The Department of Mathematics was founded in 2004 and is staffed by highly qualified faculty members with expertise in both pure and applied mathematics. It offers a range of academic programs, including a Bachelor of Engineering in Mathematics and Computing (B.E.(MAC)), a Master of Science in Mathematics (M.Sc.(Maths)), and doctoral programs. Annually, the department admits approximately 140 students into its undergraduate programs. Students are encouraged to pursue careers in education and research across various mathematical disciplines. The department also provides foundational courses for all students enrolled in first-degree programs (B.E. and M.Sc.) at the Institute, ensuring a robust grounding in essential mathematical concepts applicable to engineering and the sciences. Additionally, specialized mathematics courses are available for students in the B.E. (MAC), M.Sc. (Maths), and Ph.D. programs. The department plays a significant role in the Work Integrated Learning Programs (WILP) offered by the Institute, which are tailored for professionals in diverse industries. Graduates from the department are well-prepared for successful careers in science and engineering, as evidenced by the achievements of alumni who have secured positions in leading industries and prestigious institutions worldwide. The department is actively engaged in research and disseminates knowledge through publications, lectures, collaborations, and consultations, thereby contributing to both academic and industrial sectors.
Department of Mathematics strives to be internationally recognized for academic excellence through the depth of its teaching and research, and to be recognized as a pioneering force in mathematical research, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and innovation to address complex global challenges.
To provide rigorous and comprehensive education in mathematics, equipping students with the analytical skills and knowledge necessary to excel in academic, professional, and research environments.
The Department of Mathematics offers a variety of academic programs, including M.Sc. (Hons), Ph.D. and Minor in Data Science program.
The Department of Mathematics, BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus has eleven-year-long tradition of carrying out research of excellence, spanning a wide range of subjects in pure and applied mathematics. The department offers Ph.D. program in Mathematics, which is open to students with an M.Sc. degree. Students are admitted to this program twice a year (July/January) based on an entrance test. The main objective of the doctoral program is to create scholarly responsibility among researchers and provide them an intellectually stimulating environment for focused research. In addition to this, the study phase of the research includes a solid foundation in advanced mathematics with a special sequence of courses, which is designed to enhance the professional ability of the candidates. The Ph.D. program optimizes the department's most advanced manifestation of commitment and determination.
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Anil Kumar,
Co. Supervisor -
Danumjaya Palla, Amiya Kumar Pani,
Computational Facilities Computers: DELL Latitude 3460 Laptops (25) Ultra short throw projector (EPSON EB-1430Wi) LCD Monitors (VU-02) Inverter UPS (Microtek) Networking Facilities (155 Mbps Vodafone wireless network connection) Mathematical Software: MATLAB, MATHEMATICA, Scilab, FreeFem++, FEniCS, Tora, Statistical Software R, SAGE, Minitab, WinEdt & Overleaf NBHM Supported Library NATIONAL BOARD FOR HIGHER MATHEMATICS, GOVT OF INDIA has recognized and listed our department under the complementary book distribution scheme in 2013. Many books of undergraduate/graduate/research level have been received by the department for last four years.
Computers: DELL Latitude 3460 Laptops (25)
Ultra short throw projector (EPSON EB-1430Wi)
LCD Monitors (VU-02)
Inverter UPS (Microtek)
Networking Facilities (155 Mbps Vodafone wireless network connection)
Mathematical Software
Annual Conference on Indian Women and Mathematics (IWM) 2024-25
New B.E. Program on Mathematics & Computing
Annual Conference of Indian Women and Mathematics (IWM) during July 11-13, 2024 at BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus.
“9th International Conference on Mathematics & Computing” organized by BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus
Annual Conference on Indian Women and Mathematics (IWM) 2024-25
8 July, 2024New B.E. Program on Mathematics & Computing
6 July, 2024Global solutions with asymptotic self-similar behaviour for the cubic wave equation
Privacy Preserving Synthetic Data Generation from Insecure Microdata.
The stress intensity factor for Griffith and Zener-Stroh crack
CALDAM Indo- German Pre-Conference School on Algorithms and Combinatorics
International Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics
International conference on Discrete Mathematics and its Application
Workshop on Analysis, Differential Equations and Computation
Indian Statistical Institute, delivered a talk on “Schur Functions – A brief survey”
IIT Bombay, delivered a talk on “Cancellation of Projective Modules”.
IIT Madras, Chennai, delivered a talk entitled “Pedestrian Crowd Dynamics Models and Analysis”
Wave interactions problem for hyperbolic system of conservation laws.
IIT Madras, delivered a talk on “Regularization for an inverse problem in parabolic PDE”
Presidency University Kolkata, delivered a talk on “The Total Variation of Curves under Chaos”
IIT Goa delivered a lecture on “Elementary estimates on primes”
Introduction to standard and non-standard numerical methods to differential equations.
Optimal control problem: a use of Pontryagin minimum principle
Matrix splitting and regularization theory for singular linear system of equations
Brain-computer interface based home automation system for paralysed people
Accelerated expansion of the universe may be observed in General relativity.
The evolutionary stability of partial migration under different forms of competition.
Hyderabad Central University delivered a lecture on “The Serre-Swan Theorem”
National workshop on ‘R with Applications to Quantitative finance’
Discrete Mathematics and its Applications to Network Science
Panjab University, Chandigarh delivered a lecture on “Cayley table in Sudoku style”
IIT Kanpur delivered a lecture on “Congruent number problem”
University of Haifa, Israel delivered a lecture on “On configuration spaces for linkages”
Application of Hypersingular integral equations in crack problems.
An Introduction to Delay Differential Equations and its Applications.
Mixed norm estimates for the Ces`aro means associated with Dunkl–Hermite expansions.
Asymptotic expansions of approximate eigenvalues of integral operators of algebraic multiplicity m.
IISER Trivandrum, delivered a lecture on “Semipositivity of matrices and their preservers”
Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics (CALDAM-2017)
Indo-German Pre-Conference School on “Algorithms and Combinatorics
IIT Bombay delivered a lecture on “Linear Algebra Proof of Fundamental Theorem of Algebra”
Mathematical Modeling of Diabetes and Tuberculosis Co-infection.
When Nonautonomous Equations are Equivalent to Autonomous Ones.
Optimal control of the velocity term in a Kirchhoff plate equation with multiplicative control.
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) delivered a lecture on “Algorithmic techniques and puzzles”.
Prof. R.N. Saha inaugurated DIST-FIST Scientific Computing Lab of the Department of Mathematics
Ahlfors seminar award -2016 to Dr. Mayank Goel and addressed the gathering.
“Preparation of Research Project Proposals to Funding Agencies”
Sixty Years of Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) Methods – A Personal Retrospective
Numerical solution of Cauchy singular integral equation with an application to a crack problem.
On actor critic algorithm for risk-sensitive portfolio optimization problem.
On the chaotic behavior of the Dunkl heat semigroup on weighted LP spaces.
An Introduction to Coding Theory with Emphasis on Reed-Muller Codes.
Curriculum Review Meeting with the Department of Mathematics
Cellular Manufacturing Problem – A Graph Theoretic Approach.
Solution of a crack problem in the field of fracture mechanics.
Polynomial Systems over Finite Fields and Linear Error-Correcting Codes.
Existence and Non-existence of Bounded Solution for Fourth Order ODE.
Wavelet based numerical methods for solving integral equations.
Expectations from Faculty Members for Deeper Industry Engagement
Solving differential equations using orthogonal cubic spline collocation methods.
Inequalities involving the location of zeros of polynomials.
Controllability of a class of parabolic integro-differential equations.
Ahlfors seminar award -2014 to Dr Alpesh M Dhorajia and addressed the gathering.
Risk Management in Portfolios-Applications of Signed Graphs.
Computationally perfect Secret Sharing Scheme based on Maximum Distance Separable Codes.
Transition Matrix Technique for the Computation of Steering Controls in Artificial Satellite.
Finite Element Methods for a fourth order nonlinear parabolic problem.
Lie Symmetries and its Application to Differential Equations.
Public-Key Encryption with Searchable Keywords Based on Jacobi.
Far field boundary conditions and their numerical approximation.
Algebraic varieties-A Conceptual Approach and Groups and Symmetries of Structures.
Kaluza-Klein cosmological models filled with perfect fluid in f(R,T) theory of gravity.
Applications and Construction of some special geometric objects.
Research Promotion Workshop on Introduction to Graph and Geometric Algorithms
Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations: Breaking up of Classical Solutions.
An ill-posed Cauchy problem for second order elliptic equation appearing in a sonic boom.
International Workshop on Advances in Computational Partial Differential Equations
The Department has received Grants from various funding agencies like Elsevier Mathematical Science Sponsorship Fund (E-MSSF) | SPARC| DST- SERB | NBHM | CSIR | DRDO| DST FIST | RIG, BITS| SPARKLE, BITS| DHR, ICMR | SERB - Power Grant
Research Staff
Research Associate
Applications are invited for the position of Junior research fellow in the Department of Mathematics at BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa for a DST SERB POWER Grant sponsored research project titled “Spectral Analogue results for strong multiplicity one theorem” under project number SPG/2022/001738
Applications are invited for Admission to the Ph.D. Program for Semester I, 2024-2025
Application Deadline: 29 April 2024
For more details, please click here.
To apply, please click here.
Department of Mathematics, BITS Pilani K. K. Birla Goa Campus, NH 17B, Bypass, Road, Zuarinagar, Goa 403726
Department of Mathematics, BITS Pilani K. K. Birla Goa Campus, NH 17B, Bypass, Road, Zuarinagar, Goa 403726
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