
Neena Goveas


TinyML based applications on embedded devices, Task optimization for hierarchical IoT Edge-Cloud systems, AI/ML for time series data in Healthcare and communication networks, Application of AI/ML to autonomous vehicles
D259, Department of CS&IS, BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus

About the Faculty

Neena Goveas is with the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa campus. Earlier she was with Department of Physics BITS Pilani, Pilani campus. She was the Associate Dean, Academic Undergraduate Studies at the K K Birla Goa Campus.

For her PhD thesis, she worked on “Mean field approaches to thermodynamic properties of magnetic systems” at IIT Bombay, advisor Prof. G. Mukhopadhyay. She worked on INDO-US sponsored project “Development and characterization of materials suitable for magneto-optic Devices” at A. C. R. E., I. I. T. Bombay. She worked as DST-Young Scientist Scheme Project entitled “Study of low dimensional magnetic systems” at IIT Guwahati before joining BITS Pilani.

Theme of her research work is to study complex embedded systems. Recent research work includes application of machine learning to resource constrained systems. TinyML applications in Healthcare, optimization of Edge-Cloud systems; development of Blockchain based applications on constrained systems; Network Science and its applications to transport, social and computer networks; modeling of Cyber Physical Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks; Construction of test suites for large software systems.