
Dr. Raja Muthalagu

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science

Blockchain Technologies, Internet of Things (IoT), Network Security
Dubai Campus Dubai International Academic City P O Box 345055, Dubai, UAE


Ph.D. (Wireless Communication) (2009-2013)

Institute: National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli, India.

M.E. (Digital Communication and Network Engg.) (2005-2007)

Institute: Anna University, Chennai, India.

B.E. (Electronics and Communication Engg.) (2001-2005)

Institute: Anna University, Chennai, India.


  1. Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore: March 2014- Feb. 2015
  2. Invited Researcher in Communication Theories and Research Group (CTRG), University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon SK, Canada
  3. Recipient of Ministry of HRD-Govt. of India-PhD Scholarship during 2009- 2013
  4. Recipient of ‘Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Award-2010’ for Graduate student exchange program.


  1. Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science, BITS-PILANI, Dubai Campus, Dubai, UAE.          (December 2022 ‐ till date
  2. Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science, BITS-PILANI, Dubai Campus, Dubai, UAE.            (January 2019 ‐ November 2022)     
  3. Assistant Professor in Department of EEE, BITS-PILANI, Dubai Campus, Dubai, UAE.          (April 2015 ‐ January 2019)                                                                                                               
  4. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Air Traffic Management Research Institute (ATMRI), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (March 2014- Feb. 2015)
  5. Assistant Professor in Department of ECE, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, India.                 (July 2013 ‐ Nov. 2013)                                                                                                           
  6. Invited Researcher in Communication Theories and Research Group (CTRG), University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada(January 2012-June 2012)                                                                                                             
  7. Visiting Researcher in Communication Theories and Research Group (CTRG), University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon SK, Canada  (December 2010-June 2011)
  8. Lecturer in Department of IT, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, India.  (May. 2008 - July 2009)