
Kathryn Hummel

Visiting Associate Professor

sociology of literature, creative writing, arts-based research, ethnography, Cultural Studies, Gender and Sexuality

Dr Kathryn Hummel (she/her) holds undergraduate degrees in English and Gender Studies from the University of Adelaide and a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of South Australia. Researching at the intersection of cross-cultural ethnography, gender, sexuality, cultural studies, and the creative arts has led Kathryn to universities, literary festivals and art spaces throughout Australasia, Europe and South Asia. She is the recipient of the Zonta Club of Adelaide's Woman of Achievement Award, the Melbourne Lord Mayor’s Dorothy Porter Award and the Meniscus/Copyright Agency Ltd Poetry Prize, among others.

Author of numerous creative/scholarly works published, performed, translated and anthologised globally and across disciplines, Kathryn's books include: Poems from Here (Walleah Press 2014), The Bangalore Set (Kena 2015), The Body That Holds (Little Windows 2017), splashback (Stale Objects dePress 2017; Prote[s]xt Books 2019), A Few Franks for Dearest Dominic (Prote[s]xt Books 2019) and Lamentville (Math Paper Press 2019). Udbhēda: Details of Bangladesh Life & Adda, a creative/academic text based on Kathryn's ongoing research interests in Bangladesh and contemporary ethnographic methodology, is forthcoming with Vernon Press.

Previously, Kathryn has worked in administrative and academic roles at the University of Adelaide; the University of South Australia; the Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad; the Indian Institute of Management, Indore; Ajeenkya DY Patil University, Pune; MIT World Peace University, and Symbiosis International University. She is concurrently an Adjunct Professor with the School of Liberal Arts and Humanities, Woxsen University.

Kathryn was born and grew up on lands never ceded by the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains.