
Dr. Shashank Khurana

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering;
Associate Dean, International Programmes and Collaboration Division - Dubai Campus

Bio-inspired Flow Mechanics, Biodiesel, Bluff Body Aerodynamics, Drag Reduction, Flow Visualization, Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics for Lifting Bodies, Passive Flow Control
Chamber No.: 248 Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Dubai Campus Dubai International Academic City P. O. Box No. - 345055, Dubai, U.A.E.

Research Group

Ph.D. Students

As Supervisor

4) Kavitha Radhakrishnan (2024 - ongoing)
Co-Supervisor: - Prof. Vincent Shantha Kumar, BITS Pilani Dubai Campus 
Research Topic: - Performance, Emissions Testing and Corrosion Characterization of Neem Seed Oil and Date Seed Oil Derived Dual Biodiesels
3) Abhishek Khare (2021 - ongoing)
Research Topic: -  Design and Development of Passive Micro Vortex Generators for Aerospace Applications
2) Sundar K. (2017 - 2023)
Co-Supervisor: - Prof. R. Udayakumar, BITS Pilani Dubai Campus 
Research Topic: -  Experimental Investigations on Performance & Emissions Characteristics of a VCR Engine Operated on Dual Fuel Mode Using Diesel and Biodiesel with Additives
StatusThesis defended
1) Mukesh Singh Tomar (2016 - 2021)
Thesis Topic: -  Effect of Passive Fire Protection on Road Tunnel Fire Environment
StatusThesis defended


Masters' Students

2) Mannat Gill (2020)
Dissertation TopicHybridization of Solar-Wind-Pumped Hydro Storage System 
1) Abhishek Suresh (2017)
Dissertation TopicAerothermal Studies on Hypersonic Vehicles 


Bachelors' (Thesis) Students 

11) Mrudul Madhukar Musale (ongoing)
Thesis Topic: - Wind Tunnel Investigation and Numerical Modeling of Wings with Micro Vortex Generators
10) Vishnu Hari (2023)
Thesis Topic: -  Passive Micro Vortex Generators for Turbulent Flow Separation Control
9) Manjari Mishra (2022)
 Thesis Topic: -  An Investigation into the Aerodynamics of Gliding Flight in Mammals
8) Ananya Bhartia (2022)
 Thesis Topic: -  Corrugated Tabs for Mixing Enhancement in Supersonic Elliptical Nozzles 
7) Kripa Amarendra Jaipal (2021)
 Thesis Topic: - Aerodynamics of Tubercles on Wind Turbine Blades
6) Jerrin Thomas (2021)
 Thesis Topic: - Passive Flow Control of Supersonic Elliptical Nozzles
5) Zoheb Razak (2019)
 Thesis Topic: - Optimization of Transpiration-cooled Gas Turbine Blades for High-Temperature Flows
4) Kirubakaran Tiroumourougane (2018)
 Thesis Topic: - Effect of Sweepback Angle on Aerodynamic Drag in High-Speed Flows
3) Aishwarya Krishnan (2018)
 Thesis Topic: - Passive Flow Control over an Airfoil using Vortex Generators
2) Aravind Prashanth (2018)
Thesis Topic: - Optimization of Power-train for an FSAE Car
1) Kartik Krishna (2017)
Thesis Topic: -  Reduced Order Modelling and Active Control of Unsteady Fluid Flows