
Dr. Vinod Kumar Chaubey

Professor, Department of EEE, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Wireless & Optical Communication, Optical Wave Guides and Integrated Optics
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani- 333031, Rajasthan. India.



Research Journals International/National

1.   Z Rahman, TN Shah, SM Zafaruddin, VK Chaubey (2021) "Performance of dual-hop relaying for OWC system over foggy channel with pointing errors and atmospheric turbulence" IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 5 2021

2.  Z Rahman, SM Zafaruddin, VK Chaubey(2021) "Performance analysis of optical wireless communications with aperture averaging over exponentiated Weibull turbulence with pointing errors" Results in Optics 5, 100171

3.  Ziyaur Rahman , Syed Mohammad Zafaruddin and Vinod Kumar Chaubey ( 2020) "Performance of Opportunistic Beam Selection for OWC System Under Foggy Channel with Pointing Error " IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, VOL. 24, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2020 PP. 2029-2033.

4.  Ziyaur Rahman, S. M. Zafaruddin, V.K. Chaubey, (2019)"Performance of Opportunistic Receiver Beam Selection in Multi-Aperture OWC Systems Over Foggy Channels", IEEE Systems Journal (IF 4.463), Accepted for publication, December, 2019 .IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL. 14, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2020, pp. 4036-4046.

5.  Gaurav Purohit, Divya Vyas, Vinod Kumar Chaubey,Kota Solomon Raju and Chandra Shekhar (2019) “ A New XOR‑FREE Approach to Implement Walsh Sequences” Wireless Personal Communications “ ( Impact factor : 1.20 )

6.  Gaurav Purohit , K.S. Raju , V.K. Chaubey, (2018) Transition Sequence Based Walsh Encoder: A Novel Power Efficient Architecture, Microprocessors and Microsystems (2018), doi: ( Impact factor: 1.049)

7.  Lucky Sharan, Vaibhav M. Agrawal and V. K. Chaubey,(2017) " Performance Evaluation and Nonlinear Mitigation through DQPSK Modulation in 32 × 40 Gbps Long-Haul DWDM Systems ", Journal of Optical Communications. Journal of Optical Communications, vol. 38, issue 3 (Aug. 2017) pp. 297-307. (Impact factor 0.223 )

8.  Raja Hari Gudlavalleti, Subash Chandra Bose, Sanjay Kumar Verma, Punit Khatri, Joy Scaria, Shripal Dhewa, V K Chaubey (2017) , “A Novel Fluorometric Bio-sensing based Arsenic Detection System for Groundwater “ IEEE Sensors Journal ( Volume: 17, Issue: 17, Sept.1, 1 2017 ) pp. 5391-5398. (Impact factor: 2.617)

9.  V K Chaubey, Girish Kakalwar and P C Hariprasad "Performance analysis of MIMO detection schemes for M-Ary QAM modulation" IUP Journal of Telecommunication, Vol. 8, no.4 ( 2016 ) pp. 18-30.

10.  Lucky Sharan , Vaibhav Madangopal Agrawal, Vinod Kumar Chaubey, "Link Optimization of a 32 x 40 Gbps Ultra DWDM System using Alternate Polarized DQPSK Modulation Format " Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications, Vol. 15, No. 4, December 2016 DOI:, (SCIEO and Scopus Indexed)

11. Lucky Sharan, Akshay G. Shanbhag ,V K Chaubey , "Investigation of Modified Duobinary Modulated 40 Gbps 32 Channel DWDM Optical Link for Improved Non-Linear Performance", , October 2016, Cogent Engineering –Taylor and Francis Online : (Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Indexed)

12. Gaurav Purohit, Kota Solomon Raju and Vinod Kumar Chaubey (2016) "XOR-FREE Implementation of Convolutional Encoder for Reconfigurable Hardware" International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing " Volume 2016, Article ID 9128683, 8 pages

13. Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, V. K. Chaubey (2016) ,"Survivable Routing with Path Length Constraint in WDM Networks", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 11, Number 1 (2016) pp 404-410

14. G. Purohit, K. S. Raju, V. K. Chaubey (2016) "A New XOR-Free Approach for Implementation of Convolutional Encoder " IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, pp. 22-25.

15. G Purohit, Divya Vyas, K.S. Raju, V.K. Chaubey( 2013) "Hardware Co-simulation of BPSK and QPSK for Software Defined Radio", Volume 4, Issue 7 (2013), pp. 301-308, I A E M E.

16. G Purohit, Divya Vyas, K.S. Raju, V.K. Chaubey(2013) "Implementation of Maximal Length Sequences For IMT Multi-Carrier", Volume 4, Issue 7 (2013), pp. 286-292, I A E M E.

17.  Vinita Tiwari, Debabrata Sikdar, M. Navya Jyothi , Gauri Dixit, V.K.Chaubey ( 2013)" Investigation of optimum pulse shape for 112 Gbps DP-DQPSK in DWDM transmission":Optik - Int. J. Light Electron Opt.(2013),

18. Vinita Tiwari, Debabrata Sikdar, V K Chaubey( 2013)" Performance Optimization of RZ-DQPSK Modulation Scheme for Dispersion Compensated Optical Link" Optik ( Elsevier ) Optik - Int. J. Light Electron Opt. 124pp. 5567-5572.

19. Debabrata Sikdar, Vinita Tiwari, V.K. Chaubey ( 2013) "Optimized transmitter module for NRZ-duobinary in long-haul optical transmission link " Optik ( Elsevier) In Press ,link, Optik - Int. J. Light Electron Opt. (2012),

20. Debabrata Sikdar., Vinita Tiwari, Yajnaseni Saha, V.K. Chaubey ( 2013) "Investigation of modulator chirp and extinction ratio in different RZ- and NRZ duobinary transmitter modules for performance optimization" Optik ( Elsevier ) 124 pp. 1411-1414.

21.  Debabrata Sikdar, Vinita Tiwari and V K Chaubey ( 2013) "Investigation of RZ and NRZ pulse shape for optimum duobinary transmission at 40 Gbps" Opik ( Elsevier) 124 pp. 1148-1151.

22.  Debabrata Sikdar, Vinita Tiwari and V K Chaubey (2012) "Optimum Dispersion Map Profile for a Stable DM Soliton System" Journal of Mod. Optics ( Taylor & Francis), Vol. 59 Issue 16 Sept.2012 pp. 1396-1405.

23. Virendra Singh Shekhawat, Amrit Kumar Saini and V K Chaubey (2012), "Traffic Modeling of Ring and Mesh Networks with Improved Quality of Service" The IUP Journal of Telecommunications India , August 2012, pp.31-43.

24. Manoj Kumar Dutta, V.K.Chaubey, (2012) "Comparative Analysis of Wavelength Conversion and Segmentation Based Dropping Method as a Contention Resolution Scheme in Optical Burst Switching (OBS) Network", Procedia Engineering( Elseiver) Vol.30, pp. 1089 – 1096.

25. Debabrata Sikdar, Saurabh Chaubey, Vinita Tiwari and V K Chaubey (2012) ‘Simulation and Performance Analysis of Duobinary 40 Gbps Optical Link” Journal of Mod. Optics ( Taylor & Francis), 59, No. 10, 903–911.

26. M K Dutta & V K Chaubey (2012) "Performance Analysis of Modified Optical Burst Switching (OBS) Ring Network using Dummy Node" Optik (Elsevier) 123, Issue 20 pp. 1847-1851.

27. Manoj Kumar Dutta, V.K. Chaubey (2012) "Modeling and Characterization of Modified Optical Burst Switching (OBS) Ring Network using Proxy Node" International Journal of advance Science Engineering Information Technology,Vol.2, No.1, pp. 75-79.

28. Manoj Kumar Dutta , V.K. Chaubey (2012) " Modeling and performance analysis of optical WDM node architecture using SRR protocol " Optik ( Elsevier) 123 , issue 21 pp. 1971-1974.

29. Vinita Tiwari, Debabrata Sikdar, V.K. Chaubey(2012) " SPM induced limitation for 40Gbps chirped Gaussian pulses in optical channel" Optik( Elsevier),Volume 123, Issue 16, August 2012, Pages 1482–1485,

30. Virendra S. Shekhawat, D.K. Tyagi, V.K. Chaubey( 2012) " Design and characterization of a modified WDM ring network – An analytical approach " Optik ( Elsevier) 123,issue 12,pp.1103-1107.

31. Abhishek Jain, Mitesh Kumar and V K Chaubey (2011), "Traffic Modeling of Ring and Mesh Networks with Improved Quality of Service" The IUP Journal of Telecommunications India , August 2011, pp.7-20 .

32. V K Chaubey and Rakesh Kumar Jain (2011) ,"Matlab Modeling and Simulation of a WiMAX System" The IUP Journal of Telecommunications India , May 2011, pp.15-22.

33. Manoj Kumar Dutta, Vinod Kumar Chaubey,(2010)  "Design and Simulation of Intelligent Optical WDM Switching Node Based on Erlang Traffic Model" Int. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences 3, pp. 563-568 .

34. Virendra Singh Shekhawat, Mahesh Lagadapati, Dinesh Tyagi, and V.K.Chaubey (2010) "A novel Aggressive Intermediate-node Initiated Reservation (AIIR) Protocol for Wave length Routed Optical WDM Networks", IJRTE Vol. 3, No. 1, 2010, pp. 126-128.

35.  Manoj Kr. Dutta and V.K. Chaubey,(2010) "Performance Analysis of All-Optical WDM Network with Wavelength Converter Using Erlang C Traffic Model" CCIS 70, pp. 238–244, 2010.© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.

36. Manoj Kr Dutta , V K Chaubey (2009) "Optical Network traffic control algorithm under variable loop delay: A simulation approach" Int. J. Communication, Network and System Sciences, 7, pp. 651-655.

37.  Virendra Singh SHEKHAWAT , Dinesh Kumar TYAGI , V.K. Chaubey (2009), "A Novel Packet Switch Node Architecture for Contention Resolution in Synchronous Optical Packet Switched Networks", Int. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2009, 6, pp. 562-568.

38. M K Dutta and V K Chaubey, (2009) “Priority based wavelength routed WDM networks: A queuing theory approach “International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol.1, no. 3,253-256.

39. V. K. Chaubey and Kiran Divakar, (2009) “ Modeling and simulation of WDM optical networks under traffic control protocols “ Optical Fiber Technology( Elsevier), Vol.15,pp. 95-99.

40.V.K. Chaubey ( 2008) "Modeling and simulation of all optical intelligent routed networks under traffic control protocols" Asian Journal of Physics, Vol.17,no.2,pp.245-252.

41. V.K.Chaubey, S Abhirami and G Peres, (2007) "Performance evaluation of an intelligent routed WDM mesh network: An analytical approach " Optical Fiber Technology,13 pp. 129-134.

42. Soumya Sen , Vikas R , V.K.Chaubey,(2005)  "Designing and simulation of a modified WDM ring network with improved grade of service" Optical Fiber Technology ,Vol.11,pp.266-277.

43. Soumy Sen, V.K.Chaubey (2005) "A novel electronic device for high speed WDM optical network operations capable of intelligent routing based on simulated electrical network approach" Optics Communications (Elsevier ) Vol.248,pp.131-146.

44. Abhisek Mukherjee, Satinder Pal Singh, V.K.Chaubey, (2004) "Wavelength conversion algorithm in an intelligent WDM network" Optics communications ( Elsevier) 230 pp.59-65.

45. Satinder Pal Singh, Abhisek Mukherjee,V.K.Chaubey, (2004) "Wavelength conversion algorithm in an intelligent optical network from a multi-layered approach " Journal of Optical Networks (OSA) ,Vol.3,no.5,pp.354-362.

46. Harissh S, T R Chandramouli, V.K.Chaubey,(2003) "Wavelength converters in WDM networks-an improvement in call connection probability" Ind. J. of Pure Appl. Phys.Vol. 41,pp. 149-152.

47. V.K.Chaubey, V Jagannathan,R Rajagopalan,R Seshadrinathan,(2003) "Nonlinear crosstalk analysis in fiber Raman amplifiers" Ind. J.of Pure &Appl. Phys.Vol.41 pp.217-222.

48. V.K Chaubey and K Anand Mahadevan (1999) "Frequency filtering in diffused optical planar waveguides" Ind. J. of Pure & Appl. Physics Vol.37 pp.170-175.

49. V.K.Chaubey, K.K.Dey (1995) " Radiation modes in tapered slab waveguides via the introduction of conducting surfaces" Ind. J.of Pure & Appl.Phys. (India) Vol.33 pp.146-148.

50.  V.K.Chaubey, K.K.Dey and P.Khastgir,(1994) "Field intensity and power confinement of four layer slab waveguide with various refractive index profiles" Journal of Optical Communication(Germany) Vol.15,3,pp.95-100.

51.  U.N.Singh, O.N.Singh,V.K.Chaubey, P.Khastgir and K.K.Dey (1994) "Theoretical analysis of cut-off condition of doubly-clad optical fiber with helically conducting outer boundary" Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys.(India) Vol.32 pp.797-802.

52. V.K.Chaubey, K.K.Dey,(1994) "Frequency response of four layer planar optical waveguide for orthogonally polarized modes" International J. of Opto-electronics(U.K.) Vol.9,no.5, pp.399-403.

53.  V.K.Chaubey, K.K.Dey and P.Khastgir(1993), "A perturbative approach to the study of propagation and attenuation characteristics of a five layer planar waveguide" Ind. J. Pure&Appl. Phys.(India) Vol.31,pp.251-255.

54.  V.K.Chaubey, K.K.Dey, P.Khastgir and S.P.Ojha,(1992) "Propagation characteristics of four layer planar waveguides with step-index and semi parabolic guiding layer profile-a comparative study" Indian Journal of Pure & Appl.Phys.(INDIA),Vol.30, pp.411-413.

55.  V.K.Chaubey, K.K.Dey, P.Khastgir and S.P.Ojha, (1991) "Modal attenuation in a four layer metal clad planar waveguide with a semi-parabolically graded guiding layer-an analytical study" Optics Communications(Netherlands) Vol.82, pp.248-254.

56.  V.K. Chaubey, K.K. Dey, S.P. Ojha, and P. Khastgir (1988), "Modal Characteristics of a doubly clad step- index optical fiber- general analytical approach" Canadian Journal of Physics, Vol. 66, pp. 796-802.

Conference / Proceeding Publication    
  1. An Enhanced Ad Hoc on Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET’s),Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and Management (SUSCOM), Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur - India, February 26-28, 2019
  2. Dinesh Kumar Tyagi , V. K. Chaubey,(2017) "Maximum Network Flow Aware Multi- Lightpath Survivable Routing in WDM Networks", Proceedings of Third International Conference on ICTCS 2017. 10.1007/978-981-13-0586-3_72.
  3. Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, V.K. Chaubey, (2018) “Dynamic Lightpath Protection through Intelligent Water Drops based Algorithm in Optical Networks, " IEEE- International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), Greater Noida ,India, pp.1130-1135,2018. 7
  4. Anupam Purwar, Divya Joshi and V K Chaubey “ GPS signal jamming and anti-jamming strategy – a theoretical analysis “India Conference (INDICON) at Banglaore, 2016 IEEE AnnualElectronic ISSN: 2325-9418, DOI: 1109/INDICON.2016.783893316-18 Dec. 2016. 
  5. Abhishek Kumar Roushan and V.K. Chaubey “Compact Modeling of a Parabolic Cross Section Nano-FinFET “ 3 rd International Conference on Devices Circuits and System IEEE ICDCS’16 at Karunya University from march 3-5,2016 Paper ID: 93.
  6. Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, V. K. Chaubey , "Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM Network using IWD based Algorithm" , International Conference  On Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA-2016), 29-30th, April, 2016.
  7. Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, V. K. Chaubey, " Performance Evaluation of Path Length based Routing Strategies for Survivable WDM Network" Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2016), Udaipur, Rajasthan,2016.
  8. Lucky SharanRupanshiand  K. Chaubey “ Simulink models for performance analysis of high speed DQPSK modulated optical link “AIP Conf. Proc. 1715, 020041 (2016); 2nd International Conference on Communication Systems-2015 , October 18–20  2015, BKBIT, Pilani, Rajasthan, India
  9. Vinita Tiwari and V K Chaubey “Investigation of Optimum Fiber Types for High Speed RZ-DQPSK Transmission Systems”  presented at 2015 IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP-2015)  held at IISc Bengaluru during 16-17th Dec.2015.
  10. Ishan Tyagi, Vinita Tiwari and V.K.Chaubey “A comparative performance analysis of different pulse shapes for optical transmission” 3rd International Conference on Control, Communication and Computing (ICCC 2015), organized by College of Engineering, Trivandrum, Kerala, 19-21 December 2015.
  11. Amit Bisaria, Virendra Singh Shekhawat, V. K. Chaubey "Heuristic Algorithms for Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) Planning Algorithms in Optical WDM Networks" International Conference on Telecommunication Technology & Management (ICTTM), IIT Delhi, 11-12 April, 2015. 55-66.
  12. Purohit, K.S. Raju, V.K. Chaubey, “FPGA Based Implementation & Power Analysis Of Parameterized Walsh Sequences”, 28 Feb.-2 Mar. 2014, pp292-295 Proceeding of the 2014 IEEE Students' Technology Symposium, held at IIT KGP
  13. Purohit, K.S. Raju, V.K. Chaubey, “OVSF Code Generator for 3G Wireless Transceivers Using Xilinx System Generator”, 16-18 December2013 International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Embedded Systems, held at IIIT Jabalpur.
  14. Purohit, K.S. Raju, V.K. Chaubey, “Hardware Co-simulation of Walsh Sequences for 3G Software Defined Radio”, 16-18 December 2013 International Conference on Control , Automation , Robotics and Embedded Systems, held at IIIT Jabalpur.
  15. G Purohit, V K Chaubey, K S Raju and P V Reddy (2013)" FPGA based implementation and testing of OVSF code "International Conference on Advanced Electronic Systems ( ICAES) at CEERI Pilani during 21-23 Sept, 2013, Page 88-92.
  16. Vinay Chamola,Manoj Kumar Dutta, V.K.Chaubey(2012) " Performance Analysis of Optical Burst Switching ( OBS ) Network using Fiber Delay Line : A simulation Approach " at International Conference on Communication, Information and Computing Technology ( ICCICT-2012) at Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Mumbai during 19-20, 2012.
  17. Manoj Kumar Dutta, K.Chaubey (2012)" Contention Resolution in Optical Burst Switching(OBS)Network : A Time Domain Approach "  Photonics 2012, during Dec. 9-12,2012 at IIT Madras, Chennai.
  18. Lucky Sharan ,VK Chaubey(2012)" Design and Simulation of Long-Haul 32 x 40 Gb/s Duobinary DWDM Link in the Presence of Non-Linearity with Under-compensated Dispersion " 3rd International Conference on Photonics 2012, organized by IEEE Photonics Society, Malaysia during 1 - 3 October 2012 at PARKROYAL Penang Resort, MALAYSIA.
  19.  Lucky Sharan  & V K Chaubey ( 2012) "Design and Simulation of CSRZ Modulated 40 Gbps DWDM System in Presence of Kerr Non Linearity"  International Conference on wireless and Optical communications Networks WOCN2012, 20-22 Sept. 2012 at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology, Indore, M. P., INDIA.
  20. Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, Virendra S. Shekhawat,  K. Chaubey, "Resource efficient survivability approach for resilient  WDM optical networks",Proceedings of the ICACCI-2012, August 03 - 05, 2012pp 619-624 , CHENNAI, India,   >,doi10.1145/2345396.2345497
  21. K.Dutta,V. , VKChamolaA.Rajandekar and .V.K.Chaubey, "Modeling and Characterization of Multi Rate Direct Sequence CDMA System Using Dynamic Resource Allocation Scheme", Presented in IEEE WIAD 2012, King's College London. 25-27 June, 2012.
  22. K.Dutta and V.K.Chaubey (2011) “Modeling and Performance Analysis of Optical Packet Switching Network Using Fiber Delay Lines”, Presented in IEEE Annual conference, INDICON 2011, 16-18 Dec, BITS-Hyderabad, available in :
  23. K.Dutta and V.K.Chaubey(2011) “Design and Performance Analysis of Optical WDM Ring Network Using Proxy Node Strategy”, Presented in IEEE Annual conference, INDICON 2011, 16-18 Dec, BITS-Hyderabad, available in :
  24. R Gokul Subramanian, Aditya Narayan & K.Chaubey(2011) "FPGA Implementation of Viterbi Algorithm & Adaptive Viterbi Algorithms for normal and turbo coded data" National Conference on VLSI Design & Embedded Systems ( NCVDES-2011) at CEERI Pilani Oct. 12-14 , 2011, 8B.5. 
  25. Debabrata Sikdar, G S S Chalapathi, V K Chaubey ( 2011)  "WSN Based TMR Security System for Sanitation Workers"  National Conference on VLSI Design & Embedded Systems ( NCVDES-2011) at CEERI Pilani Oct. 12-14 , 2011, 6A.6.
  26. G S S Chalapathi, Debabrata Sikdar,V K Chaubey( 2011) "WSN and GSM based Smart Energy Management System" National Conference on VLSI Design & Embedded Systems ( NCVDES-2011) at CEERI Pilani Oct. 12-14 , 2011, 6A.5
  27. Vinita Tiwari , Debabrata Sikdar and V K Chaubey( 2011) , " Source Initiated Limitations in 40 Gbps Post-compensated Optical Fiber Link: A Simulation Study" Proc.  International conference on Nanoscience, engineering & advanced computing (icneac-2011).
  28. Anup J Deka, Aparajita Banerjee1 and  K. Chaubey(2011) " A dynamic resource allocation model along with power control in a multi rate direct sequence CDMA with MIMO"  Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing 2011 Bangalore,  IET Digest Vol. 2011, issue 2 , 176-180.
  29. Debabrata Sikdar, G S S C Chalapati, V K Chaubey(2011) "Bluetooth based e-Tutor system for effective knowledge transfer" Proc. National Confererence on Converging Technologies beyond 2020, at Kurukshetra Univ. April 6-7, 2011, International J of Applied Engg. Research Vol. 6, no.5 ,2011 ,634-737
  30. Virendra Singh Shekhawat , Sirish Kumar and V K Chaubey(2011), " A Novel Multipath data Transmission Algorithm for Wavelength Routed optical WDM Networks", Proceeding ICETECT 2011, at St. Xavier Catholic College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, 23-24 March,2011, 994-997. 
  31. Manoj Kumar Dutta, Karthik B.S.N , Srinivas R, K.Chaubey,(2011)"Stimulated Raman scattering induced power penalty analysis for optical WDM networks ", IEEE International conference on Device & Communication, ICDeCom-11, Feb 24-25,2011 at BIT MESRA , Ranchi, India. 
  32. Manoj Kumar Dutta,K.Chaubey,(2011) "Design and performance analysis of deflection routing based intelligent optical burst switched networks"  IEEE International conference on Device & Communication, ICDeCom-11, Feb 24-25,2011 at BIT MESRA , Ranchi, India .
  33. Virendra Singh Shekhawat , Ohmkar K and V K Chaubey(2011)" A Wavelength Intersection Cardinality Based Routing and Wavelength Assignment Algorithm in Optical WDM Networks" ICCCS’11, February 12–14, 2011, Rourkela, Odisha, India, 110-113.
  34. Gaurav Mahajan, Rakhi Narang, Manoj Saxena,K.Chaubey(2011) “Mixedmode Circuit Simulation of Silicon and Germanium Nanowire MOSFETs - A Comparative Study"2011 IEEE Student Technology Symposium, paper 169, IIT Kharagpur,14-16 January 2011.
  35. Gaurav Mahajan, Rakhi Narang, Manoj Saxena,K. Chaubey(2010) "2-D Subthreshold Analytical model for Short Channel Effects in Nanowire MOSFETs (Si, Ge)" Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE) 2010 at Ahemdabad on Current Trends in Technology,9-11, VDT-13, December, 2010.
  36. Manoj K Dutta and V K Chaubey(2010) " Performance analysis of deflection routing and segmentation based dropping in optical burst switched networks: Photonics 2010, IIT Guwahati, 11 -15 Dec. 2010, PST-07.
  37. Arvind Pawan R., Ajay Srinath, K.Chaubey( 2010) "Tunability of a Quantum Dot based FET for multiple valued logic circuits: A modelling and simulation approach", Proc. 2nd IEEE International Nanoelectronics Conference, IEEE INEC 2010, Hongkong, China, January 3-8, 2010, EC-213.
  38. Sriram K, V K Chaubey( 2008) “Design and simulation of self assembled quantum dots based all-optical memory device “International Conference on Recent Trends in Nanostructured Materials and Their Applications (ICRNM-2008)” from 19-20 December, 2008 at. Department of Physics, Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500 007, India , OR-10, pp.47,.
  39. Shekhawat, Virendra Singh; Tyagi, Dinesh Kumar; Chaubey, V.K.(2008) “ Weight Based Edge Disjoint Path Routing and Wavelength Assignment (WEDP-RWA) Algorithm for WDM Networks”, 2008 IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and the Third ICIIS, Kharagpur, INDIA December 8-10, 324.
  40. Rahul Kundu and  K, Chaubey (2007) “Analysis of CSMA /CA optical network with application of optical buffers (FDLs) for online routing “15thInternational Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication, 18-21 Dec., 2007 at IIT Guwahati,India. 15
  41. Virendra Singh Shekhawat, Dinesh Kumar Tyagiand K. Chaubey (2007) “WDM Network Topologies -A Probabilistic Model”th International Conference on    Advanced Computing & Communication, 18-21 Dec., 2007 at IIT Guwahati, India.
  42. V K Chaubeyand Surekha Bhanot, (2007)” Academia involvement of EEE/INSTRU group to enrich PS program” Seminar on University – Industry linkages, 9-11 march, at BITS-Pilani.2007.
  43. V K Chaubey,(2006) ”Intelligent Microsystems in Bio- Sensors” National Seminar on Bio-informatics and Computer application, 26-27 Nov. M N Institute of Applied Sciences,  Bikaner
  44. Soumya Sen, Vikas R,  K. Chaubey,(2005) “ Estimation of optimal buffering for dynamic traffic intensity and its architectures” XI th national conference on communication at IIT Kharagpur, Jan.28-30.pp.21.
  45. Soumya Sen, Vikas R. and K.Chaubey,(2004) “Designing of a modified WDM ring network with improved grade of service” Conference on distributed processing and networking at IIT, Karagpur on June 11-13,2004, pp.82-86.
  46. Soumya Sen, K.Chaubey(2004) ,”Theoretical Modeling of Relative Humidity Sensor based on Cross-Talk Fibers and Micro-emulsion templated Porous Silica Films” 7thInternational Conf. On Optoelectronics,Fiber Optica & Photonics at Cochin Univ of Science & Technology from Dec. 9-11, FBR P4,pp.101.
  47. Soumya Sen, Vikas R, K.Chaubey,(2004) “ Probabilistic determination of cost optimal buffering parameters based on dynamic traffic intensity and new buffering architecture “7th International Conf. On Optoelectronics,Fiber Optica & Photonics at Cochin Univ of Science & Technology from Dec. 9-11, NET P4,pp.239.
  48. V K Chaubey, S  Subhashini   and  Y Manisha , (2002) “A simplified  Analytical  Approch to  estimate  the temperature  Dependence  of  gain  in  InP-InGaAs  avalanche         photodiodes”  Sixth  International  Conf.  on  optoelectronics, fibreoptics  and  photonics  at  TIFR   Bombay   from  16-18 Dec,2002 ,OMD- P-3 , p1.3.
  49. K.Chaubeyand V.Subramaniyan,(1998) “Monomode propagation of microwaves through a dielectric rod NSFD-X,at I.I.T. Madras,Dec.16-18,PA 20
  50. K.Chaubey, K.K.Dey, S.P.Ojha and P.Khastgir (1990)  “Mode cutoff characteristics of a doubly cladded fibres of different profiles”Proc. APSYM-90,Nov.28-30 at coachin pp.14-20.
  51. V.S.Subramaniyam, V.K.Chaubey,K.K.Dey, P.Khastgir and S.P.Ojha(1989)  ,  “Low dispersion single-mode W-fibres with sinusodal ripples in the refractive index profile” Proc.NACONECS-89,Tata Mc Graw Hill Publ.,Nov.2-4 at Roorkee,pp.638-640.
  52. K.Chaubey, K.V.S.Subramaniam and S.P.Ojha (1988) ,” Dispersion parameters of a single mode fiber for the Gaussion-Hankel approximation of the modal field“ 58th National academy of science at Jammu from Nov.5-7, pp5.

Book Chapters


1. V. Arjun, D. SikdarV.K. Chaubey,” High Speed Resonant Tunneling Diode Based on GaN & GaAs: A Modelling & Simulation Approach ”Nanotechnology 2008: Materials, Fabrication, Particles, and Characterization, Nanoscience & Technology Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA, CRC Press,(2008) ,Vol.1 Chapt.2,pp.258 - 265 .

2.  Rahul Kundu and V K Chaubey, “Analysis of Optical WDM Network Topologies with Application of LRWC Under symmetric Erlang - C Traffic”, Novel Algorithms and Techniques in Telecommunications, Automation and Industrial Electronics, Eds. T Sobh et al. Springer Netherlands, (2008) 468-473.

3. Content contribution and modifications made in the book “Wireless Communications & Networks” by William Stallings, Pearson Education, Second Edition (2009), Indian subcontinent adaptation by V K Chaubey .


1.  Co-PI with PI as Dr. S K Verma of Biological Department on a Project " Development of recombinant DNA based bio-sensor device for detection of arsenic in water " of amount 33.69 lakhs funded by DST.