FDA-approved Drugs,' ChemistrySelect, 8(28), e202301879. IF: 2.307. doi: 10.1002/slct.202301879.
  17. Subhash Chander, Shvetank Bhatt, Kamal Dua, and Hemant Jadhav (2023). 'Recent trends and spotlight on nucleotide-based drugs: novel targets, their design, delivery, and clinical potential,' Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14, 1245809. IF: 5.99. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1245809.
  18. Mohd Abdullaha, Razia Banoo, Vijay K. Nuthakki, Mohit Sharma, Sukhleen Kaur, Shikha Thakur, Ajay Kumar, Hemant R. Jadhav, and Sandip B. Bharate (2023). 'Methoxy-naphthyl-Linked N-Benzyl Pyridinium Styryls as Dual Cholinesterase Inhibitors: Design, Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, and Structure-Activity Relationship,' ACS Omega, 8, 20, 17591–17608. IF: 4.132. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.2c08167.
  19. Vijay K. Nuthakki, Sushil Choudhary, Chilakala N. Reddy, Shipra Bhatt, Ashiya Jamwal, Anshika Jotshi, Rinky Raghuvanshi, Ankita Sharma, Shikha Thakur, Hemant R. Jadhav, Sonali S. Bharate, Utpal Nandi, Ajay Kumar, and Sandip B. Bharate (2023). 'Design, Synthesis, and Pharmacological Evaluation of Embelin–Aryl/alkyl Amine Hybrids as Orally Bioavailable Blood–Brain Barrier Permeable Multitargeted Agents with Therapeutic Potential in Alzheimer's Disease: Discovery of SB-1448,' ACS Chem. Neurosci., 14, 6, 1193–1219. IF: 5.78. DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.3c00030.
  20. Neha Dagar, Ajinath Kale, Hemant R. Jadhav, Anil Bhanudas Gaikwad (2023). 'Nutraceuticals and network pharmacology approach for acute kidney injury: A review from the drug discovery aspect,' Fitoterapia, 168, 105563. IF: 3.204. DOI: 10.1016/j.fitote.2023.105563.
  21. Shikha Thakur, Apurba Sinhari, Priti Jain, and Hemant R. Jadhav (2022). "A perspective on oligonucleotide therapy: Approaches to patient customization," Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12, 1006304. IF: 5.99. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.1006304
  22. Priti Jain, Pankaj K. Wadhwa, Hemant R. Jadhav (2021). "Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of 2,4,6-substituted Pyrimidine Derivatives as BACE-1 inhibitors: Plausible lead for Alzheimer's Disease", Medicinal Chemistry, 17 (10), 1194-1210. IF: 2.74. DOI: 10.2174/1573406417666201221155452
  23. Pankaj K. Wadhwa, Priti Jain, Hemant R. Jadhav (2021). "Design, Synthesis and in Vitro Evaluation of 4-Oxo-6-Substituted Phenyl-2-Thioxo1, 2, 3, 4-Tetrahydropyrimidine-5-Carbonitrile Derivatives as HIV Integrase Strand Transfer", Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, Bentham Science, 18 (4), 387-395. IF: 1.17, doi: 10.2174/1570180817999201022193325
  24. Vadiraj Kurdekar, Satish N. Dighe, and Hemant R. Jadhav (2020). "Study of arginine mimetic benzamidine urea derivatives as PAD4 inhibitors", Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, Elsevier, 97(8), 1273-1278. IF: 0.28. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5656697
  25. Pankaj Wadhwa, Priti Jain, and Hemant R. Jadhav (2020). "Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 (GSK3): Its Role and Inhibitors", Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, Bentham Science, 20 (17), 1563-1575. IF: 3.402, No. of Citations: 11 doi: 10.2174/1568026620666200516153136
  26. Pankaj Wadhwa, Priti Jain, and Hemant R. Jadhav (2020). "Synthesis and anti-HIV Evaluation of substituted Indole-3-carbaldehyde derivatives", Indian Drugs, IDMA, 57 (2), 18-26. IF: 0.07. doi: 10.53879/id.57.02.11912
  27. Pankaj Wadhwa, Priti Jain, and Hemant R. Jadhav (2020). "Design, Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation of 2-Oxo-N-substituted phenyl 2H-chromene-3-carboxamide Derivatives as HIV Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors", Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, Bentham Science, 17 (4), 418-427. IF: 1.17 doi: 10.2174/1570180816666190617150803
  28. Pankaj Wadhwa, Priti Jain, Arpit Patel, Shantanu Shinde and Hemant R. Jadhav (2019). "Synthesis and Evaluation of 3-(1,3-dioxoisoindolin-2-yl)-N-substituted Phenyl Benzamide Analogues as HIV Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors", Anti-Infective Agents, Bentham Science, 17 (2), 105-114. IF: 0.16. doi: 10.2174/2211352516666181102121920
  29. Philip Ryan, Bhautikkumar Patel, Vivek Makwana, Hemant R. Jadhav, Milton Kiefel, Andrew Davey, Tristan A. Reekie, Santosh Rudrawar, and Michael Kassiou (2018). "Peptides, Peptidomimetics, and Carbohydrate−Peptide Conjugates as Amyloidogenic Aggregation Inhibitors for Alzheimer's Disease," ACS Chem. Neurosci., 9, 1530−1551, IF: 4.211, doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00185
  30. Mahaveer Singh, Hemant R. Jadhav (2018). "Targeting non-small cell lung cancer with small-molecule EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors," Drug Discovery Today, Elsevier, 23 (3), 745-753, IF: 6.691, No. of Citations: 96 DOI: 10.1016/j.drudis.2017.10.004
  31. Pankaj Wadhwa, Priti Jain, Santosh Rudrawar, Hemant R Jadhav (2018). "Quinoline, Coumarin, and Other Heterocyclic Analogs Based HIV-1 Integrase Inhibitors," Current drug discovery technologies, Bentham Science, 15 (1), 2-19, DOI: 10.2174/1570163814666170531115452
  32. Pankaj Wadhwa, Priti Jain, Sirish Cholasamudram and Hemant R Jadhav (2018). "Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of N-(4-Fluorophenyl)-6-Methyl-2-Oxo-1,2, 3, 4-Tetrahydropyrimidine-5-Carboxamides as HIV Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors", Der Pharmacia Lettre, 10 (4), 100-114.
  33. Mahaveer Singh, Hemant R. Jadhav, Amit Kumar (2018). "Design, Synthesis and in-vitro evaluation of piperazine incorporated novel anticancer agents," Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, Bentham Science, 15 (8): 866-574. IF: 1.17, DOI: 10.2174/1570180815666171211161501
  34. Mahaveer Singh, Hemant R. Jadhav, Tanya Bhatt (2017). "Dynamin Functions and Ligands: Classical Mechanisms Behind," Molecular Pharmacology, ASPET, 91 (2), 123-134. IF: 4.1, 33 DOI: 10.1124/mol.116.105064
  35. Pathak K, Mohanan A, Jadhav H, Acharya S, Mandavia D. (2016). "Exploring Visceral Adiposity Index as a predictor of visceral adiposity dysfunction and evaluating its performance in predicting hepatic insulin resistance in Indian type 2 diabetics", International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 8(8):297-301
  36. Priti Jain, Pankaj K Wadhwa, Hemant R Jadhav (2016). "Design, synthesis, and evaluation of Acridin-9-yl hydrazide derivatives as BACE-1 inhibitors", Medicinal Chemistry Research, Bentham Science, 25(7): 1507-1513. IF: 1.402.
  37. Priti Jain, Pankaj K Wadhwa, Sinduri Gunapati, Hemant R Jadhav (2016). "Design, synthesis and in vitro evaluation studies of Sulfonyl-amino-acetamides as small molecule BACE-1 inhibitors", Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, Elsevier, 24(11): 2567-75. IF: 2.793, DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2016.04.023
  38. Vandana Kharb, Vikas Anand Saharan, Vivek Kharb, Hemant Jadhav and Suresh Purohit (2016). "Formulation and characterization of taste masked ondansetron–magnesium aluminum silicate adsorption systems," Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, Taylor and Francis, 42 (8): 1291-1299. IF 2.101
  39. Priti Jain, Pankaj K Wadhwa, Shilpa Rohilla, Hemant R Jadhav (2016). "Rational design, synthesis and in vitro evaluation of allylidene hydrazinecarboximidamide derivatives as BACE-1 inhibitors", Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Elsevier, 26(1): 33-37. IF: 2.42
  40. Kaushal Y Pathak, Anookh Mohanan, Hemant R Jadhav, Shivani Acharya (2015). "Cardiometabolic risk: Independent role of visceral and liver fat," World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 4 (11): 545-558.
  41. Pankaj Wadhwa, Priti Jain, Hemant R. Jadhav (2015). "QSAR and Docking Studies of N-Hydroxy Urea Derivatives as Flap Endonuclease-1 Inhibitors, Current Computer-Aided Drug Design, Bentham Science, 11(4): 346-352. IF: 1.155
  42. Priti Jain, Pankaj Kumar Wadhwa and Hemant R. Jadhav (2015). "Reactive Astrogliosis: Role in Alzheimer's Disease," CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, Bentham Science, 14 (7), 872-879, IF: 2.628
  43. Vadiraj D. Kurdekar and Hemant R. Jadhav (2015). "A new open source data analysis python script for QSAR study and its validation," Medicinal Chemistry Research, Bentham Science, 24 (4), 1617-1625. IF: 1.402
  44. Vadiraj D. Kurdekar and Hemant R. Jadhav (2015). "Small Molecular Inhibitors for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Progress so Far," Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, Bentham Science, 15, 123-144, IF: 2.628
  45. Vikas Saharan, Kapil Dev, Vandana Kharb, Anupama Singh A, Hemant Jadhav, Suresh Purohit (2014). "Bitterness Score and its Correlation to Drug Concentration: An Approach for Estimating Bitterness Suppression in a Marketed Product of Ofloxacin," Analytical Chemistry Letters, Taylor and Francis, 4 (4), 232-239
  46. Mahaveer Singh and Hemant R. Jadhav (2014). "Melatonin functions and ligands," Drug Discovery Today, Elsevier, 19 (9), 1410-1418, IF: 6.691
  47. Kharb V, Saharan VA, Dev K, Jadhav H, Purohit S. (2014). "Formulation and evaluation of lipid-based taste-masked granules of ondansetron HCl," European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Elsevier, 62, 180-188, IF: 3.350
  48. Dev K, Kharb V, Singh A, Saharan VA, Jadhav H, Purohit S. (2014). "A proposed methodology for in vitro evaluation of bitterness in drug solutions and in vitro drug release samples," Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovations, Springer, 14 (9), 183-191, IF: 1.00
  49. Kharb V, Saharan VA, Dev K, Jadhav H, Purohit S. (2014). "Formulation, evaluation and 3(2) full factorial design-based optimization of ondansetron hydrochloride incorporated taste masked microspheres", Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, Informa Healthcare, 19 (7): 839–852, IF: 1.202
  50. Priti Jain, Naga Rajiv L, Hemant R Jadhav (2014). "Synthesis and antibacterial profile of cyclized diazonium compounds," Research and Reviews: A Journal of drug design and discovery, 1 (1): 17-20.
  51. Piush Sharma, Ganesh N. Sharma, Birendra Shrivastava, Hemant R. Jadhav (2014). "Evaluation of Antioxidant Potential of Barleria prionitis Leaf and Stem," American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics, 2(10), 1177-1186.
  52. Piush Sharma, Ganesh N. Sharma, Birendra Shrivastava, Hemant R. Jadhav (2014). "Phytochemicals Screening, Total Phenol Estimation, Antioxidant Activity of Blainvillea Acmella Leaf and Stem Successive Extracts," Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 18(2): 351-359.
  53. Priti Jain and Hemant R Jadhav (2013) "Quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis of amino imidazoles as BACE-I inhibitors," Medicinal chemistry research, Springer, 22, 1740-46, IF: 1.402
  54. Mahaveer Singh and Hemant R. Jadhav (2013). "Histamine H3 Receptor Function and Ligands: Recent Developments", Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, Bentham Science, 13, 47-57, IF: 2.903
  55. Piush Sharma, B Shrivastava, Ganesh N. Sharma, Hemant R, Jadhav (2013). "Phytochemical and Pharmacological profile of Lanata camara l: An Overview," Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education & Research, 3 (4), 294-305
  56. P Sharma, B Shrivastava, G Sharma, H Jadhav (2013). "Phytochemical and ethnomedical values of Barleria prionitis L: An overview," Journal of Harmonized Research in Pharmacy, 2, 190-193
  57. Satish N. Dighe and Hemant R. Jadhav (2012). "Microwave-assisted mild, rapid, solventless & Catalyst-Free Chemoselective N-tert-Butyloxycarbonylation of Amines," Tetrahedron Letters, Elsevier, 53, 5803-5806, IF: 2.379
  58. Lavika Jain, Priti Jain, Hemant R. Jadhav (2011). "1-(4-(Phenoxymethyl) benzyl) Piperidine Derivatives as H3 Histaminic Receptor Antagonists: A Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship study" International Journal of Pharmaceutical Frontier Research, 1, 23-30.
  59. Priti Jain and Hemant R. Jadhav (2011). "Therapeutic Advances in the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease: Present and Future," Current Drug Therapy, Bentham Science Publishers, 6, 175-185
  60. Dipanwita Pati, Dilip Kumar Pandey, Radhakrishnan Mahesh, Vadiraj Kurdekar and Hemant R. Jadhav (2010). "Anti-Depressant-Like Activity of Mucuna Pruriens; A Traditional Indian Herb in Rodent Models of Depression" Pharmacologyonline, Univ of Salerno, Italy, 1, 537-551, IF: 0.16
  61. Deepti Dongarwar, Inamdar Afeez, M. Dinakaran, Vadiaraj D. Kurdekar and Hemant R. Jadhav (2010). "Synthesis and antioxidant potential of novel 2-isoxazole substituted chromenones synthesized by microwave irradiation". Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry, 3, 1, 106-109
  62. Hemant R. Jadhav and Subodh C. Pal (2005). "Chemistry and Pharmacology of Picrorhiza kurroa Royle Ex. Benth".Pharmacognosy Magazine, Phcog.NET, 1, 140-144
  63. Prashant L. Kole, Hemant R. Jadhav, Prasad. A. Thakurdesai and Anantha N. Nagappa, (2005), "Cosmetics: Potential of herbal extracts," Natural Product Radiance, NISCAIR, 4, 315-321, No. of Citations: 123
  64. H. R. Jadhav, A. Singh and K. K. Bhutani (2005), "Rationale for immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects of Ocimum sanctum: Radical scavenging potential and effect on nitric oxide production," Acta Horticulturae, Intl. Soc. Hort. Sci., 678, 159-162
  65. Hemant R. Jadhav and K. K. Bhutani (2002), "Antioxidant Properties of Selected Few Herbal Plants," Phytotherapy Research, Wiley, 16, 771-773, IF: 2.068
  66. K. K. Bhutani and H. R. Jadhav (2001), "Natural Products in Drug Discovery – An Overview of Current Status," Current Research and Information on Pharmaceutical Sciences (CRIPS), NIPER, 2, 2-11.
  67. K. K. Bhutani and H. R. Jadhav (2000), "R & D in Traditional Medicines," in Course material for International symposium "Preparation and Assessment of Pharmaceutical Registration Dossier" held at NIPER, Mohali.
  68. H. R. Jadhav and K. K. Bhutani (2000), "Regulatory Status of Herbal Medicines – A Global Perspective," in course material for the International Symposium "Preparation and Assessment of Pharmaceutical Registration Dossier" held at NIPER, Mohali.


  1. Matías Bejas, Xianxin Wu, Debmalya Chakraborty, Andreas P. Schnyder, Andrés Greco, Out-of-plane bond order phase, superconductivity, and their competition in the t-J_{\parralel}-J_{\perpendicular} model for pressurized nickelates, arXiv:2411.00269 (2024)

  2. Debmalya Chakraborty and Annica M Black-Schaffer, Perfect superconducting diode effect in altermagnets, arXiv:2408.07747 (2024).

  3. Debmalya Chakraborty and Annica M Black-Schaffer, Constraints on superconducting pairing in altermagnets, arXiv:2408.03999 (2024).

  4. Debmalya Chakraborty and Annica M Black-Schaffer, Zero-field finite-momentum and field-induced superconductivity in altermagnets, Phys. Rev. B (Letter) 110, L060508 (2024), Editor's suggestion.

  5. Pietro M. Bonetti*, Debmalya Chakraborty*, Xianxin Wu, and Andreas P. Schnyder, Interaction-driven first-order and higher-order topological superconductivity, Phys. Rev. B. (Letter) 109, L180509 (2024). *=Equal contributions.

  6. Xianxin Wu, Debmalya Chakraborty, Andreas P. Schnyder, and Andres Greco, Crossover between electron-electron and electron-phonon mediated pairing on the Kagome lattice, Phys. Rev. B. 109, 014517 (2024).

  7. Debmalya Chakraborty and Annica M Black-Schaffer, Quasiparticle interference as a direct experimental probe of bulk odd-frequency superconducting pairing, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 247001 (2022), Editor's suggestion, featured in Physics.

  8. Debmalya Chakraborty and Annica M Black-Schaffer, Interplay of finite-energy and finite-momentum superconducting pairing, Phys. Rev. B. 106 , 024511 (2022)

  9. Debmalya Chakraborty, Tomas Löfwander, Mikael Fogelström, and Annica M. Black-Schaffer, Disorder-robust phase crystal in high-temperature superconductors stabilized by strong correlations, npj Quantum Materials 7, 44 (2022)

  10. Debmalya Chakraborty and Annica M. Black-Schaffer, Odd-frequency pair density wave correlations in underdoped cuprates, New J. Phys. 23 , 033001 (2021)

  11. Maxence Grandadam, Debmalya Chakraborty, Xavier Montiel and Catherine Pépin, Electronic spectral function in fractionalized Pair Density Wave scenario, Phys. Rev. B. 102 , 121104(R) (2020)

  12. C. Pépin, D. Chakraborty, M. Grandadam and S. Sarkar, Fluctuations and the Higgs Mechanism in Underdoped Cuprates, Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 11, 301 (2020)

  13. Maxence Grandadam, Debmalya Chakraborty and Catherine Pépin, Fractionalizing a local pair density wave: a good "recipe" for opening a pseudo-gap, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 33, 2361 (2020)

  14. Saheli Sarkar, Debmalya Chakraborty and Catherine Pépin, Incipient loop current order in the under-doped cuprate superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 100, 214519 (2019)

  15. D. Chakraborty, M. Grandadam, M. H. Hamidian, J. C. S. Davis, Y. Sidis and C. Pépin, Fractionalized pair density wave in the pseudo-gap phase of cuprate superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 100, 224511 (2019)

  16. Corentin Morice, Debmalya Chakraborty and Catherine Pépin, Collective mode in the SU(2) theory of cuprates, Phys. Rev. B 98, 224514 (2018)

  17. Debmalya Chakraborty, Corentin Morice and Catherine Pépin, Phase diagram of the underdoped cuprates at high magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 97, 214501 (2018)

  18. Corentin Morice, Debmalya Chakraborty, Xavier Montiel and Catherine Pépin, Pseudo-spin skyrmions in the phase diagram of cuprate superconductors, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 30, 295601 (2018)

  19. Amit Ghosal, Debmalya Chakraborty and Nitin Kaushal, Prospects of Anderson's theorem for disordered cuprate superconductors, Physica B 536, 867 (2018)

  20. Debmalya Chakraborty, Nitin Kaushal and Amit Ghosal, Pairing theory for strongly correlated d-wave superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 96, 134518 (2017)

  21. Debmalya Chakraborty, Rajdeep Sensarma and Amit Ghosal, Effects of strong disorder in strongly correlated superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 95, 014516 (2017)

  22. Debmalya Chakraborty and Amit Ghosal, Fate of disorder-induced inhomogeneities in strongly correlated d-wave superconductors, New J. Phys. 16, 103018 (2014)

Publication Summary

  • Journal Publications - 55
  • Book Chapters - 18
  • Conference Proceedings - 29

Referred Journal Publications

  1. Hassan, A., Bhat, J.A., Sofi, F.A., Dar, M.A. (2025), “Tests on outer-tube stiffened CFDST short-columns: Effect of stiffener distribution on the axial performance”, Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, Manuscript Number:STENG-14487R1 (Accepted) Impact Factor 4.1 (Q-1)
  2. Kumar, K., Anbarasu, M., Dar, M.A. (2024) “Bending response of cover-plated CFS built-up sections: Testing, numerical parametric analysis and design ”, Thin-Walled Structures, 205, 112576 Impact Factor 5.881 (Q-1)       
  3. Vivek, K.S., Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N. (2024) “Efficacy of IS Code Provisions for Design of Eccentrically Loaded Single Angle Compression Members”, Buildings, 14(9), 2990 Impact Factor 3.1 (Q-2)
  4. Hassan, A., Bhat, J.A., Dar, M.A. (2024) “Development of Circular Multi-Cell Double-Skin Tubular Columns: Testing and improved axial performance”, Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, 150(11), 04024168 Impact Factor 4.1 (Q-1)
  5. Anbarasu, M., Dar, M.A., Ganesh, M., Kathiresan, M. (2024) “Web crippling response of cold-formed ultra-high strength steel lipped channel beam sections under ITF load case”, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 33(16), e2166 Impact Factor 2.4 (Q-1)
  6. Dar, M.A., Yadav, D., Sahoo, D.R., Lim, J.B.P. (2024) “Tests on cold-formed steel laced stub columns: Axial strength and stability characteristics”, Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, 150(10), 04024131 Impact Factor 4.1 (Q-1)
  7. Maizi, S.E., Hadidane, Y., Dar, M.A. (2024) “Flexural design of cold-formed steel built-up sections failing by local buckling: Development of generalised direct strength method”, Engineering Structures, 308, 117967 Impact Factor 5.5 (Q-1)
  8. Sadid, A.J., Dar, M.A., Ghowsi, A.F., Aydin, A.C. (2024) “Adoption of hooped-battens in cold-formed steel built-up columns for superior axial performance”, Scientific Reports, 14, 5170 Impact Factor 4.6 (Q-1)
  9. Karthik, C., Anbarasu, M., Dar, M.A. (2024) “Reliable Design Rules for Cold-Formed Ferritic Stainless Steel Closed Built-Up Beams”, Advances in Structural Engineering, 27(5), 722-742 Impact Factor 2.6 (Q-2)
  10. Vivek, K.S., Dar, M.A., Manohar, M., Ali, M.I., Babu, S. (2024) “Axial Compression Tests on CFRP Strengthened CFS Plain Angle Short Columns”, Scientific Reports, 14, 7273 Impact Factor 4.6 (Q-1)
  11. Dar, M.A., Verma, A., Malalasekara, P., Kok, A., Quek, J., Pang, S.D. (2024) “Hybrid Strengthening Scheme for Reinforced Concrete Beams: Flexural Behaviour and Large-scale Testing”, Engineering Structures, 301, 117206 Impact Factor 5.5 (Q-1)
  12. Kumar, S.A., Bhat, J.A., Sofi,F.A., Dar, M.A. (2024) “Experimentally and numerically verified behaviour of splice joints under multiple loading conditions and their capacity predictions by using artificial neural networks”, Structures, 60, 105917 Impact Factor 4.010 (Q-1)
  13. Dar, M.A., Ghowsi, A.F., Dar, A.R., Salam, S., Anbarasu, M., Vivek, K.S., Hajirasouliha, I. (2023) “Development of lightweight CFS composite built-up beams: Tests and flexural response”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 209, 108041 Impact Factor 4.349 (Q-1)
  14. Dar, M.A., Fayaz, S.J., Rather, S., Dar,A.R., Hajirasouliha, I. (2023) “Incremental stiffening approach for CFS built-up-beams with large imperfections: Tests and flexural-behaviour”, Structures, 53, 1318-1340 Impact Factor 4.010 (Q-1)
  15. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Ghowsi, A.F., Hajirasouliha, I., Anbarasu, M., Hameed, H., Dar, A.R. (2023) “Intermittently stiffened cold-formed steel GFRP composite lightweight built-up beams: experimental investigation and performance assessment”, Thin-Walled Structures, 185, 110630 Impact Factor 5.881 (Q-1)
  16. Vivek, K.S., Dar, M.A., Anbarasu, M. (2023) “Axial compression behaviour of CFS angle sections experiencing flexural-torsional buckling”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2810(1),1-9
  17. Karthik, C., Anbarasu, M., Dar, M.A. (2022) “Cold-formed ferritic stainless steel closed-section built-up beams: Tests and flexural response”, Thin-Walled Structures, 180, 109820 Impact Factor 5.881 (Q-1)
  18. Dar, M.A., Verma, A., Anbarasu, M., Pang, S.D., Dar, A.R. (2022) “Design of Cold-formed steel battened built-up columns”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 193, 107291 Impact Factor 4.349 (Q-1)
  19. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K., Verma, A. (2022) “Tests on CFS laced columns composed of plain channels: behavior and design”, Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, 148(5), 04022043 Impact Factor 3.858 (Q-1)
  20. Dar, M.A., Anbarasu, M., Dar, A.R., Islam N., Ghowsi, A.F., Carvalho, H. (2022) “Stiffening schemes for CFS built-up I-beams with large global imperfections: Capacity and behaviour”, Steel and Composite Structures, 42(4), 447-458 Impact Factor 6.144 (Q-1)
  21. Anbarasu, M., Subalakshmi, M., Dar, M.A., Hassanein, M.F. (2022) “Cold-formed ferritic stainless steel perforated tubular stub columns: Behaviour and design”, Thin-Walled Structures, 170, 108654 Impact Factor 5.881 (Q-1)
  22. Dar, A.R., Vijayanand S., Anbarasu, M., Dar, M.A. (2021) “CFS battened built-up columns-Experimental behaviour and verification of different design rules developed”, Advances in Structural Engineering, 25(2), 321–335 Impact Factor 2.438 (Q-2)
  23. Aejaz, S.A., Dar, M.A., Dar, A.R., Bhat, J.A., Carvalho, H. (2021) “Behaviour of various framed timber joints: Capacity and improved design rules”, Journal of Building Engineering, 44, 103417 Impact Factor 7.156 (Q-1)
  24. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Anbarasu, M., Ghowsi, A.F., Arif, P.A., Dar, A.R. (2021) “Testing and FE simulation of lightweight CFS composite built-up columns: Axial strength and deformation behaviour”, Thin-Walled Structures, 169, 108222 Impact Factor 5.881 (Q-1)
  25. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K., Sharma, S. (2021) “Monotonic tests and numerical validation of cold-formed steel battened built-up columns”, Thin-Walled Structures, 159,107275 Impact Factor 5.881 (Q-1)
  26. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K. (2021) “Interaction between chord compactness and lacing slenderness in CFS built-up columns”, Structures, 30, 985-995 Impact Factor 4.010 (Q-1)
  27. Anbarasu, M., Dar, M.A., Ghowsi, A.F., Dar, A.R. (2021) “Flexural behaviour of cover plated CFS built-up beams composed of lipped channels: Comparison of test and design strengths”, Structures, 30, 294-304 Impact Factor 4.010 (Q-1)
  28. Dar, A.R., Karthik, C., Anbarasu, M., Dar, M.A. (2021) “Testing of cold-formed ferritic stainless steel stub columns: Axial behaviour and design strengths”, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 6, 176
  29. Dar, A.R., Anbarasu, M., Venkatesan, M., Dar, M.A. (2021) “Wide-Flanged CFS Built-Up Columns: Comparison of Test Strengths, Numerical Validation & Design Strengths”, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 6, 179
  30. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, Anbarasu, M., Carvalho, H., Dar, A.R. (2021) “Effective strengthening of timber beams: An experimental investigation”, Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction-ASCE, 26(1), 04020042
  31. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Baniya, M.G., Anbarasu, M., Carvalho, H., Dar, A.R.(2021) “Development of an efficient steel truss system using CFS sections: A comparative study with a hot-rolled steel truss”, International Journal of Structural Integrity, 12(6), 894-903 Impact Factor 3.5 (Q-2)
  32. Anbarasu, M., Dar,A.R., Rather, A.I., Dar, M.A. (2021) “Effect of External Strengthening on the Flexural Capacity of Cold-formed Steel Beams”, Materials Today: Proceedings. 39(4) 1270-1274 
  33. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R.., Ghowsi, A.F., Sidiqui , F., Fayaz, S., Mir, M.S. (2020) “Comparison of various shear connectors for improved structural performance in CFS concrete composite slabs”, Engineering Structures, 220, 111008 Impact Factor 4.471 (Q-1)
  34. Anbarasu, M., Dar, M.A. (2020) "Axial capacity of CFS built-up columns comprising of lipped channels with spacers: Nonlinear response and design", Engineering Structures, 213, 110559 Impact Factor 4.471 (Q-1)
  35. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K. (2020) “Influence of chord compactness and slenderness on axial compression behavior of built-up battened CFS columns”, Journal of Building Engineering, 32, 101743 Impact Factor 5.318 (Q-1)
  36. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Mir, A., Dar, A.R. Anbarasu M., Lim J.B.P. (2020) "Efficient cross-sectional profiling of built up CFS beams for improved flexural performance", Steel and Composite Structures, 34(3), 333-345 Impact Factor 5.733 (Q-1)
  37. Anbarasu, M., Dar, M.A. (2020) "Improved design procedure for battened cold-formed steel built-up columns composed of lipped angles", Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 164, 105781 Impact Factor 3.646 (Q-1)
  38. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, D.A., Dar, A.R. Anbarasu M., Lim J.B.P., Mahjoubi, S. (2020) "Flexural Strength of cold-formed steel built-up composite beams with rectangular compression flanges", Steel and Composite Structures, 34(2),  171-188 Impact Factor 5.733 (Q-1)
  39. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Pande, S., Dar, A.R., Raju, J. (2020) “Performance evaluation of different strengthening measures for exterior RC beam-column joints under opening moments”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 74(2), 243-254 Impact Factor 3.524 (Q-2)
  40. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Manzoor, Z., Ghowsi, A.F., Carvalho, H., Dar, A.R. (2020) “Retrofitting of hot-rolled steel channels using CFS sections: Experimental study and flexural behaviour”, Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction-ASCE, 04020038,25(4)
  41. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K. (2019) “Axial compression behavior of laced cold-formed steel built-up columns with unstiffened angle sections”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 162, 105727 Impact Factor 2.938 (Q-1)
  42. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Rather, A.I., Dar, A.R., Lim J.B.P., Anbarasu M., Roy, K. (2019) "Effect of angle stiffeners on the flexural strength and stiffness of cold-formed steel beams", Steel and Composite Structures, 33(2), 225-243 Impact Factor 4.394 (Q-1)
  43. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., Rather, A.I., Mir, A., Syed, S. (2019) “Strengthening of capacity deficient RC beams- An experimental approach”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 70(3), 303-310 Impact Factor 2.984 (Q-2)
  44. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., Muheeb, M., Haseeb, M., Mugees, T. (2019) “Structural efficiency of various strengthening schemes for cold-formed steel beams: Effect of global imperfections”, Steel and Composite Structures, 30(4), 393-403 Impact Factor 4.394 (Q-1)
  45. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., Anbarasu, M., Lim, J.B.P., Mir, A. (2019) “Behaviour of partly stiffened cold-formed steel beams: Tests and numerical simulations”, Advances in Structural Engineering, 22(1), 172-186 Impact Factor 1.416 (Q-2)
  46. Ebanesar, A., Cruze, D., Farsangi, E.N., Seenivasan, V.S.J., Dar, M.A., Dar, A.R., Gladston, H. (2019) “Seismic Performance Evaluation of a Proposed Buckling-Restrained Brace for RC-MRFS”, Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports, 29(3), 164-173
  47. Simran S., Dar A.R., Kumar R., Dar M.A., Raju J. (2019) “Improved performance of coal bottom ash co-mixtured concrete”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 561
  48. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Pulikkal, S., Jain, A.K. (2018) “Behaviour of laced built-up cold-formed steel columns: Experimental investigation and numerical validation”, Thin Walled Structures, 132(11), 398-409 Impact Factor 3.488 (Q-1)
  49. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Anbarasu, Dar, A.R., M., Lim, J.B.P. (2018) “Structural Performance of Cold-formed Steel Composite Beams”, Steel and Composite Structures, 27(5), 545-554 Impact Factor 3.899 (Q-1)
  50. Dar, M.A., Subramanian N. (2018) “Discussion on Residential Masonry Construction and their Earthquake Safety in the Rural Area of Mandi District”, Indian Concrete Journal, 92(3), 46-51.
  51. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., Dar, T.A. (2018) “Performance of self-compacting concrete using different waste materials and industrial by-products”, Disaster Advances,11(3), 22-33.
  52. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., Raju J. (2017) “Rehabilitation of a Distressed Roof Truss - A Study”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 62(5), 567-576 Impact Factor 2.191 (Q-2)
  53. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., Dar T.A. (2017) “Constructional Deficiencies in Masonry Structures and Seismic Risk”, Disaster Advances, 10(12), 28-35.
  54. Dar, M.A., Yusuf, M., Dar, A.R., Raju J. (2015) “Experimental Study on Innovative Sections for Cold Formed Steel Beams”, Steel and Composite Structures, 19 (6), 1599-1610 Impact Factor 3.198 (Q-1)
  55. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., Raju J. (2015) “Experimental Investigations on the Structural Behaviour of a Distressed Bridge”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 56, (4), 695-705 Impact Factor 1.118 (Q-2)

Book Chapters

  1. Balasubramaniam, T., Kumar, P.C.A., Dar, M.A. (2024) “Seismic Characteristics of Cold-Formed and Hot-Rolled Steel Hybrid Modular Wall Panels with Opening”, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas STESSA 2024, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, 520, 539–551, ISBN: 978-3-031-62888-7(Eds.: Mazzolani, F.M., Piluso, V., Nastri, E., Formisano, A. )
  2. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K. (2024) “Nonlinear Response of CFS-Laced Built-Up Columns—A Numerical Parametric Study”, Proceedings of the Indian Structural Steel Conference 2020 (Vol. 1). ISSC 2020. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, 318, 301-309, ISBN: 978-981-19-9390-9 (Eds.: Madhavan, M., Davidson, J.S., Shanmugam, N.E.)
  3. Anbarasu, M., Dar, M.A. (2024) “Nonlinear Compression Behaviour of Thin-Walled Battened Columns Composed of Steel Angle Sections”, Proceedings of the Indian Structural Steel Conference 2020 (Vol. 1). ISSC 2020. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, 318, 439-444, ISBN:978-981-19-9390-9 (Eds.: Madhavan, M., Davidson, J.S., Shanmugam, N.E.).
  4. Dar, M.A., Verma, A., Pang, S.D., Liew, J.Y.R. (2022) “Long-span Through-beam RCS system for Fast Construction of Industrial Buildings in Low Seismic Zones”, Recent Advances in Materials, Mechanics and Structures, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, 269, 719-730, ISBN: 978-981-19-3371-4 (Eds.: Saha, S., Sajith, A.S., Sahoo, D.R., Sarkar, P.)
  5. Ghowsi, A.F., Dar, M.A., Dar, A.R. (2021) “Behaviour of RC Beam-Column Joint subjected to Opening Moments: Test & Numerical Validation”, 3rd International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Clean and Sustainable Development ITCSD 2020, RILEM Bookseries, Springer, 29, 273-284, ISBN:  978-3-030-51485-3 (Eds.: Ashish, D.K., de Brito, J., Sharma, S.K.)
  6. Dar, M.A., Ghowsi, A.F., Dar, A.R. (2021) “Cold-formed Steel Concrete Composite Slab: Structural Performance Evaluation through Experimental Study”, 3rd International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Clean and Sustainable Development ITCSD 2020, RILEM Bookseries, Springer, 29, 317-325, ISBN:  978-3-030-51485-3 (Eds.: Ashish, D.K., de Brito, J., Sharma, S.K.)
  7. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K., Pulikkal, S. (2021) “Axial Resistance of Short Built-up Cold-formed Steel Columns: Effect of Lacing Slenderness”, Advances in Structural Vibration, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, Singapore, 11-19, ISBN: 978-981-15-5862-7 (Eds.: Dutta, S., Inan, E., Dwivedy, S.K.)
  8. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K. (2020) “Numerical Study on the Structural Integrity of Built-up Cold-Formed Steel Battened Columns”, Structural Integrity Assessment, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, Singapore, 815-823, ISBN: 978-981-13-8767-8 (Eds.: Prakash, R., Suresh Kumar, R., Nagesha, A., Sasikala, G., Bhaduri, A.)
  9. Kumar, V., Kumar, R., Dar, M.A., Raju, J. (2019) “Strengthening of RC Beam by Using Externally Bonded CFRP Laminates”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management through Design ICSWMD 2018, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, 21, 522-527, ISBN: 978-3-030-02707-0 (Eds.: Singh, H., Garg, P., Kaur, I.)
  10. Raju, J., Dar, M.A., Dar, A.R. (2019) “Strength Assessment of Composite Panels Under Dynamic Loading”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management through Design ICSWMD 2018, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, 21, 402-411, ISBN: 978-3-030-02707-0 (Eds.: Singh, H., Garg, P., Kaur, I.)
  11. Rahman, S., Kumar, R., Dar, M.A., Raju, J. (2019) “Partial Substitution of Sand and Cement with Waste Marble Powder and Limestone Dust in Self Compacting Concrete”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management through Design ICSWMD 2018, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, 21, 170-177, ISBN: 978-3-030-02707-0 (Eds.: Singh, H., Garg, P., Kaur, I.)
  12. Bhat, T.A., Kumar, R., Dar, M.A., Raju, J. (2019) “Effect of Sugarcane Molasses on Properties of Geopolymer Concrete”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management through Design ICSWMD 2018, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, 21, 210-216, ISBN: 978-3-030-02707-0 (Eds.: Singh, H., Garg, P., Kaur, I.)
  13. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K. (2018) “Battened Built-Up Cold-formed Steel Columns: Strength and Deformation Behaviour”, Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, Bloomsbury, 185-189, ISBN: 978-93-87471-69-6 (Ed. Singh, S.B.)
  14. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., Dar, T.A. (2018) “Non-Engineered Masonry Construction: Current Practice and Seismic Risk”, Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, Bloomsbury, 180-184, ISBN: 978-93-87471-69-6 (Ed. Singh S.B.)
  15. Dar, T.A., Dar, M.A., Sashidhar, C., Dar, A.R. (2018) “Performance of Self-Compacting Concrete: Design and Investigation”, Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, Bloomsbury, 794-798, ISBN: 978-93-87471-69-6 (Ed. Singh S.B.)   
  16. Raju, J., Dar, M.A., Sashidhar C., Dar A.R. (2018) “Optimization of Admixture Quantities in a Constant Low Temperature Gradient: Importance and Observations”, Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, Bloomsbury, 279-283, ISBN: 978-93-87471-69-6 (Ed. Singh S.B.) 
  17. Raju, J., Dar, M.A., (2018) “Replacement of Fine Aggregate by Crushed Tile Waste”, Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, Bloomsbury, 288-290, ISBN:978-93-87471-69-6 (Ed. Singh S.B.)
  18. Dar, M.A., Mushtaq, I., Nasier, S., (2018) “Recent Developments in Self-Compacting Concrete- A review”, Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, Bloomsbury, 271-275, ISBN: 978-93-87471-69-6 (Ed. Singh S.B.)

Conference Proceedings

  1. Dar, M.A. (2024) “Development of high performance cold-formed steel built-up members for the next generation of sustainable infrastructure”, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Digital Technologies in Construction (DigiTechCON’24), Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, April 4-5.
  2. Balasubramaniam, T, Kumar, P.C.A., Dar, M.A. (2024) “Seismic performance of hybrid cold-formed and hot-rolled steel modular steel shear wall system”, Proceedings of 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Milan, Italy, March 30-July 05.
  3. Dar, M.A., Yadav, D, Sahoo, D.R., Lim, J.B.P. (2024) “Experimental investigation on the buckling stability of cold-formed steel laced stub columns: Influence of critical parameters”, Proceedings of Annual Stability Conference, Structural Stability Research Council, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 19-22.
  4. Dar, M.A., Ghowsi, A.F., Mojtabaei, S.M., Hajirasouliha, I., Becque. J. (2024) “Web crippling behavior of CFS built-up beams under end two-flange loading”, Proceedings of Annual Stability Conference, Structural Stability Research Council, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 19-22.
  5. Anbarasu, M., Vivek, K.S., Dar, M.A. (2024) “Inelastic stability of axially compressed CFS hollow stub columns with edge-stiffened perforations”, Proceedings of Annual Stability Conference, Structural Stability Research Council, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 19-22.
  6. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Ghowsi, A.F. (2023) “Testing of CFS double laced built-up columns: Stability and design considerations”, Proceedings of Annual Stability Conference, Structural Stability Research Council, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, April 12-14.
  7. Dar, M.A., Ghowsi, A.F., Anbarasu, M., Celik, O.C., Hajirasouliha, I. (2023) “Web crippling instability response in CFS built-up open beams: Numerical study and design”, Proceedings of Annual Stability Conference, Structural Stability Research Council, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, April 12-14.
  8. Vivek, K.S., Ali, M.I., Babu, S., Dar, M.A., (2023) “Experimental study on axial compression behaviour of CFS plain angle short columns skin-strengthened with CFRP”, Proceedings of International Conference on Condition Assessment, Rehabilitation & Retrofitting of Structures, IIT Hyderabad, Telangana, India, December 10-13.
  9. Dar, M.A., Anbarasu, M. (2022) “Web crippling response of cold-formed ultra-high strength steel lipped channel sections”, Proceedings of Cold-Formed Steel Research Consortium Colloquium, USA, October 17-19.
  10. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R. (2022) “Axial response of cold-formed steel closed built-up columns composed of unstiffened channels”, Proceedings of Cold-Formed Steel Research Consortium Colloquium, USA, October 17-19.
  11. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K., Verma, A. (2022) “Lacing and unsupported chord stability characteristics in short CFS built-up columns: Tests, and design aspects”, Proceedings of Annual Stability Conference, Structural Stability Research Council, Denver, Colorado, USA, March 23-25.
  12. Dar, M.A., Verma, A., Anbarasu, M., Pang, S.D., Dar, A.R. (2022) “Effect of unsupported chord slenderness on the buckling strength and stability response of CFS battened columns”, Proceedings of Annual Stability Conference, Structural Stability Research Council, Denver, Colorado, USA, March 23-25.
  13. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N. Arif, P.A., Anbarasu, M., Ghowsi, A.F., Dar, A.R. (2021) “Compression and stability response of short CFS battened columns with lightweight composite chords”, Proceedings of Annual Stability Conference, Structural Stability Research Council, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, April 13-16.
  14. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K. (2020) “Axial strength and stability behaviour of cold-formed steel battened closed section columns”, Proceedings of Annual Stability Conference, Structural Stability Research Council, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 21-24.
  15. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K. (2019) “Ultimate Resistance of Intermediate Cold-Formed Steel Laced Columns”, Proceedings of 12th Pacific Structural Steel Conference, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, November 9-11.
  16. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K. (2019) “Axial Resistance of Cold-formed Steel Built-up Columns with Intermediate Slenderness”, Proceedings of 4th Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics, IISC Bangalore, Karnataka, India, July 3-5.
  17. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K. (2019) “Compression capacity of short cold-formed steel built-up columns with double lacing configuration and low sectional compactness”, Proceedings of Annual Stability Conference, Structural Stability Research Council, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, April 2-5.
  18. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K. (2018) “Monotonic Compression Behaviour of Cold-Formed Steel Built-up Laced Columns”, Proceedings of Seventh Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand, November 22-24.
  19. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K. (2018) “Ultimate Strength of Cold-formed Steel Built-up Columns: Effect of Lacing Slenderness”, Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, Hong Kong, China, December 5-7.
  20. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain, A.K. (2018) “Behaviour of Short Cold-formed Steel Built-up Columns with Low Sectional Compactness”, Proceedings of Sixteenth Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, December 20-22.
  21. Vinay, K.T.K., Kumar, R., Dar, M.A., Raju, J. (2018) “Strengthening of RC Beam by using Externally bonded CFRP Laminates”, Proceedings of International Conference on Trends & Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, India, August 23-24.
  22. Dar, M.A., Sahoo, D.R., Jain A.K. (2018) “Performance of Built-up Cold-Formed Steel Columns: Effect of Ratio of Unbraced Chord Slenderness to Column Slenderness”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures, IIT Roorkee, India, March 7-8.
  23. Simran, S., Dar, A.R., Kumar, R., Dar, M.A., Raju, J. (2018) “Enhanced Behaviour of coal bottom ash co-mixtured concrete”, Proceedings of International Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials, NIT Rourkela, India, December 6-8.
  24. Dar, M.A., Pullikal, S., Sahoo, D.R., Jain A.K., (2017) “Effect of lacing slenderness on the behavior of built-up cold-formed steel columns under axial loading”, Proceedings of International Conference on Vibration Problems, IIT Guwahati, India, November 28-December 2.
  25. Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., Dar, T.A. (2017) “Seismic Risk due to Violation of Earthquake Resistant Guidelines”, Proceedings of International Technology Congress, Pune, India, December 28-29.
  26. Dar, A.R., Mir, A., Rather, A.I., Dar, M.A., Syed S. (2017) “Strengthening of RC beams: Approaches and Comparison”, Proceedings of International Technology Congress, Pune, India, December 28-29.
  27. Dar, M.A., Dar, A.R., Verma, S.K., Raju, J., Ashish, D. Kr. (2015) “A Study on Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of a College Building in India”, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Fields in Engineering & Science, Kurukshetra University, Haryana, April 10-11.
  28. Dar, M.A., Raju, J., Dar, A.R., Murali K. (2012) “Physical Model Testing for Evaluating Effectiveness of Remedial Measures for a Distressed pipe-rack in Srinagar”, Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development, BIT, Sathymanagalam, Tamil Nadu, India, September 3-5.
  29. Dar, M.A., Raju, J., Dar, A.R., Shah, A.H. (2012) “Experimental Study on Seismic Resistance Capabilities of Dhajji-Dewari Frames”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Architecture and Civil Engineering, MSRIT, Bangalore, India, June 21-23.

15. Aditya Anirudh, Rishi, Satvik,U. Anil Kumar and Syed Ershad Ahmed. “Energy-Efficient Decoding and Encoding Hardware for Optimized Posit Arithmetic” IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (2024).

14.  Guturu, Sahith, Anil Kumar Uppugunduru, Apoorva Sharma, and Syed Ershad Ahmed. “A Power-Efficient Gaussian Filter Architecture Using Adder Compressors for Edge Detection Application.” Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2024).


Journal Publications and Preprints

  • David Bolin, Vaibhav Mehandiratta and Alexandre B. Simas, Linear cost and exponentially convergent approximation of Gaussian Matérn processes, 2024,
  • Shweta Kumari, Abhishek Kumar Singh, Vaibhav Mehandiratta and Mani Mehra, High order approximation to Caputo derivative on graded mesh and time-fractional diffusion equation for nonsmooth solutions, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 19, 2024,
  • Günter Leugering, Vaibhav Mehandiratta and Mani Mehra, Non-overlapping domain decomposition for 1d optimal control problems governed by time-fractional diffusion equations on coupled domains: optimality system and virtual controls, Fractal and Fractional, 8, pp.129, 2024, 10.3390/fractalfract8030129
  • Vaibhav Mehandiratta, Mani Mehra and Günter Leugering, Well-posedness, optimal control and discretisation for time-fractional parabolic equations with time-dependent coefficients on metric graphs, Asian Journal of Control, 25, pp. 2360-2377, 2023,
  • Vaibhav Mehandiratta, Mani Mehra and Günter Leugering, Distributed optimal control problems driven by space-time fractional parabolic equations, Control and Cybernetics, 51, pp. 191-226, 2022,
  • Abhishek Kumar Singh, Mani Mehra and Vaibhav Mehandiratta, Numerical solution of variable-order stochastic fractional integro-differential equation with a collocation method based on Müntz–Legendre polynomial, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 45, pp. 8125-8141, 2022,
  • Vaibhav Mehandiratta, Mani Mehra and Günter Leugering, Optimal control problems driven by time-fractional diffusion equation on metric graphs: optimality system and finite difference approximation, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 59, pp. 4216-4242, 2021,
  • Vaibhav Mehandiratta, Mani Mehra and Günter Leugering, Existence results and stability analysis for a nonlinear fractional boundary value problem on a circular ring with an attached edge: A study of fractional calculus on metric graph, Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 16, pp. 155-185, 2021, 10.3934/nhm.2021003.
  • Vaibhav Mehandiratta, Mani Mehra and Günter Leugering, Fractional optimal control problems on a star graph: Optimality system and numerical solution, Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 11, pp. 189-209, 2021, 10.3934/mcrf.2020033.
  • Vaibhav Mehandiratta and Mani Mehra, A difference scheme for the time-fractional diffusion equation on a metric star graph, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 158, pp. 152-163, 2020,
  • Vaibhav Mehandiratta, Mani Mehra and Günter Leugering, An approach based on Haar wavelet for the approximation of fractional calculus with application to initial and boundary value problems, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 44, pp. 3195-3213, 2020,
  • Vaibhav Mehandiratta, Mani Mehra and Günter Leugering, Existence and uniqueness results for a nonlinear Caputo fractional boundary value problem on a star graph, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 477, pp. 1243-1264, 2019,

In Conferences

  • Vaibhav Mehandiratta, Mani Mehra and Günter Leugering. Existence and uniqueness of time-fractional diffusion equation on a metric star graph. In A. Awasthi et al. (Eds.): CSMCS 2020, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1345, pp. 25–41, 2021, 10.1007/978-981-16-4772-7_2.



  • R. Bajpai, H. Ramesh, N. Gupta and V. A. Bohara, "Outage Analysis of Multicarrier Full-Duplex Cooperative UAV-to-UAV Communications System," in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, May 2023, doi: 10.1109/LWC.2023.3267950 (IF = 6.3, JCR 2023).
  •  R. Bajpai, N. Karoti, N. Gupta. “Exploiting millimeter wave in non-orthogonal multiple access based full-duplex cooperative device-to-device communications system”, in Springer Nature Telecommunication Systems, pp.1-14, May 2023. (IF = 2.5, JCR 2023)
  •  M. Dash, R. Bajpai, N. Gupta, P. Aggarwal, "A Nonlinear MIMO-OFDM based Full-Duplex Cooperative D2D Communications System", in IEEE Access journal, pp 1-12, Nov. 2021, (IF=3.9, JCR 2023). 
  • R. Bajpai, N. Gupta, "Outage Trade-Offs Between Full/Half-Duplex Relaying for NOMA Aided Multicarrier Cooperative D2D Communications System" in IETE Technical Review, Taylor & Francis, pp 1-13, Sept. 2021 (IF=2.4, JCR 2023).
  •  R. Bajpai, N. Gupta, and V. A. Bohara, “An Adaptive Full-duplex/Half-duplex Multiuser Cooperative D2D Communications System with Best User Selection," in  IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society (OJCOMS), vol. 2. pp- 1445-1457, June. 2021, (IF = 7.9, JCR 2023).
  •  N. Gupta, A. D. Singh, V. A. Bohara, “A Two-Way Cooperative D2D Communication Framework for a Heterogeneous Cellular Network" accepted in Wireless Personal Communications (Springer Journal), vol. 109, pp. 579-593, 2019, (IF = 2.2, JCR 2023).
  •  S. Sharma, N. Gupta, V. A. Bohara, “OFDMA-based Device-to-Device Communication Frameworks: Testbed Deployment and Measurement Results”, in IEEE Access Journal, pp. 1-11, 2018 (IF=3.9, JCR 2023).
  •  N. Gupta, V. A. Bohara, “Rate and Outage Trade-offs for OFDMA based Device to Device Communication Frameworks”, in IEEE Access Journal, vol. 5, pp. 14095-14106, 2017, (IF = 3.9, JCR 2023). 
  • S. Mittal, N. Gupta, V. A. Bohara “A BER Based Selection Combining Protocol for Adaptive Cooperative Cognitive Radios”, in Wireless Personal Communications (Springer Journal), vol. 97, issue 2, pp. 2497–2510, Nov. 2017,  (IF=2.2, JCR 2023).
  •  N. Gupta, V. A. Bohara, “An Adaptive Subcarrier Sharing Scheme for OFDM-Based Cooperative Cognitive Radios”, in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 370-380, Dec. 2016 (IF = 8.6, JCR 2023).

Book Chapter

  • N. Gupta, V. A. Bohara, V. K. Singh, “Design and Measurement Results for Cooperative Device to Device Communication,”, accepted as a book chapter in Resource Allocation in Next-Generation Broadband Wireless Access Networks by IGI-Global, 2016. 


  • Nerlikar, R. Bajpai, N. Gupta, A. Kumar, "Rate and Outage Analysis of Cellular User Assisted Full-Duplex Multicarrier Device-To-Device System", in proceedings of IEEE TENSYMP, IIT Bombay India, 2022.
  •  R. Bajpai, R. Soni, N. Gupta, A. Kumar, "A Full-Duplex Multicarrier Cooperative Device-to-Device Communications System with MMSE based RSI Cancellation" in CROWNCOM 2021, Shijiazhuang, China.
  •  Kumar, S. Saha, R. Bhattacharaya, N. Gupta, "An Eigenvalue based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Multiuser MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks under Correlated Fading Scenario" in CROWNCOM 2021, Shijiazhuang, China. 
  •  S. Chakraborty, R. Bajpai, N. Gupta, "R2-D2D: A Novel Deep Learning Based Content-Caching Framework for D2D Networks", IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-2021), Helsinki, Finland, pp. 1-5, June 2021.
  •  R. Bajpai, K. Nawandar, S. Nag, N. Gupta, "Outage Analysis of Millimeter Wave Assisted Full-Duplex Cooperative D2D communications System with Non-orthogonal Multiple Access", IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS-2020), Delhi, pp. 1-6, Feb. 2021.
  •  S Mishra, R. Bajpai, N. Gupta, V.K. Singh, " Machine Learning and Caching based Efficient Data Retrieval Framework", in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS-2020), Delhi, pp. 1-4, Feb. 2021.
  •  Kumar, J. Eldho, S. Pandey, R. Bajpai, N. Gupta, " Outage Analysis of D2D based Ultra-relaibale Low latency Communication System under Nakagami-m Fading Channel", in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS-2020), Delhi, pp. 1-4, Feb. 2021.
  •  Rahul Bajpai, Adwait Kulkarni, Ganeshan Malhotra, Naveen Gupta, "Outage Analysis of OFDMA Based NOMA Aided Full-Duplex Cooperative D2D System", in proceedings of IEEE 27th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), Indonesia, pp. 1-5, Oct. 2020.
  • A. Khokar, R. Bajpai, N. Gupta, “Best User Selection for NOMA-aided Full-duplex Cooperative D2D Communications System," in proceedings of IEEE 27th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), Indonesia, pp. 1-5, Oct. 2020.
  •  R. Shanbhag, R. Bajpai, N. Gupta, A. Kumar, “Performance Analysis of Multi-Armed Bandit Based Resource Allocation Algorithms for D2D Communication Systems”,  in proceedings of IEEE 27th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), Indonesia, pp. 1-5, Oct. 2020.
  •  Kaur, S. Kaushik, R. Bajpai, N. Gupta, “Performance Analysis of Millimeter-Wave Based Device-to-Device Communications System”, in proceedings of IEEE 27th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), Indonesia, pp. 1-4, Oct. 2020.
  •  R. D. Govenker, A. Y. Phatak, R. Bajpai and N. Gupta, "Outage Analysis of mmWave Integrated Device-to-Device Communication System under Nakagami Fading Channel," in National Conference on Communications (NCC), IIT Kharagpur, India, 2020, pp. 1-6.
  •  R. Bajpai, N. Gupta, "A Novel Throughput Improvement Algorithm for High Density Wireless LAN", in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS) 2019, Goa, 2019, pp.1-6.
  •  V. K. Singh, N. Upadhyay, N. Gupta, "A Low Overhead Frame Configuration for Improved Preamble Based Channel Estimation in FBMC-OQAM", in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS) 2019, Goa, 2019, pp.1-6.
  •  N. Gupta, D. Kumar, V. A. Bohara, “A Novel User Selection and Resource Allocation Framework for Cooperative D2D Communication”, accepted in proceedings of GLOBECOM-2018, IEEE Global Communications Conference, Abu Dhabi, Dec. 2018, pp.1-7.
  •  N. Gupta, V. A. Bohara, “OFDMA based Angle-Constrained Underlay Device-to-Device Communication”, accepted in proceedings of GLOBECOM-2017, IEEE Global Communications Conference, Singapore, 2017, pp. 1-6.
  •  S. Sharma, N. Gupta, V. A. Bohara, “Insights from the Measurement Results for Adaptive and Cooperative D2D Communication Framework”, accepted in proceeding of IEEE WCNC, Barcelona, Spain, April 2018, pp.1-6.
  •  N. Gupta, V. K. Singh, S. Sharma, V. A. Bohara, “Testbed Implementation and Proof-of-Concept Demonstration for Cooperative Device-to-Device Communication Framework”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS) 2017, Bhubaneswar, 2017, pp.1-6.
  •  N. Gupta, V. A. Bohara, “Subcarrier Sharing Scheme for Overlay and Cooperative D2D Communication in Cellular Networks”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS) 2016, Bangalore, 2016, pp. 1-6.
  •  S. Mittal, V. A. Bohara, N. Gupta,“A BER based Selection Combining Protocol for Adaptive Cooperative Cognitive Radios”, poster in European Conference on Networks and Communications (EUCNC-2016), Oulu, Finland, 2016.
  •  S. Mittal, N. Gupta, V. A. Bohara, “A Cooperative Spectrum Sharing Protocol for Cognitive Two-way AF Relaying System” in proceedings of IEEE TENSYMP, Cochin, 2017.
  •  N. Gupta, V. A. Bohara, “A Cognitive Subcarrier Sharing Scheme for OFDM based Decode-and-forward Relaying System”, in proceedings of 10th International Conference on cognitive radio oriented wireless networks and communications, CrownCom 2015, pp. 334-345, Doha, April 2015.
  •  N. Gupta, V. A. Bohara, “Outage Analysis of Cooperative OFDM Relaying System with Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing” in Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Sept 2014, pp. 2803-2807.
  •  N. Jain, S. Sharma, A. Vashistha, V. A. Bohara, N. Gupta, “Cooperative Spectrum Sharing using Transmit Antenna Selection for Cognitive Radio Systems, ” in proceedings of 10th international conference workshop, CrownCom, Doha, 2015, pp. 780-789.
  •  R. Sharma, N. Gupta, A. Kanchan, “Carrier Interference Ratio analysis of Efficient Inter Carrier Interference Cancellation Scheme for OFDM System”, in proceeding of International Conference on Signal Processing, IEEE-ISSP, Anand, Gujrat, 2012, pp. 228-232. 


List of research articles

Google Scholar Citation

[* Corresponding Author]
Singh P, Tsuda S, Singh SM, Mondal S, Roy U. (2021) Partial characterization of an antifreeze protein (CRY-c) from Cryobacterium psychrotolerans MLB-29 of Arctic glacier cryoconite. Polar Science. Available online 13 March 2021, 100661 (In Press).
Redkar S, Mondal S*, Joseph A, Hareesha KS*. (2020) A Machine Learning Approach for Drug-target Interaction Prediction using Wrapper Feature Selection and Class Balancing. Mol Inform. 39(5):e1900062.
Kumar M, Martin A, Nirgude S, Chaudhary B, Mondal S, Sarkar A. (2020) Quinacrine inhibits GSTA1 activity and induces apoptosis through G 1/S arrest and generation of ROS in human non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Oncotarget. 11(18):1603-1617.
Pai PP, Mondal S*. (2017) Applying Knowledge of Enzyme Biochemistry to the Prediction of Functional Sites for Aiding Drug Discovery. Curr Top Med Chem. 17(21):2401-2421.
Pai PP, Dattatreya RK, Mondal S*. (2017) Ensemble Architecture for Prediction of Enzyme-ligand Binding Residues Using Evolutionary Information. Mol Inform. 36(11).
Pai PP, Dash T*, Mondal S*. (2017) Sequence-based discrimination of protein-RNA interacting residues using a probabilistic approach. J Theor Biol. 418:77-83.
Pathan J, Mondal S, Sarkar A, Chakrabarty  D. (2017) Daboialectin, a C-type lectin from Russell's viper venom induces cytoskeletal damage and apoptosis in human lung cancer cells in vitro. Toxicon 127:11-21
Pai PP, Mondal S*. (2016) Intriguing cystine-knot miniproteins in drug design and therapeutics. Toxinology. Toxins and Drug Discovery, Editor-in-Chief: Gopalakrishnakone P, Publisher: Springer,
Pai PP, Mondal S*. (2016) MOWGLI: prediction of protein-MannOse interacting residues With ensemble classifiers usinG evoLutionary Information. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 34:2069-2083.
Pai PP, Ranjani SSS, Mondal S*. (2015) PINGU: PredIction of eNzyme catalytic residues usinG seqUence information. PLoS ONE 10:e0135122.
[Extension of this work was presented as a poster at the 2015 NGBT international conference and awarded by the FEBS journal]
Pai PP, Mondal S*. (2015) Computational approaches for animal toxins to aid drug discovery. Toxinology. Toxins and Drug Discovery, Editor-in-Chief: Gopalakrishnakone P, Publisher: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-94-007-6726-3_20-1 (book chapter).
Mir MA, Arumugam M, Mondal S, Rajeswari HS, Ramakumar S, Ajitkumar P. (2015) Mycobacterium tuberculosis Cell Division Protein, FtsE, is an ATPase in Dimeric Form. Protein J. 34:35-47.
Dhole K, Singh G, Pai PP, Mondal S*. (2014) Sequence-based prediction of protein-protein interaction sites with L1-logreg classifier. J Theor Biol. 348:47-54.
[Featured on Global Medical Discovery as a Key Scientific Article contributing to excellence in biomedical research]
Mondal S*, Pai PP. (2014) Chou's pseudo amino acid composition improves sequence-based antifreeze protein prediction. J Theor Biol. 356:30-35.
Singh G, Dhole K, Pai PP, Mondal S*. (2014) SPRINGS: Prediction of Protein-Protein Interaction Sites Using Artificial Neural Networks. PeerJ PrePrints 2:e266v2, doi:10.7287/peerj.preprints.266v2.

Before joining BITS-Pilani

Mondal S, Nagao C, Mizuguchi K. (2010) Detecting subtle functional differences in ketopantoate reductase and related enzymes using a rule-based approach with sequence-structure homology recognition scores. Protein Engineering Design and Selection (PEDS) 23:859-869. 

Mondal S, Mizuguchi K. (2009) Structural insights into the enzyme mechanism of a new family of D-2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenases, a close homolog of 2-ketopantoate reductase. Genome Informatics 23:98-105.

Mondal S, Babu RM, Bhavna R, Ramakumar S.  (2007) In silico detection of binding mode of J-superfamily conotoxin pl14a with Kv1.6 channel.  In Silico Biol. 7:0018.

Mondal S, Bhavna R, Babu RM, Ramakumar S. (2006) Pseudo amino acid composition and multi-class support vector machines approach for conotoxin superfamily classification. J Theor Biol. 243:252-260.

Mondal S, Babu RM, Bhavna R, Ramakumar S. (2006) I-conotoxin superfamily revisited. J Pept Sci. 12:679-685.

Mondal S, Vijayan R, Shichina K, Babu RM, Ramakumar S. (2005) I-superfamily conotoxins: sequence and structure analysis. In Silico Biol. 5:557-571.

Mondal S, Narasegowda RS, Nagaraj B, Yathirajan HS, Narasimhamurthy T, Rathore RS. (2005) 2,2’-Dipropylmalonic acid: intermolecular association via strong O-H…O hydrogen bonds. Acta CrystE. E61, o151-o153.

Narasegowda RS, Sony SMM, Mondal S, Nagaraj B, Yathirajan HS, Narasimhamurthy T, Charles P, Ponnuswamy MN, Nethaji M, Rathore RS. (2005) 2,2’-Diaminodibenzyl: a rare case of crystallographically non-compliant molecular symmetry. Acta CrystE. E61, o843-o845.

Fernando SA, Selvarani P, Das S, Kumar ChK, Mondal S, Ramakumar S, Sekar K. (2004) THGS: a web-based database of Transmembrane Helices in Genome Sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. 32 Database issue:D125-128.

Mondal S, Jaishankar SP, Ramakumar S. (2003) Role of context in the relationship between form and function: structural plasticity of some PROSITE patterns. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 305:1078-1084.

Journals, Conferences & Book Chapters



Mane, S., Behera, A., Hemadri, V., Bhand, S., Tripathi, S.

Micropump integrated white blood cell separation platform for detection of chronic granulomatous disease

Microchimica Acta, 191 (5), art. no. 295,


 Mane, S., Jacob, P., Hemadri, V., Dey, P., Bhand, S., Tripathi, S.

Characterization of the phagocytic ability of white blood cells separated using a single curvature spiral microfluidic device

Biomedical Engineering Letters, DOI: 10.1007/s13534-024-00414-y


Mane, S., Hemadri, V., Bhand, S., Tripathi, S.

White Blood Cell Separation and Blood Typing Using a Spiral Microdevice

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 745-754.

DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-7177-0_62




Behera, A., Mane, S., Hemadri, V., Bhand, S., Tripathi, S.

White Blood Cell Separation for On-Chip Detection of Myeloperoxidase Activity Using a Microfluidic Platform

IEEE Sensors Letters, 7 (12), art. no. 4503804, pp. 1-4



Shreyas Deshpande, Sunil Bhand, Gautam Bacher

Finite element method based modelling and analysis of serpentine electrodes for biochemical sensing. MaterialsToday Proceedings Volume 57, Part 2, 2022, Pages 643-649


Manish SinghEstera S. DeySunil Bhand and  Cedric Dicko

Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Impregnation of Gold Nanoparticles Demonstrates a New Route for the Fabrication of Hybrid Silk Materials.Insects 202213(1), 18;


Pavar Sai Kumar, Sunil Bhand, Ashis Kumar Das, Sanket Goel.

Microfluidic paper device with on-site heating to produce reactive peroxide species for enhanced smartphone enabled chemiluminescence signal.

Talanta 236 (2022) 122858



Mukherjee, S. Pal, P. Paria, S. Bhattacharyya, K. Ghosh, A. Pal, D. Ghosh, P. Sarkar,B. Kumar Behera, S. Chandra Sukla Das, S. Bhand, N. Bhattacharyya, On-spot Biosensing Device forOrganophosphate Pesticide Residue Detection in Fruits and Vegetables, Current Research in Biotechnology(2021)

Rehan Deshmukh, Sunil Bhand, Utpal Roy (2021) BCIG-SMAC medium and PMA-qPCR for differential detection of viable Escherichia coli in potable water. IRAN. J. MICROBIOL. 13(5) 624-631


Deshpande, S., Bhand, S. & Bacher, G. (2021) Investigation of the effect of metallization ratio and side shift on the interdigitated electrodes performance for biochemical sensing. J Appl Electrochem.


Krishna Kumari Swain, Sunil Bhand (2021) A colorimetric paper-based ATONP-ALP nanobiosensor for selective detection of Cd2+ ions in clams and mussels. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Springer Nature  Free download link




Krishna Kumari Swain, R. Balasubramaniam & Sunil Bhand (2020) A portable microfluidic device-based Fe3O4–urease nanoprobe-enhanced colorimetric sensor for the detection of heavy metals in fish tissue, Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology, 50:10, 1000-1013, DOI: 10.1080/10826068.2020.1780611


Arun Kumar Prusty and Sunil Bhand. A Capacitive Immunosensor for Tetracycline Estimation Using Antibody Modified Polytyramine-alkanethiol Ultra-thin Film on Gold. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 863 (2020) 114055.


Rehan Deshmukh, Arun Kumar Prusty, Utpal Roy and Sunil Bhand (2020). A capacitive DNA sensor for sensitive detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in potable water based on the z3276 genetic marker: fabrication and analytical performance. DOI10.1039/C9AN02291KAnalyst 145, 2267-2278.




Deshmukh, R., Bhand, S. & Roy, U. A novel method for rapid and sensitive detection of viable Escherichia coli cells using UV-induced PMA-coupled quantitative PCR. Braz J Microbiol (2019).


Arun Kumar Prusty and Sunil Bhand. Molecular Imprinted Polyresorcinol Based Capacitive Sensor for Sulphanilamide Detection. Electroanalysis (2019) 31(9): 1797-1808


Rehan Deshmukh , Sunil Bhand and Utpal RoyA Novel Molecular Quantitative Method for Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Escherichia coli from Roof-Harvested Rainwater Anal. Methods (2019) 11, 3155-3167. (Cover page image of the issue)


Mukherjee, S. Pal, A. Pal, D. Ghosh, S. Sarkar, S. Bhand, P. Sarkar, N. Bhattacharyya.UIISScan1.1: A Field Portable High-throughput Platform Tool for Biomedical and Agricultural Applications. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis(2019) Vol. 174, 10 September 2019, Pages 70-80


Aruna Chandra Singh, M.H. Asif, Gautam Bacher, Bengt Danielsson, Magnus Willander, Sunil Bhand. Nano immunosensor Based on ZnO Nanorods for Ultrasensitive Detection of 17β-EstradiolBiosensors and Bioelectronics (2019) 126, 15-22.


Namita Ashish Singh, Naresh Kumar, H. V. Raghu, Sunil Bhand, Sudhir Chandra, Pradeep Kumar Sharma.  A spore-based miniaturized novel assay for rapid aflatoxin detection in milk. Environmental Chemistry Letters (2019) 17:1097–1103 (First Online: 13 November 2018)




Krishna Kumari Swain and Sunil Bhand. A dual-readout magnetic nanoparticle-based enzyme assay for the sensitive detection of Hg (II) ions in drinking water. ACS Earth Space Chem. (2018)  2, 1312−1322. DOI:10.1021/acsearthspacechem.8b00142.


Sharma R. Khan, , G. CatananteT.A. Sherazi S. BhandA. Hayat and J.L. Marty. Designed Strategies for Fluorescence-Based Biosensors for the Detection of Mycotoxins Toxins (2018) 10(5), 197




Arun Kumar Prusty and Sunil Bhand. PoPD Modified ITO Based Capacitive Immunosensor for Sulphathiazole. Electroanalysis (2017)  29 (8), 1867-1875 DOI: 10.1002/elan.201700070 (Wiley).


Arun Kumar Prusty and Sunil Bhand. A capacitive sensor for 2,4-D determination in water based on 2,4-D imprinted polypyrrole coated pencil electrode. Mater. Res. Express (2017) 4 035306 (IOP).


Aruna Chandra Singh, Gautam Bacher, Sunil Bhand. A label free immunosensor for ultrasensitive detection of 17β-Estradiol in water Electrochimica Acta (2017) 232:30-37.


Atul Sharma, Georges Istamboulie, Akhtar Hayat, Gaëlle Catanante, Sunil Bhand, Jean Louis Marty. Disposable and portable aptamer functionalized impedimetric sensor for detection of kanamycin residue in milk sample.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2017) 245:507-515.


Atul Sharma, Kotagiri Yugender Goud, Akhtar Hayat, Sunil Bhand and Jean Louis Marty “Recent Advances in Electrochemical-Based Sensing Platforms for Aflatoxins Detection” (review). Chemosensors (2017)  5(1):110.3390/chemosensors5010001




Atul Sharma, Aruna Chandra Singh, Gautam Bacher, Sunil Bhand “Recent Advances in Aptamer- Based Biosensors for Detection of Antibiotic Residues  (Invited review)  Aptamers and Synthetic Antibodies (2016) 2(2): 43-54.


Deshmukh, R. A., Joshi, K., Bhand, S. and Roy, U.  “Recent developments in detection and enumeration of waterborne bacteria: a retrospective minireview” Microbiology Open (2016) 5(6): 901-922.


Atul Sharma,   Akhtar hayat,   Rupesh Kumar Mishra,   Gaelle Catanante,   Shakir Ahmad Shahid, Sunil   Bhand and  Jean-Louis Marty “Design of fluorescence aptaswitch based on the aptamer modulated nano-surface impact on the fluorescence particles” RSC Adv (2016) 6: 65579-65587. DOI: 10.1039/C6RA10942J DOI: 10.1039/C6RA10942J!divAbstract


Atul Sharma, Gaëlle Catanante, Akhtar Hayat, Georges Istamboulie, Ines Ben Rejeb, Sunil Bhand, Jean Louis Marty “Development of structure switching aptamer assay for detection of aflatoxin M1 in milk sample” Talanta  (2016) Vol 158, Pages 35–41. doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2016.05.043




Atul SharmaAkhtar Hayat Rupesh K. MishraGaëlle CatananteSunil Bhand and Jean Louis Marty  “Titanium Dioxide  Nanoparticles (TiO2) Quenching Based Aptasensing Platform: Application to Ochratoxin A Detection” Toxins 20157(9), 3771-3784; doi:10.3390/toxins7093771


Lizy Kanungo, Ruchi Tiwari, Souvik Pal, Sudhir Chandra, Sunil Bhand “A novel fluorescence imaging array device for  aflatoxin analysis” Feature Article in Science Advances Today.(2015)


Souvik Pal, Sunil Bhand “Zinc oxide nanoparticle-enhanced ultrasensitive chemiluminescence immunoassay for the carcinoma embryonic antigen” Microchim Acta ( 2015) Vol 182;1643-1651. DOI 10.1007/s00604-015- 14895


Pal, Souvik; Sharma, Manoj; Chatterjee, Ratnamala; Bhand, Sunil “Multi-platform nano-immunosensor for aflatoxin M1 in milk" Materials Research Express (2015) Vol. 2 Number 4; 045010. doi:10.1088/2053-1591/2/4/045010 (IOP)


Pranali P Naik, Geetesh Kumar Mishra, Bengt Danielsson, Sunil Bhand “Android integrated urea biosensor for public health awareness” Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research (2015) 3:12-17  Elsevier, doi:10.1016/j.sbsr.2014.11.001


Rupesh K. Mishra Gustavo A. AlonsoGeorges IstamboulieSunil BhandJean-Louis Marty “Automated flow based biosensor for quantification of binary organophosphates mixture in milk using artificial neural network” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2015) 208:228-237.doi:10.1016/j.snb.2014.11.011


Geetesh K. Mishra, Atul Sharma, Sunil Bhand “Ultrasensitive detection of streptomycin using flow injection analysis-Electrochemical quartz crystal nanobalance (FIA-EQCN) biosensor” Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2015) 67:532–539 (SPECIAL ISSUE BIOSENSORS 2014)  


Geetesh K Mishra, Gautam Bacher, Utpal Roy, Sunil Bhand  “A label free impedemetric immunosensor for detection of Escherichia coli in water” Sci. Lett. J. 2015, 4: 76


Bhagaban Behera, Souvik Pal, Lizy Kanungo, Sunil Bhand, Sudhir Chandra “Synthesis and characterization of ZnO-ZnAl2O4whiskers and their application in biosensors” Sci. Lett. J. 2015, 4: 102




Geetesh K. Mishra,  Atul Sharma, Kanchanmala Deshpande and  Sunil Bhand “Flow Injection Analysis Biosensor for Urea Analysis in Urine Using Enzyme Thermistor”  Appl Biochem Biotechnol (2014) 174:998–1009.  (DOI 10.1007/s12010-014-0985-0). Special Issue: India-Japan Workshop on Biomolecular Electronics and Organic Nanotechnology for Environment Preservation’13. 


Lizy Kanungo, Gautam Bacher, Sunil Bhand "Flow-Based Impedimetric Immunosensor for Aflatoxin Analysis in Milk Products" Appl Biochem Biotechnol (2014) 174:1157–1165.   DOI 10.1007/s12010-014-0995-y. Special Issue: India-Japan Workshop on Biomolecular Electronics and Organic Nanotechnology for Environment Preservation’13.


Geetesh K. Mishra and Sunil Bhand “Biosensor for urea analysis in adulterated milk” (Invited Article -Special Volume National Agricultural Innovation Project) Indian Farming 64(2):115-117, May 2014


Souvik Pal, Manoj Kumar Sharma, Bengt Danielsson, Magnus Willander, Ratnamala Chatterjee, Sunil Bhand “A  miniaturized nanobiosensor for choline analysis” Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2014) 54, 558-564.


Lizy Kanungo and Sunil Bhand “A survey of Aflatoxin M1 in some commercial milk samples and infant formula milk samples in Goa, India” Food and Agricultural Immunology (2014)  25(4): 467-476. pp 1-10




Lizy Kanungo and Sunil Bhand “Fluorimetric Immunoassay for Multianalysis of Aflatoxins” Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, (2013), Article ID 584964, 8 pages 


Rupesh K. Mishra, Geetesh K. Mishra, Dharma Teja V, Bengt Danielsson, Sunil Bhand “A visual colorimetric dual readout bioassay for determination of pesticide residues in drinking water” Chemical Sensors 3 : 12 (2013)  (most viewed article) 


Maria Yakovleva, Sunil Bhand and Bengt Danielsson  "The Enzyme Thermistor - a Realistic Biosensor Concept (review article) Analytica Chimica Acta Volume 766,  Pages 1–12 (2013) (front cover image from the article in the journal issue) 




Rupesh K Mishra, George Istamboulie, Sunil Bhand, J-L Marty Detoxification of organophosphate residues using phosphotriesterase and their evaluation using flow based biosensor. Analytica Chimica Acta.   745, 64-69 (2012). 


Gautam Bacher, Souvik Pal, Lizy Kanungo, Sunil Bhand; A label-free silver wire based impedimetric immunosensor for detection of aflatoxin M1 in milk. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2012) 168, 223–230. 


Rupesh K. Mishra, Rocio B. Dominguez, Sunil Bhand, Roberto Muñoz, Jean-Louis Marty. A novel automated flow-based biosensor for the determination of organophosphate pesticides in milk. Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2012) 32(1): 56–61. 




Kanchanmala Deshpande, Rupesh K Mishra, Sunil Bhand, Determination of Methyl Parathion in Water and Its Removal on Zirconia Using Optical Enzyme Assay, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 164(6):906-917 (2011). 


Kanchanmala Deshpande, Bengt Danielsson, Sunil Bhand, Flow injection analysis of choline in milk and dietary supplements using an enzyme thermistor, Chemical Sensors. 2011; 1(1):16. 


Lizy Kanungo, Souvik Pal, Sunil Bhand, Miniaturised hybrid immunoassay for high sensitivity analysis of aflatoxin M1 in milk, Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2011; 26(5):2601-6. 




 Geetesh K Mishra, Rupesh K Mishra, Sunil Bhand, Flow injection analysis biosensor for urea analysis in adulterated milk using enzyme thermistor Biosensors and Bioelectronics.2010, 26 (4): 1560-1564.    *Selected Paper from the World Congress on Biosensors,Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 2010. 


Sunil G Bhand, Srimathi Soundararajan, Ioana Surugiu-Wärnmark, Jaqueline Simona Milea, Estera Szwajcer Dey, Maria Yakovleva, Bengt Danielsson, Fructose-selective calorimetric biosensor in flow injection analysis;Analytica Chimica Acta. 2010; 668(1):13-18.


Rupesh K. Mishra, Deshpande Kanchanmala, Bhand Sunil, A High-Throughput Enzyme Assay for Organophosphate Residues in Milk , Sensors 2010, 10, 11274-11286


Deshpande Kanchanmala, Rupesh K. Mishra, Bhand Sunil, A High Sensitivity Micro Format Chemiluminescence Enzyme Inhibition Assay for Determination of Hg(II) Sensors 2010, 10(7), 6377-6394




Klas Risveden, Kimberly A Dick, Sunil Bhand, Patrik Rydberg, Lars Samuelson, Bengt Danielsson, Branched nanotrees with immobilized acetylcholine esterase for nanobiosensor applications Nanotechnology. 12/2009; 21(5):55102. 




Klas Risveden, Sunil Bhand, J. Fredrik Pontén, Thomas Andén, Nils Calander, Magnus Willander, and Bengt Danielsson, Signal frequency studies of an environmental application of a 65 nm region ion sensitive field effect transistor sensor Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2007; 127(1):198-203. 




Sunil Bhand, Ioana Surugiu, Anatoly Dzgoev, Kumaran Ramanathan, P V Sundaram, Bengt Danielsson, Immuno-arrays for multianalyte analysis of chlorotriazines, Talanta. 02/2005; 65(2):331-6. 


Bhand, Sunil, Yilmaz, E, Danielsson, Bengt, Coupled biosensor, biomimetic and chemometrics strategies for analysis of the metals in complex environmental matrices, Journal de Physique IV, 2003; 107:169-172




  1. Pirvutoiu, E. Dey, S. Bhand, A. Ciucu, V. Magerau, B. Danielsson, Application of the Enzyme Thermistor for Determination of Mercury and Other Heavy Metals Using Free and Immobilised Alcohol Oxidase. Roum. Biotechnol. Lett. 2002; 7(6):975-986.




Mukhopadhyay I., Mishra N.N. and Bhand S.G., Prediction of microwave transitions, torsional energies and transition matrix elements of   CHD2OD.  Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy  55(12) 2375-2382 (1999). 


Mukhopadhyay I., Bhand S.G. and Mishra N.N., Torsional energies, matrix elements and predictions of microwave transitions in CH2DOD Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy  55(12) 2485-2493 (1999). 




S.G. Bhand and K.K. Chaturvedi, AAS and ASV in detection and speciation of cations. Ind. J. Environ. Prot. 15(6): 426-429 (1995).   



Publications -Peer reviewed conference proceedings


Geetesh K. Mishra and Sunil Bhand* “FIA-EQCN biosensor for analysis of sulphadiazine residues in milk” IEEE Proceedings of “6th International Conference on Sensing Technology ICST 2012” with focus on sensors in agriculture, 18-21 Dec. 2012 Page(s): 672 - 676 DOI: 10.1109/ICSensT.2012.6461762.


  G.Bacher, L Kanungo and S. Bhand, Miniaturized label-free impedimetric immunosensor for analysis of Aflatoxin B1 in peanut IEEE Proceedings of “6th International Conference on Sensing Technology ICST 2012” with focus on sensors in agriculture, 18-21 Dec. 2012 Kolkata India Page(s): 29-35, DOI: 10.1109/ICSensT.2012.6461690


Deshpande, R.K. Mishra, S. Pal, B. Danielsson, M. Willander, S. Bhand, A novel on chip analysis of dissolved Hg(II) in drinking water Nanotech2010, 3:133-136.


Bhand S, Srimathi S, Danielsson B, Novel Bioanalytical Tools for Environmental Analysis, in Arsenic in the Environment: Biology and Chemistry; Biogeochemistry of trace elements (Eds) Rai Kookana, Mike McLaughlin, Enzo Lombi, Carine Saison, Rebecca Hamon, Sandra Tyrrell, Contribution no 332 (CD-ROM) Adelaide, Australia 2005.


Bhand S. and Danielsson B, Potential biosensor techniques for monitoring arsenic contamination and remediation. Proc. Of 7th ICOBTE ‘Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements’ George Gobran and Nicholas Lepp (Eds.) Vol. 4,124-125 (2003). (Best research paper award).


Bhand S.G. and Chaturvedi K.K, ‘Trace elements in benthic diatoms from sediments -a case study of river Narmada, India. In 11th Annual International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (2000) (J. Nriagu, Editor), Contribution #1214. University of Michigan, School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (CD-ROM).


Bhand S. G., Kapoor S.i and Chaturvedi K.K., Biogeochemical assessment of  trace metals in river sediments, Wenzel, W., D. Adriano, B. Alloway, H. Doner, C. Keller, N. Lepp, M. Mench, R. Naidu and G. Pierzynski (Editors).. Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (2 volumes). Vol 1 pp472-473 1999, Austria.


S.G. Bhand   and Kamal K Chaturvedi, Vanadium and lead determination in the workplace Environment. In Heavy Metals in the Environment. R.D.Wilken, U. Förstner and A. Knöckel (Eds.);Vol. 2: 325-328 (1995) CEP Consultants Ltd. UK


Invited Book Chapters (International)


Gautam Bacher, Sunil Bhand, Shreyas Deshpande

Chapter 14 - Electrical biosensors for virus detection,

Advanced Biosensors for Virus Detection, Smart Diagnostics to Combat SARS-CoV-2: 2022, Pages 241-259 Academic Press


Sunil Bhand and Aruna Chandra Singh

IMMUNOSENSORS  CHAPTER 2 : Structure, Function, Orientation, Characterization and Immobilization of Antibodies for Immunosensor Development  (Eds): M.U. Ahmed, M. Zourob, E. Tamiya. pp 21-41. Royal Society of Chemistry Aug 28, 2019


M.H. Asif, A Razaq, S. Bhand, M. Willander, B. Danielsson (2018) Nanotechnology and Biosensors. A volume in Advanced Nanomaterials. pp 29-49.Chapter 2 – Biosensors for Intracellular and Less Invasive Measurements Based on Nanostructured Metal Oxides. (Eds.) Dimitrios Nikolelis Georgia Paraskevi Nikoleli. ELSEVIER. DOI:


Bhand S., Bacher G. (2018)

Impedimetric Sensors in Environmental Analysis: An Overview. In: Bhattacharya S., Agarwal A., Chanda N., Pandey A., Sen A. (eds) Environmental, Chemical and Medical Sensors. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability. Springer, Singapore



Sunil Bhand and Geetesh K Mishra (2017)

Series Title: Methods in Molecular Biology Volume Number : 1572

Chapter 18: Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Nanobalance (EQCN) Based Biosensor for Sensitive Detection of Antibiotic Residues in Milk:

Book Title : Biosensors and Biodetection Editors: Rasooly, Avraham, Prickril, Ben. ISBN: 978-1-4939-6910-4, Springer Vienna


Sunil Bhand, Lizy Kanungo and Souvik Pal (2016)

Chemiluminescence and Fluorescence Optical Biosensor for the Detection of Aflatoxins in Food (Chapter 7)

Food Biosensors, 2016::pp 161-181 , DOI:10.1039/9781782623908-00161

Editors: Minhaz Uddin Ahmed, Mohammed Zourob, Eiichi Tamiya

Published by Royal Society of Chemistry (U.K.)!divbookcontent

Peer-Reviewed Journal

38. Harsha Bharwani, Suman Kapur and Sankar Ganesh Palani, 2025, Development of a novel and affordable point-of-care kit for rapid detection of urea and glucose adulteration in cow milk, Analytical Methods,

37. Harsha Bharwani, Suman Kapur and Sankar Ganesh Palani, 2025, Rapid detection of hydrogen peroxide and nitrite in adulterated cow milk using enzymatic and nonenzymatic methods on a reusable platform, RSC Advances, 15, 3, 

36. Sibin V Mathew, K Supradeepan,  P. Sankar Ganesh, 2024, Comparison of turbulent models for baffled stirred tank. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/2818/1/012004

35. Sri Himaja Pamu, K.B.S. Vashist, P. Sankar Ganesh, Patrick Da Costa, Satyapaul A. Singh, 2024, Synergistic effect of noble metal modified LaNiO3 perovskites for photocatalytic water splitting, Catalysis Today, 441, 114841,

34. Atun Roy Choudhury, Neha Singh, Jitesh Lalwani, Mallikarjuna Goriparthi Rao, Bhanu Prakash Konyala, Chiradeep Nadella, Abhishek Nayakwadi, Sankar Ganesh Palani, 2024, A comparative assessment of biomethane potential of fresh fecal matter and fecal sludge and its correlation with malodor, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31:31619–31631,

33. Atun Roy Choudhury, Neha Singh, Jitesh Lalwani, Hemapriya Srinivasan, Sankar Ganesh Palani, 2024, Enhancing biomethanation performance through co‐digestion of diverse organic wastes: a comprehensive study on substrate optimization, inoculum selection, and microbial community analysis, Environmental Science and Pollution Research , 30:34622–34646, 

32. Sakkubai Lakavathu, Vamshi Krishna Reddy, Neha Singh2 · Pramod Kamble, Jayesh Jadhav, Atun Roy Choudhury, Sankar Ganesh Palani, 2023, Feasibility study of faecal sludge treatment by Geotube and jute tube–based technologies, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30:24382–124400, 

31. Atun Roy Choudhury, Neha Singh, Sankar Ganesh Palani, Jitesh Lalwani, 2023, Bioremediation of reverse osmosis concentrate generated from the treatment of landfill leachate, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1614-7499,

30. Choudhury, Atun Roy, Neha Singh, Arutchelvan Veeraraghavan, Ayushi Gupta, Sankar Ganesh Palani, Mohammad Mehdizadeh, Anahita Omidi, and Duraid K. A. Al-Taey. 2023. Ascertaining and Optimizing the Water Footprint and Sludge Management Practice in Steel Industries, Water 15, no. 12: 2177.

29. Yash Pujara, Janki Govani, Harshit T. Patel, Pankaj Pathak, Deepak Mashru, P. Sankar Ganesh, Quantification of environmental impacts associated with municipal solid waste management in Rajkot city, India using Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental Advances, Volume 12, 2023, 100364, ISSN 2666-7657,

28. Debkumar Chakraborty, Sankar Ganesh Palani, Makarand M. Ghangrekar & Jonathan W.C. Wong (2023), Reactive extraction of lactic and acetic acids from leached bed reactor leachate and process optimization by response surface methodology, Environmental Technology,

27. Chandhini Muthukumar, Swastik Nagrikar, Derrick A. Rodrigues, Ramachandran Subramanian, Sankar Ganesh Palani, Murchana Changmai, B.G. Prakash Kumar, A spherical fountain prototype photoreactor operated under natural sunlight: Mechanism, toxicology assessment, and economics, Journal of Water Process Engineering, Volume 51, 2023, 103467, ISSN 2214-7144,

26. Debkumar Chakraborty, Sulogna Chatterjee, Avanthi Althuri, Sankar Ganesh Palani, S. Venkata Mohan,
Sustainable enzymatic treatment of organic waste in a framework of circular economy, Bioresource Technology, Volume 370, 2023, 128487, ISSN 0960-8524,

25. Debkumar Chakraborty, Sankar Ganesh Palani, M. M. Ghangrekar, N. Anand, Pankaj Pathak, Dual role of grass clippings as buffering agent and biomass during anaerobic co-digestion with food waste, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (2022),

24. Rishita Bonu, N. Anand, Sankar Ganesh Palani, Impact of thermal pre-treatment on anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge and landfill leachate, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022, ISSN 2214-7853,

23. N. Anand, Sankar Ganesh Palani, A comprehensive investigation of toxicity and pollution potential of municipal solid waste landfill leachate, Science of The Total Environment, 2022,155891, ISSN 0048-9697,

22. M.S.S.R. Tejaswini, Pankaj Pathak, Seeram Ramkrishna, P. Sankar Ganesh, A comprehensive review on integrative approach for sustainable management of plastic waste and its associated externalities, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 825, 2022, 153973, ISSN 0048-9697,

21. Debkumar Chakraborty, Obulisamy Parthiba Karthikeyan, Ammaiyappan Selvam, Sankar Ganesh Palani, Makarand M. Ghangrekar, Jonathan W.C. Wong, Two-phase anaerobic digestion of food waste: Effect of semi-continuous feeding on acidogenesis and methane production, Bioresource Technology, Volume 346, 2022, 126396,

20. Vaishnavi Koyilath Nandakumar, Sankar Ganesh Palani, Murari Raja Raja Varma, Interactions between microplastics and unit processes of wastewater treatment plants: a critical review, Water Science and Technology, 1 January 2022, 85 (1): 496-514, wst2021502.

19. Abrha Mulu Hailu, Sankar Ganesh Palani, Seyoum Leta Asfaw, Tenalem Ayenew Tegaye, Insight into microbial community diversity and composition of two-stage anaerobic digestion: Focusing methanogenic stage, Bioresource Technology Reports, Volume 15, 2021, 100764, ISSN 2589-014X,

18. D. Nath, P. Sai Kiran, P. Rewatkar, B. Krishnamurthy, P. Sankar Ganesh and S. Goel, Escherichia Coli Fed Paper-Based Microfluidic Microbial Fuel Cell With MWCNT Composed Bucky Paper Bioelectrodes, in IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 510-515, July 2019,

17. B. Siva Prasad, P. Sankar Ganesh, K. Lagan, T. Vishaka, S.S. Vutukuru, S.K. Sarkar, Evaluation of antioxidant enzyme responses in earthworms exposed to polystyrene nanoparticles and PAMAM dendrimers, Pollution Research, Vol 36(2), 312-318, EM International, 2017.

16. Dibyendu Rakshit, Kadarkarai Murugan, Jayanta Kumar Biswas, Kamala Kanta Satpathy, P. Sankar Ganesh, Santosh Kumar Sarkar, Environmental impact on diversity and distribution of tintinnid (Ciliata: Protozoa) along Hooghly Estuary, India: A multivariate approach, Regional Studies in Marine Science, Volume 12, 2017, Pages 1-10, ISSN 2352-4855,

15. Siva Prasad Bitragunta, Sankar Ganesh Palani, Anil Gopala, Santosh Kumar Sarkar, Venugopal Reddy Kandukuri. Detection of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant and Their Characterization Using Single Particle ICP-MS, Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 98, 595–600 (2017).

14. Dibyendu Rakshit, Santosh K. Sarkar, Kamala K. Satpathy, Palani Sankar Ganesh, Nallamuthu Godhantaraman, Jayanta K. Biswas, (2016), Diversity and Distribution of Microzooplankton Tintinnid (Ciliata: Protozoa) in the Core Region of Indian Sundarban Wetland, Clean Soil Air Water, 44: 1278-1286.

13. B. Siva Prasad and P. Sankar Ganesh, Nanowaste and environment: Current understanding and Way Forward, Society for Materials Chemistry Bulletin, Vol 7 (1), 15-20, 2016.

12. Dibyendu Rakshit, P. Sankar Ganesh, Santosh Kumar Sarkar, Choreotrich ciliate tintinnid (Protozoa: Ciliophora) in a tropical meso–macrotidal estuary, eastern part of India, Regional Studies in Marine Science, Volume 3, 2016, Pages 89-100,

11. Ranju Chowdhury, Paulo J.C. Favas, J. Pratas, M. P. Jonathan, P. Sankar Ganesh & Santosh Kumar Sarkar, Accumulation of Trace Metals by Mangrove Plants in Indian Sundarban Wetland: Prospects for Phytoremediation, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2015, 17:9, 885-894, DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2014.981244

10. Mohandass. D, Puyravaud. JP, Hughes. AG, Davidar. P, Ganesh. PS, Campbell. M, Edge transition impacts on swamp plant communities in the Nilgiri mountains, Southern India, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, Aloki, 2014, 12(4): 909-929, DOI: 10.15666/aeer/1204_909929

9. CH. Surekha, NRR Neelapu, B. Siva Prasad, P. Sankar Ganesh, Induction of defense enzymes and phenolic content by Trichoderma viride in Vigna mungo infested with Fusarium oxysporium and Alternaria alternate, International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research, Transtellar, 2014, Vol 4 (4), 31-40.

8. CH. Surekha, NRR Neelapu, G. Kamala, B. Siva Prasad, P. Sankar Ganesh, Efficacy of Trichoderma viride to induce disease resistance and antioxidant responses in legume Vigna mungo infested by Fusarium oxysporum and Alternaria alternate, International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research, Transtellar, 2013, Vol 3 (2), 285-294.

7. P. Sankar Ganesh, S. Gajalakshmi, S.A. Abbasi, Vermicomposting of the leaf litter of acacia (Acacia auriculiformis): Possible roles of reactor geometry, polyphenols, and lignin, Bioresource Technology, Volume 100, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 1819-1827,

6. P. Sankar Ganesh, R. Sanjeevi, S. Gajalakshmi, E.V. Ramasamy, S.A. Abbasi, Recovery of methane-rich gas from solid-feed anaerobic digestion of ipomoea (Ipomoea carnea), Bioresource Technology, Volume 99, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 812-818,

5. P. Sankar Ganesh, E.V. Ramasamy, S. Gajalakshmi, R. Sanjeevi, S.A. Abbasi, Studies on treatment of low-strength effluents by UASB reactor and its application to dairy industry wash waters, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, NISCAIR, 2007, (6) 234-238.

4. S. Gajalakshmi, T. Abbasi, P. Sankar Ganesh, S.A. Abbasi, Rapid treatment of shampoo industry waste to significantly reduce capital and operational costs, Journal of the Institution of Public Health Engineers, IPHE, 2007, (4) 25-27.

3. S. Gajalakshmi, P. Sankar Ganesh, S.A. Abbasi, Bioprocessing and resource recovery of solid waste by low-income citizens, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, NISCAIR, 2006, (13) 24-29.

2. P. Sankar Ganesh, E.V. Ramasamy, S. Gajalakshmi, S.A. Abbasi, Extraction of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) from water hyacinth using inexpensive contraptions, and the use of the VFAs as feed supplement in conventional biogas digesters with concomitant final disposal of water hyacinth as vermicompost, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Volume 27, Issue 1, 2005, Pages 17-23,

1. S. Gajalakshmi, P. Sankar Ganesh, S.A. Abbasi, A highly cost-effective simplification in the design of fast-paced vermireactors based on epigeic earthworms, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Volume 22, Issue 2, 2005, Pages 111-116,

Book Chapters

26. Unravelling the Microbial Niches for Enhanced Biological Wastewater Treatment, Nutrient Removal, and Resource Recovery
P. Sampath, S. Hemapriya, and P. Sankar Ganesh
In: Microbial Niche Nexus Sustaining Environmental Biological Wastewater and Water-Energy-Environment Nexus, Springer Nature, 2025
ISBN: 9783031626609, 

25. Induction of antimicrobial resistance by biopharmaceutical fermentation wastewater: Myths and reality
Roshni Raj, P. Sankar Ganesh
In: Development in Waste Water Treatment Research and Processes - Role of Environmental Microbiology in Industrial Wastewater Research, Elsevier, 2024
ISBN: 9780443136092,

24. Fecal sludge treatment and concomitant resource recovery.
B. Neethu, K. Ihjas, Atun Roy Choudhury, P. Sankar Ganesh
In: Development in Waste Water Treatment Research and Processes - Role of Environmental Microbiology in Industrial Wastewater Research, Elsevier, 2024
ISBN: 9780443136092,

23. Bioprocessing of food waste anaerobic digestate for biofertilizer production.
Hemapriya S, P. Sankar Ganesh
In: Development in Waste Water Treatment Research and Processes - Role of Environmental Microbiology in Industrial Wastewater Research, Elsevier, 2024
ISBN: 9780443136092,

22. Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor: A Promising Approach for Wastewater Treatment and Bioenergy Generation
Sourav Debsarma Biswas, Sunaina Nag, Roshini Raj, P. Sankar Ganesh
In: Biomass energy for Sustainable Development - Opportunities and Challenges.CRC Press, 2024.
ISBN: 9781003406501

21. Implementing targeted total soluble product recovery to increase the total energy recovery during food waste biomethanation.
Hemapriya S, P. Sankar Ganesh
In: Biomass energy for Sustainable Development - Opportunities and Challenges.CRC Press, 2024.
ISBN: 9781003406501

20. Sustainable treatment and concomitant energy recovery from faecal sludge through the Biomethanation
Atun Roy Choudhury, Neha Singh, Kasturi Bidkar, Subhasmita sahoo, Hemapriya S, P. Sankar Ganesh
In: Material and Energy Recovery from Solid Waste for Circular Economy. CRC Press, 2024.
ISBN: 9781003364467

19. Regulating total soluble products during food waste biomethanation for material and energy recovery
Hemapriya S, P. Sankar Ganesh
In: Material and Energy Recovery from Solid Waste for Circular Economy. CRC Press, 2024.
ISBN: 9781003364467

18. A comparative assessment of techno-commercial feasibility of yielding biogas from the co-digestion of organic municipal solid waste and slaughterhouse waste
Atun Roy Choudhury, P. Sankar Ganesh, Prasenjit Mondal, Saikat Dutta, T. S. Sasi Jyothsna, Anaya Ghosh, Debkumar Chakraborty, Nagati Amulya
In: Microbial Degradation and Detoxification of Pollutants, DeGruyter, 2023.

18. Plant and bacteria mediated green synthesis of silver nanoparticles
Kalyani Sakhare, Kaval Reddy Prasasvi, Sankar Ganesh Palani
In: Green Functionalized Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications - Micro and Nano Technologies

17. An overview of physicochemical and biological treatment of landfill leachate
MD Tanvir Hasnine., N Anand., Ali Zoungrana., P. Sankar Ganesh., Qiuyan Yuan
In: “Circular Economy in Municipal Solid Waste Landfilling: Biomining & Leachate Treatment”. Springer Nature, 2022.

16. Anaerobic co-digestion of landfill leachate with other feedstocks
N. Anand, P. Sankar Ganesh, Pankaj Pathak, B. Siva Prasad
In: “Circular Economy in Municipal Solid Waste Landfilling: Biomining & Leachate Treatment”. Springer Nature, 2022.

15. Valorization of solid waste from landfill activities
M.S.S.R Tejaswini, Pankaj Pathak, P. Sankar Ganesh
In: “Circular Economy in Municipal Solid Waste Landfilling: Biomining & Leachate Treatment”. Springer Nature, 2022.

14. Biomined and Fresh Municipal Solid Waste as Sources of Refuse Derived Fuel
Atun Roy Choudhury, Lakshmi Prasad Boyina, D. Laxman Kumar, Neha Singh, P. Sankar Ganesh, Mohammad Mehdizadeh, M.V. Praveen Kumar, A. Leelavathi, B. Koteswara Rao, S.U. Abitha Begum, Kayibanda Patrick
In: “Circular Economy in Municipal Solid Waste Landfilling: Biomining & Leachate Treatment”. Springer Nature, 2022.

13. Toxicological Evaluation of TiO2 Engineered Nanoparticles in Soil Invertebrates: A Cue for Revisiting Standard Toxicity Testing for Nanomaterials
B. Siva Prasad, J. Usha Rani and P. Sankar Ganesh
In: Shanker, U., Hussain, C.M., Rani, M. (eds) Handbook of Green and Sustainable Nanotechnology. Springer, Cham. 2022,
ISBN: 978-3-030-69023-6,

12. Role of Microplastics as Attachment Media for the Growth of Microorganisms
Megha Ukil, Srinjoy Roy, Atun Roy Choudhury, P. Sankar Ganesh
In: Sillanpää, M., Khadir, A., Muthu, S.S. (eds) Microplastics Pollution in Aquatic Media. Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes, Springer, Singapore, 2022, Pages 313-325,
ISBN 978-981-16-8440-1,

11. Plant and bacteria mediated green synthesis of silver nanoparticles
Kalyani Sakhare, Kaval Reddy Prasasvi, Sankar Ganesh Palani
In Micro and Nano Technologies, Editor(s): Uma Shanker, Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain, Manviri Rani,
Green Functionalized Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications, Elsevier, 2022, Pages 155-178,
ISBN 9780128231371,

10. Conversion of biogas generated from anaerobic digestion of food waste to electricity using internal combustion engine and fuel cell
N. Anand, Ankur Bhattacharjee, K. Supradeepan, Satyapaul A. Singh, Chanchal Chakraborty, P. Sankar Ganesh
In: Bio-Clean Energy Technologies, Volume 2, Springer, 2022, Pages 53-91.
ISBN: 978-981-16-8094-6,

09. Anaerobic co-digestion of landfill leachate and sewage sludge: role of substrate ratio
Anand. N., Srinjoy Roy, Sankar Ganesh. P
In: Biomethane through resource circularity: Research, Technology and Practices, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
ISBN: 9781032069005,

08. Characterization of Engineered Nanoparticles: New Developments
B. Siva Prasad, P. Sankar Ganesh, J. Usha Rani
In: Cutting Edge, Spinco Biotech, Vol 11, Issue 1, May 2021.

07. An introduction to salt stress perception and toxicity level -Worldwide report at a glance
Atun Roy Choudhury, Neha Singh, Ayushi Gupta, P Sankar Ganesh
In: Physiology of Salt stress in Plants: Perception, Signalling, Omics and Tolerance Mechanism, Wiley, 2021, ISBN: 978-1-119-70049-4.

06. Effect of inoculation on anaerobic digestion of food waste
Anand. N., Chinnumole. V.V., Sankar Ganesh. P
In: Bioresource Utilization and Bioprocess, Springer, 2020, Pages 27-34, ISBN: 9789811516078,

05. Recent advances in toxicology of gold nanoparticles
Siva Prasad Bitragunta, Aarathi Menon Sankar, Sankar Ganesh Palani
In: Handbook of Environmental Materials Management, Springer, Cham., 2018,
Pages 1-6, ISBN: 9783319585383,

04. Thermophilic biomethanation of food waste for production of biogas and concomitant use of biogas as fuel supplement for cooking
Debkumar Chakraborty, P. Sankar Ganesh, P. C. Suryawanshi, B. G. Prakash Kumar, S. Ramachandran
In: Bioprocess Engineering for a Green Environment, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2018,
ISBN: 9781138035973,

03. Current Developments in Mass Production of Microalgae for Industrial Applications
S. Ramachandran, P. Sankar Ganesh, V. Sivasubramanian, B.G. Prakash Kumar
In: Environmental Sustainability using Green Technologies
ISBN:9781315364339, CRC Press. 

02. Current Developments in Mass Production of Microalgae for Industrial Applications
S. Ramachandran, P. Sankar Ganesh, V. Sivasubramanian, B. G. Prakash Kumar
In: Environmental Sustainability Using Green Technologies, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2016,
ISBN: 9781498753050,

01. Should we say NO to NaNO? Preliminary study to corroborate occurrence of nanoparticles in treated wastewater samples?
B. Siva Prasad, Ashwini Sri Hari, P. Sankar Ganesh
In: Small Experiments in Sustainability
ISBN: 8190293116, Trans-Knowledge Book Company, 2015.


04. Material and Energy Recovery from Solid Waste for a Circular Economy
Atun Roy Choudhury, Sankar Ganesh Palani
CRC Press, ISBN 9781032399768, 2024.

03. Insights into the current scenario of conservation of natural resources in India
Umamaheswari S, Kumaraguru A, Raghuram KP, Sudhakar Reddy C, Sai Saraswathi V, Sankar Ganesh P
ISBN: 978-81-955268-2-6, Biodiversity Conservation Foundation, India, 2023.

02. Circular Economy in Municipal Solid Waste Landfilling: Biomining & Leachate Treatment
Pankaj Pathak and Sankar Ganesh Palani
Springer Nature, 2022.

01. Assessment of Titanium dioxide Nanoparticle Toxicity in Earthworms
Ecotoxicity of Titanium dioxide nanoparticles
Ashwini Sri Hari, Siva Prasad Bitragunta, Sankar Ganesh Palani
ISBN: 978-3-659-55283-0, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014.




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  • [PRS20] Antonio Pecchia, Stefano Russo, and Santonu Sarkar. “Assessing Invariant Mining Techniques for Cloud-based Utility Computing Systems”. In: IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 13.1 (2020), pp. 44–58. doi: 10.1109/tsc.2017.2679715. [SGM18] Santonu Sarkar, Ajai V George, and Sankar Manoj. “Thrust2D: A new design abstraction framework for structured grid class of algorithms”. In: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (2018), e4740. doi: 10.1002/cpe.4740.
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[AS23]   Gargi Alavani and Santonu Sarkar. “Inspect-GPU: A Software to Evaluate Performance Characteristics of CUDA Kernels Using Microbenchmarks and Regression Models”. In: Proceedings of the 18th Inter- national Conference on Software Technologies. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2023. doi: 10.5220/0012079200003538.

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[ADS21]  Gargi Alavani, Jineet Desai, and Santonu Sarkar. “GPPT: A Power Prediction Tool for CUDA Applica- tions”. In: 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Workshops (ASEW). IEEE, 2021. doi: 10.1109/asew52652.2021.00054.

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[ADS20]  Gargi Alavani, Jineet Desai, and Santonu Sarkar. “An Approach to Estimate Power Consumption of a CUDA Kernel”. In: IEEE 19th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communication (IUCC). IEEE, 2020.

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[GMS19]  Ajai V. George, Sankar Manoj, and Santonu Sarkar. “ThrustHetero A Framework to Simplify Hetero- geneous Computing Platform Programming using Design Abstraction”. In: Proceedings of the 12th Innovations on Software Engineering Conference (formerly known as India Software Engineering Con- ference) - ISEC‘19. ACM Press, 2019. doi: 10.1145/3299771.3299773.

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[SVA18]  Santonu Sarkar, Gloria Vashi, and P. P. Abdulla. “Towards Transforming an Industrial Automation System from Monolithic to Microservices”. In: 23rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Tech- nologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2018. IEEE, 2018, pp. 1256–1259. doi: 10.1109/ETFA. 2018.8502567.

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[VS18b]  Sreekrishnan Venkateswaran and Santonu Sarkar. “Modeling Operational Fairness of Hybrid Cloud Brokerage”. In: 18th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID). IEEE, May 2018. doi: 10.1109/ccgrid.2018.00083.

[VS18c]   Sreekrishnan Venteswaran and Santonu Sarkar. “Best-Fit Containerization as a Brokered Service”. In:IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications. 2018, pp. 940–947.

[BSB17]  Soumyadip Bandyopadhyay, Santonu Sarkar, and Kunal Banerjee. “An End-to-end Formal Verifier for Parallel Programs”. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software Technologies. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2017. doi: 10.5220/0006464503880393.

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[SLD17]  Santonu Sarkar, Rumana Lakdawala, and Subhajit Datta. “Predicting the Impact of Software Engineer- ing Topics”. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion - WWW ‘17 Companion. ACM Press, 2017. doi: 10.1145/3041021.3053051.

[VS17]  Sreekrishnan Venkateswaran and Santonu Sarkar. “Uptime-Optimized Cloud Architecture as a Brokered Service”. In: 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (Industry Track). IEEE, June 2017. doi: 10.1109/dsn-w.2017.20.

[BBS16]  Kunal Banerjee, Soumyadip Banerjee, and Santonu Sarkar. “Data-race detection: the missing piece for an end-to-end semantic equivalence checker for parallelizing transformations of array-intensive pro- grams”. In: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages, and Compilers for Array Programming, ARRAY@PLDI 2016, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, June 14, 2016. 2016, pp. 1–8. doi: 10.1145/2935323.2935324. url:

[Sar16a]  Santonu Sarkar. “Developer Productivity in HPC Application Development: An Overview of Recent Techniques”. In: Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Software Engineering Methods for Parallel and High Performance Applications, Kyoto, Japan, May 31 - June 04, 2016. 2016, pp. 29–30. doi: 10.1145/2916026.2916034. url:

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[SM15]  Santonu Sarkar and Sayantan Mitra. “A Profile Guided Approach to Optimize Branch Divergence While Transforming Applications for GPUs”. In: Proceedings of the 8th India Software Engineering Conference, ISEC 2015, Bangalore, India, February 18-20, 2015. 2015, pp. 176–185. doi: 10.1145/2723742.2723760. url:

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[PSC14]  Andrea Paudice, Santonu Sarkar, and Domenico Cotroneo. “An Experiment with Conceptual Clustering for the Analysis of Security Alerts”. In: 25th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops, ISSRE Workshops, Naples, Italy, November 3-6, 2014. 2014, pp. 335–340. doi: 10.1109/ISSREW.2014.82. url:

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[SM14]  Santonu Sarkar and Sayantan Mitra. “Execution profile driven speedup estimation for porting sequential code to GPU”. In: Proceedings of the 7th ACM India Computing Conference, COMPUTE 2014, Nagpur, India, October 9-11, 2014. 2014, 21:1–21:6. doi: 10.1145/2675744.2675767. url: http://doi.

[Sar+14b] Santonu Sarkar et al. “Mining Invariants from SaaS Application Logs (Practical Experience Report)”. In: Tenth European Dependable Computing Conference, Newcastle, United Kingdom, May 13-16, 2014. 2014, pp. 50–57. doi: 10.1109/EDCC.2014.18. url:

[Tiw+14] Nidhi Tiwari et al. “An Empirical Study of Hadoop’s Energy Efficiency on a HPC Cluster”. In: Pro- ceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2014, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 10-12 June, 2014. 2014, pp. 62–72. doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2014.05.006. url:

[Dat+13a] Subhajit Datta et al. “Factors Influencing Research Contributions and Researcher Interactions in Soft- ware Engineering: An Empirical Study”. In: 20th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC 2013, Ratchathewi, Bangkok, Thailand, December 2-5, 2013 - Volume 1. 2013, pp. 34–41. doi: 10. 1109/APSEC.2013.16. url:

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[RGS13]  Arpan Roy, Rajeshwari Ganesan, and Santonu Sarkar. “Keep it moving: Proactive workload management for reducing SLA violations in large scale SaaS clouds”. In: IEEE 24th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, ISSRE 2013, Pasadena, CA, USA, November 4-7, 2013. 2013, pp. 421–doi: 10.1109/ISSRE.2013.6698895. url:

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[DKS12] Subhajit Datta, Nishant Kumar, and Santonu Sarkar. “The social network of software engineering research”. In: Proceeding of the 5th Annual India Software Engineering Conference, ISEC 2012, Kanpur, India, February 22-25, 2012. 2012, pp. 61–70. doi: 10.1145/2134254.2134265. url: http://doi.

[GSN12]  Rajeshwari Ganesan, Santonu Sarkar, and Akshay Narayan. “Analysis of SaaS Business Platform Work- loads for Sizing and Collocation”. In: 2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Cloud Computing, Honolulu, HI, USA, June 24-29, 2012. 2012, pp. 868–875. doi: 10.1109/CLOUD.2012.73. url:

[GST12]  Rajeshwari Ganesan, Santonu Sarkar, and Naveen Tewari. “An independent verification of errors and vulnerabilities in SaaS cloud”. In: IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops, DSN 2012, Boston, MA, USA, June 25-28, 2012. 2012, pp. 1–6. doi: 10.1109/ DSNW.2012.6264695. url:

[Gan+12] Rajeshwari Ganesan et al. “Measurements-Based Analysis of Workload-Error Relationship in a Pro- duction SaaS Cloud”. In: 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops, ISSRE Workshops, Dallas, TX, USA, November 27-30, 2012. 2012, pp. 96–105. doi: 10.1109/ISSREW.2012.76. url:

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[SM12]  Santonu Sarkar and Mageri Filali Maltouf. “Identifying hotspots in a program for data parallel archi- tecture: an early experience”. In: Proceeding of the 5th Annual India Software Engineering Conference, ISEC 2012, Kanpur, India, February 22-25, 2012. 2012, pp. 131–137. doi: 10.1145/2134254.2134277. url:

[SMS12]  Santonu Sarkar, Sayantan Mitra, and Ashok Srinivasan. “Reuse and Refactoring of GPU Kernels to Design Complex Applications”. In: IEEE 10th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, ISPA. IEEE, 2012, pp. 134–141. doi: 10.1109/ISPA.2012.26. url:

[SSA12]  Santonu Sarkar, Vibhu Saujanya Sharma, and Rajiv Agarwal. “Creating design from requirements and use cases: bridging the gap between requirement and detailed design”. In: Proceeding of the 5th Annual India Software Engineering Conference, ISEC 2012, Kanpur, India, February 22-25, 2012. 2012, pp. 3–doi: 10.1145/2134254.2134256. url: [Sar+12a] Santonu Sarkar et al. “Cloud Based Next Generation Service and Key Challenges”. In: 2012 Third International Conference on Services in Emerging Markets. IEEE, Dec. 2012. doi: 10.1109/icsem. 2012.11.

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[SV10]  Santonu Sarkar and Kunal Verma. “Accelerating technical design of business applications: a knowledge- based approach”. In: Proceeding of the 3rd Annual India Software Engineering Conference, ISEC 2010, Mysore, India, February 25-27, 2010. 2010, pp. 43–50. doi: 10.1145/1730874.1730884. url:

[Sha+09]  Vibhu Saujanya Sharma et al. “Extracting High-Level Functional Design from Software Requirements”. In: 16th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC 2009, 1-3 December 2009, Batu Fer- ringhi, Penang, Malaysia. 2009, pp. 35–42. doi: 10.1109/APSEC.2009.63. url: http://dx.doi. org/10.1109/APSEC.2009.63.

[RSH08]  Girish Maskeri Rama, Santonu Sarkar, and Kenneth Heafield. “Mining business topics in source code using latent dirichlet allocation”. In: Proceeding of the 1st Annual India Software Engineering Confer- ence, ISEC 2008, Hyderabad, India, February 19-22, 2008. 2008, pp. 113–120. doi: 10.1145/1342211.1342234. url:

[SP08]  Santonu Sarkar and Arun Panayappan. “Formal architecture modeling of business application- software maintenance case study”. In: TENCON 2008 - 2008 IEEE Region 10 Conference. IEEE, 2008. doi: 10.1109/tencon.2008.4766483.

[SSP08]  Santonu Sarkar, Renuka Sindhgatta, and Krishnakumar Pooloth. “A collaborative platform for applica- tion knowledge management in software maintenance projects”. In: Proceedings of the 1st Bangalore Annual Compute Conference, Compute 2008, Bangalore, India, January 18-20, 2008. 2008, p.2. doi: 10.1145/1341771.1341774. url:

[SRR06] Santonu Sarkar, Girish Maskeri Rama, and Shubha Ramachandran. “A Method for Detecting and Measuring Architectural Layering Violations in Source Code”. In: 13th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2006), 6-8 December 2006, Bangalore, India. 2006, pp. 165–172. doi: 10.1109/ APSEC.2006.7. url:

[RS05]  G. Rajeshwari and Santonu Sarkar. “SAM: A Tool for Software Architecture Modeling and Performance Analysis”. In: Second International Conference on the Quantitative Evaluaiton of Systems (QEST 2005), 19-22 September 2005, Torino, Italy. 2005, pp. 249–250. doi: 10.1109/QEST.2005.32. url:

[SKN05]  Santonu Sarkar, Avinash C. Kak, and N. S. Nagaraja. “Metrics for Analyzing Module Interactions in Large Software Systems”. In: 12th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2005), 15-17 December 2005, Taipei, Taiwan. 2005, pp. 264–271. doi: 10.1109/APSEC.2005.77. url:

[Sar04]  Santonu Sarkar. “A Study of Existing Architecture Description Approaches from Enterprise System Development Perspective”. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP ’04, June 21-24, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Volume 2. 2004, pp. 667–673.

[SKM04]  Santonu Sarkar, Riaz Kapadia, and Reva Modi. “Architecture Pattern Organization”. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP ’04, June 21-24, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Volume 2. 2004, pp. 663–666.

[ST04]   Santonu Sarkar and S. Thonse. “EAML - architecture modeling language for enterprise applications”. In: IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology for Dynamic E-Business. IEEE Comput. Soc, 2004, pp. 40–47. doi: 10.1109/cec-east.2004.37.

[SBM97]  Santonu Sarkar, Anupam Basu, and Arun K. Majumdar. “Analyzing Controllability of a Hardware Circuit for its Reuse”. In: 10th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI Design 1997), 4-7 January 1997, Hyderabad, India. 1997, pp. 151–154. doi: 10.1109/ICVD.1997.568068. url:

[SBM96]  Santonu Sarkar, Anupam Basu, and Arun K. Majumdar. “Representation and Synthesis of Interface of a Circuit for its Reuse”. In: 9th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI Design 1996), 3-6 January 1996, Bangalore, India. 1996, pp. 140–145. doi: 10.1109/ICVD.1996.489473. url:

[SBM95]  Santonu Sarkar, Anupam Basu, and Arun K. Majumdar. “Synchronization of communicating modules and processes in high level synthesis”. In: 8th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI Design 1995), 4-7 January 1995, New Delhi, India. 1995, pp. 87–92. doi: 10.1109/ICVD.1995.512083. url:

[SB94]  Santonu Sarkar and Anupam Basu. “An Object Oriented Environment for Modeling and Synthesis of Hardware Circuits”. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on VLSI Design, VLSI Design 1994, Calcutta, India, January 5-8, 1994. 1994, pp. 407–412. doi: 10.1109/ICVD.1994.282728. url:


International Publications:

  1. K Paliwal, P Haldar, PKS Antharjanam, M Kumar, "Mixed Ligand Mononuclear Copper(II) Complex as a Promising Anticancer Agent: Interaction Studies with DNA/HSA, Molecular Docking, and in vitro Cytotoxicity Studies", ACS Omega, 7 (2022), 21961−21977,
  2. SU Parsekar, P Haldar, PKS Antharjanam, M Kumar, "Synthesis, Characterization, Crystal Structure, DNA and HSA Interactions, and Anticancer Activity of a Mononuclear Cu(II) Complex with a Schiff Base Ligand Containing a Thiadiazoline Moiety", ACS Omega, 7 (2022), 2881–2896,
  3. SU Parsekar, P Haldar, PKS Antharjanam, M Kumar, AP Koley, "Synthesis, characterization, crystal structure, DNA and human serum albumin interactions, as well as antiproliferative activity of a Cu(II) complex containing a Schiff base ligand formed in situ from the Cu(II)‐induced cyclization of 1,5‐bis(salicylidene)thiocarbohydrazide", Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 35 (2021), 4,
  4. T Harshavardhan, A Gaikwad, P Haldar, "Titanium Atoms-Decorated B 40 Fullerene: First-Principle Study to Predict the Structural Evolution during Hydrogen Storage", Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E, 102 (2020), 1, s40034-020-00177-y.
  5. A Koley, S U Parsekar, P Haldar, A Banerjee, S P K Antharjanam and M Kumar, "Protein binding studies with human serum albumin, molecular docking and in vitro cytotoxicity studies using HeLa cervical carcinoma cells of Cu(II)/Zn(II) complexes containing carbohydrazone ligand", Dalton Transaction, 49 (2020), 9,
  6. P Haldar, A Chatterjee, “Extent Of Dissolution Determines The Structural Similarity Between Dealloyed Nanoporous Materials Synthesized At Unrelated Dissolution Conditions”, Acta Materialia, 152 (2018), 186-198,
  7. P Haldar, A  Chatterjee,  “Connectivity-list  based  characterization  of  3D  nanoporous  structure  formed via selective dissolution: understanding role of starting geometry on dealloying”, Acta Materialia, 127 (2017), 379-388,
  8. P Haldar, A Chatterjee, “Seeking kinetic pathways relevant to the structural evolution of metal nanoparticles”, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., 23 (2015), 025002, doi:10.1088/0965-0393/23/2/025002.
  9. P Haldar, A Chatterjee, “Nudged-Elastic Band Study of Lithium Diffusion in Bulk Silicon in the Presence of Strain”, Energy Procedia, 54 (2015), 310–319, doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.07.274.

Conference Proceedings:

  1. H Thodupunoori, P Haldar"Effect of pseudopotentials on the electronic structures for hydrogen adsorption on Titanium (Ti) doped B40 Fullerene – A First principle study", Proceedings of VIIIth international conference on advances in energy research (2022).
  2. P Haldar, A Chatterjee, “Role of strain on lithium diffusion in silicon”, Proceedings of IVth international conference on advances in energy research (2013), 770-777.


• Himadri Mukherjee, Singularities of Hibi Toric Varieties and Standard Monomial Theory, Ph.D. Thesis, Northeastern University, 2008.

V. Lakshmibai, H. Mukherjee, Singular Loci of Hibi Toric Varieties, Ramanujan Math. Soc. 26 No. 1(2011) 1 - 29.

• H. Mukherjee, A. Dhorajia Polynomial rings over reduced Hopfian local rings, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, Acta Math. Hungar. 154 (2018), no. 1, 243–251.

• H. Mukherjee Hamiltonian cycles of power graph of abelian groups,, Afrika Matematika , Afr. Mat. 30 (2019), no. 7-8, 1025–1040.

 • H. Mukherjee, P. Das The first syzygy of Hibi rings associated with planar distributive lattices, Acta Math. Vietnam. 47 (2022), no. 3, 689–707
 , submitted.

• H. Mukherjee, A. Ali M, Solution to a system of Yang-Baxter matrix equations, submitted. Arxiv link

• H. Mukherjee, J. K. Sahoo, K. Acharya Approximation of Banzhaf index and its application to voting games Arxiv link

•H. Mukherjee, A. Ali M, Solutions to the Matrix Yang-Baxter equation, Submitted.  Arxiv link


•H. Mukherjee, R. Pawar, S. Jain, Hamiltonian Graphs with Cycle Cover, submitted.


Journal Papers:

  • Ghatak, D. and Roy, B.K., Estimation of True Quantiles from Quantitative Data Obfuscated with Additive Noise, Journal of Official Statistics, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2018, pp. 1-24, DOI:

  • Ghatak, D. and Roy, B.K., Conditional Masking to Numerical Data, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practise, 2019, DOI 10.1007/s42519-019-0042-y

  • Ghatak, D. and Roy, B.K., An Improved Bound for Security in an Identity Disclosure Problem. International Journal of Statistics and Probability Vol 8, No. 3, 2019, pp. 24-31

Posters Published: 

  • Ghatak, D. and Sakurai, K. and Roy, B.K., Can Data Obfuscation techniques be beneficial for preserving Data Utility unlike Differentially Private Algorithms? IWSEC 2020.

  • Ghatak D. and Sakurai K., On the power and limitation of Laplace noise addition for private synthetic data generation. IWSEC 2022. 

    Other Papers:
  • Ghatak D., Sengupta D and Roy B. Optimal Gamma density to Obfuscate Quantitative data with Added Noise, available at

  • Ghatak D., Sakurai K. A Survey on Privacy Preserving Synthetic Data Generation and a Discussion on a Privacy-Utility Trade-off Problem, presented at The 4th International Conference on Science of Cyber Security 2022

List of publications

Link to Google Scholar

Sample List of Publications`

  • Enclosing and monitoring of disaster area boundary using multi-UAV network, A Joshi, S Dhongdi, M Dharmadhikari, O Mehta, KR Anupama, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-19, 2022
  • A Survey on Recent Advances in Machine Learning Based Sleep Apnea Detection Systems, AK Anita Ramachandran Healthcare 9 (7), 914,2021
  • Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Sleep Apnea Detection Using ECG, AK A Ramachandran, AK Pant, Smart Trends in Computing and Communications 2021                     
  • Aero-engine health monitoring with real flight data using whale optimization algorithm based artificial neural network technique, N Balakrishnan, AI Devasigamani, KR Anupama, N Sharma, Optical Memory and Neural Networks 30 (1), 80-96, 2021
  • Multi-cluster flying ad-hoc network for disaster monitoring applications, A Joshi, SC Dhongdi, N Manjarekar, KR Anupama, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 36 (4), 207-221, 2021
  • Optimisation of Flight and Maintenance Planning for Defence Aviation with Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm., N Balakrishnan, M Shah, KR Anupama, N Sharma ,Defence Science Journal 71 (1), 2021
  • Machine learning algorithms for fall detection using kinematic and heart rate parameters-a comprehensive analysis,AK Anita Ramachandran, Adarsh Ramesh, Aditya Sukhlecha, Avtansh Pandey IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 9 (4), 772,2020
  • Quanta-A platform for rapid control and monitoring of heterogeneous robots,CHSS Reddy, A Agrawal, KR Anupama,Digital Communications and Networks 6 (4), 452-462, 2020
  • Design and Simulation of Multi-channel V-TDMA for IoT-Based Healthcare Systems, AK Anita Ramachandran, Malaika Afra Taj, Raghav Maheshwari Smart Trends in Computing and Communications: Proceedings of SmartCom 2020 , 2020
  • Evaluation of Feature Engineering on Wearable Sensor-based Fall Detection A Ramachandran, A Ramesh, A Karuppiah, 2020 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN),2020
  • System Architecture of a Smart Fall Detection System,R Anita, K Anupama, International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, 562-571, 2020
  • A Survey on Recent Advances in Wearable Fall Detection Systems, AK Anita Ramachandran, BioMed Research International, 17, 2020
  • Simulation of multi-uav ad-hoc network for disaster monitoring applications, A Joshi, S Dhongdi, S Kumar, KR Anupama, 2020 International conference on information networking (ICOIN), 690-695, 2020
  • Performance analysis of machine learning algorithms for fall detection, A Ramachandran, A Ramesh, P Pahwa, AP Atreyaa, S Murari, 2019 IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application, 2019
  • Congestion-adaptive and delay-sensitive multirate routing protocol in MANETs: a cross-layer approach MA Gawas, LJ Gudino, KR Anupama, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 2019
  • Machine Learning-based Fall Detection in Geriatric Healthcare Systems, A Ramachandran, R Adarsh, P Pahwa, KR Anupama, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks, 2019
  • A lightweight ANN based robust localization technique for rapid deployment of autonomous systems, NM Meetha V Shenoy, Anupama Karuppiah, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, pp 1-16 , 2019
  • Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Fall Detection in Geriatric Healthcare Systems, A K. R., A R., P Pahwa, A Ramachandran, 2018 9th International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine, 2018
  • Swarm-Sync: A distributed global time synchronization framework for swarm robotic systems, MV Shenoy, KR Anupama, Pervasive and Mobile Computing 44, 1-30      7, 2018
  • Joint clustering and routing protocol for static 3D wireless sensor networks, A Joshi, S Dhongdi, KR Anupama, 2018 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), 368-373, 2018
  • Area based routing protocol for mobile wireless sensor networks, V Sreejith, R Surve, N Vyas, KR Anupama, LJ Gudino, 2018 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), 782-786, 2018
  • HexaMob—a hybrid modular robotic design for implementing biomimetic structures, S Patlolla, A Agrawal, A KR Robotics 6 (4), 27           , 2017
  • Performance analysis of superior selective reporting-based energy efficient cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks, R Kishore, CK Ramesha, S Gurugopinath, KR Anupama, Ad Hoc Networks 65, 99-116, 2017
  • Cross-layer protocol stack development for three-dimensional underwater Acoustic Sensor Network, SC Dhongdi, P Nahar, R Sethunathan, LJ Gudino, KR Anupama, Journal of Network and Computer Applications 92, 3-19, 2017
  • DTTA-Distributed, time-division multiple access based task allocation framework for swarm robots, MV Shenoy, KR Anupama, Defence Science Journal 67 (3), 316, 2017
  • Indoor localization in NLOS conditions using asynchronous WSN and neural network, MV Shenoy, KR Anupama, N Manjrekar, MM Shamsi, 2017 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing ,2017
  • Modular Self-Reconfigurable Robotic Systems: A Survey on Hardware Architectures, AKR S. Sankhar Reddy Chennareddy, Anita Agrawal, Journal of Robotics, 19 pages, 2017
  • Energy efficient clustering based network protocol stack for 3D airborne monitoring system, A Joshi, S Dhongdi, R Sethunathan, P Nahar, KR Anupama Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 2017
  • Cross layer approach for effective multi hop broadcast in VANET MA Gawas, LJ Gudino, KR Anupama 2017 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks, 2017
  • AMCCR: adaptive multi-QoS cross-layer cooperative routing in ad hoc networks, MA Gawas, LJ Gudino, KR Anupama, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 2017
  • SQ-BOT-a modular robot prototype for self-reconfiguring structures , CSS Reddy, A Agrawal, KR Anupama 2016 International Conference on Robotics: Current Trends and Future 2016
  • Hardware validated efficient and simple Time Synchronization protocol for clustered WSN , GSS Chalapathi, R Manekar, V Chamola, KR Anupama, 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2162-2166, 2016
  • An efficient mobile sink routing in wireless sensor network using dynamic steiner tree, GS Meera, V Gupta, SP Sekhar, V Sreejith, KR Anupama, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks, 2016
  • Cross layered adaptive cooperative routing mode in mobile ad hoc networks, MA Gawas, LJ Gudino, KR Anupama, 2016 22nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), 462-469, 2016
  • Cross layer adaptive congestion control for best-effort traffic of IEEE 802.11 e in mobile ad hoc networks MA Gawas, LJ Gudino, KR Anupama, 2016 10th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks , 2016
  • Cross layer multi QoS metric routing for multimedia traffic in 802.11 E over MANETs, MA Gawas, LJ Gudino, KR Anupama, 2016 Eighth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks , 2016
  • Implementation of Multi-hop Bidirectional Communication Link with Time-Synchronization on Miniature Test-bed of Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network. SC Dhongdi, KR Anupama, RH Sant, J Gudino , Journal of Engineering Science & Technology Review 9 (3), 2016
  • Development of a cross-layered protocol stack for wireless sensor networks for mobile object tracking, KR Anupama, TN Jadhav, EF Mascarenhas, PP Lekhi, A Mohammadi, 2016 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation, 2016
  • DS-MMAC: Dynamic schedule based MAC for mobile wireless sensor network, V Sreejith, R Suriyadeepan, KR Anupama, LJ Gudino, Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 738-741, 2016
  • Mobility vector based neighbour selection in mobile WSN with multichannel MAC, V Sreejith, P Khandelwal, KR Anupama, LJ Gudino, 2016 8th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks , 2016
  • Bayesian detector based superior selective reporting mechanism for cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks, R Kishore, CK Ramesha, KR Anupama, Procedia Computer Science 93, 207-216, 2016
  • Implementation of protocol stack for three-dimensional wireless sensor network, A Joshi, S Dhongdi, KR Anupama, P Nahar, R Sethunathan, Procedia Computer Science 89, 193-202, 2016
  • Efficient wireless network services for civil Structure Health Monitoring, JA Kulkarni, KR Anupama, N Goveas, 2015 International Conference on Computing and Network Communications , 2015
  • High bandwidth data streaming in Sensor Network with mobile nodes, V Sreejith, KR Anupama, LJ Gudino, R Suriyadeepan, 2015 International Conference on Control Communication & Computing India, 2015
  • Cross layer best effort qos aware routing protocol for ad hoc network, MA Gawas, LJ Gudino, KR Anupama, 2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications , 2015
  • Platform for biomimetic swarms, KR Anupama, MV Shenoy, SS Reddy, Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Advances In Robotics, 1-6, 2015
  • Cross layer congestion aware multi rate multi path routing protocol for ad hoc network, MA Gawas, LJ Gudino, KR Anupama, 2015 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication , 2015
  • A fast exploration technique in WSN for partition recovery using mobile nodes, V Sreejith, KR Anupama, LJ Gudino, R Suriyadeepan, 2015 Twenty First National Conference on Communications (NCC), 1-6, 2015
  • Simulation and testbed implementation of TDMA MAC on Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network, SC Dhongdi, KR Anupama, R Agrawal, LJ Gudino, 2015 Twenty First National Conference on Communications (NCC), 1-6, 2015
  • Review of protocol stack development of Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network (UASN) , SC Dhongdi, KR Anupama, LJ Gudino, 2015 IEEE Underwater Technology (UT), 1-17, 2015
  • BSwarm robot—A low cost mobile wireless sensor research platform using COTS products, KR Anupama, MV Shenoy, CSS Reddy, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics , 2015
  • FlexEye—A flexible camera mote for sensor networks, KR Anupama, CSS Reddy, MV Shenoy, 2015 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated , 2015
  • Partition discovery and connectivity restoration in wsn using mobile relays, V Sreejith, KR Anupama, LJ Gudino, R Suriyadeepan, Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Distributed Computing, 2015
  • A CROSS-LAYER DELAY-AWARE NODE DISJOINT MULTIPATH ROUTING ALGORITHM FOR MOBILE AD HOC NETWORKS, MA Gawas, LJ Gudino, KR Anupama, J Rodrigues, International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks 6 (3), 2014
  • ACross-LAYER DELAY-AWARE MULTIPATH ROUTING ALGORITHM FOR MOBILE ADHOC NETWORKS, MA Gawas, LJ Gudino, KR Anupama, J Rodrigues CS & IT Conference Proceedings 4 , 2014
  • Implementation of multi-hop time synchronization on miniature test-bed setup of underwater acoustic sensor network, SC Dhongdi, KR Anupama, RH Sant, LJ Gudino, 2014 Twentieth National Conference on Communications (NCC), 1-6, 2014
  • A wireless sensor network based pipeline monitoring system, KR Anupama, N Kamdar, SK Kamalampet, D Vyas, S Sahu, S Shah, 2014 International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks, 2014
  • Design and implementation of a cross layered protocol stack for sensor networks in an indoor environment, Anupama Kr, Nishad Kamdar, Dhruv Vyas, Ishaan Baokar, Siddharth Sahu, 2012 Ninth International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications , 2012
  • On the use of particle swarm optimization for adaptive resource allocation in orthogonal frequency division multiple access systems with proportional rate constraints, N Sharma, AK Tarcar, VA Thomas, KR Anupama, Information Sciences 182 (1), 115-124, 2012
  • A novel genetic algorithm for adaptive resource allocation in MIMO-OFDM systems with proportional rate constraint, N Sharma, KR Anupama, Wireless Personal Communications 61 (1), 113-128, 2011
  • On the use of NSGA-II for multi-objective resource allocation in MIMO-OFDMA systems, N Sharma, KR Anupama, Wireless Networks 17 (5), 1191-1201         , 2011
  • Multi-objective resource allocation in multiuser OFDM using PAES, N Sharma, S Wagh, KR Anupama, Int. J. Recent Trends Eng. Technol 3 (3), 121-125, 2010
  • A novel genetic algorithm for adaptive resource allocation in multiuser OFDM systems with proportional rate constraint, N Sharma, KR Anupama, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering 2 (5), 135, 2009
  • A location-based clustering algorithm for data gathering in 3D underwater wireless sensor networks, KR Anupama, A Sasidharan, S Vadlamani, 2008 International Symposium on Telecommunications, 343-348, 2008
  • Multi-parameter ocean monitoring system using Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, KR Anupama, A Sasidharan, S Vadlamani, Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED International Conference 605 (224), 333, 2008
  • Routing Criteria for Mobile Ad hoc Networks”, KRAS Balasubramanian, National Conference on Advances in Computer Communication Networks , 2004
  • A multicast protocol for mobile adhoc networks, K.R.Anupama, 2002 IEEE International Conference on Personal & Wireless Communication, 2003, 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems December 16–19, 2019| Goa, India G Raghurama, B Director, A Srivastava, KR Anupama, KKBG Campus,



1. Arpan Dey, Abhishek Patil, Senthil Arumugam, and Sudipta Maiti*, Single-Molecule Maps of Membrane Insertion by Amyloid-β Oligomers Predict Their Toxicity, (2024), J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2024, 15, XXX, 6292–6298
2. D. Saha Roy, A. Gupta, V. Vishvakarmma, P. Krupa, M. S. Li, and Sudipta Maiti*, Serotonin Promotes Vesicular Association and Fusion by Modifying Lipid Bilayers, The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B, (2024), 128(20):4975-4985
3. Arpan Dey, Aditi Verma, Uchit Bhaskar, Bidyut Sarkar, Mamata Kallianpur, Vicky Vishvakarma, Anand Kant Das, Kanchan Garai, Odity Mukherjee, Kunihiko Ishii, Tahei Tahara, and Sudipta Maiti*, A Toxicogenic Interaction between Intracellular Amyloid-β and Apolipoprotein-E, ACS Chem. Neurosci. (2024), 15, 6, 1265–1275
4. Daniel Huster*, Sudipta Maiti, Andreas Herrmann, Phospholipid Membranes as Chemically and Functionally Tunable Materials, Adv. Materials, (2024),
5. Megha Maheshwari, Aastha Singla, Anoop Rawat, Toshali Banerjee, Sthitapranjya Pati, Sneha Shah, Sudipta Maiti, Vidita A. Vaidya*, Chronic chemogenetic activation of hippocampal progenitors enhances adult neurogenesis and modulates anxiety-like behavior and fear extinction learning,
6. Debsankar Saha Roy, Marta Gozzi, Oskar Engberg, Juliane Adler, Daniel Huster*, and Sudipta Maiti*, Membrane-Mediated Allosteric Action of Serotonin on a Noncognate G-Protein-Coupled Receptor, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2024), 15, 6, 1711–1718
7. Simran Arora, Debsankar Saha Roy, Sudipta Maiti, and Sri Rama Koti Ainavarapu*, Phase Separation and Aggregation of a Globular Folded Protein Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier 1 (SUMO1), J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2023), 14, 40, 9060–9068
8. Gupta, Ankur; Krupa, Pawel; Engberg, Oskar; Krupa, Magdalena; Chaudhary, Ankur; Li, Mai Suan; Huster, Daniel; Maiti, Sudipta*, "The unusual robustness of neurotransmitter vesicle membranes against serotonin-induced perturbations", The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 127 (9), 1947-1955 (2023) (cover article)
9. Ankur Gupta, Mamata Kallianpur, Debsankar Saha Roy, Oskar Engberg, Hirak Chakrabarty, Daniel Huster, Sudipta Maiti*, Different membrane order measurement techniques are not mutually consistent, Biophys. J., 2022,
10. Vicky Vishvakarma and Sudipta Maiti*, Measuring the Size and Spontaneous Fluctuations of Amyloid Aggregates with Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2022,
11. Arpan Dey and Sudipta Maiti*, Determining the Stoichiometry of Amyloid Oligomers by Single-Molecule Photobleaching, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2022, DOI:10.1007/978-1-0716-2529-3_5
12. Vicky Vishvakarma, Oskar Engberg, Daniel Huster, and Sudipta Maiti*, The effect of cholesterol on highly curved membranes measured by nanosecond Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy, Methods and Applications in Fluorescence, 2022,
13. Barun Kumar Maity, Debsankar Saha Roy and Sudipta Maiti*, Real time imaging of the excitation volume of a multiphoton microscope, Journal of Optics, 2022,
14. Guzel Musabirova, Oskar Engberg, Ankur Gupta, Debsankar Saha Roy, Sudipta Maiti and Daniel Huster*, Serotonergic drugs modulate the phase behavior of complex lipid bilayers, Biochimie, 2022,
15. Arpan Dey, Sudipta Maiti*, Single molecule photobleaching reveals the piecewise arrangement of monomers in IAPP oligomers, Proc. SPIE 11967, Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Superresolution Imaging; 2022, (Conference Proceedings)
16. Ankur Gupta^, Simli Dey^, Debanjan Bhowmik, and Sudipta Maiti*, Coexisting Ordered and Disordered Membrane Phases Have Distinct Modes of Interaction with Disease-Associated Oligomers, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2022, 126, 1016−1023
17. Jacob Fritzsch, Alexander Korn, Dayana Surendran, Martin Krueger, Holger A. Scheidt, Kaustubh R. Mote, Perunthiruthy K. Madhu, Sudipta Maiti and Daniel Huster, Probing the Influence of Single-Site Mutations in the Central Cross-β Region of Amyloid β (1–40) Peptides, Biomolecules, 2021, 11, 1848
18. Arpan Dey, Vicky Vishvakarma, Anirban Das, Mamata Kallianpur, Simli Dey, Roshni Joseph and Sudipta Maiti*, Single Molecule Measurements of the Accessibility of Molecular Surfaces, Front. Mol. Biosci., 01 December 2021 |,
19. Anirban Das, Alexander Korn, Adam Carroll, John A. Carver, and Sudipta Maiti, Application of the Double-Mutant Cycle Strategy to Protein Aggregation Reveals Transient Interactions in Amyloid-β Oligomers, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2021, 125, 45, 12426–12435
20. Anirban Das, Anju Yadav, Mona Gupta, Purushotham R, Vishram L. Terse, Vicky Vishvakarma, Sameer Singh, Tathagata Nandi, Arkadeep Banerjee, Kalyaneswar Mandal, Shachi Gosavi, Ranabir Das, Sri Rama Koti Ainavarapu,* and Sudipta Maiti*, Rational Design of Protein-Specific Folding Modifiers, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 44, 18766–18776
21. Anirban Das^, Vicky Vishvakarma^, Arpan Dey, Simli Dey, Ankur Gupta, Mitradip Das, Krishna Kant Vishwakarma, Debsankar Saha Roy, Swati Yadav, Shubham Kesarwani, Ravindra Venkatramani, and Sudipta Maiti, Biophysical properties of the isolated spike protein binding helix of human ACE2, Biophysical J, 2021, 120, 1–8
22. Simli Dey, Dayana Surendran, Oskar Enberg, Ankur Gupta, Sashaina E. Fanibunda, Anirban Das, Barun Kumar Maity, Arpan Dey, Vicky Visvakarma, Mamata Kallianpur, Holger A. Scheidt, Gilbert Walker, Vidita A. Vaidya, Daniel Huster, and Sudipta Maiti, Altered Membrane Mechanics Provides a Receptor‐Independent Pathway for Serotonin Action, Chem. Eur. J., 2021, 27, 1–10 (selected as cover article)
23. Simli Dey, Anirban Das, Arpan Dey and Sudipta Maiti , Membrane affinity of individual toxic protein oligomers determined at the single-molecule level, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 2020, 22, 14613
24. Holger A. Scheidt, Anirban Das, Alexander Korn, Martin Krueger, Sudipta Maiti and Daniel Huster, Structural characteristics of oligomers formed by pyroglutamate-modified amyloid b peptides studied by solid-state NMR, Phys Chem Chem Phys, 2020, DOI: 10.1039/d0cp02307h
25. Anirban Das, Ankur Gupta, Yuning Hong, John A Carver, Sudipta Maiti, “A Spectroscopic Marker for Structural Transitions Associated with Amyloid-β Aggregation”, Biochemistry, (2020),
26. SimliDey, Anirban Das, SudiptaMaiti, Correction of Systematic Bias in Single Molecule Photobleaching Measurements, Biophysical Journal, Volume 118 (2020) Pages 1101-1108
27. Sthitapranjya Pati, Sonali S. Salvi, Mamata Kallianpur, Bhupesh Vaidya, Antara Banerjee, Sudipta Maiti, James P. Clement and Vidita A. Vaidya, Chemogenetic activation of excitatory neurons alters hippocampal neurotransmission in a dose-dependent manner, eNeuro (2019) ENEURO.0124-19.2019
28. Barun Kumar Maity, Anand Kant Das, Simli Dey, Ullhas Kaarthi Moorthi, Amandeep Kaur, Arpan Dey, Dayana Surendran, Rucha Pandit, Mamata Kallianpur, Bappaditya Chandra, Muralidharan Chandrakesan, Senthil Arumugam, and Sudipta Maiti , Ordered and Disordered Segments of Amyloid beta Drive Sequential Steps of the Toxic Pathway, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, (2019) 10, 2498-2509
29. Barun Kumar Maity, Sudipta Maiti, Label-free imaging of neurotransmitters in live brain tissue by multi-photon ultraviolet microscopy, Neuronal Signaling (2018) 2NS20180132
30. Barun Kumar Maity, Anirban Das, Sayan Dutta, Sudipta Maiti, Construction of a Line-Confocal Raman Microscope for Sensitive Molecules, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. A Phys. Sci, 2018,
31. Simli Dey, Pavlo Bielytskyi Daniel Grasing, Anirban Das, Rajasree Kundu, Jorg Matysik, Sudipta Maiti, P. K. Madhu, Precise in situ photo-induced pH modulation during NMR spectrometry, Chemical Physics Letters, 706 (2018), 665-668
32. Barun Kumar Maity, Vicky Vishvakarma, Dayana Surendran, Anoop Rawat, Anirban Das, Shreya Pramanik, Najmul Arfin, and Sudipta Maiti, Spontaneous Fluctuations Can Guide Drug Design Strategies for Structurally Disordered Proteins, Biochemistry, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00504
33. Simli Dey, and Sudipta Maiti, Single-molecule photobleaching: Instrumentation and applications, J. Biosci., 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s12038-018-9770-5
34. Alexander Korn, Dayana Surendran, Martin Krueger, Sudipta Maiti and Daniel Huster, Ring structure modifications of phenylalanine 19 increase fibrillation kinetics and reduce toxicity of amyloid-β (1–40), Chem. Commun., 2018,
35. Bappaditya Chandra, Barun Kumar Maity, Anirban Das and Sudipta Maiti, Fluorescence quenching by lipid encased nanoparticles shows that amyloid-β has a preferred orientation in the membrane, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 7750-7753
Selected as inside cover article.
36. Anoop Rawat, Barun Kumar Maity, Bappaditya Chandra, and Sudipta Maiti, Aggregation-induced conformation changes dictate islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) membrane affinity, BBA Biomembrane, Volume 1860, 2018, Pages 1734-1740
37. Kallol Bera, Anand Kant Das, Ananya Rakshit, Bidyut Sarkar, Anoop Rawat, Barun Kumar Maity, and Sudipta Maiti, Fluorogenic Detection of Monoamine Neurotransmitters in Live Cells , ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2018, 9, 469-474, Selected as cover article.
38. Alexander Korn, Steffane McLennan, Juliane Adler, Martin Krueger, Dayana Surendran, Sudipta Maiti, and Daniel Huster, Amyloid β (1–40) Toxicity Depends on the Molecular Contact between Phenylalanine 19 and Leucine 34, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2018, 9, 790-799
39. Rawat A, Maity BK, Chandra B, Maiti S., Aggregation-induced conformation changes dictate islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) membrane affinity, 2018. Biochim Biophys Acta. Vol. 1860, Pages 1734-1740
40. Anand Kant Das, Barun Kumar Maity, Dayana Surendran, Umakanta Tripathy, and Sudipta Maiti, Label-free Ratiometric Imaging of Serotonin in Live Cells, 2017. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 8, 11, 2369-2373
41. Bappaditya Chandra, Debanjan Bhowmik, Barun Kumar Maity, Kaustubh R. Mote, Debabrata Dhara, Ravindra Venkatramani, Sudipta Maiti, P.K.Madhu. Major Reaction Coordinates Linking Transient Amyloid-β Oligomers to Fibrils Measured at the Atomic Level, 2017. Biophysical Journal, 113(4):805-816
42. Bappaditya Chandra, Venus Singh Mithu, Debanjan Bhowmik, Anand Kant Das, Bankanidhi Sahoo, Sudipta Maiti and Perunthiruthy K. Madhu, 2017. Curcumin dictates divergent fates for the central salt-bridges in Amyloid-β 40 and Amyloid-β 42, Biophysical J, 2017, 112, 1597-1608
43. Bappaditya Chandra; Alexander Korn; Barun Kumar Maity; Juliane Adler; Anoop Rawat; Martin Krueger; Daniel Huster; Sudipta Maiti, 2017. Stereoisomers Probe Steric Zippers in Amyloid-β, 2017. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2017, 121, 1835-1842
44. Bappaditya Chandra; Swagata Halder; Juliane Adler; Alexander Korn; Daniel Huster; Sudipta Maiti, 2017. Emerging structural details of transient Amyloid-β oligomers suggest designs for effective small molecule modulators, Chemical Physics Letter, 2017, 675, 51-55.
45. Manojkumar Jadhao; Chayan Das; Anoop Rawat; Himank Kumar; Ritika Joshi; Sudipta Maiti; Sujit Kumar Ghosh, 2017. Development of multifunctional heterocyclic Schiff base as a potential metal chelator: a comprehensive spectroscopic approach towards drug discovery, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, Volume 22, Issue 1, pp 47–59

46. Juliane Adler; Monika Baumann; Bruno Voigt; Holger Scheidt; Debanjan Bhowmik; Tilmann Haupl; Bernd Abel; Perunthiruthy K. Madhu Madhu; Jochen Balbach; Sudipta Maiti; Daniel Huster, 2016. “A Detailed Analysis of the Morphology of Fibrils of Selectively Mutated Amyloid beta (1-40)”, ChemPhysChem, doi. 10.1002/cphc.201600413
47. Chandrakesan M, Bhowmik D, Sarkar B, Abhyankar R, Singh H, Kallianpur M, Dandekar SP, Madhu PK, Maiti S, Mithu VS, 2015. Steric crowding of the turn region alters the tertiary fold of amyloid-β18-35 and makes it soluble. J. Biol. Chem. 290(50):30099-30107.
48. Rawat, A. and Maiti, S., 2015. Single molecule tools for probing protein aggregation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. A Phys. Sci. 85(4):519-525.
49. Debanjan Bhowmik, Kaustubh R. Mote, Christina M. MacLaughlin, Nupur Biswas, Bappaditya Chandra, Jaydeep K. Basu, Gilbert C. Walker, Perunthiruthy K. Madhu, and Sudipta Maiti, “Cell-Membrane-Mimicking Lipid-Coated Nanoparticles Confer Raman Enhancement to Membrane Proteins and Reveal Membrane-Attached Amyloid-β Conformation”, ACS Nano, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b03175
50. Anand Kant Das#, Anoop Rawat#, Debanjan Bhowmik, Rucha Pandit, Daniel Huster and Sudipta Maiti, “An early folding contact between Phe19 and Leu34 is critical for amyloid beta oligomer toxicity”, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.5b00074, # equal contribution
51. Anand Kant Das, Rucha Pandit and Sudipta Maiti, “Effect of amyloids on the vesicular machinery: implications for somatic neurotransmission”, Phil. Trans.R.Soc. B, 2015, 370, 20140187370
52. Debanjan Bhowmik, Anand Kant Das and Sudipta Maiti
Rapid, cell-free assay for membrane-active forms of Amyloid-β, Langmuir, 2015, 31, 4049−4053.
53. Bidyut Sarkar, Venus Singh Mithu, Bappaditya Chandra, Arghya Mandal, Muralidharan Chandrakesan, Debanjan Bhowmik, P.K. Madhu* and Sudipta Maiti*, Structure of Transient Amyloid-β Oligomers Differs From Less-toxic Fibrils in Regions Known to Harbor Familial Alzheimer’s Mutations, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2014, doi: 10.1002/anie.201
This paper is termed "Very Important Paper" (VIP, top 5%) by Angewandte Chemie.
54. Bidyut Sarkar, Arkarup Banerjee, Anand Kant Das, Suman Nag, Sanjeev Kumar Kaushalya, Umakanta Tripathy, Mohammad Shameem, Shubha Shukla and Sudipta Maiti, Label-free dopamine imaging in live rat brain slices.
ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2014, doi: 10.1021/cn5000138
55. Venus Singh Mithu, Bidyut Sarkar, Debanjan Bhowmik, Anand Kant Das, Muralidharan Chandrakesan, Sudipta Maiti* and P. K. Madhu*.
Curcumin alters the salt-bridge containing turn region in amyloid beta 1-42 aggregates, J. Biol. Chem. 2014, doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.519447 .
56. Debanjan Bhowmik, Christina M. MacLaughlin, Muralidharan Chandrakesan, Prashanth Ramesh, Ravindra Venkatramani, Gilbert C. Walker and Sudipta Maiti
pH changes the aggregation property of amyloid-beta without altering the monomeric conformation, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2014, 16, 885-889.
57. Suman Nag, Bidyut Sarkar, Muralidharan Chandrakesan, Rajiv Abhyankar, Debanjan Bhowmik, Mamata Kombrabail, Sucheta Dandekar, Eitan Lerner, Elisha Haas and Sudipta Maiti, A folding transition underlies the emergence of membrane affinity in amyloid-beta, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2013, 15, 19129-19133.
58. Debabrata Maity, Bidyut Sarkar, Sudipta Maiti and T. Govindaraju
A highly selective reaction-based two-photon probe for copper(I) in aqueous media, ChemPlusChem. 2013, 78, 8, 785-788.
59. Bidyut Sarkar, Anand K. Das and Sudipta Maiti
Thermodynamically stable amyloid beta monomers have much lower membrane affinity than the small oligomers . Front. Physiol. 2013, 4 (84 ), 1-11.
60. Deepak Manna, Jaspreet Grewal, Bidyut Sarkar, Sudipta Maiti and Anuradha Lohia, Poly-unsaturated fatty acids induce polarized F-actin sub-membranous aggregates and kills Entamoeba histolytica, Cytoskeleton. 2013, 70 (5), 260-268.
61. Muralidharan Chandrakesan, Bidyut Sarkar, Venus Singh Mithu, Rajiv Abhyankar, Debanjan Bhowmik, Suman Nag, Bankanidhi Sahoo, Riddhi Shah, Sushma Gurav, Raja Banerjee, Sucheta Dandekar, Jaya C. Jose, Neelanjana Sengupta, Perunthiruthy K. Madhu and Sudipta Maiti, The basic structural motif and major biophysical properties of Amyloid beta are encoded in the fragment 18-35 , Chem. Phys. 2013, 422, 80-87
62. S. Pirotta, X. G. Xu, A. Delfan, S. Mysore, S. Maiti, G. Dacarro, M. Patrini, M. Galli, G. Guizzetti, D. Bajoni, J. E. Sipe, G. C. Walker and M. Liscidini
Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering in Purely Dielectric Structures via Bloch Surface Waves, J. Chem. Phys. C. 2013, 117, 6821-6825
63. Bidyut Sarkar, Anand K. Das, Senthil Arumugam, Sanjeev K. Kaushalya, Arkarup Bandyopadhyay, Jayaprakash Balaji and Sudipta Maiti
The dynamics of somatic exocytosis in monoaminergic neurons, Front. Physiol.(2012) vol. 3(414), 1-13.
64. Rajiv Abhyankar; Banakanidhi Sahoo; Niraj K. Singh; Linda M. Meijer; Bidyut Sarkar; Anand K. Das; Suman Nag; Muralidharan Chandrakesan; Debanjan Bhowmik; Sucheta Dandekar; Sudipta Maiti, Amyloid diagnostics: probing protein aggregation and conformation with ultrasensitive fluorescence detection, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 8233 (2012) 82330B (Conference Proceedings)
65. Nag S., Bidyut Sarkar, Arkarup Bandyopadhyay, Bankanidhi Sahoo, Varun K. A. Sreenivasan, Mamata Kombrabail, C Muralidharan, and Sudipta Maiti. The nature of the amyloid-beta monomer and the monomer-oligomer equilibrium. J.Biol.Chem. (2011) 286: 13827-13833
66. Venus Singh Mithu, Bidyut Sarkar, Debanjan Bhowmik, Muralidharan Chandrakesan, Sudipta Maiti, Perunthiruthy K. Madhu, Zn++ Binding Disrupts the Asp23-Lys28 Salt Bridge without Altering the Hairpin-Shaped Cross-β Structure of Aβ42 Amyloid Aggregates. Biophysical Journal, 101(2011) pp. 2825 - 2832
67. Singh, N. K.; Chacko, J. V.; Sreenivasan, V. K.; Nag, S.; Maiti, S. “Ultracompact alignment-free single molecule fluorescence device with a foldable light path”, J Biomed Opt, 16 (2011) 025004. [Highlighted in the Virtual Journal of Biophysical Research]
68. Suman Nag, Jiji Chen, J. Irudayaraj, and S. Maiti, “Direct measurement of the attachment and assembly of small amyloid- β oligomers on live cell membranes at physiological concentrations”, Biophys. J. 99 (2010) 1969
69. Nag, S.; Bandyopadhyay, A.; Maiti, S. Spatial pH Jump Measures Chemical Kinetics in a Steady-State System. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2009, 113, 5269-5272
70. Kumar M, Kaushalya SK, Gressens P, Maiti S, Mani S. Optimized derivation and functional characterization of 5-HT neurons from human embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells Dev 18(4) (2009) 615-628
71. Kaushalya SK, Desai R, Arumugam S, Ghosh H, Balaji J, Maiti S .Three-photon microscopy shows that somatic release can be a quantitatively significant component of serotonergic neurotransmission in the mammalian brain.J Neurosci. Res. 2008 Nov 15;86(15):3469-80
72. N. Kumar, B. Sahoo, K. A. S. Varun, S. Maiti and S. Maiti, Effect of loop length variation on quadruplex-Watson Crick duplex competition, Nucl. Acids Res., 2008. 36(13): p. 4433-4442.
73. B. Sahoo, J. Balaji, S. Nag, S. K. Kaushalya and S. Maiti, Protein aggregation probed by two-photon fluorescence correlation spectroscopy of native tryptophan, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2008. 129(7): p. 075103-5.
74. Nag S., Balaji J., Madhu P.K., Maiti S., Intermolecular association provides specific optical and NMR signatures for serotonin at intravesicular concentrations, Biophys J. (2008), 94(10):4145-53.

75. Kaushalya S.K., Nag S., Ghosh H., Arumugam S., Maiti S, A high-resolution large area serotonin map of a live rat brain section, Neuroreport. 2008, 19(7):717-21.

76. K. Garai, B. Sahoo, P. Sengupta, and S. Maiti, Quasi-homogeneous nucleation of amyloid beta yields numerical bounds for the critical radius, the surface tension and the free energy barrier for nucleus formation, J. Chem. Phys. (2008) 128: 045102-7

77. Basu B., Desai R., Balaji J.,Chaerkady R., Sriram V., Maiti S., Panicker M.M., Serotonin in pre-implantation mouse embryos is localized to the mitochondria and can modulate mitochondrial potential. Reproduction (2008) 135(5):657-69.
78. K. Garai, B. Sahoo, S. K. Kaushalya, R. Desai, and S. Maiti, Zinc lowers amyloid β toxicity by selectively precipitating aggregation intermediates, Biochemistry, (2007), 46(37): 10655-63

79. S.K. Kaushalya, Suman Nag, J. Balaji, S. Maiti, Serotonin: multiphoton imaging and relevant spectral data, Proc. SPIE, (2008) 6860: 68601 – 68608 (conference proceedings)
80. Bankanidhi Sahoo, Mithun Goswami, Suman Nag, and Sudipta Maiti, Spontaneous formation of a protein corona prevents the loss of quantum dot fluorescence in physiological buffers, Chem. Phys. Lett, (2007), 445:217-220

81. K. Garai, Ruchi Sureka, and S. Maiti, Detecting Amyloid-β aggregation with fiber based fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, Biophys. J. (2007), 92(7), L55-7

82. S. K. Kaushalya and S. Maiti, Quantitative imaging of serotonin autofluorescence with multiphoton microscopy, in Serotonin Receptors in neurobiology, Frontiers in Neuroscience series, A. Chattopadhyay ed., CRC Press (2007), 1-18

83. K. Garai, M. Muralidhar and S. Maiti, A Fiber Optic Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometer, Applied Optics, (2006), 45(28), 7538-7542
84. K. Garai, P. Sengupta, B. Sahoo and S. Maiti, Selective destabilization of soluble amyloid β oligomers by divalent metal ions, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 345(1)(2006)210-215
85. Balaji, J., Desai, R., Kaushalya, S. K., Eaton, M. J., and Maiti, S., Quantitative measurement of serotonin synthesis and sequestration in individual live neuronal cells, J Neurochem. 95(5) (2005) 1217
86. Kaushalya, S. K., Balaji, J., Garai, K., and Maiti, S., Fluorescence correlation microscopy with real-time alignment readout, Appl Opt. 44(16) (2005) 3262-5.
87. Balaji, J. and Maiti, S., Quantitative measurement of the resolution and sensitivity of confocal microscopes using line-scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, Microsc Res Tech. 66(4) (2005) 198-202
88. K. Garai and S. Maiti, Multiphoton excited fluorescence as a probe of biological systems, IANCAS Bull., III (4) (2004) 327-334
89. Srinivas Krishnagopal, Vinit Kumar, Sudipta Maiti, S. S. Prabhu and S. K. Sarkar, Free Electron Lasers, (2004), Current Science, 87, 1066
90. Balaji, J., C. S. Reddy, S. K. Kaushalya, and S. Maiti, Microfluorometric detection of catecholamines with multiphoton excited fluorescence. Appl. Opt., 43(12) (2004) 2412-7
91. Balaji J, Desai R, and Maiti, S., Live cell ultraviolet microscopy: a comparison between two- and three-photon excitation. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2004. 63(1): p. 67-71
92. Sengupta P, K. Garai, B. Sahoo, D. J. E. Callaway, and S. Maiti, The amyloid beta peptide (Abeta(1-40)) is thermodynamically soluble at physiological concentrations. Biochemistry, 2003. 42(35): p. 10506 – 10513
93. Balaji J, K. Garai, S. Chakrabarty, and S. Maiti, Axial resolution limit of a fiber-optic fluorescence probe. Appl Opt, 2003. 42(19): p. 3780 - 3784
94. Sengupta, P. and S. Maiti, “Localized optical probing of biomolecules: Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and multi-photon microscopy”, Proc. Indian Nat. Sci. Acad. A, 2003. 69:p. 1-13
95. Sengupta, P., K. Garai, J. Balaji, N. Periasamy and S. Maiti, Measuring size distribution in highly heterogeneous systems with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Biophysical Journal, 2003. 84(3): p. 1977 – 1984
96. Sengupta, P., J. Balaji, and S. Maiti, Measuring diffusion in cell membranes by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Methods, 2002. 27: p. 374–387
97. Sengupta, P., Balaji, J., Mukherjee, S., Philip, R., Ravindra Kumar, G. and and S. Maiti, Determination of the absolute two-photon absorption cross section of tryptophan. Proceedings of SPIE, 2001. 4262: p. 336
98. Balaji, J., Sengupta, P., and Maiti, S., Probing diffusion and photochemical properties through localized photobleaching. Proceedings of SPIE, 2001. 4262: p. 329 (conference proceedings)
99. P. Sengupta, J. Balaji, S. Banerjee, R. Philip, G. Ravindra Kumar and S. Maiti, "Sensitive measurement of two-photon absorption cross sections", J. Chem. Phys., 112 (2000) 9201-9205
100. P. Schwille, U. Haupts, S. Maiti, and W. W. Webb, “Molecular Dynamics in Living Cells Observed by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy with One- and Two-photon Excitation”, Biophys. J. 77 (1999) 2251-2265
101. R. M. Williams, J. B. Shear, W. R. Zipfel, S. Maiti, and W. W. Webb, “Mucosal Mast Cell Secretion Processes Imaged Using Three-Photon Microscopy of 5-Hydroxytryptamine Autofluorescence”, Biophys. J. 76 (1999) 1835-1846
102. U. Haupts, S. Maiti, P. Schwille, and W. W. Webb, “Dynamics of fluorescent fluctuations in green fluorescent protein observed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 95 (1998) 13573-13578.
103. S.Maiti, U. Haupts and W. W. Webb, "Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy: Diagnostics for sparse molecules", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 94 (1997) 11753-11757
104. S. Maiti, Jason B. Shear, W. R. Zipfel, R. M. Williams, and Watt W. Webb, ““Measuring serotonin distribution in live cells with three-photon excitation”, Science 275 (1997) 530
105. R. Diller, S. Maiti, G. C. Walker, B. R. Cowen, R. Pippenger, R. A. Bogomolni, and R. M. Hochstrasser, "Femtosecond time resolved infrared laser study of bacteriorhodopsin", Chem. Phys. Lett. 241 (1995) 109
106. S. Maiti, G. C. Walker, B. R. Cowen, R. Pippenger, C. C. Moser, P. L. Dutton, and R. M. Hochstrasser, "Femtosecond coherent transient infrared spectroscopy of reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994) 10360
107. G. C. Walker, S. Maiti, B. R. Cowen, C. C. Moser, P. L. Dutton, and R. M. Hochstrasser, "Time Resolution of Infrared Electronic Transitions in the Photosynthetic Reaction Center", J. Phys. Chem. 88 (1994), 5778
108. S. Maiti, B. R. Cowen, R. Diller, M. Iannone, C. C. Moser, P. L. Dutton, and R. M. Hochstrasser, "Picosecond Infrared Studies of the Dynamics of the Photosynthetic Reacton Center", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 90 (1993) 5247
109. R. M. Hochstrasser, B. R. Cowen, P. L. Dutton, C. Galli, S. Lecours, S. Maiti, C. C. Moser, D. Raftery, M. Therien, G. C. Walker and K. Wynne, "Vibrational Dynamics in Condensed Phases and Proteins", in International Conference on Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy VI, Springer Proc. Physics, A. Lau, F. Siebert, W. Werncke, eds. (Springer, Berlin), 1993
110. B. R. Cowen, T. Lian, G. C. Walker, S. Maiti, C. C. Moser, B. R. Locke, P. L. Dutton, and R. M. Hochstrasser, "Femtosecond Infrared Probes of Biomolecules", in Recent Advances in Photosciences, M. Yoon and P. -S. Song eds., Proceedings of International Symposium on Photochemistry, Photobiology and Photomedicine, Chungnam National University, Taejon, Korea, 1993
111. R. M. Hochstrasser, R. Diller, S. Maiti, T. Lian, B. Locke, C. C. Moser, P. L. Dutton, B. R. Cowen, and G. C. Walker, "Ultrafast Infrared Spectroscopy of Protein Dynamics", in Ultrafast Phenomena VIII, eds. J. -L. Martin, A. Migus, G. Mourou, and A. H. Zewail, Springer Series in Chemical Physics (Springer-Verlag), (1993) 55
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113. R. Diller, M. Iannone, B. R. Cowen, S. Maiti, J. Owrutski, M. Li, M. Sarisky, Y. R. Kim, B. Locke, T. Lian and R. M. Hochstrasser, "Ultrafast Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Protein Dynamics", in Time Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy V, ed. H. Takahashi (Springer-Verlag), 1992
114. R. Diller, M. Iannone, B. R. Cowen, S. Maiti, R. A. Bogomolni, and R. M. Hochstrasser, "Picoseond Dynamics of Bacteriorhodopsin Probed by Time-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy", Biochemistry 31 (1992) 5567
115. J. C. Owrutsky, R. Diller, M. Iannone, B. R. Cowen, S. Maiti, M. Li, M. Sarisky, Y. R. Kim, B. Locke, T. Lian, and R. M. Hochstrasser, "Ultrafast Infrared Spectroscopy of Molecules in Condensed Phases", SPIE 1599 (1991) 52 (conference procdeedings)
116. M. Iannone, B. R. Cowen, R. Diller, S. Maiti, and R. M. Hochstrasser, "High Repetition Rate Infrared Pump, Infrare Probe Spectrometer", Applied Optics, 30 (1991) 5247
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118. P. Wu, S. Maiti and R. S. Knox, in "Davydov's Soliton Revisited : Self-Trappping of Vibrational Energy in Protein", NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Self-Trapping of Vibrational Energy in Protein, ed. P. L. Christiansen and A. C. Scott, (Plenum Press, New York), 1990 (conference proceedings)


Journal Articles

  1. Thota, N., & Subrahmanyam, A. C. V. (2020). Bank total factor productivity convergence: Evidence from India. Finance Research Letters37, 101357.
  2. Chavan, P., Bhudevan, N., Subrahmanyam, A. C. V., & Choudhary, A. K. (2021). Corporate Insolvency Regime and Its Implications for the Indian Banking System: A Critical Assessment. Prajnan50(3), 339-361.
  3. Subrahmanyam, A. C. V., & Raja Sethu Durai, S. (2023). Does ownership matter in bank herding behavior? Evidence from India. Journal of Social and Economic Development25(Suppl 1), 49-71.
  4. Puli, S., Thota, N., & Subrahmanyam, A. C. V. (2024). Assessing Machine Learning Techniques for Predicting Banking Crises in India. Journal of Risk and Financial Management17(4), 141.
  5. Bhargava, P., Subrahmanyam, A. C. V., & Thota, N. (2021). The Cyclical Behavior of Capital Buffers in the Indian Banking Sector. IUP Journal of Applied Economics20(3), 43-56.
  6. Shekhawat, V. S., Shukla, A. K., Subrahmanyam, A. C. V., & Singh, A. (2022). ‘Bigtechs’ in the Financial Domain: Balancing Competition and Stability. RBI Bulletin, October.
  7. Shukla, A. K., Subrahmanyam, A. C. V., & Shekhawat, V. S. (2023). Benchmarking of the Indian Financial System with Global Peers: A Decadal Comparison.  Prajnan, 52(3), 2023-24
  8. Shekhawat, V. S., Shukla, A. K., Subrahmanyam, A. C. V., Ansari, J. (2024). Dynamics of Credit Growth in the Retail Segment: Risk and Stability ConcernsRBI Bulletin, January. 

Book Chapters

  1. Shukla, A. K., Subrahmanyam, A. C. V., Saraf, R., & Shekhawat, V. S. (2023). Macroprudential policies to mitigate housing market risks; Country case study: India ;Committee on the Global Financial System, Bank of International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland. 
  2. Thota, N., Bhargava, P., & Subrahmanyam, A. C. V. (2022). Are Bank Revenue Diversification Strategies Paying off for India?. In Studies in International Economics and Finance: Essays in Honour of Prof. Bandi Kamaiah (pp. 389-410). Singapore: Springer Singapore.

Lakshmi PS Soukya and Sajeli A Begum*. Computational Study on Natural Molecules Targeting β-Ketoacyl Reductase Domain of Fatty Acid Synthase for the Identification of Selective Inhibitors. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 2023 Nov 1:1-22. doi: 10.1080/07391102.2023.2273441. [IF 5.23]

Siva Prakash Pullagara, Arunkumar Thiriveedhi, Venkateswara Rao Battula, Raghunadh Akula, A. Sajeli Begum and Lakshmi Soukya P.S. An efficient ionic liquid medium for the synthesis of new 4-(furan/pyrrole/thiophene-2-yl)-3,4-dihydro-1H-chromeno[4,3-d]pyrimidine-2,5-diones and molecular docking studies. Letters in Organic Chemistry 2024. DOI  10.2174/0115701786289993240215104621

S Shahjahan; Lakshmi Naraharisetti; Alia Begum; Prasanna Yakkala; Lakshmi Soukya; Chandraiah Godugu; Sajeli Begum; Ahmed Kamal. Oxindoline containing thiazolidine-4-one tethered triazoles act as antimitotic agents by targeting microtubule dynamics. Chemistry Select, 2024, DOI: 10.1002/slct.202400539. [IF 2.1]

Pal PP, Lakshmi Soukya PS, Gupta S, Araya H, Fujimoto Y, Begum AS*. Computational analysis followed by in vitro studies to explore cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β) inhibition potential of the new natural molecule polonilignan. Chem Biol Drug Des. 2024 Mar;103(3):e14486. doi: 10.1111/cbdd.14486 [IF 3.0]

Nessa S, Lavanya S, Routray RK, Chaurasiya A, Kulkarni OP, Begum AS*. Anti-rheumatoid arthritis potential of Halodule pinifolia: development, characterization and in vivo evaluation of H. pinifolia-based oral suspension and lipid nano-emulsion. Inflammopharmacology. 2024 Apr;32(2):1203-1223. doi: 10.1007/s10787-024-01431-0. [IF 5.8]

Yakkalaa P.A., Rahaman S., Soukya P.S.L., Begum Sajeli A. & Kamal A. An update on the development on tubumin inhibitors for the treatment of solid tumors. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 2024, [IF 5.8]



  • Kanika Monga, Nitin Chaturvedi, S. Gurunarayanan, " Design of a STT-MTJ Based Random-Access Memory With In-situ Processing for Data-Intensive Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 21, pp. 455-465, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TNANO.2022.3199230 (SCI Indexed).
  • Kanika Monga, Nitin Chaturvedi, S. Gurunarayanan, "A Dual-Mode In-Memory Computing Unit Using Spin Hall-Assisted MRAM for Data-Intensive Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 1-10, April 2021, Art no. 1400210, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2021.3059268. (SCI Indexed).
  • Kanika Monga, Nitin Chaturvedi, S. Gurunarayanan, “Design of a novel CMOS/MTJ-based multibit SRAM cell with low store energy for IoT applications”, in International Journal of Electronics, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 107, Issue: 6, pp no. 899-914, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/00207217.2019.1692245. (SCI Indexed).
  • Kanika Monga, Nitin Chaturvedi, S. Gurunarayanan, "Energy-efficient data retention in D flip-flops using STT-MTJ", Circuit World, Emerald Insight Vol. 46 No. 4, pp. 229-241. 2020, (SCIE Indexed)
  • Kanika Monga, Kunal Harbhajanka, Arush Srivastava, Nitin Chaturvedi, S. Gurunarayanan “Design of an MTJ/CMOS based Asynchronous System for Ultra-Low Power Energy Autonomous Applications” in Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers. World Scientific, 2020, DOI: 10.1142/S0218126621500584. (SCIE Indexed).
  • Kanika Monga, Meetha V Shenoy Nitin Chaturvedi, S. Gurunarayanan, “Design of a tunable delay line with on-chip calibration to generate process invariant PWM signal for in-memory computing”, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer, 2023. (SCI Indexed)


  • Kanika Monga, Sunit Behera, Nitin Chaturvedi, S. Gurunarayanan, “Design of In-Memory Computing Enabled SRAM Macro” in 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON-2022), CUSAT, Kochi, 24-26 Nov, 2022.
  • Monga, S. Aggarwal, N. Chaturvedi and S. Gurunarayanan, "A Novel Decoder Design for Logic Computation in SRAM: CiM-SRAM," 2021 IEEE 18th India Council International Conference (INDICON), pp. 1-4, 2021.
  • Kanika Monga, Nitin Chaturvedi, S. Gurunarayanan, “Design of a Low Power Approximate Adder based on Magnetic Tunnel Junction for Image Processing Applications” in 2021 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications (VLSI-TSA), Hsinchu, Taiwan, April 19-22, 2021.
  • Kanika Monga, L. Maheshwari, N. Chaturvedi and S. Gurunarayanan, "Twin-Coupled Sense Amplifier to improve margin in 1T-1MTJ based MRAM array," in 24th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT-2020), Bhubaneswar, India, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/VDAT50263.2020.9190177.
  • Kanika Monga, N. Chaturvedi and S. Gurunarayanan, "Design of a Low Power 11T-1MTJ Non-Volatile SRAM Cell with Half-Select Free Operation," in 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON-2020), New Delhi, India, 2020, pp. 1-5.
  • Kanika Monga, Saurabh, Nitin Chaturvedi and S. Gurunarayanan, “Logic in Memory Design using Spin Hall Effect Assisted Magnetic Tunnel Junction” presented at 33rd International Conference on VLSI Design & The 19th International Conference on Embedded Design (VLSID 2020), Bangalore, India, Jan 4-8, 2020.


Publications cited in the International & National journals:

  1. Dali Vilma Francis, Divakar Dahiya, Trupti Gokhale, Poonam Singh Nigam. Sustainable packaging materials for fermented probiotic dairy or non-dairy food and beverage products: challenges and innovations[J]. AIMS Microbiology, 2024, 10(2): 320-339. doi: 10.3934/microbiol.2024017 (IF 4.8)
  2. Francis, Dali Vilma, Manju Nidagodu Jayakumar, Hafiz Ahmad, and Trupti Gokhale. (2023). Antimicrobial Activity of Biogenic Metal Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Synergistic Effect on Clinical Pathogens, International Journal of Molecular Sciences24, no. 12: 9998.
  3. Francis, D.V.; Sood, N.; Gokhale, T. (2022) Biogenic CuO and ZnO Nanoparticles as Nanofertilizers for Sustainable Growth of Amaranthus hybridus. Plants, 11, 2776.
  4. Dali Vilma Francis, T. Aiswarya, Trupti Gokhale (2022) Optimization of the incubation parameters for biogenic synthesis of WO3 nanoparticles using Taguchi method, Heliyon, Volume 8, Issue 9, e10640, 
  5. Sood, N.; Prajapat, S.P.; Shaikh, N.S.; Gokhale, T.; Thushar, S. (2022) Screening of Plant-Growth -Promoting Bacterial Isolates from Rhizosphere Soil of Prosopis cineraria from U.A.E. Environ. Sci. Proc. 16 (1), 69.
  6. Francis, Dali V., Saurav Thaliyakattil, Lucy Cherian, Neeru Sood, and Trupti Gokhale (2022) Metallic Nanoparticle Integrated Ternary Polymer Blend of PVA/Starch/Glycerol: A Promising Antimicrobial Food Packaging Material. Polymers14, no. 7: 1379.
  7. Rajeswari, A. Somasundaram, Nishrin Abdul Gafoor, Trupti Swarup Gokhale , Neeru Sood & S. Arumugam (2019), A computational approach to identify the role of potassium transporter in barley. AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics
  8. Somasundaram Rajeswari, Neeru Sood, Trupti Swarup  Gokhale  & Ramachandran Subramanian (2019) Assessing salt-stress tolerance in barley Sci. vol.24 no.1 Bogotá Jan/Apr. 
  9. Ashvriya Thapa, Shweta Biswal, Neeru Sood, Ramachandran, Trupti Gokhale, Development Of A Biosensor Using Photobacterium Spps. For The Detection Of Environmental Pollutants, BioSmart 2017, 2nd International Conference on Bio-engineering for Smart Technologies, Paris, 30th August -1st September 2017 (978-1-5386-0706-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE)
  10. Pranay Sood, Neeru Sood and Trupti Gokhale (2015) “Microwaves: An Alternative Bacterial Sterilization Technique?”, GSTF Journal of Biosciences Vol 3, No. 2, DOI: 10.5176/2251-3140_3.2.52,
  11. Madhumitha Balasubramani, Jyotsna Lakshmi Kumar, Nanduri Kameswara Rao, Neeru Sood, Trupti Gokhale, Somasundaram Rajeswari, Makram Belhaj Fraj and Sanjeet Mishra, (2014) “Stress-Tolerance of Sinorhizobium spp. Nodulating Sesbania and Cowpea in Desert Soils” Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 8(1): 323-331. (
  12. Adarsh Venkataraman Ganesan, Hardeep Kumar Swaminathan, K. K. Singh, Reenu Anne Joy,Neeru SoodTrupti Gokhale, R. K. Mittal (2014) Analysis of MEMS-Based Microneedles for Blood Monitoring. Bionanoscience, June 2014, 4(2): 128-135
  13. Samrudhi R. Sharma, N. Kameswara Rao, Trupti S. Gokhale, Shoaib Ismail (2013) Isolation and characterization of salt-tolerant rhizobia native to the desert soils of United Arab Emirates. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 25 (2): 102-108.(
  14. Kiran Menon, Kamalapriya Anala, Gokhale Trupti, and Neeru Sood (2012) Cloud computing: Applications in biological research and future prospects. Proceedings of 2012 Intemational Conference on Cloud Computing, Technologies: Applications & Management, IEEE Xplore, 102-107
  15. Trupti Gokhale, Almas Wali, Shailee Parikh, Neeru Sood (2012) Research of marine isolates in development of biosensors for environmental pollutants. Engineering Review. 32(1), 17-22.
  16. NK Rao, Neeru Sood,Trupti Gokhale, Jyotsna Kumar, Ketul Sanghavi, S. Rajeswari & Sanjeet Mishra, 2012. Isolation of Stress tolerant Rhizobia from the UAE Soils, Biosalinity News Vol.13 ,issue, pp8-9.
  17. Sitaramam, Shilpa Pachapurkar and Trupti Gokhale (2008) The alternative oxidase mediated respiration contributes to growth, resistance to hyperosmotic media and accumulation of secondary metabolites in three species. Physiology and Molecular Biology in Plants. 14(3): 235 – 251.
  18. Rawte T. and Mavinkurve S. (2002) Characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoates from marine bacteria. Current Science. 83(5), 562-564.
  19. Rawte T. and Mavinkurve S. (2004) Factors influencing the accumulation of Polyhydroxyalkanoates in marine bacteria. Indian Journal of Marine Science. 33, 181-186.
  20. Rawte T., Padte M. and Mavinkurve S. (2002) Incidence of marine and mangrove bacteria accumulating polyhydroxyalkanoates on the mid-west coast of India. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 18(7), 655-659.
  21. Rawte T. and Mavinkurve S. (2002) A rapid hypochlorite method for extraction of polyhydroxyalkanoates from bacterial cells. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 40 (August) 924-929.
  22. Rawte T. and Mavinkurve S. (2001) Bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoates- Biodegradable plastics. Indian Journal of Microbiology. 41 (4), 233-245

Publications as Book Chapter

  1. Menon, R., Thomas, R., Sood, N., Gokhale, T. (2024). Marine Phytoplankton: Bioactive Compounds and Their Applications in Medicine. In: Veera Bramhachari, P., Berde, C.V. (eds) Marine Bioactive Molecules for Biomedical and Pharmacotherapeutic Applications. Pp 251-282. Springer, Singapore.
  2. Dali Vilma Francis, Neeru Sood, Trupti Swarup Gokhale (2020) Applications Of Metal Nanoparticles In Agriculture in Shivaji Pawar (ed.) Nanoscience Progress and Prospects Today, New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp 157-178 (ISBN: 978-1-53617-292-8)

Papers presented at Conferences & seminars

  1. Sood, N.; Prajapat, S.P.; Shaikh, N.S.; Gokhale, T.; Thushar, S. Screening of Plant-Growth -Promoting Bacterial Isolates from Rhizosphere Soil of Prosopis cineraria from U.A.E. Environ. Sci. Proc. 2022, 16 (1), 69. environsciproc2022016069
  2. Ramachandran Subramanian, Neeru Sood, Dionyssia Angeliki Lyra, Trupti Gokhale, Khalil Ammar, Prakash Kumar B G. Pennisetum purpureum (Napier grass) varieties for Animal Fodder Production, Gulf Forum on Innovations in Marginal Environments, Nov. 20-21, 2019, Al Habtoor Polo Resort, Dubai, UAE.
  3. Neeharika Senthilkumar, Neeru Sood, Trupti Gokhale and Mrutuyanjaya Sahu. Bioethics and Biosafety Policies and Practices in UAE : A Critical Review. Fifth international conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences, Dubai, UAE, 14-16 January 2020.
  4. Dali Vilma Francis, Neeru Sood and Trupti Gokhale. Nano-therapeutics: A Review on Nano-Metals in Therapeutics. International Conference on Biotechnological innovations in food and Health care (BIFHC 2019), Dubai, UAE, 27-28 January 2019.
  5. Fatemah Bensaheb, Dali Vilma Francis, Debashish Chitnis, Namisha Bohara, Neeru Sood and Trupti Gokhale. Antifungal Properties of Biosynthesized Metal Nanoparticles. International Conference on Biotechnological innovations in food and Health care (BIFHC 2019), Dubai, UAE, 27-28 January 2019.
  6. S Rajeswari, Trupti Gokhale and Neeru Sood. Assessment of Salinity Stress Tolerance in Barley Hordeum vulgare L for Cultivation in Arid and Semiarid Regions. International Conference on Biotechnological innovations in food and Health care (BIFHC 2019), Dubai, UAE, 27-28 January 2019.
  7. Akshayaa Sridhar, Rajeswari Somasundaram, Trupti Gokhale, Namita Khanna & Neeru Sood. Isolation and Characterization of Microbes Associated with Root Nodules of Acacia and their Application as Biofertilizer in Saline Soils of UAE. International Conference on Biotechnological innovations in food and Health care (BIFHC 2019), Dubai, UAE, 27-28 January 2019.
  8. Debashish S. Chitnis, Namisha R. Bohara, Trupti Gokhale. Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Biologically Synthesized Metal Nanoparticles. International Conference on Biotechnological innovations in food and Health care (BIFHC 2019), Dubai, UAE, 27-28 January 2019.
  9. Sidra Raihan and Trupti Gokhale, X-chromosomal Inactivation: new players in Gene Silencing, Genome Systems VIII, Organized by Centre for Genomics and Systems Biology, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE during 7th- 8th February 2018.
  10. Safiya Aafreen, Vasudharini Venkataraman, Trupti Gokhale, Mainak Dutta, A New Direction To Treat Neuromyelitis Optica, 4th Middle East Molecular Biology Congress and Exhibition 2017, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 1-4 November 2017.
  11. Ashvriya Thapa, Shweta Biswal, Neeru Sood, Ramachandran, Trupti Gokhale, Development Of A Biosensor Using Photobacterium Spps. For The Detection Of Environmental Pollutants, BioSmart 2017, 2nd International Conference on Bio-engineering for Smart Technologies, Paris, 30th August -1st September 2017 (978-1-5386-0706-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE)
  12. Zaman SF, Khalil-Ur-Rahman, Ismail S, Kumar BGP, Sood S, Gokhale T and Subramanian R. Optimization of Growth Conditions For Biomass Production And Characterization For Bioenergy Applications, Current Trends in Biotechnology-CTBT 2017, 12-13, April 2017, Manipal University, Dubai, UAE.
  13. Rajeswari Somasundaram,  Neeru Sood, Gokhale Trupti Swarup and Ramachandran S. Screening for Sensitive and Tolerance Barley Accessions to Salinity: A Case Study with 112 Accessions, Current Trends in Biotechnology-CTBT 2017, 12-13, April 2017, Manipal University, Dubai, UAE, page no. 10 of the proceedings.
  14. Trupti Gokhale, Alternate Medicines practiced in Arab regions, International Conference on Ancient Science and Technology Retrospection and Aspirations (ASTRA 2017) on 18th and 19th January 2017 at H.V. Desai College, Pune, India.
  15. Gayathri Ganesh, Prashant Srinivasan, Neeru Sood, Trupti Gokhale, Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles using Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Bacillus subtilis isolated from the natural habitats of UAE, American Society of Microbiologist, Microbe 2016, 16-20th June 2016, Boston, USA.
  16. Trupti Gokhale, Shweta Biswal, Ashvriya Thapa, Neeru Sood, Development Of A Biosensor Using Photobacterium sps. For The Detection Of Environmental Pollutants, American Society of Microbiologist, Microbe 2016, 16-20th June 2016, Boston, USA.
  17. Balaji, K.A. Vasudev, P. Srinivasan, S. Singh, N. Sood, T.S. Gokhale, R. Subramanian, Prevalence of antibiotic resistance among biofilm forming bacteria isolated from domestic environments in Dubai.American Society of Microbiologist, Microbe 2016, 16-20th June 2016, Boston, USA.
  18. Gayathri Ganesh,Ariya Nandkumar, Neeru Sood, Trupti Gokhale, A Study on Heavy Metal Resistance in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Bacillus subtilis for Applications in Bioremediation, Current Trends in Biotechnology, Manipal University in association with American Society of Microbiologist on 3-4th May 2016, Dubai, UAE.
  19. Prashant Srinivasan, Satvik Balaji, Srishti Singh, Neeru Sood, Trupti Gokhale Rajeswari Somasundaram and Ramachandran Subramanian, Antibiotic Resistance among Biofilm forming Bacteria in Domestic Environments, Current Trends in Biotechnology, Manipal University in association with American Society of Microbiologist on 3-4th May 2016, Dubai, UAE.
  20. Srishti Singh, Trupti Gokhale, Ramachandran S. and Neeru Sood, Screening of bacterial diversity in Dubai Beaches, Current Trends in Biotechnology, Manipal University in association with American Society of Microbiologist on 3-4th May 2016, Dubai, UAE.
  21. Gayathri Ganesh, Neeru Sood, Trupti Gokhale, Isolation of Copper Resistant Bacteria for synthesis of copper nanoparticles, ICNGCCT 2015 organized by Zelus Events, on 22nd - 23rd April 2015, Dubai.
  22. Trupti Gokhale, Parvathy B., Revathy Krishnakumar, Vidhya Venugopal, Juweria Anam, Neeru Sood, Phytoremediation of recalcitrant compounds, 3rd Global Sustainable Biotech Congress 2014, 1-5th December 2014, NMU, Jalgaon, India.
  23. Rajeswari, Trupti Gokhale, Salma Shariff, Swathi Murali, Aarti Swaminathan , Khaled M. and Neeru Sood, Interactive Effect Of Micro And Macro Nutrients In Barley Cultivars Differing Salt Tolerance, International Conference in Biotechnology and Bioengineering-2014, 29-30th October 2014, Dubai, UAE.
  24. Gayathri Ganesh Neeru Sood and Trupti Gokhale, Isolation of Copper Resistant Bacteria and Fungi for Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles, International Conference in Biotechnology and Bioengineering-2014, 29-30th October 2014, Dubai, UAE
  25. Akshay Deshpande, Saima Sirajuddin, Sarah Nuruddin, Salma Sheriff, Neeru Sood and Trupti Gokhale, Photobacterium Sps : A Bioanalyte In Development Of Biosensors, International Conference in Biotechnology and Bioengineering-2014, 29-30th October 2014, Dubai, UAE.
  26. Vivin Karthik, Sridevi Thyagarajan, Neeru Sood, Trupti Gokhale, Sanjida Ahmed, Dna Ancestry Test Confirms The Predominance Haplogroup J (Y-Dna) And H (Mt-Dna) Among The Middle Eastern Population. International Conference in Biotechnology and Bioengineering-2014, 29-30th October 2014, Dubai, UAE
  27. Nirupama Dixit, Anyaa Mittal, Neeru Sood, Trupti Gokhale, KK Singh, Nanoparticles In Drug Delivery And Therapy Of Alzeheimer’s Disease, International Conference in Biotechnology and Bioengineering-2014, 29-30th October 2014, Dubai, UAE
  28. Adarsh Venkataraman Ganesan, Reenu Anne Joy, Kiran Menon, Hardeep Kumar, K.K. Singh, Trupti Swarup Gokhale, Neeru Sood, An integrated microsystem for piezo-resistive detection of mutations in Hemoglobinopathies, The 1st Middle East Molecular Biology Congress & Exhibition 2014-Dubai, UAE.
  29. Reenu Anne Joy, Adarsh Venkataraman Ganesan, Kiran Menon, Seba Sara Varghese, S. Swaminathan, K.K. Singh, Trupti Gokhale, Neeru Sood, “Design and simulation of a microcantilever based sensor for thalassemia screening in the UAE”, Advances in Biotechnology, BIOTECH 2014, 10-11th March 2014, Dubai, UAE.
  30. Rajeshwari Somasumdaram, Trupti Gokhale, Neeru Sood, N. K .Rao. “Isolation and characterization of microbial strains associated with leguminous plants from desert soils”, Advances in Biotechnology, BIOTECH 2014, 10-11th March 2014, Dubai, UAE.
  31. Pranay Sood, Neeru Sood, Trupti Gokhale, “Microwaves: An Alternative Bacterial Sterilization Technique?” Advances in Biotechnology, BIOTECH 2014, 10-11th March 2014, Dubai, UAE.
  32. Neeru Sood,N.K. Rao, B.Madhumita, Jyotsna Kumar, Trupti Gokhale,   Rajeshwari , Ketul Sanghavi, M. Belhaj Raj & Sanjeet Mishra. Stress Tolerance response of rhizobia isolated from Desert soil. Indo-Mauritius conference on Biotechnology For Better Tomorrow BTBT-2013, 11-12 Nov, 2013.
  33. Trupti Gokhale, Priya Somani, Arshi Agarwal, Salma Sheriff, S. Rajeshwari & Neeru Sood. “Polyhydroxyalkanoates: Optimization and Characterization”, Indo-Mauritius conference on Biotechnology For Better Tomorrow BTBT-2013, Mauritius, 11-12 Nov, 2013.
  34. Irshad Ahmed S, Salma Sheriff, G. Vijaya, Neeru Sood, Trupti Gokhale, ‘Use of alternate medicine for a healthy tomorrow, Indo-Mauritius conference on Biotechnology For Better Tomorrow BTBT-2013, 11-12  Nov, 2013.
  35. Adarsh Venkataraman Ganesan, Hardeep Kumar, S. Swaminathan, K.K. Singh,Reenu Anne Joy, Neeru Sood, Trupti Gokhale, R.K. Mittal , “Design and Simulation of Microneedles for Blood Alcohol Detection,” Proc. International Conference on Emerging Technologies from Micro to Nano, Goa, India 23rd-24th February 2013.
  36. Reenu Anne Joy, Kiran Menon, Neeru Sood, Trupti Gokhale (2013) Microsensors for Water Quality assessment: A Review. Poster presentation at Emerging Technologies from Micro to Nano 2013, Goa, India 23rd-24th February 2013.
  37. Kiran Menon, Kamalapriya Anala, Gokhale Trupti, and Neeru Sood (2012) Cloud computing: Applications in biological research and future prospects. Oral Presentation at ICCCTAM-12, Dubai, UAE, 8-9th December 2012.
  38. Trupti Gokhale, Almas Wali, Shailee Parikh, Neeru Sood (2011) Lux genes as biosensors for environmental pollutants. Oral presentation at IN-TECH 2011, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 1st -3rd September 2011.
  39. Neeru Sood, Tarandeep Ahuja, Bharat B Gulyani & Trupti Gokhale (2011) Use of Algal Biomass for Decolourization and Degradation of Textile Dyes. Poster presentation at 1st International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels & Bioproducts, St Louis, USA, 17 - 20 July 2011.
  40. Rawte T. and Mavinkurve S. (2000) Polyhydroxyalkanoates in the marine microflora of Goa. Paper presented at the International Conference on Microbial Biotechnology held at Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 15th - 17th July.
  41. Rawte T. and Mavinkurve S. (1998) Polyhydroxyalkanoates from mangrove flora.Paper presented at the 39th Annual conference of the Association of Microbiologist of India held at the College of Fisheries, Mangalore, India, 6th and 7th December.
  42. Rawte T. and Mavinkurve S. (1997) Biodiversity of mangrove ecosystem. Paper presented at the 38th Annual conference of the Association of Microbiologist of India held at Delhi University South campus, Delhi, India, 11th-13th December.

Roy, K. (2024) Preservation of Identity through Ethnic Place-Making: A Study on the Chinese Community of Kolkata, India., Fudan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Key Publications

  1. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Srikant Padhee, Prabhat Agnihotri, Tailoring the extension-bending-twisting coupling in composite laminates using carbon nanotube hybridization. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2024. DOI.
  2. Ankit Chauhan, Harpreet Singh Bedi, Prabhat K. Agnihotri, Enhancing aging resistance of glass fiber/epoxy composites using carbon nanotubes. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 291, 126740, 2022. DOI
  3. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Prabhat Agnihotri, Interface and interphase in carbon nanotube-based polymer composites: a review, in the Handbook of Epoxy/Fiber Composites, Springer Nature, 1-22, 2022. DOI
  4. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Beant Kaur Billing, Prabhat Agnihotri. Interphase engineering in carbon fiber/epoxy composites: rate sensitivity of interfacial shear strength and interfacial fracture toughness. Polymer Composites. 41:7, 2803-2815, 2020. DOI
  5. Mayank Tiwari, Beant Kaur Billing, Harpreet Singh Bedi, Prabhat Agnihotri. Quantification of carbon nanotube dispersion and its correlation with mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 137:29, 48879, 2019. DOI
  6. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Mayank Tiwari, Prabhat Agnihotri. Quantitative determination of size and properties of interphase in carbon nanotube based multiscale composites. Carbon, 132, 181-190, 2018. DOI
  7. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Srikant Padhee, Prabhat Agnihotri. Effect of carbon nanotube grafting on the wettability and average mechanical properties of carbon fiber/polymer multiscale composites. Polymer Composites, 39:S2, E1184-E1195, 2018. DOI (Most downloaded and top 20 read article for two consecutive years 2017-2018, 2018-2019)
  8. Sorab Khan, Harpreet Singh Bedi, Prabhat Agnihotri. Augmenting mode-II fracture toughness of carbon fiber/epoxy composites through carbon nanotube grafting. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 204, 211-220, 2018. DOI

Other Publications

  1. Ravindra Giriraj Bhardwaj, Harpreet Singh Bedi, ChatGPT as an Education and Learning Tool for Engineering, Technology and General Studies: Performance Analysis of ChatGPT 3.0 on CSE, GATE and JEE Examinations of India. Interactive Learning Environments, 2024. DOI
  2. Dron Kaushik, Mrinal Saikia, Harpreet Singh Bedi*, Prabhat K. Agnihotri. Effect of fiber anisotropy and interphase on the stress jumps across the fiber/matrix interface in fuzzy fiber composites. National Academy Science Letters, 46:2, 165-171, 2023. *Corresponding author. DOI
  3. Akhilesh Jha, Gyanendra Pandey, Harpreet Singh Bedi*, Addressing thermal distortion in additive manufacturing of topology optimized structures through reverse shape morphing. Defence Science Journal, 72:6, 881-892, 2022. *Corresponding author. DOI
  4. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Prabhat Agnihotri. Effect of carbon nanotubes on the interlaminar and fracture properties of carbon fiber/epoxy composites. Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, 27:6, 1136-1140, 2020. DOI
  5. Iva Surana, Harpreet Singh Bedi, Jasdeep Bhinder, Viney Ghai, Ankit Chauhan, Prabhat Agnihotri. Compression and fracture behaviour of leather particulate reinforced polymer composites. Materials Research Express, 7:5, 054006, 2020. DOI
  6. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Beant Kaur Billing, Prabhat Agnihotri. Interfacial shear strength of carbon nanotubes based hybrid composites: effect of loading rate. Fracture and Structural Integrity, 13:48, 571-576, 2019. DOI
  7. Viney Ghai, Harpreet Singh Bedi, Jasdeep Bhinder, Ankit Chauhan and Prabhat K. Agnihotri, Catalytic-free growth of VACNTs for energy harvesting. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 28:11, 907-912, 2020. DOI


Conference Publications

  1. Syed Ehtesham, Harpreet Singh Bedi, Ravindra Giriraj Bhardwaj. Performance evaluation of ChatGPT on BITSAT – Engineering entrance examination. 23th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2023) in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, 2023. DOI
  2. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Sunil Kumar, Prabhat Agnihotri. Wettability of thermoplastic and thermoset polymers with carbon nanotube grafted carbon fiber. Materials Today: Proceedings, 41, 838-842, 2021. DOI
  3. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Prabhat Agnihotri. Designing the interphase in carbon fiber polymer composites using carbon nanotubes. Procedia Structural Integrity, 14, 168-175, 2019. DOI
  4. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Srikant Padhee, Prabhat Agnihotri. On the nature of interface of carbon nanotube coated carbon fibers with different polymers. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 139:1, 012014, 2016. DOI


  1. Mohammed T Shafiq, Syed Ehtesham, Ravindra Giriraj Bhardwaj, Harpreet Singh Bedi. Material properties prediction by integrating AI/ML techniques with FEM. 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials & Manufacturing Technologies (IMMT-2023), November 20-23, 2023, BITS Pilani Dubai campus, Dubai, UAE.
  2. Syed Ehtesham, Mohammed Thahir Shafiq, Ravindra Giriraj Bhardwaj, Harpreet Singh Bedi. Comparative impact analysis of a W-beam barrier with steel and rubber-coated steel. 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials & Manufacturing Technologies (IMMT-2023), November 20-23, 2023, BITS Pilani Dubai campus, Dubai, UAE.
  3. Syed Ehtesham, Harpreet Singh Bedi, Ravindra Giriraj Bhardwaj. Performance Evaluation of ChatGPT on BITSAT – Engineering Entrance Examination. 23rd International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'23), December 11-15, 2023.
  4. Syed Ehtesham, Durgaram Gopalakrishnan, Ravindra Giriraj Bhardwaj, Harpreet Singh Bedi. Design twin for inventory management, maintenance and cost analysis of an oil and gas industry. 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials & Manufacturing Technologies (IMMT-2023), November 20-23, 2023, BITS Pilani Dubai campus, Dubai, UAE.
  5. Akhilesh Jha, Harpreet Singh Bedi, Gyanendra Pandey. Additive manufacturing of lighter aerospace structures using topology optimization by way of part consolidation and reverse shape morphing. Simulia Regional Users Meet, May 17, 2022, Bengaluru, India
  6. Ankit Chauhan, Harpreet Singh Bedi, Prabhat Agnihotri. Effect of carbon nanotubes on the environmental assisted degradation and damage sensing abilities of glass fiber/epoxy composites. 7th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites (MechComp7), September 1-3, 2021, University of Porto, Portugal.
  7. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Srikant S. Padhee, Prabhat Agnihotri. Modulating the extension-bending-twisting coupling in composite laminate using carbon nanotube grafted laminas. 7th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites (MechComp7), September 1-3, 2021, University of Porto, Portugal.
  8. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Prabhat Agnihotri. Effect of carbon nanotubes on the interfacial properties of carbon fiber reinforced plastics. Conference on Carbon Materials (CCM-2019), November 20-22, 2019, Indian Carbon Society and CSIR-NPL, New Delhi, India.
  9. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Sunil Kumar, Prabhat Agnihotri. Wettability of thermoplastic and thermoset polymers with carbon nanotube grafted carbon fiber. International Conference on Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering (AFTMME-2019), December 5-7, 2019, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India.
  10. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Srikant Padhee, Prabhat Agnihotri. Carbon nanotubes for tailoring the interfacial, interlaminar and coupling behavior of structural composites. International Conference on Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering (AFTMME-2019), December 5-7, 2019, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India.
  11. Ankit Chauhan, Harpreet Singh Bedi, Viney Ghai, Jasdeep Bhinder, Prabhat Agnihotri. Interfacial properties of different grades of epoxy reinforced with carbon fiber. 2nd International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICNAN-2019), November 29 – December 01, 2019, Vellore Institute of Technology, India.
  12. Iva Surana, Harpreet Singh Bedi, Jasdeep Bhinder, Viney Ghai, Ankit Chauhan, Prabhat Agnihotri. Compression and fracture behaviour of leather particulate reinforced polymer composites. 2nd International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICNAN-2019), November 29 – December 01, 2019, Vellore Institute of Technology, India.
  13. Viney Ghai, Jasdeep Bhinder, Harpreet Singh Bedi, Ankit Chuhan and Prabhat K. Agnihotri, Catalytic growth of micro-honeycomb aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes for energy harvesting, 2nd International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICNAN-2019), November 29 − December 01, 2019, Vellore Institute of Technology, India.
  14. Jasdeep Bhinder, Viney Ghai, Harpreet Singh Bedi, Ankit Chauhan, Prabhat K Agnihotri, Fabrication of functionally graded polyurethane foams for energy absorbing applications, 2nd International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICNAN-2019), November 29 − December 01, 2019, Vellore Institute of Technology, India.
  15. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Srikant Padhee, Prabhat Agnihotri. Tailor-made composites. Research Conclave-2019, May 14-15, 2019, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India.
  16. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Beant Kaur Billing, Prabhat Agnihotri. Interfacial shear strength of carbon nanotubes based hybrid composites: effect of loading rate. Second International Conference on Structural Integrity (ICONS-2018), December 14-17, 2018, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India.
  17. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Prabhat Agnihotri. Designing the interphase in fiber plastics using carbon nanotubes. Second International Conference on Structural Integrity and Exhibition (SICE-2018), July 25-27, 2018, Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL) and Indian Structural Integrity Society (InSIS), Hyderabad, India.
  18. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Prabhat Agnihotri. Controlling the size and properties of interphase in fiber reinforced epoxy composites. Research Conclave-2018, April 21, 2018, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India. (Best poster award)
  19. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Sunil Kumar, Prabhat Agnihotri. On the interaction of different polymers with carbon nanotube grafted carbon fiber, International Conference on Composite Materials and Structures (ICCMS-2017), December 27-29, 2017, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India.
  20. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Srikant Padhee, Prabhat Agnihotri. On the nature of interface of carbon nanotube coated carbon fibers with different polymers, 37th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science, Understanding performance of composite materials - mechanisms controlling properties, September 5-8, 2016, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
  21. Harpreet Singh Bedi, Srikant Padhee, Prabhat Agnihotri. Effect of carbon nanotube grafting on the wetting behavior of carbon fiber. International Conference on Materials for the Millenium (MatCon-2016), January 14-16, 2016, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, India.

Book Published

  1. Shekhar, C. and Sinha, R.R. (2024): ‘Statistical Modeling and Applications on Real-Time Problems: Unraveling Insights through Advanced Analytical Techniques’, First Edition, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, (ISBN 9781032392783 (Hardcover)). .
  1. Shekhar, C. and Sinha, R.R. (2024): ‘Statistical Modeling and Applications on Real-Time Problems: Enhancing Understanding and Practical Implementation’, First Edition, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, (ISBN 9781032766034 (Hardcover)). .
  1. Nayak, J., Varshney, S. and Shekhar, C.: ‘Modeling and Applications in Operations Research’, First Edition, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, (ISBN: 9781032407371 (Hardcover), 9781003462422 (Ebook)), Indexed in Scopus .
  1. Kulshrestha, R. Shekhar, C., Jain, M., Chakravarthy, S.R. (2021): ‘Mathematical Modeling and Computation of Real-Time Problems: An Interdisciplinary Approach’, First Edition, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, (ISBN 9780367517434 (Hardcover), ISBN 9781003055037 (Ebook)). .
  2. 5. Gupta, K., Garg, A., Shekhawat, K.S., Shekhar C. and Goswamy, P. (2010): ‘Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations and Special Functions’, a text book of Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota for MA/MSc MT-03 (ISBN 13/978-81-8496-247-5).

Book Chapter Published

  1. Sinha, R.R., Kumar, V., Shekhar, C., and Varshney, S. (2024): ‘A review on estimation of ratio and product of two population means’, in C. Shekhar and R.R. Sinha (eds.) Statistical Modeling and Applications on Real-Time Problems: Enhanced Understanding and Practical Implementation, First Edition, CRC Press, pp 87-105.
  2. Varshney, S., Shekhar, C., Sinha, R.R., and Kumar, V. (2024): ‘Comparative and performance analyses of unreliable server queues: An economic perspective’, in C. Shekhar and R.R. Sinha (eds.) Statistical Modeling and Applications on Real-Time Problems: Enhanced Understanding and Practical Implementation, First Edition, CRC Press, pp 114-140.
  3. Jayaswal, M.K., Alam, K., Ali, R., Shekhar, C., and Kumar, S. (2024): ‘An inventory model with preserving environment for perishable items under learning effect’ in C. Shekhar and R.R. Sinha (eds.) Statistical Modeling and Applications on Real-Time Problems: Unraveling Insights through Advanced Analytical Techniques, First Edition, CRC Press, pp 224-230.
  4. Varshney, S., Shekhar, C., Tiwari, V. and Pritam, K.S. (2023): ‘Different variants of unreliable server: An economic approach’, in J. Nayak, S. Varshney, and C. Shekhar (eds.) Modeling and Applications in Operations Research (Scopus), First Edition, CRC Press, pp 61-90.
  5. Kumar, V., Kumar, A., Shekhar, C., Gupta, C.B. (2023): ‘A fuzzy inventory model with permissible delay in payments for non-instantaneous deteriorating items under inflation’, in J. Nayak, S. Varshney, and C. Shekhar (eds.) Modeling and Applications in Operations Research (Scopus), First Edition, CRC Press, pp 139-154.
  6. Shekhar, C., Kumar, N., Gupta, A. and Tiwari, R.K. (2021): ‘Finite capacity tandem queueing network with reneging’, in R. Kulshrestha, C. Shekhar, M. Jain, S.R. Chakravarthy (eds.) Mathematical Modeling and Computation of Real Time Problems: An Interdisciplinary Approach, First Edition, CRC Press, pp. 33-46.
  7. Shekhar, C., Varshney, S. and Kumar, A. (2021): ‘Standbys provisioning in machine repair problem with unreliable service and vacation interruption’, in A. Kumar and M. Ram (eds.) The Handbook of Reliability, Maintenance, and System Safety through Mathematical Modeling (Scopus), Elsevier, pp. 101-133.
  8. Shekhar, C., Varshney, S. and Kumar, A. (2020): ‘Reliability and Vacation: The critical issue’, in M. Ram and H. Pham (eds.) Advances in Reliability Analysis and its Applications, Springer Series in Reliability Engineering, Springer, Cham, pp. 251-292.
  9. शेखर, च., वार्ष्णेय, श्री. और कुमार, अ. (२०१९): ‘पंक्ति निकाय में एकल सेवा प्रदाता के आपातकालीन अवकाश का बिश्लेष्णात्मक परीक्षण’, विज्ञान गरिमा सिंधु, गणितीय विज्ञान विशेषांक (निदर्शन एवं इस्टतमीकरण) (ISSN: 2320-7736), अंक १०८ (जनवरी-मार्च, २०१९), वैज्ञानिक तथा तकनीकी शब्दावली आयोग, मानव संसाघन विकास मंत्रालय (उच्चत्तर शिक्षा विभाग), भारत सरकार, पेज १०८-११८.
  10. Jain, M., Chikara, D. and Shekhar, C. (2008): ‘Performance analysis of multiprocessor system with gracefully degradation’, in B.K. Mishra and D.K. Satpathi (eds.) Mathematical Modeling Application, Issues and Analysis, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. (ISBN 8180521273), pp. 419-426.

Research Paper Published/Accepted/ for Publication

  1. Shekhar, C., Malik, A.K., Thakkar, V.A. and Mishra, R.P.: ‘Optimal inventory cost for deteriorating items with partial backlogging using particle swarm optimization’, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research (Scopus, Q4, SJR 0.22) (Accepted).
  2. Varshney, S., Kaswan, S., Devanda, M., and Shekhar, C. (2024): ‘Finite Capacity Service System with Partial Server Breakdown and Recovery Policy: An Economic Perspective’, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering (Springer) (SCI, Q3, IF 1.6, SNIP 0.58, SJR 0.35), DOI: 10.1007/s11518-024-5612-1 .
  3. Shekhar, C., Devanda, M., and Kaswan, S. (2024): The state-of-the-art methodologies for reliability analysis of imperfect repair, Scientia Iranica Transaction E: Industrial Engineering (SCI, Q2, IF 1.44, SNIP 0.542, SJR 0.299), (Accepted)
  4. Shekhar, C., Yadav, V., and Saurav, A. (2024): ‘Optimal analysis of time-price discount-advertisement dependent demand with credit policy for inventory models’, Annals of Operations Research (Springer) (SCIE, Q1, IF 4.8, SJR 1.02, SNIP 1.693), DOI: 10.1007/s10479-024-06175-2
  5. Devanda, M., Kaswan, S., Shekhar, C. (2024): Quasi and Metaheuristic Optimization Approach for Service System with Strategic Policy and Unreliable Service, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (Springer) (Scopus, Q1, IF 3.66 SJR: 0.91 SNIP 1.384), DOI: 10.1007/s12652-024-04756-4.
  6. Kumar, A., Savita, and Shekhar, C. (2024): ‘Optimizing resource allocation in M/M/ 1/N queues with feedback, discouraged arrivals, and reneging for enhanced service delivery’, Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies (River Publishers) (Scopus, Q4, IF 0.9, SJR 0.24), Vol. 17, No. 1, pp 1-16, DOI: 10.13052/jrss0974-8024.1711.
  7. Kumar, A., Savita, and Shekhar, C. (2024): ‘Cost analysis of a finite capacity queue with server failures, Balking, and a threshold-driven recovery policy’, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences (Scopus, Q3, IF: 1.6, SJR: 0.28, SNIP 0.695), Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. xxx-xxx.
  8. Nisha, Upadhyaya, S., and Shekhar, C. (2024): ‘Maximum Entropy Solution for Priority Reiterate G-queue Under Working Breakdown and Working Vacation’, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences (Scopus, Q3, IF: 1.6, SJR: 0.28, SNIP 0.695), Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 163-187. (DOI: 10.33889/IJMEMS.2024.9.1.009).
  9. Varshney, S., Shekhar, C., Reddy, A.V.D., Pritam, K.S., Kantipudi, M.V.V.P., Kotbe, H., AboRase, K.M. and Alqarnif, M. (2023): ‘Optimal Management Strategies of Renewable Energy Systems with Hyperexponential Service Provisioning: An Economic Investigation’, Frontiers in Energy Research (SCIE, Q2, IF 3.4, SJR 0.61) Vol. 11, pp 1329899, DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2023.1329899.
  10. Kumar, K., Jain, M. and Shekhar, C. (2023): ‘Machine repair system with threshold recovery policy, unreliable servers and phase repairs’, Quality Technology & Quantitative Management (Taylor & Francis) (SCIE, Q1, IF 3.13, SNIP 1.686, SJR 1.13), DOI: 10.1080/16843703.2023.2232639.
  11. Shekhar, C., Devanda, M. and Kaswan, S. (2023): ‘Reliability analysis of standby provision multi-unit machining systems with varied failures, degradations, imperfections, and delays’, Quality and Reliability Engineering International (Wiley) (SCIE, Q2, IF 3.007, SNIP 1.39, SJR 0.79), Vol. 39, pp. 3119-3139, DOI: 10.1002/qre.3421.
  12. Kumar, A., Kaswan, S., Devanda, M. and Shekhar, C. (2023): ‘Transient Analysis of Queueing Based Congestion with Differentiated-Vacations and Customer’s Impatience Attributes’, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (Springer) (SCI, Q1, IF 2.807, SNIP 1.035, SJR 0.47), Vol. 48, No. 11, pp. 15655-15665, DOI: 10.1007/s13369-023-08020-3.
  13. Devanda, M., Shekhar, C. and Kaswan, S. (2023): ‘Fuzzified imperfect repair redundant machine repair problems’, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management (Springer) (Scopus, Q2, SNIP 0.925, SJR 0.45), DOI: 10.1007/s13198-023-01922-3.
  14. Shekhar, C., Gupta, A., Kumar, N., Kumar, A. and Varshney, S. (2022): ‘Transient Solution of Multiple Vacation Queue with Discouragement and Feedback’, Scientia Iranica Transaction E: Industrial Engineering (SCI, Q2, IF 1.44, SNIP 0.542, SJR 0.299), Vol. 29, No. 5, pp 2567-2577, DOI: 10.24200/sci.2020.52933.2955.
  15. Shekhar, C., Varshney, S. and Kumar, A. (2021): ‘Matrix-geometric solution of multi-server queueing systems with Bernoulli scheduled modified vacation and retention of reneged customers: A meta-heuristic approach’, Quality Technology & Quantitative Management (Taylor & Francis) (SCIE, Q1, IF 3.13, SNIP 1.686, SJR 1.13), Vol. 18, No. 1, pp 39-66, DOI 1080/16843703.2020.1755088.
  16. Shekhar, C., Kumar, A. Varshney, S. and Ammar, S.I. (2021): ‘M/G/1 fault-tolerant machining system with imperfection’, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (SCIE, Q3, IF 1.80, SNIP 0.655, SJR 0.33), Vol. 17, No. 1, pp 1-28, DOI 10.3934/jimo.2019096.
  17. Shekhar, C., Deora, P., Varshney, S., Singh, K.P. and Sharma, D.C. (2021): ‘Optimal profit analysis of machine repair problem with repair in phases and organizational delay’, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences (ESCI, Scopus, Q3, SNIP 0.682, SJR 0.23), Vol. 6, No. 1, pp 442-468, DOI 10.33889/IJMEMS.2021.6.1.027.
  18. Shekhar, C., Kumar, N., Gupta, A., Kumar, A. and Varshney, S. (2020): ‘Warm-spare provisioning computing network with switching failure, common cause failure, vacation interruption, and synchronized reneging’, Reliability Engineering and System Safety (Elsevier) (SCI, Q1, IF 9.4, SNIP 2.707, SJR 1.76), Vol. 199, pp 106910 (DOI1016/j.ress.2020.106910).
  19. Shekhar, C., Kumar, A. and Varshney, S. (2020): ‘Load sharing redundant repairable systems with switching and reboot delay’, Reliability Engineering & System Safety (Elsevier) (SCI, Q1, IF 9.4, SNIP 2.707, SJR 1.76), Vol. 193, pp. 106656, (DOI. 10.1016/j.ress.2019.106656).
  20. Shekhar, C., Varshney, S. and Kumar, A. (2020): ‘Optimal control of a service system with emergency vacation using bat algorithm’, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (Elsevier) (SCI, Q2, IF 2.62, SNIP 1.663, SJR 0.88), Vol. 364, 112332 (DOI 10.1016/
  21. Shekhar, C., Varshney, S. and Kumar, A. (2020): ‘Optimal and Sensitivity Analysis of Vacation Queueing System with F-Policy and Vacation Interruption’, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, (Springer) (SCIE, Q2, IF 2.33, SNIP 1.035, SJR 0.36), Vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 7091-7107, DOI 10.1007/s13369-020-04690-5.
  22. Shekhar, C., Kumar, A., Varshney, S. and Ammar, S. I. (2020): ‘Fault-tolerant redundant repairable system with different failures and delays’, Engineering Computations, (Emerald) (SCIE, Q2, IF 1.59, SNIP 0.624, SJR 0.31), Vol. 37, No. 3, pp 1043-1071 (DOI 10.1108/EC-01-2019-0003).
  23. Shekhar, C., Gupta, A., Jain, M. and Kumar, N. (2020): ‘Transient analysis of computing system with reboot and recovery delay’, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management (Emerald) (Scopus, Q2, SNIP 1.314, SJR 0.54), Vol. 37, No. 6-7, pp 983-1005, DOI 10.1108/IJQRM-09-2019-0306.
  24. Shekhar, C., Kumar, N., Jain, M. and Gupta, A. (2020):‘Reliability prediction of computing network with software and hardware failures’, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering (World Scientific) (Scopus, Q3, SNIP 0.559, SJR 0.25), Vol. 27, No. 2, pp 2040006 (DOI 10.1142/S0218539320400069).
  25. Shekhar, C., Kumar, A., and Varshney, S. (2020): ‘Parametric nonlinear programming for fuzzified queuing systems with catastrophe’, International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking (INDERSCIENCE) (Scopus, Q3, SNIP 0.624, SJR 0.32), Vol. 10, No. 1, pp 69-98.
  26. Shekhar, C., Kumar, A., and Varshney, S. (2019): ‘Modified Bessel series solution of the single server queueing model with feedback’, International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics (INDERSCIENCE) (Scopus, Q4, SNIP 0.489, SJR 0.18), Vol. 10, No. 3, pp 313-326 (DOI: 10.1504/IJCSM.2019.101101).
  27. Jain, M., Shekhar, C., and Meena, R.K. (2019): ‘Performance analysis and control F-policy for fault-tolerant system with working vacation’, OPSEARCH (Springer) (Scopus, Q2, SNIP 0.993, SJR 0.35), Vol. 56, No. 2, pp 409-431 (DOI 10.1007/s12597-019-00369-0).
  28. Kumar, K., Jain, M. and Shekhar, C. (2019): ‘Machine repair system with F-policy, two unreliable serversandwarm standbys’, Journal of Testing and Evaluation (ASTM International) (SCI, Q3, IF 1.26, SNIP 0.564, SJR 0.3), Vol. 47, No. 1, pp 361-383 (DOI 10.1520/JTE20160595).
  29. Kumar, S., Singh, P., Singh, P. and Shekhar, C. (2018): ‘Estimation of scattering and intrinsic attenuation based on multiple lapse time window analysis in Sikkim Himalayan region, India’, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors (Elsevier) (SCIE, Q1, IF 2.26, SNIP 1.093, SJR 1.1), Vol. 284, pp 1-9.
  30. Shekhar, C., Jain, M., Iqbal, J. and Raina, A.A. (2018): ‘Reliability prediction of fault tolerant machining system with reboot and recovery delay’, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management (Springer) (Scopus, Q3, SNIP 1.014, SJR 0.3), Vol. 9, No. 2, pp 377-400 (DOI 10.1007/s13198-017-0680-y).
  31. Jain, M., Shekhar, C. and Meena, R.K. (2017): ‘Admission control policy of maintenance for unreliable server machining system with working vacation’, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (Springer) (SCIE, Q2, IF 2.33, SNIP 1.035, SJR 0.36), Vol. 42, No. 7, pp 2993-3005.
  32. Shekhar, C., Jain, M., Iqbal, J. and Raina, A.A. (2017): ‘Threshold control policy for maintainability of manufacturing system with unreliable workstations’, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (Springer) (SCIE, Q2, IF 2.33, SNIP 1.035, SJR 0.36), Vol. 42, No. 11, pp 4833-4851.
  33. Shekhar, C., Jain, M., Raina, A.A. and Mishra, R.P. (2017): ‘Sensitivity analysis of repairable redundant system with switching failure and geometric reneging’, Decision Science Letters (Growing Science) (Scopus, Q3, SNIP 0.895, SJR 0.38), Vol. 6, No. 4, pp 337-350.
  34. Shekhar, C., Raina, A.A., Kumar, A. and Iqbal, J. (2017): ‘A survey on queues in machining systems: progress from 2010 to 2017’, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research (Scopus, Q4, SJR 0.22), Vol. 27, No. 4, pp 391-413.
  35. Shekhar, C., Jain, M., Raina, A.A., Iqbal, J. (2017): ‘Optimal (N, F) policy for queue-dependent and time-sharing machining redundant system’, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management (Emerald) (Scopus, Q2, SNIP 1.314, SJR 0.54), Vol. 34, No. 6, pp 798-816.
  36. Shekhar, C., Jain, M. and Raina, A.A. (2017): ‘Transient analysis of machining system with spares provisioning and geometric reneging’, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research (INDERSCIENCE) (Scopus, Q3, SNIP 0.714 SJR 0.35), Vol. 11, No. 3, pp 396-421.
  37. Jain, M., Shekhar, C. and Shukla, S. (2016): ‘N-policy for a repairable redundant machining system with controlled rates’, RAIRO-Operations Research (Cambridge Journals) (SCIE, Q3, IF 1.39, SNIP 0.834, SJR 0.38), Vol. 50, pp 891-907.
  38. Jain, M., Shekhar, C. and Shukla, S. (2016): ‘Queueing analysis of machine repair problem with controlled rates and working vacation under F-policy’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences (Springer) (SCIE, Q3, IF 1.54, SNIP 0.722, SJR 0.21), Vol. 86, No. 1, pp. 21-31.
  39. Jain, M., Shekhar, C. and Shukla, S. (2016): ‘A time-shared machine repair problem with mixed spares under N-policy’, Journal of Industrial Engineering International (Springer) (Scopus, Q2, SNIP 1.384, SJR 0.39), Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 145-157, DOI 10.1007/s40092-015-0136-4.
  40. Vashisth, V., Tomar, A., Shekhar, C., Malik, A.K. (2016): ‘A trade credit inventory model with multivariate demand for non-instantaneous decaying products’, Indian Journal of Science and Technology (Scopus, Q4, SNIP 1.270, SJR 0.11), Vol. 9, No. 15, pp. 1-6, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i15/84213.
  41. Shekhar, C., Raina, A.A. and Kumar, A. (2016): ‘A brief review on retrial queue: Progress in 2010-2015’, International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp 324-336.
  42. Jain, M., Bhagat, A. and Shekhar, C. (2015): ‘Double orbit finite retrial queues with priority customers and service interruptions’, Applied Mathematics and Computation (Elsevier) (SCI, Q1, IF 4.09, SNIP 1.702, SJR 0.97), Vol. 253, pp. 324-344.
  43. Singh, H., Shekhar, C. and Kumar, S. (2015): ‘Statistical study of yoga on mental health among children of the residential school’, International Journal of Allied Practice, Research and Review, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 9-14.
  44. Singh, H., Shekhar, C., and Kumar, S. (2015): ‘Assessment of the yoga on the status of the physical fitness among children of the residential school’, International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management and Applied Science, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 16-20.
  45. Mehrotra, R., Jain, V., Shekhar, C. and Mehrotra, S. (2014): ‘Genome wide analysis as Arabidopsis Thaliana reveals high frequency of AAAGN7CTTT motif’, Meta Gene (Elsevier) (Scopus, Q4, SNIP 0.294, SJR 0.2), Vol. 2, pp. 606-615.
  46. Jain, M., Shekhar, C. and Shukla, S. (2014): ‘Machine repair problem with an unreliable server and controlled arrival of failed machines’, OPSEARCH (Springer) (Scopus, Q2, SNIP 0.993, SJR 0.35), Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 416-433.
  47. Jain, M., Shekhar, C. and Rani, V. (2014): ‘N policy for a multi-component machining system with imperfect coverage, reboot and unreliable server’, Production and Manufacturing Research (Taylor and Francis) (Scopus, Q2, SNIP 1.639, SJR 0.55), Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 457-476.
  48. Jain, M., Shekhar, C. and Shukla, S. (2014): ‘Vacation queueing model for a machining system with two unreliable repairmen’, International Journal of Operational Research (INDERSCIENCE) (Scopus, Q3, SNIP 0.534, SJR 0.31), Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 469-491.
  49. Shekhar, C., Jain, M. and Bhatia, S. (2014): ‘Fuzzy analysis of machine repair problem with switching failure and reboot’, Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, Vol. 7, pp. 41-55.
  50. Jain, M., Shekhar, C. and Shukla, S. (2014): ‘Markov model for switching failure of warm spares in machine repair system’, Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, Vol. 7, pp. 57-68.
  51. Jain, M., Shekhar C. and Shukla, S. (2013): ‘Queueing analysis of two unreliable servers machining system with switching and common cause failure’, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research (INDERSCIENCE) (Scopus, Q3, SNIP 0.714 SJR 0.35), Vol. 5, No. 4, pp 508-536.
  52. Shekhar, C. and Jain, M. (2013): ‘Finite queueing model with multitask servers and blocking’, American Journal of Operational Research (SAP), Vol. 3, No. 2A, pp 17-25.
  53. Jain, M., Shekhar, C. and Shukla, S. (2012): Queueing Analysis of a Multi-component Machining System having Unreliable Heterogeneous Servers and Impatient Customers, American Journal of Operations Research (SAP), Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 16-26.
  54. Jain, M., Sharma, G.C. and Shekhar, C. (2005): ‘Processor shared service system with queue dependent processors’, Computers and Operations Research (Elsevier) (SCI, Q1, IF 4.008, SJR 1.51), Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 629-645.
  55. Jain, M., Shekhar, C. and Baghel, K.P.S. (2003): ‘M/G/1 system with standbys and common cause failure’, Journal of Rajasthan Academy of Physical Science, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 239-250. (Abstract published in souvenir of National Conference on modern Mathematics application to information technology, Agra, March 8-9, 2003, pp. 34).
  56. Chikara, D., Jain, M. and Shekhar, C. (2003): ‘Markovian modeling of multi-node communication system with heterogeneous traffic’, International Journal of Information and Computing Science, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 10-21.
  57. Jain, M. and Shekhar, C. (2002): ‘Transient analysis of state-dependent multiprocessor system’ International Journal of Information and Computing Science, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 42-52.
  58. Jain, M. and Shekhar, C. (2002): ‘State-dependent multi-channel queuing system with ordered entry’, International Journal of Engineering Transaction A (Scopus, Q3, SJR 0.23), Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 275-286.
  59. Jain, M., Shekhar, C. and Singh, P. (2002): ‘Loss-delay queueing model for time-shared system with additional service position and nopassing’, International Journal of Information and Computing Science, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 12-25.
  60. Jain, M. and Shekhar, C. (2001): ‘State-dependent queue with two types of customers and alternate service in pieces’, Gujrat Statistical Review, Vol. 28, No. 1-2, pp. 11-24.

Research Paper Published in Proceedings

  1. Kumar, N., Shekhar, C., and Tiwari, R.K. (2024): Congestion Analysis of Finite Tandem Queueing Network, 2023 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE), pp. 998-1001, DOI: 10.1109/AECE59614.2023.10428301.
  2. Kumar, A., Kumar, A, and Shekhar, C. (2024): Transformation-Based Stationary Analysis of Single Server Feedback Fluid Queue: An Enhanced Approach, 2023 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE), pp. 580-583, DOI: 10.1109/AECE59614.2023.10428397.
  3. Malik, A.K., Shekhar, C., Vashisth, V., Chaudhary, A.K., Singh, S.R. (2016): ‘Sensitivity analysis of an inventory model with non-instantaneous and time-varying deteriorating items’, AIP Conference Proceeding of Advancement in Science and Technology (SNIP 0.300): Proceeding of the 2nd International conference on communication systems (ICCS 2015) organized by BKBIET, Pilani, 1715, 020059; DOI: 10.1063/1.4942741.
  4. Jain, M., Shekhar, C. and Kumari, R. (2014): ‘Reliability analysis of K-out of N system with controllable rates, common cause failure and warm standbys’, Electronic proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Global Management Practices-An interdisciplinary approach, Symboisis centre for Management Studies, Noida, 7-8 March’2014 (ISBN 978-81-928678-0-9), pp. 1-23.
  5. Jain, M., Shekhar, C. and Shukla, S. (2011): ‘A study of switching failure of warm spares in machine repair system with heterogeneous servers’, Proceeding of the International Conference on Advances in Modeling, Optimization and Computing (AMOC-2011) (Scopus), Department of Mathematics, IIT Roorkee, 05-07 December’2011, pp. 472-481.
  6. Shekhar, C., Karthik, V.N., and Saye Kiran (2007): ‘Transient analysis of a Two-stage flow shop with scrap, rework, workstation failure and finite buffers’, Electronic proceeding of Global Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering (CPIE 2007) held at National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar on March 22-24’2007 (Abstract published in Souvenir pp. 71).
  7. Shekhar, C., Jain, M. and Karthik, V.N. (2006): ‘Performance modeling of N-dissimilar units parallel system with organizational delay and setup time’, Electronic proceeding of the International Conference on Global Manufacturing and Innovation-GMI2006, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, July 27-29’2006 [Abstract published in Souvenir pp. 16.] Awarded the best research paper of conference.
  8. Shekhar, C. and Jain, M. (2006): ‘A comparative study between with and without finite buffer for multi-processor systems’, Proceeding of the Seminar on Recent trends in Science, Technology and its Application, Muzaffarnagar, January 7-8’2006 (eds. Dr. S.N. Chauhan and Dr. A.K. Shukla), pp. 33-40.
  9. Chikara, D., Shekhar, C, Jain, M. and Pundir, N. (2006): ‘Queueing analysis of alternating service mechanism for a machine interference problem’, Proceeding of the Seminar on Recent trends in Science, Technology and its Application, Muzaffarnagar, January 7-8’2006 (eds. Dr. S.N. Chauhan and Dr. A.K. Shukla), pp. 53-58.
  10. Shekhar, C., Karthik, V.N. and Jain, M. (2005): ‘Non-transient analysis of a multi-phase service system with probabilistic forking’, Proceeding of National Seminar on Mathematics and Computer Science (NSOMACS-2005), Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd. (ed. Dr. S.K. Pundir), November 29-30’2005, pp.375-390.
  11. Jain, M. and Shekhar, C. (2002): ‘Reliability analysis of gracefully degradable multi-processor system’, Electronic proceedings of International Conference on Operational Research and its Development and XXXV annual convention of the ORSI, December 27-30’2002 (F-39).
  12. Jain, M., Shekhar, C. and Singh P. (2002): ‘Time sharing queueing model with queue dependent service positions’, Proceeding of National Seminar on Emerging convergent technologies and systems (SECTAS-2002), Allied Pub. Ltd., Delhi (ed. Prof. B. Rao), pp. 405-410.
  13. Jain, M., Singh, P. and Shekhar, C. (2002): ‘Flow model of queueing network: an optimal control approach’, Proceeding of National Seminar on Emerging convergent technologies and systems (SECTAS-2002), Allied Pub. Ltd., Delhi (ed. Prof. B. Rao), pp. 374-380.
  14. Jain, M. and Shekhar, C. (2001): ‘Performance modeling for time-shared queueing system’, Proceeding of XXXIV Annual convention of ORSI and an International Conference on Operational Research and National Development, Kolkata, December 27-29’2001, pp. 131-133.
  15. Jain, M. and Shekhar, C. (2001): ‘Finite queueing model with multi-purpose counters’, Proceeding of International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Roorkee, January 29-31’2001, pp. 257-262.
  16. Jain, M. and Shekhar, C. (2000): ‘Transient analysis of state-dependent multiprocessor system’, Proceeding of Recent Advances in Operations Research, Information Technology and Industry, Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi (eds. Jain and G.C.  Sharma), pp. 139-150.

Editorial Member in Journal

Reviewer for Book Proposal

  • Reviewed the proposal for book entitled ‘Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Engineering Problems’, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis
  • Reviewed the proposal for book entitled ‘Advances in Mathematical Modeling, Machine Learning, and Intelligent Computing’, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis.

Reviewer for Proceedings in International/National Conference

·         Reviewer, BAMS-ORSI 2024 IIT Bombay

·         Reviewer, RAMSA-2019.

·         Reviewer, SosProS 2017.

·         Reviewer, 2017 International Conference on Computational Intelligence: Theories, Applications and Future Directions.

·         Reviewer, ICCS-2015.

·         Reviewer, ICMTEA2013.


Reviewer for Journals

·         Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences.

·         Advances in Operations Research, Hindawi, Q4, SJR 0.19.

·         American Journal of Computational Mathematics.

·         American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, Taylor and Francis, Q2, IF 0.83, SJR 0.481.

·         American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, SAP.

·         American Journal of Operational Research, SAP.

·         Applications and Applied Mathematics.

·         Applied Mathematical Modelling.

·         Applied Mathematics and computation, Elsevier, Q1, IF 3.472, SJR 0.97.

·         Applied Mathematics, SAP.

·         Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics.

·         Bioprocess Engineering, Science Publishing Group, USA.

·         British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, Sciencedomain International.

·         Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Q2, IF 1.018, SJR 0.46.

·         Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Hindawi, Q1, IF 2.284, SJR 0.53.

·         Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.

·         Engineering Physics, Science Publishing Group, USA.

·         European Journal of Industrial Engineering, Inderscience Publishers, Q1, IF 1.136, SJR 0.59.

·         Fractal and Fractional.

·         Indian Journal of Science & Technology, Q4, SJR 0.11.

·         International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Taylor and Francis, Q2, IF 1.196, SJR 0.55.

·         International Journal of Engineering. Iran, Q1, SJR 0.4.

·         International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimization.

·         International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences.

·         International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, Inderscience Publishers, Q3, SJR 0.33.

·         International Journal of Operational Research, Inderscience Publishers, Q3, SJR 0.32.

·         International Journal of Partial Differential Equations, Hindawi.

·         International Journal of Probability and Statistics, SAP.

·         International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics, Q1, 0.87.

·         International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, Inderscience Publishers, Q4, SJR 0.16.

·         Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transaction A: Science, Springer, Q2, IF 0.875, SJR 0.21.

·         Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research.

·         Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Q1, IF 4.594, SJR 0.54.

·         Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Science Publishing Group, USA, Q3, SJR 0.17.

·         Journal of Infection and Public Health, Elsevier, Q2, SJR 0.83.

·         Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science.

·         Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Elsevier, Q1, SJR 2.11.

·         Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, India.

·         Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM International, Q3, SJR 0.29.

·         Mathematical Problems in Engineering.

·         Mathematical Review, American Mathematical Society.

·         National Academy Science Letters, Springer, Q2, SJR 0.19.

·         Open Journal of Mathematical Sciences.

·         Operations Research and Decisions.

·         Petroleum Science and Technology.

·         Production and Manufacturing System, Taylor and Francis.

·         Quality Technology & Quantitative Management.

·         Reliability Engineering & System Safety, SCI, Q1, IF 5.156, SNIP 2.654, SJR 1.925.

·         Scientific Programming.

·         Symmetry.

·         Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research Q4, SJR 0.2.


Dr. Madhu Jain


Department of Mathematics,

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, UK (India).

Phone:    +91 94128 11021



Prof. G.C. Sharma

Retired Professor,

Institute of Basic Sciences,

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University,

Khandari, Agra, UP 282 002 (India).

Phone:    +91 98974 17784



Prof. Balram Dubey


Department of Mathematics,

Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Campus, Pilani, Rajasthan 333 031 (India).

Phone:    +91 96724 06052


Conference Publications:

  1. Pritesh Kumar Yadav, Prashant Kumar, Ankita Verma, Sunanda Ambulker, and Prasanna Kumar Misra. "A 60 GHz, 50 mW, 3dB Noise Figure Receiver Frontend Using UMC 40 nm CMOS technology." In 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES), pp. 227-231. IEEE, May 2020.
  2. Pritesh Kumar Yadav and Prasanna Kumar Misra. "Power Aware Study of 32-bit 5-stage Pipeline RISC CPU using 180nm CMOS Technology." In 2017 14th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON), pp. 1-4. IEEE, Oct 2018.
  3. Pritesh Kumar Yadav and Prasanna Kumar Misra. “A Double-Resistive Feedback Active Inductor based Receiver Frontend in 40 nm CMOS Process for 28-GHz Applications." In 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2022.
  4. Pranjal Srivastva, Pritesh Kumar Yadav, and Prasanna Kumar Misra. "Design of 32 bit Asynchronous RISC CPU Using Micropipeline." In 2018 Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT), pp. 1-5. IEEE, May 2019.
  5. Jai Shankar Kumar, Babli Kumari, Prashant Kumar, Ankita Verma, Pritesh Kumar Yadav, Sunanda Ambulker, Manish Goswami, and Prasanna Kumar Misra. "Design of Transceiver at 865–867 MHz Band using UMC 180 nm CMOS Technology." In 2020 24th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT), pp. 1-5. IEEE, Sept 2020.

Journal Publications:

  1. Pritesh Kumar Yadav and Prasanna Kumar Misra. "Tunable bandpass filter using double resistive feedback floating active inductor for 5 GHz wireless LAN Applications." Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 108(1), pp.205-213, 2021.
  2. Pritesh Kumar Yadav, Ankita Verma, and Prasanna Kumar Misra. "A Proposed Technique to Improve the Performance of Receiver by Using Linear Gm-C Low-Pass Filter for mmwave Band Applications." Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers Vol. 30, No. 16 (2021): 2150304 (16 pages).
  3. Ankita Verma, Pritesh kumar Yadav, Manish Goswami and Prasanna Kumar Misra “A differential LNA Architecture with improved Figure of Merit using 40nm UMC CMOS Technology for mmWave band Receiver Applications”, Wireless Personal Communications, 124(1), pp.783-799, 2022.
  4. Ankita Verma, Pritesh kumar Yadav, Sunanda Ambulker, Manish Goswami and Prasanna Kumar Misra "A 36.7 mW, 28 GHz receiver frontend using 40 nm RFCMOS technology with improved Figure of Merit." Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 107(1), pp. 135-144, 2021

Reviewers and Area of Research

Journal Articles


  • Meera Kumari and S. M. Rezaul Hasan, “A Low Duty-Cycle Burst Mode Telemeter Signal Generation Technique for VHF Insect Tracking and Its CMOS Implementation,” IEEE Transactions on Very Large-Scale Integration Systems, Volume28, Page833-837, Q2, March 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TVLSI.2019.2947696


  • Meera Kumari, B. K. Bhattacharyya and S. M. Rezaul Hasan, “First Ever Lowest Duty Cycle for Periodic Burst Mode Signals for Insect Telemeter Package Design,” IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Volume9, Page2006-2015 Q3, Oct, 2019. DOI: 1109/TCPMT.2019.2933830


  • M. Rezaul Hasan and Meera Kumari “A new mid-band analysis methodology for source-followers and drain-loaded source-follower with application in accurate differential-amplifier mismatch analysis,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing. Volume103, Page259-271, Q4, May 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s10470-020-01617-w



  • M. Rezaul Hasan and Meera Kumari “Accurate mid-band analysis of the differential-amplifier with active current-mirror load,” IEEE VLSI Circuits and Systems Letter (VCAL).


Conference Publications:

  1. Niranjan Raj, Sagar and Parvatam Deepthi (May 2024). “Emulation of Novel and Electronically Tun- able Universal Mem-Elements Design”. In: IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (EC- TICON) Khonkaen, Thailand. doi: https://10.1109/ECTI-CON60892.2024.10594971.

  2. Sagar, Niranjan Raj, Pankaj Kumar Sharma and Rajeev Kumar Ranjan (May 2022). “Grounded Memristor Emulator Using Single-Active Block”. In: IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTICON) Hua-Hin, Thailand. doi: https://10.1109/ECTI-CON54298.2022.9795587.

  3. Sagar, Niranjan Raj and Satish Chandra (Jan. 2024). “Electronically Tunable Flux Controlled Grounded Memristor Emulator”. In: IEEE International Conference on Micro/Nanoelectronics Devices, Circuits, and Systems (MNDCS 2024) NIT Silchar, India.

  4. Niranjan Raj, Chandra, B. Priyadarshini and R. K. Ranjan (Mar. 2018). “Multiple output current- controlled current conveyor transconductance amplifier using BiCMOS for analog signal processing”. In: IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT), IIT Dhanbad, India. doi: https://10.1109/RAIT.2018.8388989.

  5. Niranjan Raj and Indranil Sen Gupta (Mar. 2018). “Balanced wrapper design to test the embedded core partitioned into multiple layers for 3d SOC targeting power and number of TSVs”. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on  Microelectronics,  Computing and  Communication Springer, Singapore, pp. 117–125. doi: https://10.1007/978-981-10-5565-2_10.




Peer Reviewed Conference:

  1. . Nitin Sharma, Rao. A, Dewan. A, Safdari, M “Rate adaptive resource allocation for multiuser OFDM using NSGA – II” Proc. IEEE Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks (WCSN‐2008), IIITA & DAVV, Indore, Dec. 2008.
  2. Anirudh Ravichandran, Ali Alnoman, Nitin Sharma, AlaganAnpalagan, Traffic offloading problem in two-tier HetNets with D2D support for emergency communications. IHTC 2017, Canada: 128-132.
  3. M. Pradhan and N. Sharma, "Adaptive orthogonal frequency division multiplexing simulation for underwater communication," 2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), Chennai, pp. 382-385, 2017.
  4. R Ramachandran, A Barik, N Zanvar, V Apugade, D Patil, GG Bacher, Remote Access and Automation of SONIC Analysis System, International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, 2019
  5. P Biradar, S Mohapatra, N Elangovan, SA Kumar, PS Hiremath, Power Intelligence and Asset Monitoring (PIAM), International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, 2019
  6. SS Kumar, SM Bagali, N Sharma, M Arjuna, V Sabarish, SPS Swaroop, MTLinki Integration and ZDT, International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, 2019
  7. P Biradar, P Basavraj, N Murugan, N Sharma, GG Bacher, Remote Enabled Engine Vibration Measurement System, International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, 2019
  8. Abhijit Dey, Prateek Singh, & Nitin Sharma., “Performance Evaluation of Tracking Loop under RF Interference using NavIC Software-Receiver” 2019 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Singapore, Dec. 2019, pp. 1230-1232
  9. S. Khanolkar and N. Sharma, "ABC optimization aided Joint User and Throughput Maximization in underlay D2D communication," 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), GOA, India, 2019, pp. 1-6.
  10. Dey, Abhijit, Iyer, Kaushik, Sharma, Nitin, "S-band Interference Detection and Mitigation using a Vector Tracking-based NavIC Software Receiver," Proceedings of the 34th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2021), St. Louis, Missouri, September 2021, pp. 3464-3476.
  11. Dhruv Patidar, Nitin Sharma, Identifying Corresponding SAR-OPTICAL Patches Using Inception-Inspired Pseudo-Siamese CNN, The International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022.


Peer Reviewed Journals:

  1. Nitin Sharma, Dr K R Anupama, “A novel Genetic Algorithm for Adaptive Resource Allocation in Multiuser OFDM Systems with Proportional Rate Constraint” International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Academy Publishers, Vol 2, No. 5, November 2009, PP-135-139.
  2. Nitin Sharma, SidharthWagh, Dr K R Anupama, “Multi-Objective Resource Allocation In Multiuser OFDM Using PAES”. International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol 3, No. 3, 2010
  3. Nitin Sharma, Dr K R Anupama, “On the use of NSGA-II for multi-objective resource allocation in MIMO-OFDMA systems” ACM/Springer’s Wireless Netw (2011) 17:1191–1201.
  4. Nitin Sharma, Dr K R Anupama, “A novel Genetic Algorithm for Adaptive Resource Allocation in MIMO-OFDM Systems with Proportional Rate Constraint”. Wireless Personal Communications, Vol.61, No.1, 113-128, 2011.
  5. Nitin Sharma, Anand K Tarcar, Varghese Antony Thomas, Dr K R Anupama, "On the use of Particle Swarm Optimization for Adaptive Resource Allocation in OFDMA Systems with Proportional Rate Constraints". Information Sciences, Volume 182, Issue 1, 1 January 2012, Pages 115-124.
  6. Nitin Sharma et al. “Multi-Objective Resource Allocation in Multiuser OFDM". IET Communications, 7 (18), 2074 – 2083, 2013. (Impact factor 1.779.)
  7. Nitin Sharma et al. “Joint Subcarrier and Power Allocation in downlink OFDMA systems: An Multi-Objective Approach” Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 25(10), pp. 993-1008, 2014.
  8. Nitin Sharma et al. “Bee Colony Optimization Aided Resource Allocation in OFDMA Systems with Proportional Rate Constraints ". ACM/Springer’s WINET, 20(7), 1699-1713, 2014.
  9. Nitin Sharma et al. “Composite Differential Evolution Aided Channel Allocation in OFDMA Systems with Proportional Rate Constraints”. IEEE/KICS Journal of Communication Networks. Vol.16(5), Pages.523-533, 2014.
  10. Nitin Sharma et al. “Genetic Algorithm Aided Proportional Fair Resource Allocation in Multicast OFDM Systems”. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 61(9), pp.16-29, 2015.
  11. Nitin Sharma et al. “Differential Evolution Aided Adaptive Resource Allocation in OFDMA Systems with Proportional Rate Constraints” Elsevier’s Applied Soft Computing, Vol 34, 39-50, 2015.
  12. Nitin Sharma et al.“Multi-objective Subchannel and Power Allocation in Interference-Limited Two Tier OFDMA Femtocells Networks”, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol 10(02), 544-555, 2016.
  13. Nitin Sharma, Divyakumar Badheka, Alagan Anpalagan "Simultaneous Power and Subchannel Allocation in Interference Limited OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio Network with Quality of Service Considerations" Wireless PersCommun, 96(2), 1691–1710, 2017.
  14. Nitin Sharma, S. Das, Social fairness and channel loading effects in peer-to-peer connected networks, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 11 (3), 450-461, 2018.
  15. Laxminarsimha Chary Kandlakunta, M.K. Deshmukh, Nitin Sharma, Assessment of impacts on tropical marine environment for off-shore clean energy development, Materials Today: Proceedings, 23(1), PP. 53-55, 2019.
  16. Laxminarsimha Chary Kandlakunta, Sreekanth G B, M. K. Deshmukh, Nitin Sharma, Marine Soundscape and Fish Chorus in an Archipelago Ecosystem Comprising Bio-diverse Tropical Islands off Goa Coast, India", Aquatic Ecology, 54, PP. 475–493, 2020.
  17. Abhijit Dey, L. M Joshi; Rohan Chhibba; Nitin Sharma, A study of Ionospheric effects on IRNSS/NavIC positioning at equatorial latitudes, Advances in Space Research, 68 (12), 4872-4883, 2021.
  18. N. Balakrishnan, Malak Shah, K R Anupama and Nitin Sharma, Optimization of Flight and Maintenance Planning for Defence Aviation with Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm, Defence Science Journal, 71 (1), 2021.
  19. N. Balakrishnan, Angello I. Devasigamani, K. R. Anupama & Nitin Sharma, Aero-Engine Health Monitoring with Real Flight Data Using Whale Optimization Algorithm Based Artificial Neural Network Technique, Optical Memory and Neural Networks volume 30, pages 80–96 (2021).
  20. Dey, A., Chihibba, R., D. Venkata Ratnam., & Sharma, N. A combined iCEEMDAN and VMD method for mitigating the impact of ionospheric scintillation on GNSS signals. Acta Geophysica-Springer, 69 (5), 1933-1948, 2021.
  21. JunyiXie , Divya Unnikrishnan , Leon Williams , Adriana Encinas-Oropesa , Srikanth Mutnuri, Nitin Sharma , Paul Jeffrey , Binxin Zhu & Paul Lighterness, Influence of domain experience on icon recognition and preferences, Behaviour & Information Technology, Behaviour & Information Technology, 41 (1), 85-95, 2022.
  22. Dey, A., M Rahman, R., D. Venkata Ratnam., & Sharma, N. Automatic Detection of GNSS Ionospheric Scintillation based on eXtreme Gradient Boosting technique, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,19, 1-5, 2022.
  23. A Dey, B Xu, X Lu, N Sharma, GNSS Code Multipath Time-frequency Analysis Using Wavelet-based Synchrosqueezing Transform in Urban Environments,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 19, 1-5, 2022.
  24. S Khanolkar, N Sharma, A Anpalagan, Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in Underlay D2D Communication using ABC Algorithm, Wireless Personal Communications, 1-26, 2022
  25. A Dey, K Iyer, B Xu, N Sharma, LT Hsu, Carrier-Aided Dual Frequency Vectorized Tracking Architecture for NavIC Signals, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 71, 1-13, 2022
  26. N Sharma, S Khanolkar, SR Kumar, A Anpalagan, An Adaptive Transmission Mode Selection Scheme for Cellular Underlaid D2D Communication, International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 29 (1), 58-79, 2022.
  27. S Somesula, N Sharma, A Anpalagan, Artificial Bee optimization aided joint user association and resource allocation in HCRAN, Applied Soft Computing, 2022

Book Chapters

  1. Nitin Sharma, A. Anpalagan and M. Obaidat (Mohammad Obaidat, Petros Nicopolitidis, Faouzi Zarai Editors of the book) "Modeling and Simulation of Computer Networks and Systems" Elsevier’s publication.

 Research Publications

  1. Bhargava, P., Gaudrain, E., and Baskent, D. (2016). “The intelligibility of interrupted speech: Cochlear implant users and normal hearing listeners”, Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (epub ahead of print).
  2. Baskent, D., Clarke, J., Pals, C., Benard, M. R., Bhargava, P., Saija, J., Sarampalis, A., Wagner, A., Gaudrain, E. (2016) “Cognitive compensation of speech perception with hearing impairment, cochlear implants, and aging: How and to what degree can it be achieved?”, Trends in Hearing, 20, 1-16.
  3. Baskent, D., Bhargava, P., Saija, J.D., Clarke, J.N., Benard, M.R., Pals, C., Sarampalis, A., Wagner, A., Gaudrain, E. (2015). “Cognitive compensation of speech perception in hearing loss: How and to what degree can it be achieved?” Proceedings of International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research. Nyborg, Denmark, pp 217–228
  4. Bhargava, P., Gaudrain, E., and Baskent, D. (2014). “Top–down restoration of speech in cochlear-implant users”, Hearing Research, 309, 113–123.
  5. Bhargava, P. and Baskent, B. (2012). “Effects of low-pass filtering on intelligibility of periodically interrupted speech”, Journal of Acoustical Society of America-Express Letters, 131(2), EL87-EL92.


Upcoming :

  1. Ahamad, A, Anand, A. and Bhargava, P. "AccentDB: A Database of Non-Native English Accents for Improved Neural Speech Recognition", Proceedings of LREC 2020, Marseilles, France.


Conference Presentations

  1. Bhargava, P., (2018)Factors influencing restoration of interrupted speech in cochlear implant users and normal hearing listeners, 41stAnnual MidWinter Meeting, Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Diego, USA, 9-13th February 2018
  1. Bhargava, P., Gaudrain, E., Baskent, D. (2016).Why does gap detection performance in cochlear implant users differs between free-field and direct-stimulation?, 172nd Acoustical Society of America Fall meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 28thNov – 2nd Dec 2016.
  1. Bhargava, P., Gaudrain, E., Holmes, S. Morse, R., and Baskent, D. (2015)Temporal Gap Detection in speech-like stimuli by users of cochlear implants: free-field and direct stimulation, Presentation at Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Granlibakken, Lake Tahoe, California, USA. July 2015.
  1. Bhargava, P. and Baskent, D. (2013).Phonemic Restoration and Continuity Illusion of Speech in Users of Cochlear Implants,Presentation at Association for Research in Otolaryngology conference held at Lake Tahoe, California, USA, April. 2013.
  1. Bhargava, P. and Baskent, D. (2012).Temporal interruptions and speech intelligibility with cochlear implants,Presentation at Objective Measures conference held at Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sept. 2012.
  1. Bhargava, P. and Baskent, D. (2011).Phonemic restoration and continuity illusion with cochlear implants, Presentation at Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses held at Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, USA. July 2011.
  1. Bhargava, P. (2010).Perception of temporally interrupted speech with cochlear implants, CI-ON National Research Meeting, University Medical Centre, Groningen, The Netherlands
  1. National Symposium on Shallow Parsing of Indian Languages (MSPIL) (2006), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, India
  1. Part of Speech Tagger (POSTAGs) standardization meeting (2006), Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Hyderabad, India.

Peer Reviewed Publication

Journal Publication

  1. Durgesh Vikram, Tanmaya Mahapatra. (2024). A two-fluid approach to the emergency movement of pedestrians through a passage. Transportation Research Record (DOI: 10.1177/03611981241289410).
  2. Durgesh Vikram, S. Mittal, P. Chakroborty. (2022). Stabilized finite element computations with a two-dimensional continuum model for disorderly traffic flow. Computers & Fluids, 232, pp. 105205.
  3. Agarwal, Durgesh Vikram. (2021). Impact of vehicular traffic stream on pedestrian crossing behavior at an uncontrolled mid-block section. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 9, pp. 100298.
  4. Durgesh Vikram. (2020). Conventional optimization technique based methodology to estimate gap acceptance functions. Transportation in Developing Economies, 6 (2), pp. 16.
  5. Chauhan, A. Dhamaniya, S. Arkatkar, P. K. Sahu, Durgesh Vikram. (2019). Effect of side friction parameter on urban road traffic: under mixed traffic scenario. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 13, pp. 314-330.
  6. Chakroborty, A. K. Maurya, Durgesh Vikram. (2019). Understanding and modelling disorderly traffic streams. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 99, pp. 553-565.
  7. Saboo, B. Singh, P. Kumar, Durgesh Vikram. (2018). Study on viscosity of conventional and polymer modified asphalt binders in steady and dynamic shear domain. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 22, pp. 67-78.
  8. Durgesh Vikram, N. Saboo. (2017). Effective technique of estimate Cross model parameters. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29 (11), pp. 04017203.
  9. Durgesh Vikram, S. Mittal, P. Chakroborty. (2011). A stabilized finite element formulation for continuum models of traffic flow. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 79 (3-4), pp. 237-259.
  10. Chakroborty, Durgesh Vikram. (2008). Optimum assignment of trains to platforms under partial schedule compliance. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 42 (2), pp. 169-184

Conference Publication

  1. Durgesh Vikram, S. Agarwal. (2020). A methodology to estimate parameters of critical gap distribution. Transportation Research Procedia, 48, pp. 665-672.
  2. Durgesh Vikram, P. Chakroborty, S. Mittal. (2013). Exploring the behavior of LWR continuum models of traffic flow in presence of shock waves. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 104, pp. 412-421.


  1. Calculation of tunneling current across trapezoidal potential barrier in a scanning tunneling microscope. J. Appl .Phys.132. 244901(2022) Malati Dessai & Arun V Kulkarni.  
  2. The PANDA Collaboration, The potential of Lambda and Xi- studies with PANDA at FAIR,  Eur. Phys. J A57, 4, 154 (2021)
  3. The PANDA Collaboration, Feasibility studies for the measurement of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors from p ¯p→μ+μ− at FAIR, Eur.Phys.J. A57  no. 1, 30 (2021) 
  4. The PANDA Collaboration, Technical design report for the PANDA Endcap Disc DIRC, arXiv:1912.12638 (2019)
  5. The PANDA Collaboration, Technical design report for the PANDA Barrel DIRC detector, J. Phys. G46, no. 4, 045001 (2019) 
  6. The PANDA Collaboration, Precision resonance energy scans with the PANDA experiment at FAIR: Sensitivity study for width and line-shape measurements of the X(3872), Eur. Phys. J. A55, no. 3,42 (2019)
  7. The PANDA Collaboration, Technical design report for the PANDA Barrel DIRC detector, arXiv:1710.00684(2017)
  8. The PANDA Collaboration, Technical design report of the Panda forward spectrometer Calorimeter, arXiv:1704.02713 (2017)
  9. The PANDA Collaboration, Feasibility study for the measurement of pi N TDAs at PANDA in antiproton+proton -->  J/psi pi^0, Physical Review D, 95 032003 (2017)
  10. The PANDA Collaboration, Study of doubly strange systems using stored antiprotons, Nuclear Physics A954, 323 (2016) 
  11. The PANDA Collaboration, Feasibility studies of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors at PANDA at FAIR, The European Physical Journal A 52 no.10 325 (2016)
  12. The PANDA Collaboration, Nora Brambilla, Ulf-G. Meißner, Studies of Hadron Structure and Interactions with the PANDA Experiment at FAIR, e-print: arXiv:1512.03299 [hep-ex], (2015)
  13. The PANDA Collaboration, Experimental access to Transition Distribution Amplitudes with the PANDA experiment at FAIR, The European Physical Journal A 51 107 (2015)
  14. Force on a Conducting Tip near a Metallic Surface coated with a polarizable Dielectric layer: Theory and Experiment. e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, Vol 9 (2011), pp 206-209 (This paper was presented at the 13th International Conference on NonContact-Atomic Force Microscopy (NC-AFM2010), Ishikawa Ongakudo, Kanazawa Japan [31st July to 4th Aug’2010])
  15. Study of the electrostatic force between a conducting tip in proximity with a metallic surface:  Theory & Experiment. Journal of Applied Physics Vol 88, No.11, pp 6940 Dec’2000.
Impact Factors etc. :-  
  1. Journal of Appl. Phys. Impact Factor  2.877, H- index 331
  2. Eur. Phys. J.(A)         Impact Factor  3.043,  H- index  99
  3. Phys. Rev. D                Impact Factor  5.407 H-index  363


Publications affiliated with BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus

  1. P. Jitendra Kumar Senapati, P. Boggarapu, Shyam Swarup Mondal and Hatem Mejjaoli, Restriction theorem for the Fourier-Dunkl transform and its applications to Strichartz inequalities, J Geom Anal 34, 74 (2024). 
  2. P. Boggarapu, P Jitendra Kumar Senapati, Shyam Swarup Mondal and Hatem Mejjaoli, Time frequency analysis of (k,a)-generalized wavelet transform and applications. J. Math. Phys. 64 (2023), no. 7, Paper No. 073504, 36 pp.
  3. K. Sahoo, P. Boggarapu, R. Behera and M. Z. Nashed., GD1 inverse and 1GD inverse for bounded operators on Banach spaces. Comp. Appl. Math. 42, 212 (2023).
  4. M. T. Nair and P. Boggarapu. Interpolation inequalities for modified Sobolev spaces and their implications to inversion of Radon transform. Proc. Indian Natl. Sci. Acad. 89, 410-415 (2023).
  5. P. Jitendra Kumar Senapati and Pradeep Boggarapu, Sharp Strichartz type estimates for the Schr¨odinger equation associated with harmonic oscillator, J. Anal. 31 (2023), no. 3, 2085–2096.
  6. P. Jitendra Kumar Senapati, Pradeep Boggarapu, Shyam Swarup Mondal and Hatem Mejjaoli, Restriction theorem for the Fourier-Dunkl transform I: cone surface. J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl. 14, 5 (2023).
  7. R. Balhara, P. Boggarapu and S. Thangavelu, An extension problem and Hardy type inequalities for the Grushin operator. Geometric Aspects of Harmonic Analysis, Springer INdAM Ser. 45, Springer, Cham (2021), 1–28.
  8. P. Boggarapu, Luz Roncal and S. Thangavelu, On extension problem, trace Hardy and Hardy’s inequalities for some fractional Laplacians. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 2019, 18(5): 2575 2605.
  9. P. Boggarapu and S. Thangavelu, On the chaotic behavior of the Dunkl heat semigroup on weighted Lp spaces. Isr. J. Math. 217, 57–92 (2017).
  10. P. Boggarapu, Luz Roncal and S. Thangavelu, Mixed norm estimates for the Ces`aro means associated with Dunkl-Hermite expansions. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 369 (2017), 7021-7047.
  11. P. Boggarapu and S. Thangavelu, Mixed norm estimates for the Riesz transforms on SU (2). Publ. Mat. 60 (2016), 171-190. DOI: 10.5565/PUBLMAT 60116 06.

Publications and preprints affiliated with IISc Bangalore

  • P. Boggarapu and S. Thangavelu, Mixed norm estimates for the Riesz transforms associated to Dunkl harmonic oscillators, Ann. Math. Blaise Pascal, 22 no. 1 (2015), p. 89-120. DOI: 10.5802/ambp.347.

  • P. Boggarapu and S. Thangavelu, Mixed norm estimates for the Riesz transforms on the Heisenberg group, Monatsh. Math. 178 (2015), no. 3, 361-388. (



  1. Chakrabarty M, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK and Biswas A (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085
  2. Chakrabarty M, Biswas A. Reply to Kljajevic's "Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia". Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Apr;20(4):3110-3111. doi: 10.1002/alz.13689. Epub 2024 Jan 22. PMID: 38253800; PMCID: PMC11032515.
  3. Chakrabarty, M*., Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369
  4. Chakrabarty, M*., Bhattacharya, K., Chatterjee, G., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M. (2023). Pragmatic deficits in patients with schizophrenia and right hemisphere damage: A pilot study. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 58(1), 169-188
    impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.
  5. Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  6. Chatterjee, S.SC., §Chakrabarty, M., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U., Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  7. Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)
  8. Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation. Pubmed Indexed, Cross Ref Indexed Elsevier Journal (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  9. Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.
    (2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)
  10. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  11. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed)
  12. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M†., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed)
  13. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M†., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  14. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012). Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  15. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music
  1. Chakrabarty M*, Chatterjee P, Mukherjee A, Das G, Mollah RI, Mondal B, Sardar S, Basu A, Ghosh M, Sengupta A, Pal SK, and Biswas A* (2024) Mental health problems raise the odds of cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors. Front. Psychiatry 15:1370085. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1370085 (impact factor 3.2) (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., (2023) Reply to Kljajevic’s “Increasing sensitivity of clinical proverb tests for diagnosis of dementia” Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65) (Scopus indexed)

DOI: 10.1002/alz.13689

  • Chakrabarty, M*.,Klooster, N., Biswas, A., Chatterjee.,A. (2023).The scope of using pragmatic language tests for early detection of dementia: A systematic review of investigations using figurative language. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association  impact factor 16.65 (Scopus indexed) DOI: 10.1002/alz.13369 Q1

 impact factor 2.9(Scopus indexed) doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12778.                                    TOP CITED ARTICLE 2022-23

  • Chatterjee, R., Chakrabarty, M., Bhattacharya, K., Roychoudhury, T; Mukherjee, S. Impact of perinatal maternal depression on child development. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.4103/indianjpsychiatry.indianjpsychiatry_1318_2
  • Chatterjee, S.SC., Chakrabarty, M§., Banerjee, D, Grover, S., Chatterjee, S.S., Dan, U.,   Perceived stress and insomnia among health care workers in India during the early phase of COVID-19 outbreak – a factor-analytic study. (2021). Frontier’s Psychology. Impact factor 4.23 (Scopus Indexed)(Joint first author)
  • Chakrabarty, M., Rudraprasad Acharya, Seshadri Sekhar Chatterjee, Prathama Guha, Matthew. K. Belmonte, Kaberi Bhattacharya (2021). Validation of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET-R) in the Indian (Bengali) population: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(1), 74-79. Impact factor 3.0 (Scopus Indexed)


  • Chakrabarty, M*., Pflieger, E.M., Cardillo, E., Chatterjee, A. (2020). Effects of acquired chronic brain injury on quality of life: A preliminary study in patients with a left or right-sided lesion. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.  (Scopus indexed) (companion journal of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. impact factor 4.06 (Scopus indexed)
  • Chakrabarty, M*. Badgio, D., Ptacek, J., Biswas, A., Ghosal, M., Chatterjee, G.

(2017). Hemispheric asymmetry in attention and its impact on our consciousness: A review with reference to altered consciousness in right hemisphere damaged subjects. Journal of Consciousness Studies 24, (7-8), 51-78. (ISSN 1355-8250) Impact factor: 1.20 (Scopus Indexed)

  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Biswas, A., Pal, S., Chatterjee,A. (2017).Development of Bengali Audio–Visual Test Battery for Assessment of Pragmatic Skills: Preliminary Normative Data Based on Educational Level. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,46, 295–309. Impact factor: 1.3 (Scopus Indexed)
  1. Chakrabarty, M*., Sarkar., Chatterjee, A., Ghosal, M., Guha,P. Deogaonkar,M. (2014).Metaphor comprehension deficit in schizophrenia with reference to the hypothesis of abnormal lateralizationand right hemisphere dysfunction. Language Sciences,44, 1–14. Impact factor: 0.82 (Scopus Indexed) )
  2. Keshree, N. K., Kumar, S., Basu, S., Chakrabarty, M., & Kishore,T. (2013). Adaptation of the Western Aphasia Battery in Bangla. Psychology of Language and Communication, 17(2),189-201. DOI: 10.2478/plc-2013-0012 (ISSN-2083-8506) Impact factor:.65 (Scopus Indexed) Q2
  1. Kumar, S., Chakrabarty, M., Shailat, R.K., Singh, P. (2012). Development and standardization of a ‘phonemically balanced passage’, ‘oral passage’ and ‘nasal passage’ for the measurement of ‘nasalance’ in Bangla. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing. vol. 15, 2, 85-91. DOI: ISSN number: 1361-3286. (ISSN- 1361-3286). Impact Factor 0.57. (This journal is now published as” Speech, Language and Hearing” by Taylor and Francis Print ISSN: 2050-571X Online ISSN: 2050-5728)
  1. Chakrabarty, M., Kumar, S. Chatterjee, I., Neha, M. (2012).  Speech Analysis of Bengali Speaking Children with Repaired Cleft Lip and Palate. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol.38 (2), 7-16. (ISSN-0379-0037) Impact Factor: Not Available
  1. Chakrabarty,M*., Chatterjee, A.(2010). Assessment of Dyshyponoia in Multicultural Plurilingual Setup. (2010) International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, Vol. 1,167-180. (ISSN- 1844-458X) Impact Factor: Not Available

Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Chakrabarty, M., Chatterjee, I., Yadav, N. (2008) Acoustic Analysis of Emphatic Stress and Intonation Patterns in Native Bangla Speakers, In proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music


Book Chapters

“How to Become with a Bird: Lessons from Salim Ali’s Common Birds,” in Ambika Aiyadurai, Arka Chattopadhyay and Nishaant Choksi ed. Ecological Entanglements: Affect, Embodiment and Ethics of Care. Orient BlackSwan, 2023. ISBN: 9789354422591

Media Articles







Journal publications

Sajid, M., Esfandiar, K., Zakkariya, K. A., Ertz, M., & Surira, M. D. (2024). Trash in the bin, to a cleaner scene we cling: a mixed method approach on tourists’ binning behavior at two spiritual destinations. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 1–19.

Sajid, M., Zakkariya, K. A., Suki, N. M., & Islam, J. U. (2024). When going green goes wrong: The effects of greenwashing on brand avoidance and negative word-of-mouth. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 78, 103773 (ABDC: A; Scopus: Q1; IF: 10.4).

Sajid, M., Zakkariya, K.A., Surira, M. D., & Peethambaran, M. (2023). Flipping the Script: How Awareness of Positive Consequences Outweigh Negative in Encouraging Tourists’ Environmentally Responsible Behavior? Journal of Sustainable Tourism (ABDC: A*; Scopus: Q1; IF: 8.952).

Sajid, M., & Zakkariya, K. A. (2022). Reasons for resistance to e-waste recycling: evidence from an emerging economy. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35(6), 1330–1348 (ABDC: A; Scopus: Q1; IF: 4.412).

Surira, M., Zakkariya, K.A., & Sajid, M. (2023). Breaking the Mold with Effective Communication: How Social Initiatives Enhance Brand’s Social Perception and Catalyze Pro-environmental and Purchase Intentions. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (ABDC: A; Scopus: Q1; IF: 4.412).

Sajid, M., Zakkariya, K. A., Surira, M. D., & Thomas, L. (2023). Why are Indian digital natives resisting telemedicine? Innovation resistance theory perspective. International Journal of Business Information Systems (ABDC: C; Scopus: Q2).

Sajid, M., Zakkariya, K. A., Surira, M. D., & Thomas, L. (2023). Pedaling Towards Sustainability: A Mixed-Method Study of the Drivers and Barriers to Bike-sharing Adoption. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal (ABDC: C; Scopus: Q1).

Sajid, M., Zakkariya, K. A., Peethambaran, M., & George, A. (2022). Determinants of on-demand ridesharing: the role of awareness of environmental consequences. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 33(4), 847–863 (ABDC: C; Scopus: Q1).

Sajid, M., Zakkariya, K. A., & Peethambaran, M. (2022). Predicting virtual care continuance intention in the post-COVID world: Empirical evidence from an emerging economy. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 1-9 (ABDC:C; Scopus: Q2).

Sajid, M., & Zakkariya, K. A. (2022). Factors Affecting Ridesharing Intention in the Context of COVID-19. International Journal of E-Adoption (IJEA), 14(1), 1-14 (WoS).

Sajid, M., Zakkariya, K. A., & Joy, H. (2022). Determinants of E-waste Recycling Intention in India: The Influence of Environmental Concern, Attitude and Economic Incentives. Colombo Business Journal, 13(1) (UGC CARE).

George, A., Joy, M. M., & Sajid, M. (2022). Understanding the intention to use virtual currency in a gamified E-commerce context. International Journal of Online Marketing (IJOM), 12(1), 1-14 (WoS).

George, A., Joy, M. M., Nowfal, S. M., & Sajid, M. (2023). Does the utilitarian value of gamified virtual currency affect its usage intention in the context of e-commerce?. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 28(3), 285-300 (WoS).

Thomas, L., Zakkariya, K.A., Sajid, M. (2023) Social CRM continuance intention: The moderation effect of customer privacy concerns. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (UGC CARE).

Panattil, S., George, A., Sajid, M., Joy, M. (2023) Using Game Dynamics to Foster a Gameful Experience and Drive Affective Commitment Toward a Gamified Online Food Delivery Partner Platform. Journal of Food Service Business Research (ABDC: C).

Sajid, M., Ertz, M., Zakkariya, K.A. (2023) Beyond the bin: Overcoming the intention-behavior gap in zero waste living. Management of Environmental Quality (ABDC: C; Scopus: Q1).

Sajid, M., & Ertz, M. (2024). Blueprints to Benefits: Towards an Index to Measure the Impact of Sustainable Product Development on the Firm’s Bottom Line. Sustainability, 16(2), 537 (Scopus: Q1).

Suneera, K. K., Mavoothu, D., & Sajid, M. (2024). Well! Fun forms and friendship uplift frontline employees' positive affect for workplace well-being in the hospitality industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights (ABDC: C).

Tandon, U., Ertz, M., Sajid, M., & Kordi, M. (2024). Understanding Telehealth Adoption among the Elderly: An Empirical Investigation. Information15(9), 552 (Scopus: Q2).



  1. Harish Yuvaraj G. P., S. Mathew, S. Halder, N. Bahadursha, Keerthi C. J., S. Kanungo, P. Sahatiya, C. Chakraborty, Subhradeep Pal, "Covalent Polymeric Framework/ Bi2Se3-Based Heterostructure for Highly Efficient Wideband Photodetector," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 5482-5488, September 2024, doi: 10.1109/TED.2024.3427610 [IF: 2.9].
  2. Keerthi C. J., S. Halder, P. Sahatiya, C. Chakraborty, Subhradeep Pal, "Surface plasmon resonance assisted donor–acceptor type covalent polymeric framework for hybrid photodetectors," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 124, article no. 051102, January 2024, doi: 10.1063/5.0185511 [IF: 3.5].
  3. B. Keshari, S. Saha, S. Debroy, A. Salimath, V. Mattela, Subhradeep Pal, S. S. Dan, P. Sahatiya, "Light- and Pressure-Stimulated Silver Oxide (AgOx)-Based Memristors for In-Sensor Memory and Computing Applications," ACS Applied Electronic Materials, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 1007-1017, January 20204 [IF:4.3].
  4. S. Halder, Keerthi C. J., C. Chakraborty, and Subhradeep Pal, "Donor-Acceptor Covalent Organic Polymer Framework for High-Performance Broadband Flexible Photodetector," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, May-June 2024, article no 3801008, doi: 10.1109/JSTQE.2023.3332827 [IF: 4.3].
  5. Keerthi C. J., T. Mishra, S. A. Hussain, A. Rajeev, P. Sahatiya, and Subhradeep Pal, "ReS2-MoSSe Heterostructure-based High Performance Broadband Visible Photodetector," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 607-612, January 2024, doi: 10.1109/TED.2023.3330127  [IF: 2.9].
  6. S. Das, S. Debnath, S. Singha, J. Pal, Subhradeep Pal, S. Dey, B. B. Bhowmik, "Realization of 2-bit multiplier based on Vedic mathematics using electro-absorption microring modulator," Optical Engineering, vol. 63, no. 10, pp. 105104, October 2024, doi: 10.1117/1.OE.63.10.105104 [IF: 1.1].
  7. S. Mathew, S. Halder, S. Hota, M. Suntha, C. Chakraborty, and Subhradeep Pal, "A High-Performance Broadband Organic Flexible Photodetector from a Narrow-bandgap Thiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole Containing Conjugated Polymer," Materials Advances, October 2024, Just Accepted [IF: 5.2].

Journal Publications:

  1. Niranjan Raj, Rajeev Kumar Ranjan and Alex James (Apr. 2022). “Chua’s Oscillator with OTA-based Memcapacitor Emulator”. In: IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (TNANO) 21, pp. 213–218. doi: https://10.1109/TNANO.2022.3168154.
  2. Niranjan Raj, Rajeev Kumar Ranjan and Fabian Khateb (Jan. 2020). “Flux Controlled Memristor Emulator and its Experimental Results”. In: IEEE Transactions on Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 28.4, pp. 1050–1061. doi: https://10.1109/TVLSI.2020.2966292

  3. Niranjan Raj, Rajeev Kumar Ranjan, Fabian Khateb and Montree Kumngern (May 2021). “Mem- Elements Emulator Design with Experimental Validation and its Application”. In: IEEE Access 9, 69860–69875. doi: https://10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3078189.

  4. Niranjan Raj and Rajeev Kumar Ranjan (Dec. 2024). “Emulation of novel floating and tunable Multimem- Elements circuit and its application”. In: International Journal of Electronics and Communication (AEU), 177.3. doi:

  5. Niranjan Raj, Sagar, Rajeev Kumar Ranjan Bindu Priyadarshini and Nicu Bizon (May 2021). “Electronically Tunable Full Wave Precision Rectifier using DVCCTAs”. In: Electronics 11, p. 1262. doi: https://10.3390/electronics10111262.

  6. Niranjan Raj, Somenath Dutta, Rajeev Kumar Ranjan, Dharmendra Kumar Singh, and Hakan Kuntman (July 2024). “VDTA Based Transadmittance Mode Instrumentation Amplifier with Experimental results”. In: International Journal of Electronics. 21203/ (Accepted)
  7. Sagar, Niranjan Raj, Vijay Kumar Verma and Rajeev Kumar Ranjan (Oct. 2022). “Electronically Tunable Flux Controlled Resistorless Memristor Emulator”. In: IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1–7.

  8. Rajeev Kumar Ranjan, Niranjan Raj, Nidhi Bhuval and Fabian Khateb (Dec. 2017). “Single DVCCTA based high frequency incremental/decremental memristor emulator and its application”. In: International Journal of Electronics and Communication (AEU) 82, 177–192. doi: https://10.1016/j.aeue.2017.07.039.

  9. Kapil Bhardwaj, Niranjan Raj and Mayank Srivastava (Jan. 2023). “Electronically Tunable Circuit Realization of Multimemelement Function Simulator and Its Application to Chaos Generation”. In: International Journal of  Bifurcation and  Chaos  3,  p.  2350030.  doi:  https://10.1142/ S021812742350030X.

  10. Bitra, Hanumantharao and Niranjan Raj (Dec. 2023). “OTFS: PAPR reduction using nonlinear companding transform”. In:  International  Journal  Of  Electronics  Letters  3.  doi:  https://10. 1080/21681724.2023.2289480.

  11. Sagar, Prashant Kumar Niranjan Raj, Pankaj Kumar Sharma Bindu Priyadarshini Rajeev Kumar Ranjan and Pipat Prommee (Dec. 2022). “A Compact Floating and Grounded Memristor model using Single Active Element”. In: International Journal of Electronics and Communication (AEU) 157, 154426. doi: https://10.1016/j.aeue.2022.154426.

  12. Urvashi Bansal, Maneesha Gupta and Niranjan Raj (Jan. 2021). “Frequency-Compensated Bulk-Driven TIA Suitable for Low-Voltage Low-Power Applications”. In: Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 7, p. 2150121. doi: https://10.1142/S0218126621501218.

  13. Rajeev Kumar Ranjan, Pankaj Kumar Sharma Sagar Niranjan Raj, Bharti Kumari and Fabian Khateb (Jan. 2019). “Memristor Emulator Circuit Using Multiple-Output OTA and Its Experimental Results”. In: Journal of  Circuits,  Systems and  Computers  10,  p.  1950166.  doi:  https://10.1142/ S0218126619501664.

  14. Urvashi Bansal, Pankaj Masiwal Monika Yadav Mohit Mohlia and Niranjan Raj (Apr. 2021). “Four-quadrant CMOS analog current multiplier using frequency compensation and 1.5 V supply”. In: Ara- bian Journal for Science and Engineering 46, pp. 9849–9865. doi: https://10.1007/s13369- 021-05563-1.

  15. Urvashi Bansal Abhilasha Bakre, Prem Kumar Devansh Yadav Mohit Kumar and Niranjan Raj (Sept. 2021). “A QFGMOS-Based gm-Boosted and Adaptively Biased Two-Stage Amplifier Offering Very High Gain and High Bandwidth”. In: Journal of Circuits,  Systems and  Computers 3, p. 2250056. doi: https://10.1142/S0218126622500566.


Journal Publications

Conference Papers/ Presentations/ Posters

ArXiv Reports

Technical Publications

Doctoral Theses (5)

  1. Soumi Saha, "Experimental Demonstration of Functional Nanomaterials-Based Memristors and Their Circuit and Photonic Applications Using ML-Trained Data-Driven Modeling", Nov 2024, Examiners: Prof. Saurabh Lodha (IIT Bombay) & Prof. Roy Paily Palathinkal (IIT Guwahati)
  2. Simhadri Hariprasad, "Superior Analog, Digital, and Ternary Circuit Designs Using Advanced Nano-electronic Gate Overlap Tunnel FET Devices for Ultra-Low Power Applications", Aug 2023, Examiners: Prof. Sudeb Dasgupta (IIT Roorkee) & Prof. Gaurav Trivedi (IIT Guwahati)
  3. Arun Mohan, "Energy Processing Circuits for a Multi-Band RF Energy Harvesting Systems", Jun 2023, Examiners: Prof. Pradip Mandal (IIT Kharagpur), & Prof. Prabhat Kumar Upadhyay (IIT Indore)
  4. Ramakant Yadav, "Novel Gate Overlap Tunnel FET Device Designs for Ultra-Low-Power Digital, Ternary, and Analog VLSI Applications", Jan 2022, Examiners: Prof. Abhinav Kranti (IIT Indore) & Prof. Pramod Kumar Tiwari (IIT Patna)
  5. Sanjay Vidhyadharan, "Novel Gate-Overlap Tunnel FETs and Their Circuits for Ultra-Low Power VLSI Applications", Jun 2020, Examiners: Prof. Shreepad Karmalkar (IIT Madras) & Prof. Tarun Kanti Bhattacharyya (IIT Kharagpur)

Journal Articles (26)

  1. Soumi Saha, Vivek Adepu, Parikshit Sahatiya, Surya Shankar Dan, "Mimicking somatic behavior of neurons using the integrate and fire model of 2D SnS memristive switching characteristics", AIP Applied Physics Letters, vol. 125, iss. 19, 194101, Nov 2024, DOI: 10.1063/5.0226599. 
  2. Bishal Kumar Keshari, Soumi Saha, Sanghamitra Debroy, Akshay Salimath, Venkat Mattela, Subhradeep Pal, Surya Shankar Dan, Parikshit Sahatiya, "Light and Pressure-Stimulated Silver Oxide (AgOₓ)-Based Memristors for In-Sensor Memory and Computing Applications", ACS Applied Electronic Materials, vol. 6, iss. 2, pp. 1007 - 1017, Jan 2024, DOI: 10.1021/acsaelm.3c01462.
  3. Soumi Saha, Madadi Chetan Kodand Reddy, Tati Sai Nikhil, Kaushik Burugupally, Sanghamitra DebRoy, Akshay Salimath, Venkat Mattela, Surya Shankar Dan, and Parikshit Sahatiya, "Experimental Demonstration of SnO₂ Nanofiber-Based Memristors and their Data-Driven Modeling for Nanoelectronic Applications", Elsevier Chip, vol. 2, iss. 4, pp. 100075, Dec 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.chip.2023.100075.
  4. Soumi Saha, Subhradeep Pal, Sounak Roy, Parikshit Sahatiya, and Surya Shankar Dan, "Experimental Demonstration of CeO₂-Based Tunable Gated Memristor for RRAM Applications", ACS Applied Electronic Materials, Nov 2023, DOI: 10.1021/acsaelm.3c01269.
  5. Soumi Saha, C. J. Keerthi, Sounak Roy, Parikshit Sahatiya, Surya Shankar Dan, and Subhradeep Pal, "Engineering Oxygen Vacancies in CeO₂ for High-Performance UV-Vis Photodetector", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 35, no. 22, pp. 1207 - 1210, Nov 2023, DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2023.3311869.
  6. Arun Mohan, Saroj Mondal, Surya Shankar Dan, and Roy P. Paily, "Design Considerations for Efficient Realization of Rectifiers in Micro-Scale Wireless Power Transfer Systems - A Review", IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 23, no. 18, pp. 20691 - 20704, Sep 2023, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2022.3222938.
  7. Soumi Saha, Vivek Adepu, Khush Gohel, Parikshit Sahatiya, and Surya Shankar Dan, "Demonstration of a 2D SnS/MXene Nanohybrid Asymmetric Memristor", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 5921 - 5927, Oct 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TED.2022.3199710.
  8. Simhadri Hariprasad and Surya Shankar Dan, "Superior Analog Performance due to Source-Gate Overlap in Vertical Line-Tunneling FETs and Their Circuits", Springer Silicon, vol. 15, pp. 117 - 126, Jul 2023, DOI: 10.1007/s12633-022-01954-7.
  9. Ramakant Yadav, Surya Shankar Dan, and Simhadri Hariprasad, "Low and High Vt GOTFET Devices Outperform Standard CMOS Technology in Ternary Logic Applications", IETE Technical Review, 39:5, pp. 1114 - 1123, Aug 2021, DOI: 10.1080/02564602.2021.1960903.
  10. Simhadri Hariprasad, Surya Shankar Dan, Ramakant Yadav, and Ashutosh Mishra, "Double-Gate Line-Tunneling FET (DGLTFET) Devices for Superior Analog Performance", Wiley International Journal on Circuits Theory and Applications, vol. 49, issue 7, pp. 2094 - 2111, Apr 2021, DOI: 10.1002/cta.3002.
  11. Sanjay Vidhyadharan and Surya Shankar Dan, "An Efficient Ultra-Low Power and Superior Performance Design of Ternary Half Adder Using CNFET and Gate-Overlap TFET Devices", IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 20, pp. 365 - 376, Jan 2021, DOI:10.1109/TNANO.2020.3049087
  12. Sanjay Vidhyadharan, Surya Shankar Dan, Ramakant Yadav, and Simhadri Hariprasad, "An Innovative Ultra-Low Voltage GOTFET based Regenerative-Latch Schmitt Trigger", Elsevier Microelectronics Journal, vol. 104, pp. 104879, Oct 2020, DOI:10.1016/j.mejo.2020.104879
  13. Ramakant Yadav, Surya Shankar Dan, Sanjay Vidhyadharan, and Simhadri Hariprasad, "Suppression of Ambipolar Behavior and Simultaneous Improvement in RF Performance of Gate-Overlap Tunnel Field Effect Transistor (GOTFET) Devices", Springer Silicon, vol. 13, pp. 1185 - 1197, Jul 2020, DOI:10.1007/s12633-020-00506-1
  14. Sanjay Vidhyadharan, Surya Shankar Dan, Abhay S. V., Ramakant Yadav, and Simhadri Hariprasad, "Novel gate-overlap tunnel FET based innovative ultra-low-power ternary flash ADC", Elsevier Integration, the VLSI Journal, vol. 73, pp. 101 - 113, Jul 2020, DOI:10.1016/j.vlsi.2020.03.006
  15. Sanjay Vidhyadharan, Surya Shankar Dan, Ramakant Yadav, and Simhadri Hariprasad, "A novel ultra-low-power gate overlap tunnel FET (GOTFET) dynamic adder", Taylor and Francis International Journal of Electronics, vol. 107, no. 10, pp. 1663 - 1681, Mar 2020, DOI:10.1080/00207217.2020.1740800
  16. Ramakant Yadav, Surya Shankar Dan, Sanjay Vidhyadharan, and Simhadri Hariprasad, "Innovative multi-threshold gate-overlap tunnel FET (GOTFET) devices for superior ultra-low power digital, ternary and analog circuits at 45 nm technology node", Springer Journal of Computational Electronics, vol. 19, pp. 291 - 303, Jan 2020, DOI:10.1007/s10825-019-01440-1
  17. Sanjay Vidhyadharan, Ramakant Yadav, Simhadri Hariprasad, and Surya Shankar Dan, "An advanced adiabatic logic using Gate Overlap Tunnel FET (GOTFET) devices for ultra-low power VLSI sensor applications", Springer Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 102, pp. 111 - 123, Nov 2019, DOI:10.1007/s10470-019-01561-4
  18. Sanjay Vidhyadharan, Ramakant Yadav, Simhadri Hariprasad, and Surya Shankar Dan, "A nanoscale gate overlap tunnel FET (GOTFET) based improved double tail dynamic comparator for ultra-low-power VLSI applications", Springer Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 101, pp. 109 - 117, Jun 2019, DOI:10.1007/s10470-019-01487-x
  19. Arnab Biswas, Surya Shankar Dan, Cyril LeRoyer, Wladyslaw Grabinski, and Adrian Mihai Ionescu, "TCAD simulation of SOI TFETs and calibration of non-local band-to-band tunneling model", Elsevier Journal of Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 98, pp. 334 - 337, Oct. 2012, DOI:10.1016/j.mee.2012.07.077
  20. Surya Shankar Dan, Arnab Biswas, Cyril LeRoyer, Wladyslaw Grabinski, and Adrian Mihai Ionescu, "A Novel Extraction Method and Compact Model for the Steepness Estimation of FDSOI TFET Lateral Junction", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 140 - 142, Feb. 2012, DOI:10.1109/LED.2011.2174027
  21. Surya Shankar Dan and Santanu Mahapatra, "Impact of energy quantisation in single electron transistor island on hybrid complementary metal oxide semiconductor-single electron transistor integrated circuits", IET Circuits Devices Systems, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 449 - 457, Sep. 2010, DOI:10.1049/iet-cds.2009.0341
  22. Surya Shankar Dan and Santanu Mahapatra, "Analysis of Energy Quantization Effects on Single-Electron Transistor Circuits", IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 38 - 45, Jan. 2010, DOI:10.1109/TNANO.2009.2022833
  23. Surya Shankar Dan and Santanu Mahapatra, "Modeling and analysis of energy quantization effects on single electron inverter performance", Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 1410 - 1416, Aug. 2009, DOI:10.1016/j.physe.2009.04.004
  24. Surya Shankar Dan and Santanu Mahapatra, "Impact of Energy Quantization on the Performance of Current-Biased SET Circuits", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 1562 - 1566, Aug. 2009, DOI:10.1109/TED.2009.2023954
  25. Sitangshu Bhattacharya, Surya Shankar Dan, and Santanu Mahapatra, "Influence of band non-parabolicity on the quantized gate capacitance in δ-doped MODFED of III–V and related materials", AIP Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 104, no. 7, p. 074304, Jul 2008, DOI:10.1063/1.2986154
  26. Chaitanya Sathe, Surya Shankar Dan, and Santanu Mahapatra, "Assessment of SET Logic Robustness Through Noise Margin Modeling", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 909 - 915, Mar. 2008, DOI:10.1109/TED.2007.915086

Conference Presentations (21)

  1. Anshul Awasthi, Soumi Saha, Parikshit Sahatiya, and Surya Shankar Dan, "An Experimental Demonstration of Neuronal Somatic Behavior Using 2D SnS Memristive Switching Characteristics and its Equivalent Circuit for Spiking Neural Network", 38th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID 2025), Bangalore
  2. Soumi Saha, Subhradeep Pal, Sounak Roy, Parikshit Sahatiya, and Surya Shankar Dan, "Experimental Demonstration of CeO₂-Based Tunable Gated Memristor for RRAM Applications", 37th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID 2024), Kolkata
  3. Soumi Saha, Madadi Chetan Kodand Reddy, Tati Sai Nikhil, Kaushik Burugupally, Sanghamitra DebRoy, Akshay Salimath, Venkat Mattela, Parikshit Sahatiya, and Surya Shankar Dan, "Experimental Demonstration of SnO₂ Nanofiber-Based Memristors and their Data-Driven Modeling for Nanoelectronic Applications", 37th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID 2024), Kolkata
  4. Anshul Awasthi, Kaushik Kalakonda, Aditi Sood, and Surya Shankar Dan, "Data-Driven ML-Assisted Modeling and Optimization of 3D FinGOTFET Device for Low-Power Yet High-Performance Digital VLSI Applications at the 10 nm Technology Node", XXIInd International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2023), Madras
  5. Soumi Saha, Vivek Adepu, Parikshit Sahatiya, and Surya Shankar Dan, "Asymmetric Memresistive Switching Characteristics of p-type 2D SnS Nanomaterial", XXIInd International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2023), Madras
  6. Ramakant Yadav, Surya Shankar Dan, and Ram M. Vemuri, "Analysis and Reduction of GOTFET Capacitances Using Physics-Based Compact Modeling", 27th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT 2023), Pilani
  7. Simhadri Hariprasad and Surya Shankar Dan, "Superior Analog Performance due to Source-Gate Overlap in Vertical Line-TFETs and Their Circuits", 35th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID 2022), Virtual
  8. Soumi Saha, Vivek Adepu, Khush Gohel, Parikshit Sahatiya, and Surya Shankar Dan, "Demonstration of a 2D SnS/MXene Asymmetric Nanohybrid Memristor", XXIst International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2021), New Delhi
  9. Simhadri Hariprasad, Surya Shankar Dan, Ramakant Yadav and Sanjay Vidhyadharan, "Innovative Strained SiGe Nanoscale Low & High VT Gate Overlap TFET Structures at 45 nm Standard CMOS Technology for Ultra-Low Power Yet High Performance Analog, Digital and Ternary VLSI Applications", XXth International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2019), Kolkata
  10. Sanjay Vidhyadharan, Ramakant Yadav, Abhay S. V., A. Krishna Shyam, Mohit P. Hirpara and Surya Shankar Dan, "An Efficient Design Approach for Implementation of 2 bit Ternary Flash ADC Using Optimized Complementary TFET Devices", 32nd International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID 2019), New Delhi
  11. Ramakant Yadav, Sanjay Vidhyadharan, A. Krishna Shyam, Mohit P. Hirpara, Tanmay Chaudhary and Surya Shankar Dan, "Novel Low and High Threshold TFET Based NTI and PTI Cells Benchmarked With Standard 45 nm CMOS Technology for Ternary Logic Applications", 32nd International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID 2019), New Delhi
  12. Arun Mohan, Saroj Mondal and Surya Shankar Dan, "On-Chip Threshold Compensated Voltage Doubler for RF Energy Harvesting", 23rd International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT 2019), Indore
  13. Ramakant Yadav, Sanjay Vidhyadharan, Gangishetty Akhilesh, Vaibhav Gupta, Anand Ravi and Surya Shankar Dan, "Part I: Optimization of the Tunnel FET Device Structure for Achieving Circuit Performance Better Than the Current Standard 45 nm CMOS Technology", XIXth International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2017), New Delhi
  14. Sanjay Vidhyadharan, Ramakant, Gangishetty Akhilesh, Vaibhav Gupta, Anand Ravi and Surya Shankar Dan, "Part II: Benchmarking the Performance of Optimized TFET-Based Circuits with the Standard 45 nm CMOS Technology Using Device & Circuit Co-simulation Methodology", XIXth International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2017), New Delhi
  15. Arnab Biswas, Surya Shankar Dan, Cyrille Le Royer, Wladyslaw Grabinski and Adrian Ionescu, "TCAD Simulation of SOI TFETs and Calibration of non-local Band-to-Band Tunneling Model", Micro and NanoElectronic Conference, (MNE 2013), Berlin, Germany
  16. Jayita Das, Debasree Burman and Surya Shankar Dan, "A Physics-Based Compact Analytical Model for Tunnel Field Effect Transistors Based on band-to-Band Tunneling", International Conference on VLSI and Signal Processing (ICVSP 2014), Kharagpur
  17. Surya Shankar Dan and Santanu Mahapatra, "Impact of energy quantization in SET island on hybrid CMOS-SET integrated circuits", XVth International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2009), New Delhi
  18. Surya Shankar Dan and Santanu Mahapatra, "Analysis of the energy quantization effects on single electron inverter performance through noise margin modeling", 22nd International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID 2009), pp. 493-498, New Delhi
  19. Surya Shankar Dan and Chandan Kumar Sarkar, "Transport mechanism for Boolean logic implementation using resonant tunneling diode coupled single-electron quantum dot device", XIIIth International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2005), Madras
  20. Madhabi Ray, Surya Shankar Dan and Chandan Kumar Sarkar, "Realization of quantum dot Boolean logic gate for image processing applications", XIIIth International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2005), Madras
  21. Surya Shankar Dan and Saibal Pradhan, "Implementation of a 16-bit SOC microprocessor system using FPGA", International Conference on Communication, Devices Intelligent Systems (CODIS 2004), Kolkata

Books Chapters (5)

  1. Simhadri Hariprasad, Ramakant Yadav, and Surya Shankar Dan, "Novel Gate-Overlap Tunnel FETs for Superior Performance Analog, Digital and Ternary VLSI Circuit Applications Under Low-Power Consumption", CRC Press, DOI: 10.1201/9781003359234-4
  2. Sanjay Vidhyadharan and Surya Shankar Dan, "Gate-Overlap Tunnel Field- Effect Transistors (GOTFETs) for Ultra-Low-Voltage and Ultra-Low-Power VLSI Applications", Chapter 8, Taylor & Francis, DOI: 10.1201/9781003168225-8
  3. Arun Mohan, Saroj Mondal and Surya Shankar Dan, "On-Chip Threshold Compensated Voltage Doubler for RF Energy Harvesting", Springer VLSI Design and Testing, vol. 1066, A. Sengupta, S. Dasgupta, V. Singh, R. Sharma, and S. Kumar Vishvakarma, Eds. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019, pp. 180–189, Aug 2019, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-32-9767-8_16
  4. Sanjay Vidhyadharan, Ramakant Yadav, Gangishetty Akhilesh, Vaibhav Gupta, Anand Ravi and Surya Shankar Dan, "Part II: Benchmarking the Performance of Optimized TFET-Based Circuits with the Standard 45 nm CMOS Technology Using Device & Circuit Co-simulation Methodology", Springer Physics of Semiconductor Devices, vol. 215, R. K. Sharma and D. S. Rawal, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, vol. 215, pp. 619–628, Feb 2019, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-97604-4_96
  5. Ramakant Yadav, Sanjay Vidhyadharan, Gangishetty Akhilesh, Vaibhav Gupta, Anand Ravi and Surya Shankar Dan, "Part I: Optimization of the Tunnel FET Device Structure for Achieving Circuit Performance Better Than the Current Standard 45 nm CMOS Technology", Springer Physics of Semiconductor Devices, vol. 215, R. K. Sharma and D. S. Rawal, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, vol. 215, pp. 611–618, Feb 2019, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-97604-4_95


List of Publications ( Recent most )
Journals Papers
  1. Chennakesava Sai Pitchi, Amrita Priyadarshini, Suresh Kumar Reddy Narala, “Synthesis of TiO2 coatings by thermal oxidation with a suitable cooling process for improved wettability”, Dec 2021, Vol 37 (12), pp. 1586-1595 (Indexing SCI)
  2. Chithajalu Kiran Sagar, Amrita Priyadrashini, Amit Kumar Gupta, Tarun Kumar and Shreya Sexana, “An alternate approach to SHPB tests to compute Johnson-Cook material model constants for 97 WHA at high strain rates and elevated temperatures using machining tests”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ASME), 2021, 143(2): 021004 (IF: 2.616, Indexing: SCI-E)
  3. Chithajalu Kiran Sagar, Amrita Priyadarshini and Amit Kumar Gupta, Experimental Investigations on The Effect of Tungsten Content on the Machining Behaviour of Tungsten Heavy Alloys, Defence Science Journal, Vol. 71, No. 2, March 2021, pp. 162-170
  4. Chithajalu Kiran Sagar, Amrita Priyadrashini, Amit Kumar Gupta and Devanshi Mathur, Experimental investigation of tool wear characteristics and analytical prediction of tool life using a modified tool wear rate model while machining 90 WHA, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture (Sage), 2020, Volume: 235 issue: 1-2, page(s): 242-254 (IF: 1.982, Indexing: SCI)
  5. Chennakesava Sai, Amrita Priyadarshini, Ganesh Sana, Narala Suresh K Reddy, A Review on Alloy Composition and Synthesis of ß-Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Applications, 2020, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier
  6. S. Sreejith, Amrita Priyadarshini, Phaneendra Kiran Chaganti, Multi-objective optimization of surface roughness and residual stress in turning using grey relation analysis,  2020, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier
  7. Chithajalu Kiran Sagar, Amrita Priyadrashini, Amit Kumar Gupta, “Optimization of Machining Parameters during Turning of Tungsten Heavy Alloys using Taguchi Analysis,”  ASME, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Vol. 1: Advances in Aerospace Technology, Salt Lake city, Utah, USA, 2020. (Indexing: SCOPUS)
  8. Chithajalu Kiran Sagar, Tarun Kumar, Amrita Priyadrashini and Amit Kumar Gupta “Prediction and Optimization of Machining Forces using Oxley’s Predictive Theory and RSM Approach during machining of WHAs,” Defence Technology Journal (KeAi),15(6), 2019, 923-935.(IF: 1.261, Indexing: SCI-E)
  9. Chithajalu Kiran Sagar, Amrita Priyadrashini and Amit Kumar Gupta, “Effect of Johnson Cook Material Model Constants on Predicted Chip Morphology and Forces in FE Simulations of Machining Operation for 93% WHA Alloy,” 2019, Advances in Simulation, Product Design and Development. Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
  10. Chithajalu Kiran Sagar, Amrita Priyadrashini, Amit Kumar Gupta and S. K. Shukla, "Determination of Johnson Cook Material Model Constants and Their Influence on Machining Simulations of Tungsten Heavy Alloy," ASME, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Vol. 1: Advances in Aerospace Technology, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2019. (Indexing: SCOPUS)
  11. Chithajalu Kiran Sagar, Amrita Priyadrashini and Abhiram Chilukuri, “Determination of high strain rate Material model constants for 93% WHA and optimization using Genetic Algorithm,” ICMPC_2018, Materials Today: Proceedings 5, 2018, 18911-18919. (Indexing: SCOPUS)

Selected List of Publications(Journals) 

  1. Effective Field Theory Description of Horizon-Fluid determines the Scrambling Time, Swastik Bhattacharya, S Shankaranarayanan, Open Questions in Black Hole Physics, Universe, 6(11), 603, 2022.   
  2. Is there an upper bound on the size of a Black Hole Swastik Bhattacharya, S Shankaranarayanan, Int. Joun. of Mod. Phys. D, 27, 14, 1847011, 2018. (Won honourable mention in the 2018 Gravity Essay Competition.)     
  3. Black hole event horizons- Teleology and Predictivity, Swastik Bhattacharya, S Shankaranarayanan, Mod. Phys. A, 32, 1750186(2017).  
  4. Negative specific heat of black-holes from Fluid Gravity Correspondence, Swastik Bhattacharya, S Shankaranarayanan, Class. Quant. Grav., 34, 7, 075005.
  5. Hints of quantum gravity from the horizon fluid, B. Cropp, Swastik Bhattacharya, S Shankaranarayanan, Phys Rev D 95, 02400
  6. Statistical modeling of the fluid dual to Boulware-Deser Black hole, J, L. L´opez, Swastik Bhattacharya, S Shankaranarayanan, Phys Rev D 94, 024029
  7. Fluctuations in horizon-fluid lead to negative bulk viscosity, Swastik Bhattacharya, S Shankaranarayanan, Phys Rev D 93, 064030 
  8. How emergent is gravity?, Swastik Bhattacharya, S Shankaranarayanan,  Int. Jon. of Mod. Phys. D, 24, 12, 1544005, 2015  (Won honourable mention in the 2015 Gravity Essay Competition.)
  9. The issue of zeroth law for Killing horizons in LanczosLovelock gravity, Sudipta Sarkar, Swastik Bhattacharya, Phys Rev D 87, 044023 
  10.  Static spherically symmetric scalar field spacetimes with C^0 matching, Swastik Bhattacharya, Pankaj S. Joshi, Modern physics letters A 26, 17, 1281 
  11. Collapse and dispersal in massless scalar ?eld models, Swastik Bhattacharya,  Rituparno Goswami, Pankaj S. Joshi, International Journal of Modern Physics D 20, 6, 1123 
  12. Accelerated cosmic expansion in a scalar-field universe, Swastik Bhattacharya, Pankaj S. Joshi, Ken-ichi Nakao, Phys.Rev.D 81,064032 

Recent Publication in Conference Proceedings 

A First Principle Based Investigation on the Effects of Stacking Configuration and Biaxial Strain on the Electronic Properties of Bilayer MoS2
Pranav Anand, Parshi Pradyumna, Vishesh Jain, Swastik Bhattacharya, Atrnab Mukhopadhyay, Sayan Kanungo, 
Conference Proceedings, ISDCS 2021, 4th International Conference on devices, circuits and systems, Hiroshima, Japan, 2021
Microscopic Modelling for Black Hole Membranes from constraints of Symmetry, 
Swastik Bhattacharya, S Shankaranarayanan, 
Proceedings of the MG16 Meeting on General Relativity, Rome, Italy, 2021

Scientific Publications