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Prestigious CDRI -Oration award conferred to me during the 53rd Annual IPS meeting held at Chennai

Prestigious CDRI -Oration award conferred to me during the 53rd Annual IPS meeting held at Chennai



IPSCON-2023 (12-16 December)

53rd Annual Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society

(Theme-Transforming Healthcare Through Innovation & Enterprises)

Organized by

SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai


Dr Rajeev Taliyan, Professor in the Department of Pharmacy, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan, was awarded the prestigious –CDRI Oration Award (Central Drug Research Institute).

This award is given by the Indian Pharmacological Society (IPS) to the researcher who has carried out outstanding research work in the area having a direct bearing on Drug Research and Development. This award was presented to Prof. Taliyan, after the invited oration talk during the 53rd Annual Conference of IPS i.e. IPSCON 2023, held at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, December 12-16, 2023.