
Prof. Mini Thomas P  

Associate Professor,
Department of Economics and Finance

K - 230, Department of Economics and Finance,
Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS) Pilani,
Hyderabad Campus, Jawahar Nagar,
Kapra Mandal, Medchal District - 500 078
Telangana State, India.

Doctoral candidates and MSc. Thesis students

PhD Students supervision

(1) Dr. Karuna Bohini

Topic: Indian Millennial Youth Unemployment, Consumption and Savings Analysis: Implications for their Financial Sustainability

Role: Co-supervisor 

Status: PhD Degree Awarded. 


(2) Ms. Ummuhabeeba Chaliyan 

Topic: Financial Development and International Trade Linkages of BRICS Countries, with special reference to India 

Role: Supervisor

Status: Ongoing (final year)
(3) Mr. Paras Aggarwal
Role: Supervisor
Status: Ongoing  
(4) Mr. Jerin John Puliyayil
Role: Supervisor
Status: Ongoing (proposal)
(5) Mr. Rahul Kumar 
Role: Supervisor
Status: Ongoing (proposal)
FD thesis (Dual degree MSc. Economics students) supervision
(1) Mr. Dhruv Gopal - 2024
Topic: Consulting Methods for International Development Clients
(2) Mr. Shreyas Kulshrestha - 2022
Topic: Tax Revenue Performance of South Asian Countries
Status: Completed
(3) Mr. Vidur Monga - 2018
Topic: FDI and Infrastructure spending in Developing Countries 
Status: Completed 

(4) Mr. Ujjwal Gupta - 2023

Topic: Banking infrastructure for International Trade Payments 
Status: Completed (off-campus)