
Dr. Abhijit Rameshwar Asati

Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

NBTI Degradation Issues, Micro-coded Controller Design, Microprocessor Design, High Performance VLSI Data Path Design
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani- 333031, Rajasthan. India.
Abhijit Asati

Journals, Book Chapters, International Conferences Abroad, Lecture Notes

[40] Jyoti Pandey, Abhijit R. Asati, "Lightweight convolutional neural network architecture implementation using TensorFlow lite," Springer's International Journal of Information Technology (DOI: Scopus Indexed, Impact factor:2.51 (June 2023)
[39]  Prateek Sikka, Abhijit R Asati, Chandra Shekhar, "Area, Speed and Power Optimized Implementation of a Band-pass FIR Filter Using High-Level Synthesis", Springer Journal of Wireless Personal Communications,  Electronic ISSN:1572-834X, Print ISSN:0929-6212,, July 2021.  Impact Factor: 1.954, SNIP: 0.789, SCI Indexed, WOS and Scopus Indexed  
 [38] Prateek Sikka, Abhijit R Asati, Chandra Shekhar, " Real-time FPGA Implementation of a High-Speed and Area-Optimized Harris Corner Detection Algorithm," Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems, DOI:, Vol. 80, February 2021, Impact Factor: 1.53,  SNIP: 1.197, SCI Indexed, WOS and Scopus Indexed  
[37] Prateek Sikka, Abhijit R Asati, Chandra Shekhar, "Power and Area Optimized High-Level Synthesis Implementation of a Digital Down Converter for Software-Defined Radio Applications" Springer Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, , November 2020,  Impact Factor: 2.23, SNIP:0.862, SCI Indexed, WOS, ACM Digital Library and and Scopus Indexed  
[36] Vineet Kumar, Abhijit Asati, and Anu Gupta, “Dedicated Hardware Architecture for Localizing Iris in VW Images,” Elsevier Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences,,  Nov. 2020, Impact Factor:13.473 SNIP: 2.795, ESCI and Scopus Indexed, ) 
[35] Prateek Sikka, Abhijit R Asati, Chandra Shekhar, "Speed Optimal FPGA Implementation of the Encryption Algorithms for Telecom Applications,"   Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems  DOI:, Vol. 79, November 2020, Impact Factor: 1.53, SNIP:1.197, SCI Indexed, WOS and Scopus Indexed 
[34] Prateek Sikka, Abhijit R Asati, Chandra Shekhar,  "High-Level Synthesis Assisted Design and Verification Framework for Automotive Radar Processors," Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems, DOI:, Vol. 78, October 2020, Impact Factor: 1.53, SNIP:1.197 SCI Indexed, WOS and Scopus Indexed  
[33] Prateek Sikka, Abhijit R Asati and Chandra Shekhar, "High-throughput field-programable gate array implementation of the advanced encryption standard algorithm for automotive security applications," Springer Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 29 July, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s12652-020-02403-2, ISSN: 18685145, 18685137  (Rtr.)-- Impact Factor: 7.10, SNIP:2.085, SCI Expanded Indexed (SCIE), WOS and Scopus indexed 
[32] Prateek Sikka,  Abhijit Asati, Chandra Shekhar, "High‐speed and area‐efficient Sobel edge detector on field programmable gate array for artificial intelligence and machine learning applications" International journal of Computational Intelligence, Wiley Periodicals LLC, April 2020,  DOI: 10.1111/coin.12334,  ISSN: 0824-7935, E-ISSN:1467-8640,  - Impact Factor: 2.33, SNIP:1.025, SCI Expanded Indexed (SCIE), WOS and Scopus Indexed
[31] Vanya Gupta, Garima Singh, Abhijit Asati, "BIST Architecture for Combinational Circuit," International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC), Volume-7, Issue-5, May-2019 eISSN:2320-2084 , pISSN:2321-2950 (Publons, Academic Journals database, Index Copernicus) 
[30] Vineet Kumar, Abhijit Asati and Anu Gupta, “ Memory-Efficient Architecture of Circle Hough Transform and Its FPGA Implementation for Iris Localization,” IET Image Processing,  Volume 12, Issue 10, pp. 1753 – 1761, October 2018.  DOI:  10.1049/iet-ipr.2017.1167 , Print ISSN 1751-9659, Online ISSN 1751-9667  -- Impact factor: 2.37, SNIP: 1.167, SCI Indexed, WOS and Scopus Indexed
 [29] Anu Gupta Priya Gupta, and Abhijit Asati; "Novel Low Power and Stable SRAM Cells for Subthreshold operation at 45 nm" Taylor & Francis, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 105, No. 8, February 2018. (DOI:10.1080/00207217.2018.1440437) --Impact factor: 1.34,SNIP:0.737,SCI,  SCI Expanded Indexed (SCIE)WOS and Scopus  Indexed
[28] Vineet Kumar, Abhijit Asati, Anu Gupta, “Hardware Accelerators for Iris Localization”, Springer Journal of Signal Processing Systems, September 2017. ( DOI: 10.1007/s11265-017-1282-2) -- Impact factor:1.35, SNIP: 0.681, SCI Expanded Indexed (SCIE), WOS and Scopus Indexed
[27] Vineet Kumar, Abhijit Asati and Anu Gupta,"Low-Latency Median Filter Core for Hardware Implementation of 5-by-5 Median Filtering," IET Image Processing, August 2017,  (DOI: 10.1049/iet-ipr.2016.0737, --Impact Factor: 2.37, SNIP: 1.167, SCI Indexed, WOS and Scopus Indexed
 [26] Ashish Mishra, Mohit Agarwal, Abhijit Asati and Kota Solomon Raju "Using graph isomorphism for mapping of data flow applications on reconfigurable computing systems," Elsevier  Microprocessors and Microsystems, December 2016.(DOI: 10.1016/j.micpro.2016.12.008) -- Impact Factor: 1.53, SNIP:1.197,SCI Indexed, WOS and Scopus Indexed
[25] Abhinav Bhansali, Abhijit Asati, ”Optimizing the ratio of number of tubes in PCNTFET to NCNTFET for digital circuits”Journal of Microelectronics and Solid State Devices, Vol. 5, No.1.  2018, ISSN: 2455-3336  (DOI: -- Index Copernicus, DRJI, UGC listed
[24]Priya Gupta, Anu Gupta, Abhijit Asati, "Leakage Immune 9T-SRAM Cell in Sub-threshold Region," Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol 5,  2016 (DOI: 10.11591/eei.v5i1.557) --SJR: 0.44, SNIP:0.954, Scopus Indexed
[23] Priya Gupta, Ishan Munje, Anu Gupta and Abhijit Asati, "Effectiveness of body bias and hybrid logic: an energy efficient approach to design adders in sub-threshold regime," International Journal of Circuits and Architecture Design (Inderscience Publishers),Vol. 2 No. 2, 2016.      (DOI: 10.1504/IJCAD.2016.10003038) -- CNPIEC Indexing
[22]Vineet Kumar, Abhijit Asati and Anu Gupta, "Hardware implementation of a novel edge-map generation technique for pupil detection in NIR Images," Elsevier Journal Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal (JESTEC), November 2016,  (DOI: 10.1016/j.jestch.2016.11.001) -- Impact Factor:4.360, SNIP: 2.432, Scopus Indexed, SCI, WOS and Scopus Indexed
[21]Vineet Kumar, Abhijit Asati and Anu Gupta, “Accurate iris localization using edge map generation and adaptive circular Hough transform for less constrained infrared iris images,” International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, IAES publication, Indonesia, Vol. 6, No.4, pp. 1637-1646, August 2016. DOI:,  (ISSN:1693-69308)  --SNIP: 1.090, H index: 8, Scopus Indexed
[20] Vineet Kumar, Abhijit Asati and Anu Gupta, “A novel edge-map creation approach for highly accurate pupil localization in unconstrained infrared iris images”, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hindavi publishing corporation Vol. 2016, Article ID 4709876, May 2016. (DOI:10.1155/2016/4709876) --H index:20, SNIP: 0.926, Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI), WOS and Scopus Indexed 
[19] Mishra Ashish,  Sharma Aditya,  Verma Pranet,  Abhijit Asati and Raju Kota Solomon  " A modular approach to random task graph generation,"  Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 8, February 2016 (link:, Print ISSN : 0974-6846, Online ISSN : 0974-5645 -- IC Impact Factor: 5.07, SNIP: 1.270, Scopus Indexed
[18] Priya Gupta, Anu Gupta and Abhijit Asati, “ Ultra low power MUX based compressors for Wallace and Dadda multipliers in sub-threshold regime,” American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 8, Issue 4, pp:702-716, Nov. 2015. (DOI:10.3844/ajeassp.2015.702.716)  --RG Impact 3.52, Impact Factor: 0.545, SCImago Indexed,  SNIP: 0.693, Scopus Indexed
[17] Priya Gupta, Anu Gupta and Abhijit Asati, "Leakage Immune Modified Pass Transistor based 8T-SRAM Cell in Sub-threshold Region," International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing Hindavi publishing corporation Volume 2015. (DOI:10.1155/2015/749816) -- H Index: 13, SNIP: 0.691, Scopus Indexed, WOS, Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI) and Scopus Indexed
[16] Ashish Mishra, Vivek Vanga, Vani V, Abhijit Asati and Kota Solomon Raju, "Resource estimation of programs for reconfigurable computing systems," International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Volume 10, Number 12, pp. 30699-30712, 2015. (Print ISSN: 0973-4562, Online ISSN: 0973-9769) --H index:25, SNIP: 0.484, Scopus Indexed
[15] Priya Gupta, Anu Gupta and Abhijit Asati "Power-aware design of logarithmic prefix adders in subthreshold regime: A comparative analysis," Elsevier journal of Procedia Computer Science,  Vol. 46, pp. 1401 – 1408,, H index:47,  SNIP: 1.035, WOS and Scopus Indexed
015. (ISSN: 1877-0509) --
[14] A. Mishra, R. Jimit, Abhijit Asati, K.S. Raju, " Mapping and partitioning of task graphs using Kernighan-Lin/Fiduccia-Mattheyses algorithm,” International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences (IJETCAS), Issue 11, Vol. 1,  pp. 58-61, Feb., 2015. (ISSN: 2279-0047) --IBI Factor:3.1, SSRN, Microsoft Academic Search, INSPEC, Mendeley, ResearchGate and others
[13] Abhijit Asati," Logic design style based NBTI degradation study using Verilog,"  International Journal of  Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences (IJETCAS), Issue10 ,Volume 3, pp. 207-213, September-November, 2014, ISSN: 2279-0055 (Online) ISSN : 2279-0047 (Print) Index Copernicus, SSRN,  Microsoft Academic Search, INSPEC, Mendeley, ResearchGate and others
 [12] Priya Gupta, Anu Gupta and Abhijit Asati,"Design and implementation of N-bit sub-threshold Kogge Stone adder with improved power delay product," European Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 123, No 1,  106-116, June, 2014. (ISSN: 1450-216X/1450-202X) (Impact Factor: 0.713)-- Monitored by SCI, Indexed, H index:44
[11] Priya Gupta, Anu Gupta and Abhijit Asati “A Review on ultra low power design technique: sub-threshold logic,” International Journal of Computer Science and Technology-IJCST,Vol.4, Issue Spl-2, April-June 2013, ISSN: 0976-8491 (Online) ISSN : 2229-4333 (Print)  -- DOAJ, Scribd
[10] Bharat Kumar Potipireddi and Abhijit Asati, "Automated HDL Generation of two’s complement Dadda multiplier with parallel prefix adders," International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), Vol. 2, Issue 6, June  2013. ISSN 2320 - 3765 (Print), ISSN  2278 – 8875 (Online).  -- Index Copernicus, DRJI and other
[9] Bharat Kumar Potipireddi and Abhijit Asati, "Automated HDL generation of two’s complement Wallace multiplier with parallel prefix adders," International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET),  Volume 4, Issue 3, May – June (2013). ISSN 0976 – 6464(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6472(Online).   Index Copernicus,  SSRN, Mendeley and other
[8] Abhijit Asati and Chandra Shekhar, “Digital CMOS high-speed level shifter design, International Journal of Computers, Information Technology and Engineering, Vol.3, No. 1, Jan-June 2009 (ISSN: 0973-743X)
[7] Abhijit  Asati   and  Chandra Shekhar,  “ Sizing of pre-charge and pre-discharge transistors for domino logic design style,  ” IETECH Journal of Communication  Techniques, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2009. (ISSN: 0973-8053).
[6] Abhijit Asati and Chandra Shekhar, “ Comparison of trans-conductance (ß) ratio for a high speed inverter design, ” ICFAI University Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Vol. II, No. 1, 2009. (ISSN 0974-1704) -- IUP Publication, Cabell's Directory, EBSCO/Proquest
 [5] S. K. Sahoo, Anu Gupta, Abhijit Asati and Chandra Shekhar, "A novel redundant binary number to natural binary number converter,” Springer online Journal of Signal Processing System,  June, 2009.  ( DOI:  10.1007/s11265-017-1282-2) --Impact Factor: 1.35, SNIP: 0.681, SCI , WOS and Scopus Indexed 
 [4] S.K.Sahoo, Chandra Shekhar, Sudeepti Kodali Abhijit Asati and Anu Gupta, "Dual channel addition based FFT processor architecture for signal and image processing," International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture, (Inderscience Publishers), Vol. 2, No. 1, 2009. (ISSN online: 1751-6536; ISSN print: 1751-6528DOI: 10.1504/IJHPSA.2011.038053) --Imapct Factor: 0.23,  SNIP: 0.185, H index: 8, Scopus Indexed
(Link:  )  
[3] Abhijit Asati and Chandra Shekhar, " A 16*16 MUX based multiplier design using optimized CMOS logic style" International Journal of Electronic Engineering Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2009. (ISSN  0975-6450 )  --ICI, Index Copernicus
[2] Abhijit  Asati  and Chandra Shekhar, “ A high speed pipelined dynamic circuit implementation using modified TSPC logic design style with improved performance,” International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Issue 1, Vol. 1, No.3, June 2009. [ISSN: 1797-9617]
 -- Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology Germany, Academy Publisher, Finland
 [1] Abhijit Asati and Chandra Shekhar, "VLSI implementation of a high performance barrel shifter architecture using three different logic design styles," International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 7, November 2009. [ISSN: 1797-9617]
-- Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology Germany, Academy Publisher, Finland
Book Chapters
[3] Anu Gupta; Priya Gupta; Abhijit Asati, "Low-voltage, low-power SRAM circuits using subthreshold design technique" 
IET Book VLSI and Post-CMOS Electronics.   Design, modelling and simulation, (Editors: Rohit Dhiman; Rajeevan Chandel), Publication Year: 2019, (Book chapter 3, Book DOI: 10.1049/PBCS073F, Chapter DOI: 10.1049/ PBCS073F_ch3,  ISBN: 9781839530524)  Scopus Indexed


[2] Abhijit Asati, "High Performance CMOS Multiplier, Barrel Shifter and Modeling of NBTI" LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing; 1 edition (31 August 2017) --  (ISBN-10: 6202025263, ISBN-13: 978-6202025263)


[1] Priya Gupta, Anu Gupta, Abhijit Asati contributed a chapter in a book titled "Handbook of research on advanced hybrid intelligent techniques and applications," IGI global Publisher, 2015.  [Book chapter 4 (Detailed Analysis of Ultra Low Power Column Compression WALLACE and DADDA Multiplier in Sub-Threshold Regime) , ISBN13: 9781466694743, ISBN10: 1466694742, EISBN13: 9781466694750, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9474-3.ch004]


International Conferences Abroad
[4] Vanya Gupta, Garima singh and Abhijit Asati, “BIST Architecture for Combinational Circuit,” 530th International Academic Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovations (IACETI 2019),  Phuket, Thailand on 6 -7 February 2019.    -- Scopus Indexed
[3] Vineet Kumar, Abhijit Asati, Anu Gupta, “An Iris localization method for noisy infrared iris images" IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA 2015) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 18-21 October, 2015.  -- WOS, Scopus Indexed (available on IEEE explore), H index: 7, SNIP:0.437
 [2] Ankur Kumar and Abhijit Asati, "Iris based biometric identification system," International Conference on Audio,Language and Image Processing (ICALIP 2014), July 7-9, 2014 Sanghai, China. -- WOS, Scopus Indexed (available on IEEE explore) ,  H index: 7, SNIP:0.306
[1] Abhijit Asati and Chandra Shekhar, “A purely MUX based high speed barrel shifter VLSI implementation using three different logic design styles,” 3rd International Asia Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (CAR 2011), Shenzhen, China, 24-25 December, 2011. --WOS and Scopus Indexed  (Springer LNCS), H-index: 12
Lecture Notes with conference name
[8] Shivam Singh, Prakash Kumar Ojha and Abhijit R. Asati, "Analysis of Logical Effort-Based Optimization in the Deep Submicron Technologies." In: Dhavse, R., Kumar, V., Monteleone, S. (eds) Emerging Technology Trends in Electronics, Communication and Networking. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 952. Springer, Singapore. (DOI:, pages 23-27, SNIP: 0.204, Scopus Indexed, December 2022.
Conference name: Fourth International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends in Electronics, Communication and Networking – ET2ECN 2021, 17-18, November, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), Ichchhanath, Surat - 395007 Gujarat, INDIA,  corresponding Author
[7] Saketh Ram, J.V.N., Jain, V.K., Asati, A. (2022). Adiabatic Logic Code Converter Design at Different Sub-micron Technologies. In: Pundir, A.K.S., Yadav, N., Sharma, H., Das, S. (eds) Recent Trends in Communication and Intelligent Systems. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. Springer, Singapore. ,  pages 31-43, May 2022.
Conference name: Third International Conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Intelligent Systems - ICRTCIS 2021
[6] Jyoti Pandey, Abhijit Asati and Meetha Shenoy, "Computational Operations and Hardware Resource Estimation in a Convolutional Neural Network Architecture. In: Roy, S., Sinwar, D., Perumal, T., Slowik, A., Tavares, J.M.R.S. (eds) Innovations in Computational Intelligence and Computer Vision . Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1424. Springer, Singapore.,  Print ISBN: 978-981-19-0474-5,  Impact Factor:0.63, SNIP:0.429,  May 2022.
Conference name:  ICICV-2021. Aug 05-06, 2021. (Online Mode). Received best paper award,
[5] Prateek Sikka, Abhijit R Asati and Chandra Shekhar, "Low Area, High Throughput Field Programmable Gate Array Implementation of Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages" In: Dhawan A., Tripathi V.S., Arya K.V., Naik K. (eds) Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 777. Springer, Singapore., December 2021. (Scopus Indexed   Impact Score: 0.32   h-Index: 33   SJR: 0.134)
Conference name:  VLSI, Communication and Signal Processing  (VCAS 2020), Virtual Format, 9-11 October 2020. 
[4] Sunita Panda, Samiksha Sharma and Abhijit Asati, "Integrated Clock Gating Analysis of TG Based D Flip-Flop for Different Technology Nodes,"  In: Dhawan A., Tripathi V.S., Arya K.V., Naik K. (eds) Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 777. Springer, Singapore., December 2021. (Scopus Indexed   Impact Score: 0.32   h-Index: 33   SJR: 0.134)  Conference name: VLSI, Communication and Signal Processing  (VCAS 20202), Virtual Format, 9-11 October 2020. corresponding Author
[3] Jyoti Pandey, Abhijit Asati and Meetha Shenoy, "A Novel Method for Suitable Hyper-Parameter Selection in an Accurate Convolutional Neural Network Architecture," Springer Lecture Notes on Networks and Systems),, Impact Factor: 0.17   h-Index: 14   SJR: 0.17, Vol. 288, B 513-E 526Scopus-Indexed, Nov. 2021.
Conference name: 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICDSA 2021), School of mobile computing and communication, Jadhavpur university, Kolkata, India, April 10-11, 2021
[2] Keshav. Raheja, Rohit Goel, and Abhijit Asati," An Improved DVFS Circuit & Error Correction Technique,"  In: Sharma H., Saraswat M., Yadav A., Kim J.H., Bansal J.C. (eds) Congress on Intelligent Systems. CIS 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1334. Springer, Singapore. Print ISBN: 978-981-33-6980-1, Online ISBN: 978-981-33-6981-8,,  Impact Factor:0.63, SNIP:0.429,  May 2021.
Conference name: Congress on Intelligent Systems (CIS 2020), World Conference Virtual Format,  4-6 , September, 2020. corresponding Author, presented paper
[1] Abhijit Asati and Chandra Shekhar, “ A purely MUX based high speed barrel shifter VLSI implementation using three different logic design styles,” Springer's Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol. 125, pp. 639-646, December 2011  (ISBN: 978-3-642-27328-5, e-ISBN: 978-3-642-27329-2, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-27329-2, ISSN: 1867-5662)  -- H index: 41, WOS, Scopus Indexed,  Impact Factor:0.63, SNIP:0.429
Conference name: 3rd International Asia Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (CAR 2011), Shenzhen, China, 24-25 December, 2011.