Faculty in-charge, Computer Science Association (Jan 2023- till date)
Member, AUGSD Nucleus team (Nov 2024 - till date)
Member, Department Committee for Academics (Dec 2024 - till date)
Details of the conferences/ meeting organized
Year |
Place & Institution Visited |
Outcome |
2006 |
CICERO, Oslo, Norway |
Our research collaboration led to the following joint publication: “A macroeconomic analysis of adaptation to climate change impacts on forests in India” in Mitigation Adaptation Strategies to Global Change (2011) |
2007 |
Bristol University, UK |
Our research collaboration led to the following joint publication: “Assessing the mitigation potential of forestry activities in a changing climate: A case study for Karnataka” in Forest Policy and Economics (2010) |
2008 |
Umea University, Sweden |
Presented a paper titled “Impact of Climate Change on Indian Forests: A Short- and Medium-Term Assessment” in a conference organized by International Union of Forestry Research Organisations, FAO and the University of Umea |
2012 |
CICERO, Oslo, Norway |
Research collaboration on development of India module for Global Responses to Anthropogenic Change in the Environment (GRACE) model |
2013 |
ICIMOD, Kathmandu |
Offered hands on training on ‘Modeling impact of climate change’ to the participants of 2nd WCRP CORDEX Workshop |
2013 |
CICERO, Oslo, Norway |
Our research collaboration led to the following joint publication: “Lost benefits and carbon uptake by protection of Indian plantations” in Mitigation Adaptation Strategies to Global Change (2017) |
2014 |
Imperial College, London & London School of Economics |
Development of Global Calculator pathways (http://www.globalcalculator.org/pathways); A manuscript titled “Modelling Carbon Mitigation Pathways - An Assessment of the Global Calculator” is now accepted for publication in the internal Journal of Energy Strategy Reviews |
2015 |
United Nation’s University, Tokyo, Japan |
First Author meeting for preparation of IPBES regional assessment report for Asia-Pacific |
2015 |
Imperial College, London |
Co-developed COP21 calculator https://ig.ft.com/sites/climate-change-calculator/) |
2015 |
Thimphu, Bhutan |
Attended Second Workshop on ‘Hindu Kush Himalayas Monitoring and Assessment Programme (HIMAP): Action to Sustain Global Asset’ |
2016 |
University of Brunei, Brunei |
Conducted hands-on training on climate data analysis for the faculty and students of the University |
2016 |
Department Environment, Canberra, Australia & CSIRO |
Attended training on FullCAM model, GHG accounting model and developed a proposal to apply FullCAM model for India’s national GHG inventory in the AFOLU sector |
2016 |
Department of Hydrology and Disaster Management, Nyi Pi Tow, Myanmar |
Conducted hands-on training on climate data analysis to the scientist of the department and delivered a lecture titled “CMIP5 based climate change projections for India- its application for Impact assessment studies: challenges and opportunities” |
2016 |
Imperial College, London |
Co-developed a conference paper titled “Assessing the climate impacts of Chinese dietary choices using a telecoupled global food trade and local land use framework” to be presented in National Convention Center, Beijing, Oct. 24-27, 2016 (http://csis.msu.edu/content/telecoupling- global-land-project) |
2017 |
United Nation’s University, Tokyo, Japan |
Third Author meeting for preparation of IPBES regional assessment report for Asia-Pacific |
2018 |
Research Institute for Humanity of Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan |
Presented our policy brief titled “Co-benefits of power sector decarbonisation for air quality and human health in India” to the Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production Knowledge Action Network (SSSCP-KAN) meeting over 15- 16th January, 2018 in RIHN, Tokyo & Presented the Annual Report for South Asia region office to the Regional Advisory Committee of the Future Earth |
2018 |
Imperial College London & London School of Economics |
We are working together to develop a joint research proposal between Imperial College, LSE and DCCC on Early Warning Systems. This visit was also be used to discuss a possible Policy Brief between the three institutions, i.e. IC, IISc and LSE |
2019 |
Boston University, USA |
Worked on the paper titled: China and India lead in greening of the world through land-use management |
2020 |
IDDRI, France |
BIICS-DDP Project titled: From NDCs to pathways and Policies: Transformative climate Action After Paris |
2021 |
IIASA, Vienna |
A consortium project titled “Resilience of Ecosystem Services provided by Intact and Sustainably managed Terrestrial ecosystems (RESIST)” led by IIASA, Vienna, Austria, with BITS Pilan Goa campus listed as a National member Organization partner (NMO), has been sanctioned on 7th July 2022. |
In the summer term of 2015-2016, visited Poznan University of Technology, Poland, as part of BITS Pilani's University Immersion Programme. During this visit, collaborated with Prof. Marek Szostak at the Institute of Materials Technology, focusing on research in Rotational Moulding and Polymer Composites. Additionally, delivered lectures on Rotational Moulding of Plastics to postgraduate students at the host university and gave a talk on the ‘BITS Model of Education’ in the Department of Production and Engineering Management. The images can be found under the Invited Talks (International Visits) section.
Participated in BITS Pilani's Industry Immersion Programme at GMI Zarahak Moulders Pvt. Ltd., Goa, during the summer term of 2014-2015. This programme aimed to enhance knowledge and foster Industry-Institute interaction in research on Rotational Moulding. GMI Zarahak Moulders Pvt. Ltd. specializes in providing innovative rotational moulding solutions for engineering and domestic products. During the immersion, conducted Internal Air Temperature (IAT) studies within the mould and developed a temperature measurement system for a rock-and-roll rotational moulding machine. Observations and recommendations for optimal temperature settings were made based on these studies. Additionally, scaled up lab experiments from our research project to industrial scale.
At BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus
vvdcbfd dvfv
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sfdsfg fbfb
fgfdb gfg hhng
Department Chair (2020-2024), Senior Professor (2021-2024), Professor (2011-2020), Associate Professor (2006-2011), Reader (2002-2006), and Fellow (1998-2002), Dept. of Chemical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India
Post Doctoral Fellow (with Prof. Watt W. Webb), Cornell University, 1994 – 1998
Electrochemical Workstation, COSMO-RS, & TURBOMOL
High Pressure Reactor
Temperature controlled water bath
Weighing Balance
For inquiries and booking,
Information for External (non-BITS Pilani) Users
S. No. |
Name of Student |
Year of completion |
Title of thesis |
Co-guides (if any) |
1. |
Manpreet Singh |
2018 |
Assessment of Potential of Marble Slurry as a Mineral Admixture in Concrete |
Dr. Dipendu Bhunia |
2. |
Vidhi Vyas |
2020 |
Development of Data-Driven Decision support Approaches using Non-Destructive Testing for Enhancing Pavement Management Systems |
As co-supervisor |
3. |
Rishabh Bajpai |
2023 |
Experimental Study on Ambient Cured Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Binder Using Silica Fume and Calcium Hydroxide |
No |
In the Pilani Campus (1995 – 2004)
Chief Warden : From July-2004 to April’2009 in BITS-Pilani, Goa Campus.
ITW BITS-Goa : Coordinator of ITW in BITS–Goa in Jan-May 2005 for newly joined faculty members teaching at the Goa Campus.
Convener : Disciplinary Committee. (2007 – 2009)
Member : Faculty Recruitment Committee for Physics and Biology Departments in 2011-12.
Chairperson : Faculty Recruitment Committee for Mathematics from 2011 to present and for Physics Department from 2012 to present.
Member : Doctoral Research Committee (DRC) from 2011 to present.
Member : Doctoral Advisory Committee for 2 Ph.D. Students.
Member : Task force on Academic Programs & Pedagogy (APP) from Aug-2009 to Aug’2012. This Task force was constituted by Chancellor Shri Kumar Mangalam Birla and the VC to help steer BITS-Pilani to achieve higher levels of excellence in teaching and research.
20 nm nFET | 20 nm pFET |
16 nm nFET | 16 nm pFET |
14 nm nFET | 14 nm pFET |
10 nm nFET | 10 nm pFET |
7 nm nFET | 7 nm pFET |
20 nm nFET | 20 nm pFET |
16 nm nFET | 16 nm pFET |
14 nm nFET | 14 nm pFET |
10 nm nFET | 10 nm pFET |
7 nm nFET | 7 nm pFET |
Coordinator for BITSAT exam in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2022.
Practice school :
Practice school instructor for IGCAR and MAPS in 2014.
Practice school instructor for NCAOR and Goa Shipyard in 2015.
Practice school instructor for Avidia labs and My web partners in 2024.
Administration :
1. Department Seminar coordinator from 2016-2019.
2. Member of Doctoral Research Committee - 2016-2021
3. Convener of Doctoral Research Committee - 2021 - 2024.
4. Faculty in-charge of Teaching-Learning Center - 2021-2023.
5. Associate dean of digital learning - Work integrated learning program - 2023 - present
A. Engineering Graphics Recap: Projection of straight line when True Lengths are given
Google Scholar Link
PhD Thesis Adjudication : External PhD thesis adjudication is in progress (complete details will be furnished after report submitted)
Doctoral Thesis
Paramkusham Spandana, “A Novel Approach for Classification and Early Detection of Breast Cancer using Image Enhancement, Image Segmentation and Feature Extraction on Mammograms” (Ph.D. awarded during Convocation, 2019).
Supervisor : BVVSN Prabhakar Rao , Co-supervisor : KMM Rao
Manu Gupta “Non-invasive methods for Glioma grade classification using MR images” (Ph.D. awarded during Convocation, 2019)
Supervisor : BVVSN Prabhakar Rao , Co-supervisor : Venkateswaran R
Madhuri Bayya “Battery Monitoring source side excitation with voltage pulse sequence” (Ph.D. awarded during Convocation, 2018)
Supervisor : BVVSN Prabhakar Rao , Co-supervisor : Moorthy Muthukrishnan
Priyanka BG “Memristor Based Neural Networks for Signal Processing Applications” (on going)
Supervisor : BVVSN Prabhakar Rao
Comparative Literature, Literary and Narrative Theories, Gender and Queer Theory, Masculinity Studies, Queer Politics and Subcultures, Cultural Studies, Environmental Humanities, 1930s-50's Malayalam Literature
Institutional Responsibilities
Other Engagements
To be updated.
Administrative Experience
Associate Dean, Academic Undergraduate Studies 2018- 2022 Associate Dean, Academic Registration and Counseling 2009- 2018 Warden, Residential, 2006-2014 Mess Affairs In-charge 2007-2009 Nucleus member, ARC 2004-2009 Nucleus member, Instruction Division 2004-2009
Faculty In-charge for implementation of ERP for Student Registration, academic lifecycle. Goa was the first campus and student registration the first module which was implemented on ERP. Mess In-charge for implementation of online system for student mess selection, billing, leave applications. Faculty In-charge for Medals committee for Goa Campus Faculty In-charge for Convocation committee Member of various committees: Convener of the Departmental Committee on Academics (DCA), CSIS Goa. Convener of the Departmental Level Shortlisting Committee (DLSC), CSIS Goa. Member of the Examination Monitoring and Coordination Committee Member of the DRC and DLSC CS&IS Dept, Timetable committee, Higher Degree Counseling committee, |
Employment Record:
DPEC Chairperson |
Biological Sciences |
Jan, 2024 |
Till date |
DPEC evaluation process and review process |
Faculty Chairperson AWC |
Biological Sciences |
1st Feb 2023 |
Till date |
Campus level animal welfare committee works to take initiative and address the issues in a professional manner |
Prof.Suman Kapoor best thesis Award: Selection committee |
Biological Sciences |
2022 |
Till date |
Short listing thesis for the best thesis award |
Faculty Chairperson DLSC |
Biological Sciences |
29 June 2022 |
Till date |
Department level shortlisting for faculty selection
Human Ethics |
Member |
8th Jan 2020 |
27th May 2023 |
Review Project proposals, to review ethical issues
Member |
2020 |
Till date |
Review curriculum, decision making on new courses and grade moderation responsibilities |
DRC Committee |
Member |
2018 |
2020 |
Department research related evaluation, decision making |
Warden |
CH4 Hostel |
2011 |
2013 |
Ladies hostel warden
Nuclear Member |
Administration |
2013 |
2015 |
Matters related to administration |
S. No |
Particulars of the role |
1 |
Member of Departmental Research Committee Since June 2024. |
2 |
Conducted practice school in Flaisoft, Bhopal (May-July, 2024). |
3 |
Conducted BITSAT EXAM in Jabalpur (May 2024). |
4 |
Core Member of YEB: Entrepreneurship Boot Camp for School Students 2024 organized at BITS Pilani K K Birla, Goa Campus, India. Link - https://www.bits-yeb.com/ |
5 |
Library Committee member since June 2023 |
6 |
Nucleus Member - AGSRD, BITS Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus Since February 2023 |
7 |
Faculty member for open day (National Science Day) 2023. |
8 |
Core Member of YEB: Entrepreneurship Boot Camp for School Students 2023 organized at BITS Pilani K K Birla, Goa Campus, India. Link - https://www.bits-yeb.com/ |
9 |
Member of Departmental Committee on Academics Sine June 2022 |
10 |
Conducted BITSAT EXAM in Jabalpur (May 2021). |
11 |
Faculty Convenor, SFC, January 2017 - July 2020, BITS Pilani K K Birla, Goa Campus, India |
12 |
Lab in-charge of the RF & Microwave Radiation Lab at BITS Pilani K K Birla, Goa Campus, India. (Till June 2022) |
13 |
Conducted practice school in western central railways, Jabalpur (May-July, 2017). |
14 |
Conducted practice school in AIIMS, Bhopal (May-July, 2018). |
S. No |
Particulars of the Journal |
1 |
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT) |
2 |
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine. |
3 |
AEU – International Journal of Electronics and Communication, Elsevier |
4 |
International Journal of Rf-MICAE, Wiley |
5 |
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (JEMWA), Taylor & Francis. |
6 |
International Journal of Electronics, Taylor & Francis |
7 |
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technology, EuMA |
Interested students are encouraged to reach out via email at prasadp@goa.bits-pilani.ac.in or schedule an appointment by calling 0832 2580 497 to discuss potential research opportunities.
For the upcoming PhD admission process [March 2025], I am particularly interested in exceptionally talented students eager to work in robotics, specifically in areas such as underwater robots, aerial robots,AI-ML and humanoid robots. I am also open to considering highly capable students with a strong interest in automobile engineering and/or other relevant field in the engineering.
Share with potential candidates who would be interested!
🌐 Contact Prof. Prasad Patil (prasadp@goa.bits-pilani.ac.in) for details or visit https://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/goa/prasad-vinayak-patil/
**PhD Program Benefits:**
- #Stipend of INR 34,000/37,000 per month, with potential enhancements
- #Contingency grant of INR 20,000 annually
- #Travel #support for attending #national and #international #conferences
- #Access to advanced growth and characterization facilities
- Opportunities for #startups and #entrepreneurship
**For PhD admission in BITS Goa, Apply Now:**
Application link: Updated Soon
Deadline: Updated Soon
My Profile: https://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/goa/prasad-vinayak-patil/
Administrative Experience:
Assignments handled in Department/Institute:
Assignments handled outside:
Other Assignments:
We are primarily interested in understanding the molecular basis of susceptibility to complex diseases. Towards this goal, we develop and use cell-based models by using transgenic techniques or by treatment with disease-inducing agents. We are presently focusing on neurological disorders and oral cancer. Using our experience in genetic analysis, we also strive to develop reliable and better diagnostic tools for infectious and genetic diseases. A brief description of the currently active research areas.
Schizophrenia (SZ):
SZ is a complex disorder with an incidence of ~1% in different populations in the world. Although exact etiology is not established, genetic, epigenetic, chemical imbalance, brain structural abnormalities and environmental factors are implicated. The genetic susceptibility of SZ is six-times more than its general incidence. We are investigating the association of copy number variants (CNVs) and SNPs with SZ in Indian patients using Illumina PsychArrays and extensive bioinformatics using machine learning and artificial intelligence to identify patterns with higher predictive/diagnostic value.
Human Genetics
Genome-wide studies in patients and controls have suggested a number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and copy number variants (CNVs) among Caucasian studies. Till date, there is only one genome-wide study from India studying the SNPs and none on the CNVs. We developed i-MLPA, an improved method of CNV detection and showed that CNVs of 15q11.2 (BP1-BP2) region are not associated with schizophrenia among Indian patients. This CNV is a variant of uncertain significance and its association with an abnormality is not clear. We also conducted the largest CNV study involving this CNV in collaboration with Baylor College of Medicine and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and showed that deletions are associated with dysmorphic features. Currently, we are studying CNVs of 15 regions that stand a higher probability of confirming in replication studies among Indian patients.
15q11.2 region
Infinium PsychArray Analysis of SNPs identified for neurological disorders
We have been screening 50,000 SNPs associated with neurological disorders, tag SNPs and exon SNPs in schizophrenia patients and controls using Infinium PsychArrays with an aim to replicate the disease-associated variants with schizophrenia patients in India. Initial data suggests that the variants reported in Caucasian patients are not likely to be confirmed in the Indian patients. In a pilot study, we have identified ~320 variants with a high promise of replication in a larger size sample. Data is being generated to confirm many novel variants that were identified in patients.
Stem cell Models
(A) DNMT1 overexpression, schizophrenia and other neurological disorders.
High discordance rates between monozygotic twins indicate epigenetic mechanisms in SZ. Of the main modifications of the epigenome, we currently focus on DNA methylation aberrations and dysregulation of DNA methylation machinery, particularly DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1). Overexpression of DNMT1 is associated with SZ, bipolar and epilepsy disorders but the molecular basis of DNMT1 overexpression and its relationship with abnormal neurodevelopment is unknown. Since DNMT1 overexpression results in mid-gestational lethality, we have developed genetically modified mouse embryonic stem cells that overexpress different levels of DNMT1 (400% and 200%) and investigating their neurodevelopmental abnormalities using genome-wide methylation and transcriptome analysis. The obtained results are being explored further to delineate the mechanisms underlying SZ and other neurodevelopmental disorders such as epilepsy, autism, bipolar disorders and neurodegenerative disorders like multiple sclerosis, Huntington’s, etc.
Suggested Reading (For more information, click!):
Oral Cancer:
Some research grants I have been involved with:
My current research interests:
Membership in Professional bodies-
Simulation Tools: Verilog, P-Spice, LabVIEW, Eagle, Fluidsim, PLC
Hardware: FPGA & PSoC
B.E Courses:
Introduced: CS F213: Object Oriented programming using Java
M.E. courses: VLSI Design
WILP course: (Distance Learning programme for working professionals)
Electronics & Microprocessors
Contribution to the following articles of "Electronics For You", Asia's most popular Electronics magazine, EFY .
Invited Talks:
Reviewer of the following PhD Thesis:
Workshops organised/conducted:
Departmental Assignments
Institutional Assignments
Institute Level:
Industry Linkage:
Head of Department, EEE Department BITS Pilani K.K.Birla Goa Campus (2019 onwards)
Local Organizing Committee, IEEE APSCON 2024
Technical Program Committee Member, Compute in Memory Group, 61st Design Automation Conference DAC, San Francisco, 2024
Track Chair, IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems, (iSES) 2024.
Reviewed papers of reputed journals of Elsevier, Springer, Royal Soc. Chem, BMC, PLoS, WILEY etc. Fungal Biology International J. Pharmaceutics (ELS) Current Microbiology (Springer) HELIYON PLosOne Water & Environment Journal Analytical Methods (RSC) Journal of Applied Microbiology Int. J. Peptide Res & Therapeutics (Springer) Microbial Cell Factories BMC Microbiology Int. J. Env. Sci & Tech (IJEST) BMC Biotechnology Microbial Pathogenesis Bioresources and Bioprocessing Bio Med Research International Journal of Food Science & Technology Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobials Guest Editor on the topic "Biosensors for Detection of Waterborne Pathogens: Recent advances and Future Horizons" for the journal 'Frontiers in Water' |
Award |
Awarded the “Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing” by Senior Editors of prestigious journal ‘Fungal Biology’ and Elsevier. |
Award |
Awarded INSA Visiting Scientist Fellowship by INSA in June 2017 |
Award |
Was Selected for Industry Immersion Programme. |
· Faculty Advisor, SAE BITA Goa Collegiate Club, BITS Pilani Goa Campus from 14th Feb 2023 to present
· Faculty-in-charge of Placement Unit, BITS Pilani, Goa Campus from 01/01/2022 to present (Please, visit Placement Unit Website to know more about us and Why to recruit from BITS Goa)
· Member of Placement Faculty Advisory Council at BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus - AY 2022-23
· Member of Departmental Research Committee (DRC) from 28/08/2022 to present
· Member of campus level Committee for Outreach Programs at BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus from 01/07/2022 (for 2 years)
· BITSAT Station Observer for BITSAT Station at Nashik during BITSAT 2022
· DCA Member from 07/08/2021 till 27/07/2022
· Worked as counselor for ACB students (Sem I, AY 2019-20)
· Organizing Member DST sponsored Synergistic Training program Utilizing the Scientific and Technological Infrastructure (STUTI) - 2022 at Goa Campus from 26/09/2022 to 02/10/2022
· Hosted two (2) seminars :
o Prof. Rajesh Piplani of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore on 9th Jan 2020
o Mr. Dilip Chabbria of DC design on 3rd Feb 2019 during Quark
· Active reviewer for following journals:
I consider available opportunities for collaboration with individual(s), group(s), Institution(s), organization(s), or Industry(ies) to be attractive enough if these provide for launching new future relevant ventures for training, up-skilling, re-skilling, or acquiring new skills for effective self-learning, education, tapping individual research potential or joint research potential for the betterment of our Institute.
Find me in office Chamber D-218, Department of EEE, BITS, Pialni K. K. Birla Goa Campus, with prior appointment.
I have recently completed twenty four years of service at BITS, Pilani. I joined BITS, Pilani, Pilani (Rajasthan) on 16th August, 2000, with field experience of nine years in research, consultancy, development and also teaching at post-graduate level at Centre of Energy Studies and Research, (CESR) Indore. As a Coordinator appointed for the newly established Centre for Renewable Energy and Environment Development (CREED), I was responsible for maintaining and further development of educational and research activities at the CREED. The prior experience helped me develop funded programs at Pilani Rajasthan and start Ph.D. research program in the areas related to renewable energy.
In May, 2004, I was transferred to BITS, Pilani Goa-Campus, in very early stages of its development then. I was entrusted the responsibility of Faculty In-charge (Administration) of the Campus. In the capacity of Faculty In-charge (Admin) I did contribute to development of the Institute on all fronts, including setting requisite offices and recruitment of essential staff and faculty, mentoring newly recruited faculty and staff members, development of instructional laboratories to be managed by different Groups (now Departments), and coordinating all essential services to complete satisfaction of the stake-holders. As a senior member of the faculty of the Institute, I did coordinate setting up research facilities, particularly in the area of solar energy systems, wind energy systems and developing network with related departments of Government and Institutions in the state of Goa. The first sponsored project sponsored by the MNRE through GEDA, was completed during Aug, 2009 to August, 2012. The outcome of the project completed helped continue developing new research programs and facilities on the Campus.
As a senior faculty member of the EEE Group, I could coordinate setting up of instructional Labs for the students of the FD program offered by the Group. For certain courses, where faculty members were not available, I did develop capability to teach courses that were new to me. New activities, such orientation of new recruits, intensive teaching workshop, training of technical staff were conducted where limited human resource was required to participate in capacity building for the Institute.
I served as Faculty In-charge (Administration) from 02 June, 2004 till 15th, April, 2011. Thereafter, I served as Faculty In-charge (Faculty Affairs) until January, 2015. Also, I served as the Head of the Department, Dept of EEE, from 21st November, 2013 till 21st November, 2017.
I continue to contribute to the Institutional Development, to the best of my capabilities and whenever I am entrusted with new responsibility I tend to rise to the occasion and deliver!
Invited Lectures
1) Transformation and Expression of a Na+-dependent high affinity bicarbonate transporter, SbtA in Nicotiana chloroplasts. Vandana Tomar, Panchsheela Nogia, Namitha Nayak, Rajesh Mehrotra and Sandhya Mehrotra in “3rd World Plant Genomics and Plant Science Congress" July 15-16, 2019, in Osaka, Japan.
2) Targeting chloroplast bicarbonate transporter BicA and SbtA to chloroplasts of Nicotiana for enhanced CO2 fixation. Global Conference on Plant Science and Molecular Biology (GPMB 2017) September 11-13, Valencia, Spain
3) Cyanobacterial CCM genes for improving photosynthetic yield and water use efficiency during heat stress in C3 plants. International workshop to develop climate resilient cereals. November 2-5, 2016, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
4) Improving C3 plant productivity using cyanobacterial bicarbonate transporters. Proceedings of the 7th Indo-Global Summit and Expo on Food and Beverages. October 8-10, 2015, New Delhi, India
Presentations (Poster and Oral)
1) Transit peptide and membrane protein leader determine the chloroplast targeting of SbtA; Namitha Nayak, Rajesh Mehrotra & Sandhya Mehrotra, 'International Conference on 'Environmental Sustainability and Biotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges' 16th -19th November 2022; Goa
1) Namitha S. Nayak, Rajesh Mehrotra and Sandhya Mehrotra; Screening membrane protein leader sequences for targeting of cyanobacterial bicarbonate transporters BicA and SbtA to C3 chloroplast; Emerging Trends in Biotechnology; BIOSANGAM 2022; MNNIT, Allahabad, Prayagraj, India; March 10-12; 2022.
2) Pinky Dhatterwal, Sandhya Mehrotra and Rajesh Mehrotra. “Expression Patterns of AtAVT6 Genes Underlying Abiotic Stresses in Arabidopsis thaliana” presented at International Conference on Plant Physiology and Biotechnology, Lovely Professional University, India, from 10-12 September 2021.
3) Pinky Dhatterwal, Samyadeep Basu, Sandhya Mehrotra and Rajesh Mehrotra. “Genome wide analysis of W-box element in Arabidopsis thaliana reveals TGAC motif with genes down regulated by heat and salinity” presented at International Symposium on advances in plant biotechnology and genome editing & 42nd meeting of plant tissue culture association, organized by ICAR-Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Ranchi, India, from 8-10 April 2021.
4) Pinky Dhatterwal, Sandhya Mehrotra and Rajesh Mehrotra, Expression studies of an amino acid transmembrane transporter (AtAVT6D) from Arabidopsis thaliana” presented at International Virtual Conference on Plant Specialized Metabolism and Metabolic Engineering (PSMME), organized by CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, India, from 14-16 October 2020.
5) Namitha Nayak, Vandana Tomar, Panchsheela Nogia, Rajesh Mehrotra & Sandhya Mehrotra; Screening membrane protein leaders for specific targeting of cyanobacterial bicarbonate transporters to the IEM of C3 plant chloroplasts, a National Virtual Conference on ‘Current Trends and Challenges in Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 20-21st November 2021; Society for Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, New Delhi & Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus; 20th -21st November 2020.
6) Pinky Dhatterwal, Sandhya Mehrotra, Anthony J. Miller and Rajesh Mehrotra, “Functional characterization of an amino acid transmembrane transporter (AtAvt6D) from Arabidopsis thaliana” presented at International Virtual Conference on Plant Genomes in a Changing Environment, organized by Genome Research Limited, Cambridgeshire, UK, from 12-14 October 2020
7) Integration and Expression of a Na+-dependent high affinity bicarbonate transporter, SbtA in Nicotiana chloroplasts. Vandana Tomar, Panchsheela Nogia, Namitha Nayak, Rajesh Mehrotra and Sandhya Mehrotra. Plant Genetics and Genomics conference’ organized by SRMIST, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. 24th -25th January 2020.
8) Inorganic carbon transporters in lower photosynthetic organisms. Vandana Deopa, Kohei Yoneda, Sandhya Mehrotra, Yusuke Matsuda "Bilateral seminar between Japan and USA" 1st – 3rd Oct 2019, Kyoto international community house, Kyoto, Japan
9) In-silico analysis across four plant genomes reveals over-representation of AAAG cis-elements in dicots as compared to monocots, Zaiba Hasan Khan, Anish Shah, Sandhya Mehrotra, Chandra Shekhar, Rajesh Mehrotra. National Conference of Plant Physiology-2017, Emerging Role of Plant Physiology for Food Security and Climate Resilient Agriculture. Indian Society for Plant Physiology, New Delhi.
10) Panchsheela Nogia, Gurpreet Kaur Sidhu, Vandana Tomar, Rajesh Mehrotra, Sandhya Mehrotra. Transient expression and localization of a cyanobacterial bicarbonate transporter BicA into chloroplasts of Nicotiana benthamiana. 8th International Conference: Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability; Oct 30- Nov 4, 2017, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
11) Heterologous expression and in silico analysis of carboxysome protein ccmM of an early diverging cyanobacterium Gloeobacter violaceous PCC 7421. Gurpreet Kaur Sidhu, Panchsheela Nogia, Vandana Tomar, Rajesh Mehrotra, Sandhya Mehrotra. 8th International Conference: Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability; Oct 30-Nov 4, 2017, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
12) An insight into the Regulatory Components of Carbon Concentrating Mechanisms in Aquatic Unicellular Photosynthetic Organisms. Vandana Tomar, Panchsheela Nogia, Rajesh Mehrotra and Sandhya Mehrotra. EMBO Conference on “Micro and metabolic regulators in plants, Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala 01-04 February 2017.
13) ACGT cis regulatory elements as mediator of plant stress response. Rajesh Mehrotra, Pinky Dhatterwal, Zaiba Hasan Khan, Sandhya Mehrotra. EMBO Conference on “Micro and metabolic regulators in plants, Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala 01-04 February 2017.
14) Strategies for installing SbtA- a cyanobacterial sodium dependent bicarbonate transporter to chloroplasts of model C3 plants to enhance CO2 fixation, National conference of plant physiology: Challenges in crop physiology research: from molecular to whole plant, NCPP 2016. Vandana Tomar, Panchsheela Nogia, Rajesh Mehrotra and Sandhya Mehrotra December 8-10, 2016, University of Agricultural Studies (UAS), GKVK, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
15) Extensive duplication and subfunctionalization of a nitrate transporter gene in Arabidopsis thaliana: Multiple factors involved in paralog retention P. Nogia, V. Tomar, G.K. Sidhu, R. Mehrotra, S. Mehrotra, Plant genome evolution: A current opinion conference, 6-8th September 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
16) Analysis of the promoter region of an amino acid transmembrane transporter from Arabidopsis thaliana reveals internal duplication of 196 base pairs R. Mehrotra, A. Jain, Z. Khan, C. Sangwan, S. Mehrotra, Plant genome evolution: A current opinion conference, 6-8th September 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
17) Vipul, Sachin Saxena, Purva Bhalothia, Sandhya Mehrotra and Rajesh Mehrotra: Genome wide analysis of W-box in Arabidopsis thaliana reveals skewed distribution of TGACACATTTTGAC sequence in chromosome 1. Presented in IIT Kanpur "5th Annual International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology (BIOTECH 2015)" held at IIT, Kanpur during March 13-15, 2015
18) Gurpreet Kaur Sidhu, Sandhya Mehrotra and Rajesh Mehrotra. Characterization of RubisCO and Carbon Concentration (CCM) proteins of Gloeobacter violaceous PCC7421 FAF-115, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology, ICETB 2014. November 6-9, 2014, School of environmental sciences. Jawaharlal Nehru University and Biotech Research Society of India, JNU, New Delhi, India.
19) Panchsheela Nogia, Rajesh Mehrotra and Sandhya Mehrotra. Introducing cyanobacterial bicarbonate transporter gene (BicA) into inner envelope of C3 plant chloroplast to enhance carboxylase activity of RubisCO. FAF-114, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology, ICETB 2014. November 6-9, 2014, School of environmental sciences. Jawaharlal Nehru University and Biotech Research Society of India, JNU, New Delhi, India.
20) Vandana, Rajesh Mehrotra, and Sandhya Mehrotra. Approaches for transplastomic integration of SbtA- a high affinity sodium bicarbonate transporter to C3 plants for enhanced CO2 fixation. FAF-116. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology, ICETB 2014. November 6-9, 2014, School of environmental sciences. Jawaharlal Nehru University and Biotech Research Society of India, JNU, New Delhi, India
21) Purva Bhalothia, Anshu Alok, Bhaskar Sharma, Sandhya Mehrotra and Rajesh Mehrotra. Cloning and characterization of protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) like promoter from Arabidopsis thaliana. FAF-27, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology, ICETB 2014. November 6-9, 2014, School of environmental sciences. Jawaharlal Nehru University and Biotech Research Society of India, JNU, New Delhi, India.
22) Kaushik Renganaath K, Shashank Pandey, Sandhya Mehrotra and Rajesh Mehrotra. Revisiting endosymbiosis in the light of nuclear mitochondrial cross talks mediated by the members of the telomere system. FAF-135, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology, ICETB 2014. November 6-9, 2014, School of environmental sciences. Jawaharlal Nehru University and Biotech Research Society of India, JNU, New Delhi, India.
23) Sandhya Mehrotra and Prabodh Kumar Trivedi. Light regulates the splicing of the petB and petD introns of the psbB operon in Populus deltoides. PLANT BIOLOGY EUROPE, FESPB/EPSO 2014 Congress. The Convention Centre, Dublin, Ireland, June 22-June 26, 2014
24) Screening of candidate proteins as sources of transit peptide elements for targeting cyanobacterial genes into the inner envelope of a C3 plant chloroplast. Panchsheela Nogia, Rajesh Mehrotra and Sandhya Mehrotra. Indo Mexico workshop on Biotechnology: Beyond borders, Organized by CSIR, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune and CINVESTAV, Irapuato, Consejo, Mexico October 7-9, 2013, Pune.
25) Occurrence and distribution of inorganic carbon transporters across various phyla of cyanobacteria. Tomar V, Sidhu GK, Mehrotra R and Mehrotra S. Indo Mexico workshop on Biotechnology: Beyond borders, Organized by CSIR, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune and CINVESTAV, Irapuato, Consejo, Mexico, October 7-9, 2013, Pune.
26) Purva Bhalothia, Anshu Alok, Sandhya Mehrotra and Rajesh Mehrotra: Cloning and characterization of protein phosphatase 2C like promoter from Arabidopsis thaliana. 3rd international conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics. February 24-25, 2013, Rome, Italy.
27) Characterizing operons encoding RubisCO and Carbon concentrating mechanism proteins in a primitive cyanobacterium, Gloeobacter violaceous. Gurpreet Kaur Sidhu, Rajesh Mehrotra and Sandhya Mehrotra. The 38th Lorne conference on protein structure and function, 10-14th February, 2013, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.
28) Analyzing structural and functional evolutionary links between RubisCO and Carbon concentration mechanism proteins. Gurpreet Kaur Sidhu and Sandhya Mehrotra. International Conference on Industrial Biotechnology, Nov 21-23, 2012, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India.
29) An efficient protocol for isolation of high quality cellulose from stem of Calotropis procera. Somnath Maji, Panchsheela Nogia and Sandhya Mehrotra. International Conference on Industrial Biotechnology, Nov 21-23, 2012, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India.
30) Rajesh Mehrotra, Ipshita Zutshi, Sachin Sethi, Purva Bhalothia and Sandhya Mehrotra: Patterns and evolution of ACGT repeat cis element landscape across four plant genomes. Next generation plant science 26-28th September 2012, Cologne, Germany.
31) Diversity of lipase producing microbial strains obtained from oil contaminated soils and their hydrolytic activity. Rajesh Mehrotra, Shobha Mehra, Sandhya Mehrotra, Bhavya Ravi. Proceedings of 3rd ICERT conference in Penang, Malaysia, 30th May-1st June (2012) pg200-209.
32) Ajay Sethuraman, Ashish Kumar Runthala, Hiroki Ashida, Sandhya Mehrotra (2011) Analyzing molecular evolution of Phosphoribulokinase, a key Calvin cycle enzyme, through examining the function of its homologue in heterotrophic bacterium Escherichia coli (2011) National Conference on Contemporary Trends in Biological and Pharmaceutical Research, March 12-13, 2011, BITS, Pilani.
33) Kono Takunari, Sandhya Mehrotora, Hiroki Ashida, Akiho Yokota: "The molecular evolution of phosphoribulokinase for completion of the Calvin cycle" Gordon Research Conferences CO2 Assimilation in Plants: Genome to Biome, Les Diablerets (2011) Switzerland.
34) Sandhya Mehrotra, Akiho Yokota and Hiroki Ashida (2011) A novel active form of phosphoribulokinase coexists with ordinary phosphoribulokinase in the genome of the primitive cyanobacterium Gloeobacter violaceous. The 18th Penn State Plant Biology Symposium, May 18-21, Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA.
35) Takunari Kono, Mehrotra Sandhya, Akiho Yokota, Hiroki Ashida: Bona fide phosphoribulokinase and RuBisCO in methanogenic archaeon, Methanospirillum hungatei. Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry convention in 2012, Kyoto, Japan, March 25th, 2012
36) Uthra Balasubramanyam, Akhil Bajaj, Sandhya Mehrotra and Rajesh Mehrotra (2011) Diversity of lipase producing bacterial strains of oil contaminated soils and their hydrolytic activity. Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 27th April- 1st May, Prague Czech Republic.
37) Takunari Kono, Mehrotra Sandhya, Akiho Yokota, Hiroki Ashida: Molecular evolution of phosphoribulokinase for completion of the Calvin cycle. Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry convention in 2011 Kyoto, Japan, March 26th
38) Takunari Kono, Mehrotra Sandhya, Akiho Yokota, Hiroki Ashida: The molecular evolution of phosphoribulokinase for completion of the Calvin cycle. The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists Sendai, Japan, March 22, 2011.
39) Uthra Balasubramaniyam, Akhil Bajaj, Rajesh Mehrotra and Sandhya Mehrotra. Hydrolytic activity and diversity analysis of lipase synthesizing bacteria from oil contaminated soils. National Conference on Contemporary Trends in Biological and Pharmaceutical Research, March 12-13, 2011, BITS, Pilani.
40) Madhulika Rai, Bhavya R., Shuvendu Kumar, Rajesh Mehrotra, Sandhya Mehrotra. Isolation and characterization of fungal DNA collected from oil fields for the purpose of biodiesel production. National Conference on Contemporary Trends in Biological and Pharmaceutical Research, March 12-13, 2011, BITS, Pilani.
41) Rajesh Mehrotra and Sandhya Mehrotra (2010) Understanding the interactions between cis acting upstream sequences in the regulation of gene expression in Plants. National Conference on Bioprospecting: Access for Sustainable development, Feb 19-20. MNIT, Allahabad.
42) Rajesh Mehrotra, Sandhya Mehrotra, Akhil Bajaj, Purva Lohan: Promoter activation by ACGT in response to salicylic acid and abscisic acids is differentially regulated by the spacing between two copies of the motif: in the international conference on emerging trends in Biotechnology (ETBT-2009) and 6th annual convention on Biotechnology, INDIA (BRSI), Banaras Hindu University. 4-6 DEC 2009.
43) Sandhya Mehrotra, Hiroki Ashida, Akiho Yokota: Analysis of the molecular evolution of Phosphoribulokinase, a key Calvin cycle enzyme, in primitive cyanobacterium Gloeobacter violaceus. The 49th Annual meeting of JSPP (Japan Society of plant physiologists), March 20-22, 2008, Sapporo Convention center, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
44) Sandhya Srivastava, Prabodh K. Trivedi and Pravendra Nath: A Lecture on “Molecular characterization and expression analysis of RubisCO large subunit gene from chloroplast of Populus deltoides. At VIII National Symposium on relevance of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, March 1-3, 2001, The American College, Madurai. India
45) Sandhya Srivastava, Prabodh K. Trivedi and Pravendra Nath: RubisCO large subunit gene from chloroplast of Populus deltoides: Nucleotide sequence and expression. At: Second symposium on Current advances in Molecular Biochemistry: Applications in health, environment and agriculture, November 9-11, 2000, Department of Biochemistry, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India.
46) Sandhya Srivastava, Prabodh K. Trivedi and Pravendra Nath. Light regulated accumulation and processing of transcripts in chloroplasts of Populus deltoides. In: First ICGEB symposium on plant signal transduction, October 4-6, 1999, International centre for genetic engineering and biotechnology, New Delhi, India.
47) Sandhya Srivastava, Prabodh K. Trivedi, Pravendra Nath and P.V. Sane: RubisCO large subunit gene from chloroplast genome of Populus deltoides. In: Society of Biological chemists (India), December 19-21, 1998, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
Degree: Ph.D.
Email: halanprakash@goa.bits-pilani.ac.in
Phone: 0832 – 2580344
About me
Ph.D. Thesis Title: "Photooxidation studies of nickel(II) complexes of azamacrocyclic ligands in aqueous and non-aqueous solvents"
Ph.D., Chemistry (2003):University of Madras. Research work carried out at School of Chemistry, Department of Inorganic Chemistry and National Centre for Ultra fast Processes, Chennai. INDIA. Mentor: Prof. P. Natarajan, FNA, FASc.
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Chamber No. A 313/13,
BITS Pilani, K.K.Birla Goa Campus
NH- 17B Zuari Nagar, Vasco-Da-Gama
Goa, India
Tel (Office): +91-0832-2580232
Mobile +91 8805209235
kageetha@gmail.com ; geetha@goa.bits-pilani.ac.in
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=YK8RQWEAAAAJ&hl=en
Orcid ID: org/0000-0002-4390-6027
Scopus Author ID: 50061219800
Research ID: S-4721-2019
PhD in Tamil Dalit Studies
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Madras (2004-2009).
Title: Tamil Dalit Literature: Production, Institutionalization and Reception
M Phil in English
Department of English, University of Madras (1989-1990)
Area of Specialization – African-American Drama
Title: The Theme of Absurdity in the Plays of Ed Bullins
M A in English
Department of English, University of Madras (1987-1989)
BA in English
Department of English, University of Madras (1984-1987)
Lectureship Eligibility Test, UGC- NET: 1991
PGCTE, EFLU, Hyderabad, 1998
Cultural Studies
Post-Colonial Literatures
Dalit Literature
Post Colonial Literatures - HSS F340 singly designed and introduced the course in BITS – 2015
Caste and Gender in India-HSS F369-singly designed and introduced the course in BITS – 2019
WILP – Critical Analysis of Literature and Cinema - BSDC*ZC322 co-authored the course design and guided the teaching faculty – 2020
M.Phil. – Theoretical Approaches to Liberal studies HSS G512 – co-authored the course design and introduced in BITS, Goa – 2019
Literary Criticism- ENGL C 331/HSSF335-redesigned the handout and course contents and introduced in BITS Goa – 2012
Linguistics – HSS F222 - redesigned the handout and course contents and introduced in BITS, Goa – 2012
Cultural Studies - GS F242 - redesigned the handout and course contents – 2014
WILP – Cultural Studies- BSDCH ZC242- prepared the Teacher’s notes for the course – 2021
2023 – till date: Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, BITS Pilani, K.K.Birla Goa Campus
2018- 2023: Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, BITS Pilani, K.K.Birla Goa Campus, Goa
2010 - 2018: Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus, Goa
Cultural Studies
Dalit Studies
Women Studies
PhD Thesis: Gnanabharathi. “Alterations and Adapatations : An analysis of the Indigenous Spaces of Nilgris Irulas (Completed - 2019)
PhD Thesis: Sushant Kishore. “The Performative Politics of Ethnocultural Nationalism in India: Thespian and Quotidian Performances in Hindu Nationalism” (Completed – 2019)
PhD Thesis : Priteegandha Naik “ Dalit Futurism : Caste and Gender in Indian Science Fiction” (Completed 2023)
PhD Thesis -Mahesh Varghese. ‘To Make live and Let Die’: A study of the Life, Death and its Governance in Select Malayalam Fiction” (in progess)
PhD Thesis : Fernandes Ann Rochelle. " Unearthing Silenced Histories: Re-reading Portuguese colonialism through the lens of Adopted Children in Goa" (in progess)
PhD Thesis: Basma Mahfoud. Research on the linguistic and cultural translations of Dalit Literature - Co-supervision with Prof. Judith Misrahi Barak, University of Paul Valery Montpellier 3, France (subject to approval from AGSRD)
Undergraduate Thesis: Abhishek Prabhakar. “Economic flows of Globalization” (2014)
Undergraduate Thesis: Kaushal Sapre. “The Indianness of Indian Art: A Semiotic study”(2014)
2016 – University of Madras - PhD Thesis titled “Gendered Passions and Masculinity Construction: Reflections on Tamil Identity during 1930’s”
2020 – University of Madras – PhD thesis titled “Writing for the Children as a Child – A Study of Ruskin Bond’s Craft of Writing”
2020 – Manomaniam Sundaranar University – PhD thesis titled “The Narratives of Amitav Ghosh: Palimpsest and Fact-Finding Dichotomy”
2022 – Mahatma Gandhi University – PhD thesis – “The Dialectics of the Anthropomorphic Subaltern: A Study of Select Texts from Contemporary Popular Culture”
2022 –Calicut University – PhD Thesis titled “Subversive Survival: Trauma and Post Traumatic Resilience in Select North-East Indian Literary Imagination”
Invited by University Grants Commission (UGC) to review applucations submitted for Research Grants and Post Doctoral fellowships – 2023
Joint Editor Special Issue on Dalit Women , Journal of International Women Studies, Vol 22:10 (2021)
Journal of Post Colonial Writing, Taylor and Franscis
Journal of Intercultural communication, Taylor and Francis
Journal of Commonwealth Literature, Sage
Journal of South Asian Studies, ESCI
Head, Department of Humanities and Social Science, BITS Pilani, Goa Campus ( May 2022 till date)
Presiding Officer – Internal Complaints Committee, BITS Pilani, Goa campus (October 2020- January 2023)
Convenor, Departement Research Committee, Dept.of HSS, (Nov.2019 – May 2022)
Nucleus Member – Academic Undergraduate Studies Division (August 2018-Feb 2023)
Resident Warden, Women’s Hostel, BITS Pilani, Goa (July 2016-Dec 2021)
Member, Academic Counseling Board , BITS Pilani, Goa (Aug 2018- May 2022)
Member- Department faculty search Committee (July 2018 -tilldate)
Member - Department Student Faculty Council (2016)
Member – Mess committee (2016-2018)
Member, Library Committee , BITS Pilani, Goa (Aug2011-2013)
Coordinator, Academic Counseling Board, BITS Pilani, Goa (August 2010 – August 2018)
Convener - Publications Committee- Convocation (2016-2019)
NAAC SSR Data Preparation team – Nucleus member -(March – October 2022)
Project Lakshya - Nucleus member for Academic Research (2018-2019)
GATI Project – Nucleus member(Oct.2021-Till date)
BITSAT Question Bank -Member (Feb - April 2017)
Head of the Department, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus (Since 16 June 2024)
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Physiology Journal (SCI, IF:4.56)
Associate Editor for IEEE Access (SCI, IF-3.37) .
Associate Editor, IET Electronics Letters (SCI, IF-1.30)
Guest editor for the special issue entitled as " Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Physiological Signal Analysis" from Frontiers in Physiology Journal (SCI, IF-4.56).
Associate Editor, Biomed Research International, Hindawi Journal (SCI, IF-3.41).
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.
Reviewer, IEEE Sensors Journal.
Reviewer, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.
Reviewer, IEEE Access.
Reviewer, IEEE Systems Journal.
Reviewer, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Elsevier.
Reviewer, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier.
Reviewer, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Journal, Elsevier.
Reviewer, Knowledge-based System Journal, Elsevier.
Reviewer, Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier.
Reviewer, Signal Processing, Elsevier.
Reviewer, PLOS One Journal.
Reviewer, IET Systems Biology.
Reviewer, IET Science, Measurement and Technology.
Reviewer, IET Biometrics.
Reviewer, IET Signal Processing.
Reviewer, IET Image Processing
Reviewer, IET Electronics Letters
Reviewer, IET Healthcare Technology Letters.
Reviewer, Medical, and Biological Engineering and Computing, Springer.
Assistant Reviewer, Journal of Circulation, American Heart Association, USA.
Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member, International Conference On Machine Intelligence And Signal Processing (MISP), IIT Indore, 2017.
Conference Reviewer, ROPEC, 2017.
Conference Reviewer, SPCOM, 2016.
Conference Reviewer, NCC, 2016.
GM lab focuses on the following research areas
For this topic, we mainly use Arabidopsis thaliana as a model system, but we are extending our studies to rice (Oryza sativa) model system.
DST-SERB, Government of India,
BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad campus
(Several hundred lines of Arabidopsis and gene constructs received as Kind Gift from the laboratory of Prof. Craig S. Pikaard, Hughes Medical Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA.)
Relevant publications (GM as first or coauthor or corresponding author):
(* Corresponding author; # equal contribution)
(*Corresponding author;#equal contribution)
(*Corresponding author; # equal contribution)
(* Corresponding author; # equal contribution)
- Highlighted as an “Editor’s Choice” in the journal Science. For rRNAs, its location, location, location. Science, 22 Jan 2016: Vol. 351, Issue 6271, pp. 351.
- Recommended by Faculty 1000 (interesting hypothesis): Renate Schmidt, F1000, 2016: DOI: 10.3410/f.726063326.793521106.
- Highlighted as ‘NORs as units of rRNA gene regulation’ in: McStay B. (2016).Nucleolar organizer regions: genomic ‘dark matter’ requiring illumination. Genes & Development 30:1598-1610.
(* Corresponding author)
For this topic, we are mainly working on rice (Oryza sativa) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
DST-SERB, Government of India,
DBT, Government of India
BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad campus
Relevant publications: (GM as corresponding author):
(* Corresponding author; # equal contribution)
- The article has been selected as one of the excellent articles published in Biology during November-December 2021
- The article has been published as part of the Special Issue 'Crop Improvement Now and Beyond'.
For this topic, we are mainly working on rice (Oryza sativa). If successful, the findings can be extended to other cereals/millets that are evolutionarily more related to rice plants.
ICAR-NASF, Government of India
BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad campus
Funding agencies:
BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad campus
Relevant publications:
(* Corresponding author; # equal contribution)
For this topic, we mainly work on Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana benthamiana as model systems.
Funding agencies:
BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad campus
(Several gene constructs received as kind Gift from the laboratory of Prof. David M. Bisaro, Department of Molecular Genetics, The Ohio State University, USA)
Relevant publications (GM as first or coauthor):
(*Equal contribution)
- Highlighted as the Editor’s choice (2019) FEBS Journal. 286 (19).
- Highlighted in the commentary article: Miller and Dinesh-Kumar. 'A new mechanism for translational control in plants'. (2019) FEBS Journal. 286(19): 3775-3777.
- Highlighted by the Editors of Journal of Virology in the ‘Spotlight’ section of the journal: Geminivirus Proteins Suppress Transcriptional Gene Silencing and Methylation. (2009). Journal of Virology p.4717.
Various molecular biology tools being explored for different purposes:
Tool: TRBO, an engineered Tobacco Mosaic Virus-based breakthrough technology vector system to highly overexpress proteins (in transient manner) of interest using a rapid and low-cost plant system.
iii. To overexpress proteins for purification and analysis (enzyme analysis, proteomics, etc)
Tool: M1GS an engineered bacterial ribozyme, as a RNA-cleaving/reverse-genetic tool
Tool: Inhibitors of epigenetic modifiers
Tool: RNA mimics of GFP
Funding agencies:
ICMR, Government of India
DBT, Government of India
BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad campus
(Several M1GS constructs received as kind Gift from the laboratory of Prof. Venkat Gopalan, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, USA)
Relevant publications (GM as corresponding or coauthor)
(*Corresponding authors; # equal contribution)
(* Corresponding author)
Applied Microeconomics, Public Economics, Institutional Economics
1. Streamlined ME thesis, RP allotment, QP/AK collection, and teaching duty allocation as the DCA convener (2 years, 2020-2022). Developed mechanisms to ensure timely collection, review, and submission of handouts, promoting uniformity, speed, accuracy, and transparency in academic processes.
Major Consultancy Activities (At BITS, Pilani – Pilani and Hyderabad Campuses)
• One of the coordinators for the consultancy on testing VG, PMB, PG grades of bitumen samples along with bitumen emulsions for Bitumen Corporation India Pvt Limited, Mumbai. Duration: November – December 2021. Consultancy Amount: Rs. 1,18,000
• One of the coordinators for the consultancy on repair of rain damaged stabilized Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) layer near Lucknow, Basti, UP., sponsored by M/s. P.P. Pandey Infrastructure Private Limited, Lucknow. Duration: January 2020 - February 2020. Consultancy amount: Rs. 47,200
• One of the coordinators for the major consultancy activity of testing of soil for Palamuru RangaReddy Lift Irrigation Scheme (PRLIS) and Dindi Lift Irrigation Scheme (DLIS) projects, sponsored by M/s. Palamuru RangaReddy Lift Irrigation Scheme (PRLIS), Irrigation Department, Telangana State, during October 2016 - September 2019. Consultancy Amount: Rs. 81,96,000
• One of the coordinators for the consultancy on Bitumen & Aggregate Testing, sponsored by M/s. Ashoka Buildcon, Nashik., Duration: August 2018 - October 2018, Consultancy amount: Rs. 51,000
• Team member for proof checking of bridges., sponsored by Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services., Duration: August 2017 - November 2017. Consultancy Amount: Rs. 11,21,000
• One of the coordinators for the laboratory testing of aggregate, sponsored by M/s. Palamuru RangaReddy Lift Irrigation Scheme (PRLIS), Irrigation Department, Telangana State., Duration: August 2017- October 2017. Consultancy Amount: Rs. 1,29,800
• One of the coordinators for the testing of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) material for use in bituminous mixtures, sponsored by M/s. Ashoka Buildcon, Nashik., during July 2017 to August 2017, Consultancy Amount: Rs. 27,750
• Member of State Technical Agency and Principal Technical Agency for the PMGSY program at the Department of Civil Engineering, BITS, Pilani, Pilani campus during 2005 to 2008 and scrutinizing the large number of village road proposals from technical as well as financial points of view on prorate basis. (This is a process which was carried out for 2.5 years and the total worth of the project is available with Pilani campus).
• Coordinator along with Prof. AK Sarkar, BITS, Pilani, Pilani Campus for a series of 7-one-week training programmes at BITS Pilani - Pilani campus during 2005 to 2006 for the Panchayat Raj Engineers (35 engineers per each session) working for PMGSY project roads in the states of Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab. Delivered many theoretical and practical training sessions along with other experts during these programmes. Project Cost:
7 (programmes) x 35 (participants) x 7 (days) x 1500 (cost per day per participant) =
Rs. 25,72,500
• Team member for estimating the Safe Bearing Capacity (SBC) for a number of sites in the state of Rajasthan (both field and laboratory investigations) – During 2005 to 2008
• Played a major role in signing an MoU with Govt. of Haryana for third party checking of works in a few districts of Haryana, which again is a continuous consulting process – During 2005 – 2008)
• Carried out large scale experimental investigations on Renolith, a product suggested by NRRDA, Govt. of India for soil improvement on a consultancy basis for use in rural roads on a consultancy basis
In addition to the above, actively participated as a team member in many small consultancy activities at Pilani campus (Safe bearing Capacity of Soil, water tank evaluations etc) and also in Hyderabad Campus (Aggregate and bitumen testing)
Consultancy Activities (At NIT, Warangal)
Study Team Member for the following Feasibility Studies
• "Feasibility Study for a Proposed Expressway on Hyderabad - Vijayawada Link on B-O-T Basis", sponsored by M/s HUDA, Rao & Rao during May, 1995.
• World Bank III National Highway Project on "Traffic Projections on Major District Road from Tiruchirapalli to Madurai via Melur" as a part of feasibility study for converting the existing MDR into National Highway during 1999.
• "Preparation of Feasibility and Detailed Project Report for Rehabilitation and Upgradation of NH7 Phase II Programme of North - South & East - West Corridors Project in India - Km 464/000 to Km 474/000 of Nagpur - Hyderabad & Km 10/000 to Km 22/300 of Hyderabad - Bangalore Sections" sponsored by M/s MC Consulting Engineers (p) Ltd., Hyderabad during 1999
• "Economic Feasibility of Raipur Bypass Road" sponsored by M/s Capital Fortunes Limited, Hyderabad during October 2000 to February 2001.
• "Feasibility study of Group C Bond Roads in Madhya Pradesh" sponsored by M/s Capital Fortunes Ltd., Hyderabad during March 20001 to June, 2001
• “Feasibility of Chhattisgarh Roads” during March 2002 to July 2002
• “Feasibility of Flyovers in Vijayawada city” sponsored by VGTM, UDA, Vijayawada during July 2002 (Ongoing)
Study Team Member for the following Highways & Pavement Investigation Studies
• “Checking the Design of Rigid Pavement for Extended Apron for Hyderabad Airport" for Airport Authority of India, Hyderabad during November - December 2000."Investigation of Accident Prone Haul Roads in the open coal mines near Ramagundam" sponsored by M/s Singareni Collieries Ltd. during March, 2001
• “Investigation of the damages caused to the pavement on Narketpally - Addanki Highway (APSH2 Project)” on behalf of General Insurance Corporation during December 2000 - January 2001 (A case study of CRB base course failure). Check measuring selected village roads, CD works, bunds etc. constructed under Food for Work Programme carried out by the Panchayat Raj Department of Govt. of Andhra Pradesh in Warangal district during April, May 2002.
• World Bank Sponsored Consultancy Project on Benkelman Beam Deflection and Bump Integrator Studies on Gudihutnoor Palakollu Road" in association with M/s STUP Consultants, New Delhi during 1995-’96
• Several consultancy projects on "Road Unevenness Studies” Viz. covering several National, State highways both within and outside the state of Andhra Pradesh
• Pavement Investigations Carried-out at the Food Corporation of India, Kazipet during June – July 2002, sponsored by the Food Corporation of India, Kazipet.
Study Team Member for the following Traffic Engineering & Other Related Studies
• "Hyderabad Area Transportation Study - Database Studies (DB-HATS II)", sponsored by Hyderabad Urban Development Authority (HUDA), Hyderabad, conducted by the Centre for Transportation Engineering, Regional Engineering College, Warangal during 1998-'99.
• "Tirupati Area Transportation Studies - Traffic Improvement Plans for Tirupati Town" taken up at Tirupati, sponsored by the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams, Tirupati and Organised by the Centre for Transportation Engineering, REC, Warangal during 1996 and 1998.
• Parking Studies at Tirumala", sponsored by Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams, Tirupati during 1999.
• “Demand Estimation for Hyderabad Sub-Urban Rail Passenger Travel", sponsored by the Hyderabad Urban Development Authority (HUDA), Hyderabad during 1999.
• Fly-over usage and Opinion Surveys at Hyderabad", sponsored by Hyderabad Urban Development Authority (HUDA), Hyderabad during 1999.
• Axle Load Spectrum Studies on several locations viz. Visakhapatnam - Itchpuram Highway (NH5), at Eluru on National Highway 5, on East Coast Road between Chennai and Mahabalipuram.
Study Team Member for Other Civil Engineering Related Studies
• Many In-situ, destructive and non-destructive flexible and rigid pavement investigations in the states of AP and TN
• Bump Integrator, Benkelman Beam, DIPSTICK, Axle Load Spectrum Studies, Field CBR investigations on many Expressways, National and State Highways in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India
• Investigating the failures on the taxiway and runway of Hyderabad airport and redesigning the taxiway and runways along with the team of Prof. S. Raghava Chari, Prof. N V Rama Murthy and Prof. V Ramana Murthy, NIT Warangal during 2002 to 2004
• Structural design of Necklace Road in Hyderabad along with the team of Prof. Raghava Chari, Prof. N V Rama Murthy and Prof. B P Chandrasekhar, NIT Warangal, sponsored by HUDA, Hyderabad
• Actively participated in routine consultancy activities of the Group and also did exclusive works like design of Intersections, black spot analysis for accident prone areas with other faculty members
Special Studies
• Member of State Technical Agency for the PMGSY program at the Transportation Division of Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Warangal during 2001-2004 and scrutinizing the road proposals from technical as well as financial points of view for the PMGSY roads proposed in the state of Andhra Pradesh
• Resource Person for a series of one-week training programmes at National Institute of Technology, Warangal during the year 2003 to 2004 for the Panchayat Raj Engineers (35 engineers per each session) working for PMGSY project roads in the state Andhra Pradesh. Delivered many lectures along with other experts during these programmes
• Coordinator for a series of many one-week training programmes at Engineering Staff College of India, Gachibowli, Hyderabad during the year 2004 for the Panchayat Raj Engineers (35 engineers per each session) working for PMGSY project roads in the state Andhra Pradesh. Delivered many theoretical and practical training sessions along with other experts during these programmes
Peer review activities
· No of papers reviewed for international journals: more than 30
· Recipient of “certificate of outstanding contribution in reviewing” from Elsevier
Ph. D theses examined
1. Experimental investigations of heat transfer improvement in tractor radiator with metal oxide form of nano fluid. R. Ravisankar, Supervisor; VSK Venkatachalapathy, Department of mechanical engineering, Pondicherry engineering college, Puducherry, October 2018.
2. Studies on the enhancement of productivity in double slope solar still. S. Karthikeyan, Supervisor; N. Alagumurthi, Department of mechanical engineering, Pondicherry engineering college, Puducherry, September, 2018.
Nanomagnetism Lab Facilities
DC Magnetron Sputtering Unit
Helmholtz Coil with Power Supply
Low Temperature Resistivity Measurement
Central Facilities
Electron beam evaporator, XRD, SEM
American Institute of Physics (AIP) Publishing: Applied Physics Letters.
Nature Portfolio: Scientific Reports.
IoP Publishing: Journal of Physics: D.
IoP Publishing: Physica Scripta.
Few interesting videos -
(a) To answer fundamental questions of science of nature, such as
(b) The SKA will collect and process vast amounts of data and will stimulate cutting-edge advances in high-performance computing and Big Data science – especially the processing, analysis and visualization of very large data sets.
Project cost: The total cost of the project is 2 billion euros.
What is the SKA-India consortium?
To execute activities related to SKA projects in India, a SKA-India consortium has been formed. Under this consortium several Research Institutes, IITs, IISER, NISER, Universities of India come together for exploring, formulating, practicing and promoting activities related to the SKA project and its allied aspects.
Regular member of SKA-India consortium:
BITS-Pilani, K K Birla Goa campus has signed a MoU on 13th July,2016 to become a Regular Member of the SKA-India consortium.
Other Regular Members of this consortium includes TIFR, NCRA,RRI, IUCAA, IIA, IISc, SINP,PRL, IIT Kanpur, IISER, NISER, Delhi University, JMU, MGU, Presidency college, Kolkata etc to name a few.
Executive Council of SKA-India consortium:
The consortium has an Executive Council for executing and managing various activities of the Consortium.
BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa campus has nominated Dr. PRASANTA KUMAR DAS, a faculty in the Department of Physics as the member of the Executive Council of the SKA-India consortium.
To track on the progress in SKA telescope project work browse the site maintained by SKA-IndiA(click)
Vigyan Samagam 2019: In order to highlight the value and impact of fundamental research to a broad cross-section of audience including students, academicians and industry, and to further strengthen India's participation in mega-science projects, Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Department of Science and Technology (DST) and National Council of Science Museums (NCSM) are jointly organising a multi-venue mega-science exhibition, Vigyan Samagam 2019. Six major International/National projects (1) European Organisation for Nuclear Research (TMT) take part in this mega-science exhibition, Vigyan Samagam. LIGO),(6) Square Kilometer Array (SKA) and (7)Thirty Meter Telescope (CERN),(2) Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), (3) India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO), (4)International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) (5) Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory. A first-of-its-kind, Vigyan Samagam shall be hosted in a caravan mode at four major Indian cities as per the following schedule:
Mumbai - 8th May to 7th July, 2019
Bengaluru: 29th July to 28th September, 2019
Kolkata: 4th November to 31st December, 2019
Delhi: 21st January to 20th March, 2020
More details are available here: https://vigyansamagam.in/
Recently, Five students from BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa campus under the leadership of Dr. P K Das took part in the event VS-2019. They conducted two session (i) Astro Quiz and (ii) Radio Telescope making workshop during the SKA week (17th - 23rd June, 2019). A complete report for this is available here (click).
Department of Chemistry, Birla Institute of Technology and Science
Pilani, K K Birla-Goa Campus, NH 17B Bypass Road, Zuarinagar 403726, GOA, INDIA
Phone: 0091-(0)8322580311(Office), 0091-9518984037(Mobile),
E-mail: rnp@goa.bits-pilani.ac.in
Google Scholar Link:
Ph. D. in Chemistry (Broad Area: Solid State Chemistry and Nanomaterials) (1993-1998)
Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India.
Ph. D. Thesis Title: Synthesis, Characterization, Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Transition Metal Nitrides
M. Sc. in Chemistry (Specialization: Physical Chemistry), (1991-1993)
School of Chemistry, Sambalpur University, Jyotivihar, Burla, Odisha, India.
Feb. 2015- xxxx, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa, India.
Feb. 2006-Feb. 2015, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus, Goa, India.
March 2005- Aug. 2005, Post doctoral researcher , Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,
Research Area: Microstructure and Magneto-transport Properties of Spintronic Materials
Nov, 2004-Mar, 2005, Post Doctoral, DST sponsored project, Indian Institute of technology, Kanpur, 208016, India.
Research Area: Synthesis and Properties study of Transition Metal Nitride
July, 2003-June 2004, Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Institute of Nanotechnology, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany. (Now: KIT)
Research Area: Magnetism of Thiol-capped Co-Pt nano-particles.
May, 2002-April, 2003, Post doctoral, Department of Heterogeneous Catalysis, Max-Plank Institute fur Kohlenforschung, Muelheim an der Ruhr, Germany.
Research Area: High Surface Area Mo and W based Nitride Materials: Materials Development and Catalysis
Sept., 2000-April, 2002, Post Doctoral Researcher, Department of Materials Science and Engg., National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
Research Area: Synthesis, Characterization and Properties studies of Bio-Materials (HA) and Magnetic Nano-particles / Thin film (Metallic/Alloys/Ferrites)
Nov., 1999- Aug., 2000, Research Associate, Surface Physics Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta, India.
Research Area: Surface Studies of Polymer thin film using AFM and GIXD technique.
July, 1998-Oct. 1999, Senior Project Associate, Department of Physics and Center for Laser Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India.
Research Area: Photo-luminescence and Micro-Raman techniques for Diseased Tissue Diagnosis.
1991: B. Sc. (Chemistry Honors) 1st class with distinction and 7th rank in Chemistry, Sambalpur University, Odisha, India.
1991-1993: Recipient of National Scholarship during M. Sc.
1993: 1st class with 4th rank in M. Sc. (Chemistry) in Sambalpur University, Odisha, India.
1993: Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test in Engg. (GATE) conducted by IITS, India.
1994: Qualified National Eligibility Test(NET) in Chemical Science for teaching and research conducted jointly by UGC and CSIR, INDIA.
Sept. 2000- April, 2002, Recipient of post doctoral fellowship from National Science Council, Taiwan (Host: Department of Materials Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan).
July 2003-July 2004: Awarded Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship, (Host: Institute of nanotechnology, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany)
Mar, 2005-Aug., 2005, Recipient of post doctoral fellowship from National Science Council, Taiwan (Host: Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan).
2012-13 : One Year : Library Member
2013-2018 (July): Nucleus Member, Academic Research Division (ARD).
2016 Jan-Dec : One Year : Library Member
2017 : NMD-ATM - 2017, Local Organizing Committe Member, IIM Goa Chapter
Summer Term: May - July, 2019 : Practice School(I), Domain of Interest: Biomedical Pharma/Diagnostic Lab
2019: Contribution in BITSAT related Task.
2022-2024: Departmental Research Committee(DRC) Member
Selected Professional / Invited Seminars
Reviewer and Membership :
Reviewer of the international Journals: Selected journal Titles: Nano-Scale Research Letter, Materials Science and Engg, B, Materials Lett. , Journal of Magn. Magn. Mater., Dalton transactions, Materials Advances, Electrochimica acta, Energy & fuels, SN Applied Science etc.
Reviewer Profile:
Book Reviewer and Member of professional Global Network:
Tata-McHills, OUP, PHI learning PVT: Minimum 1 title each
Humboldt Network, DAAD Alumni.
Life Member: Indian Society for Surface Science and Technology (ISST), Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Magnetics Society of India(MSI),
Indian Institute of Metal (IIM), Goa Chapter, Society for Materials Chemistry(SMC), BARC, Mumbai, India.
Guest Editor in 'Journal of Nanomaterials' (Year: 2014-15), Special Issue Title: Advanced Nanoporous Materials: Synthesis, properties and applications
Details Of PhD Thesis Supervision
Ajay Gaude. Employing Metacognition in Handling Secondary School Children’s Problem Behaviours: A Case Study (Degree Awarded in 2023)
Hajara Abdul Hameed. Predicting depression and wellbeing among young adults in India: a metacognitive skills-based model (Degree Awarded in 2023)
Sebastian R, Intra-Inter conflicts and sustainability issues in the Fisheries of Goa: An Environmental Ethical Approach (Degree awarded in 2020)
Karan Sharma, An inquiry into the effects of regimes of morality on the experience of freedom as an authentic self-expression among queer individuals in India (Ongoing).
Gokul Sisir, A social psychological approach to scientific creativity: a study of the COVID-19 pandemic in India (Ongoing)
Shirodkar Pratiksha Chandrakant, The Role of Creativity in Meta-Moral Cognition: Study of Moral Decision Making Among Student-Teachers in Goa (Ongoing)
Mythreyi K. Environment Education (Ongoing)
About the Startup
AtreVes Healthcare is a research and innovation-driven healthcare company aimed at developing and commercializing healthcare-related products. Our USP lies in providing novel formulations at affordable prices to the Indian and Global population as well as designing pharmaceutical products to combat shortages and slower supplies.
This startup was incepted by Prof. Akash Chaurasiya and his research scholar Ms. Kanan Panchal on 18th Sept 2023. Mirroring this, the company is named after a pair of Guru-Shishya rishis of ancient India, Rishi Atreya and Rishi Agnivesh, translating into AtreVes – aiming towards the betterment of the healthcare system and overall quality of life.
Our Products & Technological expertise lies in:
Key Milestones
About the Founders
Dr. Akash Chaurasiya
Dr. Akash Chaurasiya is an experienced researcher with work experience in R&D of various pharmaceutical companies like Dabur Research Foundation, Fresenius Kabi, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories & Amneal Pharmaceuticals. During this tenure, he primarily worked on formulation development of complex products, i.e., liposomes, nano-suspensions, lyophilized products, etc., for regulated markets like US, EU, etc. Dr. Chaurasiya has played a pivotal role in developing, scaling up, and regulatory filing of these complex products and acted as co-inventor in several patents/applications. Dr. Chaurasiya also received the “Best Excellence and Innovation Award” and “Spot Recognition Award” during his tenure in Dr. Reddy’s lab. Moreover, Dr. Chaurasiya is part of various patents, research articles, book chapters, and national/international conference proceedings.
Ms. Kanan Panchal
Ms Kanan Panchal is a young formulation scientist with experience in developing complex healthcare products for enhancing the treatment modalities of different diseases. Securing a gold medal during her masters from BITS Pilani, she took a vertical transfer into the Ph.D. program. During this tenure, she has been involved in the development of various pharmaceutical formulations and shared co-inventorship in multiple patents. Additionally, Ms Panchal has authored/coauthored various publications, including research/review articles and book chapters. She has also presented her research work in various national and international forums and have also been awarded for the same. Besides the academic and entrepreneurial facet, she is a trained Kathak & Folk dancer with a distinctive interest in varying art forms.
Connect With Us At
TBI, BITS Pilani - Hyderabad Campus, Jawahar Nagar, Kapra Mandal, Medchal District – 500078, Telangana, India.
atreveshealthcare@gmail.com; dr.akashchaurasiya@gmail.com; kananpanchal09@gmail.com
Worked as a Research Associate in the project WebOPT (Asia IT & C contract ASI/B7-301/97/0126-73). It was a joint project with Brunel University (U.K.). This project aimed to develop an optimization environment and offer it as an Application Service provider (ASP) solution.
Visited the Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, under the Indo-French Centre for Applied Mathematics (IFCAM) Visitors Program during the period from May 24, 2014, to June 24, 2014, and worked with Prof. A. K. Nandkumaran and worked on Optimal control of the velocity term in a Kirchhoff plate equation with multiplicative control.
Visited School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Newcastle, University Drive, Callaghan NSW 2308 Australia, from May 21 to July 22, 2016, under the University Immersion program. I worked with Dr. Bishnu Prasad Lamichhane on the numerical computation of optimal control problems involving partial differential equations.
Worked as a Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, BITS Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa, India, from July 2006 to December 2006.
Worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, BITS Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa, India, from December 2006 to May 2021.
Worked as an internet and intranet website management coordinator for the BITS Pilani K.K. Birla Goa campus.
Worked as a Warden of a hostel in BITS Pilani K.K. Birla Goa campus from January 2009 to December 2013.
Worked as a Member of the Institute Disciplinary Committee from July 19, 2018 to July 18, 2019.
Member of the Standing Committee for Student’s Discipline from October 5, 2020, to October 4, 2021.
Member of Placement Faculty Advisory Council (PFAC) from 2018 to 2022.
Worked as a Convener of the Department Research Committee (DRC) till November 27, 2017 and then from June 2022 to June 2024.
Worked as a Member of the Department Research Committee (DRC) from November 2017 to December 2019 and from June 2024 to till date.
Member of Department Steering Committee.
Member of the Department Event Management Committee.
Member of Cross Campus Departmental Committee for Academics.
Oral Presentation
Poster Presentation
To be updated.
To be updated.
To be updated.
To be updated.
Brief Biography
Ananth Bharadwaj (Member, IEEE) received his Ph.D. degree with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Rupnagar, India. He is currently working as full time Assistant Professor in Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at BITS Pilani, Dubai campus.
In past he worked as Assistant Professor in Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus. Further, his research works are published in various highly reputed international journals such as IEEE Transactions.
His current research interests include near-field resonant based wireless power charging solutions for various applications such as, biomedical implants, electric drones, portable electronic devices, and electric vehicle applications.
The list of research areas is listed as follows:
Research Areas
Magnetic-Field Forming for Resonant Wireless Power Transfer Applications.
Novel compensation topologies for Near-Field Wireless Power Transmission.
Metamaterial Based Wireless Power Transfer.
Study of Super Conductors and Copper Wires in Liquid Nitrogen Chambers.
Wireless Power Transfer for Biomedical Applications.
Localization of Rx Coils using Magnetic Field Distributions.
Simultaneous Capacitive and Inductive Wireless Power Transfer.
Electric Vehicle Powertrain Modelling.
Study of Halbach Magnetic Coils for Hyperloop Transportation.
Invited Talks:
Conference Proceedings:
(A) Research:-
International Conference on Plant Physiology and Biotechnology, organized by Lovely Professional University, India, from 10-12 September 2021.
(B) Teaching:-
Institutional Contribution and Other responsibilities:
To be updated.
To be updated.
To be updated.
25) Working as a Member of Energy group in “Energy Environment and Green Audit” committee formed for K K Birla Goa campus for a period of 2 years since 17th June 2023.
24) Working as a Member for Project Lakshya since 12 October 2018 in the "Research as a Thrust Area".
23) Chairman - Doctoral Research Committee (DRC) and Department's Committee on Academics (DCA) from 21st November 2017 to 17th May 2022
. [Started ME Mechanical Engineering and co-ordinated to update thermal engineering related courses and overall co-ordinator (Goa campus) while updating BE Mechanical Engineering Curriculum.]
22) Involved as Panel Member for the Faculty and Staff Recruitment for the Department, Workshop and Maintenance unit etc.
21) Faculty-in charge of Central Workshop Unit from 21st November 2017 to 17th May 2022.
20) Worked as Warden - AH-6 Hostel at BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus for 4 years since 1st January 2014.
19) Worked as Convener of Doctoral Research Committee (DRC) of Department of Mechanical Engineering for 2 years since 1st January 2016.
18) Worked as a one of the Team members for Energy Conservation of BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus and for AC Plant with other team members.
17) Worked as Faculty Coordinator - Placement division for the students of Department of Mechanical Engineering.
16) Working as SAE Faculty Coordinator for SAE BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus since January 2013 to till date. (BAJA, SUPRA, SAE AERO teams under this club are working excellent and till date students have presented five in-house fabricated Cars / design for flying objects at different competitions held in India).
15) Worked as Member of Academic Counseling Board (ACB) for 2 years since July 2014 to July 2016.
14) Worked as a Member representing K K Birla Goa Campus for Institutional Knowledge and Analysis (IKA) Cell.
13) Worked as PS-I Instructor (online mode) at Birla Polyfibers Harihar and Birla White Cements Jodhpur in May- July 2022.
Also took initiative in Summer 2023 to start PS-II station at L&T Mindree group.
12) Worked as Faculty Coordinator for BITSAT 2022 (Session-II, Centre: KIT Kolhapur).
11) Arranged a Workshop on “Development of Electric Vehicle, Software, Architecture and Control” alongwith EEE department on 8th September 2022.
10) Goa Legislative assembly election duty as Presiding officer on 3rd and 4th February 2017.
9) Worked as Moderator for Questions on Thermal engineering related courses for Higher Degree Admission Test 2017 of BITS –Pilani.
8) Worked as Expert related with Thermal Engineering Subjects for UPSC EXAMINATION, UPSC Delhi, India.
7) Worked under PS Duty for Mission - Enhancing Students PS-I Experience to Power Stations. I have worked in May-July 2017 for PS-I to monitor Power Plants (Adani Power Mundra, Adani Power Tiroda, Adani Power Ahmedabad, Essar Power Jamnagar, Essar Power Hazira, Hindalc, Nalco). Visited Essar Power Jamnagar and Adani Power Tiroda as an expert from Mechanical Engineering Department for technical guidance to students in their PS-I projects.
6) Worked on Energy Conservation and Co-generation in Sugar Factories under Industry Immersion Program of BITS Pilani, May-July 2015.
5) Worked as PS-I Instructor at Pune in May- July 2013 for TATA Technologies, Thermax, and Kirloskar Pneumatics.
4) Worked as PS-I Instructor at Kolhapur in May- July 2012 for Caspro, and Kirloskar Oil Engines.
3) Arranged two days Workshop on "Electronics System in IC Engines" conducted by Medhavi Centre for Automotive Research.
2) Arranged National Level Conference - "1st Symposium and Workshop for Analytical Youth on Applied Mechanics", 4-6 July 2018. Conference was jointly arranged by BITS Pilani - K K Birla Goa campus and Indian Society of Applied Mechanics.
1) Arranged several Invited Talks where resource person were from DRDO, IITs (Bombay, Kanpur etc) and other abroad universities, ARAI Pune, industries such as (Siemens, GE etc), talk by Guinness Book Record Holder for "Longest Journey in Electric Car": Mr. Sushil Reddy (October 2023).
To be updated.
1 |
Ms. Janhavi M. Karekar, Ion exchange selectivity and adsorption studies in aqueous and mixed media, of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Jnana Sangama, Belagavi, Karnataka State, India, 2020. |
2 |
Mrs. Gauri Manas Lohar entitled "Radiation induced graft copolymers for enviromental remediation", of University of Pune, Pune, Maharashtra, 2020. |
3 |
Mr. Myneni Venkataratnam entitled “Synthesis and characterization of Magnesium Oxide Nano Composites for adsorptive removal of cationic and anionic dyes from aqueous solutions” of Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, 2018. |
4 |
Abubakar Aisami entitled “Biodegradation of Phenol by Free and Immobilised Cells of three Locally-isolated Bacterial Strains, University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia, 2017. |
5 |
Shubha Dwivedi entitled “Biological Removal of Fluoride from Industrial Waste Water” of Faculty of Biotechnology, Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun, 2016. |
6 |
D. Maruthamuthu entitled “Synthesis, characterization and biological activities of some novel organic compounds” of Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 24, 2016. |
7 |
Ms. E. Priya Rose entitled “Adsorption of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solution using Novel Acid Activated Artocarpus Hirsutus Bark” of Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 24, 2014. |
1 |
ITM University Gwalior, December 2013. |
1 |
Practical/Viva Examination, BTech (Chemical Engg.) students, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, July 2020. |
2 |
Practical/Viva Examination, BTech (Chemical Engg.) students at Banasthali University, April 2019. |
3 |
Practical/Viva Examination, BTech (Chemical Engg.) students at Banasthali University, December 2017. |
4 |
Practical/Viva Examination, BTech (Chemical Engg.) students at Banasthali University, May 2016. |
5 |
Practical/Viva Examination, BTech (Chemical Engg.) students at Banasthali University, May 2015. |
6 |
Practical/Viva Examination, BTech (Chemical Engg.) students at Banasthali University, January 2014. |
7 |
Practical/Viva Examination, BTech (Chemical Engg.) students at Banasthali University, December 2012. |
1 |
Session Chair of session "Water and Wastewater Treatment", CHEM-CONFLUX 2020 organized by MNIT Allahabad, Feb 14-16, 2020. |
2 |
Session Chair of session "Separation Processes" in the Conference "Technological Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (TACEE-2012)" held on March 23 - 24, 2012, BITS Pilani. |
Visited The Fertilisers and Chemicals Travancore Limited (FACT Ltd), Kochi, Kerala (March 31 – April 1, 2014) as part of PS-I enhancement program taken by Practice School Division.
Visited Ultra Tech Cement Kotputli Rajasthan, July 26, 2012.
EDUCATION & Professional Career:
To be updated.
To be updated.
Management Development Programs
Executive Development Programs
Faculty Development Programs
Dr. Rani has been involved with following administrative tasks for past years at BITS Pilani:
Conference organizing
To be updated.
To be updated.
3. GIAN program on “Current Advances in Numerical Techniques for PDEs with Random Input Data” at IIT Bhubaneswar, India from 8th December 2016 to 13th December 2016 under the support of MHRD India.
International expert: Prof. Fabio Nobile from EPFL Switzerland, Switzerland. http://www.gian.iitkgp.ac.in//files/brochures/BR1472731198GIAN_CANT_PDE.pdf
As One of the Coordinators:
Three start ups from my lab
Workshops / Conferences organized
International Research Collaborations
Member of Professional Societies
Reviewer of Journals:
· Advice to students at the start of their scientific careers.... By Steven Weinberg
· Snapshots of a Physicist’s life: Online autobiography of J.D.Jackson
· · 100 Reasons to be a Scientist
· · “The unreasonable effectiveness of Mathematics in the Physical Sciences” – By Eugene Wigner
· · Why must scientists become more ethically sensitive than they used to be? – by John Ziman
· · Numerical Recipes in Physics
· · A New Kind of Science – by Stephen Wolfram
Criticism of “New Kind of Science” By Weinberg
· · Quantum Information and Physics of Information
BITS Institutional Responsibilities
1 |
Member, University Senate, since June 2021 |
2 |
Convenor, Department Committee on Academics (DCA), Since 2020 |
3 |
Warden, Gandhi Bhavan Hostel, Since July 2018 |
4 |
Co-opt Member, University Senate, Oct 2019 - Oct 2020 |
5 |
Convenor, Department Research Committee (DRC) , 2016-2020
6 |
Faculty in charge, Dynamics and Vibration Laboratory, 2016-2020
7 |
Member, Library Committee, 2014-15
8 |
Member, Department Finance Committee, Since 2019
9 |
BITSAT Coordinator, Trivandrum Centre, 2015,2016 and proctor 2017,2018
10 |
SME Practice School-1 2017, 2018 Practice School -1 Instructor 2018, 2020
11 |
Organising Secretary , International Symposium on Wind Engineering and
Wind Energy (ISWWE2016), 2016 at BITS-Pilani Hyderabad Campus
12 |
As Organising Co-Convener for 2nd National Conference on Design and manufacturing technologies for Product Life Cycle, 2016 at BITS-Pilani Hyderabad Campus |
To be updated.
Dear Students,
We are currently working on several projects, which are listed below. You can apply for (SOP/DOP/LOP) by filling out the Google form using the below link.
Eligibility: Student should be from A7/A3/A8 (or having these in their dual degree), CGPA cut-off: 7
a. For ML projects in the list, applicant should have Sound knowledge of Machine Learning & Deep Learning concepts (CNNs, RNNs, GANs, etc.). They must also have Excellent programming skills in Python (particularly Pandas, TensorFlow, Keras, and Torch to name a few)
b. Strong paper writing skills and willing to write a research paper with me (and not just
Available Projects,
1. AI for Healthcare (Computer vision/ image analysis, Computational Pathology, MRI, CT Scan and AI Explainability)
2. Computer Vision (image enhancement/ reconstruction) for autonomous cars/ UAV etc.
Application form Link:- https://forms.gle/i7bn4QiW2uHpQqV59 (you can click link/ copy and paste link in browser)
Application Deadline: 21th November night (The form has been closed and the selection process is in progress)
Interviews/ Interaction: 21st/ 22nd
Release of results: as and when selection happens latest by 27th nov
About our Research Group:
Students can visit our research group page at https://bitsiotlab.com/. We collaborate with world renowned researchers/ universities and the students will get an opportunity to work on cutting edge research problems.
*Note: Please note that the SOP will be rigorous (not casual) and you would be expected to prepare a journal paper as a part of the SOP/DOP/LOP work. On account a high number of Letter of Recommendation (LOR) requests, LOR request in future will only be entertained if the student has a good journal publication as a part of the project type course work.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Vinay Chamola (Link)
Postdoctoral Position
Interested candidate may apply through National Postdoctoral Fellowship (NPDF) under Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST, India. We will assist you to prepare a research proposal in the research area of our common interest. NPDF open for 1st May to 30th May, 2019
Ph.D. Position (Full Time)
One JRF position is available under a Department of Biotechnology, India sponsored project with working area "Nanomaterials based sensor system for breath analysis”. The fellowship amount will be Rs. ~31000/- per month (first 2-years) and ~35000/- (last year). GATE, NET qualified candidates are preferable. Tentative time of the advertisement and interview will be first week and last week of July, 2019 respectively.
CSIR-JRF or UGC (NET)-JRF qualified candidates interested to pursue Ph.D. in the area of ‘nanomaterials based solid state devices’ may apply any time of the year.
Ph.D. Position (Part Time)
Interested candidate may also apply for part time Ph.D. in the area of Device modeling, Signal processing and pattern recognition.
Interested candidate may send their brief resume to arnab.hazra@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in
Nanomaterials Gas Sensor Laboratory
TiO2 Nanotubes Array
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Conference Presentations |
2024 |
99. Gemcitabine-HDAC inhibitor drug conjugates as potent and targeted anticancer therapeutics against solid tumors: Sravani Pulya, Ganesh Routholla, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh: Nature Inspired Initiatives in Chemical Trends, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology; Hyderabad; Date: March 7- March 9, 2024. |
98. A Selective Histone Deacetylase 3 Inhibitor: PT3 Enhances Learning and Memory in a Novel Object Recognition Mouse Model: Darakshan Begum, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh: Nature Inspired Initiatives in Chemical Trends, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology; Hyderabad; Date: March 7- March 9, 2024. |
97. Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel pyrazino-hydrazide chemotypes as selective HDAC3 inhibitors with potent in vivo antitumor therapeutic efficacy against triple-negative breast cancer: Ambati Himaja, Sravani Pulya, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh: Nature Inspired Initiatives in Chemical Trends, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology; Hyderabad; Date: March 7- March 9, 2024. |
96. Investigating the Therapeutic Potential of Novel Compounds in an LPS-Induced Alzheimer's Disease Mouse Model: Sripathi Nikhitha, Swati Biswas, Onkar P Kulkarni, Balaram Ghosh: Nature Inspired Initiatives in Chemical Trends, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology; Hyderabad; Date: March 7- March 9, 2024. |
95. Development of HDAC3- selective Inhibitors as Anti-cancer Agents with potent in vivo Therapeutic Efficacy: Regula Sanjeev, Ganesh Routholla, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh: Nature Inspired Initiatives in Chemical Trends, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology; Hyderabad; Date: March 7- March 9, 2024. |
94. Identification of selective HDAC3 inhibitor by pharmacophore-based and structure-based virtual screening, 3D QSAR, ADMET analysis, and dynamic simulation: Debojyoti Halder, Goverdhan Lanka, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh: Nature Inspired Initiatives in Chemical Trends, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology; Hyderabad; Date: March 7- March 9, 2024. |
93. pH-sensitive HPMA-based polymeric Gemcitabine conjugated nano-construct for the treatment of breast cancer: Tarun Patel, Milan Paul, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh: Nature Inspired Initiatives in Chemical Trends, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology; Hyderabad; Date: March 7- March 9, 2024. |
92. Light Degradable Chlorin e6 Pro-Drug Micelles for Oral Cancer Treatment; Milan Paul, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: International Conference on Translational Materials for Sustainable Research (TransMat 2k24), Department of Physics, IIT (BHU) Varanasi; Date: Feb 1 – Feb 4, 2024. |
91. Copper-Zinc Metal Complex Exhibiting Bactericidal and Antibiofilm Activity by Membrane Damage and Quorum Sensing Inhibition; Prafful P. Kothari, Sri Ganga Padaga, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: International Conference on Translational Materials for Sustainable Research (TransMat 2k24), Department of Physics, IIT (BHU) Varanasi; Date: Feb 1 – Feb 4, 2024. |
90. Antibacterial and Anti-quorum sensing activity of Glycol-chitosan poly (lactic acid) (1:1) conjugate nanoparticles encapsulating Ciprofloxacin for the treatment of Bacterial keratitis; Sri Ganga Padaga, Himanshu Bhatt, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: International Conference on Translational Materials for Sustainable Research (TransMat 2k24), Department of Physics, IIT (BHU) Varanasi; Date: Feb 1 – Feb 4, 2024. |
89. Polyphenol conjugated Graphene Oxide system for effective delivery of Bortezomib for the management of oral cancer; Naitik Jain, Milan Paul, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: International Conference on Translational Materials for Sustainable Research (TransMat 2k24), Department of Physics, IIT (BHU) Varanasi; Date: Feb 1 – Feb 4, 2024. |
88. Cinnamic acid conjugated Poly (D, L-Lactide) polymeric micelles for targeted delivery of Bortezomib to treat cancer; Shishira P S, Milan Paul, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: International Conference on Translational Materials for Sustainable Research (TransMat 2k24), Department of Physics, IIT (BHU) Varanasi; Date: Feb 1 – Feb 4, 2024. [Best poster award] |
87. Tyrosine kinase inhibitor-loaded nanoparticles targeting breast cancer stem cells for improved treatment efficacy in HER2-positive breast cancer: Varshini Are, Milan Paul, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: International Conference on Translational Materials for Sustainable Research (TransMat 2k24), Department of Physics, IIT (BHU) Varanasi; Date: Feb 1 – Feb 4, 2024. |
2023 |
86. Polymeric Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles Loaded with Doxorubicin for Combined Photothermal and Chemotherapy in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Asif Mohd Itoo, Milan Paul, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: CRS-IC, 21st International Symposium on Advances in Technology and Business Potential of New Drug Delivery Systems at Mukesh Patel Auditorium, NMIMS Campus, Navyug Society, Navpada, JVPS Scheme, Vile Parle West, Mumbai-400047, India. Feb 24 - 25, 2023. [Best poster award] |
85. 3D-Bioprinted Inherently Antibacterial Contact Lens Carrying Antimicrobial Peptide Payload for Ocular Infections: Sanjay Ch, Priyasha Mishra, Sri ganga Padaga, Balaram Ghosh, Sanhita Roy, and Swati Biswas: CRS-IC, 21st International Symposium on Advances in Technology and Business Potential of New Drug Delivery Systems at Mukesh Patel Auditorium, NMIMS Campus, Navyug Society, Navpada, JVPS Scheme, Vile Parle West, Mumbai-400047, India. Feb 24 - 25, 2023. |
84. Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of In-vitro Antibacterial activity of Pluronic F127 coated Metal oxide nanoparticles: Sri Ganga Padaga, Milan Paul, Sanjay Ch, Balaram Ghosh, and Swati Biswas: CRS-IC, 21st International Symposium on Advances in Technology and Business Potential of New Drug Delivery Systems at Mukesh Patel Auditorium, NMIMS Campus, Navyug Society, Navpada, JVPS Scheme, Vile Parle West, Mumbai-400047, India. Feb 24 - 25, 2023 |
83. Olaparib and oxaliplatin combination@ human serum albumin nanoparticles inhibit tumor proliferation in triple-negative breast cancer mouse model: Milan Paul, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: CRS-IC, 21st International Symposium on Advances in Technology and Business Potential of New Drug Delivery Systems at Mukesh Patel Auditorium, NMIMS Campus, Navyug Society, Navpada, JVPS Scheme, Vile Parle West, Mumbai-400047, India. Feb 24 - 25, 2023 |
82. Protein-vitamin nanoparticles for treatment of therapy- insensitive breast cancer: Sneha Das, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: CRS-IC, 21st International Symposium on Advances in Technology and Business Potential of New Drug Delivery Systems at Mukesh Patel Auditorium, NMIMS Campus, Navyug Society, Navpada, JVPS Scheme, Vile Parle West, Mumbai-400047, India. Feb 24 - 25, 2023 |
81. Development of benzamide-based HDAC3 selective inhibitors with potential anti-tumour activities in vivo animal model: Ganesh Routholla, Sravani Pulya, Tarun Patel, Milan Paul, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh*, National Symposium on Convergence of Chemistry & Materials (CCM-2023) at Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani Hyderabad Campus, Telangana, India 500078 on 6-7 January 2023. |
80. Discovery of hydrazide based HDAC3 selective inhibitors as therapeutics for the treatment of cancer: validated by in vivo mouse model: Sravani Pulya, Ambati Himaja, Rishitha Kaminedi, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh*, National Symposium on Convergence of Chemistry & Materials (CCM-2023) at Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani Hyderabad Campus, Telangana, India 500078 on 6-7 January 2023. |
79. Discovery of hydrazide based HDAC3 selective inhibitors as therapeutics for the treatment of cancer: validated by in vivo mouse model: Sravani Pulya, Ambati Himaja, Rishitha Kaminedi, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh*, National Symposium on Convergence of Chemistry & Materials (CCM-2023) at Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani Hyderabad Campus, Telangana, India 500078 on 6-7 January 2023. |
78. HPMA-polymer based stimuli-sensitive Gemcitabine nanoaggregate for the treatment of breast cancer: Tarun Patel, Milan Paul, Asif Mohd Itoo, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh*, National Symposium on Convergence of Chemistry & Materials (CCM-2023) at Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani Hyderabad Campus, Telangana, India 500078 on 6-7 January 2023. |
77. Pharmacophore-based virtual screening, 3D QSAR, Docking, ADMET, and MD simulation studies for the identification of novel HDAC3 selective inhibitors: Goverdhan Lanka, Darakhshan Begum, Balaram Ghosh*, Yogeeswari Perumal, National Symposium on Convergence of Chemistry & Materials (CCM-2023) at Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani Hyderabad Campus, Telangana, India 500078 on 6-7 January 2023. |
76. Antibacterial activity of F127 coated Cerium oxide nanoparticles against Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Sri Ganga Padaga, Milan Paul, Sanjay Ch, Balaram Ghosh and Swati Biswas, National Symposium on Convergence of Chemistry & Materials (CCM-2023) at Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani Hyderabad Campus, Telangana, India 500078 on 6-7 January 2023. |
75. Polymeric Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles Loaded with Doxorubicin for Combined Photothermal and Chemotherapy in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Asif Mohd itoo, Milan Paul, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas, National Symposium on Convergence of Chemistry & Materials (CCM-2023) at Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani Hyderabad Campus, Telangana, India 500078 on 6-7 January 2023. |
74. 3D-Bioprinted Inherently Antibacterial Contact Lens Carrying Antimicrobial Peptide Payload for Ocular Infections: Sanjay Ch, Priyasha Mishra, Sri Ganga Padaga, Balaram Ghosh, Sanhita Roy, and Swati Biswas, National Symposium on Convergence of Chemistry & Materials (CCM-2023) at Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani Hyderabad Campus, Telangana, India 500078 on 6-7 January 2023. |
2022 |
73. Hypoxia reversing combination chemo-photodynamic therapy for oropharyngeal carcinoma: Milan Paul, Asif Mohd Itoo, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: BIO-Remedi 2022 (An international conference on Biomaterials, Regenerative Medicine and Devices) held at IIT Guwahati, India from Dec 14th - Dec 18th, 2022. |
2021 |
72. Moxifloxacin HCl delivery via thermo-responsive mixed micelles in bacterial keratitis: Sanjay ch, Milan Paul, Padaga Sriganga, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: International Virtual Conference on Biomaterial-Based Therapeutics, Engineering and Medicine (BIOTEM-2021): Organized by Departments of Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, MAHE, Under the aegis of Society for Biomaterials & Artificial Organs India (SBAOI) and Society for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine India (STERMI) Co-organized by The American Ceramic Society (ACerS), December 17 - 20, 2021. |
71. Oxaliplatin Pt (IV) prodrugs conjugated to Human serum albumin as potential antitumor agents: Milan Paul, Nageswara Rao, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: International Virtual Conference on Biomaterial-Based Therapeutics, Engineering and Medicine (BIOTEM-2021): Organized by Departments of Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, MAHE, Under the aegis of Society for Biomaterials & Artificial Organs India (SBAOI) and Society for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine India (STERMI) Co-organized by The American Ceramic Society (ACerS), December 17 - 20, 2021. |
70. Retinoic acid-conjugated poly (D,L-Lactide) based micelles as a nanocarrier system for effective delivery of doxorubicin in cancer: Soniya Kumbham, Milan Paul, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: International Virtual Conference on Biomaterial-Based Therapeutics, Engineering and Medicine (BIOTEM-2021): Organized by Departments of Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, MAHE, Under the aegis of Society for Biomaterials & Artificial Organs India (SBAOI) and Society for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine India (STERMI) Co-organized by The American Ceramic Society (ACerS), December 17 - 20, 2021. |
69. pH-Responsive Pro-drug Nanoparticles of Gemcitabine for Cancer Treatment: Tarun Patel, Milan Paul, Kondapaneni Likhitha Puran, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh*: International Virtual Conference on Biomaterial-Based Therapeutics, Engineering and Medicine (BIOTEM-2021): Organized by Departments of Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, MAHE, Under the aegis of Society for Biomaterials & Artificial Organs India (SBAOI) and Society for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine India (STERMI) Co-organized by The American Ceramic Society (ACerS), December 17 - 20, 2021. [Best Poster Presentation Award- 3rd Prize] |
68. Chitosan oligosaccharide lactate conjugated Pluronic F127 Micelles for the treatment of Bacterial keratitis: Sriganga Padaga, Sanjay Ch, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: International Virtual Conference on Biomaterial-Based Therapeutics, Engineering and Medicine (BIOTEM-2021): Organized by Departments of Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, MAHE, Under the aegis of Society for Biomaterials & Artificial Organs India (SBAOI) and Society for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine India (STERMI) Co-organized by The American Ceramic Society (ACerS), December 17 - 20, 2021. |
67. Structure-based Hierarchical Virtual Screening of Antiviral Libraries for the Discovery of New Molecular Entities as SARS-CoV-2 main Protease Inhibitors: Goverdhan Lanka, Balaram Ghosh, Sarita Rajender Potlapally: Annual Conference of Indian Council of Chemists (ICC 2021), organized by Department of Chemistry, Satavahana University, Karim Nagar, Telangana, 29th to 30th December, 2021 |
66. Development of HPMA-based Polymeric Micellar Systems for the Delivery of Anticancer Chemotherapeutics: Balaram Ghosh*, Yamini Bobde, Milan Paul, Tarun Patel: International Virtual Conference on Biomaterial-Based Therapeutics, Engineering and Medicine (BIOTEM-2021) : Organized by Departments of Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, MAHE, Under the aegis of Society for Biomaterials & Artificial Organs India (SBAOI) and Society for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine India (STERMI) Co-organized by The American Ceramic Society (ACerS), December 17 - 20, 2021 |
65. Development of novel o-hydroxy benzamide based HDAC3-selective inhibitors as anticancer agents with promising in vivo potential: Ganesh Routholla, Sravani Pulya, Tarun Patel, Milan Paul, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh*: the 10th annual conference of the International Chemical Biology Society, ICBS 2021: Looking towards the next decade of chemical biology (e-conference): November 11- 13, 2021. |
64. Discovery of novel hydrazide chemotype-based HDAC3 selective inhibitors with potent in-vivo anti-tumour activities: Sravani Pulya, Tarun Patel, Milan Paul, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh*: the 10th annual conference of the International Chemical Biology Society, ICBS 2021: Looking towards the next decade of chemical biology (e-conference): November 11- 13, 2021. |
63. Gemcitabine Conjugated block HPMA-based pH-sensitive Nanoconstruct for Cancer Treatment: Tarun Patel, Milan Paul, Kondapaneni Likhitha Purna, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh*: the 10th annual conference of the International Chemical Biology Society, ICBS 2021: Looking towards the next decade of chemical biology (e-conference): November 11- 13, 2021. |
62. All-trans-retinoic acid-conjugated N-(2 hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide-based micelles for effective delivery of doxorubicin in breast cancer: Yamini Bobde, Milan Paul, Tarun Patel, Swati Biswas, and Balaram Ghosh*, Controlled Release Society 2021 (CRS-2021) Virtual Annual Meeting: July 25 - July 29, 2021. |
61. Oleanoic Acid Conjugated Human Serum Albumin- A Nanocarrier for Effective Delivery of Doxorubicin and Combination Therapeutic Effect in Oral Cancer: Soniya Kumbham, Milan Paul, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: CRS-IC, 19th International e- symposium On Advances in technology and business potential of new drug delivery systems; Date: 25th-27th February 2021 |
60. Harnessing Chitasan Vitamin E Succinate Conjugated Supramolecular Micellar Nanoaggregate for Effective Loading of Oxaliplatin as Breast Cancer Therapy: Asif Mohd itoo, Milan Paul, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: CRS-IC, 19th International e- symposium On Advances in technology and business potential of new drug delivery systems; Date: 25th-27th February 2021. |
59. Oxaliplatin-Conjugated Stimuli-Sensitive Albumin Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Breast Adeno-Carcinoma: Milan Paul, Nageswara Rao, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: CRS-IC, 19th International e- symposium On Advances in technology and business potential of new drug delivery systems; Date: 25th-27th February 2021. |
Presentations before 2021 |
58. Yamini Bobde, Swati Biswas and Balaram Ghosh: Delivery of Doxorubicin Using pH Responsive Polymer: 18th International Symposium on Advances in Technology and Business Potential of New Drug Delivery Systems, Controlled Release Society- Indian Chapter; 28-29 February 2020; Vile Parle East, Mumbai - 400 099 |
57. Yamini Bobde, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh: A pH Sensitive Polymeric System for the Delivery of Chemotherapeutics in Cancer: 8th Annual Conference on Navigating Translational Discoveries under the auspices of International Chemical Biology Society (ICBS) at the CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad (IICT-Hyd) between 02-04 Nov, 2019 56. Ganesh Routhala, Sravani Pulya, Tarun Patel, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh: Development of Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) Inhibitors with Preferential Isoform Selectivity for HDAC3: 8th Annual Conference on Navigating Translational Discoveries under the auspices of International Chemical Biology Society (ICBS) at the CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad (IICT-Hyd) between 02-04 Nov, 2019 55. Sravani Pulya, Tarun Patel, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh: Design and Synthesis of Novel Isoform Selective Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors: 8th Annual Conference on Navigating Translational Discoveries under the auspices of International Chemical Biology Society (ICBS) at the CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad (IICT-Hyd) between 02-04 Nov, 2019 54. Soniya Kumbham, Himanshu Bhatt, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: Oleanolic acid-conjugated poly(D, L-Lactide)-based micelles as a nanocarrier system for effective delivery of doxorubicin and combined therapeutics effects in oral cancer: 8th Annual Conference on Navigating Translational Discoveries under the auspices of International Chemical Biology Society (ICBS) at the CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad (IICT-Hyd) between 02-04 Nov, 2019 53. Ch Sai Sanjay, Balaram Ghosh, Sanhita Roy, Swati Biswas: Development of polymeric nanoparticles for the efficient delivery of fluroquinolone antibiotic for the treatment of bacterial keratitis: 8th Annual Conference on Navigating Translational Discoveries under the auspices of International Chemical Biology Society (ICBS) at the CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad (IICT-Hyd) between 02-04 Nov, 2019 52. Milan Paul, Soniya Kumbham, Himanshu Bhatt, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: Co-delivery of paclitaxel and chlorine e6 using nanopartcles for NIR light triggered chemo-photodynamic combination therapy in cancer: 8th Annual Conference on Navigating Translational Discoveries under the auspices of International Chemical Biology Society (ICBS) at the CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad (IICT-Hyd) between 02-04 Nov, 2019 51. Nilanjan Adhikari, Sk. Abdul Amin, Balaram Ghosh and Tarun Jha: DFT-based quantum chemical descriptors and alignment dependent 3D field calculations of metalloenzyme meprin β inhibitors: a quantitative SAR assessment: 4th Annual Conference of Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (SSX), India: 19th to 21st September 2019, IISc Bangalore, India 50. Bhatt Himanshu, Sri Vishnu Kiran Rompicharla, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: Transferrin Receptor targeted vitamin-E-conjugated dendrimers for the delivery of paclitaxel in cancer: Controlled Release Society (CRS) Indian Chapter, 17th International Symposium on Advances in Technology and Business Potential of New Drug Delivery Systems, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 059, India, 1st Feb - 2nd Feb 2019 49. Soniya Kumbham, Himanshu Bhatt, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: Oleanolic Acid-Conjugated Poly (D, L-ctide)- Based Micelles as a Nanocarrier System for Effective Delivery of Doxorubicin in Oral cancer: Controlled Release Society (CRS) Indian Chapter, 17th International Symposium on Advances in Technology and Business Potential of New Drug Delivery Systems, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 059, India, 1st Feb - 2nd Feb 2019 48. Biotin Conjugated Multifunctional PAMAM Dedrimers for the Delivery of Paclitaxel: Rompicharla SVK, Kumari P, Ghosh B, Biswas S: 16th International Symposium organized by Controlled Release Society (CRS) Indian Chapter, Mumbai 400 059, February 23-24 February, 2018. 46. Enhanced Phototoxic Effect of Chlorin e6 Conjugated Poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(d, L- lactic acid) Polymeric Micelles Evaluated in Monolayers and 3D Spheroid Model: Kumari P, Rompicharla SVK, Ghosh B, Biswas S: 16th International Symposium organized by Controlled Release Society (CRS) Indian Chapter, Mumbai 400 059, February 23-24 February, 2018 46. Modified Albumin nanoparticles for the delivery of Curcumin in cancer: Bobde Y, Kumari P, Biswas S, Ghosh B: 16th International Symposium organized by Controlled Release Society (CRS) Indian Chapter, Mumbai 400 059, February 23-24 February, 2018. 45. Vitamin-E Conjugated Dendrimers for the Delivery of Paclitaxel: Bhatt H, Rompicharla SVK, Ghosh B, Biswas S: 16th International Symposium organized by Controlled Release Society (CRS) Indian Chapter, Mumbai 400 059, February 23-24 February, 2018. 44. Benzamide Derivatives as Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) Inhibitors and Potential Anticancer Agents: Prakruti Trivedi, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh: 21st National Symposium in Chemistry (NSC-21) under the auspices of the Chemical Research Society of Indi (CRSI) at the CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad (CSIR_IICT-Hyderabad) between 13-16 July, 2017. 43. Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors as potential Anticancer agents: Prakruti Trivedi, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh: International conference on “Pharmaceutical Education-Academia Relation to Industry-Current Scenario” 17th & 18th March 2017, Organized by Centre for Pharmaceutical Sciences Institute of Science and Technology, JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500085 42. Cell uptake and cytotoxic potential of curcumin loaded solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) for cancer drug delivery: Himanshu Bhatt, Sri Vishnu Kiran Rompicharla, Neeraja Komanduri, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: International conference on “Pharmaceutical Education-Academia Relation to Industry-Current Scenario” 17th & 18th March 2017, Organized by Centre for Pharmaceutical Sciences Institute of Science and Technology, JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500085 41. Transferrin-anchored polymeric micelles for improved anticancer drug delivery in solid tumors: Omkara Swami Muddineti, Preeti Kumari, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: International conference on “Pharmaceutical Education-Academia Relation to Industry-Current Scenario” 17th & 18th March 2017, Organized by Centre for Pharmaceutical Sciences Institute of Science and Technology, JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500085 40. Curcumin Loaded Solid Lipid nano particles for Improved Delivery to cancer cells: Sri Vishnu Kiran Rompicharla, Himanshu Bhatt, Aashma Shah, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: International conference on “Pharmaceutical Education-Academia Relation to Industry-Current Scenario” 17th & 18th March 2017, Organized by Centre for Pharmaceutical Sciences Institute of Science and Technology, JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500085 39. Development of Photosensitizer-Incorporated Polymeric Micelles for Enhanced Photodynamic Therapeutic Efficacy: Preeti Kumari, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: International conference on “Pharmaceutical Education-Academia Relation to Industry-Current Scenario” 17th & 18th March 2017, Organized by Centre for Pharmaceutical Sciences Institute of Science and Technology, JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500085 38. Design, Synthesis and Biological Activity of Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) Inhibitors as Anticancer Agents: Prakruti Trivedi, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh: The Ramanbhai Foundation 8th International Symposium on Current Trends in Healthcare: Advances in New Drug Discovery and Development: Feb 2-4, 2017, Ahmedabad, India. 37. Photosensitizer-loaded poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(d,l-lactic acid) polymeric micelles for effective photodynamic therapy: Preeti Kumari, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: The Ramanbhai Foundation 8th International Symposium on Current Trends in Healthcare: Advances in New Drug Discovery and Development: Feb 2-4, 2017, Ahmedabad, India. 36. Cholesterol and D-alpha Tocopherol Conjugated Lipidic Micelles for Improved Delivery of Chemotherapeutics with Reversal of Multiple Drug Resistance: Omkara Swami Muddineti, Preeti Kumari, Asmitha Vanaparthi, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) 2016, November 13-17 at Colorado, USA 35. Cholesterol-Modified Polylactide-Based Micelle for Effective Delivery of Curcumin: P. Kumari, O. S. Muddineti, B. Ghosh, S. Biswas: American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) 2016, November 13-17 at Colorado, USA 34. Transferrin modified Vitamin E coupled lipidic mixed micellar system as nanocarriers for tumor directed delivery of curcumin: Omkara Swami Muddineti, Preeti Kumari, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) 2016, November 13-17 at Colorado, USA 33. Cell Penetrating Peptide Octa-Arginine Anchored Multifunctional PAMAM Dendrimer for the Delivery of Paclitaxel: Sri Vishnu Kiran Rompicharla, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas: American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) 2016, November 13-17 at Colorado, USA 32. “Development of Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) Inhibitors as Anticancer Agents” Prakruti Trivedi, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh; National Conference on Advanced Therapeutics-2016 (ACT-2016; CSIR-Chemical Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India. [Awarded as Best Poster] $31. Poly(caprolactone)-based polymeric micelles for the delivery of a histone deacetylase inhibitor as anticancer therapy; Dr. Balaram Ghosh*, Sri Vishnu Kiran Rompicharla, and Swati Biswas: 2nd Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-2016 (WCSM-2016) March 4 – 6, 2016, Singapore under focus 502: Smart Materials for Pharmacy and Drug Delivery. 30. Preeti Kumari, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas. "Development of transferrin functionalized poly(ethylene glycol)/poly(lactic acid) copolymeric micelles as a potential delivery system". International Conference on Nanostructured Polymeric Materials and Polymer Nanocomposites, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India. 13-15 November, 2015. 29. Vitamin E-Conjugated Lipid Based Polymeric Micelles for Improved Delivery of Chemotherapeutics in Cancer: Omkara Swami Muddineti, Preeti Kumari, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas. Controlled Release Society, July 26 – 29, 2015, Edinburgh, Scotland. 28. D-α-tocopherol conjugated co-polymer based polymeric micelles for improved delivery of chemotherapeutics with reversal of multiple drug resistance: Omkara Swami Muddineti, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas; International Symposium on Nanotechnology & Cancer Theranostics -2015 (ISNACT - 2015) at IIT Mumbai, 19th to 21st February, 2015. *27. Development of Isoform Selective HDAC3 inhibitors as Long-Term Memory Enhancers: Prakruti Trivedi, Swati Biswas, Balaram Ghosh; 66th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress at Hyderabad, 23rd to 25th January 2015. *26. Preparation, characterization and in vitro evaluation of methoxy polyethylene glycol-polylactide (MPEG–PLA) polymeric micelles as nanocarrier for the delivery of chemotherapeutic drug curcumin in cancer: Preeti Kumari., Prit Lakhani., Balaram Ghosh., Swati Biswas; 66th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress at Hyderabad, 23rd to 25th January 2015. *25. One step Synthesis, characterization, stability and PEGylation of polymer stabilized gold nanoparticles for chemotherapeutics: Omkara Swami M., Srinivas Ajjarapu, Balaram Ghosh, Swati Biswas; 66th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress at Hyderabad, 23rd to 25th January 2015. $24. Inhibition of HDAC3 for the Enhancement of Long-Term Memory: Balaram Ghosh*, Surya A. Reis, Adam J Hendricks, Ralph Mazitschek, Stephen J. Haggarty; International conference on Chemical Biology: Disease Mechanism and Therapeutics (ICCB-2014) February 6-8, held at IICT, Hyderabad, India. |
Presentations- Previous Position:
23. Krista Hennig, Surya Reis, Wen-ning Zhao, Chelsea Groves Kuhnle, Nadine Joseph, F.A. Schroeder, Mike Lewis, Balaram Ghosh, Iren Kurtser, Jennifer Gale, Yan-Ling Zhang, Ralph Mazitschek, Florence Wagner, Edward Holson, Tracy Petryshen, Daniel Fass, Li-Huei Tsai, Stephen Haggarty: Chromatin-Modifying Complexes Involved in Memory and Mood Disorders as Novel Therapeutic Targets: Poster presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the MGH Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC 2012) at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Harvard Medical School, MA, USA, April 18 & 19, 2012.
$22. Balaram Ghosh, Dan Fass, Krista Hennig, Surya Reis, Wendy Zhao, Ji-Song Guan, Ralph Mazitschek, Li-Huei Tsai, Stephen J. Haggarty: Probing Epigenetic Mechanisms Involved in Cognition and Neuroplasticity: HDAC Inhibitors that Potentiate CREB-Mediated Transcription: Society for Neuroscience (SfN) annual meeting; November 13-17, 2010; San Diego, CA, United States.
$21. Balaram Ghosh, Sanjib Gogoi, Soumava Santra, Tamara Antonio, Maarten E. A. Reith, Aloke K. Dutta: Discovery of multifunctional molecules possessing dopamine agonist activity at D2/D3 receptors along with iron chelatio