
Dr. Mrinal K Jagirdar

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Adsorption phenomena, Mathematical modelling of thermal systems, Mini/micro-scale flow boiling, AWG (Atmospheric Water Generators), Non-conventional air-conditioning, Desiccant dehumidification, Fluid and Thermal Engineering
D-306, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
Hyderabad Campus
Jawahar Nagar, Kapra Mandal
Dist.-Medchal-500 078
Telangana, India

Journal/Conference Publications

Journal Publications

  1. M. Jagirdar., P. S. Lee, J. T. Padding, “Performance of an internally cooled and heated desiccant-coated heat and mass exchanger: effectiveness criteria and design methodology,” Applied Thermal Engineering, 116593, 2021
  2. M. Jagirdar, P.S. Lee, “Quasi-steady and transient study of heat transfer during sub-cooled flow boiling in a small aspect ratio microchannel,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol 133, 103446, 2020
  3. M. Jagirdar, D. Pandelidis, A. Pacak, W. M. Worek and S. Cetin, “Performance evaluation of an air conditioning system based on quasi isothermal dehumidification,” Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 217, 113009, 2020
  4. MJagirdar and P. S. Lee, “Mathematical modeling and performance evaluation of a desiccant coated fin-tube heat exchanger,” Applied Energy, vol. 212, pp. 401–415, 2018.
  5. M. Jagirdar, P. S. Lee, and G. W. Ho, “Feasibility Study of a Parallel Plate Desiccant Coated Heat and Mass Regenerator for Dehumidification,” Energy Procedia, vol. 105, pp. 5034–5039, 2017.
  6. M. Jagirdar and P. S. Lee, “A diagnostic tool for detection of flow-regimes in a microchannel using transient wall temperature signal,” Applied Energy, vol. 185, pp. 2232–2244, 2017.
  7. M. Jagirdar and P. S. Lee, “Study of transient heat transfer and synchronized flow visualizations during sub-cooled flow boiling in a small aspect ratio microchannel,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol. 83, pp. 254–266, 2016.
  8. M. Jagirdar and P. S. Lee, “Temperature transients for detection of flow-regimes in a mini/micro-channel,” Energy Procedia, vol. 75, pp. 2055-2060, 2015.
  9. K. Balasubramanian, M. Jagirdar, P. S. Lee, C. J. Teo, and S. K. Chou, “Experimental investigation of flow boiling heat transfer and instabilities in straight microchannels,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 66, pp. 655–671, Nov. 2013.
  10. Karandeep Singh; Emma Mariam Punnoose; Mrinal K. Jagirdar*, "Thermal modelling and performance evaluation of a low-grade heat-driven sorption-based Atmospheric Water Generator under various weather conditions", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (Under Review)
  11. Runxin Shang, Mrinal Jagirdar; Poh Seng Lee, "Performance study on modularized ultra-low-grade-heatdriven desiccant-coated oblique tube banks", Energy (Under Review)

Conference Publications

  1. M. Jagirdar, W. L. Ong, G. W. Ho and P. S. Lee, “Experimental Investigations on Desiccant Coated Fin-tube Heat Exchangers retrofitted to a conventional HVAC system,” in International Conference on Applied Energy ICAE2019.
  2. M. Jagirdar, P. S. Lee, and G. W. Ho, “Air Dehumidification Using Desiccant Coated Oblique Fin Plate Frame Structure,” in ASHRAE Winter Conference, 2017.
  3. M. Jagirdar and P. S. Lee, “Transient evolution of heat transfer performance during flow boiling in a microchannel,” in ASME - 12th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels InterPACKICNMM2015, 2015.
  4. M. Jagirdar and P. S. Lee, “Methodology for More Accurate Assessment of Heat Loss in Microchannel Flow Boiling,” in IEEE 16th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), 2014
  5. Y. Fan, P. S. Lee, L. Jin, W. Chua, N. Mou, and M. Jagirdar, “A parametric numerical study in cylindrical oblique fin minichannel,” in Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems InterPACK2013, 2013