
Narendra Nath Ghosh, FRSC


Inorganic materials, Nanomaterials, catalysis, energy storage, water pollution
Department of Chemistry, BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus, Zuarinagar, Goa 403726, India

Conference/ Meeting Organized

Details of the conferences/ meeting organized


  1. Convener: International Conference on Functional Nanomaterials and their Applications in Sustainability, Environment, Energy, and Biotechnology at BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus 16-18th November 2024
  2. Coordinator: National Technology Day (NTD)-2023 Celebration is being Organized by The National Academy of Sciences, India -Mumbai Chapter (NASI-MC) in association with BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus 19th May 2023.
  3. Organized and Resource Person: International Webinar on "Innovations and Applications in. Materials Chemistry” organized by Dhempe College of Arts and Science, Goa India in Association with Meijo University Japan and BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus on March 21, 2023.
  4. National Advisory Board: First Online International Conference on Advanced 2D Materials (ICAM-2022) 09- 11 Jun 2022 Organized by : School of Engineering, Chennai
  5. Member of International Advisory Committee: The International conference on Chemical Research in Materials and Biological Sciences (CRMBS-2019), at the Department of Chemistry, Assam University, 15th- 16th March 2019.
  6. Member of Advisory Committee and Resource Person: International Conference on Nano-materials for Environmental Applications’ (NEA-2019) at Goa Science Centre, Miramar, 6th- 7th March 2019.
  7. Member of Local Advisory Committee and Session Chair: DAE – BRNS Biennial Symposium on Emerging Trends in Separation Science and Technology (SESTEC – 2018) at Birla Institute of Technology & Sciences (BITS), KK Birla Goa Campus from 23rd -26th May, 2018.
  8. Member of Core organizing Committee: The National Metallurgist Day & Annual Technical Meeting (NMD-ATM) 2017 by Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) Mumbai Chapter in partnership with IIM Goa & IIM Pune chapters at Birla Institute of Technology & Sciences (BITS), KK Birla Goa Campus from 11th – 14th Nov 2017.
  9. Member of Local Organizing Committee: International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (6th ISIF 2017) under the aegis of prestigious Material Research Society of India (MRSI) at Shangri-La’s Eros Hotel, New Delhi, India from 10-13 December 2017.
  10. Coordinator: Recent Trends in Chemistry: Students’ Meet at BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus, 26th February 2017.
  11. Chairman: 2nd National Conference on New Frontiers in Chemistry From Fundamental to Applications (NFCFA 2015) at BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus, 28-29 January, 2017.
  12. Convener: Symposium on Recent Advancements in Chemical Sciences and RSC Research Scholar Meet-2016 at BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus 13th November 2016.
  13. National Advisory Committee member: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Polymeric Material at BIT, Mesra, Ranchi from 18th to 20th August, 2016
  14. Chairman: 2nd Indo- UK International Workshop on Advanced Materials and their Applications in Nanotechnology (AMAN 2016) in collaboration with Univ of Leeds, UK at BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa campus January 11- 12, 2016.
  15. Chairman: National Conference on New Frontiers in Chemistry From Fundamental to Applications (NFCFA 2015) BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus, 18 -19 December 2015.
  16. Chairman: Indo- UK International Workshop on Advanced Materials and their Applications in Nanotechnology (AMAN 2014) in collaboration with Univ of Leeds, UK BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa campus May 17- 19th 2014
  17. Advisory Committee Member: The 3rd Annual Conference of the Toxinological Society of India and 1st International Conference on “Biology of Natural Toxins (TSICON 2013) BITS Pilani KK Birla Goa campus 18- 21st December 2013.
  18. National Advisory Committee member: Third Euro-India International Conference on Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering August 9, 10 and 11, 2013 at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala , India
  19. Technical Chair: International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano 2013 (ETMN-2013) 23rd & 24th February 2013 BITS Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus.
  20. Coordinator: DST- PAC meeting on INORGANIC CHEMIS TRY at BITS- Pilani, Goa Campus during 22nd & 23rd May, 2008. Funded by Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi.
  21. Organizing Secretary: International Congress of Environmental Research ( ICER 08) BITS- Pilani Goa Campus , India , 18- 20 December 2 008, In collaboration with Journal of Environmental Research And Development.
  22. Convener: The 8th workshop on biosensors and bioanalytical micro-techniques in environmental and clinical analysis Oct. 3-6, 2007 at BITS, Pilani-Goa Campus, organized in collaboration with IAEAC, Switzerland.
  23. Organizing Secretary: Indo-Swedish Workshop on Biosensors for environmental analysis Feb. 21-23, 2006, at BITS, Pilani-Goa Cam pus sponsored by The Swedish Research Council, in collaboration with Lund University Sweden.