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Team IFOR (Intelligent Flying Object for Reconnaissance) in Emirates Robotics Competition -21.02.2024

61 teams from 14 local and international universities from across the UAE participated in the second edition of the Emirates Robotics Competition (Sustainability Theme) organized by Khalifa University, Rochester Institute of Technology and Dubai Future Labs on Feb 21st, 2024, from 9 A.M to 5.00 P.M.  Team IFOR (Intelligent Flying Object for Reconnaissance) students   Abhinav Pathak (Team Leader), Mohammed Haroon (Team Member), Shivani Shetty (Team Member), Shanell Shetty (Team Member), Manogna Raju (Team Member), Kavvya Rege (Team Member) under the guidance of Dr.V.Kalaichelvi/EEE,  participated in the 3rd challenge of building the intelligent surface cleaning robot from scratch and won the first prize with a cash prize award of AED 15,000.