Department of Biological Sciences
Research & Consultancy Projects
Ongoing Projects:
Integrated physical-biological treatment of biopharmaceutical fermentation wastewater for ensuring environmental safety and circular economy
(Principal Investigator, Department of Science and Technology, January 2024)
Industrial-scale Thermophilic Biomethanation of Food Waste and Sewage Sludge for the Production of Bioenergy and Biofertilizer
(Principal Investigator, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, September 2023)
Waste-to-Energy: Technology Integration for Production of Clean Energy from Organic Waste
(Principal Investigator of Theme-3, Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (PURSE), Department of Science and Technology, March 2022).
Completed Projects:
Feasibility Studies to Assess the Use of Spent Grains as Feedstock for Biomethanation
(Principal Investigator, GPS Renewables)
Technology Integration for the Production of Clean Energy from Organic Waste (Biomethanation, Catalytic Conversion, Photocatalysis and Fuel Cell)
(Principal Investigator, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus)
Co-treatment of domestic septage and municipal solid waste landfill leachate using dry-thermophilic anaerobic digestion for the production of bioenergy and biofertilizer
(Principal Investigator, Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, A Government of India Enterprise).
Maintenance of Sanitation and Solid Waste Management for Swachh Andhra Pradesh
(Principal Investigator, Municipal Administration and Urban Development, Government of Andhra Pradesh).
Anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and organic fraction of municipal solid waste for the production of biogas and concomitant use of biogas as fuel for cooking and spent slurry as fertilizer.
(Principal Investigator, Centre of Research Excellence in Waste, Water & Energy, BITS Pilani).
Novel biomarker responses to validate acute toxicity of engineered nanoparticles and their physicochemical interactions in earthworms as a model bioindicator of nano(eco)toxicology.
(Principal Investigator, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India).
Studies on the characterization of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) and their toxicological and biochemical effects on Eisenia foetida earthworms.
(Principal Investigator, Research Initiation Grant).
Improvement of the existing systems for disposal of municipal solid waste in tsunami-affected coastal villages at Karaikal & Nagapattinam districts, Tamil Nadu, India.
(Principal Investigator, Swiss Red Cross).
To develop design criteria for high-rate vermicomposting systems based on experimentation, mathematical modelling, and optimization.
(Senior Research Fellow, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India).
Pro-Poor Public Private Partnership for Pondicherry Urban Environment, PURE.
(Consultant, ADEME, France).
Asia Pro Eco Programme.
(Consultant, European Commission).
Asia Urbs Programme.
(Consultant, European Commission).
Ward Adoption Programme.
(Project Associate, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India).
Theses & Project Supervised
Completed supervising > 100 theses/projects @ BITS...
First Degree/ Under graduation:
Development of suitable systems for safe handling of solid waste in educational institutions
Akkiraju Kavya Bharadwaj (2008B1A3602H)
BITS C323: Study Oriented Project
November 2010
Production of bioplastics precursors, polyhydroxyalkanoates from municipal sludge using sequencing batch reactors
Nikitha. B (2008B1A5584H)
BITS C323: Study Oriented Project
November 2010
A wireless sensor network approach to monitor process temperature in composting heaps
Mathews N. John (2009B1AA616H)
BITS C323: Study Oriented Project
November 2011
Sustainability and survivability of tree plantation in BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Rajkishan KU (2008A3PS203H)
BITS C331 Computer Projects
November 2011
Integrated solid waste management on the campus
V. Ravish Kumar (2008B4A2430H)
BITS C324 Study-Oriented Project
November 2011
Energy usage of BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus
P. Krishna Chaitanya (2008A3PS207H)
BITS C313 Lab-Oriented Projects
April 2012
Design of bioprocess systems for handling biodegradable waste
V. Ravish Kumar (2008B4A2430H)
BITS C313 Lab-Oriented Projects
April 2012
Diphasic anaerobic treatment of organic waste
T. A. Sri Sowmya (2009A1PS347H)
Ravi Prakash (2009A1PS430H)
BITS C314 Lab-Oriented Project
November 2012
Technological advancements in UASB reactor
Sunil Kumar (2009A1PS174H)
BITS C323: Study Oriented Project
November 2012
Nanobiosensors for environmental monitoring of emerging contaminants/toxicants/pollutants
Rohit Mehta (2009B1A3739H)
BITS C323: Study Oriented Project
April 2013
Waste management using multispectral and hyperspectral image processing
R. Murali Krishna (2010B1AA216H)
BITS C323: Study Oriented Project
November 2013
Algal biofuels: Opportunities and challenges
Sarayu. M (2011B1A1703H)
BIO F266: Study Project
April 2014
A baseline assessment of key pollinators of Lantana camara and to recommend its control measures in KBR National Park, Hyderabad
Aditya Tibrewal (2010B1A7656H)
BITS C421T: Thesis
November 2014
Modelling environmental fate of engineered nanomaterials in wastewater treatment plant
Arjun Vijayvargiya (2012B1A7733H)
BIO F376: Design Oriented Project
April 2015
Design of a prototype to detect the presence of a person using Bluetooth and implementing Internet of Things to monitor certain environmental parameters using Azure cloud service
Srujan Jha (2012B1A7744H)
BIO F376: Design Oriented Project
April 2015
Vermicomposting of Parthenium with and without co-digestion
P. Shiva Kumar (2011B1A2722H)
BIO F376: Design Oriented Project
April 2015
Cost-effective simplification in the design of bioreactors: Studies on geometry and kinetics
T. Vaishnavi (2011B1A173H)
BIO F376: Design Oriented Project
April 2015
Study on recycling potential of solid and liquid residue emulating from anaerobic digestion
Siddharth Maheshwari (2012A1TS486H)
BITS C421T: Thesis
November 2015
Synthesis of value-added products from microalgal biomass used to treat nitrogenous wastewater effluent
Sarayu. M (2011B1A1703H)
BITS C421T: Thesis
November 2015
Biomethanation of organic waste
Mukesh Kumar (2013A1PS598H)
BIO F366: Lab Oriented Project
November 2015
Remote monitoring system for biogas reactors
Shubham Jain (2012B1AA741H)
Srujan Jha (2012B1A7744H)
BIO F366: Lab Oriented Project
April 2016
Characterization of human hair fibres using nanoindentation technique
Bibhu Prasad Tripathy (2011B1A1713H)
BITS F421: Thesis
April 2016
Physicochemical characterization and ecotoxicity assessment of dendrimers: A report on toxicological evaluation and biochemical responses in earthworm, Eisenia Fetida
Lagan Kankane (2011B1AA723H)
BITS F423: Thesis
April 2016
Stability analysis of flutter in articulated fluid conveying pipes
Dhruv Pramod Ghiya (2011B1A4737H)
BITS F423: Thesis
April 2016
Anaerobic digestion of food waste and study of factors affecting the biogas production
Vinay Keche (2011B1A4736H)
BITS F423: Thesis
April 2016
Biochemical response in earthworm Eisena fetida exposed to polystyrene nanoparticles via dermal contact
T. Vishaka (2011B1A4724H)
BITS F423: Thesis
April 2016
Role of curvatures and constraints in cell mechanobiology
Aditya Rane (2012B1A2894H)
BITS F421: Thesis
November 2016
Systems modelling for sustainability assessment of waste reutilization using thermodynamic metric to measure sustainability
VVS Gargeya (2012B1AB961H)
BITS F421: Thesis
November 2016
A microfluidic platform for studying the interaction between immune cells and spheroids in 3D tumor microenvironment
Shreya Kumar (2012B1A3586H)
BITS F421: Thesis
November 2016
Application of Internet of Things for environmental management
Ayan Bharadwaj (2013B1A7579H)
BIO F377: Design Oriented Project
November 2016
Assessing genotoxicity of engineered nanoparticles
Suma Chinta (2013B1A4903H)
BIO F366: Laboratory Project
November 2016
Designing a Remote Monitoring System for environmental management
Ayan Bharadwaj (2013B1A7579H)
BIO F366: Laboratory Project
April 2017
Steady-state operation of thermophilic anaerobic digesters treating food waste
G. Nikhitha (2014B1A1787H)
BIO F266: Laboratory Project
April 2017
Remote Monitoring System: Hardware
Ansa Zaiba SM (2014B1A70659H)
BIO F366: Laboratory Project
November 2017
Remote Monitoring System: Software
Abhijay Jayaswal (2015B1AA839H)
BIO F366: Laboratory Project
April 2018
Application of Internet of Things for environmental management
Ayan Bharadwaj (2013B1A7579H)
BITS F421: Thesis
April 2018
Aerobic Composting
Mayank Gupta (2016B1A40619H)
BIO F266: Study Project
November 2018
Optimization of wastewater treatment plants using machine learning
Kunal Agarwal (2014B1A20784H)
BITS F423T: Thesis
April 2019
Reinventing the water closet
Aditya Agarwal (2016B1A20958H)
BIO F376: Design Project
November 2019
Remote monitoring system for biogas digesters
Raj Singh Gaur (2017A3PS0537H)
BIO F376: Design Project
November 2019
Creating a design system to reduce carbon footprint
Pragyan Shukla (2016B1A40954H)
Venkumahanti Chandrahaas (2015A7PS0010H)
BIO F376: Design Project
June 2020
Integration of AI systems into the waste sorting and management process
Rweetam Bhattacharya (2016B1A20938H)
BIO F266: Study Project
June 2020
Microplastics: Major problem in packaged drinking water?
Vaadeendra Kumar Burra (2017B1A11156H)
BIO F266: Study Project
June 2020
Microplastics in Wastewater Treatment Plants
Vaishnavi K N (2017A2TS0947H)
BITS F421: Thesis
November 2020
Some studies on the design and treatment systems for municipal solid waste landfill leachate
Abhay Gupta (2017B1A41762H)
BIO F376: Design Project
November 2020
Studies on the occurrence and Characteristics of Microplastics in drinking water and FMCG
Aditya Shukla (2018B1A40560H)
BIO F266: Study Project
November 2020
Studies on steady-state performance of MBBR using GPS-X 8.0 and other resources
Rishi Raj Verma (2017B1A11758H)
BIO F266: Study Project
November 2020
Studies on biofilm formation in the carrier elements of MBBR system
Aman Lahoti (2018B1A40752H)
BIO F266: Study Project
April 2021
Remote monitoring of biogas systems
Deepanshu Mody (2018B1A70949H)
Rachana Srikruthi Venukumahanti (2017A7PS0086H)
BIO F376: Design Project
April 2021
Physical, chemical and biological technologies for upgrading biogas to biomethane
Jai Arora (2017B1A30876H)
BIO F266: Study Project
April 2021
Rapid anaerobic digestion of organic feedstock
Akash S Rajeev (2018B1A30491H)
BIO F266: Study Project
December 2021
Identification and characterization of microplastics in FMCG
Chanda Sai Keshav (2018B1A70757H)
BIO F266: Study Project
December 2021
Simulation of anaerobic digestion process using various anaerobic digestion models
Lakshay Tomar (2018B1AA0578H)
BIO F376: Design Project
December 2021
Validation of protocols for the isolation of microorganisms from landfill leachate
Shibasis Dutta (2018B1A40768H)
BIO F266: Study Project
December 2021
Control of acidification in anaerobic digesters treating food waste
Shrinivas Reddy (2018B1A40761H)
BIO F266: Study Project
December 2021
Digital Pollution
Velma Gourav (2019B1AA0782H)
Kathan Naik (2020A7PS2082H)
BIO F266: Study Project
April 2022
Higher Degree/ Post graduation:
Assessment of ecotoxicity caused by metal and metal oxide nanoparticles in earthworms
Ashwini Sri Hari (2012H129008H)
BIO G540: Research Practice
April 2013
Production of algal biofuels by tubular photobioreactor
Swasti Dhagat (2013H129003H)
BIO G540: Research Practice
April 2014
Assessment of titanium dioxide nanoparticle toxicity in earthworms
Ashwini Sri Hari (2012H129008H)
BITS G629: Dissertation
April 2014
Swasti Dhagat (2013H129003H)
BITS G513: Study in Advanced Topics
November 2014
Isolation of cellulose and lignin-degrading microorganisms from termite gut
Aarathi Menon (ID No. 2014H129002H)
BIO G540: Research Practice
April 2015
Extraction of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) from Lantana camara with its final disposal as vermicompost
Komal (2014H129008H)
BIO G540, Research Practice
April 2015
Application of bioprocess technology for the treatment of organic waste
Asim Sandeep Joshi (2013H129001H)
BITS G629: Dissertation
April 2014
Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste and Characterization of the Digestate Obtained
Komal (2014H129008H)
BITS G629: Dissertation
November 2015
Nanotoxic effects of gold nanoparticles on animal cells
Aarathi Menon (ID No. 2014H129002H)
BITS G513: Study in Advanced Topics
November 2015
To design a novel bioreactor to compost spent slurry emanating from anaerobic digester fed with food waste and organic fraction of municipal solid waste
Rishabh Malhotra (2015H129005H)
BIO G540: Research Practice
April 2016
Toxicity assessment of gold nanoparticles using earthworm as sentinel
Aarathi Menon (ID No. 2014H129002H)
BITS G629: Dissertation
April 2016
Optimization of granular photobioreactors for large-scale wastewater treatment
Komal (2014H129008H)
BITS G629T: Dissertation
April 2016
Analysis of volatile fatty acids
Rishabh Malhotra (2015H129005H)
BITS G513: Study in Advanced Topics
November 2016
Anaerobic co-treatment of landfill leachate and domestic septage
N. Anand (H201619006H)
BITS G540: Research Practice
April 2017
Effect of pH on single-stage anaerobic digestion
N. Anand (H201619006H)
BITS G513: Study in Advanced Topics
November 2017
Strategies for bromelain isolation and purification from pineapple waste
Shreya Kulkarni (2016H129002H)
BITS G513: Study in Advanced Topics
November 2017
Anaerobic bioreactor design for leachate treatment
N. Jyothi (2017PHXP0416H)
BITS G540: Research Practice
April 2018
Co-Biomethanation of domestic septage and municipal solid waste landfill leachate
N. Anand (H201619006H)
BITS G629T: Dissertation
April 2018
Effect of bromelain on DNCB-induced, atopic dermatitis-like symptoms in mice
Shreya Kulkarni (2016H129002H)
BITS G629T: Dissertation
April 2018
Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors
Sourav Debsarma Biswas (2018H1290004H)
BITS G540: Research Practice
April 2019
Characterization of Substrates and optimization of ratio of substrates in anaerobic co-digestion of landfill leachate and sewage sludge
Srinjoy Roy (2018H1290007)
BITS G540: Research Practice
April 2019
Studies on application of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) for municipal sewage treatment
Sourav Debsarma Biswas (2018H1290004H)
BITS G513: Study in Advanced Topics
November 2019
Anaerobic co-digestion of landfill leachate and sewage sludge
Srinjoy Roy (2018H1290007)
BITS G513: Study in Advanced Topics
November 2019
Design and fabrication of Lab scale MBBR and its performance evaluation using GPS-X 8.0
Sourav Debsarma Biswas (2018H1290004H)
BITS G629T: Dissertation
July 2020
Studies on source, occurrence, and toxicity of microplastics in landfill leachate
Srinjoy Roy (2018H1290007)
BITS G629T: Dissertation
July 2020
Interaction of microorganisms with microplastics and consequent biofilm formation in the aquatic environment
Megha Ukil (2019H1290065H)
BITS G540: Research Practice
November 2020
Some studies on microbiological and biochemical processes of moving bed biofilm reactor treating domestic sewage
Nehaa K (2019H1290066H)
BITS G540: Research Practice
November 2020
Studies on community structure and functions of biofilms colonizing microplastics
Megha Ukil (2019H1290065H)
BITS G629T: Dissertation
April 2021
Study of biofilm formation and concomitant nitrogen removal in MBBR system
Nehaa K (2019H1290066H)
BITS G629T: Dissertation
April 2021
Anaerobic treatment of faecal sludge
Levaku Akhil Reddy (2020H1510350H)
BITS G540: Research Practice
June 2021
Lab-scale studies on treatment of municipal sewage using moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR)
Sunaina Nag (2020H1290009H)
BITS G540: Research Practice
June 2021
Techno-economic evaluation of greywater management system at Himalayan region of India
Levaku Akhil Reddy (2020H1510350H)
BITS G629T: Dissertation
December 2021
Study on anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge and landfill leachate with pre-treatment
Rishita Bonu (2020H1510349H)
BITS G629T: Dissertation
December 2021
Interaction between plants and fungi for bioremediation of MSW landfill leachate
Sandhya Kumari Gupta (2021PHXP0100H)
BITS G529: Research Project
December 2021
Design of vertical flow constructed wetlands (VFCW) for the treatment of landfill leachate using macrophytes
Sandhya Kumari Gupta (2021PHXP0100H)
BITS G513: Study in Advanced Topics
December 2021
Modelling of carrier elements on the performance of moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) treating municipal sewage
Sunaina Nag (2020H1290009H)
BITS G513: Study in Advanced Topics
December 2021
A technological and economic evaluation of greywater management system in the Indian Himalayas
Levaku Akhil Reddy (2020H1510350H)
BITS G653T: Dissertation
May 2022
Anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and sewage sludge
Rishita Bonu (2020H1510349H)
BITS G653T: Dissertation
May 2022
Role of microplastics as biofilms and concomitant induction of antimicrobial resistance
Nitya Dwivedi (2021H1290006H)
BITS G540: Research Practice
May 2022
Study on possible induction of antimicrobial resistance by biopharmaceutical fermentation wastewater
Roshni Raj (2021H1290008H)
BITS G540: Research Practice
May 2022
Hybrid phytoremediation wetlands with the combination of plants and microalgae for the treatment of landfill leachates
Sandhya Kumari Gupta (2021PHXP0100H)
BITS G529: Research Project-II
May 2022
Toxicity evaluation of TiO2 nanoparticles in earthworm (Eisenia fetida)
Bitragunta Siva Prasad (2011PHXF0006H)
Graduated in March 2018
Bioprocessing of leachate emanated from municipal solid waste landfill and concomitant recovery of value-added products
N. Anand (2016PH290006H)
Graduated in July 2023
Development of a field operable testing system for ensuring quality of milk
Harsha Bharwani (2018PHXF0007H)
Started in August 2020
Co-digestion of organic municipal solid waste and slaughterhouse waste through triphasic dry biomethanation and concomitant recovery of value-added products
Atun Roy Choudhury (2019PHXP0100H)
Started in November 2020
Effect of microplastics on anaerobic digestion of domestic sewage sludge
Sandhya Kumari Gupta (2021PHXF0100H)
Started in November 2022
Augmenting anaerobic co-digestion of organic wastes by regulating total soluble product concentration for improves energy recovery
Hemapriya S (2022PHXF0007H)
Started in July 2023
Studies on the enhancement of organic waste valorization for circular economy
Pavithra Pari (2023PHRF0803H)
Started in January 2024