
Prof. Aravinda N Raghavan  

Associate Professor
Department of Physics

Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
Hyderabad Campus
Jawahar Nagar, Kapra Mandal
Dist.-Medchal-500 078
Telangana, India

I earned M.Sc. Physics (1993) from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras followed by PhD in condensed matter physics (2000) from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, where I found a way to consider ionic interactions in the topological theory of glass formation formulated by J C Phillips and applied it to unravel glass forming ability of certain chalcogenide and oxide glasses. The topological theory of glass currently aids in optimizing the Gorilla glass. I held post-doctoral positions at Indiana University (Bloomington), Argonne National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory: In this period, I used x-ray and neutron scattering techniques to probe the nanoscale structure and dynamics in a variety of systems; notably, I demonstrated that signal from internal stress at the nanoscale in a polymer nanocomposite can be measured using x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy and related it to the macroscopic thermomechanical behaviour of these materials . I joined BITS Pilani’s Hyderabad campus in January of 2009. I am currently an Associate Professor at the Physics department. Here I have opened a new research frontier at the interface between microbiology and physics as my group strives to develop novel biofilm membranes through an international collaboration funded by The Leverhulme Trust (UK). A constant theme in my research is studying non-equilibrium steady states which has led me to my current interest in developing strategies for mixing in microfluidics by controlling vortices.

I facilitate learning through courses at all tiers at BITS: For instance, I teach Mechanics, Waves & Oscillation for undergraduates; Microfluidics, Non-linear dynamics and Chaos for post-graduates; and Research Methodology for PhD students. I am national trainer for college teachers on research based pedagogical tools developed by COESME, IISER (Pune), in collaboration with Sheffield Hallam University (UK) and supported by MHRD, DBT, British Council.

I have served the University in a few key administrative positions and missions such as being the Head of the department, Leader for the University-wide mission programme on ‘Internationalization’ resulting in a new admission policy through which international students are currently studying with us, headed the Teaching Learning Center, Leader of the BITSAT analytics team.