
Dr. Krishna Muniyoor

Associate Professor & Head of Department, Department of Economics and Finance, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Department of Economics and Finance
6165-I, New Academic Building (NAB)
Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
Vidya Vihar, Pilani 333031, Rajasthan, India
Phones: +91 1596 255311(D); +91 1596 255271(O)

Administrative Responsibilities

Role: Head of the Department of Economics and Finance
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Since 1st September 2024
Department: Economics and Finance, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


Role: Head of the Department of Economics and Finance
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
1st September 2022- 31 August 2024
Department: Economics and Finance, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

As the Head of the Department, I am engaged in several key initiatives and institutional responsibilities to enhance the department's infrastructure and academic offerings.

1. Infrastructure Development

  • Departmental Infrastructure: Oversee the development and maintenance of departmental facilities, including installing new computers, software, and drinking water facilities.
  • Documentation: Conducted and maintained records for Departmental Research Committee (DRC) meetings and departmental interactions with research scholars.
  • Aesthetic Enhancements: Improved the departmental environment by introducing various indoor plants to promote a conducive working atmosphere. In Addition, we initiated the installation of display televisions, notice boards, and faculty nameplates, as well as the exhibition of research findings, to enhance departmental communication and visibility.

2. Academic Activities 

  • International Conference: Served as the organizing secretary for the First International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance (ICAEF 2023), organised by the Department of Economics and Finance, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus. We successfully invited esteemed speakers from leading institutions.
  • Sponsorship Funding: Secured sponsorship funding of ₹75,000 for an international conference, ICAEF 2023, organised by the Department. 
  • UGC NAAC Visit: As Head, I prepared and presented department activities to the NAAC team on November 14, 2024. Following this, the department facilitated the NAAC members' visit, during which they reviewed and verified the official document. 
  • Lectures and Workshops: Coordinating invited lectures, seminars, and workshops tailored for undergraduate and Ph.D. students.
  • Annual Award Ceremony Function: Establishing the selection committee and organizing the Varun Sehgal Memorial Award Ceremony every year. The first memorial award started in the year 2024. 
  • Faculty Appraisal: Conducting evaluations of faculty performance every year.
  • Department-Level Performance Evaluation Committee (DPEC): Appraisal of faculty performance based on the following key responsibilities: Teaching, research and Institute responsibilities. 

3. Semester Schedule 

  • Ph.D. Admissions: Collaborating with the DRC Convener to conduct the PhD admission test each semester.
  • Allotment of PhD students: Facilitating the allotment of PhD students to faculty members in conjunction with the decision of the DRC Committee.
  • Conducting Departmental Meetings: Conducting and maintaining departmental meetings with Faculty members, research scholars, and First-degree students. (Address concerns related to performance, workload, or interpersonal issues within the faculty). 
  • Course Allocation: Assigning and managing first-degree programme courses for faculty members.
  • Ph.D. Coursework Oversight: Reviewing PhD coursework and qualifying examinations with the DRC Convener.
  • Ph.D. Scholar Presentations: Coordinating mid-semester and end-semester presentations for PhD scholars in collaboration with the seminar coordinator and DRC Convener.
  • Grade Submission of PhD Scholars: Submission of all forms of grade, including mid-semester examination and final grades 
  • Summer Term Courses: Offering specialized courses during the summer term.
  • Annual Report: Preparation of Annual Report for the Department. 
  • Department-Level Shortlisting Committee (DLSC):

4. Committee Member

  • Chairperson: Departmental Research Committee: 
  • Chairperson: Departmental Committee on Academics: 
  • Chairperson: Student-Faculty Council (SFC): 
  • Member: ccDAC 
  • Department Level Shortlisting Committee (DLSC): Member 
  • DPEC: Member
  • Disposal Committee Member: From 28 October 2024 to 28 October 2026 


Resident Warden (4 Years for Newly admitted FD students)

  • Resident Warden: From October 2018 to August 2022 for SR Bhawan, BITS Pilani Pilani Campus.

ACC Member [Four Years]

  • Academic Counselling Cell, BITS Pilani Pilani Campus from 2015 to 2019.
  • [As a core group member of the Academic Counselling Committee (ACC), I was entrusted with coordinating hostel mess visits aimed at engaging with newly admitted students. These visits provided an opportunity to address their academic and non-academic concerns and facilitate appropriate solutions. Additionally, I coordinated an Interaction and Counseling (IC) event at SR Bhavan, which was attended by all ICs of first-year courses and approximately 100 students]. 

Member [Three Years]

  • Library Committee, BITS Pilani Pilani Campus from August 2014 to June 2017.