
Abhinava Chatterjee

Assistant Professor, Gr-I

Soft Material Modeling, Molecular Simulations, Computational Multiscale Simulations, Biotribology, Nanomechanics
E-119, New Academic Block-5
Department of Mechanical Engineering
BITS Pilani- K K Birla Goa Campus
Zuarinagar, South Goa-403726, India


International Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

  1. Chatterjee, A., Sinha, S.K., Dubey, D.K., “Effect of Sliding velocity on the Nanoscale Frictional Behavior of Articular Cartilage contact interface: Insights from all-atom molecular dynamics investigation”, Molecular Simulation 2023, 49 (18) 1667-1683 (I.F-2.346).
  2. Chatterjee, A., Dubey, D.K., and Sinha, S.K., “Nanoscale friction and adhesion mechanisms in articular cartilage top layer hydrated interfaces: Insights from atomistic simulations”, Applied Surface Science 550, 2021, 149216 (I.F-7.392).
  3. Chatterjee, A., Dubey, D.K., and Sinha, S.K., “Effect of Loading on the Adhesion and Frictional Characteristics of Top Layer Articular Cartilage Nanoscale Contact: A Molecular Dynamics Study”, Langmuir 2021, 37, 46−62 (I.F-4.331).
  4. Chatterjee, A., Sinha, S.K., Dubey, D.K., Molecular-scale mechanisms of friction on articular cartilage interfaces
    in ionic environment using molecular simulations. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (About to submit).
  5. Chatterjee, A., Dubey, D.K., and Sinha, S.K., Nanoscale Thermal effects of articular cartilage sliding.
    Applied Materials and Interfaces (About to Submit).

International Conferences/Symposium/Workshop

  1. Chatterjee, A., Sinha, S.K., and Dubey, D.K., 2024, Sinha, S.K., "Investigating molecular scale mechanisms of ultralow nanofriction at self-mated cartilage interfaces using in-silico molecular simulations" , 3-4 June, 1st Symposium on Bio-tribology & Related Medical Devices, IIT Delhi, New Delhi.
  2. Chatterjee, A., Dubey, D.K., and Sinha, S.K., 2023, “Investigating molecular scale mechanisms for ultralow friction at cartilage interfaces using molecular dynamics simulations”, 25-30th Sept 2023, ITC Fukuoka 2023, Japan (Accepted).
  3. Chatterjee, A., Dubey, D.K., and Sinha, S.K., 2022, “Investigating Nanotribological Properties of Articular Cartilage Interfaces using Atomistic Simulations”, IndiaTrib-2022, Dec 12-14, New Delhi, India.
  4. Chatterjee, A., Dubey, D.K., and Sinha, S.K., 2022, “Atomistic scale investigations of nanoscale contact behavior at the articular cartilage interface”, IndiaTrib-2022, Dec 12-14, New Delhi, India.
  5. Chatterjee, A., Dubey, D.K., and Sinha, S.K., 2019, “Investigating Nanoscale Friction in Articular Cartilage Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations”, ITC Sendai 2019 (International Tribology Conference), Sept 17-21, Sendai, Japan.
  6. Chatterjee, A., Dubey, D.K., and Sinha, S.K., 2019, “Understanding molecular level friction in articular cartilage using atomistic simulations”, 11th International Biotribology forum, Biotribology Sendai 2019, Sept 15-16, Sendai, Japan.
  7. Chatterjee, A., Sarkar, M., and Ghosh, S.K., 2014, “Analytical study of the wear behavior on the excavator bucket”, International Conference on Advances in Tribology 2014, Feb 21-24, NIT Calicut, India.