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Research and Innovation:
Research Based Consultancy

Focusing on connecting ideas with disciplines by assisting in any way possible. Take a look at our Research Based Consultancy below.

Upcoming Research Based Consultancy Projects

At BITS we aim at creating exciting areas of tomorrow’s research through collaboration today.
Research at BITS is about finding connections between diverse ideas and disciplines. Explore the list of research based consultancy below.

results 13-24 of 45

AntiTB drug development

100% Virtual Roleplay

To submit projetto study impact of negative factors which effect the ecology of wetland and importance of monitoring natural wetland ecosystem

Development of commercial methods for (a) synthesis of 4-methoxy-N, 6- dimethyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-amine (b) synthesis of 2-amino-2,3-dimethylbutyramide, (C ) resolution of 1-(R) transpermthric acid

Utilization of Palm oil effluent and solid sludge for protein production so as to use it as feed additive for animals.

Bioleaching of limestone and clay to remove iron and other transition elements (Titanium, chromium, manganese, nickel and zinc)

Fatigue Life Assessment Study

Proposal for Appointment as Consultant for Implementation of Artificial Intelligence use-cases in Yard Operations and Onboard Ship Operations.

Ionic liquid -based fowarded osmosis desalination : A Bench Scale Study