1. Fellow, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, IETE, Contribution in AI (2020)
2. Leadership, Computer Society Global Outstanding Chapter Leadership Award, IEEE, Contribution in Outreach and Volunteer Activities, USD 1000 (2020)
3. Outstanding Alumni Award, Jawharlal Nehru National College of Engineering, for contributions to foundational research in AstroInformatics and continuing education (2020)
4. Best Paper Award, Steven Yu, V. Raychoudhury, S.Saha; Dynamic Taxi Ride-Sharing through Adaptive request Propagation Using Regional Taxi Demand and Supply, EAI, Mobiquitous (2021)
5.Best Paper Award, Main track of 34th IEEE International Conference on Industrial, Engineering Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems;J.Sarkar, S.Sarkar, S.Saha, S.Das; d-BTAI: the dynamic-Binary Tree Based Anomaly Identification Algorithm for Industrial Systems, IEEE, IEA/AIE (2021)
6. Advisor (Honorary), Center of Excellence in Data Science, University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanada (2022)