Faiz Imam, Sharan Gopal, Periodic points of solenoidal automorphisms in terms of adeles, Monatsh Math., Vol. 204 (2024), 501–511.
Faiz Imam, Pabitra Narayan Mandal, Sharan Gopal, Periodicity, Transitivity and Distality of Real Projective Transformations, Filomat, Vol. 38 (2024) No. 11, 3971-3978.
Faiz Imam, Sharan Gopal, Topological Aspects of Discrete Switch Dynamical Systems, Aust. J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol. 20 (2023), No. 1, Art. 13, 9 pp.
Sharan Gopal, Faiz Imam, Periodic points of solenoidal automorphisms in terms of inverse limits, Appl. Gen. Topology, Vol. 22 (2021), 321-330. Published by Universitat Politècnica de València.
Sharan Gopal, R. Srikanth, Dynamics of real projective transformations, Appl. Gen. Topology, Vol. 19 (2018), 239-244. Published by Universitat Politècnica de València.
Chiranjeevi, Sharan Gopal, Conjugacy Classification Problems, Bulletin of Kerala Mathematical Association, Volume 11, No.1, (2014) 11-20.
Chiranjeevi, V.Kannan, Sharan Gopal, Periodic points and periods for operators on Hilbert space, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 33, No.9 (2013), 4233-4237.
Sharan Gopal, Chaos and its ingredients, Proceedings of AP Academy of Sciences, 14, No. 2 (2012) 73-92.
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Ali Akbar, V.Kannan, Sharan Gopal, P.Chiranjeevi, The set of periods of periodic points of a linear operator, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 431 (2009) 241-246.