Associate Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering
5. GuhaRay, A. and Baidya, D.K. (2015) “Reliability coupled Sensitivity based Seismic Analysis of Gravity Retaining Wall using Pseudo-Static Approach”, International Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001467, Vol. 142 (6), pg. 04016010 – 1-13 [IF: 2.714].
4. GuhaRay, A. and Baidya, D.K. (2015) “Reliability based Analysis of Cantilever Sheet Pile Walls backfilled with different soil types using Finite Element Approach”, International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 06015001, pg. 1-11, doi 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0000475 [IF: 2.477].
2. GuhaRay, A. and Baidya, D.K. (2014) “Partial Safety Factors for Retaining Walls and Slopes under Static Loading: A Reliability based Approach”, Geomechanics and Engineering, Techno Press, Korea; Vol. 6 (2), pg. 99-115; DOI 10.12989/gae.2014.6.2.099 [IF: 1.085].
1. GuhaRay, A. and Baidya, D.K. (2012) “Reliability coupled Sensitivity based Design Approach for Gravity Retaining Walls”, Journal of the Institution of Engineer (India): Series A, Springer, Vol. 93(3), pg. 193-201; DOI 10.1007/s40030-013-0023-1 [IF: 0.24].
1. GuhaRay, A. and Roy, A. (2018), “Reliability Analysis of Stone Column improved Soft Soil by Finite Element Approach”, GeoMEast International Congress, Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: Structural Integrity 2018, Cairo, Egypt, 24-28th November, 2018, published as a book chapter in "Latest Thoughts in Ground Improvement Techniques" (Springer), pg. 39-50,
61. Meenu Krishnan and Anasua GuhaRay (2024), "Comparative Study on the Bearing Capacity of Single Stone Column with Crushed Stone Aggregate andConstruction and Demolition Waste as Fillers", Indian Geotechnical Conference, December 2024, MIT Aurangabad.
60. Ankur Abhishek and Anasua GuhaRay (2024), "Mitigating Circular Footing Settlement with Coconut Husk Ash: A Sustainable Approach", Indian Geotechnical Conference, December 2024, MIT Aurangabad.
59. Ankur Abhishek and Anasua GuhaRay (2024), "A Finite Element Analysis of Diaphragm Wall Performance Embedded in Black Cotton Soil Using Plaxis 2D", Indian Geotechnical Conference, December 2024, MIT Aurangabad.
58. Ankur Abhishek and Anasua GuhaRay (2024), "Slope Stability and Ground Improvement Analysis of Overburden Dump in an Open Cast Mine Using Fly Ash", International Conference on Novelties in Geotechnical Engineering ICNGE 2024, SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, Ernakulam.
57. Ansab Shafi Mir and Anasua GuhaRay (2023), "Effect of sand compaction piles in improving CBR of dredged soil", Indian Geotechnical Conference 2023, IIT Roorkee.
56. Ankur Abhishek and Anasua GuhaRay (2023), "A Comparative Analysis of Consolidation Properties of Black Cotton Soil Stabilized with Agricultural Waste Materials", Indian Geotechnical Conference 2023, IIT Roorkee.
55. Malik, Fiza Zahoor; Sesha Sai Raghuram, Ammavajjala; GuhaRay, Anasua; Kar, Arkamitra (2024), "Mineral Carbonation for Sustainable Materials: Fly ash and GGBS", 1st RILEM International Conference on Mineral Carbonation for Cement and Concrete, Aachen, Germany
54. Mazhar S. and GuhaRay A.(2023), "Strength Performance of Alkali Activated Binder and Cement Stabilized Expansive Soil: A Field Study on Subgrade Layer", 4th International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure and Sustainable Development (TISDIC), Da Nang City, Vietnam, 26-28 August 2023.
53. Ankur A., Guharay, A., Hata, T.(2023), "Microstructural Characterization of Black Cotton Soil Stabilized with Agricultural Waste Materials", 2nd International Conference on Construction Resources for Environmentally Sustainable Technologies (CREST), Fukuoka, Japan, 20-22 November 2023 (Full Paper Accepted).
52. Ankur A., Kurwa E., Uppala, J.S.,Guharay, A.(2022), "Microstructural Characterization of Expansive Soil stabilized with Agricultural Waste Materials", Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC) - 2022, Kochi, 15-17 December 2022.
51. Mazhar S., Chukka, S.K., GuhaRay, A.(2022), "An Experimental Investigation and Numerical Modeling of Glass Fiber-reinforced Expansive Subgrade Soil with Alkaline Stabilizer", Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC) - 2022, Kochi, 15-17 December 2022.
50. Chakravarthy, G.S., GuhaRay, A. (2022), "Numerical Investigation on Stability of Slope Reinforced with Alkaline Binder Treated Jute under Different Rainfall Conditions ", Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC) - 2022, Kochi, 15-17 December 2022.
49. Mazhar S.,GuhaRay, A., Ghadge, H., Chitke, A. (2021), "Estimation of Compressive Strength of Glass Fiber Reinforced Expansive Soil in Alkali Activated Binder by an Artificial Neural Network based Model", 8th Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (8IYGEC), IIT Madras, 21-23 October 2021.
48. Mazhar S., GuhaRay, A., Goel, D. (2021), "Subgrade Strength Prediction Modeling On Fiber-Reinforced Expansive Soil Treated With Alkali Activated Binder", Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC), NIT Trichy, 16-18 December 2021.
47. Chakravarthy, G.S., GuhaRay, A. (2021), "Reduction Of Surface Erosion Of Soil Slopes Using Alkali Activated Binder Treated Jute Fibers", Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC), NIT Trichy, 16-18 December 2021.
46. Kruthi K. Ramagiri, Darshan Rajesh Chauhan, Shashank Gupta, Ritika Sridharan, Arkamitra Kar, Avinash Unnikrishna, andAnasua Guharay(2021), "Predicting Durability Characteristics of Concrete with Alkali Activated Binders using Reliability Analysis", Earth and Space Conference, ASCE, Seattle, Washington, April 19-22, 2021, pg. 113-122.
45. Mazhar, S.,GuhaRay, A., Garg, A. (2021), "Performance Evaluation of fiber-reinforced expansive subgrade soil stabilised with lime, cement, and alkali-activated binder: A comparative study", 6th GeoChina International Conference: Civil and Transportation Infrastructures, Nanchang, China, 19-21 July 2021.
44. Chakravarthy, G.S., GuhaRay, A. (2020), "Effect of Soil Burial on Durability of Alkali Activated Binder treated Jute Geotextile", Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC), Andhra University, 17-19 December 2020.
43. Mazhar, S., Kasat, Y.V., Sarda, G.V., GuhaRay, A. (2020), "Effect of Fiber Reinforcement on Strength of Geopolymerised Soil: An Experimental Investigation and Numerical Modelling", Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC), Andhra University, 17-19 December 2020.
42. Jayatheja M., GuhaRay, A. (2020), "Earth Pressures of Soils partially replaced with Building Derived Materials for Narrow Backfill Condition", Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC), Andhra University, 17-19 December 2020.\
41. Chakravarthy G.S.,GuhaRay, A., Kar, A. (2020), "Strength Characterisation of Alkali Activated Binder treated Jute for Ground Improvement", 2nd ASCE India Conference on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economics (CRSIDE 2020), Kolkata, 2-4 March.
40. Jayatheja, M.,GuhaRay A.,Kar, A. (2020), "Experimental Investigations on Earth Pressures of Sand partially replaced with Building Derived Material", 2nd ASCE India Conference on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economics (CRSIDE 2020), Kolkata, 2-4 March.
39.Sarkar, A., Pattanayak, S.,GuhaRay, A., Guoxiong, M., Zhu, H., Garg, A. (2019), "Influence of in-house produced biochar on geotechnical properties of expansive clay", International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, 11-14 December.
38. Mazhar, S., GuhaRay, A. (2019), "Stabilization of Expansive Black Cotton Soil Reinforced with Polypropylene Fiber in Cement and Alkali Activated Binder: A comparative study", Symposium on Recent Advances in Sustainable Geotechnics, IIT Kanpur, 17-20 October.
37. Jayatheja M., GuhaRay, A., Kar, A. (2019), "Experimental Investigations on Earth Pressures of Soil admixed with Building Derived Materials under Rotational Failure mode", Symposium on Recent Advances in Sustainable Geotechnics, IIT Kanpur, 17-20 October.
36. Mazhar, S., GuhaRay, A. (2019), "Stabilization of Expansive Black Cotton Soil using Alkali Activated Binder with Glass and Polypropylene Fiber", Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC), Geotechnics for Infrastrcuture Development and Urbanisation, NIT Surat, 19-21 December(best paper presentation award for the theme "Ground Improvement Techniques").
35. Jayatheja M., GuhaRay, A.(2019), "Earth Pressures under Rotational Movement Mode for Red Soil Backfill partially replaced with Building Derived Materials", Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC), Geotechnics for Infrastrcuture Development and Urbanisation, NIT Surat, 19-21 December.
34. Mazhar, S., GuhaRay, A.(2019), "Stabilization of Expansive Soil Reinforced with Polypropylene and Glass Fiber in Cement and Alkali Activated Binder", GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition, Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Cairo, Egypt, 10-14thNovember, 2019, pp. 41-55, doi: 978-3-030-34206-7_4 (published as book chapter in "Advancements in Unsaturated Soil Mechanics", Springer).
33. Jayatheja M.,GuhaRay, A., Kar, A., Suluguru, A.K. (2019),"Building Derived Materials-Sand Mixture as a Backfill Material", 2nd International Conference on Environmental Geotechnology, Recycled Waste Materials and Sustainable Engineering (EGRWSE), Illinois, Chicago, USA, June 16-20.
32. Mazhar S.,GuhaRay A.(2019), "Microstructure and Geoengineering Properties of Expansive Soil treated with Polypropylene Fiber and Alkali Activated Binder", National Conference on Geotechnical Applications (GeoApps), IIT Hyderabad, India, 30th March.
31. A.K. Suluguru,A. GuhaRay(2019), "Geotechnical Performance of Building Derived Materials for Soil Reinforcement in Acidic Environment", National Conference on Geotechnical Applications (GeoApps), IIT Hyderabad, India, 30th March.
30. Mazhar, S., Agarwal, S., GuhaRay, A. (2019), "Stabilisation of Expansive Black Cotton Soil with Polypropylene Fiber and Alkali Activated Binder", 7th Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (7IYGEC), NIT Silchar, Assam, India, 15-16 March (accepted as book chapter in Springer publication).
29. Ashok Kumar Suluguru, Arkamitra Kar, Anasua GuhaRay,Jayatheja, M. (2018), "Characterization of construction and demolition waste for ground improvement applications", Proceedings of 11th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC) 2018, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, December 19-21.
28. Komaravolu, V.P.,GuhaRay, A., Kar, A. and Tulluri S.K. (2018), "Subgrade Stabilisation using Alkali Activated binder treated Jute Geotextile", Indian Geotechnical Conference IGC 2018, IISc Bangalore, December 2018.
27. GuhaRay, A. and Zaid Md. (2018), "Assessment of Soil Liquefaction Resistance by Finite Element Approach", Indian Geotechnical Conference IGC 2018, IISc Bangalore, December 2018.
26. Mazhar, S., GuhaRay, A., Avinash, G.S.S. and Kar, A. (2018), "Geopolymerization Of Expansive Black Cotton Soils With Alkali Activated Binders", Indian Geotechnical Conference IGC 2018, IISc Bangalore, December 2018.
25. Jayatheja, M., GuhaRay, A.and Kar, A. (2018), “Effect of Strain Rate on Shear Strength of Red Soil partially replaced with Building Derived Materials”, Indian Geotechnical Conference IGC 2018, IISc Bangalore, December 2018.
24. GuhaRay, A. and Roy, A. (2018), “Reliability Analysis of Stone Column improved Soft Soil by Finite Element Approach”, GeoMEast International Congress, Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: Structural Integrity 2018, Cairo, Egypt, 24-28th November, 2018, published as a book chapter in "Latest Thoughts in Ground Improvement Techniques" (Springer), pg. 39-50,
23. Mazhar, S.,GuhaRay, A., Avinash, G.S.S., Sirupa R. and Kar, A. (2018), "Geopolymerization Of Expansive Black Cotton Soils With Alkali Activated Binders", Conference on Geotechnics for Infrastructure Development, Kolkata, India, 27-28th July 2018.
22. Gupta, S., GuhaRay, A., Kar, A. and Komaravolu, V.P. (2017), “Alkali Activated Binder treated Jute Reinforced Soil: A Preliminary Study”, IGC Geotechnical Special Publication – Springer, IGC-2017, IIT Guwahati, December 2017.
21. Jayatheja, M., Suluguru, A.K., GuhaRay, A., Kar, A. and Anand A. (2017), “Laboratory Shear Strength Studies of Sand admixed with Building Derived Materials”, IGC Geotechnical Special Publication – Springer, IGC-2017, IIT Guwahati, December 2017.
20. S. R. Surana, A. Kar,A. GuhaRay, A., K. Suluguru, Jayatheja, M., (2017) "Experimental Investigations on Building Derived Materials in Chemically Aggressive Environment as a Partial Replacement for Sandy Soil in Ground Improvement", Urbanisation Challenges in in Emerging Economies, Moving Towards Resilient Sustainable Cities and Infrastructure" ASCE India Section, New Delhi, India, December, 2017.
19. GuhaRay, A., Kiranmayi CVSP and Rudraraju, S. (2017) “Reliability Based Performance Evaluation of Stone Column Improved Soft Ground”, ICGEG 2017: 19th International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering and Geomechanics, Rome, Italy, September 18-19, 2017, Vol. 11 No. 9, pg. 699 - 703.
18. S. Mondal , A. Kar , A. Guharay and N. James (2017) “Characterization of Building Derived Materials for Ground Improvement of Contaminated Soils”, 71st Annual RILEM Week and ICACMS 2017 Conference, IIT Madras, Chennai, September.
17. Gupta S.,GuhaRay, A.and Kar, A. (2017) "Effect of alkali activated binder treated jute reinforcement on permeability of cohesionless soil", 6th Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (6IYGEC), NIT Trichy, 10-11 March, 2017.
16. Jayatheja, M., Suluguru, A.K., Anand A.,GuhaRay, A.and Kar, A. (2017) "Performance of sand partially replaced with building derived materials under static loading conditions", International Conference on Geotechniques for Infrastructure Projects, Thiruvananthapuram, February 27-28, 2017.
15. Baidya, D.K. andGuhaRay, A.(2017) "Geotechnical Engineering: Reliability Aspects", Conference on Numerical Modelling in Geomechanics, IIT Roorkee, March 3-4, 2017.
14. Suluguru, A.K., GuhaRay, A., Kar, A. and James, A. (2016) "Experimental Studies on Physical Properties and Strength Response of Construction and Demolition Wastes", Structural Engineering Convention, December 21 - 23, 2016, CSIR-SERC.
13. GuhaRay, A.and Baidya, D.K. (2016) “Effect of Variation of Geotechnical Properties on Stability of Retaining Walls: a Case Study in Japan”, 5th International Conference on Forensic Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE India Chapter, December 8-10, 2016, IISc Bangalore, Bengaluru, India.
12. GuhaRay, A., Kiranmayi, CVSP and Rudraraju, S. (2016) "Effect of Variation of Soil Parameters on Behaviour of Stone Column Improved Ground", Indian Geotechnical Conference, 15-17th December, 2016, Chennai, India.
11. GuhaRay, A.and Kiranmayi, CVSP. (2016) "Static Properties of Red Soil improved with Building Derived Concrete: a Preliminary Study", Indian Geotechnical Society, Kolkata Chapter, CGCRI, India, March 2016.
10. GuhaRay, A., Tripathi, J. and Rakhunde, T. (2015) “Ground Improvement by Stone Columns in Pune Soil”, Theme 13, 53rd Indian Geotechnical Engineers Conference, Pune, India, December 2015.
9. GuhaRay, A.and Baidya, D.K. (2015) “Stability Analysis of Mechanically Stabilised Earth Walls: a Risk Factor based Approach”, Theme 9, 53rd Indian Geotechnical Engineers Conference, Pune, India, December 2015.
8. GuhaRay, A.and Baidya, D.K. (2015), “Risk Factor based Approach to Soil Property Variation: Peeping through Case Studies”, 5IYGEC -2015, pg.597-605, Vadodara, India, March 14-15, 2015.
7. GuhaRay, A. and Baidya, D.K. (2015), “Probabilistic Analysis of Anchored Sheet Pile Wall on Cohesionless Soil”, 2015 Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Symposium on Finite Element Methods) YGESFEM -2015, IIT Bombay, India, May 17-18, 2015.
6. GuhaRay, A., Malisetty, R.S. and Baidya, D.K. (2014), “Risk Factor based Analysis of Finite Slopes: 2 Case Studies”, Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC -2014), Kakinada, India, pg. 2090-2097, December 2014.
5.GuhaRay, A. and Baidya, D.K. (2014), “Risk Factor based Analysis of Sheet Pile Walls in different soil conditions”, Geotechnique Today – Prediction, Modeling and Construction: Indian Geotechnical Society (Kolkata Chapter), Kolkata, India, Th-5, pg. 111 – 118, February 2014.
4. GuhaRay, A. and Baidya, D.K. (2013), “Reliability based Analysis of Cantilever Sheet Pile Walls in Cohesionless Soil using Finite Element Method”, Geotechnical Advances and Novel Geomechanical Applications (GANGA): Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC -2013), Roorkee, India, Th-4, Paper No. 259, December 2013.
3. GuhaRay, A., Ghosh, S. and Baidya, D.K. (2012), “Analysis of Failure Probability of a Gravity Retaining Wall based on Simulated Parametric Approach”, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference IGC-2012, New Delhi. Vol-2, pg. 1065-1068, December 2012.
2. GuhaRay, A. and Baidya, D.K., (2011) “Probabilistic Analysis of a Slope Stability Problem”, Geo-Challenges: Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2011), Kochi, India, Vol-2, pg. 651-654, December 2011.