Academic Counselling Cell

Academic-Graduate Studies and Research Division

The overall operation of Higher Degree and PhD program is handled by Academic – Graduate Studies and Research (AGSR) Division. The major responsibility of the AGSR Division is to plan, execute and analyse schemes to enhance the quality of the Higher Degree and PhD programs offered at BITS Pilani.

PhD programme

Full-time PhD program

Admission in Full-time PhD program is offered to prospective students who full-fill the eligibility criteria of individual departments and are selected through an admission process. For more information on the admission procedure, visit
In general, the full-time PhD students would receive fellowship from three different sources. 
• Institute fellowship (INR 28,000 or INR 31,000 per month as per intake qualifications).
• Fellowship obtained through sponsored research projects of faculty members.
• Individual fellowship obtained through different government or industrial granting agencies or foundations including DST INSPIRE, CSIR/UGC NET, CSIR SRF, ICMR JRF/SRF, DBT SRF etc.

Part-time PhD program

Admission in Part-time PhD program is offered to candidates working in close proximity to any of the Indian campuses and the work place possessing and offering resources to encourage research work. The employer should provide no-objection certificate for candidate to pursue PhD work.
For more information on the admission procedure, visit

Part-time PhD program

PhD Aspirant Scheme is aimed to provide opportunity for working professionals to pursue PhD. These professionals are working in an Industry with commitment to research and are collaborating with BITS Pilani through Practice School/ Work-Integrated Learning/ Sponsored Research program.
For more information on the admission procedure, visit

Higher Degree Programme


Higher Degree Programmes Offered at Hyderabad Campus



Chemical Engineering

Civil with specialization in Structural Engineering

Civil with specialization in Transportation Engineering

Communication Engineering

Computer Science

Design Engineering


Manufacturing Systems Engineering


Embedded Systems

Sanitation Science, Technology and Management 


M.Pharm. with specialization in Pharmaceutics

All these programmes have the same educational process, syllabus, evaluation method and academic 

flexibilities like transfer, dual degree etc. as followed at BITS, Pilani Pilani Campus.


To all the higher degree programs, admissions will be made, on the basis of merit, as per the modalities explained below:

  • Admissions based on GATE (for M. E.) / GPAT (for M. Pharm.) score and
  • Admissions based on the marks obtained in the online HD test conducted by BITS and/or written test, group discussions and interviews conducted by BITS at its campuses/any other places.

Further details are available at the BITS website,

Teaching Assistantship / Scholarship

Students admitted based on GATE/GPAT Score

The students admitted to a Higher Degree program based on their GATE/GPAT score would be eligible to receive a scholarship of Rs. 12400/- per month from UGC. The application for GATE/GPAT scholarship will be submitted to UGC/MHRD by the Institute.

Apart from the UGC scholarship, the students admitted based on GATE/GPAT score would receive a fee waiver from the Institute up to an amount of Rs. 60500/- per semester.

The scholarship is provided in lieu of 6-8 hours of teaching assistantship work per week.

Students admitted based on HD Test or Interviews

The students admitted to a HD program based on their score in HD Test or Interviews conducted by BITS Pilani will receive a Stipend of Rs. 13400/- per month for 6-8 hours of Teaching Assistantship work per week.

Other Scholarships

The Institute encourages eligible students to apply for scholarships from external agencies such as Tata Trusts Medical and Health Care Scholarships by providing all the required support to submit applications.


All courses are conducted and evaluated in a continuous & internal manner by the faculty who teach these courses. The student registers for a certain number of courses each semester; the year being divided into two semesters, and a summer term, whenever offered. A faculty member, as registration advisor, helps a student to draw up his programme, suitable to his pace and needs, which is made possible by the course wise time-table of the Institute. Every student gets, incidentally, a training in decision making through (i) choice of load, i.e. number of courses per semester to suit his/her pace, (ii) selection of his/her own time-table to suit his/her convenience, and (iii) picking up courses as electives to meet his/her own aspirations. It is the responsibility of the student to attend classes regularly and to maintain a required level of scholastic standing. 

The performance of a student in each course is assessed by the teacher by means of continuous evaluation throughout the semester in classwork, periodical quizzes (sometimes unannounced), tests (both open and closed book), tutorials, laboratory work, homework, seminars, group discussions, project, etc., and a comprehensive examination at the end of the semester. The student is thereby given a large number of opportunities to carryout various academic assignments and be evaluated. Besides encouraging and rewarding continuous and systematic study, the system provides a constant feedback to the student as to where he/she stands, thus enabling him/her to cultivate regular habits of studying and preparing himself/herself for the future. 

The system discards the conventional emphasis on a single final examination and numerical marks as the only absolute indication of the quality of student's performance. Thus, at the end of the semester the teacher of the course awards letter grades A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, D, E to the student based on the total performance of the student and it is relative to the performance of others taking the same course. These letter grades stand for quality of performance: A (Excellent), A- (Very Good), B (Good), B- (Above Average), C (Average), C- (Below Average), D (Poor) and E (Exposed). Further, these letter grades have points associated with them in a quantified hierarchy: a maximum of 10 (for an A) to a minimum of 2 (for an E). There are also courses in which the teacher awards non-letter grades which have only a qualitative hierarchy. The teacher may also pronounce the performance of a student in a course in terms of certain reports which should not be misconstrued as grades.

A student is deemed to have cleared a course if he/she obtains a grade in the course. However, the educational philosophy of the Institute interlinks and at the same time distinguishes between the performance of a student in a single course and his/her overall cumulative performance. The overall performance of a student is indicated by an index known as the “Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)”. It is the weighted average of the grade points of all the letter grades received by the student since his/her entry into the Institute and is expressed on a 10-point scale. 

The minimum academic requirements regarding the performance and progress for the Higher Degrees are:

1.A CGPA of at least 5.5 at the end of every semester 

2.No E grade in the higher degree programmes.

3. The pace of progress of a student should be such that at any stage of reckoning he/she should not have spent more than 50% extra time than what is prescribed for him/her upto that stage in his/her programme.

Graduated Students and Placement Statistics

Academic Year

No. of


% Placed

Average Salary

per annum

Maximum Salary

per annum

AY 2020-21





AY 2019-20





AY 2018-19





AY 2017-18





AY 2016-17





For the List of Recruiters please visit: 

Why should I go to the Counseling Cell?
Every student requires some help at some point of time. You might be confused what subjects you should take up for your electives. Maybe you're not sure which stream to take up in your first year. Should you do a Dual degree? You can find many of your questions answered by the Student and the Faculty Mentors available just for you. In case you have some personal/career related issues you can also approach the Professional counselor available too. Students come for help for various reasons. Sometimes it is related to day to day issues. Other times it is family or relationship issues. Remember, it's OK to ask for help. Everyone does at one point or the other. Asking for help doesn't demean you. It just makes you smart enough to know, that you need some advice.
Who all can go to the Counseling Cell?
We welcome all students studying at Bits Pilani for discussions on personal, academic and career related issues.
Am I assured confidentiality?
We realize that it may be difficult for you to approach the Counseling Cell. Remember we are all here to help you. Whatever you share will be kept confidential. In case there is a need to speak to a faculty member or the counselor, it will only be done with your prior approval. We realize the importance of confidentiality and do not breach the trust you place on us by coming to the Counseling Cell.
What all can I talk about?
Students come to the Counseling Cell for various reasons. Students approach us for academic and personal issues. You can talk about stress, relationship issues, time management, peer pressure, depression, anxiety, substance usage and abuse, academic stress and loneliness as well.
What if my friend needs help?
You will have to convince your friend to approach the Counseling Cell if you feel they need help. We can provide help to the person concerned if they are willing to come to us.
Whom can I contact at the counseling Cell?
There is a list available for you with Names and brief background about the Student Mentors, Faculty Mentors and Professional Counselor. Feel free to contact anyone from the list for help. Try to make a prior appointment through email/phone call before you visit the person. Please be on time for your appointments.
Do I need to take an appointment?
It is ideal to take up an appointment prior to visiting the Counseling Cell. The Student Mentors, Faculty Mentors and Professional Counselor will keep time aside just for you. So, make the most of that time. Turn up on time!
Is there a fee/charge?
No, there is no additional charge from you. As long as you are a registered student at BITS, you can avail of the service.
How long does counseling take?
The length of counseling depends on the problems and the goals. Often, a situational problem or concern about a friend may require only one or two sessions. We generally try to provide enough help for you to be able to make progress and move forward with the issues on your own, even if they are not fully resolved.
How does counseling work?
There are a variety of counseling strategies tailored for different problems. In general, counseling is a collaborative process that involves joint problem-solving in a confidential context.

Every student requires some help at some point of time. You can find many of your questions answered by the Student and the Faculty Mentors available just for you. In case you have some personal/career related issues you can also approach the Professional counselor available too. Students come for help for various reasons. 

Sometimes it is related to day to day issues. Other times it is family or relationship issues. Remember, it’s OK to ask for help. Think this as a guidance rather than help. In case you wish to share with us, please drop an email to ACC at and we will connect with you. We shall be more than pleased to be of some help to you.

Quote Of The Day

quote writer

“Be mindful. Be grateful. Be positive. Be true. Be kind.”

Roy T. Bennett

The Light in the Heart

quote writer

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

Winston Churchill
quote writer

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value."

Albert Einstein
quote writer

“ Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is reached. ”

Swami Vivekananda.
quote writer

“ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world ”

Nelson Mandela.
quote writer

“ You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results"

Mahatma Gandhi.
quote writer

“ If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun"

APJ Abdul Kalam.
quote writer

“ It is nice to be important. But, it is more important to be nice"

Roger Federer.
quote writer

"Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom"

Jim Rohn
quote writer

“ The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficulty"

Winston Churchill.

Learning Tips by faculty

In an effort to disseminate few information in the form of short video clips, ACC has reached out to few faculty members to contribute a short video addressing the following aspects.

  • What is the right strategy to study a subject? 
  • How to maximize the impact of lecture classes on learning cum exam preparation?
  • How to cultivate the habit of distributed learning?

Prof. Vamsi Krishna Venuganti
Associate Dean

Academic-Graduate Studies and Research Division
Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Hyderabad Campus Jawahar Nagar, Kapra Mandal
Medchal District - 500 078
Telangana, India
