
Prof. S.N. Patel

Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Dynamic Instability of laminated composite Stiffened/ unstiffened Structures
Department of Civil Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani- 333031, Rajasthan. India.



  1. D Fayaz, S.N. Patel, R Kumar, G Watts (2024), "Nonlinear dynamic instability of laminated composite stiffened plates subjected to in-plane pulsating loading", Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 31 (22), 5486-5517.
  2. V Jain, R Kumar, T Dey, S.N. Patel, G Watts (2024), "A Meshfree Formulation for Size-dependent Thermal Buckling and Post-Buckling Behaviour of Porous Microplates on Elastic Foundation Subjected to Localized Heating", Thin-Walled Structures, 112451. 
  3. D Fayaz, S.N. Patel, R Kumar, G Watts (2024), "Nonlinear dynamic instability and dynamic response of stiffened laminated composite plates subjected to in-plane pulsating patch loading", Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 52 (9), 6588-6632.
  4. V Jain, R Kumar, S.N. Patel and T Dey (2024), "Geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis of a damped porous microplate resting on elastic foundations under in-plane nonuniform excitation", Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 52 (7), 4553-4598
  5. V Sengar, G Watts, R Kumar, S.N. Patel and A Kumar (2024), "Tunable thermal postbuckling response of imperfect skew sandwich plates with auxetic core and FGCNTRC facings using isogeometric approach", Engineering Structures, 305, 117706. 
  6. Danish Fayaz and S. N. Patel (2024), "Harmonic in-plane patch loading induced nonlinear dynamic instability of unidirectional and bidirectional stiffened composite plates",  Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. []
  7. Rajesh Kumar, Vishal Singh, Tanish Dey, Dipendu Bhunia, S.N. Patel, Varun Jain (2022),"Nonlinear analysis of sandwich plate with FG porous core and RD-CNTCFRC face sheets under transverse patch loading", Acta Mechanica, 233, 4589–4614.
  8. Gaurav Watts, Rajesh Kumar, Sandeep Singh, Vasudev Sengar, G.R. Reddy, S.N. Patel (2022),"Postbuckling and postbuckled vibration behaviour of imperfect trapezoidal sandwich plates with FG-CNTRC face sheets under nonuniform loadings", Aerospace Science and Technology, 127, 107716(1-13).
  9. Vasanth Keshav, Shuvendu Narayan Patel, Rajesh Kumar, Gaurav Watts(2022), "Effect of cutout on the stability and failure of laminated composite cylindrical panels subjected to in-plane pulse loads", International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 22(8), 2250087.
  10. V Singh, R Vescovini, R Kumar, SN Patel, G Watts (2022), "Nonlinear vibration and instability of a randomly distributed CNT-reinforced composite plate subjected to localized in-plane parametric excitation", Applied Mathematical Modelling, 101, 453-480.
  11. Vishal Singh, Rajesh Kumar, S.N.Patel and Nishant Roy(2021), "Non-linear Response and Buckling of Imperfect Plates under In-plane Pulse Forces: A Semi-analytical Investigation", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, 46(3), 633–648.
  12. Gaurav Watts, Rajesh Kumar, S. N. Patel and Sandeep Singh(2021),"Dynamic instability of trapezoidal composite plates under non-uniform compression using moving kriging based meshfree method", Thin-Walled Structures, 164,107766. 
  13. Vishal Singh, Rajesh Kumar, S. N. Patel, Tanish Dey, Sarat Kumar Panda (2021), "Instability and vibration analyses of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced laminated composite (FG-CNTRLC) plate subjected to localized in-plane periodic loading", Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE, 34 (6), 04021072, 1-17.
  14. Rajesh Kumar, Vishal Singh, S.N.Patel and Tanish Dey (2021), "Non-linear Response and Buckling of Imperfect Laminated Composite Plates under In-Plane Pulse Forces", Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 235(22), 6328-6344.
  15. Vishal Singh, Rajesh Kumar and S.N. Patel(2021), "Non-linear Vibration and Instability of Multi-Phase Composite Plate Subjected to Non-Uniform In-plane Parametric Excitation: Semi-analytical Investigation", Thin-Walled Structures, 162, 107556.
  16. Vishal Singh, Rajesh Kumar, Varun Jain, T. Naveen Kumar, S. N. Patel (2021),"Semianalytical development of dynamic instability and response of multi-scale laminated hybrid composite plate", Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE, 34(3): 04021005, 1-21.
  17. Vasanth Keshav, S.N.Patel, Rajesh Kumar (2021), "Non-Linear Stability and Failure of Laminated Composite Stiffened Cylindrical Panels Subjected to In-Plane Impulse Loading", Structures, 29, 360-372.
  18. V. Keshav and S.N.Patel(2020), "Non-Linear Dynamic Pulse Buckling of Laminated Composite Curved Panels". Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 73 (2), 181-190.
  19. V. Keshav, S.N. Patel and Rajesh Kumar(2019), "Stability and failure study of suddenly loaded laminated composite cylindrical panel", International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 11 (10), 1950093.
  20. V. Keshav and S.N. Patel, (2018) "Dynamic Buckling of Laminated Composite Rectangular Plates Subjected to Uni-Axial Compression Loads", Journal of Structural Engineering, SERCChennai. 45(1), 21-30.
  21. S.N.Patel and A.H.Sheikh (2016), "Buckling response of laminated composite stiffened plates subjected to partial in-plane edge loading", International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science & Mechanics, 17(5-6), 322-338.
  22. Shuvendu N. Patel (2014), "Nonlinear bending analysis of laminated composite stiffened plates", Steel and Composite Structure, 17(6), 867-890.
  23. S.N. Patel, C. Bisagni and P. K. Datta (2011), “Dynamic buckling analysis of a composite stiffened cylindrical shell”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 37(5),509-527.
  24. S.N. Patel, P.K. Datta and A.H. Sheikh (2010), “Effect of harmonic in-plane edge loading on dynamic stability of stiffened shell panels with cutouts”, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2(4),759-785.
  25. S.N. Patel, P.K. Datta and A.H. Sheikh (2009), “Parametric study on the dynamic instability behaviour of laminated composite stiffened plate”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 135(11), 1331-1341.
  26. S.N. Patel, P.K. Datta and A.H. Sheikh (2009), “Dynamic stability analysis of stiffened shell panels with cutouts”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transaction ASME, 76(4), 041004-1-041004-13.
  27. S.N. Patel, P.K. Datta and A.H. Sheikh (2007), “Dynamic instability analysis of stiffened shell panels subjected to partial edge loading along the edges”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 49(12), 1309-1324.
  28. S.N. Patel, P.K. Datta and A.H. Sheikh (2006), “Buckling and dynamic instability analysis of stiffened shell panels”, Thin Walled Structures, 44(3), 321-333.
  29. S.N. Patel, P.K. Datta and A.H. Sheikh (2006), “Dynamic instability analysis of laminated composite stiffened shell panels subjected to in-plane harmonic edge loading”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 22(4), 483-510.

Book Chapters: 

  1. Danish Fayaz, S. N. Patel and Rajesh Kumar (2024), Stress Analysis of Plates Subjected to Uniform and Non-uniform Uniaxial Tensile Loads. In: Madhavan, M., Davidson, J.S., Shanmugam, N.E. (eds) Proceedings of the Indian Structural Steel Conference 2020 (Vol. 1). ISSC 2020. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 318. Springer, Singapore., Print ISBN978-981-19-9389-3, Online ISBN978-981-19-9390-9.
  2. Fayaz, D., Patel, S.N. and Kumar, R. (2022). Analytical and Numerical Study of Fractured Isotropic and Composite Plates Under Mode-I Crack Extension. In: Das, B.B., Gomez, C.P., Mohapatra, B.G. (eds) Recent Developments in Sustainable Infrastructure (ICRDSI-2020)—Structure and Construction Management. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 221. Springer, Singapore. Print ISBN978-981-16-8432-6, Online ISBN978-981-16-8433-3.
  3. Singh, V., Kumar, R., Mohapatra, B.G., Saha, M. and Patel, S.N. (2022). Nonlinear Vibration of Functionally Graded CNT-Reinforced Composite Plate Under Nonuniform In-Plane Loading. In: Das, B.B., Gomez, C.P., Mohapatra, B.G. (eds) Recent Developments in Sustainable Infrastructure (ICRDSI-2020)—Structure and Construction Management. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 221. Springer, Singapore. Print ISBN978-981-16-8432-6, Online ISBN978-981-16-8433-3.
  4. Patel, S.N., Rakesh Kumar, V.G. and Kumar, R. (2022), Postbuckling Study of the Laminated Composite Stiffened Plates Subjected to Parabolic In-Plane Loading. In: Singh, S.B., Barai, S.V. (eds) Stability and Failure of High Performance Composite Structures. Composites Science and Technology . Springer, Singapore. Print ISBN978-981-19-2423-1, Online ISBN978-981-19-2424-8.
  5. V. Singh, R. Kumar and S.N. Patel(2022), Dynamic Instability of CNT-Reinforced Composite Plate Under Non-uniform In-plane Loading. In: Maity, D., et al. Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Vol—I. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. Print ISBN978-981-16-6737-4, Online ISBN978-981-16-6738-1.
  6. Keshav, V., Patel, S.N. and  Kumar, R. (2021). Buckling of Laminated Composite Plate with Imperfections Subjected to In-Plane Pulse Loads. In: Singh, S.B., Sivasubramanian, M.V.R., Chawla, H. (eds) Emerging Trends of Advanced Composite Materials in Structural Applications. Composites Science and Technology . Springer, Singapore. Print ISBN978-981-16-1687-7,Online ISBN978-981-16-1688-4.
  7. V. Singh, R. Kumar and S.N. Patel (2021), Parametric Instability Analysis of Functionally Graded CNT-Reinforced Composite (FG-CNTRC) Plate Subjected to Different Types of Non-uniform In-Plane Loading. In: Singh, S.B., Sivasubramanian, M.V.R., Chawla, H. (eds) Emerging Trends of Advanced Composite Materials in Structural Applications. Composites Science and Technology . Springer, Singapore. Print ISBN978-981-16-1687-7, Online ISBN978-981-16-1688-4.
  8. Keshav V., Patel S.N., Kumar R. (2020), Nonlinear Dynamic Buckling and Failure Study of Laminated Composite Plates Subjected to Axial Impulse Loads. In: Maity D., Siddheshwar P., Saha S. (eds) Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Solid Mechanics. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore, DOI-, Print ISBN 978-981-15-0771-7 Online ISBN 978-981-15-0772-4.
  9. Keshav V., Patel S.N. (2019), Dynamic Buckling of Laminated Composite Curved Panels Subjected to In-plane Compression. In: Rao A., Ramanjaneyulu K. (eds) Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, Volume 2. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 12. Springer, Singapore. DOI-, Print ISBN 978-981-13-0364-7,Online ISBN 978-981-13-0365-4. 
  10. Patel S.N. (2015), Nonlinear Finite Element Bending Analysis of Composite Shell Panels. In: Matsagar V. (eds) Advances in Structural Engineering. Springer, New Delhi. DOI- Print ISBN 978-81-322-2189-0, Online ISBN 978-81-322-2190-6.


  1. Shuvendu Narayan Patel, Rakesh Kumar V G and Rajesh Kumar, "Postbuckling Study of SWCNT Reinforced Composite Plate subjected to In-Plane Parabolic Loading", 14th Structural Engineering Convention(SEC-2024),12-14 December, 2024, Dept. of Civil Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli under the aegis of Indian Association for Structural Engineering. 
  2. Danish Fayaz, Shuvendu Narayan Patel, Vishal Singh and Sheetal Thapa, "Nonlinear Frequency Response of Laminated Composite Stiffened Plates subjected to In-Plane Harmonic Loading", 14th Structural Engineering Convention(SEC-2024),12-14 December, 2024, Dept. of Civil Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli under the aegis of Indian Association for Structural Engineering. 
  3. Hrituraj Debnath and Shuvendu Narayan Patel, "Stress Analysis of Composite Laminates using Finite Element Method",  Fourth International Conference on Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structure (ICMAMS- 2024), Dec. 11-13, 2024, Jointly organised by Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India,  Texas A & M University USA and Politecnico di Torino, Italy.   
  4. Shuvendu Narayan Patel, Rakesh Kumar V.G. and Rajesh Kumar, "Buckling and postbuckling of FG-CNT reinforced composite plate subjected to in-plane triangular", Fourth International Conference on Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structure (ICMAMS- 2024),Dec. 11-13, 2024, Jointly organised by Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India,  Texas A & M University USA and Politecnico di Torino, Italy.   
  5. Shuvendu Narayan Patel, Rakesh Kumar V.G. and Rajesh Kumar, "Buckling and Postbuckling Study of Laminated Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composite Stiffened Plates", International Conference on Nano Structured Materials and Nanocomposites (ICN–2024), May 10-12, 2024, International and Inter University Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IIUCNN), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
  6. K. Vinodachari, Yashwardhan NaikNimbalkar, Rajesh Kumar and S. N. Patel, "Dynamic Instability Analysis of Nanoplates Subjected to Uniform Harmonic In-Plane Loading", International Conference on Nano Structured Materials and Nanocomposites (ICN–2024), May 10-12, 2024, International and Inter University Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IIUCNN), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
  7. Rakesh Kumar V G, Shuvendu Narayan Patel and Rajesh Kumar, "Postbuckling Study of the Laminated Composite Eccentric Stiffened Plate Subjected to Uniform In-Plane Load", 3rd International Conference on Advances in Concrete, Structural, and Geotechnical Engineering (ACSGE-2024), February 26-28, 2024, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Pilani Campus.  
  8. Shuvendu Narayan Patel, Rakesh Kumar V.G. and Rajesh Kumar, "Buckling and Postbuckling Study of Laminated Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composite Plates",8th International Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living(ICNBL-2023), May 25-29, 2023, NIT Srinagar, Srinagar, Jointly organized by NIT Srinagar and Indian Institute of Technology(BHU), Varanasi in association with Parul University.
  9. Danish Fayaz, S. N. Patel and Rajesh Kumar, "Analytical and Numerical Study of Fractured Isotropic and Composite Plates under Mode-I Crack Extension", International Conference on Recent Developments in Sustainable Infrastructure(ICRDSI-2020),December 19-21, 2020(Virtual), School of Civil Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, India.
  10. Vishal Singh, Rajesh Kumar, B. G. Mohapatra and S. N. Patel, "Non-Linear Vibration of Functionally Graded CNT-Reinforced Composite Plate Subjected to Different Types of Non-uniform In-plane Loading", International Conference on Recent Developments in Sustainable Infrastructure(ICRDSI-2020, ,December 19-21, 2020(Virtual), School of Civil Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, India.
  11. V. Singh, R. Kumar and S.N. Patel, "Dynamic Instability of CNT-Reinforced Composite Plate Under Non-unifrom In-plane Loading", 1st Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICRACEM 2020), September, 4-6, 2020(Online), Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Department of Ocean Engineering & Naval Architecture, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur - 721 302, India.
  12. V. Singh, R. Kumar, S.N. Patel, "Non-linear Vibration of Multi-scale Composite Plate under Non-uniform Inplane Periodic Load", ICCS23 - 23rd International Conference on Composite Structures & MECHCOMP6 - 6th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, September, 1-4, 2020(Online), FEUP - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal,
  13. Danish Fayaz, S. N. Patel and Rajesh Kumar," Nonlinear Dynamic Response and Dynamic Instability Study of Laminated Composite Plate", ICCS23 - 23rd International Conference on Composite Structures & MECHCOMP6 - 6th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, September, 1-4, 2020(Online), FEUP - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal,
  14. Danish Fayaz,  S.N. Patel and Rajesh Kumar, "Stress analysis of plates subjected to uniform and non-uniform uniaxial tensile loads", Indian Structural Steel Conference(ISSC-2020), Scheduled: March 25-27, 2020, Structural Steel Research Group IIT Hyderabad in association with ASCE (IS SR) and Springer Publications. (Organized: January 6-8, 2022)
  15. S.N.Patel and Rajesh Kumar, "Free Vibration Study of Laminated Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composite Shell Panels", 5th International Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living(ICNBL-2019), April 7-11, 2019, NIT Srinagar, Srinagar, Jointly organized by NIT Srinagar and IIT Kharagpur.
  16. Vasant Keshav, S. N. Patel and Rajesh Kumar,"Non-Linear Dynamic Buckling and Failure Study of Laminated Composite Plates Subjected to Axial Impulse Loads",63rd Congress Of The Indian Society Of Theoretical And Applied Mechanics (An International Conference) December 20-23, 2018, Dayananda Sagar University, Bangalore in association with IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur.
  17. Vasant Keshav, S. N. Patel and Rajesh Kumar,"Dynamic Buckling and Failure Study of Laminated Composite Curved Panels Subjected to In-Plane Impulsive Loads",Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2018),19-21, December, 2018, Department of Civil Engineering Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
  18. Vishal Singh, Rajesh Kumar, S. N. Patel,"Postbuckling analysis of MWCNT-reinforced composite plates under different types of in-plane mechanical loads",Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2018),19-21, December, 2018, Department of Civil Engineering Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
  19. S. N. Patel, Vasant Keshav and Rajesh Kumar,"Nonlinear Dynamic Buckling Study of Cross-Ply Laminated Composite Plate",International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Allied Science(ICMEAS-2018), 14-15, September, 2018, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, J&K, 182320.
  20. Rajesh Kumar, Mainak Chaudhary and S. N. Patel,"Dynamic Buckling Behaviour of Composite Plate Subjected to In-plane Pulse Loading,"21st International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS21), 4-7, September 2018, School of Engineering and Architecture, University of Bologna, Italy.
  21. S.N. Patel, " Nonlinear dynamic response of laminated composite stiffened plates", International Conference on Composite Materials and Structures(ICCMS-2017),27-29 December 2017, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Hyderabad-502285, Sangareddy.
  22. S.N. Patel, "Free Vibration and Dynamic Response Study of Laminated Composite Plate with Carbon Nanotube Reinforcement", 13th International Conference on Vibration Problems(ICOVP-2017), 29 November- 2 December 2017, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India and Department of Civil Engineering, ISIK University, Turkey.
  23. V. Keshav and S.N.Patel, "Dynamic Buckling of Angle Ply Laminated Composite Plates Subjected to In-Plane Compression Loads", 3rd Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM-2017), 5-7 July 2017, Department of Applied Mechanics, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology(MNNIT), Allahabad U.P. and Indian Society for Applied Mechanics(ISAM).
  24. S.N. Patel, " Free Vibration Study of Plates Made up of Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Composite Material", National Conference on Sustainable Engineering Practices In Materials, Water & Energy Technologies(SEPMWET-2017), 18-19 March 2017, Dept. of Civil Engineering and Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, BRCM College of Engineering and Technology. Bahal-127028, Bhiwani, Haryana.
  25. S.N.Patel and V. Keshav, "Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates Subjected to In-Plane Harmonic Edge Loading",Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2016), 21-23 December 2016, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre(SERC) jointly with IIT Madras and Anna University, Chennai. 
  26. V. Keshav and S.N.Patel, "Dynamic Buckling of Laminated Composite Curved Panels Subjected to In-Plane Compression",Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2016), 21-23 December 2016, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre(SERC) jointly with IIT Madras and Anna University, Chennai. 
  27. S.N.Patel, "Buckling and postbuckling response of laminated composite plates", International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanics and Materials 2016 (ICRAMM 2016), December 17-18, 2016, VSS University of Technology, Burla, Odisha.
  28. V. Keshav and S.N.Patel, "Dynamic Buckling of Composite Plates Subjected to In-Plane Compression",International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials(IUMRS-ICYRAM-2016), December 11-15, 2016, IISc Bangalore in association with IUMRS, Bangalore-560012, India. 
  29. S.N.Patel, P.A.Abhishek, R. Deepthi Reddy and Nikam Amol S.," Dynamic Buckling Study of Laminated Composite Plate", International Conference on Innovations in Structural Engineering (IC-ISE-2015), 14-16, December 2015, Department of Civil Engineering University College of Engineering (A), Osmania University, Hyderabad-500007, T.S., India.
  30. S.N.Patel and V.Keshav, " Dynamic Response of Laminated Composite Plates", 10-12, December 2015, International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering 2015 (CAE 2015), Department of Mechanical Engineering,School of Technology, GITAM University - Hyderabad, India.
  31. V. Keshav and S.N.Patel, "Dynamic Analysis of Isotropic Plates", National Conference of Recent Advancements in Civil and Environmental Engineering(RACEE-2015), 28-29, November 2015, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BRCM College of Engineering and Technology. Bahal, Bhiwani, Haryana. 
  32. S.N.Patel, P.A.Abhishek, R. Deepthi Reddy and Nikam Amol S., "Dynamic Buckling Study of Laminated Composite Stiffened Plate",The 2015 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics(ASEM15), 25-29, August 2015, International Association of Structural Engineering and Mechanics(IASEM), Korea Adv. Inst. of Sci. & Tech. (KAIST) in cooperation with Techno-Press Journals, Songdo Convensia, Incheon, South Korea. 
  33. S.N. Patel, “Nonlinear Dynamic Instability Analysis of Laminated Composite Stiffened Plates”, 18th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS18-2015), 15-18, June 2015, Hotel Epic Sana, Lisbon, Portugal.
  34. S.N. Patel, “Buckling of laminated composite stiffened plates with partial in-plane edge loading”, Sixth International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM-2014), 29-31, December-2014, Dept. of Aerospace Engg., IIT Kharagpur. 
  35. Y.D.Joshi and S.N.Patel, "Economical Design of RCC Structural Members Using Standard Software Package and Excel Spread Sheets", Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2014), 22-24, December-2014, Dept of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi.
  36. S.N.Patel, "Nonlinear Finite Element Bending Analysis of Composite Shell Panels", Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2014), 22-24, December-2014, Dept of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi. 
  37. Y.D.Joshi and S.N.Patel, "Economical Design of RCC Structural Members of 6-Story Building", Strategic Prospective and Advances in Civil Engineering (SPACE-2014), 14-15, November-2014, Dept of Civil Engineering, Eshan College of Engineering, Farah(Mathura), UP.
  38. S.N.Patel, "Nonlinear Finite Element Bending Analysis of Composite Cylindrical Panels", 3rd World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (WCSET-2014), 27-29,September-2014, Hotel Manang, Thamel, Kathmandu, NEPAL.
  39. A.V.Simha and S.N.Patel, " Bending analysis of laminated composite plates using degenerated shell elements", International Conference on Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering(ICETCE-2014), 6-8, January-2014, VNR VJIET, Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh.
  40. J. Senjalia and S.N.Patel, " Analysis of a multi-storey building considering earthquake load and wind load effect", International Conference on Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering(ICETCE-2014), 6-8, January-2014, VNR VJIET, Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh. 
  41. S.N.Patel "Nonlinear response of laminated composite stiffened plate", International Conference on Structural Engineering and Mechanics(ICSEM-2013), 20-22, December-2013, Dept. of Civil Engineering, NIT Rourkela, Rourkela.
  42. S.N.Patel, "Nonlinear deflection of laminated composite eccentrically stiffened plates", National Conference on Recent Trends and Innovations in Civil Engineering (RTICE-2013), 15-16, November-2013, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BRCM College of Engineering and Technology. Bahal, Bhiwani, Haryana. 
  43. S.N.Patel, "Nonlinear bending analysis of laminated composite stiffened plates",The 2013 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics(ASEM13) [under this: 2013 International Conference on Steel & Composite Structures (ICSCS13)],8-12,September-2013, Korea Adv. Inst. of Sci. & Tech. (KAIST) in cooperation with Techno-Press Journals, ICC, Jeju, South Korea.
  44. S.N. Patel, P.K. Datta and A.H. Sheikh, “Dynamic instability analysis of composite stiffened plate with  cutouts”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ETIME-2006), Feb 10-11, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore.
  45. S.N. Patel, P.K. Datta and A.H. Sheikh, “Dynamic stability analysis of angle-ply composite stiffened plate”, 50th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM-2005), an International Meet, Dec 14-17, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur.
  46. S.N. Patel, P.K. Datta and A.H. Sheikh, “Dynamic instability analysis of cross-ply laminated composite  stiffened plate subjected to in-plane edge loading”, Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2005), Dec 14-16, Dept of Civil Engineering, IISc Bangalore.
  47. S.N. Patel, P.K. Datta and A.H. Sheikh, “Dynamic instability analysis of laminated composite stiffened cylindrical shell panels”, National Conference on Composite Component Construction (CCC-2005), Sept 12-13, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering, Kakinada, A.P.
  48. S.N. Patel, P.K. Datta and A.H. Sheikh, “Dynamic stability of composite stiffened plates”, Third International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM-2004), Dec 28-30, Dept. of Aerospace Engg., IIT Kharagpur.
  49. S.N. Patel, P.K. Datta and A.H. Sheikh, “Vibration and buckling of composite curved panels using a degenerated shell element”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Structural Mechanics and Composites (ETSMC-2003), Nov 1-2, Dept of Civil Engineering, NIT Rourkela.