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Two BITS Pilani Students Nominated for Microsoft World Summit at Seattle, USA

Two BITS Pilani Students Nominated for Microsoft World Summit at Seattle, USA

Microsoft Corporation selected two students from BITS Pilani this year for their World Summit at Seattle, WA, USA to be held from 10-12 May along with World's biggest development conference 'Build'. With only 100 seats from across the globe from a pool of over a lakh applicants, Anshu Agrawal & Akshit Bordia, second year students at BITS Pilani pursuing civil and mechanical engineering respectively made it to the summit where they will represent BITS Pilani and India.

These students have been nominated to attend Build 2017 alongside other select students from alike prestigious universities of the world who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and evangelism throughout the year. They will join a small group of 100 students around the world who demonstrate both leadership and exceptional capability in STEM studies and work ‐ there are only 100 academic passes granted globally.

Considering the contribution of BITS Pilani to the Microsoft community, the Microsoft India corporation also held their national summit at BITS Pilani this March with their leadership team being an integral part. BITS Pilani also led the tally of most number of registrations for Imagine Cup from a single university worldwide.

Attended by nearly 5000 developers around the world, Build is Microsoft’s annual development conference and focuses on Microsoft Technologies that enable developers to do amazing work for their schools, companies and communities.