
Dr. Anupam Yadav

Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

6168-R, New Academic Building,
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani- 333031, Rajasthan. India.



  • Epistemic Injustice and Violence: Exploring Knowledge, Power and Participation in Philosophy and Beyond (2024). Lena Schutzle, Barbara Schellhammer, Anupam Yadav, Cara-Julie Kather, Lou Thomine (eds.). Transcript, Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany.

  • Interdisciplinarity: Vignettes of Contemporary Education, Knowledge and Research (2019). Nirban V.S., Shukla T., Yadav A. & Choubisa R. Bloomsbury. [ISBN: 978-93-88630-94-8]
  • Human Values and Professional Ethics (2018). Shukla, T., Yadav, A. & Chauhan, G.S.Cengage Learning  International. [ISBN: 9789386858764 B]

  • Media, Culture and Ethics  (2018). Sharma S., Shekhawat S., Yadav, A. (eds.) Macmillan Publishers India (P.) Ltd.[ISBN: 978-93-87687-19-6]

Research Publications

  • Baiju, P. A. & Yadav A. “Ambedkar’s Critique of Sacred Testimonies and Liberatory Practices” in Epistemic Injustice and Violence: Exploring Knowledge, Power and Participation in Philosophy and Beyond (2024). Schutzle L., Schellhammer, B., Yadav, A. Kather, C., Thomine L. (eds.). Transcript, Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany.
  • Yadav, A. “Reconciling the Rational and Moral: A Gandhian Perspective of Moral Life” Journal of Holistic Science Research Institute, Vol. IX, July 2023.
  • Yadav, Anupam (2023) "Human Agency and the Quest for Selfhood" in Self-Knowledge and Moral Identity, Ranjan K. Panda (ed.), pp. 99-109, Tulika Books, New Delhi.
  • Yadav Anupam (2022) "Solidarity, Knowledge and Social Hope" Athens Journal of Philosophy, 1(2), 103-114.
  • Yadav, Anupam (2018)  "Epistemology Revisited: A Feminist Critique" Journal of International Women's Studies, Bridgewater State University, USA, 19(6), 374-381. Available at:
  • Yadav, Anupam (2018) "Media and Ethics: A Question of Cultural Regeneration" in Media, Culture and Ethics, eds. Sharma S., Shekhawat S., Yadav, A., Macmillan Publishers India (P.) Ltd.
  • Bhattacharya, S., Deb, S., Nair, H., Shukla, T. & Yadav, A. (2017) "Critical Perspectives on the National Policy on Education 2016" in Higher Education for the FutureSage 4(2), 129-146.
  • Yadav, Anupam (2017) "The Corporate Cognitive-Existential Delinking: An Ethical Appraisal" in ANVESHAK, International Journal of Management, Vol. 6, No. 1.
  • Yadav, Anupam (2016) "Debates in Philosophical Anthropology and the Heideggerian Directions" in Indian Journal of Analytic Philosophy, Vol. VI, No. 2.   
  • Yadav, Anupam (2015) "Alternative Epistemologies and Normative Directionality" in Athens: ATINER's Conference Paper Series, No. PHI2015-1610.
  • Yadav, Anupam (2013) “Ethics of Interdependence: A Buddhist Response to Postmodern Ethics” in Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Vol.40, 1-4, Jan-Dec.
  • Yadav, Anupam (2012) “Identity, Agency and Historical Consciousness” in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Vol.1, Issue 4.
  • Yadav, Anupam (2010) “The Other in a Moral Discourse” in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Vol. XXVII, No. 4.
  • Yadav, Anupam (2006) “Hermeneutics – Beyond Methodology” in Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Vol. XXIII, No. I.
  • Yadav, Anupam (2006) “Philosophical Foundations of Hermeneutics” in Lokaprajna, Journal of Sanskrit Academy of Research for Advanced Society through Vedic and Allied Tradition of India, Orissa, Vol., X.
  • Yadav, Anupam (2005) “Hermeneutics as a Synthesis of Scientific Methods: Rational vs. Empirical”, in Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla, Vol. XII, No. 2.
  • Yadav, Anupam (2003) “A Theory of the Self in Hermeneutic Philosophy” in the Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Vol. XX.


  • E-course authorship:  “Contemporary Continental Aesthetics” , a module for the UGC e-PG Pathshala, an MHRD project, under its National Mission on Education through ICT, in the year  2015,

Book Reviews

  • Space, Time and Consciousness: The Fifth Dimension by Bhaskar Vyas and Rajni Vyas in The Tibet Journal, Vol. 35, No. 3, 2010.
  • Ethical Relativism and Universalism by Saral Jhingaran in Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. XXXII, Nos. 1-2, 2005.

Papers Presented in Conferences/Seminars/Workshops

  • Round Table “Epistemic Injustice and Violence in Philosophy”, Schutzle L., Yadav A., Thomine L., Kops K., Baiju P. A., at 25th World Congress of Philosophy, held at Sapienza University, Rome from August 1-8, 2024.
  • Objectivity in Feminist Methodology and Lorraine Code: A Critique”, Baiju P. Anthony & Anupam Yadav, in a National Conference on Philosophical Methodology in Indian and Western Perspectives organized by the Department of Philosophy, University of Assam and ICPR, New Delhi during March 21 & 22, 2024.
  • "Significance of Feminist Advocacy Practices for SDG 4”, Baiju P. Anthony and Anupam Yadav, presented in the International Conference on Best Innovative Teaching Strategies at BITS Pilani during 9-11 February 2023. 
  • "Epistemic and Ethical Exposure of Testimony”, Baiju P. Anthony and Anupam Yadav, in the 95th Indian Philosophical Congress (Member, International Federation of Philosophical Societies) and 4th Asian Philosophy Conference (ICPR Initiative) during December 27-30, 2022.
  • “Apollo and Dionysus in Nietzsche’s Philosophy: Opposition, Synthesis and Overlapping”, Virosh Singh Baghel and Anupam Yadav, in the 95th Indian Philosophical Congress (Member, International Federation of Philosophical Societies) and 4th Asian Philosophy Conference (ICPR Initiative) during December 27-30, 2022.
  • Indian and Western Approaches to Epistemic Liberation: A Comparative Study”, Baiju P. Anthony and Anupam Yadav, in an International conference on The Meaning of Epistemic Justice in Philosophy at Munich School pf Philosophy, Munich, Germany during December 1- 2, 2022.
  • "We-Identity and the Questions of Knowledge" at Roman Ingarden and Our Times: An International Philosophical Congress 2021 held at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland during 12-15 April, 2021.
  • "Post-Philosophical Culture and Interdisciplinary Solidarity" at the 4th Avant Conference on Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies held at Faculty of Arts & Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal during 24-26 October, 2019.
  • "'Re-describing' Cognitive Competencies: Some Pedagogical Interventions" at the 3rd Indo-German Conference on Sustainability in Engineering: Enhancing Future Skills and Entrepreneurship held at BITS Pilani, Pilani during 16-17 September, 2019.
  • "Non-representational Discourse of Knowledge and the Post-philosophical Culture" at the 24th World Congress of Philosophy organized by Peking University, held at Beijing, China during 13-20 August, 2018.
  • "Ecology of Knowledges and Social Justice" at the 7th International Conference on Advancement of Development Administration (ICADA)- Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies held at NIDA, Bangkok, Thailand from May 31 to June 2, 2018.
  • "Media and Ethics: A Question of Cultural Regeneration” at the International Conference on Media, Culture & Ethics held at BITS, Pilani from February 9-10, 2018.
  • De-disciplining Philosophy and New Epistemology", at the International Conference on Revisiting Richard Rorty at the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal during September, 25-26, 2017.  
  • "Philosophy and the Interdisciplinarity of Knowledge" at Philosophy in the Desert: Comparative Philosophy at the Crossroads International Conference held at American University in Dubai, from April 7-8, 2017.
  • "Beyond The Disciplinary Boundaries: Feminist Perspectives on Education" at the 2nd World Conference on Women's Study, Colombo, Sri Lanka from 5-6 May, 2016. 
  • "Narrative and Philosophical Discourse" at ICPR sponsored National Seminar on Perspectives in Philosophy of Literature at Delhi University from 11-13 April, 2016.
  • "Alternative Epistemologies and Normative Directionality" at the 10th International Annual Conference on Philosophy organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research at Athens, Greece from 25-28 May, 2015.
  • "The Quest for Selfhood and Moral Identity" in the international conference/symposium on Self-Knowledge and Moral Identity organized by Dept. of HSS, IIT Bombay and ICPR held at IIT, Bombay, Mumbai from 13-15 January, 2015.
  • "Aesthetics, Technology and Ethics" in the international conference on Towards Ecocultural Ethics: Trends and Future Directions, held by the Dept. of HSS, BITS, Pilani Goa Campus from 9-11 October, 2014. 
  • "Theoria, Rationality and Social Critique" in the International Silver Jubilee Seminar on Theorizing Today- 25 Years Later of Forum on Contemporary Theory in collaboration with the department of Political Science, The M.S.University of Baroda held at The M.S.University of Baroda from 10-11 February, 2014.
  • "The Quest of Identity in Cognitive-Moral Character" in the International Conference on Cognition, Emotion and Action held at IIT, Gandhinagar from 6-8 December, 2013.
  • Corporate Culture and Competitive Identity” at International Seminar held by the Department of Christian Studies at University of Madras from 28-29 September, 2011.
  • Modernity and the Role of Non-Violence in National Seminar organized by SKSD Jain Academy, M.S. University of Baroda from 11-12 March, 2011.
  • Human Sciences – The Sciences of Man in National Symposium at Balwant Parekh Centre for General Semantics and Other Human Sciences, Baroda from 10-12 February, 2011.
  • “Ethical Foundations of Buddhism” in International Seminar on Buddhist Heritage held at The M.S. University of Baroda from 15-17 January, 2010.
  • Freedom, Rationality and Civilization in Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj” in state level seminar held at Centre for Contemporary Theory, Baroda on 4 December, 2009.
  • Narrative and Hypnosis: Two Ways of Self-Understanding” in ICPR funded National Seminar on Psycho-Physical Perspectives of Hypnosis – A Therapy of New Millennium at M.S. University of Baroda from 9-11 January, 2009.
  • The Narrative Function in Ricoeur” in the 83rd session of The Indian Philosophical Congress held at Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad from 22-25, October, 2008.
  • The Question of a Rational-Moral Recognition in the National Seminar on Ethics: Theory and Application held at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai, from 18-20 March, 2008.    
  • Participated and presented a paper in the twelfth National Workshop on Cognitive Language Skills for the 21st Century organized by the Forum on Contemporary Theory at Baroda on 3-5 November 2007.
  • Philosophical Foundations of Hermeneutics” in 81st session of Indian Philosophical Congress held at Delhi University, Delhi, from 18-20 December, 2006. 
  • Participated in the Interim World Philosophical Congress on Philosophy in the Emerging Age of Global Society, organized by International Federation of Philosophical Societies at Delhi University, Delhi, from 15-17 December, 2006.
  • On the Nature of the Human Sciences”, in the National Workshop on Human Sciences in the Age of Technology organized by Forum on Contemporary Theory at M.S. University  of Baroda, Baroda during 6–9 November, 2004.
  • Hermeneutics as a Synthesis of Scientific Methods:  Rational  vs. Empirical, in the National Workshop on Philosophical Foundations of Discourses of Science, organized by Forum on Contemporary Theory at M.S. University of Baroda, Baroda, 2002.