
Dr. Devika Sangwan 

Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Cinema, Feminism, Language & Literature
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani- 333031, Rajasthan. India.

Books & Notes


Books Published



  1. Sangwan, Devika et al. Eds. Aurora: Creative Short Stories. Delhi: Narendra Publishing House, 2017. ISBN: 978-93-86110-26-8.
  2. Sangwan, Devika. A Journey from Innocence to Experience: Evolution of Feminist Fiction. New Delhi: Excellent Publishing House, 2013. ISBN 9789383083091
  3. Lata, Pushp, Devika and Gajendra Singh Chauhan. Eds. Integrating Web 2.0 Technology and Culture in English Language Teaching. New Delhi: Jain Brothers, 2013. ISBN: 9788183601962
  4. Lata, Pushp, Devika, and Gajendra Singh Chauhan. Eds. Interfacing ELT with Culture & Technology: Direction for New Classroom. New Delhi: Jain Brothers, 2012.




  1. Devika and Gajendra Singh Chauhan. Communication Skills. (Lecture Notes) for Professional Development Programme for Non Teaching (2 Mar-12 Mar 2015).
  2. Devika. Language Lab Practice. TOC C215. 2012.
  3. Dr. Sangeeta Sharma, Dr. Devika, and Ms. Poonam Vyas. Communication Skills (Lecture Notes) for Academic Development Programme in Basic Process Engineering for Bharat Aluminum Company. 2010.
  4. Sangeeta Sharma, Sanjiv Kumar Choudhary, Gajendra Singh Chauhan, and Devika. English Communication Skills. 2011.
    Technical Report Writing. WILP. 2002.


Total number of articles (61)

Book chapters (13)


  1. Raj P., Devika (2020) Use of Metacognitive Awareness for the Optimal Utilisation of Competencies in Ill-Defined Situations: A Study of Oskar Schindler (Schindler’s List). In: Sangwan K., Herrmann C. (eds) Enhancing Future Skills and Entrepreneurship. Sustainable Production, Life Cycle Engineering and Management. Springer, Cham. SCOPUS INDEXED.
  2. Venugopal A., Singh R., Devika (2020) Role of Self-efficacy in the Learning Output of Engineering Education. In: Sangwan K., Herrmann C. (eds) Enhancing Future Skills and Entrepreneurship. Sustainable Production, Life Cycle Engineering and Management. Springer, Cham. SCOPUS INDEXED.
  3. Devika. “Why Women are not Allowed to be Daring Enough to have Self-belief and Exercise its Assertion?” Feminist Slants in Contemporary Writings. Ed Sunita Sinha. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2019. 45-64.
  4. Devika and Piyush Gupta. “Dolly Mishra in Vishal Bhardwaj’s Omkara (2006): A Feminist Reading of the Film.” Shakespeare: A reappraisal. (Vol. II). Eds. Sunita Sinha and Carole Rozzonelli. Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2015. 187-203. Print. ISBN 978-81-269-1963-5.
  5. Devika, Sushila Rathore and Virendra Singh Nirban. “Unobtrusive Dissemination of the Didactic Teachings through the Indian Folklore.” Canons of Children’s Literature. Ed. Sunita Sinha. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2012. 95-109. Print.
  6. Devika. “An Encounter with the Labyrinthine Affairs of Life.” Studies in Women Writers in English. (Vol. IX). Eds. Mohit Kumar Ray and Rama Kundu. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2010. 1-16. Print.
  7. Devika. “An Enchanting Enigma of Kiran Desai’s Stylistic Nuances in The Inheritance of Loss.” Critical Responses to Kiran Desai. Eds. Sunita Sinha and Bryan Reynolds. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2009. 32-50. Print.
  8. Devika. “Exquisite Depiction of Cultural Sensitivities in Doris Lessing.” New Urges in Postcolonial Literature: Widening Horizons. Ed. Sunita Sinha. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2009. 52-66. Print.
  9. Devika. “Existential Concerns in Toni Morrison.” Studies in Women Writers in English. (Vol. V). Eds. Mohit Kumar Ray and Rama Kundu. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2006. 13-27. Print.
  10. Devika. “Disastrous Synthesis of Desire and Duty in Manju Kapur’s Difficult Daughters.” Studies in Women Writers in English. (Vol. V). Eds. Mohit Kumar Ray and Rama Kundu. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2006. 231-48. Print.
  11. Devika. “Diaphanous Expose of Human Values in Jhimpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies.” Indian Writings in English. Eds. Binod Mishra and Sanjay Kumar. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2005. 113-28. Print.
  12. Devika. “The Portrait of a Lady: A Journey from Self Deception to Self Destruction.” Critical Perspective in American Literature. Ed. Meenakshi Raman. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2005. 71-86. Print.
  13. Devika. “A Clash between Male Chauvinism and Existential Concerns.” Mohit K. Ray. Indian Writing in English. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2003, 138-56. Print.


Journal Papers (36)


  1. U. Mittal, S. Sai, V. Chamola and D. Sangwan, "A Comprehensive Review on Generative AI for Education," in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 142733-142759, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3468368. SCOPUS INDEXED. 
  2. Kumar, R., Sangwan, K. S., Herrmann, C., & Bera, T. C. (2024). Development of a Human Centric Cyber Physical Production System Framework for Enhanced Social Sustainability. Procedia CIRP122, 581-586. SCOPUS INDEXED H-Index 103. 
  3. Singh, R., Sangwan, K.S. and Sangwan, D. (2024), "Engineering undergraduates’ knowledge: insights into skills’ awareness, difference and interdependence", Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. SCOPUS INDEXED Q2 H-Index 25.
  4. Sangwan, Devika, Kumar Sankar Bhattacharya, and Punita Raj. "Learning Transversal Competencies from the Soldiers: A Study of Saving Private Ryan." Quarterly Review of Film and Video 40.5 (2023): 623-648. DOI: 10.1080/10509208.2022.2036560  SCOPUS INDEXED Q1 H-Index 11.
  5. Sengupta, Ritushree, Kumar Sankar Bhattacharya, and Devika Sangwan. "From Margaret Noble to Sister Nivedita: Mapping a Colonial Woman’s Journey to India in Search of a ‘Home’." 11 (2022): 1-13. SCOPUS INDEXED.
  6. Devika Sangwan and Punita Raj. "The philosophy of Be, Know, and Do in forming the 21st century military war-front competencies: a systematic review." Defence Studies 21 (2) (2021) DOI: 10.1080/14702436.2021.1937135 SCOPUS INDEXED Q1 H-Index 16.
  7. Devika, Punita Raj, Abhijith Venugopal, Bastian Thiede, Christoph Herrmann, Kuldip Singh Sangwan. “Development of the Transversal Competencies in Learning Factories.” Procedia Manufacturing 45 (2020) 349-354. SCOPUS INDEXED. H-Index 80.
  8. Devika and Rajni Singh. “Influence of Metacognitive Awareness on Engineering Students’ Performance: a Study of Listening Skills.” Procedia Manufacturing 31 (2019) 136-141. SCOPUS INDEXED. H-Index 80.
  9. Singh Rajni, Devika, Christoph Herrmann, Sebastian Thiede, Kuldip Singh Sangwan. “Research-based Learning for Skill Development of Engineering Graduates: an Empirical Study.” Procedia Manufacturing 31 (2019) 323-329. SCOPUS INDEXED. H-Index 80.
  10. Kumar Ravi and Devika. “Negotiating Muslim Identity in Mohsin Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist.” Literary Voice 9 (1) (Sep. 2018): 75-80. Print. ISSN: 2277-4521. Indexed with Web of Science ESCI, Cosmos, ESJI, I20R, Cite Factor.
  11. Kumar Ravi and Devika. “Journey of the Displaced from Idealization to Realization in Anita Desai’s In Custody.” International Journal of Movement Education and Social Science 7(3) 2018: 318-325.
  12. Devika. “A Study on the Acquisition of Paralinguistic Features of Oral Presentation Skills: Challenges to the Rural Students.” Journal of Indian Education XLIII (2) (Aug. 2017): 36:42. ISSN: 0377-0435 (Print); 0972-5628 (Online).
  13. Devika. “Effective Learning of the basics of second language: exposure of rural students to types of errors through listening skills.” The Journal of English Language Teaching LIX (4) (July-Aug. 2017): 3-12. Print. ISSN 0973-5208 Impact factor – 4.756. 
  14. Devika. “Velutha’s Marginalized Sublimity in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things.” Literary Voice: A Bi-Annual Peer-Reviewed Journal 6 (1) (March 2017) 37-46. ISSN 2277-4521. Indexed with Web of Science ESCI, Cosmos, ESJI, I20R, Cite Factor and I20R.
  15. Devika. “Woman’s Self-Belief and Self-Assertion: Viewing the Societal Shape Shifters through the Selected Works of Post-Colonial Women Writers.” The Atlantic Review of Feminist Studies 4 (3-4) (July-Dec. 2016) 1-19. Print. ISSN 2320-5105. I
  16. Devika and Piyush Gupta. "Ideology and Structure of Hindi Films: A Historical Perspective." LENSIGHT: Quarterly Journal of Film and Media (Oct-Dec 2016) 1-13. ISSN 2395-4604.
  17. Devika and Piyush Gupta. “Studies in Aesthetic Delight (Parmananda) in Hindi Film Adaptations.” The NEHU Journal XIII (1) (Jan-Jun 2015) 1-20. ISSN 0972-8406.
  18. Devika and Piyush Gupta. “Shakespeare, India and Intercultural Performances in Theatre and Films.” Teresian Journal of English Studies (TJES) 6(1) (Oct 2014): 101-119. ISSN 0975-6302.
  19. Gupta Piyush and Devika. “Reframing Intentionality, Characterization and Narrativity of Adapted Film for Darshnic Viewing: Envisioning New Perspectives.” Contemporary Issues in Languages and Humanities 4(3) (Oct 2014) 5-19. ISSN 2249-9792.
  20. Devika. “Taking the World in their Stride: an Audacious Display of Self Assertion by Ammu and Virmati.” Journal of Law and Social Sciences 2(2) (April 2013) (Print ISSN: 2251-2853, E-periodical: 2251-2861)
  21. Lata, Pushp and Devika. “Instilling Creativity, Critical Thinking and Values for Holistic Development through Humanities and Liberal Arts Courses among Engineering Students.” Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 21(1) (Mar 2013): 329 - 340. SCOPUS INDEXED. Q2 H-Index 18.
  22. Devika. “An Insightful Display of Diaspora in Preeti Singh’s Circles of Silence.” Literary Voice: a Bi-Annual Peer-Reviewed Journal 1(2) (Mar 2013): 46-42.
  23. Devika. “Charismatic Decant of Stylistic Niceties in Doris Lessing and Arundhati Roy.” The Literati: A Transnational Peer Reviewed Journal Devoted to Language & Literature 2.2 (Winter 2012): 112-118. Print.
  24. Rathore, Sushila and Devika. “Tumultuous ordeal of women to self assertion in Manju Kapur’s Difficult Daughters and Married Woman” Contemporary Discourse: A Peer Reviewed International Journal 3.1 (Jan. 2012):113-118. Print.
  25. Rathore, Sushila and Devika. “Depiction of individual ideology against the backdrop of philosophy in the movies of Alfred Hitchcock, Orson Welles and Jean Renoir” Literary Insight: A Refereed International Journal 3.1 (Jan. 2012): 41-45. Print.
  26. Nirban, Virendra Singh, Devika Sangwan, and Sushila Rathore. “Language Alterations in Internet Relay Chat Discourse.” International Journal of Research in Management & Technology (IJRMT) 1.2 (Dec. 2011): 93-96.
  27. Rathore, Sushila and Devika. “Self Assertion of Hester Prynne and Pilate for Sexual Liberation in The Scarlet Letter and Song of Solomon” Indian Journal of Humanities: A Multidisciplinary Quarterly Refereed Research Journal 1.3 (July-Sep. 2011): 65:69. Print.
  28. Devika, Virendra Singh Nirban and Sushila Rathore. “Vocabulary Acquisition through Conversation.” The Journal of English Language Teaching XLIX.4 (July-Aug. 2011): 3-9. Print.
  29. Devika and Meenakshi Raman. “Exploration of Self in the Existential Sphere in Margaret Atwood.” Literary Voice 2008 Annual Issue (2008): 32-52. Print.
  30. Devika “Streak of Existentialism in Literature.” The Atlantic Literary Review 8. 4 (Oct-Dec 2007): 140-51. Print.
  31. Devika. “Thematic Gamut of Philip Larkin’s Poetry.” The Atlantic Literary Review 8.1 (Jan-Mar 2007): 11-22. Print.
  32. Devika. “An Irresistible Lure for Latin and Greek Roots in the Language of Literature and Science.” The Atlantic Critical Review 6.2 (Apr- Jun 2007): 125-31. Print.
  33. Devika and Meenakshi Raman. “Inclusion of Small Things in Arundhati Roy’s Big World.” The Atlantic Literary Review 7.4 (Oct-Dec 2006): 90-109. Print.
  34. Devika and Sushila Rathore. “Media Miracles: Subtle Shift in Identity.” International Journal of Communication 16.1-2 (Jan-Dec 2006): 145-154. Print.
  35. Devika. “Importance of Rhetoric in Business Communication.” International Journal of Communication 14.2 (July-Dec 2004) 119-24. Print.
  36. Raman Meenakshi and Devika. “Recurring Theme of the Question of Choice in Toni Morrison’s Words.” June 2004


Conference Proceedings (12)


  1. Sangwan, D., & Venugopal, A. (2022). Essentiality of knowing transversal competencies: towards engineering education sustainability and industry readiness of engineering students. In Towards a new future in engineering education, new scenarios that european alliances of tech universities open up (pp. 663-671). Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. URI DOI10.5821/conference-9788412322262.1347 SCOPUS INDEXED.
  2. Sangwan, D.; Sangwan, K.S.; Raj, P. 21st-century competencies in engineering education: initiation, evolution, current, and now whither to. A: SEFI 50th Annual conference of The European Society for Engineering Education. "Towards a new future in engineering education, new scenarios that european alliances of tech universities open up". Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022, p. 672-681. URI DOI10.5821/conference-9788412322262.1409 SCOPUS INDEXED.
  3. Sangwan, D.; Singh, R.; Sangwan, K.S. Experiential learning: integrating learning and experience in shaping the future of the engineers. A: SEFI 50th Annual conference of The European Society for Engineering Education. "Towards a new future in engineering education, new scenarios that european alliances of tech universities open up". Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022, p. 1547-1555. URI
  4. Devika. “Utilization of Peer Feedback for Effective Learning.” Opportunities and Challenges in Classroom Teaching: A Few Reflections. Eds. S K Choudhary, VS Nirban and S Nandigama. New Delhi: Jain Brothers, 2016. 32-34. ISBN: 9788183602327
  5. Devika and Piyush Gupta. “Group Dynamics at Workplace.” ICOMBI: Proceedings of International Conference on Management and Business Innovation. Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur. May 18-19, 2013.
  6. Gupta, Piyush and Devika. “Developing Lexical Database through Word-Image Association.” Interfacing ELT with Culture and Technology: Direction for New Classroom. Eds. Pushp Lata, Devika and Gajendra Singh Chauhan. Conference Proceedings. New Delhi: Jain Brothers, 2012. 75-82.
  7. Devika. “Breaking the barrier to move beyond: a charismatic display of self belief in Arundhati Roy and Manju Kapur.” Language, Literature & Linguistics (L3 2012). Ed. Prof Daniel Newman. Conference Proceedings. Singapore: Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF), 2012. 308-311.
  8. Devika. “Maximizing the Benefits through Creativity: An IDEA Approach.” Creativity and Innovation: Breaking the Barriers to Reach the Bottom of the Pyramid. Ed. Dr. Raghuvir Singh. Conference proceedings. New Delhi: Savera Publishing House, 2012. 103-111. Print.
  9. Devika. “Convergnce of Cultures in Margo Lanagan’s Black Juice and Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies.” Identity, Ethos and Ethnicity: Australia and India. Conference Papers. Eds. Anuraag Sharma and Pradeep Trikha. Ajmer: ARAWLII Publications, 2010. 56-72. Print.
  10. Devika. “Apposite Immediacy and Delicacy of Etiquette in Professional World.” Soft Skills: Cornerstone of Professional Success. Eds. Meenakshi Raman et. al. New Delhi: Jain Brothers, 2009. 453-59. Print.
  11. Devika. “Effective Use of Technology in Corporate Communication.” Communicating at Work: Shifting Paradigms and Emerging Trends. Eds. Meenakshi Raman, Sangeeta Sharma, and Binod Mishra. New Delhi: Jain Brothers, 2005. 27-36. Print.
  12. Raman Meenakshi and Devika. “Theme of Choice in Toni Morrison.” Fresh Insights into Contemporary American Literature. Eds. T. S. Anand and Gulshan Rai Kataria. New Delhi: Creative Books, 2005. 74-84. Print.