
Central Analytical Laboratory

Central Analytical Laboratory

The Central Analytical Laboratory (CAL, B-108 & D-109) is well equipped with a number of sophisticated analytical instruments for the regular course works and research related activities. The following instrumental facilities as already established and available for services.
State-of-the-Art Facilities and Specifications
Small/Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS/WAXS)

Make: Xenocs SAS: France

Model: Nano-inXider SW-L SAXS/WAXS System with dual detector

Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) is an analytical technique giving access to information about the structure of materials at the nano- and meso- scale. Measurements can be made on almost any sample, but most often is used for soft matter and nanostructured materials. SAXS is a primary characterization tool for polymers, surfactants, colloids, proteins, porous media, nanoparticles and nanocomposites.

X-ray Source

  • Cu Kα micro-focus copper X-ray tube


  • Multiple sample holders for powder and gels
  • Low noise Flow cell for measurement on liquids
  • High temperature sample stage [-150° C to 350° C]
  • GISAXS stage (grazing incidence)
  • Tensile 200 N force: Measurable force range: 0 N to 200 N with 0.01 N resolution


  • Xenocs XSACT Software for data analysis
Contact Angle Goniometer

Make: Biolin Scientific

Model: Theta Flex

Contact Angle: The contact angle measurements are useful in determining the surface wettability of various liquids over material surfaces. The measurements can provide the information on the surface free energy of the surfaces. Moreover, the technique is also capable of analysing the surface and interfacial tension of pure liquids and liquids containing surface active agents (surfactants).

Technical specifications:

  • Contact angle measurement range: 0 – 180°
  • Accuracy, Resolution: +/- 0.1°, 0.01°
  • Max Temperature: 250 °C
  • Camera maximum measuring speed & Maximum resolution: 3009 fps, 1984 ×1264 pixel (min 672 × 57).
Thermogravimetry-Differential Scanning Calorimetry (TG-DSC)

Make: Setaram

Model: Themys one+

TG-DSC: This instrument measures the mass and thermal fluctuations as a function of temperature in a sample. This is used to follow physical and chemical changes such as melting, crystallization, glass transition, endothermic and exothermic reactions.

Technical specifications:

  • Temperature range: RT- 1600 ℃
  • TG-DTA measurement range: up to 1600 ℃
  • DSC measurement range: up to 1600 ℃
  • Programmable rate: 0.01 to 100 ℃/min
  • Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Air
  • Flow rate: 50,100 mL/min
  • Sensitivity of microbalance: 0.1 mg
Cell Sorter

Make: BD Biosciences

Model: BD FACSAria III Cell Sorter

Cell Sorter: Cell sorting is the process of taking cells from an organism and separating them according to their type. The cells are labelled and tagged to identify areas of interest and their effect. They are separated based on differences in cell size, morphology (shape), and surface protein expression.

Technical specifications:

  • Three Laser system
  • Laser-1: 488 nm Blue laser, Laser-2: 633nm Red Laser, Laser-3: 405nm Violet Laser
  • Automatic Sample Input Agitation Operating temperature range: -20° C to 120° C
Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC)


Model: NGC QuestTM 100plus

FPLC is a form of medium-pressure chromatography that uses a pump to control the speed at which the mobile phase passes through the stationary phase. FPLC was introduced in 1982 by Pharmacia as fast performance liquid chromatography. Since then, many different medium-pressure chromatography systems have been developed. It should be noted that researchers often use the terms fast protein liquid chromatography, FPLC, and medium-pressure chromatography interchangeably.

Technical specifications:

  • Multiwavelengths (UV/Vis)
  • Conductivity detection
  • Automated sample injection
  • Flow rate 0.01-100 mL/min at 1450 psi (100 bar,10 MPa)
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy(XPS)

Make: Thermo Fisher Scientific Pvt. Ltd. UK

Model: K-Alpha.

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is a surface-sensitive spectroscopic technique to determine the elemental composition of solids.

Specific features:

  • Al Kα micro-focused monochromator
  • High-performance with low power (maximum 72W) Charge Compensation
  • Dual-beam source
  • Ultra-low energy co-axial electron and Ar+ ion beam.

Electron Analyzer

  • Double-focusing hemispherical analyzer
  • Multi-element, high-transmission spectrometer input lens
  • 128-channel detector for high quality snapshot spectra.
  • Kinetic energy: 5-1500ev

Type of analysis:

  • X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
  • Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy(UPS)
  • Depth profile measurement.
  • XPS Mapping.
Impedance /Gain-Phase Analyzer 

Make: Solartron

Model: 1260A
Impedance analyzer is used to measure complex electrical impedance as a function of test frequency.


  • Frequency resolution: 10 µHz to 32 MHz
  • DC Bias: ±40.95V to ±100mV
  • Resolution:10µHz 32MHz
  • Measures impedances >50 Ω
  • 2-, 3- and 4-terminal measurement configurations
  • Voltage measurement range: 39mV to 3V
  • SMaRT software
Modular Compact Rheometer

Make: Anton Paar

Model: MCR-302
This instrument is used to characterize the visco-elastic properties of liquids in a very large range of viscosities.

Specific features: 

  • Plate/Cone: Plate/plate, Plate/cone, Concentric cylindrical
  • Temp: -40 to 120 °C
  • Measuring Plate: 8mm, 25mm
  • Removable Plate: 25mm, 50mm
  • Removable Cone: 25mm, 40mm
  • Software: Rheo Compass TM.
  • Sample required: 1 g (Solid), 1mL (gel), and 50mL (liq)
Time Correlated Single Photon Counting Fluorescence (TCSPC)

Make: Horiba

Model: DeltaFlex-01

  • TDM -850 emission monochromatic
  • Base plate size : 695 X368 mm
  • Front surface sample holder
  • Nano Leds -280, 340, 375L, 405L, 440L, 510L
  • Software: Ez Time analysis software

Steady State Modular Fluorescence

Make: Horiba

Model: Fl-3C

  • Source: Xe
  • Quartz cuvette: 4 mL, 1 mL
  • Solid Sample (SS) Holder
  • Rapid Peltier temperature controlled single sample holder
  • FL-Sphere
  • Software : FluorEssence controlling software
Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM)

FE-SEM is used to obtain topographical morphology and elemental information at magnifications of 10x to 300,000x, with virtually unlimited depth of field. The instrument has a high resolution of 1.5 to 2 nm. The specifications allow one to image non-conducting samples as well, when imaged under inverse bias mode.

  • Make: FEI
  • Model: Apreo LoVac
  • Retractable STEM 3+ Detector, DBS Detector
  • Aztec Standard EDS system - resolution 127 eV on Mn-kα Leica Ultra Microtome EM UC7 (Sputter Coater)
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) – 400 MHz

NMR is a powerful technique to elucidate the structure of organic molecules and inorganic complexes. The instrument has the capability of measuring liquid (solution) as well as solid samples (using solid state probe). A variety of NMR active nuclei can be studies using the instrument.

  • Make: Bruker
  • Model: AV NEO (400 MHz)
  • Multiprobe and low temperature in-built up to -35 ℃
  • Magnet system: ASCEND™ 400 MHz/ 54 mm Long Hold Time Magnet operation field at 9.4 Tesla
  • Auto-sampler
  • NMR Tubes: 7” x 5.0 mm with coded caps 

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is an analytical technique primarily used for phase identification and crystallite size of a crystalline material. The instrument is capable of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and variable temperature XRD measurements.

  • Make: Rigaku
  • Model: ULTIMA-IV
  • Attachments: Powder, SAXS, High temperature (RT- 1000 ℃), Capillary, Thin film
  • Measuring Circle Diameter: 1 cm x 1 cm x 0.5 mm, 1cm x 1cm x 0.3 mm
  • Angle range: 5-100°
  • X-ray source: Copper

Detector: Scintillation counter and dTex detector


Single-crystal X-ray Diffraction measurement provides detailed information about the internal lattice of crystalline substances, including unit cell dimensions, bond-lengths, bond-angles, and details of site-ordering. With single-crystal refinement, one can interpret and refine the data to obtain the crystal structure.

  • Make: Rigaku oxford
  • Model: XTALAB
  • Source: Mo (50mA, 40kV), Cu (50mA, 0.6kV)
  • Detector: Dectris Pilatus 3R 200K-A
  • Software: CrysAlisPro XtaLAB
  • Cryo system: up to -180 ℃

Dynamic range: >1,000,000:1 per pixel 

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

Atomic Force Microscopy:

AFM: The AFM consists of a cantilever with a sharp tip at its end that is used to scan the specimen surface. The cantilever is typically silicon nitride with a tip radius of curvature on the order of nanometers. When the tip is brought into proximity of a sample surface, forces between the tip and the sample lead to a deflection of the cantilever according to Hooke’s law. The forces are measured in AFM include mechanical contact force, van der waals forces, capillary forces, chemical bonding, electrostatic forces, magnetic forces etc.

Measurement provides topographic (height) information or size (height/thickness) distribution in solid samples (soft/hard materials) under ambient conditions.

General Information: Make – Nanosurf (Switzerland), Model – CoreAFM, Year of Installation – 2024.
Features: Maximum scan range XYZ up to 100 x 100 x 12 μm, Cameras for tip surface distance adjustment, Data acquisition and analysis software
Imaging Modes: Static force, Dynamic force, Phase Contrast, Lateral force, Standard spectroscopy, Force Modulation, Standard lithography, Standard Conductive AFM, EFM, MFM, Liquid cell imaging
Sample Requirements:
1. Specimen Size- Samples up to 100* 100 mm in size and 10mm in thickness.
2. Sample Requirement- Film-type samples.
Location: Analytical Lab- I, D228, Chemical Engineering

Autosorb iQ
Make: Anton Paar Model: Autosorb iQ Autosorb iQ Instrument: Autosorb iQ is a flexible automated gas sorption instrument that is capable of determining the specific surface area, active area, pore volume, and pore size distribution of porous solids in compliance with more than 20 ASTM, DIN, and ISO standard test methods. Technical specifications: • Adsorbates N2, Ar, Kr, CO2, O2, H2, etc • Analysis Dewar 3L, 90+ hours (Liquid nitrogen) • Cryogen level control Active sensor/elevator • Degassing Four dedicated and built-in degassing ports Operate simultaneously with analysis Up to 450 °C with quartz mantles/glassware Vacuum level mon-itored with Pirani. • Physical and utilities Width: 699 mm (28 inches) Height: 1035 mm (41 inches) Depth: 705 mm (28 inches) Weight: 148 kg (325 pounds) Electrical: 100 to 240VAC, 50/60Hz, single phase Controller: PC with Windows® 7 or newer, 64-bit compatible software

Dynamic Light Scattering

Make: Anton Paar

Model: Litesizer DLS 700

Dynamic Light Scattering Instrument : The Litesizer DLS particle analyzers measure  particle size, particle concentration, zeta  potential, and molecular mass by light  scattering technology, such as transmittance  and refractive index, with ingeniously simple  software. Particle characterization from the nanometer to the micrometer range High resolution of different size populations via multi-angle particle sizing (MAPS) Concentration determination of up to three different size classes within one sample.

Technical specifications:

General specifications

  • Light source Semiconductor laser diode / 40 mW, 658nm
  • Laser warm-up time 6 min
  • Temperature control range 0 °C to 90 °C
  • Ambient operating temperature 10 °C to 35 °C
  • Humidity Up to 80 % non-condensing
  • Dimensions (W, D, H) 460 mm, 485 mm, 135 mm
  • Weight 18 kg (40 lb)


Particle size specifications:

  • Measurement principle Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)
  • Measuring range 3 nm to 10 μm (particle diameter)
  • Measurement angles 15°, 90°, 175°, Multi-angle particle sizing                                                                      (MAPS)
  • concentration 0.1 mg/mL (lysozyme)lower than 0.00001 %                                                                  (0.1 ppm, Latex 100 nm)
  • concentration 50 % w/v (sample-dependent)
  • sample volume 12 µL
  • Accuracy Better than +/-2 % on NIST traceable standards
  • Repeatability Better than +/-2 % on NIST traceable standards

EPR Spectrometer

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) / Electron Spin Resonance (ESR)

Make: Bruker

Model: Magnettech ESR5000 Benchtop Spectrometer

EPR Spectroscopy: EPR spectroscopy is based on the absorption of microwave radiation by an unpaired electron in the presence of a strong magnetic field. EPR is a useful tool for studying paramagnetic species, such as organic radicals, inorganic radicals, and triplet states. The fundamental concepts of EPR are quite similar to those of the more common Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR), with the exception that EPR concentrates on the interaction of an external magnetic field with unpaired electrons in a molecule rather than the nuclei of individual atoms.

Operational Aspects:

Operating Frequency

9.2 – 9.6GHz (X-band)

Magnetic Field Range

25 – 600mT

Temperature Range

-180°C to +200°C

Modulation Frequency


Microwave Power(Max)


Sample Holders

Quartz tubes and Capillaries

Type of Samples

Powders and Liquids

EPR Spectrometer Software

ESR Studio


Application: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is an effective approach for studying chemical species with unpaired electrons. It has been extensively employed in a variety of Scientific fields, including Chemistry, Biology, Material sciences, Physics, and Food sciences.


This technique allows one to capture multiple two-dimensional images at different depths in a sample and enables their construction into three-dimensional images. It is widely used in various disciplines such as cell biology, genetics, microbiology, developmental biology, pharmacy and nanotechnology.

  • Make: Leica
  • Model: TCS SP8
  • Microscope: DMi8
  • Magnification: 10x, 20x, 40x, 63x
  • Lasers: 405, 458, 488, 514, 561, 594, 633 nm
  • Detector: PMT 1, PMT 2, HyD 3, PMT 4 and PMT Trans

Software: LAS X


The universal testing machine is a testing system designed to determine the mechanical properties of the specimens of various types of materials such as metals, polymers, elastomers, ceramics, biomaterials and composites, as per ASTM standards. This is achieved through mechanical loading by an electromechanical drive.

  • Make: Zwick Roell Z100
  • Load Cells: 100 kN and 5 kN
  • Testing: Tension, Compression and Flexure
  • Extensometer: Contact as well as Laser (Green)
  • Operation: Constant engineering as well as true strain rate conditions
  • Temperature chamber: -170 °C to 200 °C
  • High-temperature furnace: up to 1200 °Celsius

Circular dichroism (CD) measures the difference in absorbance of right- and left-circularly polarized light (rather than the commonly used absorbance of isotropic light) by a substance. The CD spectra are widely used to study the secondary structures of biological samples such as peptides and proteins.

  • Make: Jasco
  • Model: J-1500
  • Software: Spectra Manager
  • Detector: PMT
  • Wavelength range: 190-800 nm (UV-Vis)

Cuvettes: 1mm, 2mm, 5mm, 10mm


ED-XRF is utilized in the identification and quantification of elements in a substance. The characteristic X-ray Fluorescence radiation intensity from the sample is compared with the standard library and calibration curves.

  • Make: PANalytical
  • Model: Epsilon-1 (ED-XRF)
  • Element range: Sodium to Americium

Liquid and Solid


This technique is typically used to separate and analyze biological, organic, and inorganic compounds commonly found in a mixture. The technique also helps in identifying unknown compounds in complex sample matrices and quantify low level proteins, contaminants, pesticides, or drug metabolites with accuracy and reliability.

  • Make: Shimadzu
  • Model: LCMS 8040
  • Modes: ESI and APCI

Triple Quadrupole upto 2000 m/z value


This chromatographic technique is an advanced version of liquid chromatography that is used to separate, identify, and quantify the components in a mixture of organic molecules.

  • Make: Shimadzu
  • Model: UFLC
  • Fluorescence detector

Second instrument: PDA detector


Gas chromatography (GC) is useful in separating and analyzing compounds that vaporize without decomposition. Like liquid chromatography, GC is used to test the purity of a particular substance, or separate and quantify the different components of a mixture.

  • Make: Shimadzu
  • Model: GC-2010 PLUS
  • Column: FID, TCD
  • Max pressure: 970 kPa
  • Max flow rate: 1200 ml/min
  • Temperature range: RT to 400 ℃
  • Auto Injector
  • Carrier gas: Helium, Nitrogen, carbon dioxide

Atomic absorption spectroscopy is used for the identification and quantification of metals in ultra-low concentration present in different solutions.

  • Make: Shimadzu
  • Model: AA7000
  • Lamps: 16 (Hg, Pd, As, Pb, Fe, Cd, Pt, Zn, Ni, Cr, Co, Al, Na, K, Cu, Ru, Ca)
  • Lamp mode: EMISSION, NON-BGC, BGC-D2, BGC-SR
  • Wavelength range: 185 nm to 900 nm
  • Temperature range: RT to 3000 ℃
  • Carrier gas: Ar, Acetylene, Nitrous Oxide
  • Detection limit: ppm level

This instrument measures the thermal fluctuations as a function of temperature in a sample. This is used to follow physical and chemical changes such as melting, crystallization, glass transition, endothermic and exothermic reactions.

  • Make: Shimadzu
  • Model: DSC-60
  • Temperature range: RT to 500 ℃
  • Measurement range: RT to 500 ℃
  • Heating rate: 5,10,15,20 ℃/min
  • Cooling rate: 5,10,15,20 ℃/min
  • Atmosphere: Zero air, Nitrogen
  • Flow rate: 50,100 ml/min

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) provides information about thermal stability and degradation pattern of organic, inorganic and polymeric samples. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) simultaneously reveals the enthalpy of the physical and chemical changes as a function of temperature.

  • Make/Model: Shimadzu DTG-60
  • Temperature range: RT- 1000 ℃
  • TG measurement range: upto 1000 ℃
  • DTA measurement range: upto 1000 ℃
  • Programmable rate: 5,10,15,20 ℃/min
  • Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Zero Air
  • Flow rate: 50,100 ml/min

Sensitivity of microbalance: 0.1 microgram

Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) Surface Area Analyzer

BET Surface Area Analyzer measures the specific surface area of powders, solids and granules. In addition, the technique also gives other valuable information such as pore size, pore size distribution, pore diameter and pore volume.

  • Make: Microtrac Bel  
  • Model: BEL SORP mini II  
  • Gases: Helium, Nitrogen, carbon dioxide  

Software: BEL SORP mini

Other Instrumental Facilities


  • Make: Jasco
  • Model: V-650
  • Wavelength range: 190-900 nm
  • Double beam system with single monochromator
  • Wavelength accuracy: +/- 0.2 nm
  • Repeatability: +/- 0.05
  • Software: Spectra Manager


  • Make: Jasco
  • Model: FP-6300
  • Wavelength range: 190-900 nm


  • Make: Jasco
  • Model: P-2000
  • Wavelength: 325, 365, 405, 436, 546, 589, 633 nm
  • Lamp: Sodium Lamp, Halogen lamp
  • Wavelength range: UV-Vis-NIR
  • Software: Spectra Manager


  • Make: Jasco
  • Model: FTIR-4200
  • Spectral range: 400-4000 nm
  • Resolution: +/- 0.5
  • Wavenumber accuracy: +/- 0.01 cm-1
  • Ge/KBr beam splitter
  • DLATGS Detector
  • DRA-81
  • Solid / liquid samples about 2 mg. Solvent should be specified for measurement in solution phases


  • Make: Jasco
  • Model: UV-670
  • Spectral Range: 190-3200 nm
For Further Information Contact
Central Analytical Laboratory
Incharge : Prof. Ramakrishnan Ganesan
Email :
Phone No.:- 040-66303602

Incharge : Prof.Aravinda N Raghavan
Email :
Phone No.:- 040-66303530

Gas Chromatography-Mass spectroscopy
Make: Agilent Model: 8890 GC System, 7000D GC/TQ Gas Chromatography (GC) :GC-MS is used for analyzing reaction products, identifying impurities, optimizing processes, and studying volatile compounds in petrochemicals, polymers, and specialty chemicals. Mass Spectrometry (MS) is an analytical technique used to measure the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of ions, providing detailed information about the molecular weight, structure, and composition of compounds. Technical specifications: • Mass Accuracy: ±0.1 amu or better. • Mass Range: Up to m/z 1500. • Detector: Triple-axis HED-EM with extended life. • Ion Source: High-efficiency electron ionization (HES 2.0). • Sensitivity: Detection limits as low as 20 fg. • Vacuum System: Dual-stage turbomolecular pumps. • Automation: SWARM autotune and real-time diagnostics. • Software: MassHunter for method optimization and data analysis. • Scan Speed: Greater than 30,000 amu/sec. • Maintenance: JetClean ion source for reduced downtime Lab Location: Materials Centre for Sustainable Energy & Environment (McSEE) (near workshop)

Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS)

Make  :ThermoFisher Scientific.


Working Principle :

ICP-MS analysis requires the use of liquefied sample solutions. The sample solution is introduced into the device where it becomes nebulized in a spray chamber. Aerosol samples are transported into the core of the inductively coupled argon plasma, where they are completely desolvated, atomized, and ionized. These ions are then extracted from the plasma by skimmer and interference cones and extraction lenses. After going through the lenses, the ion particles are further refined by going through an off-axis ion lens removing photons and neutral ions, reducing background noise.

Polyatomic ions which act as interferences are removed using kinetic energy discrimination, where the larger polyatomic ions lose energy faster than the analyte ions and are easily removed from the sample beam. From there, the beam of ions travels into the hyperbolic quadrupole of the mass spectrometer and the ions are separated by their mass-to-charge ratio, allowing only the selected ions to travel on towards the detector to be measured and reported by the ICP-MS in terms of counts per second and concentration. The system can detect element from Lithium to Uranium.

Applications :

  • Organic compounds, Pharmaceuticals
  • Food & Agricultural Industries
  • Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
  • Geological & Environmental samples
  • Organometallics
  • Metals and alloys ... etc


1) Detection range and limit : Li to U, up to sub ppb or Up to 70 elements (from Li to U)

  1. Plasma source:Argon, 18 L / min flow rate
    2)Frequency : 40 MHz, free running
    3) Power : 1600 Watts
    4) Torch : Concentric Quartz Tube
    5) Injector : Alumina, 2.0 mm i. d.
    6) Spray Chamber : Scott Type
    7) Nebulizer : Cross flow design with Gem Tips
    8) Variable speed Peristaltic Pump 

9) Dynamic Reaction Cell

Real -Time PCR system

Make: Bio-RAD

Model: CFX Opus 96

RTPCR:  The CFX Opus Real-Time PCR Systems (known as the CFX Opus) are real-time PCR systems with an integrated 96-well or 96-well large volume sample block, depending on the system. Thermal cyclers are essential laboratory equipment for laboratories that run polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for sequencing, cloning, gene expression studies, mutagenesis, and many other applications.

Technical specifications:

  • Lid temperature 30–110°C
  • Heating and cooling method Peltier
  • Temperature range 4–100°C
  • Increment -10°C to 10°C/cycle
  • Gradient Operational range 30–100°C
  • Programmable span 1–24°C
  • Temperature accuracy ±0.2°C of programmed target at 90°C
  • Temperature uniformity ±0.3°C well-to-well within 10 sec of arrival at


Sample Block Performance Specifications:

  • Volume 1–50 µl (10–50 µl Recommended)
  • Maximum ramp rate 5°C/sec
  • Average ramp rate 3°C/sec

Optical Detection Performance Specifications:

  • Excitation 6 filtered LEDs
  • Detection 6 filtered photodiodes
  • Range of excitation/emission

Wavelengths                                        450-730 nm

  • Multiplex analysis 5 targets per well
  • Scan time All channels 12 sec
  • Single-channel 3 sec
  • fast scan Yes
  • Sensitivity Detects 1 copy of target sequence in human

genomic DNA

  • Dynamic range 10 orders of magnitude

Vibrating Sample Magnetometer(VSM)

Make: Microsense LLC (a KLA Company)

Model: EZ7

VSM: A Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) is based on Faraday's Law of Induction, which states that a changing magnetic field produces an electric field. This electric field can be measured, providing information about the changing magnetic field. A VSM is used for measuring the magnetic behavior of magnetic materials.

Operational Aspects:

Magnetic Field (Max)

1.9T, upto 2.6T at 3.5mm gap



Sample Rotation

Automatic rotation option allows the vibration unit to be rotated

Sample Holders

Quartz rods

Type of Samples

Powders, Thin films & Solid Pellets

VSM System Software

Easy VSM


Application: The Vibrating Sample Magnetometer has become an essential instrument for determining the magnetic properties of a wide range of materials, including diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, and antiferromagnetic. VSM’s have a wide range of applications in areas such as Materials Science, Physics, and Engineering. The VSM determines the magnetic moment of materials as a function of field, angle, temperature, time, and applied electric voltage.