
Rudranil Basu

Assistant Professor

Quantum Field Theory, String theory, Quantum Gravity
D 320/21, Department of Physics, Block - D, New Academic Building, BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus


2022-'23 Second semester:  Advanced Quantum Field Theory - PHY G512

                                                   Thermodynamics - BITS F111



2021-'22 Second semester:  Methods of Mathematical Physics - PHY F243

                                                   Physics Lab - PHY F110

2022-'23 First semsetser: Introduction to Quantum Field Theory - PHY F412

                                                Physics Lab - PHY F110



2020-'21 Second semester: Electromagnetic Theory 2 - PHY F241

2021-'22 First semsetser: Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves (MOW) - PHY F111

                                               Physics Lab 2: Electromagnetism and Optics - PHY F214



2020-'21 First semester: Quantum Theory and Applications - PHY G514



2018-'19 Second Semester: Advanced Physics Laboratory PHY F344

2019-'20 First Semester: Physics Lab - PHY F110, Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves (MOW) - PHY F111, Group Theory and Applications - PHY F422