Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Postdoctoral Position
Interested candidate may apply through National Postdoctoral Fellowship (NPDF) under Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST, India. We will assist you to prepare a research proposal in the research area of our common interest. NPDF open for 1st May to 30th May, 2019
Ph.D. Position (Full Time)
One JRF position is available under a Department of Biotechnology, India sponsored project with working area "Nanomaterials based sensor system for breath analysis”. The fellowship amount will be Rs. ~31000/- per month (first 2-years) and ~35000/- (last year). GATE, NET qualified candidates are preferable. Tentative time of the advertisement and interview will be first week and last week of July, 2019 respectively.
CSIR-JRF or UGC (NET)-JRF qualified candidates interested to pursue Ph.D. in the area of ‘nanomaterials based solid state devices’ may apply any time of the year.
Ph.D. Position (Part Time)
Interested candidate may also apply for part time Ph.D. in the area of Device modeling, Signal processing and pattern recognition.
Interested candidate may send their brief resume to
Nanomaterials Gas Sensor Laboratory
TiO2 Nanotubes Array
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