
Debasis Patnaik


Development issues, Environment Economics, Financial Economics, Social sciences
D 308/8 (NAB), Department of Economics and Finance, BITS Pilani K. K. Birla Goa Campus, NH - 17B, Bypass Road, Sancoale, Zuarinagar, Vasco, Goa 403726

Faculty Publications

  • Baral, R., Patnaik, D. (2022). Bank efficiency and governance: Evidence from Indian banking. Journal of Management and Governance. 10.1007/s10997-021-09610-9. [Scopus Indexed] International Journal of Advance Research (IJOAR). 1(8), 1-20. 10.21474/IJAR01. [Google Scholar/PubMed;EN-ISSN: 2320-5407 (online); ISSN: 2454-132X]
  • Baral, R., Manogna, R.L., Patnaik, D., Mishra, A.K. (2022). Does increase in female representation on boards impact banks' value: a case of an emerging economy. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. 16(3), 292-316. 10.1504/IJBGE.2022.123678. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 17; Impact Score: 1.52; SJR: 0.295]
  • Amonkar, R., Roy, V., Patnaik, D. (2021). Intermodal service supply chain and seaport logistics performance. Supply Chain Forum. 22(2), 171-187. 10.1080/16258312.2021.1895677. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 18; Impact Score: 4.29; SJR: 0.7]
  • Amonkar, R.V., Sengupta, T., Patnaik, D. (2020). OCTO SCM: optimizing iron ore supply chain exports. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies. 10(4), 1-21. 10.1108/EEMCS-04-2020-0129. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 7; Impact Score: 0.21; SJR: 0.225]
  • Amonkar, R.V., Sengupta, T., Patnaik, D. (2021). OCTO SCM: assessment of determinants of seaport logistics for the export supply chain of agricultural products. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies. 11(3), 1-18. 10.1108/EEMCS-02-2021-0036. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 7; Impact Score: 0.21; SJR: 0.225]
  • Amonkar, R.V., Sengupta, T., Patnaik, D. (2021). Yorokobi: assessment of determinants of seaport logistics for the export supply chain of pesticides. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies. 11(3), 1-133. 10.1108/EEMCS-02-2021-0045. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 7; Impact Score: 0.21; SJR: 0.225]
  • Baral, R., Naik, S.P., Patnaik, D. (2021). Macro-financial analysis of value-at-risk from banking stocks in an Indian scenario. International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management. 11(4), 379-396. 10.1504/IJBCRM.2021.119943. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 4; Impact Score: 0.36; SJR: 0.146]
  • Baral, R., Patnaik, D. (2021). Banking Governance Parameters Differentiated by size: Impact on Agency Cost. Indian Journal of Corporate Governance. 14(1), 86-109. 10.1177/09746862211007041. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 9; Impact Score: 0.85; SJR: 0.21]
  • D’Sa, S., Patnaik, D., Acham, V., Jadhao, S. (2021). Correspondence between Technology Options Available for Chemical Industries and the Levels of the Waste Management Hierarchy: A Case Study Approach. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology. 20(4), 1733-1740.      0.46488/NEPT.2021.v20i04.038. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 13; Impact Score: 0.53; SJR: 0.169]
  • Debasis, P. & Potluri, J. (2014). Economics of Education: Inequality in Primary Education in Districts of Andhra Pradesh- A Principal Components Study. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering. 3(12). [EBSCO/Google Scholar;ISSN-2249-0558]
  • Duppati, G., Rao, N.V., Matlani, N., Scrimgeour, F., Patnaik, D. (2020). Gender diversity and firm performance: evidence from India and Singapore. Applied Economics. 52(14), 1553-1563.               10.1080/00036846.2019.1676872. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 91; Impact Score: 2.01; SJR: 0.563]
  • Henriques, M., & Patnaik, D. (2019). An assessment of the effect of alcoholic parents on the behavior and wellbeing of scheduled castes and scheduled tribe children. International Journal of Basic and Applied Research. 9(5), 1279-1288. [EBSCO/Google Scholar/Thomson and Reuters]; Impact Score: 5.960]
  • Jain, S., Patnaik, D., Gopal, R. & Vani, K. (2018). Security Aspects in the Block Chain. Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. 3(10). ISSN:2455-3085.[UGC CARE LIST; ISSN - 2640-7272]
  • Kumar, A., Mishra, A K., & Patnaik, D. (2020). National Health Policy, 2017- A Milestone towards Health Security in India? Some Annotations. Journal of Social Sciences. 60(1-3), 21-27. 10.31901/24566756.2019/60.1-3.2254. [Scopus Indexed, Q2; H-index: 27]
  • Kumar, A., Mishra, A.K., Patnaik, D. (2020). Current state of healthcare in India: A critical appraisal of the national health protection scheme and way forward. Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. 11, 100-109. 10.31901/24566764.2020/11.1-2.347. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 44; Impact Score: 1.27; SJR: 0.463]
  • Patnaik, D. & Dahia, K. (2019). Can Economic Entropy be Integrated into IT and Human Systems? International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology. 13(2), 2319-3778. [PubMed/Crossref/ROAD/Copernicus; ICV - 7.39/10; ICV - 77.02/100]
  • Patnaik, D. & De Sa, S. (2022). A New Indicator to measure the waste Valorization Potential of Industrial Wastewaters of Chemical Industries. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection. 42(2), 131-141. [Scopus Indexed, Q4 ; H-index: 20; Impact Score: 0.20; SJR: 0.137]
  • Patnaik, D. & Ganguly, D. (2022). Interrogating Human security and Insurgency situation in the North East: Looking through the lens of Act East policy. Indian Journal of Human Development. Manuscript ID- IJHD-2022-0690. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 9; Impact Score: 0.97; SJR: 0.196]
  • Patnaik, D. & Goel, R. (2016). Impact of Foreign Aid on Growth of African Nations. Journal of Economics and Finance. 7(1), 1-9 DOI:10.9790/5933-071. [Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.85; SJR: 0.285]
  • Patnaik, D. & Siddharth, U. (2019). Application with Implications of Log -Periodic Trends to Financial Bubbles: A case for Econophysics. International Trends in Engineering and Technology. 67(5), 115-123. [Scopus Indexed /Google Scholar; Impact Score: 4.490]
  • Patnaik, D. & Surendra, A. (2016). A Hedonic pricing technique to Valuation of Biodiversity in Mining Analysis in Goa by notified on 16 June 2016. International Journal in Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences. 5(5).[ISSN: 2278-6236] 
  • Patnaik, D. & Umakanth, M. (2018). Preference formation for Effective Economic Decision Making at Grassroots. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research. 5(9). [UGC CARE LIST]; Impact factor:7.85; ISSN-2349-562.
  • Patnaik, D. & Yaji, V. (2018). Assessing the Effects of Tax Elasticity on Government Spending. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research. 8(5), 70-76. DOI: [UGC CARE LIST; ISSN 2250-0758 (online)]
  • Patnaik, D. (2002). Constitution of Man - The Key to Global Harmony through Global Planning of Productive Employment and Economic Freedom. Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research. 20, 7-14. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 31; Impact Score: 0.85; SJR: 0.188]
  • Patnaik, D. (2014). Searching for an Alternative Information System: The Demolition of Caste. International Journal of Engineering Research and Management. 1(4), 56-60. [DRJI/DOAJ/Reddit/Scribd]
  • Patnaik, D. (2015). Theorizing change in artificial intelligence: inductivizing philosophy from economic cognition processes. AI and Society. 30(2), 173-181. 10.1007/s00146-013-0524-5. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 33; Impact Score: 2.87; SJR: 0.59]
  • Patnaik, D. (2015). Understanding the Forward and Backward Linkages in Banking Sector: Application of Input-Output Method. Journal of Banking, Information, Technology and Management. 12(1), 110-113. [SJIF/ISSN-P-0972-902X]
  • Patnaik, D. (2019). Assessment of economic growth: Aspects and prospects in South Pacific Countries till 2015. Journal of Accounting and Finance. 33(1), 23-32. [COPE -AM00066; H-index: 52; Impact Score: 2.87; SJR: 0.669]
  • Patnaik, D., & Kaushik, H. (2015). Credit Rating Analysis in Emerging Markets’. Journal of Accounting and Finance. 28(2), 100-108.[COPE -AM00066; H-index: 52; Impact Score: 2.87; SJR: 0.669]
  • Patnaik, D., & Madhulekha. (2014). Australian Capital Gains and Commodity Taxes in China: Impact on Investor Behavior and Revenue Earnings. China-USA Business Review. 13(6), 384-390. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 10; Impact Score: 0.13; SJR: 0.103]
  • Patnaik, D., & Mandadi, P. (2014). Application of Pharma Economic Evaluation Tools for Analysis of Medical Conditions: A Case Study of an Educational Institution in India. International Journal for Research in Emerging Science and Technology. 1(3), 21-30. [Google Scholar/Index Copernicus; SJR: 0.121]
  • Patnaik, D., & Suman, S. (2014). Algorithmic Finance Approach in Media Stock Analysis’. American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER). 3(8), 13-36. [DOAJ/Copernicus/Google Scholar/EBSCO/Open J Gate; Impact Score: 7.2]
  • Shaikh, S., Fernandes, M J., & Patnaik, D. (2020). An investigation of impact of volatility and benchmark index returns on ETF returns. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development. 10(1), 1039-1048. [Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.744]
  • Yadav, S.L., Vishwanath, B., Patnaik, D. (2020). Do health care companies of India fulfil government’s new orientation towards CSR activities: A special consideration towards maternal health. Journal of Health Research. 34(1), 31-41. 10.1108/JHR-01-2019-0014. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 7; Impact Score: 0.94; SJR: 0.262]


   Conference Publications


  • Henriques, M.L., Patnaik, D. (2022). Ordinal Logistic Regression Analysis to Assess the factors that Affect Financial Incentives of Person's with Parkinson's Disease. 2022 IEEE International Humanitarian Technology Conference, IHTC 2022, 39–44. doi: 10.1109/IHTC56573.2022.9998361. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 296; Impact Score: 15.21; SJR: 4.678]
  • Patnaik, D., Mehta, D., Shaikh, S.M. (2022). Linkages between news and dividend decisions using neural networks. 2022 Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM), Kolkata, India, 1-7, doi: 10.1109/IRTM54583.2022.9791672. [Forthcoming Issue - Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • Patnaik, D., Sudhir, P.R., Suresh, D. (2022). Operational Risk in Semiconductor Fabrication Using Binary Classification Algorithms and Monte Carlo Simulation, a Systemic Review. 2022 Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM), Kolkata, India, 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IRTM54583.2022.9791608. [Forthcoming Issue - Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • Patnaik, D., Henriques, M., Laurel, A. (2022). Prediction of Parkinson's Disorder: A Machine Learning Approach. 2022 Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM), Kolkata, India, 01-03, doi: 10.1109/IRTM54583.2022.9791490. [Forthcoming Issue - Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • D'Sa, S., Patnaik, D. (2022). The Waste Hierarchy: The order followed by the Indian Chemical Industry to reduce industrial wastewater pollution. 2022 Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM), Kolkata, India, 1-5, doi: 10.1109/IRTM54583.2022.9791620. [Forthcoming Issue - Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • Bhardwaj, V., Bhavsar, P., Patnaik, D. (2022). Forecasting GDP per capita of OECD countries using machine learning and deep learning models. 2022 Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM), Kolkata, India, 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IRTM54583.2022.9791714. [Forthcoming Issue - Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • Patnaik, D., Gupta, A., Henriques, M.L. (2022). An Empirical Analysis of Anxiety and Depression During COVID-19. 2022 Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM), Kolkata, India, 1-4, doi: 10.1109/IRTM54583.2022.9791544. [Forthcoming Issue - Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • Patnaik, D., Yadav, S.L., Rajderkar, N.P. (2022). Use of Principal Components Analysis to Identify Relevant Health Care Parameters Among Nursing Staff on Satisfaction Perception of Health Care Services in Selected Hospitals of Goa. 2022 Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM), Kolkata, India, 1-5, doi: 10.1109/IRTM54583.2022.9791597. [Scopus Indexed]
  • Patnaik, D. & Jain, S. (2021). Multi Layered Approach based on Real Time Data: Hybrid Approach to deal with Credit Card Frauds. Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology & Management (IRTM 2021), 39-44.-Scopus-Taylor and Francis] Impact factor 0.83-SJR-0.271; Group-3.6. all life taylor and francis1.044
  • Joshi, A., Gandhi, G., Shaikh, S. M., & Patnaik, D. (2021). Dynamic Analysis between ETF and underlying asset using tracking error. Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology & Management (IRTM 2021), (pp. 453-457). DOI: 10.1201/9781003202240. [Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • Patnaik, D., Kanumuri, S. & Rath, P.K. (2019) Sustainable Development of Tourism in Goa-India Using GIS-18th International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Studies (IUAES) World Congress Conference Proceedings-pp-1460-1484 A-D. July16-20 2019. Florianopolis.
  • Patnaik, D., & Datta, R (2018) Environmental Engineering to Mitigate Environmental Pollution in Goa with special focus on Iron Ore Mining- Proc. of the Sixth Intl. Conf. Advances in Bio-Informatics, Bio-Technology and Environmental Engineering-Published by Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, USA -ISBN:978-1-63248-148-1; doi: 10.15224/978-1-63248-148-1-38.
  • Patnaik, D. (2020) Economic Growth in Thailand, Bangladesh, Goa and Kerala at Lebua Towers, Bangkok, Thailand on 14-15March2020.-Published in Annual Conference Proceedings. Google Scholar
  • Patnaik, D. (2014) Developing an Innovation Management Framework for Measuring Creativity in Research Design Proceedings in Conference Volume of Innovation Management (Theme: relevance of Business Research Results to Industry), Global Institute of Applied Business research (GIABR), Auckland, New Zealand- edited by Gonuguntla, S-ISSN No.2324-5832, Vol-1, No-1, pp-103-112.
  • Patnaik, D. & Tiwari, U (2016) Portfolio Optimization Using Value at Risk: assessment Using Historical Simulation Method for Energy Stocks in 2016 International conference Proceedings on Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences and Engineering, pp-115-119; ISBN-978-160595-396-0. Shengen, China’. [Web of Science]
  • Patnaik, D. & Asija, A (2013) Contrarian and momentum Trading- Proceedings in Behavioral Finance and Economics Conference, Los Angeles. [Scopus Indexed]
  • Patnaik, D., Asija, A, Joshi, R.P. (2012) Modeling Self Esteem in Behavioral Finance, Proceedings in 12th Annual Behavioral Finance Conference held in New York, USA, 19-21 September 2012. [EMPIRICUS]
  • Patnaik, D. & Devika (2010) Electricity Sector in Madhya Pradesh, India-38th Conference Proceedings of Regional Science, Glasgow. [Web of Science]
  • Patnaik, D. & Thampi, G. (2010) Kuznets Curve Analysis of Different Countries-38th Conference Proceedings of Regional Science, Glasgow. [Web of Science]
  • Patnaik D. & Jagota, S. (2018). Measuring the Impact of various factors on crop Yield in Himachal Pradesh with special reference to Fertilizer Use. (101st) Annual Conference of the Indian Economic Association held in Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore during 27th to 29th December 2018 IEA Publication. [UGC CARE LIST]
  • Yadav, S. L., & Patnaik, D. (2021). Nurses' Perception as a Behavioral Factor Reveals Efficiency in Documentation as a Healthcare Provider in Selected Government Hospitals of Goa. In: Chakrabarti, S., Nath, R., Banerji, P.K., Datta, S., Poddar, S., & Gangopadhyaya, M. (eds.) Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (1st ed.). Taylor and Francis CRC Press.-[Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • Yadav, S. L., & Patnaik, D. (2021). Health Care Provider Perception Towards Disaster Preparedness in Goa. In: Chakrabarti, S., Nath, R., Banerji, P.K., Datta, S., Poddar, S., & Gangopadhyaya, M. (eds.) Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (1st ed.) Taylor and Francis. CRC Press. 115-121. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 296; Impact Score: 15.21; SJR: 4.678]
  • Patnaik, D., & Swain, R. (2018). Governance of Central Banks Across the World. Proceedings in 12th World Congress: Spatial Systems, Social Integration, regional Development and Sustainability. Publisher-Regional Science Association International. 797-803. [Web of Science, Q1; H-index: 51]
  • Ganguly, D., & Patnaik, D. (2018). H221 Conceptualizing Economic Underdevelopment and Insurgency Nexus: Case Studies of Assam, Manipur and Nagaland. Proceedings in 12th World Congress on Regional Science: Spatial Systems, Social integration, Regional Development and Sustainability. Publisher- Regional Science Association International. 214-223. [Web of Science, Q1; H-index: 51]
  • Sudhir P R, Debasis Patnaik (2018) Economic Determinants of Country Risk in South Asian Countries-Proceedings in 12th World Congress: Spatial Systems, Social Integration, Regional Development and Sustainability Publisher-Regional Science Association International, 840-843. [Web of Science, Q1; H-index: 51]
  • D’ Sa, S., & Patnaik, D. (2021). Waste Management Hierarchy as an Instrument of Subsumption of the Accounting Approach to Waste Valorization of Industrial Effluents. In: Chakrabarti, S., Nath, R., Banerji, P.K., Datta, S., Poddar, S., & Gangopadhyaya, M. (eds.) Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (1st ed.). CRC Press. Taylor and Francis. [Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • Patnaik, D., & Jain, S. (2021). Assessing the Implications of Digital Media Piracy in India. In: Chakrabarti, S., Nath, R., Banerji, P.K., Datta, S., Poddar, S., & Gangopadhyaya, M. (eds.) Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (1st ed). CRC Press. Taylor and Francis. [Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • Amonkar, R. & Patnaik, D. (2022). Block-chain integrated with Internet-of-Things: A solution for seaport logistics of the export supply chain of perishable agricultural products. The Asian Logistics round Table (ALRT) 2022 conference at Inha University, Incheon, South Korea September 6, 2022. 
  • Yadav, S. L. & Patnaik, D. (2021). Responsiveness Perception by Clients towards Health Care Providers in selected hospitals in Goa. Presented at M S Gore Centenary Conference at Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) on December 19, 2021.
  • Mavis, H. & Patnaik, D. (2021). Neuropsychiatric symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease. Presented at 3rd International Conference on "Health-care and Well-being: Current Trends and Challenges Virtual Conference, IMHRC-Lucknow on October 30-31, 2021.
  • Shashi Lata Yadav, Vedant Bharadwaj and Debasis Patnaik-2024 Feb-IRTM Conf papers-Chapter 33-Safety as a Quality Care Assessment Parameter in Health Units of Goa State-293-298-Taylor and Francis.
  • Sameer Shaikh, Melba Fernandes and Debasis Patnaik and Sunil Abrammal-Chapter 64 Impact of Covid-19 on the Volatility of Indian Banking Sector Stocks 569-578-IRTM Conf Papers.-Pub by Taylor and Francis

Shashi Lata Yadav and Debasis Patnaik- 2024- Feb IRTM Conf-Chapter 91 Assurance Perception By Clients Toward Health Care Providers: A Case Study of Goa Hospitals 805- Pub by Taylor and Francis.

  • Sudhir PR and Debasis Patnaik-2024Feb-IRTM Con 23-Chapter 35 Analysis of Non-Performing Assets of Public Sector Banks in India-pp307-19.-Pub by Taylor and Francis
  • Sudhir PR and Debasis Patnaik-2024-Feb-IRTM Conf 23-Chapter 41 Analysis of Operational Risk in Public Sector Banks of India-pp-361-380.-Pub by Taylor and Francis
  • Sudhir PR, Debasis Patnaik and David Botchway-Chapter 54 Analysis of Bank-Specific Factors in Public Sector Banks in India: An ARDL Approach-pp-486-497.-Pub by Taylor and Francis
  • Shashi Lata Yadav and Debasis Patnaik-04 Feb IRTM Conf papers-Ch-91-Assurance Perception By Clients Toward Health Care Providers: A Case Study Of Goa Hospitals-Pub by Taylor and Francis.




  • Mishra, V Arunachalam & D Patnaik (Eds.) (2021) Critical Perspectives on Emerging Economies: An International Assessment, Published by Springer Nature.  ISBN-13:978-3-030-59780-1. [Scopus Indexed]
  • D Patnaik, Parashram Patil (2020). Forest Accounting (Forest Ecosystem Services)-Himalayan Publishing House-Mumbai. ISBN-978-93-90515-42-4-
  • D Patnaik (2020). Discovering Policy Imperatives for Industrial Development-Blue Rose Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN- 9789390396306
  • Mishra, V Arunachalam & D Patnaik (Eds.) (2018) Current Issues in the Economy and Finance of India-ICEF 2018, Published by Springer nature. ISBN-13: 978-3319995540. [Scopus Indexed]
  • Patnaik, D. (2011). Productivity, Growth and Dispersal of Industries. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House. ISBN 10: 8183568181/ISBN 13:9788183568180


Book Chapters

  • Baral, R., Patnaik, D. (2020). Influence of Board Composition on Agency Cost and Its Governance Outcomes. Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance and Fraud. 123-147. 10.1007/978-3-030-60008-2_9. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 28; Impact Score: 0.49; SJR: 0.309]
  • Mishra, A.K., Arunachalam, V., Patnaik, D. (2021). Preface. Contributions to Economics. v-viii. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 28; Impact Score: 7.89; SJR: 0.309]
  • Mishra, A.K., Arunachalam, V., Patnaik, D. (2018). Preface. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. v-vi. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 28; Impact Score: 7.89; SJR: 0.309]
  • Yadav, S.L., Bhardwaj, V., Patnaik, D., Noronha, C. (2022). Perception Towards Infection Control Measures Among Health Care Providers Working in Selected Hospitals of Goa. In: Ratan, J.K., Sahu, D., Pandhare, N.N., Bhavanam, A. (eds) Advances in Chemical, Bio and Environmental Engineering. CHEMBIOEN 2021. Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Cham. 541-550. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 28; Impact Score: 3.164]
  • D’sa, S., & Patnaik D. (2020). ‘The Impact of the Pharmaceutical Industry of Hyderabad in the Pollution of the Godavari River’ in Bandyopadhyay, S., Magsi, H., Sen, S., Ponce Dentinho, T. (Eds.) Water Management in South Asia. Springer. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 28; Impact Score: 1.26]
  • Tiwari, D., & Patnaik, D. (2015). ‘Understanding Technical Progress in India Industry in an I-O Framework’ in Somayajulu (ed.) Indian Economy and Economic Reforms in Inter Industry Economics Frameworks: Studies of Newly Emerging Sectoral Impacts. Himalaya Publishing House. [H-index: 12; SJR: 0.129]
  • Patnaik, D. (2013). ‘I-O Structure in Goa’ in Somayajulu (ed.) Input Output Analysis. Sage Publications. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 41; Impact Score: 2.2]
  • Patnaik, D. (2013). ‘Finite dynamic system building in relations in stock market returns’ in Somayajulu (ed.) Input Output Analysis. Sage Publications. [Scopus Indexed; H-index: 41; Impact Score: 2.2]
  • Patnaik, D. (2013). ‘CSR and Mental Health-in’ in Gaonkar, R. & Chari, V. (eds.) Corporate Social Responsibility. APH Publishing Corporation.1155/2714-2017-6.07.  [Corporate Responsibility Index; ISSN:2314-7784 online; ISSN 2356-6868 Print]
  • Patnaik, D. (2002). ‘Role of Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in Regional Economic Development’ in Mohapatro, A.C. (ed.) Problem of North-East. [Scopus Indexed]
  • Patnaik, D. (2020). Looking at Industrial Growth through the Lenses of Productivity and Equity. 118-135- in '2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Issues and Challenges, ed by Dr Sukanta K Nanda-pub-Law Publishing house.
  • Yadav, S.L., Patnaik, D., Dutta, S. (2023). Health care service quality: A comparison of satisfaction perception among public and private hospital clients in selected districts of Goa. In: Chakrabarti, S., Sakib, A.A., Singh, R., Banerji, P.K., Poddar, S., Bhattacharya, A., Gangopadhyaya, M., and Chakraborty, S. (eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM, 2022), 24-26th February 2022, Kolkata, India, 221-227, ISBN 9781032416267, CRC Press. [Forthcoming Issue (March 2023) - Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • Henriques, M.L., Patnaik, D., Laurel, A. (2023). Knowledge and beliefs: A relational study on compliance to medication and physical exercise in Parkinson’s. In: Chakrabarti, S., Sakib, A.A., Singh, R., Banerji, P.K., Poddar, S., Bhattacharya, A., Gangopadhyaya, M., and Chakraborty, S. (eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM, 2022), 24-26th February 2022, Kolkata, India, 259-264, ISBN 9781032416267, CRC Press.[Forthcoming Issue (March 2023) - Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • Patnaik, D., Sudhir P.R, (2023). Operational risk in airlines. In: Chakrabarti, S., Sakib, A.A., Singh, R., Banerji, P.K., Poddar, S., Bhattacharya, A., Gangopadhyaya, M., and Chakraborty, S. (eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM, 2022), 24-26th February 2022, Kolkata, India, 288-295, ISBN 9781032416267, CRC Press.[Forthcoming Issue (March 2023) - Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • Patnaik, D., Vishwanath, B., Shaikh S.M, (2023). Performance of initial public offers in India – long- and short-term returns. In: Chakrabarti, S., Sakib, A.A., Singh, R., Banerji, P.K., Poddar, S., Bhattacharya, A., Gangopadhyaya, M., and Chakraborty, S. (eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM, 2022), 24-26th February 2022, Kolkata, India, 296-304, ISBN 9781032416267, CRC Press.[Forthcoming Issue (March 2023) - Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • Yadav, S.L., Patnaik, D., Bhardwaj, V., (2023). Satisfaction perception of clients on responsiveness by health care providers in selected hospitals of Goa. In: Chakrabarti, S., Sakib, A.A., Singh, R., Banerji, P.K., Poddar, S., Bhattacharya, A., Gangopadhyaya, M., and Chakraborty, S. (eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM, 2022), 24-26th February 2022, Kolkata, India, 316-322, ISBN 9781032416267, CRC Press.[Forthcoming Issue (March 2023) - Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • D’sa, S., Patnaik, D. (2023). Valorization potential of the levels of the waste management hierarchy: Industrial wastewater management in the Indian chemical industry. In: Chakrabarti, S., Sakib, A.A., Singh, R., Banerji, P.K., Poddar, S., Bhattacharya, A., Gangopadhyaya, M., and Chakraborty, S. (eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM, 2022), 24-26th February 2022, Kolkata, India, 359-365, ISBN 9781032416267, CRC Press.[Forthcoming Issue (March 2023) - Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]
  • D’sa, S., Patnaik, D. (2023). Waste Management Hierarchy as an Instrument of Subsumption of the Accounting Approach to Waste Valorization of Industrial Effluents. In: Chakrabarti, S., Sakib, A.A., Singh, R., Banerji, P.K., Poddar, S., Bhattacharya, A., Gangopadhyaya, M., and Chakraborty, S. (eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM, 2022), 24-26th February 2022, Kolkata, India, 481-486, ISBN 9781032416267, CRC Press.[Forthcoming Issue (March 2023) - Scopus Indexed; Impact Score: 0.83; SJR: 0.271]

Resources Policy

Volume 82, May 2023, 103490-Elsevier


Dynamic connectedness in commodity futures markets during Covid-19 in India: New evidence from a TVP-VAR extended joint connectedness - approach;Aswini Kumar Mishra, Vairam Arunachalam, Dennis Olson, Debasis Patnaik.


Debasis Patnaik (2024)-How Gender Inequality in Russia is Impacted by Poverty and Economic Growth, Chapter 4, pp-47-60.--Book Publication: Perspectives on Gender and Development: A Compilation of Research Papers by © Dr. Elizabeth Joey Henriques ,First Edition 2024 ,© Published by Fern International Publication Pune ,