
Anupama Sharma

Assistant Professor, Gr-I

Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical modelling, Complex systems
A EX - 4, BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus, India

  • Anupama Sharma, Kevin B. Wood, Spatial segregation and cooperation in radially expanding microbial colonies under antibiotic stress, The ISME Journal 00982-2 (2021).
  • Anupama Sharma, Quantifying the effect of demographic stochasticity on the smoking epidemic in the presence of economic stimulus, Physica Adoi: 10.1016/j.physa.2020.124412 (2020).
  • Anupama Sharma, Shakti N. Menon, V. Sasidevan, Sitabhra Sinha, Epidemic prevalence information on social networks can mediate emergent collective outcomes in voluntary vaccine schemes, PLoS Computational Biology, 15(5): e1006977 (2019). [Selected press CoveragePhys.orgScienceDailyEurekAlert! and The Communication Initiative Network]
  • A. K. Misra, Anupama Sharma, J. B. Shukla, Stability analysis and optimal control of an epidemic model with awareness programs by media, Biosystems, 138, 53–62 (2015).
  • A. K. Misra, Milan Tiwari, Anupama Sharma, Spatio-temporal patterns in a cholera transmission model, Journal of Biological Systems, 23, 471–484 (2015).
  • Anupama Sharma, A. K. Misra, Backward bifurcation in smoking cessation model with media campaigns, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39, 1087–1098 (2015).
  • Anupama Sharma, A. K. Misra, Modeling the impact of awareness created by media campaigns on vaccination coverage in a variable population, Journal of Biological Systems, 22, 249–270 (2014).
  • A. K. Misra, Maitri Verma, Anupama Sharma, Capturing the interplay between malware and anti- malware in a computer network, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 229, 340–349, (2014).
  • A. K. Misra, Anupama Sharma, Jia Li, A mathematical model for control of vector borne dis- eases through media campaigns, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series-B, 18,1909–1927, (2013).
  • Sudip Samantha, Sourav Rana, Anupama Sharma, A. K. Misra, J. Chattopadhayay, Effect of awareness programs by media on epidemic outbreak: a mathematical model, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219, 6965–6977 (2013) .
  • A. K. Misra, Anupama Sharma, Vishal Singh, Effect of awareness programs in controlling the prevalence of an epidemic with time delay, Journal of Biological Systems, 19 , 389–402 (2011).
  • A. K. Misra, Anupama Sharma, J. B. Shukla, Modeling and analysis of effects of awareness programs by media on the spread of infectious diseases, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 53, 1221–1228 (2011).

For updated list of my publication check my Google Scholar profile.