
Department of Mathematics

Ph.D. Qualifying Areas

Algebra : Commutative Rings, Non-commutative Rings, Groups and their Representations, Field Theory, Module Theory, Homological Algebra, Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry.
Analysis : Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Functional Analysis, Nonlinear analysis, Differential Geometry.    
Differential Equations and Applications : Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Modeling, Fluid Dynamics, Applied Functional Analysis, Image Processing, Dynamical Systems, Control Theory.
Discrete Mathematics : Boolean and Fuzzy Logic, Graph Theory, Combinatorial Mathematics, Cryptography, Discrete Mathematical Structures, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Lattice Theory, Coding Theory.
Applied Statistics : Statistical Inference, Regression Analysis, Statistical Quality Control, Demography, Design of experiments & analysis of variance, Financial Mathematics, Stochastic Processes.
Operations Research : Queuing Theory, Inventory Systems, Reliability Theory, Data Envelopment Analysis, Linear and Nonlinear Programming.
Numerical Methods and Applications : Numerical methods for Ordinary, Partial and integro-differential equations and applications to fluid dynamics and Fracture Mechanics.
Cosmology and Relativity : General Theory of Relativity, Alternative Theory of Relativity, Tensor Calculus.