
MS Dasgupta

Research Interest:

Our research interests focus on electrochemistry and material science. We try to understand the complex phenomena that occur at the electrode-electrolyte interfaces using electrochemical techniques and different microscopic and/or spectroscopic methods. After understanding interfacial electrochemistry, we aim to mitigate the associated issues of different energy conversion and storage systems (fuel cells, electrolyzes, and batteries) by modifying electrode surfaces, electrolytes, or developing new materials.

AFV Engine Sensor Integration and Health Monitoring using AI/ML tools

Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing Applications

Free Space Optical Communication for Indoor and Outdoor Applications

Sponsored Projects

1. RIG Grant, BITS
Title of Project:"Finite Element simulations of uniaxial tensile tests"
Role: Principal Investigator
Duration: Dec 2014-Dec 2016 
Project Title: "Machinability assessment and material characterization of WHAs used in defence applications as KE penetrators"
Duration: 2019-2022

Sponsored Projects

Core Research Grant by DST-SERB for the Project titled "Investigating the Equation of State of Neutron Stars via Emitted Gravitational Waves"
Amount sanctioned: INR 2221134.00

Sanctioned Research Projects

Ongoing Research Project: 

1. Project Title : UV-visible LED light responsive semiconductor films devices for drinking water pollutant sensing and purification applications

Project Duration : 2 years - 2023- 2025

Funding Agency : BITS-Pilani Unverisity.

Sanctioned Amount: 20 Lakhs.

Project Status: Ongoing. 

2. Project Title : Atomically-thin photonic devices as hosts of single-photons and entangled-photon pairs emitters and single-spins for quantum sciences and technologies

Project Duration : 5 years - 2021- 2026

Funding Agency : DST Nanomission

Sanctioned Amount : 180 Lakhs.

Project Status: Ongoing.

Completed Research Project: 

1. Project Title: Experimental and theoretical investigation of ultra-thin two dimensional semiconductors and their application to make nanoscale devices.

Project Duration : 3 years - 2021- 2024

Funding Agency : Science and Engineering Research Board.

Sanctioned Amount : 46.14 Lakhs.

Project Status : Completed. 


2. Project Title: Room temperature hydrogen sensing and storage using reduced graphene oxide and MoS2 nanocomposite.

Project Duration : 3 years - 2017- 2020

Funding Agency : Science and Engineering Research Board.

Sanctioned Amount : 30 Lakhs.

Project Status : Completed. 

3. Project Title: Improving the energy conversion efficiency of solar cells using spin caloritronics.

Project Duration : 3 years - 2013- 2016

Funding Agency : Science and Engineering Research Board.

Sanctioned Amount : 22 Lakhs.

Project Status : Completed. 

Ongoing Projects:

Completed Projects:

Research Projects

Optimization of Energy Consumption and Thermal Comfort in Buildings in a BIM framework: 2024 - Ongoing

CDRF Project funded by BITS Pilani

Amount: 20  lakhs INR                 Duration: 2 Years

Team: Prof. Meghana Charde, Prof. Majid Hassan Khan, Prof. Shashank Khurana, Prof. Deepthi Mary Dilip

Design and Development of Static Sunshade for Thermal Comfort inside the Buildings: 2008 – 2011

Project funded by UGC, Government of India           PI: Prof Rajiv Gupta

Involvement as Team Member

Design of passive building elements

Implementation of designed elements and construction of rooms

Monitoring of rooms  

Akash Ganga – River from Skies, Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting: 2006 - 2009 

Project funded by Rajasthan Association of North America (RANA)        PI: Prof Rajiv Gupta

Involvement as Team Member

Site survey of existing village

Analysis of data using GIS software 

Calculation of tank capacity based on rainfall and water requirements

Design of rainwater harvesting scheme for the village

Sponsored Projects

Sponsored Projects

 1.    Ongoing/Submitted Projects:

S. No.


Total Cost






Design of High Power CW Magnetrons and investigations on strategies for their phase control

Rs. 54 lakhs

2 years


Co-Principal Investigator



Design of a 200 W Solid State Driver at 3.7 GHz for the LHCD System of SST-1 Tokamak (as CO-PI with VJTI)


Rs. 23 lakhs

2 years


Co-Principal Investigator

Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences and Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar


Design and Multiphysics analysis of HPM Antenna

Rs. 25 lakhs

2 years


Principal Investigator


2.    Completed Projects:

S. No.


Total Cost






Design of miniature IPD based HPF and Electromagnetic Simulation and Analysis of T/R-Module or Plank for interferences and leakages

Rs. 10 lakhs

1 year


Co-Principal Investigator



Design and Simulation of mode converters for application in directed energy weapons

Rs. 4.17 lakhs

6 months


Principal Investigator

Research Centre Imarat (RCI), DRDO


Design and Development of WR-284 based 500 kW CW High Power Circulator

Rs. 23.57 lakhs

1 year


Co-Principal Investigator

Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences and Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar


Consultancy on Multiphysics / EM analysis of Dielectric Resonator assembly in a PLDRO

Rs. 10 lakhs

1 year


Co-Principal Investigator



Research Interests

Microwave and RF Engineering 

Sponsored Projects

Design and implementation of a Hardware Efficient Secure Pseudorandom Bit Generator for Physical Layer Security in the Resource Constraint IoT Devices

Principal Investigator

Dr. Amit Kumar Panda

Start-Up Research Grant (SRG)




Amount Sanctioned

26 Lakh

Sponsored Projects

Sponsored Projects


Sl. No.

Sponsoring Agency

Title of the Project

Duration/ Status



BITS Pilani — Hyderabad Campus

 An Energy Efficient Regenerative Evaporative Cooling (REC) System for Building Air-Conditioning with Cross and Counter-Flow Configuration

August 2017 to August 2019



Additional Competitive Research Grant, BITS Pilani — Hyderabad Campus

An Indigenous Energy Efficient Thermal Management Strategy of Buildings for all Climatic Conditions across India

May 2019 to May 2021



SERB, Early Career Research (ECR) Grant

 Experimental Investigation on an Energy Efficient Thermal Management Technique for Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV)

May 2019 to May 2022



DST Young Scientist

A solar assisted combined cooling, heating and power plant: an alternate rural energy source

Sept 2019 to Sept 2022




 SERB, Core Research Grant (CRG), 2021

 Development of a Cost Effective Solar Energy based Drinking Water cum Cold Storage Facility for Coastal Communities in India

 Dec 2021 to Dec 2024




An Indigenous Air-Conditioning Facility for Hospitals during the Covid-19 Pandemic

June 2022 to June 2024



Note: A few are in under review stage at different external funding agencies


Research Interest

  • Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning

  • Hybrid Vehicle Thermal Management

  • Energy and Environmental Impact on Society

  • Compact Heat Exchangers

  • Evaporative Cooling

  • Experimental Thermo-Fluid Science

Research Projects (Ongoing)

Project Title

Funding agnecy


Development of a biomolecule detection system with on-chip planar Hall magnetometer for diagnostic purposes

SERB (DST), India

2 yrs

Development of a biosensor with on-chip planar Hall magnetometer


2 yrs

Study of exotic superconductivity in the transition metal chalcogenide FeSeTe and related compounds through thermal and thermoelectric transport measurements


2 yrs

Research Projects

Co-PI for ICSSR Sponsored project titled "Ship-building in Folklore: Orality and Memory in the Thottam Pattu of Marakkalathamma“ with Prof. Maya Vinai.April 2024-May 2026.

Sanctioned amount: Rs. 24,98,500/-.

Sponsored Projects

Project Applied : A Proposal on "Integrated Multiplexed IoT Enabled Microfluidic Point of Care Sensing platform for various Target Explosives" submitted to DRDO as PI. Cost of the Project 65.13 Lakhs. Co-Investigators : (1) Prof. Sanket Goel and (2) Dr. Satish Kumar Dubey (Status : Two rounds of Video Conference discussions on (i) 21st April, 2022 and (ii) 18th July, 2022 were happened and final modified proposal submitted on 8th August, 2022. Result yet to be announced) 


Research Project from DRDO, Kanpur entitled “Device development with optimized circuit to comprehend fast charging from supercapacitors” from 10-06-2021 with a total grant of Rs. 9, 80, 000/- for 18 months (Co-PI)

Currently Co-PI of the MRI based non-invasive quantitative biomarker for early diagnosis and prognosis of brain tumor project funded by DBT from 2020 to 2023 with a total grant of Rs.17,48,360/.


Consultancy Project from DLRL Hyderabad entitled “Algorithms for Narrow Beam Emitter Location (ANABEL)” from March 2015 to Feb. 2016 with a total grant of Rs. 9, 97, 593/-. (Co-PI)

Sponsored Projects

   Title:  Automated IoT based Microfluidic Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) Biosensing platform for various biomarker detection
   Role: Principal Investigator 
   Duration: March 2020-March 2023
   Amount: Rs 51. 42 Lakhs
     Title:  Design and Development of Tunable Optical MEMS devices for optical communication
     Role:  Principal Investigator
     Duration: January 2015 to December 2018 
     Amount: 15 Lakhs 
2.  Hyderabad Batteries Limited, HBL Hyderabad
     Title:  Implementation of Digital Beam Former for RADAR
     Role: Co-Investigator
     Duration:  September 2017-March 2019
     Amount: 3.27 Lakhs


1. Parallel Algorithm for Dense Subgraph Discovery (RIG).



  1.    Title: Algorithms for Narrow Beam width Emitter Location (ANABEL)

             Funding agency: Defence Electronics and Research Labs (DLRL)

             Amount: Rs 994,947

             Duration: February 2015 to December 2015


  1.   Title: Frequency Estimation in Wideband Receivers with Under Sampling (FEWU)

            Funding agency: Defence Electronics and Research Labs (DLRL)

            Amount: Rs. 9.94 Lakhs

            Duration: January 2016 to December 2016


  1. Title of project:  Implementation of Digital Beamformer  for Radar  (IDBR)

          Funding agency:  HBL Power system Limited, Hyderabad

          Amount: 3,32,760

          Duration: 8 months 

          Role: PI


  1. Title Of project: Strategies For Fault-Tolerant Network-On-Chip Design

          Funding agency: SERB

          Amount: 27,11,020

          Duration: March 2017 –September 2020 

          Role: Co-PI

Sponsored Projects

MRI based non-invasive quantitative biomarker for Early diagnosis and prognosis of Brain Tumor

Feb 2020- June 2023

Funding Agency: DBT

Amount Rs 17 Lakhs

Role: PI


Algorithms for narrow beanwidth emitter location (ANABEL)

Jan 2015 - Dec 2015

Funding Agency: DRDO

Amount Rs 10 Lakhs

Role: Co-PI

Sponsored Projects


Project Title: A two-track approach to CPS recconnaissance: causal-graphs and axiomatic design
Principal Investigator: Prof. Arlindo Silva, SUTD, Singapore
Co-Investigator: Dr. Christopher Pskitt,  SUTD, Singapore, and Dr. Venkata Palleti, SUTD, Singapore
Collaborator: Dr. Rajib Ranjan Maiti, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India
Approved grant amount: S$447,172.00
Funding Agency: NSoE, NRF, Singapore
Project Duration: 2 years
Project Start Date: 02/09/2019
Project End Date: 01/09/2021

Project Title: Defend Internet of Things-based Cyber Espionage through Analysis of Encrypted or Unencrypted Network Traffic using Machine Learning
PI: Dr. Rajib Ranjan Maiti, CSIS, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Funding Agency: CRG, SERB, DST, India
Approved grant amount: Rs. 33.44Lakhs
Project Duration: 3 years,
Project Start Date: 5th April, 2021,
Project End Date: 4th April, 2024


Project Title: "ML-Aided Secure SoC and Analytics (MASTIC)
Co-PI: Dr. Rajib Ranjan Maiti, CSIS, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Funding Agency: AXIADO India Pvt. Ltd.
Approved grant amount: Rs. 67.36 Lakhs
Project Duration: 2 years,
Project Start Date: 16th August 2021,
Project End Date: 15th August, 2023

Sponsored Projects

Completed Projects

CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) sponsored  project 
Title : "Localization of polymer chains on chemically heterogeneous surfaces" November 2013-December 2016.
DST (Department of Science and technology) sponsored project  
Title : "Adsorption and freezing of heteropolymers on disordered surfaces : a model for biomimetic recognition", November 2011- October 2014.

Research Projects

Ongoing research projects

  1. Treatment of textile effluent
  2. Development of nanofiber mats for drug delivery applications

Funded Projects

External Funding

  • “Beyond Responsibility: What and How to Build for Others” - Mozilla Responsible Computing Challenge (2023)
  • “Design, development and project management support for two AI-based dialogue systems (e.g. voice-based chatbot) in Indian languages” - GIZ (2021)
  • “Data driven Multimodal System for Academic Stress Detection Management in Indian Universities (ARU)” - DST SERB Power Project (Co-PI) (2021)
  • “Using mobile phones to improve implementation of government schemes” - Google Pilot Research Grant (2015)
  • “Develop a grivance redressal platform and implement in select districts” - UNDP (2017)

BITS Internal Funding

  • “Technology-led Education Interventions for Visually Impaired Children” - Cross-Disciplinary Research Fund (2023)
  • “Building Actionable and Smart Information Systems for Migrant Workers in Smart Cities” - Asian Smart Cities Research and Innovation Network (ASCRIN) (2021)
  • “Conversational Information Systems for low text-illiteracy contexts” - Research Initiation Grant (2020)
  • “Identifying AI readiness among different user groups across India and Australia” - BITS-RMIT Higher Education Academy (2023)
  • “Designing AI-enabled business models for achieving Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals in India and Australia” - BITS-RMIT Higher Education Academy (2023)

Bridging Literacy Gaps in Social Welfare Access: A Comparative Study of AI-Powered Conversational Interfaces in India and the USA: OpenAI API Award worth $7000

Ministry of tribal Affairs (MOTA), Government of India, Coordinator: Prof. Navneet Goyal, Prof. Poonam Goyal (PI), Prof. Prajna Upadhyay, and Prof. Vinti Agarwal, Consortium: IIIT Hyderabad, IIIT Naya Raipur, IIT Delhi Duration: 2 Year ( INR 3.27C).


Projects completed:

  1. Development of membrane reactor for decomposition of HI (BRNS-DAE)
  2. Development of anodic material for DSSC (DST Inspire)
  3. Conversion of methane to higher hydrocarbons (DST EMEQ)
  4. Photocatalytic degradation using MOF composite materials (BITS, ACG)
  5. Photocatalytic degradation of dye effluents (ABSTC)

Research Projects

  1. Intramural project on “Sustainability Assessment of WMA-RAP Technology” under the scheme “New Faculty Seed Grant (NFSG)” at BITS Pilani (2023 – Present).

Sponsored Projects

Reducing ruthenium crossover in a Direct Methanol fuel cell-sponsored by the Aditya Birla Group-Rs. 12 lacs(2011-2014)
Modeling the capacity loss in lithium ion batteries under conditions of cycling-CSIR-Rs.25.7 lacs.  (2019-2022)
Modeling the performance of DET and MET based enzymatic glucose fuel cells -DBT-28.73 lacs  (2022-2024). 
Modeling the effect of bio film on the performance of microbial fuel cell-DST-Rs.30.1 lacs.  (2022-2024)- Looking for a JRF. 

Research Interest:


  • Malware Analysis & Detection
  • Network Security
  • Cybersecurity

Data Science:

  • Machine Learning
  • Data Mining


Launched and organised annual Entrepreneurship Summit:Coalescence - 2014/2015/2016 · Started Start Up Conferences as an Annual Event In January 2011. IPR Workshops, In Collaboration MSME/BIRAC.

Organised Indian Mobile Initiative Workshop June –July 2011 In Collaboration With MIT , USA & Google. To Promote Start Ups Based On Mobile Apps Using Android Os.

Enabling innovations in health and environment - through incubation with BITS BIRAC BioNEST


Completed Projects as Principal Investigator from BITS Pilani, K.K. Birla Goa Campus: 

1.     Project Name: Biodegradable scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering    

Funding Agency: BRNS

Amount: 23.6 Lakhs

Scholar: Priyanka Dwivedi

Year: 2011-2014

2.     Project Name: Advanced study to find out the correlation between S.typhi infection and gall bladder cancer

Funding Agency: Aditya Birla Group of Science and Technology (ABGST)

Research Scholar: Yogesh Walwalkar

Sanctioned Amount: 15.00 Lakhs

Year: 2015-2018

3.     Project Name: Study on EMT regulation through TGFβ/SMADs in gall bladder disease

Funding Agency: DST

Sanctioned Amount:37.5Lakhs

Research Scholar: Laxminarayan Rawath

Year: 2018 – 2021

4.     Project Name: Radiosensitised PEGylated gold nanoparticles mediated drug delivery for oral cancer In vitro

Funding Agency: Goa Cancer Society

Research Scholar: Shameer Ahmed

Sanctioned Amount: 6.00Lakhs

Year: 2019-2022


Ongoing Project as Principal Investigator:

1.     Project Name: Natural polymeric scaffolds incorporated herbal drugs for therapeutic application (One of the PI)

Funding Agency: DBT Builder

Sanctioned Amount: 10Cr

Year: 2021-ongoing


PhD Guided from BITS Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus:

1.Research Scholars Name: Archana Sharma

Thesis Title: Three Dimensional Macroporous polymeric cryogel matrices for soft tissue engineering applications.

Co-PI; Prof. Ashok from IIT Kanpur

Funding Support: BITS and ICMR

PhD Awarded Year: 2015


2.Research Scholars Name: Priyanka Dwivedi

Thesis Title: Development of Novel Tissue Engineering strategies to treat osteoarthritis

Co-PI; Prof. Ashok from IIT Kanpur

Funding Support: BRNS and CSIR

 PhD Awarded Year: 2016


3. Research Scholars Name: Yogesh Walwakar

Thesis Title: A study on correlation of chronic Salmonella typhi infection with gall bladder disease

Funding Support: ABGST and BITS

 PhD Awarded Year: 2016


4.Research Scholars Name: Laxminarayan Rawat

Thesis Title: Study on Anticancer Potential of Piperlongumine and Ursolic acid in human cancer cell lines in vitro

Funding Support: DST and BITS

 PhD Awarded Year: 2021


5.Research Scholars Name: Shameer Ahmed

Thesis Title: Doxorubicin loaded PEGylated gold nanoparticles synthesis and testing as a chemoradiation potential for drug delivery system and radiosensitizer for Oral Squamous Cancer cell line.

Funding Support: Goa Cancer Society and BITS

 PhD Awarded Year: 2022


PhD Guided from Previous Institute as Principal Investigator:


Research Scholars Name: Deepti  Singh

Thesis Title: Polymeric scaffolds for wound healing

Co Guide: Prof: Ashok Kumar, IIT Kanpur

PhD Awarded: MGR University, Chennai.


PhD Guide at present:

1.    Krishna Prasad

Title for Project work: Natural compounds screening for antineoplastic potential in oral and intestinal cancer therapeutics

2.    Pratik Bhat:

Monitoring health and anemia correlation to diseases in Geriatric patients.  


Research Scholars Placement:  

 Archana Sharma: Post doctoral Fellow at Princeton University, USA

2.      Yogesh Walalkar: Research Scientist, Biocon, Bangalore

3.     Lakshminarayan Rawat: Post Doctoral Fellow in Harvard Medical School, USA

4.     Shameer Ahmed: Research Scientist in Novo Nordisk, Bangalore

Deepti Singh: Entrepreneur and own’s a lab in USA
Guiding Internship for four months Jan-April 2024. 
Candidate: Manimaran from Bharatidasan University, Chennai 
Guide For MSc. Thesis, 2024
Candidate: Lakshya Raj Khatri
Thesis: Investigating the impact of expiry and storage conditions on over the counter antibiotics: A comprehensive NMR and Spectroscopic analysis.

My projects

  1. Impact and prospects of computer gaming on academic and socio-cultural progress of undergraduate students at BITS-Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus (15 Oct-2020-  31 March 2021)- Principle Investigator Funded by TLC, BITS- Pilani Goa Campus
  2. Generation 2: Reinvent the toilet challenge- role Co-PI/Collaborator (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  3. ICSSR major project titled Economic valuation of ecosystem services of selected wetlands in Goa (2022) - role Principle Investigator

Sponsored Research Projects

Sponsored Projects

  1. “Copper cathode quality improvement & reduction in bleed to ETP” funded by HINDALCO Industries Limited, Investigators- Pradeep Kumar Sow, Jay Pandey, Mrinmoyee Basu
  2. Design, Development and Bench-scale Demonstration of Electrochemical Hydroiodic Acid (HI) Decomposition in a Continuous Flow System for I-S Cycle” funded by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) Energy Centre, PI: Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sow,
  3. Continuous Flow Oil-Water Separation System Using Smart Separators Capable of Low-Voltage Wettability Switching", funded by Early Career Research Award (ECR) – Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB-DST), PI: Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sow
  4. “Electrochemical Process for Hydroiodic acid (HI) decomposition in Iodine-Sulfur Cycle: A feasibility study” funded by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) Energy Centre, PI: Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sow.
  5. Development of transition metal oxide based nanostructured surfaces for low-voltage tuning of wettability”, funded by Additional Competitive Grant – BITS Pilani,  PI: Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sow.
  6. Nano-composite materials for low-voltage alteration of the surface wettability”, funded by Research Initiation Grant – BITS Pilani, PI: Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sow.

Research Projects

  1. Received the CDRF grant of Rs 10 lakhs for the period of (2023-2025) on September 2023 funded by BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa campus.
  2. Received the OPERA Grant of Rs 4.2 lakhs for the period of (2021- 2024) on June 2021 funded by BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa campus.

Sponsored Projects

Planning to submit a proposal on Wireless Sensor Networks Applications.

Research Projects:

Exciting Updates Coming Soon – Please Revisit the Website!

Research Projects

  • SPARC Project (2023-2025):

      • Grant: ₹44,25,965/-

      • Title: Impact of Population Heterogeneity and Complex Socio-Ecological Environments on the Transmission Dynamics of Dengue in the Indian Urban Scenario: Insights from Mathematical Modelling, Data-Model Based Systems Analysis, and Control of Complex Systems
      • Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. Amit Setia
      • National co-PIs:
      • Prof. Prashant Kumar Srivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, India.
      • Dr. (Mrs.) Sanghamitra Pati, (MBBS, MD & MPH), Director, ICMR Regional Medical Research Centre Bhubaneswar, Department of Health Research, Govt of India, Bhubaneswar-751023, Odisha, India.
      • International PI:
      • Prof. Edwin Michael, Professor, College of Public Health, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33612, USA.
      • International co-PIs:
      • Dr. Anuj Mubayi, Faculty affiliation with Illinois State University, Normal, USA.
      • Dr. Abhishek Kumar Pandey, (Associate Director, Center for Infectious Disease Modeling and Analysis (CIDMA), Yale University, USA).
  • SPARKLE Project (2024-2025):

      • Grant: ₹2,00,000/-

      • Title: Path planning and obstacle avoidance
      • Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. Amit Setia

Research Projects

  1. Principal Investigator of  UGC project on Studies of Haloarchaea producing polyhydroxyalkanoates  (2009-2012)
  2. Principal Investigator BITS Seed Grant Project “Screening and Characterization of Hydrolytic enzymes from Halophilic archaea having biotechnological potential” (2013-2015)
  3. Principal Investigator DBT Builder (2022 - 2027 Ongoing). BT/INF/22/SP42543/2021) from DBT-INR 843Lakhs, 2022-2027 (Role: Principal Investigator, Coordinator: Prof. Sunil Bhand, BITS Goa).This is a DBT Builder capacity building program awarded to multiple PIs in BITS Goa.
  4. Principal Investigator DBT (2024) Technology Development and Bioprocess Engineering of Agro-Industrial and Single use Polyethylene waste to biodegradable Polyhydroxyalkanoates by Halophilic Microorganisms



Title: An experimental and CFD-DEM study of spouted fluidized bed heat exchanger for non-spherical particles

Funding Agency: ANRF, India

Period: April 2023 to March 2026

Co-PI: Prof. Ranjit S Patil



Title: Drag Reduction by suppressing the Bi-Stability character of the wake

Funding Agency: ARDb, DRDO 

Period: July 2020 to July 2022

PI: Prof. Shibu Clement

Sponsored Projects

Sponsored Research Projects (Completed):

  • Computational Study of the Catalytic Mechanism of some Diaryldiselenide-based Glutathione Peroxidase Mimetics, PI: Dr. R. N. Behera, Duration: Jan 2017 - Jun 2020, Funding Agency: SERB-DST, India, Amount Sanctioned: 16.4 Lakh, Role: PI


  • Experimental and Computational Study of Boron Doped TiO2and ZnO Nanocrystals, PI: Dr. K. P. Jayadevan, Co-PI: Dr. R. N. Behera, Duration: Feb 2017 - Dec 2020, Funding Agency: SERB-DST, India, Amount: 22 Lakh, Role: Co-PI

  • Study of effective interactions in charged colloidal suspensions, PI: Dr. R. N. Behera, Duration: 3 years (Feb. 2012 - Feb. 2015), Funding Agency: CSIR, India, Amount: 10.4 Lakh. Role: PI


  • Chalcogen containing azomethine macrocycles and bicycles: synthesis, characterization, metal complexes and theoretical investigations of nature ofintramolecular interactions between divalent chalcogen and nitrogen atoms. PI: Dr. A. Panda, Duration: Jan 2015 – Jan. 2018, Funding Agency: DST, India (under Women Scientist Scheme A),  Amount: 25 Lakh, Role: Mentor.


  • Novel Schiff base macrocycles containing Se-Se bonds and their reduced analogues: synthesis, characterization, comparative coordination chemistry and theoretical study, PI: Dr. A. Panda, Duration: Duration: March 2011 – Sept. 2014, Funding Agency: DST, India (under Women Scientist Scheme A), Amount: 21.96 Lakh, Role: Mentor.

Sponsored Projects

The lab constantly received as well as receiving funds through sponsored projects in the areas of Schizophrenia (Human Genetics as well as stem cell models) and Tuberculosis detection.


Completed Projects


Mechanistic basis of abnormal neurogenesis due to HSAN1E-associated DNMT1 mutation and pharmacological intervention for phenotypic correction. (2017 – 2020)

Funding Agency: Department of Biotechnology (DBT)

Amount: 68.45 lakhs


Transgenic Embryonic stem cell models for studying the role of elevated levels of DNMT1, and DNMT3A in neuropsychiatric disorders. (2014 – 2018)

Funding Agency: Department of Biotechnology (DBT)

Amount: 24.10 lakhs


Characterization of a mouse embryonic stem cell model to study the effects of increased levels of DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) on abnormal neurogenesis. (2014 – 2018)

Funding Agency: Scientific and Engineering Research Board (SERB)

Amount: 40.38 lakhs


Automated detection of abnormal copy number variants in human diseases. (2015 – 2017)

Funding Agency: Biotech Ignition Grant (BIG) – CCAMP

Amount: 49.90 lakhs


Development of a cost-effective membrane and DNA chip-based detection of mutations with multiple drug-resistance tuberculosis. (2012 – 2015)

Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology – Technology Development and Transfer (TDT)

Amount: 69.16 lakhs


Development of personalized DNA markers in breast cancer patients for early diagnosis and prognosis using a non-invasive method. (2012 – 2014)

Funding Amount: 13.50 lakhs

Sponsored Projects

  1. Naveen K. Shrivastava (PI), R. N. Ponnalagu, Ankur Bhattacharjee. Design and Development of a Semiconductor Based Photocatalytic Fuel Cell for Air Purification and Simultaneous Electricity Generation to Power IoT Enabled Sensor Nodes. Funding Agency: BITS-Pilani Under the Scheme Center for Research Excellence in Semiconductor Technologies (CREST). INR 30,00,000. Ongoing (Aug 2023 - continuing).
  2. Naveen K. Shrivastava (PI). Design and Development of Direct Methanol Fuel Cell with Effective Species Management Technique. Funding Agency: Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) through Research Initiation Grant. AED 20,000. Completed (June 20th 2018 - 20th June 2020)

Research Project

  • Exploring the role of electrons’ spin in enhanced hydrogen production using chiral/magnetic
    Principal Investigator: Dr. Kiran Vankayala
    Co-invetigator: Dr. Ram Shanker Patel
    Funding Agency: Cross-Disciplinary Research Framework (CDRF) scheme of Birla Institute of Technology & Science Pilani
    Funding amount: Rs 20 Lakh
    Project Duration: 2023 - 2025 (24 months)

  • Spin Seebeck Effect in novel heterostructures
    Principal Investigator: Dr. Ram Shanker Patel
    Co-invetigator: Dr. Pratap Kumar Sahoo and Dr. Kartik Senapati (NISER Bhubaneshwar)
    Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, under Science
    and Engineering Research Board programs
    Funding amount: Rs 51 Lakh
    Project Duration: 2017 - 2020 (36 months)

  • Magneto-transport in magnetic tunnel junctions.
    Principal Investigator: Dr. Ram Shanker Patel
    Co-investigator: None
    Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, under Nanomission program
    Funding amount: Rs 52.65 Lakh
    Project Duration: 2012 - 2016 (48 months)

  • Development of low temperature magnetization measurements set-up.
    Principal Investigator: Dr. Ram Shanker Patel
    Co-investigator: Dr. Teny John, Dr. Halan Prakash
    Funding Agency: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. Govt. of India.
    Funding amount: Rs 13.85 Lakh
    Project Duration: 2012 - 2014 (24 months)

Optimization of Energy Consumption and Thermal Comfort of Buildings in a BIM Framework


Dr. Deepthi Mary Dilip

Project Type




Amount Sanctioned

20.00 Lakh

Structural Health Monitoring of Asphalt Pavements using Digital Twin Information

Principal Investigator

Dr. Deepthi Mary Dilip

Project Type


Funding Agency


Amount Sanctioned

20.00 Lakh

Research Projects

  1. Non-destructive prediction of peak load carrying capacity of cylindrical shells using the energy barrier method (SERB), 2018 - 2020, Budget: 35 Lakhs 
  2. Assessment of structural integrity of aerospace shells (BITS) 2022-2024, Budget: 10 Lakhs

Sponsored projects

  1. SwedGuru: A privacy-aware smart wearable patch to analyze sweat and provide real-time health feedback (Co- Investigator)

Funding Agency:  Cross-Disciplinary Research Framework , BITS-Pilani

Grant Sanctioned: ₹ 30 Lakhs (Ongoing) (~A$54,503)

  1. 2. Development of enhanced heat pipes with superhydrophobic and superhydrophilic surfaces and wettability gradient for high density electronics cooling (Principal Investigator)

Funding Agency:   Science and Engineering Research Board

Grant Sanctioned: ₹ 23.32 Lakhs (Ongoing) (~A$41,858)

  1. Study of heat transfer in Loop Heat Pipe with nanofluids using Infrared Thermography (Principal Investigator)

Funding Agency:   Additional Competitive Grant & Research Initiation Grant , BITS-Pilani

Grant Sanctioned: ₹ 9.0 Lakhs (completed) (~A$16,350)

Sponsored Projects

Projects Completed: As PI

2013 - 2016 DAE BRNS (18 Lacs)
Title: Neutron Stars as potential continuous gravitational wave emitter.


2012 - 2013 BITS Research Initiation Grant (2 Lacs)
Title: Neutron Stars as potential continuous gravitational wave emitter.


Projects Completed: As Co-PI
2012 - 2015 DAE BRNS (20 Lacs)
Title: Aspects of some astrophysical systems like supernovae and neutron stars in the light of new physics.

Sponsored Research


  1. Title of the Project: Uniform Stabilization of Numerical Approximations of Wave Equations.
    Funding Agency: DST-SERB under Core Research Grant
    Amount: Rs. 26.26 lakhs, Duration: 3 years (2024 to 2027)
    PI: Prof. Anil Kumar
    Co-PI: Prof. P. Danumajaya & Prof. Amiya K. Pani

  2. Title of the Project: Tracking the import of SARS CoV2 and its variants by surveillance of Airport wastewater
     Funding Agency: DST-SERB
     Duration: 1 year
    Total Amount: Rs. 42,51720-00
    PI: Prof. Srikanth Mutnuri
    Co-PIs: Prof. Anasuya Ganguly,  Prof. Tusar Tirtha Saha,  and Prof. P. Danumjaya
    Status: Ongoing

  3. Title of the Project:  Predictive Mathematical Modeling and Analysis for Effective Diagnosis and Control of Diabetes Mellitus with associated Co-infections and Diseases among Indians
    PI:  Dr. P. Dhanumjaya (BITS-Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus) and
    Co-PI: Prof. V. SREE HARI RAO (International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation, Hyderabad.)
    Funding Agency: DST-SERB
    Duration: 3 years (one JRF)
    Total Amount: Rs. 15,68,490-00
    Status: Completed 

  4. Title of the Project: Theoretical and Numerical Study of Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations with Interfaces
    PI:  Dr. P. Dhanumjaya (BITS-Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus)
    Funding Agency: NBHM (DAE)
    Duration: 3 years (one JRF)
    Total Amount: Rs. 13,48,100-00
    Status: Completed 

Ongoing projects

Project  title: Right to Safe Sanitation Facilities: A Study of Persons with Disabilities Mohan Kumar Bera. Funded by Cross Disciplinary Research Framework (CDRF), BITS Pilani, Amount 20 Lakh. 2023, (PI)

Research Projects


          Title: Development of novel initiators for the controlled polymerization of itaconamic acid/ itaconimide monomers  

          Sponsored by: DST, Delhi

          Project Duration: 3 years (March, 2010 to Nov, 2012)

          Grant amount: Rs. 19,86, 600/-


As Co-PI

          Title: Pharmaceutical polymer-based bioink for skin tissue constructs

          Sponsored by: BFI-BIOME Program

          Project Duration:18 Months (Aug 2024 to Feb, 2025)

         Grant amount: Rs. 43,27,000/-


Completed reearch projects

  • Title of the project : Exploring relationship between students and mentors: A study of a learning activity through group work. Funded by Teaching Learning Centre- BITS Pilani Goa Campus. Amount : 1.30 Lakhs. 2021 (PI)
  • Title of the project: Implication of Ujjwala Scheme on forest conservation. Funded by Government of Jharkhand. Amount Rs. 9.6 lakhs. 2020 (Co-PI)
  • Title of the project: Impact of Negative factors and importance of monitoring natural wetland ecosystem. Funded by Government of Jharkhand. Amount: Rs. 17 Lakhs. 2020 (Co-PI)
  • Title of the Project: Coping with Displacement due to River Erosion in the Indian Sundarban and Lower Assam. Funded by ICSSR. Amount Rs. 4.5 Lakhs. 2019 (PI)
  • Title of the Project: Coping with crisis of livelihood and disasters: A study of migration in Sundarban islands. Funded by the BITS-Pilani. Amount Rs. 2 Lakhs. 2019  (PI)


Ongoing Projects:

  • Project Title: Uniform Stabilization of Numerical Approximations of Wave Equations.
    Amount: Rs. 26.26 lakhs, Duration: 3 years (2024 to 2027)
    Funding Agency: DST-SERB under Core Research Grant
    PI: Prof. Anil Kumar     and    Co-PIs: Prof. P. Danumajaya & Prof. Amiya K. Pani, Department of Mathematics, BITS Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa.


Sponsored Research Projects (IITB)
1. A Research grant of US$4,000 from the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), ICTP (Trieste,
Italy) for the Project on ‘Numerical Methods for Strongly Damped Wave Equations’.
2. Actively Involved in the Mission mode Project on ‘Development of Tools for Analysis of Switchgear
Mechanism ’ under Technology Development Mission on Integrated Design and Competitive Manufac-
ture (Rs. 153,35,00,000/- ). (with Industry Partners :Crompton & Greaves Ltd and Larson & Toubro
3. Research grant of Rs.29,611,60/- from DST for the project entitled ‘Doing Industrial Mathematics Via
Genetic Algorithms (GAs), Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs), Online Optimization, Computer
Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) and Market Forcasting’, from DST 1998 (Co-Principal Investigator).
4. Research grant of Rs. 216,000,000/- (2.16 Crores) for the project entitled ‘Physical and Numerical
Models for Un-conventional Flood patterns’ from Institute of Reservoir Studies, Ahemdabad (ONGC).
5. Research Grant of Rs. 12,24,000/- for the DST-DAAD (PPP-05) project entitled ‘Adaptive Mixed
Finite Element Methods and Applications’ from DST-DAAD (PIs; Amiya Kumar Pani (India) and
Professor Carsten Carstensen (Germany)).
6. Research Grant of Rs. 20,00,000/- from DST for the project ‘The Oldroyd Model of Viscoelastic Fluids:
Theoretical and Computational Studies ’ (with Co-PI: Neela Nataraj)
7. Research Grant under Indo-Brazil ( DST-CNPq) project 2009-2011 with PIs ( Indian side) : A. K.
Pani and Neela Nataraj and PI ( Brazil side): Jin Yun Yuan, D. Pedro and H. Carlos.
8. Grant of Rs.4.5 crores for a National Programme in Differential Equations: Theory, Computation and
Applications for a period of five years starting from 2012 (PI) with Neela Nataraj, S. Baskar and Sivaji
Ganesh Sista.
9. Grant of Rs.1944600.00 for the DST project on ‘Finite Element Methods For Parameter Identification
Problems In Elliptic Partial Differential Equations for the period 2014-2017(Co-PI) with Neela Nataraj
and M.T. Nair.

Ongoing Projects

  • Project Director of Bio-CPS/ BioCyTIH (for technology innovations) from DST with total amount of 125 cores (2022-2026). Participated with two major projects for detection of oral cancer and peptide based therapies of Covid 19. . The project is undertaken at the BITS-Pilani, ByCyTiH multi-institutional mega project. My job is to overall investigate and monitor the biological interventions for human diseases (total number of projects are 22). Received 6 government funds total of 5 crores (PI in 2 projects and Co-PI in 3 projects) (Two of the projects will end in 2027).
  • Taken part as the Institution Director (CSIR-IICB, Kolkata) for a Systems Medicine Cluster, Eastern Zone from Department of Biotechnology (DBT). The total sanctioned amount was 145 corers for five other institutes. May 2017- June, 2021. The project was on detection of possible markers and therapies for oral and cervical cancers, which is now continued as a part of BITS-BioCyTIH program.
  • As a continuation, part of this project on the early detection of oral cancer from patient saliva samples is now continued in the Bio-CyTIH. The work is ongoing with Prof. Sanket Goel at the BITS-Pilani, Hyderbad campus.
  • As PI, to initiate and continue the newly sanctioned DBT project on “Transcriptional Regulation of Telomerase (hTERT) by Chromatin remodeling protein SMAR1” BT/PR30192/BRB/10/1915. The total sanctioned amount is Rs 90 lakhs with One RA and one SRF. 2024-2027.



Faculty Projects

Sponsored Projects





“ICT in Schools of Goa”

Role: Co- Principal Investigator

Funding Agency/Amount: BITS Seed Money Project, Rs. 3.5 Lakhs


“Mining Closure, Economic Disruption & Local Level Sustainability: A Case Study of Goa, India”

Role: Co- Principal Investigator

Funding Agency/Amount: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, Rs. 9 Lakhs

3-Application of Supervised ML Algorithms to analyze the Drivers of Early-Stage Entrepreneurial Activities in India: The Role of Socio-cognitive Traits and Institutional Environment-Nov2023-Rs14.5 lakhs-2years--Chief Investigator- Prof Aswini K Mishra

Co-Investigators: Dr Rajorshi Sengupta. Dr Debasis Patnaik, Dr Richa Shukla

4-Handicapped and Sanitation-Coastal States of West Bengal and Odisha- Chief Investigator-Dr Mohan Bera-Asst Prof, HSS, BITS Goa; Co Investigator-Dr Debasis Patnaik-Prof. Econ and Finance, BITS Goa-Rs20 lakhs- 2023-2025.



Theme 2. Human Resource, Holistic Growth and Development

Sub-theme, if

2.B Education and Skilling
Strategies for NEP 2020 Implementation

Title of the
Research Proposal

Implementation of group learning pedagogy in higher educational
institutions for developing entrepreneurial knowledge and skill





Research Projects

Sponsored Project as Principal Investigator:

  1. Erasmus+ International grant for the proposal titled “Integrated Track in Brain and Cognitive Sciences (iBRAIN)” under the Capacity Building in Higher Education 2019 scheme. The total cost of this collaborative project is € 138350.00.
  2. Literacy and Cognition Project funded by Max Planck Institute of Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The cost of the project € 5800.
  3. Cognitive Neuroscience Techniques and multimodal scheme to understand consumer behaviour funded by Course5 Intelligence Private Limited,2022 for Rs.1,227,600 INR
  4. Mobile/Web and AR-VR Based Cognition Tracking, Analysis and Rehabilitation for healthy and cognitively impaired people Funded by BITS BioCyTiH Foundation, for Rs. 2,400,000 INR
  5. Carving Individual Learning Trajectories (CILT) by Uncovering the Factors linked to Cognitive Funded by Questt, for Rs. 1, 382, 832.
  6. Estimation of Regional Brain Atrophy using explainable AI and Neuroimaging: Linking Brain Structural Volume to Brain Funded by BITS-RMIT.


Research interests:
  • Green chemistry: Reactions in organized aqueous media; on-water reactions, microwave synthesis, etc.
  • Mechanochemistry: A simple and convenient route for organic transformations. To explore  Ball-Mill, Mixer mill, Automated grinder, Hand-Grinding for synthesis of bioactive compounds. Mechanochemical C-H activation.
  • Heterogeneous catalysis: Syntheses of chiral catalysts by post-synthetic modification of pre-assembled metal-organic frameworks and their application in fundamental asymmetric syntheses.
  • Nanochemistry: Custom-made synthesis of smart nanomaretials and their application in bio-/nano technology such as drug/gene delivery vehicles.
  • Molecular sensors: Development of novel artificial receptors/molecular sensors for the selective recognition/sensing of biogenic substances, toxic ions of clinical interest and environmental pollutants
  • Medicinal Chemistry: Design and synthesis of new drug leads based on multifunctional heterocycles.
  • Method development: Development of new or improved methods for the preparation/purificatio/isolation of various organic molecules in the purview of their industrial applications.


Ongoing/completed Projects:

  • Mechanochemical synthesis of magnetic graphene oxide based reusable solid acid catalysts, their use in the synthesis of bioactive quinoxalines and further exploration towards green synthesis of influenza drug, Favipiravir, UGC-DAE, CRS/2021-22/04/631, April 2022, Ongoing.
  • DBT-BUILDER -BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa campus Interdisciplinary Life Science Programme for Advance Research and Education; Department of Biotechnology, BT/INF/22/SP42543/2021, [as a project co-coordinator] 
  • Design and synthesis of smart supramolecular dyes based on TPE modified PDI–cucurbituril conjugates: their binding and photophysical studies, BRNS, 37(2)/14/20/2017-BRNS/37217, 28 lakhs, 2018-2021.
  • Godrej ASTEC sponsored consultancy project, started in March 2021-Dec. 2021.
  • UNICHEM Laboratories Ltd. funded consultancy project 05/17 to 08/17, 5.52.
  •  DST-SERB project “A comprehensive study on mechanochemical sp² C-H bond activation in five-membered heteroaromatics in a Ball-Mill” (Project no. EMR/2016/002253), 32 lakhs, 2016-2020, completed June 2020.
  •  DST Fast Track Project for Young Scientists for the project “Redox-sensitive Vesicles of Cucurbit[7]urils as an Efficient Targeted Intracellular Drug Delivery Vehicle” (SR/FT/CS 023/2010) as PI, completed on 30/4/14.
  • Kurade Agro funded industrial project “Isolation of Natural Products from Kokum”, as PI, completed on 31/12/14.
  •  CSIR project “Synthesis of Metal-Organic-Porous-Material Based Efficient Chiral Heterogeneous Catalysts by Post-Synthetic Modification and Their Applications in Asymmetric Reactions” (project no. 02(0075)/12/EMR-II), worth 23 lakhs as PI (Co-I Dr. Rahul Banerjee of NCL Pune).
  •  CSIR project “Spectroscopic investigation of the properties of low-lying electronic states of some chemopreventive retinylnitrones and their comparison with retinyliminium ions” (project no. 01(2681)/12/EMR-II) worth 14 lakhs, as co-invertigator  (PI Dr. Anjan Chattopadhyay).
  • CSIR project “Preparation of Magnetically Separable, Mesoporous TiO2 Catalysts and Study of their Catalytic Properties” (project no. 02(147)/13/EMR-II), worth 16 lakhs as co-investigator  (PI: Dr. Narendra Nath Ghosh).
 Position available:
  • Applications are invited from the 
    candidates with own-fellowship (e.g. NET-JRF), who want to pursue Ph.D. programme in synthetic organic chemistry / green chemistry / heterogeneous catalysis / mechanochemistry / supramolecular chemistry

Research Projects

Brief Note on Doctoral Studies

Title of the Research Topic:

Experimental Investigations Involving Quality Modeling Concepts for Rotational Moulding of Plastics and Compression Moulding of Composites.


Prof. BJC Babu, BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus

Summary of Thesis:

This research work was focused on experimental investigations for polymer composite processing methods. The investigations for thermoplastics polymer processing have been carried out for a typical Rotational Moulding process for Linear Low Density Polythylene (LLDPE). For the thermosetting polymers, investigations were done on Unsaturated Polyester (UP) resin/glass fiber (GF) composites on a compression moulding process to produce mechanical fasteners (nut and bolts) made out of above composites. Fiber orientation studies were conducted for the threaded fasteners. The fasteners so obtained showed excellent thermo-mechanical and anti corrosive properties.

Sponsored Research Projects

Role PI:

  1. Experimental Investigations of Rotational Moulding Process Using Nano-Scale Fumed Silica Composites.
  • Funding :  Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India.
  • Period: 2012-2015.
  • Grant Sanctioned: INR 15.85 Lakhs
  1. Rotational Moulding of LLDPE using Nano scale Fumed Silica Composites.
  • Funding :   MHRD / UGC (Start up Grant).
  • Period: 2012-2015.
  • Grant Sanctioned: INR 6 Lakhs.
  1. Research Initiation Grant on Rotational Moulding of Plastics
  • Funding :   BITS PIlani Goa Campus.
  • Period: 2012-2014.
  • Grant Sanctioned: INR 2 Lakhs.

Completed Projects

Projects completed

Targeting the amyloid matrix of staphylococcal biofilms for effective management of its recalcitrant infections
DHR 2020-2023
Development of Novel Biofilm Resistant Coat for Implant Devices from Moringa oleifera Leaf Extracts
ICMR 2019-2022
Restoration of windowpane oyster population following sea ranching practices for their long term conservation
WTI, 2019-2021
Synthesis of mononuclear as well as homo and hetero dinuclear complexes of Cu(II) and Zn(II) with hard-soft donor ligands and evaluation of their anticancer activities (as co-PI)
SERB, 2018-2023
Physicochemical characterization of the Primary Sigma Factor of Vibrio cholerae
DBT, 2012-2016
Studies on putative GGEEF/sensory box domain protein of Vibrio cholerae
DST (SERB), 2012-2015
Structure elucidation of VC0395_300 protein from Vibrio cholerae (leading to an alternate method of checking Cholera”)
BRNS, DAE, 2011-2014
Biochemical and genetic characterization of antimicrobial (candidacidal) peptides produced by the Antarctic Strain Enterococcus faecalis APR 210 (as co-PI)
UGC, 2012-2014
Expression, Purification and Characterization of GGEEF protein of Vibrio cholerae
BITS, 2011-2012


DBT Builder





Research Projects

1.Polyamines and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)  (DBT-2020)

2.Role of novel adiporon analogue for PCOS management (DBT Builder-2022)

3.Role of sirtuin analgues for PCOS management (BITS-CDRF-2023)

4.Role of sirtuin in metabolic disorder-TB (ICMR-2024)

5.Role of alternative splicing in hypothalamus (SERB-2024)

Ongoing Projects

  • Screening the Role of Shellfish as Conduits in the Transmission of Antimicrobial Resistance from the Environment into Human

  • Conservation of the Bilaterian Organizer: Novel Studies from the Horseshoe Crab Tachypleus gigas Muller

  • Efficacy of natural extracts of Plants from Western Ghats as antifouling agents on Metallic surfaces with Novel Synergists

  • Silicon-to-Lead: AI-Driven Design, Synthesis and Development of New Drugs to Combat Cardiovascular Diseases (as co-PI)

    Government/Industry funded projects


    1. Realization of Biomimetic Dental Implants in Digital Dentistry (Bioactive Biocomposite Development) | PI
      Biotechnology Industrial Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) Seed Funds | Mar-2021 to Mar-2022 [INR 2.00 Lakhs]
    2. Realization of Biomimetic Dental Implants in Digital Dentistry (3D Scanning & Modelling) | PI | Jun-2021 to June-2023 | EIR Category of TIDE 2.0 Scheme of DST, Govt, of India Pilani Incubation & Entrepreneurship Development Society (PIEDS)] [INR 4.00 Lakhs]
    3. Evaluation of Mechanical Performance of the 3-D Printed PEEK Polymer used in Space Applications | Co-PI | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) BangloreNov-2019 to Nov-2023) | [INR 36.29 Lakhs]
    4. Artificial intelligence assisted surgical procedure for customized patient-specific dental implants using cloud-based automated workflow" under SMART Bio-CPS program of BITS BioCyTiH Foundation. | PI | BioCyTiH | Jun-2023 to Jan-2024 [INR 4.50 L]


    1. IndigenousDevelopment of Value Implants in Dentistry | Startup India Seed Funds (SIFS), Govt. of India| PI | Jun-2022 to Dec-2024 | [INR 8.00 Lakhs]   
    2. Structural Simulation and Comprehensive Mechanical Characterization of High-Performance Polyethylene (HPPE) Used for Conveyor Roller and Piping Applications| Global Conveyor Systems Private Limited, Goa. | PI |Jun-2024 to Dec-2025 | [INR 10.00 Lakhs]
    3. Deformation studies to reveal deformation heterogeneity phenomenon in oligcorsytals and 3D printed polymers Using Localised Spectrum Analysis and Digital Image Correlation| Université Clermont Auvergne, France (École Universitaire de Physique et d'Ingénierie) | PI |Dec-2023 to Dec-2025 | [6000.00 Euros]

    Projects Completed:


    Principal Investigator: Shilpa Gondhali.

    Title of the Project: A study of homotopy invariants of a model category.

    Funding Agency/Amount: DST, Govt. of India/Rs. 6.6 lac 

    Duration: 3 years (April-2018 to March-2021)

    Ongoing Projects

    Title: Verification and Validation of Satellite Onboard Software written in ADA language using Model Checking

    Funding Agency: ISRO

    Duration: 24 Months (2024 to 2026)

    Amount: 17 Lakhs

    TCS DataLab

    PI for a project titled "TCS DataLab", which is funded by TCS research.

    Duration: Dec 2022- Dec 2024

    Description: The work focuses on exploring and advancing the capabilities of LLMs. 

    Project/Workshop Funding

    S. No



    Topic: Design and Development of broadband antennas operating in 500 MHz to 1000 MHz band.

    Sponsor: Muxtronics, India 2024

    Sanctioned Amount: = Rs. 5.05 Lakhs

    Role: Principal investigator (PI)


    Topic: Preparation of Road Map to transform Major Ports to Port 4.0 leveraging advanced technologies

    Sponsor: Indian Ports Association, Government of India, 2024

    Sanctioned Amount: = Rs. 11.8 Lakhs

    Role: Co-principal investigator (Co – PI)


    Topic: 5G use case Lab.

    Sponsor: TCIL, Government of India, 2023

    Sanctioned Amount: = Rs. 71.25 Lakhs (TCIL) + 14.25 Lakhs (BITS, Pilani) = Rs. 85.5 Lakhs

    Role: Focal team member


    Topic: Development of Broadband Antenna for High Efficiency Applications.

    Sponsor: Research Initiation Grant (RIG), BITS Pilani, 2017

    Sanctioned Amount: = Rs. 2 Lakhs

    Role: Principal investigator (PI)

    Consultancy Project

    Company: Quantum Solutions Inc.

    Title: Quantum dot short-wave infrared (SWIR) sensors.

    Project Overview:

    Quantum solutions is special chemicals company based in UK that manufactures semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) for displays and image sensors. This project is related to lead sulphide (PbS) and Indium arsenide (InAs) quantum dot materials for short-wave infrared (SWIR) sensors.


    As PI
    DST CORE Project: 21.74 Lakhs
    Title: Reactive Transport Modeling  and Simulation of CO2 Sequestration in Decca Volcanic Province.  
    As Co-PI
    CSIR: 23 Lakhs
    Title: Modeling Capacity Loss in Lithium ion Batteries under Conditions of Cycling. 
    DST Core Project: 29 Lakhs
    Development of Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Multiphase Flow and Transport in Porous Media. 

    Research Group

    University of Warsaw, Poland


    La Trobe,Australia

    Glenoble French Alpes


    Centre for Cultural Intelligence,NTU,Singapore

    Indian Insttute of remote Sensing,Dehradun


    NUJS,Kolkata West Bengal

    PhD and M.E Research Supervision.

    Ph.D. thesis student Supervision – Doctoral (Ph.D.) Degree: Supervised Nine Ph.D. students and 3 ongoing


    Name of Student

    Year of Completion

    Title of  Ph.D. Theses


    Swetha Ramesh


    “Characterization of Novel Antifungal Lipopeptides Against Candida albicans And Non-albicans Strains and Elucidation of Their Mode Of Action”



    Degree Awarded 2020

    Development of Rapid and Sensitive Molecular Methods for the Detection and Quantification of Escherichia coli in water



    Degree Awarded 2019

    Functional Characterization of Recombinant α-Crystallin of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv



    Degree Awarded 2018

    Biochemical and Functional Characterization of a Narrow-Spectrum Antibacterial Peptide from the Wild-type Bacillus sp.



    Degree awarded’2018

    She has been declared as one of the winners of the YOUNG INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY for HUMAN & ANIMAL MYCOLOGY’ Grant for the 20th ISHAM Congress going to be held at Amsterdam’ July’ 2018.



    Deg. Awarded in Nov, 2016

    Studies on Microbial Diversity and Biotechnological Potential of Selected Polar Organisms;

    Awarded prestigious Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) Fellowship in August 2017.



    Aug’ 2013 (Degree awarded.

    Study on Biochemical and Genetic Characterization of anti-Candida Substance Produced by Enterococcus faecalis.



    Aug’ 2012 (Degree awarded)

      Systems Biology and Graph Theoretic Approaches to Identify Potential Drug Targets against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.



    2009 (degree awarded)

    Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Granule Bound Starch Synthase-I gene & its association with starch quality in Rice genotypes


    Madhuri Madduri

    Likely to submit thesis 2024-2025

    SERB-sponsored JRF (Thesis work in progress)


    Pritish R. Shukla

    4.3 yrs

    Birla Carbon-CSR


    Sreelakshmi K.P.

    2nd year


    M.E. Dissertation/Thesis student Research Supervision.


    Name of Student

    Year of Completion

    M.E. (Biotechnology) Dissertation/Thesis



    May 2019 (Degree awarded)

    Exploration on the functional characterization of antifungal lipopeptide fractions isolated from B. subtilis



    May 2015 (degree awarded

    Optimization of the production parameters of the antifungal substance by Bacillus species and its partial purification.



    NOV, 2012 (degree awarded)

    PCR based Species level Identification of Malaria Parasite and genetic analysis of drug resistance markers in P. falciparum isolates.



    MAY, 2010 (degree awarded)

    Preliminary Biochemical Characterization and Optimization of Production of the Antimicrobial Substance Produced by a Selected wild-type bacterial isolate.


    Research Support: Completed and Ongoing Research Projects details

    Sl. No.

    Title of Project

    Funding Agency

    SANCTIONED Amount (Lacs)

    Date of start and Duration


    In vitro and in vivo Evaluation of The Functionally-characterized Broad-spectrum Antifungal Cyclic Lipopeptides… against Medically Important Mucorales

    Indian Council of Medical Research

     95.50 Lacs

    30th March 2024 ongoing


    Recovery of Resources from Worn-out Tires for Enabling Circular Economy (Co-PI)

    Birla Carbon

    50.0 Lacs

    2021-2025 (ongoing)


    Development of Prototype Biosensor for detection of bacteria (E. coli/ Shigella and Salmonella spp.) in drinking

    BITS BioCyth

    40 Lacs

    2022- ongoing


    Unlocking the Potential of Green Cosmetic Nanoemulsions for Targeted Acne Vulgaris Therapy: Advanced Modeling and Optimization Strategies”    


    15 Lacs

    2023- Ongoing


    Evaluation of Antifungal activity of Lipopeptides from a Wild- type Bacillus sp. RLID 12.1 in Mouse Models of Invasive Candidiasis, Cryptococcosis, and Aspergillosis’-Joint project with PGIMER


    Total sanctioned amt 65.3 Lakhs approx.

    Start date: 23rd December’ 2018 for 3 yrs.


    Exploration of Antifungal Lead Molecules from the Wild-type Bacillus subtilis & molecular characterization along with optimizing production (Principal Investigator & Project Coordinator);

    Co-PI: Department of Medical Microbiology, PGIMER, Chandigarh

    Joint project with PGIMER



     3 yrs. (01/02/2017)

    End Date: 30th June 2020


    Microbial Diversity & Biotechnological Potentials of some Polar Organisms [MENTOR & Supervisor]



    2014-2017 (Completed in March 2017)


    Purification & Characterization of Antimicrobial Compound with special reference to C. albicans and C. neoformans [Principal Investigator];

    Co-PI: Dr. A. Chakrabarti, PGIMER, Chandigarh



    2015-16 (Completed in March 2016)


    Screening, Isolation and Identification of Novel Antimicrobial Compounds from Potential Mangroves of Goa (CO-Investigator)



    2016-2019, would end on August 2019.


     Study on EMT regulation through TGFβ/SMADs in gall bladder disease[Co-PI]


    37.0 lacs

    2014-2017, Completed


    “Development of a Field-deployable Biosensor for Bacterial sensing in potable water” WWEM-Water Core Project [Co-PI]

    BITS University


    May 2014-March 2017, completed


    Research Projects Completed

    Sl No.

    Title of Project

    Funding Agency


    Date of completion


    Cloning and expression of goat Interleukin 1 (Co-investigator)


    2.00 Lacs

    2001-2003, Completed


    DST-FIST  (Coordinator)





    “Isolation & screening of microorganism from extreme & unusual environment for new & novel antimicrobial peptides to combat some clinically important multi-drug resistant fungal pathogens” (PI)

    CSIR, New Delhi

    17.00 lacs


    Completed, 31st March, 2011,


    Biochemical & genetic characterization of Candidacidal peptides produced by the strain E. faecalis APR- 210. (PI)

    UGC, N Delhi

    7.34  lacs

    Completed, February, 2014, 3yrs


    Screening of extremophile isolates  for novel antimicrobial substances against selected multi-drug resistant human pathogens (PI)

    DST, N Delhi

    11.38  Lacs

    Completed, March 2011, 18 months,


    Studies on extremophilic isolates for novel antimicrobial substances: biochemical and genetic characterization of Antimicrobial substance produced by a selected wild-type extremophile isolate against multi-drug resistant clinical isolates (as Mentor)


    14.92 Lacs

    Completed  December 2012

    Govt Agency-sponsored Fellowship/Financial support/Travel grants to Ph.D. students enlisted below


    PhD students

    Name of the Govt. fellowship/funding agency

    Year of Award

    PhD awarded/





    KP Sreelakshmi




    Utpal Roy


    Pritish R Shukla




    Utpal Roy


    Swetha R





    Utpal Roy



    Madhuri M






    Swetha R

    DBT Project-SRF





    Purnima S

    Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) Fellowship





    Utpal Roy



    Rehan Deshmukh





    Utpal Roy



    Ramya R

    20th ISHAM Grant






    Ramya R






    Purnima S

    ICMR Travel grant




    Utpal Roy



    Purnima S






    Ramya R

    DBT-travel grant





    Ramya R

    DST-Project JRF





    Ajay G. Chalasani





    Utpal Roy



    Raeesh Shekh







    Purnima S






    Md. Raeesh Shekh

    CSIR-project JRF




    Utpal Roy



    Subodh Srivastava





    Utpal Roy



    Projects Completed

    “Synthesis of hydroxyapatite based biocompatible functional magnetic nanoparticles and investigation of its interaction with biomolecules” in collaboration with UGC-DAE-CSR and BARC Mumbai. Funding Agency UGC-DAE-CSR. Duration 2015-2018. PI Prof. Sutapa Roy Ramanan Co-PI Prof. Meenal Kowshik

    "Mesoporous nanocomposites for controlling microbially induced corrosion caused by sulfate reducing bacteria". Funding Agency DST-SERB. Duration 2019-2022. PI Prof. Sutapa Roy Ramanan Co-PI Prof. Meenal Kowshik

    “Lanthanide doped hydroxyapatite based nano-materials for theranostics applications: Sensing, Imaging, and Therapeutics”, Funding Agency DST. Duration 2016-2019, Co-PI Prof. Sutapa Roy Ramanan PI Prof. Meenal Kowshik

    “Biological synthesis of metal sulphides and metallic nanoparticles using halophilic Archaebacteria” . Funding Agency Ministry of earth sciences. 2011-2014. Co-PI Prof. Sutapa Roy Ramanan PI Prof. Meenal Kowshik 

    "Synthesis of improved ferroelectric materials by sol-gel emulsion technique". Funding Agency DRDO. 2007-2010. PI Prof. Sutapa Roy Ramanan



    Latest Research Project

    Latest Project (Running)

    • Nilak Datta Co-PI. SPARC Project “Museum Effect: A Case Study of Goa State Museum and Goa Chitra Museum” In Collaboration with University of Vienna (Austria) and University of Victoria (Canada). Project Amount: Rs. 67.17 Lakhs (Approx)

    Research Projects


    • Land Dispossession for a Golf Course in Tiracol, Goa: (Co-PI with Prof. Alito Siqueira, Prof. Peter R. deSouza) funded by the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), Delhi. initiated in October 2015
    • The Politics of India’s SEZs, Jan 2010 – Feb 2011: A research project funded by the Ford Foundation sought to understand the implementation of India's SEZ Policy across various states. I contributed to the study by researching the SEZ experience in the state of Goa.
    • External Expert in an ongoing research project called: The Language of the Becoming City initiated by the Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm. The project reflects on urban transformations across four urban spaces: Södertälje, Sweden; Goa, India; Cape Town, South Africa and Rio, Brazil. As part of this project field visits and workshops have been concluded three of the sites: Södertälje, Sweden from May - June 2014; Goa, India in December 2015; Cape Town, South Africa from May to June 2016 and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from May - June 2017.
    • State of Democracy in South Asia (SDSA), May 2004 – Aug 2005: I worked as a Research Assistant at the Center for the Study of Developing Studies (CSDS) - Lokniti, Delhi where I was involved with the SDSA project which sought to map the experience of democracy in five South Asian countries - Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka - by using a Cross-national Survey, Case Studies, Qualitative Assessment of democratic institutions and Dialogues. I worked particularly on the Dialogues component which sought to recover experiences and perspectives of democracy from a range of democracy ‘activists’.
    • National Election Survey 2004, April – May 2004: Assisted in the capacity of State Supervisor (Goa chapter) of this nationwide post-poll survey known as the National Election Study 2004 (NES 2004) conducted by CSDS-Lokniti on the 14th Indian Parliamentary Elections.



    • (With Prof. Rayson Alex) Analysis of Stakeholders in Dr.Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary,Chorao, Goa, for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Aug 2014-Jan 2015.
    • Constitutional and other Legal Provisions that Enable Political Parties to Revoke the Parliamentary Mandate: A study of Twenty-Nine Countries from the Asia-Pacific Region, 2009: This study commissioned by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Geneva sought to compile a listing of the various legal provisions, in a set of 29 countries, through which political parties can control parliamentarians. A report of the study was submitted to IPU in June, 2009.
    • Lokniti website: When working at CSDS-Lokniti I also designed and managed the Lokniti website: which houses the CSDS Election Datasets a.k.a. the National Election Studies (NES).

    “Sustainable high purity hydrogen production using chemical looping combustion in a packed bed reactor: an energy efficient and environment friendly alternative to conventional industrial steam methane reforming”. Funded by GAIL, India-Rs.3,08,33,466/-. PI Prof. Srinivas Krishnaswamy, Co-PI Prof. Sutapa Roy Ramanan. Aug-24 to Feb-27.

    SPARC : “Advanced high temperature and pressure oxygen storage and release material (OSRM) for unmixed combustion(UMC): A promising CCS and clean energy generation technology: PI Prof. Srinivas Krishnaswamy, Co-PI Prof Sutapa Roy Ramanan,(BITS). Collaboration with UMIST(Manchester): Dr. Vincenzo Spalina and Dr. Carmine D’Agostino. Sanctioned amount Rs. 41,20,430, 28.07.2023 –27.07.2025


    Feasibility Assessment of Dual Source-Drain Reconfigurable Field Effect Transistor for Standalone and Embedded Capacitorless Dynamic Memory Applications 

    Principal Investigator

    Manish Gupta

    Scheme: Additional Competitive Grant 


    Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus, Goa, India 

    Amount Sanctioned

    10.00 Lakh

    Feasibility Assessment of Emerging Ferroelectric Devices for Logic and Memory Applications 

    Principal Investigator

    Manish Gupta

    Scheme: Research Initiation Grant


    Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus, Goa, India 

    Amount Sanctioned

    2.00 Lakh

    Research Project

    • Development of turn-on type Chemodosimer for Selective Recognition of Sulfhydryl-Containing Amino Acids and Peptides in aqueous media, FAST Track SERB 19.9 lakhs INR. (completed)


    • Development of PCDA-liposome based detection kit for Alzheimer’s disease biomarker; Funding agency SERB DST INDIA 6 lakhs INR (completed)


    • “Design and synthesis of Graphene oxide based AIE-sensor for selective detection of Hg(II) and organic mercury in aqueous medium;  funding agency: UGC DAE (CSR); 7.03 lakhs INR (completed)


    • Design and synthesis of smart supramolecular dyes based on TPE modified PDI cucurbituril conjugates, BRNS, 3 years, .28 lakhs INR as Co-I. from 2018.


    • Development of mesoporous silica (for alumina)-SiC-metal nanoparticles based nanocomposites for radar absorption application at high temperature, DRDO, 3 years, 15.13 lakhs INR as Co-I from 2018.


    • Development of Photocatalyst embedded Graphene based membranes for Treatment of Dye containing waste water under sunlight.” ABSTC, 52 lakhs INR as Co-I from 2018.
    • A polydiacetylene-based fluorescent sensor for the detection of arsenic species and uranyl ion in water by conventional and nuclear analytical methods”, Project no. 58/14/28/2019-BRNS/11019 dated 27th November 2019 as PI, BRNS from 1st April 2020- cost: 32 L; as PI. completed
    • Demonstration of a practical solution for removal and monitoring heavy metal ions from drinking water using modified biopolymer"; DSTE-GOA, ongoing
    • DBT-Builder project, November, 2022, ongoing.
    • Development of Fluorescent Probe-based Microfluidic Point-of-Care Testing kits for the early phase detection of urinary tract infection” funded by CDRF; ongoing.
    • Development of GO (or rGO) based smart functional materials for removal of Hg(II)/organic Hg and fluoride ions from aqueous media by magnetic solid phase extraction (MSPE); UGC-DAE (CSR) ongoing.

    My Projects

    BITSAuto- BITS Pilani and APPCAIR autonomous vehicle project, 2024,  60 Lakhs.


    BITS Pilani Goa Campus TLC grant for Robotics Lab 2 Lakhs, 2022.


    Smart City Data Analytics in a Cloud, ABB GISPL 2021-2024, 17 Lakhs.


    Development of Remotely Configurable Arbitrary Ramp Generator for

    FMCW Reflectometry, BRNS, 2 Years, 2017, 28 Lakhs.


    Design and Development of Condition based Monitoring of Pipelines using  Wireless Sensor Networks”, GAIL India Ltd, 2 years (Sept 2012), 80 Lakhs

     Extended for pilot implementation (Oct 2014), 3.195 Lakhs

    Implementation of Wireless Sensor Network for Process Monitoring of GAIL’s Pipeline, GAIL India Ltd, 1.5 years (Jan 2015), 95.87 Lakhs


    DST-Young Scientist Scheme Project entitled Study of low dimensional magnetic systems, DST, 2 Years (Jan 2000), 5 Lakhs.

    Sponsored Research Projects

    Sponsored Projects


    • Design and development of innovative SHM system using embedded piezo based active sensing approach for delamination detection in multi-layer composite structures (SERB-DST funded project - Completed)

    o    Applications are invited for the position of Junior Research Fellow for this project (Link)  - Not accepting new applications  

    ·        Feasibility study of innovative piezo-based system for inhibition of subsea algal growth and SHM  of marine structures (BITS-ACRG - Completed)





    Research Interest

    • Micro Manufacturing - Micro machining of channels, nozzle holes, gripper arms, thin filters, micro distributors and other micro devices
    • Surface Coating - PVD / CVD / Thermal spray / Sputtering
    • Tribology - Friction, Wear and Lubrication  

    Sponsored Project

    (1) Research Title: Flow investigation through µED-milled metallic micro channel 

          Funding Agency/Scheme: DST/Fast Track (2012-2013)
         Grant Sanctioned: 17 Lakhs
          Status: Completed
    (2) Submitted DST-FIST proposal (Level 2) as Co-PI to DST worth Rs. 3 Crores in
           May 2020

    Research Lab Facilities

    Established the following Lab Facilities at BITS:
    • Optical Microscope (Halogen, LED and Fluorescent)
    • Electron Beam - Physical Vapor Deposition (EBPVD)
    • Pin-on-disc Tribometer (Dry and Wet)

    PhD Students

    • Satish A. Mullya (Part time) - Working as Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Annasaheb Dange College of  Engineering and Technology, Ashta - Completed
    • Nikhil Kadam (Full time) - Completed

    Research Interest

    1. Cancer Biology: Involvement of small molecules in cancer research:

      Small-GTPases use GDP/GTP alternation to actuate a variety of functional switches that are pivotal for cell dynamics. The GTPase switch is turned on by GEFs, which stimulate dissociation of the tightly bound GDP, and turned off by GAPs, which accelerate the intrinsically sluggish hydrolysis of GTP. Rho family proteins regulate diverse cellular functions, including proliferation, differentiation, migration, and polarity. Lots of attention has been given on the involvement of intracellular molecules such as Rho-like proteins in carcinogenesis. Quinacrine (QC), a derivative of 9-aminoacridine, an anti-inflammatory drug that has been used against malaria and rheumatoid diseases. It has been shown to possess anticancer effect both in vitro (cancer cell lines namely, HCT8 and PC3) and in vivo (mouse models). In the cancer cells, QC can simultaneously suppress nuclear factor-B (NF-kappaB) and activate p53 signaling, which results in the induction of apoptosis in these cells. However, the experimental results come from a few limited cancer cell lines, and the detailed mechanisms remain unknown. Existing reports suggest that CDC42- related Rho-family proteins can also activate NF-kappaB pathway but no concrete study has been reported so far about the involvement of quinacrine in regulating Rho-like protein by modulating actin cytoskeleton. Thus, this proposed study will focus for the first time on the effect of quinacrine in changing the balance of Rho-like proteins; which may have implementation on oncogenesis of breast and lung cancer epithelial cancer cells. The study will also focus on the mechanisms underlying the molecular pathways involved in the QC mediated apoptosis in these two cell lines. This study will be helpful for further improvement ofchemotherapeutic reagent for better management of human breast and lung cancer.

    2. Toxicology: Effect of Snake venoms on human cancer cells: Envenomation by Russell’s viper is known for its diverse patho-physiological consequences, e.g., myotoxicity, edema, pituitary insufficiency, ‘dramatic hemorrhage’ and renal failure apart from death. The amazing specificity of snake venom toxins to target physiological systems also made them potential molecules of drug development. A number of toxins with anti-cancer potentials have been purified in recent times from different snake venoms, including Russell’s viper venom. The anticancer potential of Russell’s viper venom lies in its cytotoxic effects. Most contemporary research in the development of anticancer therapeutics from venoms has focused on investigating the molecular mechanism by which an agent induces cytotoxicity and apoptosis in cancer cells.
    3. Nanotoxicity and effects of nanotoxicity on cell morphology regulation:

      We have done experiments using two different cell lines namely, A549 and IMR32. We have exposed them to different dosages and time to different nanoparticles (NPs). Though we have not propose to use A549 initially but later on we have used this cell line as we thought that inhaled NPs can deposit along the entire respiratory tract, including airways and alveolar regions or penetrate to deeper tissues. Our results confirmed that: ZnO nanoparticle is more toxic to A549 cells as compared to TiO2 nanoparticles.  ZnO toxicity is more pronounced by formation of stress granules, appearance of nanotubes, stress fibers and loss of cell-cell contacts whereas, TiO2 toxicity is alleviated to some extent with prolonged exposure at 48 hours. RT-PCR and protein profile shows differential regulation pattern for smGTPases upon exposure to various nanoparticles (Cdc42, Rac1 and RhoA) which were not only time dependent but also dependent. Our results indicated not only a dose and time dependent cytotoxicity on exposure to TiO2 and ZnO NPs but also there is a correlation between cell morphology patterns in both the cell lines. Decrease in metabolic activity was also observed; cytotoxic assay by resarzurin method. SDS PAGE profile shows changes in the pattern of many medium / low range proteins on nanoparticle exposure.  Western blot results revealed differential expression pattern of HSP70 stress protein on nanoparticle exposure.  Ensuing cell death at lethal doses of TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles seem to occur by Necrosis evidenced by absence of DNA laddering. Expression level of total eIF-2 protein as an indicator for protein synthesis inhibition is seen grossly normal though the eIF-2alpha (p) has been showing some changes along with changes in the total protein synthesis pattern by S35 Met labeling experiments. Our work has produced two papers and opened up future work related to ‘NANO-QSAR’ modeling and explores the possible relation between the mechanisms of nanoparticles induced cellular death and protein synthesis.

    Awarded external funded projects from Govt. funding agencies like DBT, UGC, ICMR, DAE. 

    The ViStA Lab

    The ViStA Lab

    The ViStA LAB is a melting pot of ideas and innovation. Though it debuted as a lab devoted to Vibrio lifestyle and structural analysis (read, protein-protein, protein-nucleotide and miRNA), it has grown along multiple correlated dimensions.

    Sponsored Projects

    1. Improvement of laser cladded Inconel surface using laser surface remelting technique (Funded by SERB/ANRF) (2024-2027)
    2. Study of molten pool and development of coaxial nozzle for laser cladding of Inconel (Funded by BITS Pilani) (2021-2023)
    3. An investigation on intergranular corrosion performance of direct energy deposited Ni-based superalloy (Funded by BITS Pilani) (2021-2022)


    Title of the Ph.D. Thesis 


    "Design of Energy Efficient Schedulers for Multicore Hard Real-Time Systems."


    Project sponsored by BITS and SRCD under RIG and Faculty Interim scheme     TITLE: Design of a dynamic recommender system to make the resource access control protocols in hard real-time system energy efficient. 

    Ongoing Project sponsored by BITS under SPARKLE scheme TITLE: Design of a smart rollator for save navigation and e-health application.

    Currently working on Edge computing: An energy and response time efficient Orchestrator design.

    Research Project

    1. Design and development of a cost-effective multi-grasp myoelectric upper limb prosthesis, Cross-Disciplinary Research Framework, BITS Pilani (Aug 2023-March 2025)  (Principal Investigator: Dr. Anurag Nishad, Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Ganesh M. Bapat)
    2. Detection of the drowsy driver of the heavy vehicle using physiological signals under Indian road conditions, Additional Competitive Research Grant, BITS Pilani Goa Campus (Nov 2022-Oct 2024) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Anurag Nishad)
    3. Analysis of big data of physiological signals, Research Initiation Grant, BITS Pilani Goa Campus, (Dec 2022-Nov 2023) (Principal Investigator: Dr. Anurag Nishad)


    Ongoing projects :

    As PI

    1. Development of a therapeutic bacteriophage carrying the Phi11 holin to combat Drug Resistant Staphylococci Infection; R.11017/10/2023-GIA/HR. (DHR) (2023-2026) 30 LAKHS

    As Co-PI

    1. Conservation of the Bilaterian Organizer: Novel Studies in the horseshoe crab, Tachypleus gigas ; Müller (BT/PR40435/NDB/39/745/2020;
      10th March 2021; DBT)
    2. Efficacy of natural extracts of Plants from Western Ghats as antifouling agents on Metallic Surfaces with Novel Synergists (DBT Builder)
    3. Development of Fluorescent Probe-based Microfluidic Point-of-Care Testing kits for the early phase detection of urinary tract infection (C1/23/181; CDRF)

    Completed projects: 3 as PI 

    1. "Cloning and characterization of the promoters of Staphylococcys.aureus temperate bacteriophage Phi11" 2013/37B/19/BRNS; 23,99,719 INR
    2. Studies on the gene regulation involved in the lytic-lysogenic switch in Staphylococcus aureus temperate bacteriophage Phi11;Rs. 2046453/-;  EMR/2015/002229  (project closure report has been evaluated as GOOD by SERB)
    3. Development of Therapeutic Phages to Combat Drug Resistant Staphylococci Infection ( DST-CRG, (CRG/2020/004968)) 40 LAKHS (2020-2024)

    Completed projects: 1 as Co-PI

    1. Development of PCDA-liposome based detection kit for Alzheimer's disease biomarker; EMR/2016/001416 ; 2016-2019

    Research Projects


    1. Fast Track Volumetric Construction Based on Composite Design Using Lightweight High-Performance Materials

    • Role: Research Fellow (Aug 2017 to Dec 2019) and Collaborator (Jan 2020 to Present)
    • Granting Organization: Sembcorp Industry & National Research Foundation, Singapore
    • Main PI: Prof. J.Y. Richard Liew, Head, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore


    2. Design of Concrete Encased Composite Columns with High Strength Materials

    • Role: Research Fellow (Aug 2017 to Dec 2019) and Collaborator (Jan 2020 to March 2022)
    • Granting Organization: Ministry of National Development, Building & Construction Authority (BCA), Singapore
    • Main PI: Prof. J.Y. Richard Liew, Head, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore


    3. Studies on the compressive behavior of H-shaped steel reinforced concrete beam-columns

    • Role: Collaborator (May-July 2022)
    • Granting Organization: Open Project of Failure Mechanics and Engineering Disaster Prevention, Key Lab of Sichuan Province
    • Main PI: Dr. Bing-Lin Lai, Key Laboratory of Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Structures of Ministry of Education, School of Civil Engineering, SouthEast University, Nanjing, China


    4. Structural Behavior of Steel Fibre-Reinforced Concrete Slabs without Traditional Reinforcement

    • Role: PhD Research Scholar (Aug 2013 to Feb 2018)
    • Main PI: Prof. Tan Kiang Hwee, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore


    Consultancy Projects


    1.  Design of Reinforced and Fibre Reinforced Concrete Slab-On-Grade at Lucky Recycling Co. LLC Construction Site, Dubai

    • Role: Principal Investigator (PI) (July 2022)
    • Granting Organization: Lucky Recycling Co. LLC and Civil Matrix Contracting LLC, Dubai


    Other Collaborations (non-funded)


    1. Design and economic implications of using steel fibers in elevated slabs of multi-story buildings

    • In Collaboration with Prof. Ramesh Nayakka, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Dharwad - Completed in April 2024


    Sponsored Projects

    Completed Projects

           Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)

                Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)

    Research Projects and Consultancy

    Title: A study on Usage and Impact of ICT in secondary Schools in India; Sponsor: BITS Pilani (Seed Grant); Duration: April, 2013 - March, 2015; Grant Amount: Rs 750000 

    Title: Impact Evaluation on Empowerment of SC/ST Candidates Using ICT Tools in the State of Goa; Sponsor: Sanket Infosys (Karnataka State Electronics Ltd Master Franchisee); Duration: 2013-14 (six months); Grant Amount: Rs 50000

    Title: Impact Analysis on Training Programme for Empowering Women and SC/ST Candidates Using ICT Tools in the State of Goa; Sponsor: Karnataka State Electronics Development Corporation Limited (KEONICS), Bangalore; Duration: 2010-11(Six months); Grant Amount: Rs 50000

    Sponsored R&D and Consultancy Projects


    R&D Projects:

    Co-PI; "Museum Effect: A Case Study of Goa State Museum and Goa Chitra Museum"; Scheme for Promotion of Academic & Research Collaboration (SPARC), Ministry of Education, Government of India; Duration: 2 years; Start Date: 28 July 2023; Sanctioned Amount: INR 67,17,538 [Status: Ongoing]

    Consultancy Projects:

    Co-PI; Technical Writing Training Programme; Funding Agency: CIPLA BIOTEC; Duration: 6 weeks (July-September 2016); Sanctioned Amount: INR 6,65,160 [Status: Completed]

    Conference Grants:

    International Conference; “Region, Nation, Trans-Nation: Literature-Cinema Interface”; Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, BITS Pilani, K.K. Birla Goa Campus, 31 January – 02 February 2019. Funding Agencies: Indian Council of Social Science Research (Amount Received: INR 2,50,000) & Department of Tourism, Government of Goa (Amount Received: INR 10,000)

    CDRF Project

    Title of the Proposal:

    Investigations on Impacts of Variations in Local Site and Climatic Conditions on Field Performance of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic and Small Wind Energy Systems at BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus.

    Principal Investigators:

    1. M. K. Deshmukh, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, K K Birla Goa Campus
    2. S. D. Manjare, Chemical Engineering, K K Birla Goa Campus
    3. Chandradew Sharma, Physics, K K Birla Goa Campus
    4. Debasis Patnaik, Economics and Finances, K K Birla Goa Campus
    5. Sudarshan Swain, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, K K Birla Goa Campus.

    Grant Reference: C1/23/188, Dt. 20 September 2023

    Research Projects


    1. Biofuels : Development of energy efficient processes for Sustainable biofuel
    2. Industry 4.0 Chemical Engineering : Development of AI and Computer Vision based interventions in Water - Energy Nexus
    3. River Water Quality Analysis : Development of Statistical Models for River Water Quality 
    4. Climate Change : Development of Computer Vision based interventions


    Ongoing Projects:

    CDRF: C1/23/188

    Investigators: Prof. M K Deshmukh, Prof. S D Manjare, Prof. Chandradew Sharma

    Investigation on impacts of variations in local site and climatic conditions on field performance of grid  connected solar photovoltaic and small wind energy system at BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus.

    Ph.D. Scholar: 

                       Jitendra Vasudeo Nagrare (2022PHXF0062G)

                       Neeraj Kumar Bhaskar (2023PHXF 0430 G)

                       Harsh Chandrakar ( 2022PHXF0023G)

    Research Current Area: Stochastic complex system, Interdisciplinary 

    Stochastic complex system: Predicting Financial Shocks, Crashes and Bubbles.

    Interdisciplinary : AI/ML model building of solar photovoltaic and small wind energy generation anomaly

    Sponsored projects

     Completed Projects  Ongoing  Projects  Under Review
     5 2  2
    1. Funded By: BITS Pilani (Research Initiation Grant)
    Title of the Project: Synthesis of ceramic foams for hydrogen storage applications
    Role: Principal Investigator (PI) 
    Grant Amount: Rs. 2,00,000/-
    Duration: October 2015 - October 2017
    Status: Completed 
     2. Funded by: DST-SERB (Early Career Research Award)
    Title of Project: Hydrogen Storage in Mesoporous Polymer Derived Ceramics for Automotive Application
     Role: Principal Investigator (PI) Co-PI: Dr. Parameshwaran R
     Grant Amount: Rs. 42, 38, 240/- 
    Duration: September 2016 - January 2020
    Status: Completed 
    Awarded "Very Good" Grade by DST Committee 
    3. Funded by: HBL Power Systems Limited, Hyderabad
    Title of Project: Lithium ion batteries
    Role: Principal Investigator (PI)
    Grant Amount: Rs. 14,75,000/-
    Duration: August 2019 - January 2022 
    Status: Completed 
    4. Funded by: ARDB
    Title of the Project: Theoretical and Simulation Based Approach to Determine the Forming Limit Diagrams of beta-Ti alloys at Elevated Temperatures
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI); PI: Dr. Kurra Suresh & Dr. S K Singh
    Grant Amount: Rs. 26,60,000/-
    Duration: June 2020 - June 2023 
    Status: Completed
    5. Funded by: DST SERB (Core Research Grant)
    Title of the Project:  Development of mesoporous materials with enhanced hydrogen uptake for fuel cell vehicles
    Role: Principal Investigator (PI) Co-PI's: Dr. Sudha Rahika & Dr. Asif A
    Grant Amount: Rs. 29,13,900/-
    Duration: Jan 2021 - Jan 2024
    Status: Completed
    6. Funded by ARDB
    Title of the Project: Process and hybrid tool design for higher productivity in FSW butt joints of thick Al-alloy 2219 plates 
    Role: Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) PI: Prof. Jeevan Jaidi
    Grant Amount: Rs. 33,11,616/-
    Duration: October 2021 - October 2024
    Status: Ongoing
    7. Funded by: DST SERB (Core Research Grant)
    Title of the Project:  Enhancing gas barrier properties of Type IV pressure vessel liner for hydrogen storage applications
    Role: Principal Investigator (Co-PI) PI: Prof. C.P.Kiran
    Grant Amount: Rs. 36,14,402/-
    Duration: Jan 2024 - Jan 2027
    Status: Ongoing

    Sponsored Research Projects

    1. INSA INSPIRE Faculty Award, DST, Govt. of India (2014-2019)

    Project title: Rheological dynamics of layered silicate clay and graphene polymer nanocomposites

    Status: completed

    2. Early Career Research Award, DST-SERB, Govt. of India (2016-2019)

    Project Title: Visco-elastic, visco-plastic and thixotropic behavior of biogreases and its influence on lubrication (tribological) performance

    Status: completed

    3. Core Research Grant, DST-SERB, Govt. of India (2020-24)

    Project Title: Predicting grease lubrication behavior: (a) novel methods to determine grease rheology at extremely large shear rates and (b) the role of nanoscale and mesoscale structure of grease in film formation inside tribocontact 

    Status: completed

    Research Projects

    FAU pilot plant in operation at Goa


    Current Research at BITS, Pilani, K.K. Birla Goa Campus, INDIA

    PANIWAER project video





    Titile and status

    Amount (INR)

    Dr. Halan Prakash, PI

    DBT, Govt of



    Chemical modification

    of peptides with photosensitisers for photoenhanced antimicrobial activity, 2010-2014



    Dr. Halan Prakash, PI

    Aditya Birla

    Science and


    Centre, Mumbai,

    Modification of biomolecules for


    applications, 2011-2016. Completed


    Dr. Halan Prakash, Co-Principle






    Development of low



    measurement set-up, 2012-2014, Completed



    Dr. Halan Prakash, PI

    Horizon H2020 (EU) - DST

    Photo-irradiation and Adsorption based Novel Innovations for Water-treatment" (PANI). Since 31/3/2019, (4 Years), Ongoing




    Dr. Halan Prakash (PI),

    DST-WTI call

    Water Filtration, advanced oxidation and capacitive-deionisation treatments for removal of emerging contaminants in water, 19- dec-2020, 2 Years, ongoing


    Prof. Halan Prakash, PI

    Department of Science and Technology & Waste Management, Goa 

    Quantification of emerging contaminants in Goa water resources by cost efficient separation materials". 3 years, 2022 ongoing


    My Phd and Postdoctoral Research work 
    Synthesis of macrocyclic ligands and metal complex: Activators in advanced oxidation process and  antimicrobial agents.
    Interestingly, tetrazamacrocyclic ligands were reported to produce stable nickel (III) state. The detailed spectroscopic investigations reveal that the Ni(III) state in a tetradentate macrocyclic ligand is stabilized by coordination of two extra ligands at the axial sites, forming a tetragonal distorted octahedral complex. Importantly, several nickel(II) macrocyclic complexes are reported to act as catalysts involving oxidation processes and formation of trivalent nickel state.
    Currently we are involved in the synthesis of new ligands and metal complexes and investigate their use for activating oxidising agents such as persulphate. 
    Recently, we have reported the activation of persulphate by nickel(II) hexazamacrocyclic complex and its ability to degrade the recalcitrant dye Malachite green.

    The project involves extensive use of HPLC, GC, LC-MS and characterization of newly obtained conjugates and ligands. Students will be exposed to the Synthetic strategies and purification methods done in the wet chemistry lab, and DNA damage and antimicrobial studies of these new compounds. 

    Synthesis of photo-active molecules, nanoparticles and  Bio-conjugation.

    We are involved in the synthesis and characterization of  new photo-isomerisable azo-benzene derivatives, and photo-labile functional  groups like ortho-nitrobenzyl derivatives and Investigation on the conjugation  of these photoactive derivatives with important drugs, and peptides. We are also  involved in the synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles and their  conjugation to important biomolecules. DNA damage, and Biological activity of  these new conjugate are explored.

     (I) Research Work done at Nara Institute of Science and Technology and Kyoto Pharmaceutical University. (Supported by Japan Society for the promotion of Science and Takeda Science Foundation, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Japan).

    I was primarily involved in the synthesis of azobenzene based peptide bioconjugates for designing artificial nucleases. Metal binding peptides were attached to azobenzene based chromophores and indispensable characteristics like facile photo isomerisability and structural difference between the trans and cis isomers were explored. Metal-peptide-Azobenzene conjugates showed DNA cleavage activity and investigation on photo- control of DNA cleavage activities by these conjugates are in progress. I was also involved in the development of water-soluble photocleavable protective groups and its application for design of tumor-targeting paclitaxel prodrugs. Chemical modification of proteins (myoglobin mutants) with photo-active organic groups (nitrobenzyl derivatives, azobenzene derivatives), to photo-control the structure and functions of proteins. Proteins modified with photo-active molecules were characterized by LC-MS techniques and other spectroscopic techniques.

    (II) Research work done at the Department of Chemical Sciences, TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESARCH (TIFR), MUMBAI, INDIA.

    My research was focused on the Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) of proteins. We observed that the maximum positive charge state of the gaseous protein ions is directly related to the number of free surface exposed basic groups (lysine, arginine and histidine) whereas the maximum negative charge state is related to the number of free surface exposed acidic groups (aspartic acid and glutamic acid) of the protein. The free surface exposed basic groups or acidic groups are those which are not involved in any interaction with surrounding amino acids residues and have high propensity to carry formal positive or negative charge. Information on the free surfaced exposed basic groups or acidic groups of proteins were obtained from the x-ray crystal structures. Thus, we have shown a direct correlation of the crystal structure of proteins with the maximum positive and negative charge-states of gaseous protein ions produced by electrospray ionization.

    I was also involved in the studies on ESI-MS of Cytochrome P450cam to probe the tertiary structural changes on heme dissociation, and Chemical modification of lysine residues of cytochrome c by acylation reaction to identify the nucleophilic character of various lysine residues in cytochrome c. Specific acylation of the lysine residues of cytochrome c was identified by Collision Induced Dissociation mass spectrometry of the tryptic digest of cytochrome c.

    (III) Doctoral Research work at School of Chemistry, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, and National Centre for Ultra fast Processes, UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS, CHENNAI, INDIA.

    My doctoral thesis focus on the synthesis and photochemistry of nickel(II) azamacrocyclic complexes. Nitrogen rich azamacrocyclic ligand (nitrogen rich cyclic molecules) and its nickel complexes were synthesized. Photooxidation of nickel(II) azamacrocyclic complexes, resulted in the formation of stable trivalent nickel macrocycles. Time resolved nanosecond laser flash photolysis of the nickel(II) azamacrocylces revealed the transient hydrated electron absorption features, on UV excitation of the of nickel(II) azamacrocyclic complexes. The investigation enlightened that nickel(II) azamacrocyclic complexes posses Charge-transfer to solvent absorption character in the UV region.


    Projects Sanctioned

    1. SERB-POWER Research Grant (Funding Agency: SERB-GOI, 2023 - 2026)
    2. New Faculty Seed Grant (NFSG) (Funding Agency: BITS Pilani, 2023 - 2025) 
    3. Research Initiation Grant (RIG) (Funding Agency: BITS Pilani, 2022 - 2024) 

    Sponsored Project

    • Project title – Networked Marine robotic system for ocean exploration
    • Trust Area – Underwater Robotics and Networks
    • Funding Agency – SPARC
    • Duration – 2 years (April 2024 onwards) 
    • Grant amount – INR 84,42,000/-

    Collaborative networks of marine robots are steadily achieving ocean monitoring that is robust, adaptable, and high-performing. Seamless collaboration of marine robotic systems necessitates ongoing advancements in multiple interdisciplinary fields such as cooperative control and navigation, underwater networking, and estimation techniques. An integral enabling technology for the success of these networked marine robotic systems is the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT). IoUT is defined as the network of smart interconnected underwater objects such as AUVs, ROVs, ASVs, buoys, and ships etc. These objects collect and transmit information through underwater communication channels, offering real-time data on ocean parameters.

    The project team involves BITS Goa (Dr. Sarang Dhongdi, Dr. Narayan Manjarekar), NIT Calicut (Dr. Rakesh Warier), ISR/IST University of Lisbon, Portugal (Prof. Antonio Pascoal), and University of Toulon, France (Prof. Ricard Marxer).


    1. Impact of Indigenous S&T innovations developed by Start-ups incubated in Academic Institutes in India

    Funding Agency: PCPM (NSTMIS), DST, New Delhi.
    Principal Investigator: Rajorshi Sen Gupta 
    Co-PI: A.K. Mishra 


    2. Assessing the impact of farmers’ participation and challenges in linking Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) mandi markets by e-national agricultural market (e-NAM): Evidence from the states of Goa, Karnataka and Maharashtra

    Funding Agency: ICSSR, New Delhi, India
    Principal Investigator: A.K. Mishra 

    Co-PI: Rajorshi Sen Gupta, Manogna R.L., Richa Shukla

    3. Impact of “Make in India” and new IPR Policy on Innovation of MNCs and Indian MSMEs in Medical Device Sector

    Funding Agency: Impactful Policy Research in Social Sciences (IMPRESS) ICSSR, New Delhi, India

    Principal Investigator: Rajorshi Sen Gupta 
    Co-PI: A.K. Mishra 


    4. R&D collaboration between industries and universities under changing IPR regime in the European Union

    Funding Agency: European Union Center of Excellence, Texas A&M University, USA

    Principal Investigator: Rajorshi Sen Gupta 

    5. Trucking industry response in a changing world of tolling and rising fuel prices

    Funding Agency: Southwest Region University Transportation Center (SWUTC), Texas A&M University, USA

    Role: Research Assistant, Texas Transportation Institute  

    6. Dental Health in India

    Funding Agency: Dental Council of India 

    Role: Senior Economist, Indicus Analytics

    7. Forecasting Direct Tax Revenue

    Funding Agency: Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India

    Role: Project Assistant, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP)

    Research Grants/funds

    1. Co-PI in 'Deciphering the molecular circuits of seed weight regulation for improved plant productivity' Scheme for Promotion of Academic & Research Collaboration (SPARC). Ongoing
    2. PI in "Understanding the impact of climate change on photosynthesis and forest productivity at ecosystem level'' CDRF Approved.
    3. Co PI: "Analysis of cis-regulatory elements in gene expression" under DBT builder, sanctioned to BITS, Pilani Goa campus. 2022; Ongoing
    4. Principal Investigator in, ''Introducing cyanobacterial bicarbonate transporters in C3 plants for enhanced photosynthetic performance'' SERB Major Project; Rs. 37.73 lakhs. Completed
    5. Principal Investigator in, “Analyzing structural and functional evolutionary linkages between RubisCO and Carbon concentration mechanism proteins. DST Fast track project for young scientists". Rs. 24.96 lakhs. Completed
    6. Principal Investigator in UGC major project "Design, synthesis and validation of dehydration stress responsive promoters in plants.'' Rs. 12.88 lakhs. Completed
    7.  Co-Investigator in Aditya Birla Group of companies funded project, "Natural and engineered Lipases for Biodiesel Production." Rs. 10 Lakhs. Completed



    Areas of Research Interest

    • Dalit Studies
    • Post-colonial Literatures
    • Culture studies
    • Women Studies  

     Research Projects – Ongoing

    1. Principal Investigator - SPARC (Scheme for Academic and Research Collaboration) project " Museum Effect: A Case Study of Goa State Museum and Goa Chitra Museum" – Funded by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Rs.67,17,538. (in collaboration with University of Vienna, Austria & University of Victoria, Canada)
    2. C0-PI - The Value of Multilingualism: a Case Study from Indian States” -Global Seed Grant funded by Dalhousie University, Canada (in Collaboration with Dalhousie University, Canada & Goa Institute of Management, Goa)

    PhD Research Guidance: Completed 

    1. Sushant Kishore. “The Performative Politics of Ethnocultural Nationalism in India: Thespian and Quotidian Performances in Hindu Nationalism” "- June 2019 (supervised singly)
    2. B.Gnanabharathi. “Alterations and Adapatations : An analysis of the Indigenous Spaces of Nilgris Irulas  -July 2019 (supervised singly)
    3. Preetigandha Naik."Dalit Futurism: Caste and Gender in Indian Science Fiction" - February 2023 (supervised singly)

    PhD Research Guidance - Ongoing 

    1. Mahesh Varghese. ‘To Make live and Let Die’: A study of the Life, Death and its Governance in Select Malayalam Fiction” (supervision - singly - proposal defended - June 2021)
    2. Fernandes Ann Rochelle " Unearthing Silenced Histories: Re-reading Portuguese colonialism through the lens of Adopted Children in Goa" (Supervision - singly - April 2022
    3. Basma Mahfoud. “Crushed” in translation? Poetics of oppression and resistance in a comparative study of Dalit works in translation from Southern India "Co-supervision with Prof. Judith Misrahi Barak, University of Paul Valery Montpellier 3, France

    Editorial/Peer Reviewing Assignments

    Invited by University Grants Commission (UGC) to review applications submitted for Research Grants and Post Doctoral fellowships – 2023

    Joint Editor Special Issue on Dalit Women , Journal of International Women Studies, Vol 22:10 (2021)

    Journal of Post Colonial Writing, Taylor and Franscis

    Journal of Intercultural communication, Taylor and Francis

    Journal of Commonwealth Literature, Sage

    Journal of South Asian Studies, ESCI

    PhD Thesis Evaluation

    2016 – University of Madras - PhD Thesis titled “Gendered Passions and Masculinity Construction: Reflections on Tamil Identity during 1930’s”

    2020 – University of Madras – PhD thesis titled “Writing for the Children as a Child – A Study of Ruskin Bond’s Craft of Writing”

    2020 – Manomaniam Sundaranar University – PhD thesis titled “The Narratives of Amitav Ghosh: Palimpsest and Fact-Finding Dichotomy”

    2022 – Mahatma Gandhi University – PhD thesis – “The Dialectics of the Anthropomorphic Subaltern: A Study of Select Texts from Contemporary Popular Culture”

    2022 –Calicut University – PhD Thesis titled “Subversive Survival: Trauma and Post Traumatic Resilience in Select North-East Indian Literary Imagination"

    Research Topics

    • Synthesis of donor-acceptor type organic molecules based on linear heteroacenes and evaluation of their optical properties for applications as fluorescence based molecular imaging agents.
    • Study of the in vitro bioactivity and DNA-binding properties of linear heteroacenes.
    • Synthesis of porphyins with structural modifications in their periphery and their inner-core in order to induce non-planar molecular conformations - study of their UV-vis and fluorescence properties aimed towards designing porphyrins with red-wavelength absorptions and emissions.

    Sponsored Projects

    1. Development of E-HFQ process for precision manufacturing of automotive body components using high-strength aluminum alloy sheets (as PI), Funded by SERB under Startup Research Grant (SRG), 20.82 Lakhs, January 2024 - December 2025 (2 years)
    2. Evaluation of elevated temperature fracture forming limit diagram of heat treatable aluminum alloy sheets (as PI), Funded by BITS Pilani under Additional Competitive Research Grant (ACG), 10.00 Lakhs, November 2022 - October 2024 (2 years)
    3. Investigation of formability of tailor welded aluminum blanks during elevated temperature incremental sheet forming process (as PI), Funded by BITS Pilani - K K Birla Goa Campus, under Research Initiation Grant (RIG), 2.00 Lakhs, July 2022 - October 2024 (2 years)

    Extramural projects

    DST-SERB funded Young Scientist Project titled "Development of beta, beta’-Edge Fused pi-Elongated Donor-Acceptor Porphyrins Possessing Near-IR Optical Spectra" sanctioned from June 2014 for a period of three years; project completed in July 2017.

    Sanctioned amount was 24.87 lacs.

    Sponsored Projects


    Biological treatment of industrial effluents using novel biofilm-membranes

    Funding agency

    The Leverhulme Trust (United Kingdom)


    Dr. Asma Ahmed, Canterbury Christ Church University, United Kingdom

    Prof. Aravinda N. Raghavan, BITS-Pilani (Hyderabad Campus), India


    2020-2023 (36 months)


    £ 263,547.00

    Sponsored Projects


    Nano-technology for enhanced utilization of native- phosphorous by plants and higher moisture retention in arid soils” in collaboration with IIT, Mumbai; PAU, Ludhiana; IISS, Bhopal & CAZRI, Jodhpur, funded by World Bank under National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) of ICAR, New Delhi (3.726 Crores) (2008-2012).

    Senior Research Fellow Position (New)


    Conservation of some endangered medicinal plants of Indian Thar Desert by arbuscular mycorrhizae” funded by DST, New Delhi under SERC Scheme (11.28 Lakhs) (2003-2005).


    Sponsored Projects

    1.Research Initiation Grant
    Amount: 2 Lakhs.
    Period: 30.09.2019-29.9.2021
    2. Start Up Research Grant (SERB)

    File No : SRG/2020/000523


    Project Start Date : 31-Dec-2020

    Duration : 24 months

    Total Budget : 12,45,816 INR

    Status : Ongoing
    Research Area: My research area is Symmetric Key Cryptography. This involves the analysis the design of various cryptosystems which are based on symmetric key.


    Completed Projects

    1.Project Title: Smart Traffic Analytics for Hyderabad city (13/7/2015 - 12/7/2017)
    Amount: 10 Lakhs
    Funding Agency: BITS   
    In the proposed work we aim develop software application using Big Data  
    • to identify trends/patterns in traffic  
    • to calculate average speed in different locations and vehicles  
    • to monitor and manage Urban traffic
    • to suggest alternate routes based on the locations
    • to provide updates on traffic based on incidents, traffic jams etc.  
    2. Credit Analytics: (In association with BITS Alumni)
    The aim of this work is to evaluate housing loan data and analyze the defaults and find Co-relations between the loan approvals and real estate market fluctuations. The implementation of this work is on Hadoop.
    3. Modelling Bayesian Networks for Performance and Capacity Management of Data centers.(In association with TRDDC Pune)
    A data center consists of large numbers of computing, communication, and storage systems supporting wide range of applications and services. Consider, for instance, a banking application operated by a US-based investment bank. We observed that this data center hosts hundreds of DB2 applications on several logical partitions of mainframe boxes. The applications fire millions of queries every day and access a complex array of storage devices consisting of thousands of storage volumes and datasets. Such systems need automated solutions for performance and capacity management to better understand and control their operations.
    For each component, an enterprise monitors many different metrics – including workload, latency, CPU, memory, IO and network utilizations, cache hit/miss rates, among others. Furthermore, each of these metrics is monitored at relatively fine time-scales (e.g., every few seconds). We propose to leverage Bayesian networks to analyze this data in order to perform following operations:
    One of the biggest challenges in performing many performance and capacity operations is the construction of causal relationships between various system metrics. Consider an example system of a database tier with Oracle instances hosted on Windows/Linux machines where various metrics are monitoring at database instance, operating system, and system hardware. Deriving causal relationships across various system components/metrics  can prove very useful in gaining a better system understanding. It also opens up the opportunities for performance debugging, capacity planning, prediction, what-if analysis, etc.
    Another very relevant application of Bayesian networks is in root-cause analysis of performance problems. In the event of performance problems at an application the root-causes behind performance problems can be diagnosed at application, compute, storage, network layers using belief propagation techniques.
    Many infrastructure components are programmed to generate alerts based on certain definitions – e.g. an alert is generated when CPU utilization exceeds 90%. In today’s scenarios due lack of intelligent alert generation mechanisms or due to poor alert suppression mechanisms, large volumes of alerts are generated (~ 1million alerts per day). Analysis of these alerts becomes unmanageable. Bayesian networks can be used to identify dependencies across alerts. This information can then be used to suppress spurious alerts, generate signatures of correlated alerts, etc.

    Research Interest

    Areas of Interest

    • Natural Language Processing
    • Information Retrieval
    • Data Mining
    • Big Data
    • Bio Informatics

    Sponsored Projects

    DST – DDP:

    Project Title: Development of Image Processing Based Portable Device to Measure Surface Strains in Sheet Metal Forming. (Feb 2019-Feb 2022)


    DRDO - ARDB:

    Project Title: Formability studies on Beta Titanium alloys at elevated temperatures (June 2020-Feb 2023)


    DRDO - ASL:

    Project Title: Evaluation of paint performance (Co-PI) (Feb 2021 to Dec 2022)


    DST – SERB:

    Project Title: Enhanced Strength-to- weight Ratio INCONEL-718 Alloy Structures Made by Additive manufacturing for Aerospace Applications (Co-PI) (2021-2023)


    Project Title: Mechanical characterization of 3D printed Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites (May 2019 to May 2021)


    Project Title: Experimental and Numerical Studies on Part Quality in Incremental Forming at Elevated Temperatures. (Jan 2017 to Jan 2019)


    Research Interest

    Sheet metal forming

    Bulk metal forming

    Advanced manufacturing processes

    Finite element simulation of manufacturing processes

    Modeling and optimization


    Sponsored Projects

    Title: "Impact of Remittances, Financial Development, and Institutional Structure on Poverty: An Empirical Evidence from Developing Countries"

    Duration: 2 Years (2019-21)

    Amount: Rs. 1.67 Lakhs

    Funding Agency: Research Initiation Grant (RIG), SRCD, BITS Pilani 

    Research Projects

    Current Research Work

      • Numerical Simulation and Experiments on passive micromixers to understand passive scalar transport. 
      • Develop pedagogical techniques and strategies that will help students learn physics more effectively.
      • Patterning at nanoscale using Soft lithography.


    Earlier Research Work

    1. Molecular Nanomagnetism
      • Single molecule magnets like Mn12 acetate.
      • Thin film deposition: Strategies for organizing nanomagnet clusters as thin films (Pulsedlaser deposition and its variants, Self assembly), with the goal of increasing the blocking temperature. Pattern Mn12 acetate using a combination of solution technique and photolithography.
      • Magnetic and surface characterization techniques for measuring the properties of molecular magnet films.  
      • Study of Quantum Tunneling and Magnetization Reversal and Exchange bias effects.    
    2. Metal to Insulator transition in disordered systems
      • Deposition and Characterization of amorphous carbon films using electrical and magnetic transport at low temperatures, X-ray, Neutron and Raman scattering.
      • Role of quantum interference, electron-electron interactions and disorder, Scaling in disordered systems and application of models to interpret the magneto-transport in materials.                 

    Research & Consultancy Projects

    Consultancy Projects

    • Co-Principal Investigator: 'Condition Assessment of Coal Mill Foundation: Field (NDT) and laboratory Investigation' at STAR CEMENT CO. L.L.C. Ras Al Khaima, UAE; Amount Sanctioned ~ 23200 AED (Status: Completed)


    Research Projects

    • Principal Investigator of a research project ‘Climate Change Impact Assessment on Water Resources Availability’ (INR 7.33 Lakh ) sponsored by National Project Implementation Unit ( A unit of MHRD, GoI and World Bank) under TEQIP- Collarabatice Research Scheme (CRS)- (2018-2019)

    Research Projects

    Completed Projects
    7. DBT CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE PROJECT- VIRTUAL CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR TUBERCULOSIS RESEARCH (In collaboration with Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore & The Foundation for Medicial Research, Mumbai)-2007-2012|Co-Investigator
    19. DBT RGYI project-NON-INVASIVE DELIVERY OF siRNA TO TREAT MELANOMA-2012-2015|Co-Investigator
    20. OPEN SOURCE DRUG DISCOVERY-CSIR-DEVELOPMENT AND ANALYSIS OF NOVEL INHIBITORS AGAINST MTB GlmU- 2012-2015| Co-Principal Investigator (In Collaboration with NII, New Delhi, and IIT- Kanpur)

    Ongoing projects
    Co-Investigator, DBT project entitled "MRI based non-invasive quantitative
    biomarker for early diagnosis and prognosis of brain tumor"- In Collaboration with EEE/ECE Department, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad campus
    Industry sponsored projects
    1. ASTRA ZENCA, Bangalore- Development of New Antitubercular agents-2010-2013(COMPLETED)
    2. ADITYA BIRLA GROUP, Mumbai- Structure-based rational design and synthesis of inhibitors of various enzymes Mycobacterium tuberculosis - 2011-2014 (COMPLETED)
    3. Incozen Therapeutics Ltd, Hyderabad - Development of Novel Antiinflammatory Agents-2012-2015 (COMPLETED)


    Sponsored Projects

    Title: Characterization of Fibre / Matrix interface in Advanced Composites
    Role: Co-PI, PI: Dr. Ramesh Babu Adusumalli
    Funding Agency: ASL/DRDO
    Amount Sanctioned: 9.96 lakhs
    Date of Commencement & Duration: Aug 2015 (15 months)

    Research Interests

    • Designing van der Waals quantum materials using twisted transition metal dichalcogenides
    • Optoelectronics in 2D materials
    • Strain engineering
    • Quantum transport in van der Waals heterostructures

    Sponsored Projects

    Sponsored Projects

    1. Outstanding Potential for Excellence in Research and Academics (OPERA) Grant

    Funding Agency: BITS Pilani, India

    Amount: 22.80 lakhs (3.60 lakhs in first year and 4.80 lakhs each year for remaining four years)

    Duration: 5th July, 2018-5th July, 2023 (Ongoing)

    Role: Principal Investigator (PI)

    2. Research Initiation Grant (RIG)

    Funding Agency: BITS Pilani, Hyderabad campus

    Title: Detection of Sleep related disorders from physiological signals using multiscale analysis and deep neural network

    Amount: 2 lakhs

    Duration: 10th Jan, 2019-10th Jan, 2021 (Completed)

    Role: Principal Investigator (PI)

    3. DRDO CARS Project

    Title: Design and development of an automated flow calibration system for fuel and oxidizer injectors for reaction control system.

    Agency: DRDO, India

    Amount: 10 lakhs

    Duration: 01 Feb, 2019-31 July, 2020 (Completed)

    Role: Co-Principal Investigator (CO-PI) 


    Research Interest

    • Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Healthcare

    • Multisensor time-frequency Signal Processing

    • Graph Signal Processing and Vertex-Frequency Analysis

    • Sparse Representation and Dictionary Learning

    • Cardiovascular Signal Processing

    • Neural Signal Processing and Brain Computer Interface

    • Cognitive workload task classification and cognitive neuroscience

    • Cardio-Pulmonary Coupling and Circadian Monitoring

    • Electromyogram Signal Processing and Muscle Computer Interface

    • Multi-modal Affective Computing

    • Smart Health and Internet of Medical Things (IOMT)

    • Medical Image Processing and Automated Diagnostic system

    Sponsored Research

    Project 1:

    Project Title: "Women’s Employment, Interstate Variations, and Time-use: A Comparative Study of Bihar and Andhra Pradesh"

    Total grant:  Rs.11,88,000

    Duration of the project: October 2018 to July 2021

    Joint Principal Investigators:   Bheemeshwar Reddy A (Department of Economics and Finance) &
    Sunny Jose (Council for Social Development (CSD), Hyderabad)

    Funding source: Azim Premji University’s Research Grant Programme


    Project 2:

    Project Title: "Regional Variations in Women’s Employment in Rural India"

    Total grant:  Rs.200,000

    Duration of the project: April 2019 to March 2021

    Principal Investigator:   Bheemeshwar Reddy A

    Funding source:  Research Initiation Grant from BITS-Pilani


    Project 3:

    Project Title: "Dietary diversity and anaemia among women: A study of four Indian states"

    Duration of the project:  Feburary 2020 - November 2020

    Total grant: Rs. Rs. 6.7 lakhs

    Principal Investigator:  Sunny Jose (project is hosted  at  Council for Social Development, Hyderabad, where  the PI is located) 

    Co-Principal Investigator: Bheemeshwar Reddy A

    Funding source: SPANDAN Grant, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research,Mumbai.


    Project 4:

    Project Title: "Assessing multi-dimensional poverty in India for Sustainable Development Goals-adaptation and use of the Consensual Approach in South India"

    Total grant:  £ 35, 700

    Duration of the project: December 2019 to  August 2020


    Dr. Shailen Nandy (Lead investigator, this project is hosted at Cardiff University, UK)

    Cardiff University, UK

    Dr. Marco Pomati (co-investigator)

    Cardiff University, UK

    Bheemeshwar Reddy A (partner investigator) 

    Prof. Sunny Jose G  (partner investigator)

    Council for Social Development, Hyderabad.

    Funding source: Global Challenges Research Fund, Cardiff University, UK

    Sponsored Projects



    Project Title: Development of Theranostic Agents for Photodynamic/ Photothermal Treatment of Oral/Lung Cancer and Related Diseases

    Status: Approved, yet to start.

    Collaborators: Prof Manab Chakravarty, Prof Amit Nag and Prof Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti

    Sponsored Projects

    Project Statistics:

    Completed Projects

    On-going Projects

    Submitted Projects





    On-going Projects:

    • DST-SERB Start-up Research Grant (SRG), Title: Tribological behavior of Scalable and Low-cost Multilayered MoS₂ Coatings for Hydrogen Valve Applications. Budget amount: INR 23,91,400 for 2 years (FY 2021 - 2022), Approving Authority: DST-SERB, India. Role : Principal Investigator (PI).


    Completed Projects at BITS:

    • BITS Pilani RIG - Research Initiation Grant, Title: Polymer composites for water-lubricated hydropower bearing applications. Budget amount: INR 200,000 for 2 years (FY 2020 - 2021), Approving Authority: BITS-PILANI Hyderabad Campus, India. Role : Principal Investigator (PI).


    Completed Projects (Before joining BITS) :

    • Kakenhi Start-up Research Grant, Grant No. UFG5H06471, Title: Study of the Tribological Properties of Graphene and Related Materials Under Extreme Environments. Budget amount: ¥1,560,000 / year for 2 years (FY 2016 - 2017), Approving Authority: JSPS, JAPAN. 
    • Kakenhi Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (Wakate), Title: Study of the Tribological Behavior of Multilayered MoS2 based Coatings for Hydrogen Applications.  Budget amount: ¥5 Million / 2 years (FY 2019 - 2020), Approving Authority: JSPS, JAPAN. (Partially completed)

    Sponsored Projects

    1.  Sequence based design and characterization of peptide-amyloid nano material: Exploring functionality, Funded by  BRNS India, February 2018- February 2021.

    2.   Investigation of magneto-optical effect in composite magneto-plasmonic nanostructures for sensing applications. Funded by Department of Science and Technology-India. February 2013 - February 2016.

    3.   Developing supramolecular complexes for solar energy conversion and hydrogen generation, Funded by BITS Pilani - Seed Grant. April 2011 - March 2013.
    Research Projects
    • Inorganic Chemistry
    • Bioinorganic Chemistry
    • Crystallography 
    • Nano-materials 
    • Catalysis
    Solar Energy Conversion 


    Project Ongoing:

    • "Adaptive Protection Coordination for DG dominated power system networks", Research Initiation Grant funded by BITS Pilani. Project Cost: Rs. 200000/-
    Projects Submitted:
    • "Artificial Intelligence for Self-Healing in Smart Distribution Systems", Submitted under Core Research Grant (CRG) to SERB - 2022. Project Cost: Rs. 34,00,000/-. 

    Research Interests : 

    • Power System Analysis, operation and control
    • Heuristic & traditional optimization techniques and their application to Power Engineering
    • Microgrids
    • Smart protection devices
    • Self healing in smartgrids

    Completed Projects

    BITS-RIG (PI) (2L)

    On-going Projects

    BITS-SPARKLE (2L), SRC (Co-PI) ( 30 L)

    Research projects

          On Going Project:


       Co-PI, Structured Dialogue for Sustainable Water Governance, funded by the Department of    Science and Technology, Government of India 


          Completed Projects:


    1. Consultant, Hydro SOS for the GBM Basin, funded by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva 


    1. Consultant, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) measures Mainstreaming within Government Departments, (2019-20) funded by AP HRDI (Govt. of AP) and UNDP 


    1. Consultant, A Study of Early Warning System at the District/Local Level (2019), funded by the AP HRDI (Govt. of AP) and UNDP. 


    1. PI, A Study of Disaster Management Plans in India, (2017-19) funded by BITS Pilani. 


    1. PI, Evacuation Policies in India: Cyclone Phailin and Hudhud (2014-15), funded by Jamsetji Tata Trusts, TISS Mumbai. 


    1. Co-PI, Impact Assessment of Community Based Disaster Risk Management (2013), funded by the Cord Aid India. 


    1. Co-PI: Need Assessment for Uttarakhand Flood affected People, (2013), funded by the Tata Relief Committee (TRC)


    1. Consultant, Disaster Warning System for Andaman and Nicobar, (2012) funded by the Govt. of Andaman and Nicobar


    1. Faculty in Charge (FIC) National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP), (2007-2012) Component C involving 13 coastal states/UT, 2007-12 funded by the World Bank and the Government of India.  


    1. National Consultant, Vulnerability Assessment and Multi-Hazard Early Warning System, (2006), funded by UNDP and Multi-Donors including European Union 


    1. Researcher, Preparedness Index for Disaster Management Organizations (2005), funded by the International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC), New Delhi.  


    1. PI, Measuring Community Preparedness (2003-04), funded by the Provention Consortium and the World Bank.  


    Research Projects

    "Does Financial Awareness Lead to Better Financial Inclusion Outcomes? An Investigation", sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi under the IMPRESS scheme. It is an action research in nature. The project has been completed and we have started to get publications out of it. The first of it is Financial awareness: a bridge to financial inclusion.

    Some Interesting results:

    I am sharing some interesting results of the training imparted in  our project:

    A. How has the training impacted the awareness about the PMJDY?

    B. How did our training affect awareness about cashless transactions?

    C. How our training affected the mode of cash withdrawals from bank account?

    D. How our training affected the preferred mode of saving surplus cash?

    Research Interest

    Bio-Micro-Fluidic Sciences laboratory 

    The research in the Bio-Micro-Fluidic science laboratory focuses on the microscale fluid flows and related applications in the broad areas of biological and chemical sciences. The lab exploits the potential of miniaturised fluid flow to study biological cells, molecules, and biochemical reactions at unprecedented levels.


    The lab is truly multi-disciplinary working at both the fundamental and applied levels on the microscale fluid flows. At the fundamental level, the research is on the development of novel microdevices, integrated micro systems, and on understanding the intrinsic nature of micro flows. Essentially, this unfolds a multitude of possibilities at the applied level, particularly, in the broad fields of biology and chemistry.

    Working Papers

    Conflict and Development (with Prabal Roy Chowdhury) ISID Discussion Papers in Economics, Discussion Paper 15-05 

    Abstract: We examine a dynamic two-stage incumbent-challenger model of internal conflict, where the government, i.e. the incumbent, is in power, while the rebel challenges the government in a bid to capture state power. The central issue is the trade-off between development and security-based measures in countering such rebellion activity. We find that while an exogenous increase in development decreases the level of rebellion activity, it increases the level of security based measures by the government. Further, if the rebel is ‘dominant’ to begin with, then, with the rebel becoming stronger, the level of rebel activity increases, while the security based measures by the government is lowered. Finally, if the rebel becomes stronger (i.e. becomes more cost efficient), then the government might find it optimal to decrease the level of development. Thus our analysis suggests that the trade-off is a nuanced one.

    Centralisation and Delegation: A Principal-Agent Analysis 

    Abstract: We study two types of organizational structures, namely centralization and delegation. Centralization refers to a contractual relationship where the principal contracts with all the agents directly. Delegation refers to a contractual relationship where the principal contracts with some agents (a proper subset, to be precise) and give them the right to contract with others. We allow for the collusion among agents. Both these contracts are quite common in production networks, supply chain management and procurement . We provide an intuitive model for the collusion among agents. We show that the collusion among agents maybe beneficial for the principal also. Hence the whole issue of justifying delegation as counter-strategy to collusion is somewhat misplaced. We provide a sufficient condition under which delegation outperforms centralization. We provide the first-order conditions which characterize Nash equilibrium outcomes for both, centralization with and without collusion cases.
    • Conflicts: Using Development as Signal (with Prabal Roy Chowdhury)
    • Difference-Form Contest Success Functions: Existence, Uniqueness and Stability of the Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium

    Sponsored Projects

    • Research Initiation Grant (RIG), BITS Pilani - 2,00,000 INR 

    Research Interest

    • Algal Biorefineries, Halophilic Biorefineries for Bioplastics (PHA) production, Pulsed Electric Fields (PEFs) for extraction of value added products, Technology development for biofuel production (Biohydrogen, Biodiesel, Biobutanol), Hydrothermal Carbonisation/Liquefaction, Microplastic pollution


    Sponsored Project(s):

    Funding :   DST Inspire Faculty IFA19-PH231
                      BITS Pilani Opera Research Grant 

    Research Interest : 

    Gravity, Geometry and Fluid-Matter Interactions
    For interested students: Please feel free to visit me at C232. Interest in coding in any platform (Mathematica/ Python /Julia)  and familiarity with Latex writing will be very helpful for my projects.
    All are welcome !

    Sponsored Projects

    Grant generation for research work is under process. 


    Research Project(s)

    • Principal Investigator for, “Preparation of State of Art Report (SOAR) on Use of Polymer Fibers and Steel Fibers for Improvement in Concrete Properties", funded by Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH),1yr, Rs.6.578 lakhs, F.No.RW/NH-35083/24/2016/S&R (R) dated 31st March,2017.

    Consultancy Project(s)

    • Principal Investigator for “Assessment of Structural damage by fire hazard to factory shed”, M/s, Shalimar Chemicals and Nilgiri Oil &Allied Chemicals, 24th August to 12th October 2018, Rs.4.13 lakhs.
    • Co-Investigator as a Team Member for “Rehabilitation and Upgrading to 2-lanes/2-lane with paved shoulder configuration and strengthening of Birpur-Bihpur section of NH-106 in the state of Bihar under Phase-1 of NHIIP on EPC basis”, IL&FS Engineering and Construction Company Ltd., 6 months (July to December 2017), Rs.9.5 lakhs.

    Research Interest(s): 

    • Sustainable Materials and Technologies
    • Linear & Non Linear Finite Element Analysis of Structures
    • Lateral Load Analysis of Structures 
    • Analysis of Bridges
    • Soil Structure Interaction


    Doctoral Research:

    • Investigation on Interference and Across Wind Effects on Tall Structures by Computational Fluid Dynamics and Machine Learning - (Ms. K. Shruti, successfully defended on 22nd December,2021).
    • Development of Cement Concrete with Non-Biodegradable Waste Products and Supplementary Materials- An Experimental Investigation. (Mr. M. Venu, completed on Jan.,2015) 
    • Ms.  Navaneetha E is registered for Research on Use of Agricultural waste  as Sustainable Construction Material

    Approximately supervised 30 students for First Degree Thesis and Higher Degree Dissertation.  Also guided approximately 150 students of First Degree students for Special Projects, Design Projects and Lab Oriented Projects and Higher Degree students for Research Practice, etc.

    Sponsored Projects

    Cinema on Paper: Transnational Encounters with the ‘Cinematic-Modern’ in Early Twentieth Century Bengali Print Culture


    Sponsored Projects

    Competitive extramural and other Research Grants secured at BITS-Pilani Hyderabad

    1. As a PI: BITS Cross-disciplinary Research Framework:

    Project Title: To establish plant-based highly efficient breakthrough technology TRBO protein expression system for oral delivery of IL-22 as a putative protein drugs to treat acute and chronic renal injury.

    Funded by : BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

    Duration: 2 years (2023-2025)

    Budget: 20 lakhs

          2. As the Lead PI and Principal Coordinator of a multi-institutional project:

    Project Title: Allele mining for the epigenetic regulator NGR5 and other yield-associated genes (GID1 and GRF4) and their modulation using multiple genomic and molecular approaches to enhance rice yield under low nitrogen conditions.

    Funding agency: ICAR-NASF, Govt. of India.

    Duration: 3 years (2022-2025, with scope for extension).

    Budget: Rs. ~1.5 crores.

    Other participating institutions: ICAR-IIRR Hyderabad, ICAR-NRRI Cuttack, University of Hyderabad.

        3. As the single PI: Ramanujan Fellowship Research Grant:

    Project Title: Epigenetics of megabase-scale rRNA gene regulation and genomic instability of rDNA and telomeres.

    Funding agency: SERB, Govt. of India.

    Duration: 5 years (2018-2023).

    Budget: Rs. 38  lakhs

        4. As the single PI: CRG grant:

    Project Title: To delineate domain-specific functions of Histone Deacetylase 6 (HDA6) in gene regulation and genomic instability and- to develop a novel non-transgenic epigenetic mutagenesis tool for plant improvement via HDAC modulation.

    Funding agency: Sponsored by SERB, Govt. of India,

    Duration: 3 years (2021-2024)

    Budget: Rs. 42,38,696 (42.38 lakhs)

        5. As the Principal Coordinator and a PI: Multi-institutional project:

    Project Title: To improve the efficiency of genome editing with CRISPR-Cas9 and- to create novel sources of epigenetic variation in plants.

    Funding agency: DBT, Govt. of India.

    Duration: 3 years (with scope for extension).

    Budget: Rs. 85 lakhs (waiting for the release of Money)

    Other participating institutes (ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad, CSIR-NEIST Jorhat)

       6. As the single PI: Competitive RIG

    Project Title: To elucidate novel mechanisms of SnRK1-AMPK family kinases in plant antiviral defense and human metabolism regulation.

    Funded by: BITS-Pilani Hyderabad campus

    Duration: 2 years (2019-2021).

    Budget: ~ Rs.10 lakhs

        7. PI in Center for Human Diseases Research:

    Project Title: Ribosomal RNA gene regulation in Oral cancers and development of novel anticancer tools using M1GS ribozymes.

    Funded by: BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad campus

    Duration: 5 years (2018-2023).

    Budget: Variable (to support the specified objectives).

        8. Secured ICMR-SRF for a Ph.D. student:

    Project title: To develop engineered bacterial M1GS- ribozyme mediated cleavage of 45S rRNA as a novel anti-cancer strategy”

    Funding agency: ICMR, Govt. of India

    Duration: 2 years (2022-2024)

    Budget: 10.5 lakhs

       9. As the single PI: BITS Research Initiation Grant:

    Project Title: Epigenetics of 45S rRNA gene regulation and rDNA genomic instability”

    Funded by: BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad campus

    Duration: 1 year (2017-2018).

    Budget: 2 lakhs

      10. Brought research projects-in-progress from the Laboratory of Prof. Craig Pikaard(Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Indiana University, USA) along with genetic and research reagents (~20 lakhs).


    Sponsored Projects

    1. Project title : "Study of decoherence and entanglement in non linear systems and their applications"  SR/FTP/PS-139/2012 DST-SERC Fast Track Amount 14.19 Lakhs.
    2. Project Title :  "Exceptional polynomials and their applications to Wigner Function" the Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India ( (D. O. No: MTR/2018/001046)), MATRICS 6.6 Lakhs.

    Sponsored Projects

    1. DST-SERB ECRA (Dec, 2018 - Nov, 2021) as PI
    2. CSIR (May, 2019 - July, 2022) as PI
    3. Add Competitive RIG, BITS (May, 2019- April, 2021) as PI
    4. ICMR-DHR (March, 2020- Feb, 2023) as Co-PI from BITS


    12. TUTEM: Technologies for Urban Transit to Enhance Mobility and Safe Accessibility – ₹3,91,00,000, ($473,550), Asian Development Bank (ADB), 2023 – 2025

    Project Team: Avijit Maji, Prasant Sahu, Arkopal Goswami, Location Mind. 

    This is a collaborative project between IIT Bombay, BITS Pilani, IIT Kharagpur and Location Mind, Japan – Joint Principal Investigator.

    Funded through ADB’s Transport Technology Innovation Challenge High-Level Technology Application Project 

    11. Integrating Supply Chains in Smart Cities for Enhanced Community Service: A Business and Environmental Sustainability Approach, ASCRIN, La Trobe University, Australia, 2023 – 2027

    Project Team: Srikanta Routroy, Prasant Sahu, Sean Arisian, Aniruddha Desai.

    This is a collaborative project between BITS Pilani and La Trobe University, Australia – Co-Principal Investigator.

    10. Lean Supply Chain Designs to Reduce Food Waste for Business and Environmental Sustainability: An Indo-Australian Study, BITS-RMIT Academy Australia, 2023 – 2027

    Project Team – Srikanta Routroy, Prasant Sahu, Prem Chhetri, Mathews Nkhoma.

    This is a collaborative project between BITS Pilani and RMIT University, Australia – Co-Principal Investigator.

    9. Electric-assist bicycle (e-Bike) mobility planning for smart cities: Fostering active transportation to improve public health, air quality, sustainability, and efficiency during COVID-19 – ASCRIN, La Trobe University, Australia, 2021 - 2025.

    Project Team: Prasant Sahu, Bandhan Majumdar, Rodrigo Rico Bini and Jayden Hunter – Principal Investigator

    8. Transport policy interventions to curb particulate matter emissions in Chandigarh – £37,027, Global Challenges Research Fund, UK– GCRF-HEFCW: 2020 - 2022

    Project Team: Georgina Santos, Dimitris Potoglou, Prasant Sahu, Bandhan Majumdar and  Ashoke Sarkar – Indian Principal Investigator

    7. Congestion Pricing: Planning for optimal strategies and commuters' behavioural implications under different pricing schemes – ₹29.39493 Lakhs, 2019-2021 - SPARC: MHRD, Govt. of India. Additional Grant: ₹11,51,000 – United Kingdom India Research Initiative (UKIERI). Total – ₹40,90,493 ($55,000)

    Project Team: Prasant Sahu, Bandhan Majumdar, Ashoke Sarkar, Dimitris Potoglou, Georgina Santos and Dilum Dissanayake – Principal Investigator

    6. Examination of binder loss in the bituminous mixture for in-service pavements – ₹9,90,000 ($13,500), 2019-2021 - Govt. of Telangana State. 

    Project Team: Sridhar Raju and Prasant Sahu – Co-Principal Investigator

    5. Prevention of Hazardous Field-Firing of Bagasse and Its Sustainable Utilization as a Raw Material in an Innovative Industrial Process – ₹28,79,650 ($38,500), 2019-2021 – SPARC: MHRD, Govt. of India.

    Project Team: Srinivas Appari, Bahurudeen A, Prasant Sahu, Shinji Kudo, Koji Nakabayashi – Co-Principal Investigator

    4. Development of Pedestrian Facility Assessment Tool for Improving Pedestrian Safety Condition in Hyderabad – ₹1,00,000 ($1,350), 2019-2020 – Hyderabad.

    Project Team: Bandhan Majumdar and Prasant Sahu – Co-Principal Investigator

    3. Adoption of Battery-Electric Buses in India – £13,970, Global Challenges Research Fund, UK – GCRF-HEFCW: 2018 - 2019.

    Project Team: Dimitris Potoglou, Georgina Santos, Bandhan Majumdar, Prasant Sahu and Ashoke Sarkar – Indian Principal Investigator

    2. Developing Suitable Pedagogical Methods for Various Classes, Intellectual Calibers and Research in e-Learning – ₹7,00,000 ($9,500), 2016 – MHRD – Govt. of India.

    Project Team: Bahurudeen A, Prasant Sahu and Nikhil Saboo – Co-Principal Investigator

    1. Development of Freight Generation Model in Urban Areas, Research Initiation Grant – ₹2,00,000 ($3000), 2015 – 2017

    BITS Pilani – Principal Investigator


    5. Volvo Research and Educational Foundations (VREF) Study Visit Grant (SVG) – 30,000 SEK ($3,000), 2020.
    To visit: CoE-SUFS, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, USA
    Funding Agency: VREF, Gothenburg, Sweden

    4. Conference Grant (travel, registration, accommodation, subsistence, etc.) – ₹3,00,000 ($4,000), 2018. 

    To visit: VREF Advanced Studies Institutes on Sustainable Urban Freight Systems (VASI-SUFS) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, 2018
    Funding Agency: VASI-SUFS, RPI, Troy.

    3. Travel Grant – ₹1,07,000 ($1,450), 2018. International Travel Support Scheme, Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. 
    To visit: Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA
    Funding Agency: SERB, DST, Government of India

    2. Travel Grant – ₹1,25,000 ($1,700), 2017. Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Regina, Canada. 
    To visit: University of Regina as a Visiting Scientist for a week.
    Funding Agency: Satish Sharma’s NSERC Discovery Grant.

    1. Travel Grant – ₹1,60,000 ($2,200), 2016. Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Regina, Canada.
    To visit: University of Regina as a Visiting Scientist for a month.
    Funding Agency: Satish Sharma’s NSERC Discovery Grant.

    Proposed Areas 

    1. Algebra of Immanants in Matrix Analysis :
    2. Applications of  Spectral Graph Theory :
    3. Matrix Analysis and Networks :
    4. Distances in a Network :
    5. Quantum Walks in a network:
    6. Quantum Cryptography :

    Sponsored Projects

    Project Title

    Funding Agency

    Total Fund Sanctioned




    1. Development of environmental friendly cast iron disc for automotive brake pad-disc system: Surface modification treatment of cast iron disc


    Govt. of India









    Rs. 19,20,000/-

    Principal Investigator



    2. Friction and Wear Investigation of Ceramic Coated Commercial Rotor

    BITS Pilani - Research Initiation Grant 



     Rs. 2,00,000/-

    Principal Investigator



    3. Development of Tribologically Optimized Laser Cladded Friction Material for Automotive Brake Pad-Disc System



    Govt. of India







    Rs. 12,36,400/-

    Principal Investigator






    4. Understanding Tribology of Automotive Brake Pad-Disc System *

    SERB-Accelerate Vigyan

    Govt. of India



     Rs. 1,50,000/-

    Event Organizer

    20th June 2022 - 31st July 2022 


    5. High-Temperature Tribology and Their Related Characterizations*

    SERB-Accelerate Vigyan
    Govt. of India



     Rs. 5,00,000/-

    Event Organizer

    Under Review

    (Application     Accepted)

    6. Controlling Emission Mechanisms of Non-Exhaust Airborne Wear Particles Generated from Automotive Brake Pad-Disc System

    Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)

     Rs. 41,91,000/-

    Principal Investigator

    Under Review

    Sponsored Projects

    1) Recipient of OPERA (Outstanding Potential for Excellence in Research and Academics grant by BITS-Pilani of 18 lacs for a period of 5 years w.e.f 1st Dec, 2017. 
    2) Title : "Quantum Gravity in Rindler Space" 
    Grant : CSIR no. 03(1350)/16/EMR-II
    Status : Active
    Funding Approved : 15.46 Lakhs
    Period : 3 Years

    Sponsored Projects

    Research funding (ongoing/approved)

    • PI: Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti. Microneedle scleral patch for drug delivery to the posterior segment of the eye. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR); Budget 20,00,000, 2022-2024.
    • Development of theranostic agents for photodynamic / photothermal treatement of oral/ lung cancer. Pls D Ramaiah, Manab Chakravarthy, Amit Nag, Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti, DST PURSE Theme I, Budget: 7 crores, 2022-2026
    • PI: Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti. mRNA antigen and CTLA4 inhibitor loaded lipid nanoparticles for targeted oral cancer immunotherapy. Science and Engineering Research Board; Budget: Rs: 63 lakhs, 2022-2025.
    • PI: Vishal Raval; Co-I: Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti. Preclinical and clinical studies of microneedle scleral patch in retinoblastoma. Indian Council of Medical Research; Budget: Rs. 72 lakhs, 2022-2025.
    • PI: Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti; Co-I: Karumbaiah Chappanda Nanaiah. Development of a microneedle-based device to measure bioanalytes in skin interstitial fluid. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR); Budget: Rs. 54,50,000, 2021-2024.
    • PI: Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti. Development of tissue storage media. LV Prasad Eye Institute; Budget: 6.22 lakhs, 2021-2022. 


    Projects completed:

    • Consultancy projects for topical formulations development: 3 projects budgeted at 46 lakhs.
    • PI: Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti; Co-PI: Onkar P. Kulkarni. Development of smart capsule to target colorectal cancer. Science and Engineering Research Board (Budget: Rs. 55,54,225), 2017 - 2021.
    • PI: Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti; Co-PI: Dr. Prashant Garg (LVPEI). Development of ocular drug delivery system. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR; Budget: Rs. 42,25,150), 2017-2020.
    • UK-India Centre for Advanced Technology for Minimization of indiscriminate use of Antibiotics (UKICAT-MA). Department of Biotechnology (India) - Medical Research Council (UK). Indian team: PI - Dr. Prashant Garg (LVPEI), Co-PI - Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti; UK team: PI - Dr. Stephen Rimmer (University of Bradford), Co-PIs - Dr. Sheila McNeil, Dr. Ian Douglas, Dr. Simon Foster. 2015 - 2019. (BITS Pilani budget share 48 lakhs)
    • PI: Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti; Co-PI: Yogeeswari Perumal. Non-invasive delivery of siRNA to treat melanoma. Rapid Grant for Young Investigator-Department of Biotechnology, India (Budget: Rs. 28,48,000), 2014 - 2017.
    • PI: Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti. Transcutaneous delivery of liposome-siRNA complex to treat skin cancer. Department of Science and Technology, India (Budget: Rs. 29,26,000), 2013 - 2016.
    • PI: P. Sankar Ganesh; Co-PI: Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti; Co-PI: K. Venu Gopal Reddy. Novel biomarker responses to validate acute toxicity of engineered nanoparticles and their physicochemical interactions in earthworm as a model bio indicator of nano(eco)toxicology. Rapid Grant for Young Investigator-Department of Biotechnology, India (Budget: Rs. 14,00,000), 2013 - 2016.
    • PI: Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti. Transcutaneous delivery of macromolecules using layer-by-layer assembly to treat skin conditions. Department of Science and Technology - SERB Young Scientist Award, India (Budget: Rs. 23,00,000), 2012 - 2015.
    • PI: Venkata Vamsi Krishna Venuganti. Development and Characterization of Polyelectrolyte Nano-Capsules for Topical Delivery of Drugs. Research initiation grant, BITS Pilani (Budget: Rs. 2,00,000), 2011-2012.

    Sponsered Projects

    In Progress

    1. Development of a sustainable eco-friendly concrete material with complete replacement of traditional ingredients with waste materials (WASTECRETE).
    Funded by: Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR/CEFIPRA), a bilateral organisation set up by Government of India and Government of France. (Serving as Indian PI; French partners - Prof. Martin Cyr, Prof. Georges Zissis (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, Midi-Pyrenees, France) and Dr. Rachida Idir (Cerema - Center For Studies And Expertise On Risks, The Environment, Mobility And Planning, Paris, Ile-De-France). Amount: INR 1.15 Crores. 2022-2025. 
    2. Economic Construction Practice Using Bacterial Inclusions in Concrete to Improve its Durability. 
    Funded by: CSIR. Amount: INR 1,923,300. 2018-2023    
    3. Implementation of plants and treated natural fibers to enhance the strength properties of soft soil and to decrease the rate of surface erosion (Nat-Treat). (Serving as Indian co-PI; Indian PI: Dr. Anasua Guharay from BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus; Austrian PI: Dr. Wei Wu from Universität für Bodenkultur BOKU; Austrian Co-PI: Dr. M. Acharya from BOKU).
    Funded by: Indo-Austria Scientific and Technological Cooperation between WTZ (Austria) and DST (India). INR 640,000. 2019-2021 
    Completed Projects
    1. Evaluation of the efficiency of bacterial inclusions in concrete. 
    Funded by: ALIENS Developers Ltd. Amount: INR 1,140,000, 2019-2022.
    2. Performance evaluation of backfill soils partially replaced with building derived materials. (Serving as Co-PI with Dr. Naveen James from IIT Ropar; PI: Dr. Anasua GuhaRay from BITS_Pilani, Hyderabad Campus).
    Funded by: SERB (DST), Govt. of India, INR: 2,500,000, 2016-2019.

    3. Palamuru Rangareddy Lift Irrigation Scheme (PRLIS). Consultancy Project.
    Funded by: Govt. of Telangana, INR 8,000,000. 2016-2020.(As co-PI with Prof. Sridhar Raju, Prof. Vinayaka Ram, Prof. Jagadeesh Anmala, Dr. Anasua GuhaRay, Dr. Mohan SC, and Dr. Murari Varma from BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus). 

    4. Shrinkage Properties of Concrete with Alkali - Activated Binder. 
    Funded by: BITS - Pilani. Amount: INR 1,500,000. 2017-2022  
    5. Effect of Severely High Temperatures on the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Alkali-Activated Binder. 
    Funded by: BITS - Pilani. Amount: INR 200,000. 2015-2017

    6. Characterization of concrete with alkali-activated binders and correlating their properties from micro to specimen levels.
    Funded by ASCE Freeman Fellowship. Amount: USD 5,000. 2012-2013.

    Research Interest

    • Development and characterization and of concrete with alkali-activated aluminosilicates as sustainable or ‘green’ building materials
    • Correlation between microstructural properties of cementitious paste with mechanical properties of concrete at specimen scale
    • Study of the polymerization or hydration chemistry of cementitious systems depending on the type of binder
    • Development of models to predict strength, stiffness, and deformation characteristics of concrete with alkali-activated binder
    • Life cycle assessment of concrete with alkali-activated binder
    • Bacterial inclusions in concrete
    • Treatment methods for geotextiles
    • Durability of concrete with Alkali-Activated Binders

    Research Interest

    • Radio Resource Allocation
    • MAC Optimization,
    • Packet Scheduling in 4G and Beyond Broadband Wireless Networks

    Research Interest

    • Algorithmic, structural and combinatorial problems in graph theory and its applications.
    • Fixed parameter tractable Algorithms.
    • Community Search problems.

    Sponsored Projects

     1  DST SERB CRG:

    Title of Project: " Development of mesoporous materials with enhanced hydrogen uptake for fuel cell vehicles "

    Role: Co-PI   

    Duration: March 2021- March 2023


    Additional Competitive Research Grant, BITS

    Title of Project: " Design and development of an AI based Remote Fault Signature Analyzer (ReFSA) for condition monitoring of rotor bar failures in an Industrial electrical machine"

    Role: Principle Investigator

    Duration: Sept 2019- Sept 2021





    Title of Project:" Underwater Characterization of solar cells and their optimization”

    Role: Co-Investigator

    Duration : June 2018-June 2020  


    RIG Grant, BITS

    Title of Project:" Wavelet based pattern recognition and motor current signature analysis of stator winding faults due to insulation failure in industrial machines"

    Role: Principal Investigator

    Duration: Jan 2018-Jan 2020


     Student Initiation Project (Funded by BITS)

    SIP Student Initiation Project -1

    Title: “Numerical Modelling and Designing a Single-Point Charging Unit Integrated with Underwater Solar Panel and Micro Wind Turbine for Off-shore Marine Applications”

    Role: Mentor

    Students: Mr. B. Sameer (Mech. Dept.), Mr. Rithvik.D (EEE Dept.), Ms. Varaali.Ch (EEE Dept.), Ms. Soumya.S (EEE Dept.)

    Duration: Jan 2020- Jan 2021

    SIP Student Initiation Project -2

    Title: “Autonomous, indoor navigation helper bot”

    Role: Mentor

    Students: Mr. P Keshav Sharan Reddy (EEE Dept.)

    Duration: Jan 2020- Jan 2021


    Research Interest

    1) General Relativity
    2) Mathematical Physics
    3) Quantum Fields in Curved background 

    Research Interest

    As the group leader of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases and Tuberculosis Research at BITS Pilani Hyderabad, I aim to become a global leader in tuberculosis research, with a specific focus on "vaccines and therapeutics for women's reproductive health and paediatric tuberculosis." This neglected area carries immense national and international significance. With 20 years of experience in tuberculosis research, expertise in vaccine and therapeutics development & testing, and extensive training in biosafety and biosecurity, I am confident in achieving my vision.
    I am particularly excited about our patented dual-use Bladder cancer-cum-TB vaccine, which was developed by me and my colleagues at Johns Hopkins University in the laboratory of Prof. William R Bishai. It has proven to be highly effective against TB and bladder cancer in pre-clinical studies and is now tech transferred for first phase of further clinical testing. We are also eager about novel anti-TB drugs that we recently discovered and patented by our lab at BITS Hyderabad. Combined with my ongoing translational research, I anticipate to expand my research arena and entrepreneurial skills, contributing to the global effort to end tuberculosis.
     My research encompasses fascinating yet challenging areas such as
    1. Exploring the role of Flavins in the host-pathogen interaction during M. tuberculosis infection. (DBT-RLS)
    2. We are focusing currently on identifying new drug targets against M. tuberculosis along with discovering their mechanism of action through in silico, in vitro (biochemical, microbiological, biophysical, molecular and immunological) approaches, and to test these potent anti-TB drugs in vivo animal models of TB. (DBT-RLS, CHDR Intramural grant, Lady Tata Memorial Fellowship)
    3. We are also dedicated to designing and developing clinical trial-ready, antibiotic marker-free, CRISPR-engineered BCG-based recombinant vaccines that minimize regulatory hurdles. These vaccines can serve as delivery vehicles for small molecule-based adjuvants like c-di-AMP, c-di-GMP, and MAIT cell agonists. (DBT RLS, DBT-Indo-USA)
    4. Furthermore, my lab is committed to studying the impact of tuberculosis on maternal and fetal health, reproductive tract disorders, and infertility. To accomplish this, we are developing novel in vitro and in vivo animal models that serve as platforms for screening potent anti-TB drugs, host-directed therapies, and targeted treatments for women with TB. (CHDR Intramural grant)
    5. We have also established rapid molecular methods to detect genital or wound infections by pathogens of concern including TB & ESKAPE. (DRDO, ICMR Fellowship)- To be patented
    Through these research endeavors, we aim to make significant contributions to tuberculosis research and address the specific needs of vulnerable populations.

    Sponsored Projects

    Ongoing Sponsored Research Projects


    1. NBCC, Central Public Sector Navaratna Enterprise, The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India Sponsored Research Project

    Title of the Project: Multi-functional fiber-reinforced bendable pavement quality concrete (MFB-PQC) with Recycled Coarse Aggregates and foundry waste sand for rigid pavements

    Sponsoring Agency: M/s NBCC, a Central Public Sector Navaratna Enterprise, The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India

    Role: Principal Investigator (PI)

    Other Investigators:  Prof. R. Parameshwaran (Co-PI)

    Project Duration: 2024 - 2027

    Total Research Grant: ₹ ₹ 1.0813 Crore (108.13 Lakh) (US $ 1,29,199)

    Project Status: Ongoing


    1. Cross-Disciplinary Research Framework (CDRF) fund

    Title of the Project: Development of Next Generation Temperature Controlled Headgear Enriched with Nano-Phase Change Heat Spreader for Management of Fever in Paediatric and Adult Patients

    Sponsoring Agency: BITS, Pilani

    Role: Principal Investigator-II (PI-II)

    Other Investigators: Prof. R. Parameshwaran (PI-I) and Dr. Nagajyothi Kasimkota (PI-III) 

    Project Duration: September 2023 till graduation of the scholar

    Total Research Grant: ₹ 44 Lakhs (US $ 52550)

    [Grant released for research Component: ₹ 20 Lakhs (US $ 23,887); Additional Scholar Grant for five years:        ₹ 24 Lakhs (US $ 28664) (Calculated as per the prevailing JRF and SRF rates for five years. The Scholar will be a JRF of     ₹ 37,000 per month during the first 2 years followed by ₹ 42,000 per month for the next 3 years)]

    Project Status: Ongoing


    III. Asian Smart Cities Research and Innovation Network (ASCRIN) research grant for joint Ph.D. program between BITS Pilani and La Trobe University

    Title of the Project: Development and testing of alkali-activated pervious concrete with recycled aggregates for smart city roads in India and Australia

    Sponsoring Agency: Asian Smart Cities Research and Innovation Network (ASCRIN)

    Role: Principal Investigator (PI)

    Other Investigators:  Prof. R. Parameshwaran (Co-PI), BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus;           Prof. Ing Kong (PI), LaTrobe University, Australia; Dr. Vipul Patel (Co-PI), LaTrobe University, Australia

    Project Duration: 2023 till the graduation of the scholar

    Total Research Grant: ₹ 32,11,000 (US $ 38,353)

    [Full fellowship for the scholar: @ ₹ 37,000/month for the first two years and @ ₹ 42,000/month for the 3rd year of the research in India and @ Australian $ 32,500 (₹ 18.19 Lakhs) per annum at Australia for one year]

    Project Status: Ongoing


    1. Department of Science and Technology, Government of India – SERB- Core Research Grant (CRG)

    Title of the Project: Development of a novel cost, cost-effective and smart building material for indoor thermal comfort and enhanced energy storage

    Sponsoring Agency: Department of Science and Technology – Science and Engineering Research Board (DST-SERB)

    Role: Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI)

    Other Investigators: Prof. R. Parameshwaran (PI), BITS, Pilani, Hyderabad Campus;            Dr.S.Maheswaran (Co-PI), CSIR-SERC, Chennai; Dr. S. Sundar Kumar (Co-PI), CSIR-SERC, Chennai

    Project Duration: 2023 – 2025

    Total Research Grant: ₹ 29.49 Lakhs (US $ 35,234)

    Project Status: Ongoing


    1. Student Program for Advancing Research, Knowledge, and Entrepreneurship (SPARKLE)

    Title of the Project: Development of lightweight artificial aggregates with enhanced thermal energy storage

    Sponsoring Agency: BITS, Pilani

    Role: Principal Investigator (PI)

    Other Investigators: 4 more student investigators, studying in all 4 years of BE were recruited for this project

    Project Duration: October 2023- September 2024

    Total Research Grant: ₹ 2 Lakhs (US $ 2,389)

    Project Status: Ongoing


    Completed Sponsored Research Projects


    1. MoRD, GOI - Sponsored Research Project

    Title of the Project: Rural Roads Pavement Performance Study

    Sponsoring Agency: National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA), Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India (GOI)

    Role: Principal Investigator-I (PI-I)

    Other Investigators:  Prof. A K Sarkar (PI - II)

    Project Duration: 2006 - 2009

    Total Research Grant: ₹ 10.00 Lakhs (US $11,947)

    Project Status: Completed


    1. ABS&TC - Industry Sponsored Research Project

    Title of the Project: Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Sandwiched Modular Multilayer Self-Compacted Cement Concrete Pavement

    Sponsoring Agency: M/s Aditya Birla Science and Technology Company, Mumbai

    Role: Principle Investigator (PI)

    Other Investigators: Dr. M V N Sivakumar (Co-PI), Prof. A. Vasan (Co-PI) and Dr. M. Venu     (Co-PI)

    Project Duration: 2011 - 2013

    Total Research Grant: ₹ 10.00 Lakhs (US $11,947)

    Project Status: Completed

    III. MoRT&H, GOI - Preparation of State of the Art Report (SOAR)

    Title of the Project: Preparation of State-of-the-Art Report (SOAR) on the Effect of Temperature Stresses in Concrete Pavements

    Sponsoring Agency: Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India

    Role: Principle Investigator (PI)

    Other Investigators: Prof. Sridhar Raju (Co-PI)

    Project Duration: May 2017 to November 2017

    Total Research Grant: ₹ 6.44 Lakhs (US $7694)

    Project Status: Completed


    1. MoRT&H, GOI - Preparation of State of the Art Report (SOAR)

    Title of the Project: Preparation of State-of-the-Art Report (SOAR) on Utilization of Higher percentage of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in Hot Asphalt Mixes (HAM) with Warm Mix Additives - Laboratory and field evaluation

    Sponsoring Agency: Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India

    Role: Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI)

    Other Investigators: Prof. Sridhar Raju (PI)

    Project Duration: July 2017 to January 2018

    Total Research Grant: ₹ 6.26 Lakhs (US $7479)

    Project Status: Completed

    Research Projects

    Sponsored Projects:

    1.  As PI, Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Behavior of Atom Metal-Oxide Nanoclusters, Funded by SERB,  (~25 L, 2022).

    2. As PI, Synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles for propellant applications, Funded by Premier Explosives Limited,  (12.1 L, 2016).

    3. As Co-PI, Investigation of magneto-optical effect in composite magneto-plasmonic nanostructures for sensing applications, Funded by SERB-DST-India. (32.7 L, 2013).


    Research Interests:

    Devising strategies for the synthesis of various nanostructures:

    1. One of the primary aspects of a strategy for nanomaterials synthesis is to provide control over the size and distribution. The presence of ligands or capping agents during the nanoparticle synthesis leads to capped nanoparticles with tunable size.In order to control the growth of nanoparticles, we used solid citric acid, which acts as both a matrix and reducing agent. The gold nanoclusters possessed a size of 0.8 nm to 1.4 nm. These nanoclusters can be stored as they are stable in the citric acid solid matrix. Under specific reaction conditions in water, these catalysts complete 50% of the p-nitrophenol reduction before they aggregate to form bigger-sized nanoparticles. Thus, these Au nanoclusters exhibit a very high turn-over frequency.Due to the surface energy, the metals tend to ball up on the surface of metal-oxide systems, thus, preventing uniform coating or shell layer. We have devised a solid-state approach for the preparation of metal-oxide@metal core-shell nanostructures.
    2. Due to the surface energy, the metals tend to ball up on the surface of metal-oxide systems, thus, preventing uniform coating or shell layer. We have devised a solid-state approach for the preparation of metal-oxide@metal core-shell nanostructures. We mixed surfactant-based precursor with the pre-formed metal-oxide core material and ground further. After the grinding process, thermal decomposition of the precursor leads to metal-oxide(core) – metal(shell) nanostructures. The efficiency of the coating depends on the inherent surface energy of the metals. E.g., it is not easy to form a continuous metal layer in the case of Pd. The core-shell nanostructures were tested for their catalytic H2 generation efficacy from ammonia borane.
    3.  The issues with using metal-oxide nanoparticles as a source of micronutrients for plants are aggregation, segregation, and lack of leaching. As a result, the nutrient uptake by plants is not appreciable. We circumvent this by synthesizing chelate-based iron citrate and zinc citrate nanoparticles which are water-soluble and can mitigate the problems posed by metal-oxide nanoparticles. The Fe and Zn citrate nanoparticles were prepared by solid-state grinding of ferric nitrate and citric acid. These novel chelate-based metal ion precursor nanoparticles were absorbed by plants more than the commercial sources.


    Understanding structure-property correlation in nanomaterials:

    1.  Using the wet-chemical method, we prepared Fe3O4 nanoparticles coated with oleic acid and oleylamine. The particle size and size distribution were studied by small-angle x-ray scattering techniques. Fe3O4 nanoparticles were also characterized by Faraday rotation measurements. The presence of spacer ligands (oleic acid) reduces the aggregation and thus the magnetic dipolar interaction between nanoparticles. As a result, the Faraday rotation data fits the single-scattering model rather than the chain model.  
    2.  Fe3O4@Pd core-shell nanoparticles possess multiple functions. Pd acts as a catalyst center, and Fe3O4 provides magnetic recoverability functions. These nanostructures were tested for catalytic H2 generation efficacy from ammonia borane. The characterization data of the used catalysts (from successive catalysis reaction cycles) indicates the formation of Fe(0) as an intermediate. The Fe(0) that is located beneath the Pd enhances the rate of H2 generation

    Sponsored Projects

    Ongoing Research Projects:


    Sl No.

    Title of Project

    Funding Agency

    Amount (Rs)

    Date of sanction and Duration


    Evaluation of Novel Transdermal Device for Controlled Delivery of a Drug

    Medicen Devise Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad

    Rs 18.7 Lakhs

    Nov 2020, 1.5 Years


    Design and Evaluation of Novel Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems

    Transform SciTech Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad

    Rs 19.1 Lakhs

    Nov 2020, 2 Years


    Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetic Studies     

    Acubiosys Pvt.  Ltd., Hyderabad

    Rs 10 Lakhs

     August 2017, 3 Years


         Completed Research Projects:

    Sl No.

    Title of Project

    Funding Agency


    Date of sanction and Duration


    Technical and Knowledge Support for Preparation and Filing of Drug Master File (DMF) as per Common Technical Document (CTD) for Sennosides USP including the Analytical Requirements

    Shasi Phytochemicals Ltd., Alwar, Rajasthan

    5.74 Lakhs

    September 2016, 2 Years


    Design, Characterization and Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Nanocarriers for Antiretroviral Drug Delivery in the Effective Treatment of HIV/AIDS  


    23.10 Lakhs